The Henry County weekly. (McDonough, GA.) 18??-1934, February 16, 1923, Image 9

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    _L After Every Meal
Chew your food
well, then use
aid digestion.
It also keeps
the teeth clean,
breath sweet,
appetite keen.
you use less j
New Check Protectors
Over 100% profit. Safe, simple; lasts life
time. For desk or pocket. Send 25 cents
for sample.
Box 2035 ... Atlanta, Ga.
< ".-iY -
al"Jr compound
mj&gg/j 1
cOj-y Is indispensable in all
cases of Distemper,
Influenza, Coughs, Colds, Heaves and
Worms among horses and mules.
Used and endorsed by leading stock
farms, breeders and drivers of United
States and Canada for thirty years.
Sold in two sizes at all drug stores.
a Will /Jtxxi/c That (bidand pwce!
IrroHß Make You Fit Tomorrow. c^l
| W. H. M S UL, CO., DETROIT. (Ario4)M
Have you
Lumbago or Gout?
Take BHEUMACIDE to remove tbecause
and drive tbo poison from the system.
• At All Druggists
Ja*. Baily & Son. Wholesale Distributors I
. Baltimore, Md. I
aii Awn A<pvn tine
Weak eyes made strong. Satisfying results
fuaranteed or your money refunded. Send
1.00 for this guaranteed treatment.
Itis-Real Remedy Co.
511 American Bank Bldg # Kansas City, Mo
l — a
When Baby Frets
from teething, feverishness, cold, colic or
stomach and bowel irregularities there is
nothing that will give it
jMegY? R -r= quicker relief than
A famous baby’s specialist’s prescription,
successfully- used for 15 years. A sweet
powder that children like —takes the place
of castor oil. Contain* no opiates or harm
ful drugs. Package, 25c, at your druggist
t it fails to help, your money refunded.
Stomach- Ki dneys- Heart- Liver
Keep the vital organs healthy by
regularly taking the world’s
standard remedy for kidney, liver,
bladder and uric acid troubles —
The National Remedy of Holland for
centuries. At all druggists in three
sizes. Guaranteed as represented.
f-— i. for the name Gold Medal on willf
bos and accept no imitation
Vienna.—Causey Chapman, negro,
was convicted by a Jury here on a
charge of conspiracy tq kill Dooly coun
ty officers. He was sentenced by the
judge to serve a life term in the peni
tentiary. Chapman is a son of Fate
Chapman, at whose home near Byrom
ville, in May, 1921, riots occurred in
which one white man and one negro
were killed and others wounded.
Augusta.—Dr. Kilpatrick Cross, as
sistant to the public health officer of
Richmond county, was arrested by fed
eral and city authorities charged with
violating the Harrison narcotic act and
of violating a section of the postal law.
It is alleged that he received, while
at the hospital, 1,000 one-quarter grain
capsules of morphine and four drams
of morphine sulphate. It was first
addressed to his home in Florida, but
later sent to Aufusta and was discov
ered by one of the doctors at the
hospital. • m
Waycross.—A total sum of $190,000
will be expended immediately on the
Alma stretch of the Dixie highway,
north of Waycross, according to a de
cision reached by the Ware county
bond commission at its regular meet
ing recently. C. L. Rhodes appeared
before the commission and informed
the t body that $60,000 was available
from the federal government for the
road from Waycross to the iron bridge,
provided it was matched by the county.
The commission immediately passed a
resolution matching this amount.
Waycross.—According to informa
tion received in Waycross recently at
the Waycross and Ware County Cham
ber of Commerce offices, the Asheville
Motor Club is preparing a motor friend
ship tour over the Central Dixie high
way during the month of March. The
Asheville Chamber of Commerce will
co-operate in the proposed motorcade,
and, according to N. Buckner, managing
secretary of the club, a large: delega
tion of North Carolina citizens is ex
pecting to make the trip, not less than
one hundred.
Americus. —The Ministerial Associa
tion of Americus and Sumter county,
has been reorganized by the Protest
ant ministers of Americus, including
Rev. Carl W. Minor, First Baptist ;
Rev. John M. Outler, First Methodist;
Rev. Henry T. Brookshire, Central Bap
tist; Rev. L. A. Harrell, Lee Street
Methodist, and Rev. Richard F. Simp
son, Presbyterian. Dr. Carl W. Minor
is president; Dr. Richard F. Simpson,
secretary. A special meeting of the
association was held February 9, and
active plans w r ere discussed.
Atlanta. —“The greatest Masonic
work in the world today is the Scot
tish Rite home for crippled children,”
Forrest Adair told the members of the
Masonic club at a recent Weekly meet
ing at the Peacock cafe. “The influ
ence of the home is so far-reaching
that similar institutions ar-e being es
tablished, in all sections of the United
States, and will be within reach of all
crippled children in America,” he
said, “for the eyes of the world were
not on crippled children until the first
home was established here in Atlanta.”
Bainbridge.—lt costs Decatur coun
ty $4.02 to feed one of its convicts for
a month while a mule’s board bill av
erages $18.03 a month, it is shown in
the January statement submitted at the
first meeting of the new board of coun
ty board of county commissioners! by
Warden S. M. Meeks and his book
keeper, A. H. Stewart. State prison
commission requirements were met in
the convicts’ hill of fare. The report,
approved by J. S. Thomas, new chair
man of the board, showed that $6,800
had been saved to the county by use
of convict labor in building dirt fills
approaching the new bridges across
Flint river in West Bainbridge.
Boston, Mass. —Regardless of the
complaint made by Abner L. Squig
gins of North Worthington, and the
ruling of Massachusetts authorities on
the United States law. United States
Marshal Col. William H. Keville has
refused to prosecute Attorney General
George Napier of Georgia for passing
the money of the one-time Confederate
States of America. Squiggins sent a
Confederate bond to “Jefferson Davis,
President of the Confederate States
of America.” It fell into the hands
of the attorney general of Georgia,
who sent Squiggins SBOO in Confeder
ate bills in payment of the note. Squig
gins complained to the United States
district attorney’s office, and the lo
cal authorities, holding that complain
ant’s claim of passing worthless money
was correct, considered prosecuting
the case. The United States mar
shal’s office immediately announced
however, that the attorney" general was
immune from prosecution for sending
the SBOO in bills through the United
States mails. “There was no crimi
inal intent or act, and this department
will not have anything whatever to
do with the case,” says the marshal's
“Dodson’s Liver Tone” Straightens You Up Better Than Salivating,
Dangerous Calomel and Doesn’t Upset You—Don’t
Lose a Day’s Work-Read Guarantee
I discovered a vegetable compound
that does the work of dangerous,
sickening calomel and I want every
reader of this paper to buy a bottle
for a few cents and if it doesn’t
straighten you up better and quicker
than salivating calomel just go back
to the store and get your money back.
I guarantee that one spoonful of
Dodson’s Liver Tone will put your
sluggish liver to -work and clean your
thirty feet of bowels of the sour bile
and constipation poison -which, is
making you feel miserable.
I guarantee that one spoonful of
this harmless liquid liver medicine
will relieve the headache, biliousness,
IgA Gives Charming New Color Tone to Old Sweaters
UinlS PUTNAM FADELESS DYES—dyes or tints as you wish
To err is human, but to .err with
#pite is not so much so.
do what we claim for it—rid your system
of Catarrh or Deafness caused by
sists of an Ointment which Quickly
Relieves the catarrhal inflammation, and
the Internal Medicine, a Tonic, which
acts through the Blood on the Mucous
Surfaces, thus assisting to restore nor
mal conditions.
Sold by druggists for over 40 Years.
F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O,
Too Reminiscent.
I overheard a remark the other eve
ning which would form a good addi
tion to that remarkable series of play
fully satirical drawing by Du Maurler
in “Punch,” entitled, “Things one would
rather have left unsaid.” A very gush
ing lady and her daughter swept across
a room and up to a little lady who was
standing there and said: “My, how
sweet you look this evening;” then
turning to her daughter, remarked in
a very audible tone, “My dear, she
must have been lovely when she was
young.” —Cleveland Plain Dealer.
In the Foreign Field.
There are 699 foreign mission boards
and tlieir auxiliaries, represented by
25,000 missionaries laboring in the
world-field, and they are associated
with an army of 110,000 native teach
ers and preachers.
health worthlj§J I|l |
HEALTH is priceless. You wouldn’t ;|||
knowingly part with it for anything
in the world. Mp:
Your groceracHs Postum
Why then do you risk it needlessly for in two forms: Instant
the sake of a%w cups of coffee? Coffee ££Sy inthl P 2TS 11
contains caffeine, a harmful drug which the addition of boiling n
often interferes with nerves and digestion. (£ t6 £ C kSS) ’ forttSS 1
, , who prefer to make the
There san easy, pleasant way to avoid drink while the meal is
this menace to health, without any sac- F T?, ar ™ made , by
_ ’ . - Vx." i boding fully 20 minutea.
Lrifice of comfort or satisfaction. Drink
Postum instead of coffee.
Postum is a pure, cereal beverage— I
wholesome and delicious —a safeguard J
“There's a Reason" jfi
for Postum jgj
Made by 1 ~
~i - - i-, -- i^—Postum Cereal Co., Inc. ... - -- dZ
-T*" 1 -- -- Battle Creek, Mich. -** ~ '
Our idea of a foolish man is one
who argues with a friend.
Important to Mothers
Examine carefully every bottle of
CASTORIA, that famous old remedy
for Infants and children, and see that it
In Use for Over 30 Years.
Children Cry for Fletcher’s Castoria
Marriage and All That.
“Marriage used to mean cleaving to
each other. Cleaving, sir. Now, it’s
just a trick to make sure that there
shall be at any rate two persons in the
world who will never meet again.”
“Man Is an inexperienced motorist
in the Alps and women are his hair
pin turns.”
“After you have been married five
years, there should always be someone
to dinner.”
“Compromise is the breath of mar
ried life; and It is almost more Im
portant for a man to learn what his
wife deprecates than what she ap
plauds. The temperature of the hot
water into which he Is predestined peri
odically to plunge will he lower if he
fails to share her antipathies.”—E. V.
A shrewd man may he both wise and
honest, hut the odds are against Ids
being either.
coated tongue, ague, malaria, sour
stomach or any other distress caused
by a torpid liver as quickly as a dose
of vile, nauseating calomel, besides it
will not make you sick or keep you
from a day’s work.
Calomel is poison—it’s mercury—
it attacks the bones often causing
rheumatism. Calomel is dangerous.
It sickens—while my Dodson’s Liver
Tone is safe, pleasant and harmless.
Eat anything afterwards, because it
can not salivate. Clive it to the chil
dren because it doesn’t upset the
stomach or shqck the liver. Take a
spoonful tonight and wake up feeling
fine and ready for a full day’s work.
SHleNinon Wanted—Newly patented household
necessity, needed tn every home. Sample Zfce.
L. M. R. Co., 108 Dudley St., Boston, Mass.
Color Restorer will bring back original rotor
quickly stops dandruff. At all good druggists,
75c. or direct frcui Cbemiste, Memphis, Taos,
That Particular Police Official Was
the Incarcerator, Not
of Suspected Persons.
The letters O. It. following the name
on the slate at the city prison mean
that the person named has been re
leased from jail on Ills own recog
nizance, or without being required
to give bond. Naturally, the first
thought of an attorney representing a
prisoner is to ybtain the release of
his client on his < >. It.
Several days ago a lawyer walked
into the office of Edward Shubert.
captain of police, at headquarters and
made an eloquent plea for the release
on his own recognizance of a craps
shooter. Ills plea fell on deaf ears.
“Say, look here, you’ve got the
wrong captain,” Shubert said. “There’s
the let ’em pass out captain over
there. I’m the put ’em lu captain.”
The lawyer left the office, shaking his
head. —Indian a polis News.
Deliberate slowly, execute promptly.