Newspaper Page Text
Mind and Body
are both nourished and strength
ened by the judicious use of
high grade meats.
That is the kind of meat we sell,
and you pay no more.
The Quality of Bread and Pastry
is governed to a great extent by the quality of the
flour from which it is made. That is one reason
why so many people insist upon having our
CE-RES-CO brand of flour. It produces the
desired result in every case when properly used.
Everything we sell in foodstuffs is of the same or
der of merit.
Make Your Trip More Enjoyable by a
Refreshing Night on Lake Erie
(Yoixr rail ticket U good on th» boats)
Thousands of east and north bound travelers say they wouldn’t have missed that
cool, comfortable night on one of our fine steamers. A good bed in a clean state*
room, a long sound sleep and an appetising breakfast in the morning!
Daily, May Ist to November 15th
Leave Cleveland - 9:00P.M.\ Eastern I Leave Buffalo - 9:00 P.M.
Arrive Buffalo - 7:30 A.M. / Standard Tims \ Arrive Cleveland - 7:30 AM.
Connections for Niagara Falls, Eastern and Canadian points. Ask your ticket agent)
or tourist agency tor tickets via C& B bine. New Tourist Automobile Rate —$10.00,
Send for free sectional puzzle chart of the The Great Ship
Great Ship "Seeaud bee" and 32-page booklet. " Seeandbee” —the
The Cleveland and Buffalo Transit Co. inland waters of
Cleveland, Ohio tie " orld - .. __
Fare $5.50
Paint and Varnish Products
* Prevent Destruction*
■ Uoltlng M I Scnnty wAnT
—» »wop< InutbikauM whb «vry
brmth of tir—Miffing th* dmnllnwg
*o4 charm of ***ry non, {'
WhM • nxdl— Might! It cgn •»
prevented by palming tha walla an 4
ceilings with Davoa Valour Ftniak
TMa flat wall paint, bacauaa h t»
waaliabfe, mabaa poaaibta tha can*
atant maintenance of tha aoft, lovely
cukta baaaty af tha bom*, -
Says Backache ie a sign you have been
eating too much meat, which
forma uric acid.
When you wake up with backache and
dull misery in the kidney region it gen
erally means you have been eating too
much meat, says a well-known authority.
Meat forms uric acid which overworks
the kidneys in their effort to filter it
from the blood and they become sort of
paralyzed and loggy. When your kidneys
get sluggish and clog you must relieve
them, like you relieve your bowels; re
moving all the body’s urinous waste,
else you have backache, sick headache,
dizzy spells; your stomach sours, tongue
is coated, and when the weather is bad
you have rheumatic twinges. The urine
is cloudy, full of sediment, channels often
get sore, water scalds and you are obliged
to seek relief two or three times during
the night.
Either consult a good, reliable physi
cian at once or get from your pharmacist
about four ounces of Jad Salts; take
a tablespoonful in a glass of water
before breakfast for a few days and your
kidneys will then act fine. This famous
Baits is made from the acid of grapes
and lemon juice, combined with lithia,
and has been used for generations to
clean and stimulate sluggish kidneys,
also to neutralize acids in the urine so it
no longer irritates, thus ending bladder
Jad Salts is a life saver for regular
meat eaters. It is inexpensive, cannot
injure and makes a delightful, effer
vescent lithia-w&ter drink.
Face, Neck and Arms Easily Made
Smooth, Says Specialist
Any breaking: out of the skin, even
fiery, itching eczema, can be quickly
overcome by applying a little Mentho-
Sulphur, declares a noted skin spe
cialist. Because of its germ destroy
ing properties, this sulphur prepara
tion begins at once to soothe irritated
skin and heal eruptions such as rash,
pimples and ring worm.
It seldom fails to remove the tor
ment and disfigurement, and you do
not have to wait for relief from em
barrassment Improvement quickly
shows. Sufferers from skin trouble
should obtain a small jar of Mentho-
Sulphur from any good druggist and
use it like cold cream.
?, memoir of
Words :iro but pour vehicles
when they nre - imroyed loeonvev
thf* em< lion of the heart, but
emotions most become vocal in
some.form when the heart is over
flowing The writer was raised in
Alt Fouche’s fall) o’s honm, with
his sister as foster mother, and
never had a motherless baby
more of tc nderness love and af
fection given than by that family,
to her he was for 53 years an
idolized big brother as dear as
such he remained. Then babyhood,
childhood, girlhood and woman
hood, he was to her, gentleness
loving kindness. Never a memory
of a cross word from him to any
one, still less an unkind act. He
was one man who “sowed no wild
oats,” and had none to regret. His
feet trod no paths, over which his
mother would have blushed.
No one ever knew when he began
to be a chiistian for those virtues
which shine forth from the fol
lowers of the lowly Nazarene and
illumine the dusty levels of human
life, as brightly as the peaks of
glory, were always recognized
in him, from earliest days. To be
his friend was both an honor and
a security: to be his kinsman was
a closer bond fright years ago, it
was a pleasure to have him in our
home for nearly three months,
which he slowly gained strength
after a serious illness.
It was an opportunity to try to
pay a small percentage of interest
on the kindness of past years and
how gladly we watched the im
provement which our balmy air
and bk ssed winter sunshine made
in him. It was here amid blossom
ing orange trees, fragrant flowers,
Hue skies and soft breezes, he
escaped the vigors of winter and
took a new lease on life. When
he ended his visit he had left an
indeiiable imprint on each child
in the home that has ntver been
forgotten. They saw courtesy,
kindness, gentleness and Christian
humanity so admirably blended
that their young hearts were mo e
impressed than any sermon that
could have been preached. But
now our house hold is saddened,
for our loved cousin has gone
from us. No more on earth shall
we see his loved face, and cur
hearts are srd for loneliness. But
we praise God for the record of his
stainless life, for the love he held
in the hearts of his fellow men,
for ihe long years he was spared
to us and for the generous ex
pressions of sympathy that came
from far and mar.
We are glad that his dear wife
has alwavs seemed and still seems
- ... Mixture ;
4 >
! H j. COPEL AND !/
000.1 8. GRANT
We Ihe undersigned having
been requested to draft o memo
rial resolution on the death of
Brother J. B Grant offer the fol
Whereas in the dispensation
of Divine Providence a consistent
and beloved brother of our church
has been summoned to join that
innumberable caravan which leads
to that mystcrins realm from
whose bounds no traveler returns
and whereas, Brother Grant
strong sturdy christian-like
character was an inspiration to
his church and a strong enduring
support to the nersonel of its
membership, and whe r eas we
shall hold in reverent memory his
loving deeds, his genial person
ality.|his affable disposition and
the impress of his manly character;
Therefore be it resolved that this
church tngelher with this com
muoitv at luge, has sustained a
great loss in the passing of Rro.
Grant and that our hearts go out
in sympathy to the members of
his family and to all to whom he
was.most dear. We pray that it
shall be our priyilege to join him
in that home not made with hand,
eternal in the heavens.
L. A. Waters,
G. G. LeGuinn
D. P. Johnston.
so close to us, and that his office
is filled by his devoted daughter.
What more gracious expression of
appreciation than that petition
from nis county people could
ever be given to a bereaved
Farewell dear Alf! When all
life’s trials are over and by God's
Grace, we’ve laid our
burdens down and gained the
victor’s crown, Heaven will be
sweater when those dear old
hands are unfolded ar.d outstretch
ed to give us greeting where
there’ll be no more sadness of
farewell, and God shall wipe away
all tears from their eyes. Farewell
dear old Alf, till we meet again.
Cousin Mary Lou.
If** o
ikovjb wmmmm a
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in tf'e'Jtomach and
Bowels. Intestinal Cramp
Colic, Diarrhoea