Newspaper Page Text
Local Happenings
Fraternal Lodge No. 37 F. & A. M.
Regular communications of Frater
nal Lodge No. 37 F. & A. M., meet
Ist and 3rd Friday nights in each
month. All duly qualified brethren
fraternally and cordially invited to
meet with us.
Fred Leguinn W. M.
Thos. J. Patterson Sec.
A regular communication of
Pine Grove Lodge No. 177 F. &A. M.
will be held at the Masonic Hall,
Hampton, Ga., every second and
fourth Tuesday evenings at the reg
ular meeting hours. Visiting breth
Ten cordially invited.
W. W. WtS'S, W.M.
R. H. MOORE, Jr., Sec.
Mrs. John Varner has been on
the sick list the past week.
SLOAN sells for CASH but he
sells cheaper.
If it’s a good milk cow you want,
see Johnie Branan.
Mr. R. H. Daniel spent Thurs
day in Atlanta.
You will find good flour at
McGarrity & Rodgers.
40 in. Fancy Voiles 20 cts. yd. at
Pork and beans, two can for
a quartor at Hard Elliott’s store.
Good quality 27 in. Ginghams 20
cts. yd. at SLOAN’S
Mfs. Asa Lemon went to the
Gate City shopping Thursday.
Rooker cotton seed for sale.
A. C. Elliott, McDonough Ga. R 2.
Everfast Suitings colors guaran
teed 50 cts. yd. at SLOAN’S.
50 bushels of good ’orn for
sale, T. B. Beshear, McDonough,
Ga. R 5.
Mr. Paul Dunn arrived Tuesday
night to visit Mr. and Mrs. R. A.
666 quickly relieves Colds and
LaG r *PP e > Constipation, Bilious
ness and Headaches.
For pumps, oxfords and other
low-cut shoes go to SLOAN S.
Mrs. Joe Smith spent Wednes
day in Atlanta.
You will find a good line of
fresh meats at McGarity and
New line of millinery just re
ceived at SLOAN’S.
Mr. John Pullin made a business
trip to Atlanta Tuesday.
Staple and fancy groceries
priced right. McGarity and
best yd. wide Sea Island sheet
ing 15 cts. yd. at SLOAN S.
Mr. and Mrs. Partridge motored
to Atlanta Monday.
If its frerh groceries you want,
you will find them at Hard Elliott’s
grocery store.
Rev. L. D. King visited the Gate
City Monday.
We want your beef hides at 6 cts
per pound. McGarity and Rod
Mr. J. T. Weems left Sunday
afternoon for Americus, where he
has opened up an Insurance office.
Mr. A. C. Sowell was shaking
hands with his many friends here
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Thompson
visited their parents here last
For rent or sail —A six room
dwelling. Apply to Mr?. M P. Glass
Mrs. Fanny Sowell, Mrs L'zzie
McGarity and Miss Eliza Bonner
spent last week-end with relatives
in Jonesboro.
Wanted—Lumber, Peas> corn
etc. Will pay highest prices for
them on accounts.
Planters Warehouse and Lumber
Mr. E. M. Copeland went to AtV
lanta Sunday afternorfu to attend
reviyal services at Second Baptist
Ferris Strain, heavy laying S. C.
White Leghorn eggs, sl. 00 for 15
$6.00 for 100. H. J. Turner.
Mr. and Mrs J. P. Austin spent
Sunday in Atlanta with 1 h eit
daughter, Mrs. Ernest Cochran.
You will find “Good Old Hom
ing Corn” at Hard Elliott’s gro
cery store. Priced 10 cents a can.
Mr. and Mrs. Owen Mosely and
Miss Dora Wolfe spent Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Howell near
For Sale —One new six volt
battery and a new 32x4 G >od Year
casing. Will exchange for corn.
E. C. Floyed McDonough, Ga. R. 3.
Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Stewart
moved to Fairburn Monday where
they will make their future home.
Pure Bred single comb Rhode
Island Red eggs, for setting SI.OO
per (15) Charles Jefferies
McDonough Ga.
Mrs. Fannie Dunn, Mr. and Mrs.
Celph Golson are preparing to
return to theirhome in McDon
ough, much to the delight of their
many friends.
We have a few buggies, wagons
and live Stock tor sale. Come to
see us if you want a bargain,
Stockbridge Mercantile Co.
We regret to learn of the illness
of Mr. P. W. Pullin for the
past few days and trust to see
him out again soon.
Lost, Strayed, or Stolen,—A
blue spotted male hound about
nine months old. Finder please
notify, John Gilbert, Stockbridge
Georgia, R. F. D. 3.
Mr. Robert McDonald, of Villa
Rica, spent several days in the city
visiting during the past
Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Green
motored to Conyers Sunday after
noon to visit Mr. Dwight Green,
who has been ill for some time.
General and Mrs. Dozier Russell,
of Macon, arrived Saturday to visit
Miss Stella Russell for a few days.
Pure Bred single Rhode Island
Red eggs, for setting, SI.OO per 15.
$1.25 post paid. C. E. Jeffares,
McDonough Ga.
Mr. Wiilis Copeland, of Mercer,
spent the week-end with his par
ents, Mr, and Mrs. W. G. Copeland.
Monuments and Tomb
STONES. Prices right. See W.
G. Thompson Agent.
Rev. L. D. King filled his regu
lar appointment at Timberridge
last Sabbath.
Cornish Indian Game eggs for
sale. SI.OO for 15 or $1.25 de
livered. R. J. Simpson McDon
ough, Ga. R. 3.
Dr. and Mrs. H. W. Copeland, of
Jackson, visited Mr. and Mrs. H.J.
C-ptluiid Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Oglesby’s
many friends here regret
that they will move to Atlanta an
early date, Mr. Oglesby left on
Tuesday to accept a place witlf
L. W. Rogers.
bor Sale: —Porto Rico seed and
eating potatoes. Eating potatoes
kiln dried and a nice size. W. C.
Dailey McDonough, Rt. 3.
Lost—On Keesferry road, be
tween G. W. Cathey’s residence
and Union Gradtd school, one
Overland crank. Finder please
return to G. VV. Cathey, McDon
ough Ga., and get reward.
Pure bred Barred Rock Imperial
Strain eggs for hatching SI.OU per
setting ot fifteen. Splendid Bar
red Rock cockerals $2.50. Mrs.
F. B. Strawn, McDonough Ga.
Rt. 4.
Miss Irene Nelson spent the
week-end with her sister, Miss
Cora Nelson at Fort S. C. where
she is teaching in the public
Eggs for sale from Pure Bred
White Leghorns. White Leghorns
hold ail highest egg records. SI.OO
per 15, SG,OO per hundred. Bar
on and young strain. Mrs. C. S
Fisher’ McDouough Ga., Rt. 4.
Warnermuker Cleveland 2 year
old cotton seed for sale. Price
$1 50 per bushel. Robert Branan
Route 2 McDonough. Ga.
Miss Minnie Alexander has re
turned home from St. Petersburg
Fla. where she has been visiting
her brother and sister, Mr. and
Mrs. O. F. Alexander, who accom
panied her home and will visit
relatives and friends for a few
weeks. They made the trip bv
Lost or Strayed from the
pemacies a Jersey milk cow,
Monday, March 26th. Finder
please return to Mr. M. P. Glass,
For sale —A second handed
McComrnic Binder also legistered
Polland China pigs, J, M. Chafin
McDonough, Ga. Route 6
We will have a mau direct from
the factory to demonstrate John=
son’s Two-Row Type Cotton
Dusting Machine
April 2 Ist-jt
EHis-Setzer Co.
To whom it may concern:
Court ndj )urned Tuesday, Apiii
17. to convene again the first
Monday in July 1923.
All Jurors, who was summoned
to appear the 2nd week of court
or the fourth Monday in April, will
be required to appear the Ist
Monday in July.
w. A. Ward,
Words cannot express our ap
preciation of those frieds who
have shared with us the lonely
vigils by the bedside of our lovf*d
one. No sweeter memory can
live in any Heart th m the memory
of their untiring devolion to the
one who has just left us. The
waves of sirrow break upon
every shore and we can but hope
that friends as true may gather
around each one of them should
sorrow invade their homes.
The Golden S. S. Farm
For Sale
Highly improved level farm
consisting of 150 Acres at
rock bottom price. A more
desirable farm can not be
found. Three years of straight
sowing. Good out building,
and plenty running water.
This is a cash consideration
and if purchased by Jan. Ist,
1924, a twin city tractor and
all machinery goes with pur
chase. Price SIO,OOO. Less than
first cost. If interested see me.
McDonough Georgia.
to ihtrooucc tmu wrowotamNwittaMoiicaßMit 8
mailed free containing special offers* I
129 E. 59 th. 3T. NEW YORK CITY,
Especially do we wish to thank
Drs Crawford and Colvin for
their kind and tender service
Mrs. R. J. Williams and Family.