Newspaper Page Text
The Henry
County Weekly
Official Organ of Henry County.
B S. ELLIOTT, Editor,
Advertising Rates 2?c n<*r inch, posi
tion 5c additional—special contracts
Intered at the postoffice at' McDon
«ugn, Ga., as second class mail matter
>rfta:n Aitv<!rtl»inß Rrpresentntive
JRDmough, Gu., jtril 20 |1923.
We the Grand Jury, Sworn for
the April term 1923, Henry Superi
or Court, through our various
committees, have 'Xtmined the
books and records of the different
County officers, and beg leave to
offer the following recoinendations
and presentments;
We find books and records of
the Clerks office neatly and prop
erly kept. Records and books of
the County Treasure are neatly
and correctly kept, and all vouch
ers filed numerically.
We fmcFTax Coil ciors books
are neatly and correctly kept, and
the Tax Receivers books are kept
in a very systematic order.
We desire to commend most
highly the excellent condition in
which we find the Court House
and the manner in which it is be
ing kept.
The Uounty School Com. books
are neatly and correctly kept.
Also Audited by the state Auditor
all vouchers and bank statements
properly filed.
All criminal and civil dockets
records and execution records and
minutes of the County Court are
neatlv and correctly kept and the
required report made.
We recommend to the Judge,
Salicitor and Sheriff of the County
•Court that they use all diligence
in bringing all cases in this court
to a speedy trial, thereby relieving
all connected with such cases of
the reoonsibilitv of continuously
attending court.
The Jail is well kept and in fair
sanitary condition and the prison
ers are well cared for. We re
commend that the C. Com. have
toild stools installed in the two
upper cells, for white persons.
We find the County Farm in
good condition with the exception
of tw > buildings needing repair
ing. One dwelling needs cover
ing, one crib reeds repair and
covert d.
We find four white paupers and
two colored. All claimed that
thev arc well cared for.
We tind the Convict Camp sani
tary and properly kept, with
twenty one convicts, all able to
work except one. Thirty four
mules in good condition, eight
wheelers in fair repair, eight wag
ons in running condition, two
trucks so far as we could tell were
in fair runnning order, twenty one
hogs, six pigs, one Ford car.
We find the records of the
County Board of Commissioners
neatly and correctly kept in ac
eordance with the state iaws.
We tind the books and records
all Justices properly kept.
We recommend that the follow
ing names be added to the paupers
list. Taylor Moseley, $5.00 per
quarter. Kate Moseley, $5.00 per
quarter. We further recommend
that Lou Babb be dropped from
paupers list and Stokes Pearson
aid wife be added at SIO.OO per
We recognize that the educa
“* —■* -• “■ - j . w—• Curftay
si of paramount imoortance to the
proper development of our social,
economical, political and religious
welfare; and feeling that we should
be alarmed over the fact that so
many of our boys and girls, especi
ally our bovs are not attending
our public schools. We urge our
county superintendent and our
teachers to exert every effort to
have them in attendance during
the next school year. Knowing
that the fault of their non attend
ance. in large measure, is due to
the indifference of the parents of
our county. We plead w'ith them
for their childrens sake and for
the future welfare of our county,
to enter their children in school
promptly at the beginning of the
term and to let nothing interfere
with their continous attendance
during the school year.
We commend the vigerous
action of our prohibition enforce
ment officers in apprehending
violators of the prohibition laws
and of our courts in properly
punishing all offenders found
guilty; but we know that the al
arming and shameful violation of
the law will not be halted until the
good citizens of our county vigor
ously and courageously cooperate j
with our officers and courts. We |
earnestly urge upon all of our
people the necessity of building
up a public sentiment which no
longer tolorate the flagrant viola
tions of the prohibition law.
We find the books and records
of the Sheriff’s office well kept.
We find all records in the Ordi
nary’s office are neatly and cor
rectly kept.
We further recommend the
Sheriff and his Deputies see that j
every automobile owner buvs a !
tag as required by law.
We heartily commend our
Judge, Wm. E. TI. Searcy and T.
J. Brown for their viligence in
helping to suppress the liquor
traffic in our Countv, and believe
their policy of chaingang sentences
more effective than fines.
In comelusion we wish to thank
Mr. Beard for his patience and
diligence as Baliff for the Grand
1 Jury.
We also express our apprecia
tion to the courteeies shown by
Judge Searcy and Solicitor Owen
and of the cordial relation main
tained between us during this
session of court.
We also extend our thanks to
Sheriff Ward and his deputies for
their favors and kindness to the
Wc also wish to thank our fore
man Mr. J. S. Hunt and our clerk
Mr. W. W. Turner for the efficient
and courteous way in which thev
have handled the business that
has come before this body.
We recommend that these pre
sentments be published in the
Henry County Weekly SIO.OO be
paid for same.
This April, 17. 1923.
Respectfully submitted.
J. S. Hunt Foreman.
W. W. Turner Clerk.
The foregoing general present
ments ordered filed and entered
on the minutes of the Court and
published as herein recommended
this April 17, 1923.
Wm. E. H. Searcy L.
J. S. C. F. C.
is often caused by an inflamed condition
or the mucous lining of the Eustacman
t übe. When this tube is inflamed you
have a rumbling sound or imperfect
hearing. Unless the inflammation can
be reduced, your hearing may be de
stroyed forever.
uo what we claim for it—rid your system
of Catarrh or Deafness caused by
has been successful in the treatment of
Catarrh for over Forty Years.
Sold by all druggists.
F. J. Cher.’';- £ Cc., .e. X Q,
Finds our Stock Complete with the many varieties of
seeds for the Flower Yard, Garden and Field*
Watson, Kleckley*s Sweet, Jones, Rattlesnake, Hal
bert's Honey, Irish Gray and Pride of Georgia Water
Melon seed*
Peanuts, Seed Butter Beans, Early
Valentine, Stringless Green Pod,
Kentucky Wonder and Nancy
Davis fall Beans.
We want O-Too-Tan and Mung
Beans, Irish Potatoes, Corn Wheat
Home Cured Ham, Chickens and
Copeland=T u rner
Merc. Company
Charter No. 10089 Report of condition of Reserve Dis*. N 0.6
At Hampton, in the State of Georgia, at the close of business on
April, 3rd 1923.
Loans and discounts, includ
ing rediscounts except
those shown in b and e
Total loans 1y3,616.85
U. S. bonds deposited
to secure circulation
par value $30,000.00
Total 30,000.00
Other bonds, stocks, securi
ties. etc. 3.U75.C0
Banking house 4,000.00
Furniture and fixtures 2,000.00
Lawful reserve with Federal
Reserve bank 1,344 39
Items with Federal Reserve
Bank in process of collection 870.27
Cash in vault and amount
due from national banks • 3,217.00
Checks on other banks in the
same city or town as re
porting bank —other than
item 12 85a)l
Total of items 9 10 11 12,
and 13 4,203.28
Redemption fund with U. S.
Treasurer and due from U.
S. Treasurer 1,500.00
Total • 239,738.52 Total 239,738.52
betr” lr Bwßar tha ‘ ,he
Subscribed and sworn to before me this 12th day of Aprfl^l923 ARRIB Cashler ’
Correct Attest: T. E. Lindler. R. M. Harr^Wn^
Capital stock paid in 50,000.00
Surplus fund 30,000.00
Undivided profits 12.297.02
Less current expenses, in
terest and taxes paid 1,580.81 10,716.21
Circulating notes outstanding 29,400.00
Total of items 21, 22, 23, 24
and 25 4.41
Individual deposits subject
to check 25.673.69
CertliV it * • f deposit due in less
than 80 days (other than for
money borrowed) 795.00
Total of demand deposits
othf' than bank deposits
subject to reserve, items 26,
27, 28. 29, 30, and 31 26.468.69
C rtifeates o r deposit (other
than for money borrowed) 8,786.00
Total of time deposits sub
j ct to reset ye, items 32, 33,
3i and 35 8,786.00
Bil.s p; y ible (including all
obligations representing
mo ley borrowed other
than redisc mnts ) 5,000.00
Notes and bills rediscounted,
including acceptances of
other banks and foreign
bills of exchange or drafts
sold with indorsement of
this bank 79.f65.21