Newspaper Page Text
Mt. Vernon
On last Thursday night the B. Y.
P. U. held their social at the home
of i heir President, Miss Carrie Mae
Turpin. The evening was spent
in playing games of different kind.
The prizes were won by Mrs. J. M.
Gardner, and Messrs O B. Turpin
*md Jimmy G. Mosley. Those as
sisting in entertaining were Mrs.
T. G. Swann, Miss Eunice Helms
find Mrs. J. H. Turpin.
We welcome in our community
Professor Heifner and family.
Mr. and Mrs. T. G. Swann were
visitors in McDonough Saturday
night and Sunday.
The children of the community
enjoyed an egg hunt at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Len Hays. All re
port a nice time,
Everybody remember Sunday
school at this place every Sunday
afternoon, also prayer meeting on
Wednesday night.
Mr. U. F. Helms will have charge
of the service next Wednesday
night. Come and bring your
friends with you.
Miss Mary Clark is visiting her
sister, Mrs. 0. B. Turpin, at this
We are all glad to see Miss
Minnie Bucket able to be out again.
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Swann
visited her mother, Mrs. Cook
near McDonough, last Saturday
and Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Helms and
son, of Atlanta, spent the day with
the formers parents.
Georgia, Henry County.
Will bo sold before the Court
House door, in the city of MolDno
ugh, in said County, between the
legal hours of sale, on the First
Tuesday in May 1923, to the high
est bidder for cash, the following
property, towit: All that, or parcel
of land in the 12th landdissrict. of
Hcory County Georgia and being
a part of land lot no 64 and con
taining 32 acres of land more or
less and bounded as follows : North
by lands of Mrs. J. W. Brown,
Easst by lands of Mrs. W. E.
Crumbley, South by ladds of W. L.
Wilson, West by land of H. B.
Said Property levied, on as the
property ot Sam Thomas to satisfy
an tax execution issued from the
T. C. of Henry County in favor of
Wyatt Rowan againat Sam Thomas
Tenant in posession notified,
Levey made by Lewis Hightower
L C. This 4th day of April 1923
W. A. WARD. Sheriff.
Stop the Loss of Grain
Between Field and Thresher
To avoid loss of grain from shattering, many farmers have adopted grain-tight racks for hauling
to stack or thresher —a step in the right direction. But what about grain lost from shattering
■while passing through the binder, or damaged while ~ L
Force Feed that automatically adjusts itself to
Elevator light or heavy grain in different
fields, or in different parts of the
same field. The flow of grain to the packers
is continuous and so gentle that there is no
Relief Rake prevents trash from gathering on
the inside end of the cutter bar.
You don’t have to leave your seat to remove it,
or carry a stick for that purpose.
Come in and let us show you other features
you will iike.
• •
Miss Mary Gardner spent the
week-end with home folks.
Preaching at Mt. Vernon Sun
day morning at 11:00 o’clock.
The young folks attended a
singing at Mrs. T. G. Swann’s
Sunday night.
Quite a crowd attended B. Y. P.
U. at this place Saturday night.
New officers were elected. They
are as follows: Prps Mrs. Raleigh
Hays, Vice Pres. Mr. Allen Turpin,
Treasury Mrs. T. G. Swann,
Secretary Miss Minnie Pocket,
Cos. Sect. Miss Eunice He'ms,
Qu»z leader, Miss Carrie T'. ipir,
Captains Mr. W. F. Helms group
one, Mrs. C. W. Gardner, group
two. After the election ail enjoy
ed a fine program rendered by
group one. Every body has a
special invitation.
Blue Eyes.
Free Flower Seeds
Yon wiU b« glad to know that Has
tings', "The South’* Seedsman,” will
give away about 2.000,000 packets of
seed of the South'* most popular Gow
er* this spring.
There ie nothing In the home that
ean compare with rich colored Gowers.
They brighten u* all up and make any
house attracttre. You can't plant too
many Gowers and this opportunity to
get Shirley Popples, Everlasting Flow
ers, Zinnias, Cosmos and Mexican Burn
ing Bush absolutely free, ia certainly to
be welcomed by all readers of this
You can get them! Just write to
Hastings’ for the new 1923 Catalog. It
tells you how to get flower seeds free.
It has 100 pages of beautiful photo
graphic pictures and correct descrip
tions of garden flower and Geld seeds,
bulbs and plants, and also Is full of
helpful information that Is needed
almoet daily In every Southern home.
It’s the most valuable seed book ever
published and you will be mighty glad
you’ve got It. Just write and aak for
the new Catalog.
Atlanta, Ga. i
A Distinguished Appearance
is a pleasure enjoyed when your Res
idence is attractively painted with
Longest years of wear because costly
i/ White Zinc is added for durability
** GALS Least Cost, because you add 3 quarts of Lin*
seed Oil to each gall, paint, making the Best
TheyaresimplyaddinßLinseed Pure Paint for $2.82 a gall., ready to use.
Oil to LA M Semi-Paste Paint f'y f .—■ •*,., 1 v ~«p.7 fne SO
Quicklydone. Savesyou Money extensively usea tor OU years
■ ' " imFOR SALE BY 111. ■■■! ■ 111
In operating most binders weeds catch on the inner
corner of cutter bar and retard the butts of the grain,
allowing the heads to be elevated first. Hence, instead
of having a smooth bundle with heads all at one end,
you have a BUNCH of grain. When such bundles
are shocked, some of the grain heads are in contact
with the ground, causing them to sprout or rot.
The relief rake on the Champion keeps trash cleaned
away, preventing grain being dragged through uncut.
The kicking motion of the rake straightens the grain
so it ascends the elevator in proper position.
•pnvTj ao iX«m[* o;
ui pu« VOJUIO3 spsipsuiuii *jjnp»
J° PJii{o JsipaijA* ' *aot|iißip
‘saiußjD ‘sjbjia aijj ui euied
Butdu3 3HI MI AHD V
Mrs. Mildred Pipkin, of
R. F. D. 8, Columbia, Tenn.,
says: *‘My experience with
Cardui has covered a number of
years. Nineteen years ago .. .
I got down with weak back. I
was run-down and so weak and
nervous I had to stay In bed.
I read of
The Woman's Tonic
and sent for it. I took only one
bottle at that time, and it helped
me; seemed to strengthen and
build me right up. So that is
how I first knew of Cardui.
After that, ... when I began to
get weak and ‘no account’, I
sent right for Cardui, and it
never failed to help me.”
lf,you are weak and suffering
from womanly ailments, Cardui
may be just what you need.
Take Cardui. It has helped
thousands, and ought to help
At all druggists’ and dealers'.
E 97
Ford Ideas
Henry Ford's ideas are
sound. They work for him
and they will work for you*
Keep in touch with what
Henry Ford is thinking
and doing by reading
The Ford International Weekly
You receive solid information, un
biased news] on national and inter
national events.
ENT prints facts which other publi
cations hesitate to publish. It is a
chronicler of the neglected truth.
You receive fifty two issues, 852
pages of dependable information tor
$1.50. Subscribe today.
McDonough motor co.
McDonough Georgia.
8 Qt Bucket 20c
10 ” ” 25c
10 ” Milk Bucket 25c
18 P Dinner S Gold Band 2.25
6 ’’Soup Plates” ” 1.00
Soap Dish ” ” .90
6 Plates 1.00
6 ” 1.25
6 Cups 6 Saucer ” 1 25
6 Knives 6 Forks 1.00
6 ” 6 ” 6 spoons 1.25
15 straight clothes pins .05
12 spring ” 10c 3 doz. .25
men’s 25c hose .20
” 35c ” .25
” 50c ” .40
all col children’s 35c hose .25
” ” ” 25c ” .15
ladies 25c hose 2 pr. .25
” 50c silk ” ” .35
” 75c ” ” .50
7 boxes washing powders .25
7 bars soap .25
3 ” ” 3 for .25
5 6 ” .25
2 pencils .05
400 stick pins .05
2 cards safty pins .05
2 combs .05
shoe polish .15
box shoe tacks .05
box paper .10
" ” .15
” .25
” .35
” .50
” .65
” .75
” 1.00