Newspaper Page Text
Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Skinner visit
ed Mr. and Mrs. Rome Stewart
pear Jackson, Saturday.
Mrs. Annie Boatner spent Satur
day p. m. with Mrs. Laura Rosser.
Mrs. W. H. Gunn jr. spent Sun
day afternoon with Mrs. Dora
Miss Bessie Rosser spent a few
days last week with her sister,
Mrs. Marvin Jinks.
Miss Dale Sandifer spent Satur
day night with Mrs. Jess Skinner.,
Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Daniel, Mrs.
Laura Rosser, and Mrs. Ellen
Jinks spent Sunday afternoon with
Mr. and Mrs. T. L. LeGuin,
Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Coan spent
{Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. T.
Master Charles Cowan spent
Saturday with Master Andy Rape.
A good crowd attended preach
ing service and Sunday School
here Sunday.
Dark Eyes.
for loss of appetite, bad breath,
coated tongue, biliousness.
Without griping or mini
B*l your liver right—only 25g
I * I"!] * liNsrßikrV^r^TTT^
H you vr loony jrout July tticnylh J yco •rt wool,
IMfvMn, of ludmny lion. Iml nt.lity Inn eietu,
,|« or ork-r dun C.LANDI UNL will qoKkly iuor you to
■onto! almytk ud youthU nyor or no thoryr «nl W moJr
Wnr today lor /ret inrttocoor booklet naJrd pttpttd m
fltm mapprr
A Cozy, Comfortable Coupe
for Three
This Buick 3-passenger Coupe is economical and at the
same time exceedingly comfortable for business, profes
sional and family use.
Its wide doors open to an interior with every refinement
and convenience for perfect comfort all the year. Its
fine plush covered seat is low and comfortable. Dis
appearing door windows and adjustable windshields
enable occupants to catch the summer breeze or exclude
winter’s cold.
Notable improvements in engine and spring suspension
have materially increased roadability and stamina.
Fours Sixes
Prices f. o. b. Buick Factor- 2 Pass. Road. - $ 865 2 Pass. Road. $1175 4 Pass. Coupe $1895
its; government tax to be 5 Pass. Tour., - 885 , -r .. _ _
added. Ask about the G. M. 3 Pass. Coupe * 1175 5 Pass. Tour. - 1195 7 Pass. Tour. - 1435
A. C. Purchase Plan, which 5 Pass. Sedan - 1395 5 Pass. Tour. 7 Pass Sedan . 2105
provides for Deferred 5 Pass. Tour. ’ ,
Payments. Sedan - - - 1325 Sedan - - • 1935 Sport Road. - 1625
Sport Road. . 1025 5 Pass. Sedan - 1985 Sport Touring • 1675
Resolutions on The Death
of Hon. R. C. Brown
We this committee appointed
by the president of this quarterly
conference at its first session for
the year 1923 held at Locust Grove
January 21, 1923 to draft resolu
tions on the death of Brother R.
C. Brown, who was a number ot
years a member of this Quarterly
Conference, offer the following
resolutions as a token of our love
and esteem.
Rosolved first, that though we
deeply feel and mourn the loss of
our faithful brother and fellow
worker. We are confident that he
who has gone from* us and left
tht impress of his strong, monly
Christian character upon the
church and community, has gone
to that home not made with hands,
eternal in the heayens.
Reso'ved second, That we de
sire to express our heartfelt sym
pathy to the bereaved family, and
to commend them unto the loving
tender care of our heavenly
Resolved third, That a copy of
these resolutions be sent to the
bereaved ones and that they also
be recorded on our minutes.
D. P. Johnston,
G. G. LeGuin,
L. A. Waters.
Notice of Proposed In
crease In Rates By Cen
tral Georgia Power
Notice is hereby given that the
Central Georgia Power Company
has applied to the Georgia Public
Service Commission for authority
to increase its present wholesale
Dower rates for electric current,
approximately (25%) twenty-five
per cent.
This application has been assign
ed for hearing before the Commis
sion a’ its offices, in the State
Capital at Atlanta, on Tuesday,
May 15th, at 10 o’clock a. m.
A statement of the present and
proposed rates are on file in the
office of the Georgia Public Ser
vice Commission, and in the office
of the Mayors, of Macon, Griffin,
Barnesville, Thomaston, Forsyth,
Jackson, Monticeilo, Hampton, and
Jonesboro, and may be inspected
by interested parties. Present
wolesale power customers will be
furnished copies of proposed rates
on application to the Company.
Interested parties desiring to
protest against the grant of au
thoitiy prayed for, may do so in
writing on or before the date of
hearing, or orally at the hearing,
as they may desire.
This notice is published by di
rection of the Georgia Public
Service Commission.
Central Georgia Power Co.
By Wm. H. Felton.
Figure Cost Carefully
Before You Buy Any
801 l Weevil Poison.
Before you decide finally on the boll weevil poison
that you are going to use this year, carefully figure
out what each kind will cost you
The Calcium Arsenate Product
costs only J4c a gallon. For approximately from
$3.00 to $4.00 you can protect an acre a season from
the boll wevil. Besides 8011-We-Go resists rain,
dew and winds. It sticks to the cotton plant longer
It makes fewer sprayings necessary. It saves mater
ial and labor.
Another point. 8011-We-Go is applied in the daytime.
No sleep robbing, slow and inefficient night work.
That saves money
Remember this, also. 8011-We-Go can be applied
by a child. No skilled labor is required. That is
another saving.
Figure it out from all angles and we know that you
will agree with us that from every standpoint of
economy 8011-We-Go is the least expensive good
poison you can use.
8011-We-Go is sure death to the boll weevil. Hun
dreds of the largest growers in the south have written
us unsolicited testimonials telling us of the deadly
effect on the weevil. Unquestionably if will kill the
boll weevil on your place. It will do it quickly,
thoroughly, cheaply, too.
Write for literature which will tell you all about
63 North Pryer St. . . . ATLANTA, GA.
Long Distance Phone Walnut 3915.
Monday, April 23id.
Crumbley’s store 8:00 n. m., Ola 9:30 a. m., Ellistovvn 11:00 a. in.,
Adair’s store 1:00 p. m., Jeffares store 2:30 p. m.
Tuesday, April 24th.
McMulllen’s Court house 8:00 a. m., Green’s store 9:00 a. m.,
Kellvtown 10:00 a. m., Whitehou e 11:30 a.m., Dock Crumbl'ey’s
1:00 p. m., Flippen 2:30 p. m.
Wednesday, April 25th.
Brushy Knob 8:00 a. m., M. C. White’s 9:00 a. m., J. T. Scarbrough’s
10:00 a.m., Flournoy White’s 11:00 a.-m., Shakerag Court house
12:00 o’clock, Stockbridge 2:00 p. m.
THURSDAY, April 26th.
Sixth District Conrt House 8:00 a. m., Exum’s Store 9:00 a. m„
Hampton 11:00 a. m. and all the afternoon.
Greenwood 8:00 a, m., Luella 9:00 a. m., Locust'Grove 11-00 o’clock
and all the afternoon.
Office open in McDonough every day untill books close May Ist.
W. G. Thompson,
Tax Receiver.
7446 Res. Main 470
Lor a CMS .Allen
’ 14 Edge wood Ave.,’Atlanta.?Ga.
Engraved Cards,’Wedding Invitations, etc.