Newspaper Page Text
In Swee f Memory of
Mrs, B. C. Brannan
To her dear children, and grand
children oh, how mv poor heart
craves to speak to you every one,
but I know I can not do that, so
it seems that I must write.
Get your Bibles and read with
me, Revelations, 14th chapter and
13 verse. I think it will help me
say what I want to say. And I
heard a voice from Heaven saying
unto me, write blessed are the
dead which die in the Lord, from
henceforth: yea, saith the spirit,
that they may rest from their
labors, and their works do follow
Now dear children and grand
children I think that is the death
your dear mother died. Oh! how
her works and ways has helped
me through my life. You all
know I knew her long before any
of you did. I said her life had
helped me in manv wavs, and I
think you all know too, that she
has helped vou every one. Oh
that sweet spirit she had.
Now I think I can tell vou all
why she had that sweet spirit. I
think her life was a life of prayer
Well do I remember when a little
girl how our dear parents taught
us at home about God and the
Bible and mv oldest sister had
told me that little children ought
to say littl prayers at night before
they went to bed. But some how
I felt ashamed to try, until one
night some power carried me in
to your mother’s room and there I
found my precious sisier, Ele°nor,
and your mother kneeling by her
bed talking 1 think to God. Dear
children 1 can not tell you all how
bad I felt, this thought came to
me with such power, if Eleanor
prays, I must to. So you see her
life is still left behind her to point
us all to trust our dear Saviour
Jesus as she did. And I want to
tell you all this, from that niglit
many years ago when I found her
kneeling in prayer, I decided to
try to pray to, 1 was a mighty
little girl then, but 1 want to tell
Eleanor’s little grandchildren that
I think God heard my little prayer
then and has been mighty good
to me all my life. So I want to
beg you little children to pray,
and trust in God like your grand
mother did. And I want to tell
you this too about myself. The
more I pray, and trust in our dear
Saviour the stronger my faith gets
in the sweet promises of God and
that makes me want to beg you
children to read your Bibles and
pray to God every day, to give
you that sweet quite spirit to help
other folks like your dear grand
mother did. And now to her
dear companion and my dear
brother Ben, still be strong in the
Lord and in the power of his
might. Ephesians, 6th chapter
10th verse, And all of you pray
daily, for God to give me strength
the rest of my time in this life to
know the right and do it.
Aunt Shirley, with lots and lots
of love.
( Medicine ,
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Woodland News
We are having some real bad
weather now, the farmers will be
late planting this spring.
Mr. R. A. Hinton visited his
grandparents last Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. John Fannin, of
Atlanta, were the guest of the
latters parents one day last week.
Mr. and Mrs. C. F.Sims and.
little son Coleman, were the sperid
the-day guest of Mr. and Mrs.
' ' > . . -*• i n ;
Presley Owen last Saturday.
Mrs. Gaston Hinton spent Mon
day afternoon with Mrs. William
Mrs. Presley Owen was the
spend-the-day guest of her parents
Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Sims last Tues
Mr. D. A. George is some better
at this writing.
Miss Evelyn Oven spent Satur
day night and Sunday at home.
Mr. Henry Lee and Gorden
Bellah called on Misses Mary and
Essie Carter last Friday nignt.
Look out boys.
Mr. Tell Morris is looking blue
on account of his best girl being
away from home.
Mr.s W. G. George spent last
Tuesday afternoon with Mrs. C.
F. Sims.
Miss Dovie Wilson and mother
spent last Tuesday with Mr. and
Mrs. G. T. Henry and family.
Miss FlavellaOwen spent last
Sunday in Atlanta.
Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Gardner
and children of near Rex spent
last Sunday afternoon with Mr.
and Mrs. C. F. Sims and family.
Mrs. W. R. Sims and little son
Howard spent Tuesday atternoon
with Mrs. C. F. Sims.
Messrs Homer Brannan, Henry
Knight, and Floyd Elliott stopped
their Ford at the same place Sun
day night.
Mrs. J. A. Sims visited her
father last Tuesday afternoon who
is quite sick.
More rain more rest.
It looks like our fanners are go
ing to be late this spring.
The farmers in this section are
hauling guano, going to plant cot
ton and peper.
Miss Lottie Townsel and Miss
Lizzie Smith visited Miss Elon and
Altha Gunn Sunday p. m.
Mr. Melvin Maddox and Mr.
Ward McKibben tied their mule
at the same old place Sunday p. m.
Mr. L. A. Atkissan gave a musi
cal entertainment Saturday night
and was enjoyed by all present.
Mr. and Mrs. Line Wilkins were
guest of Mr. Samuel Wilkerson,
Saturday p. m.
Miss Addie Lou Wilkerson is
visiting her grandmother near At
lanta this week.
Master Marvin Presson spent
last week with master Alden Duke.
Miss Ruby Borns and Miss Flora
Bell Blessiette were guest of Miss
es Irene and Mildred Carter Sat
urday night.
Mr. Melvin Alien and Mr. Wil
ber Knowls made a trip to Beer
sheba Saturday night. Wonder
what attraction there is up there.
Everybody are invited to come
to Sunday school and B. Y. P. U.
at 2:30 o’clock.
Brown Eyes.
| Firestone Tire & Rubber Co., Akron, Ohio
! (
* * i? :
r -
Most Miles per Dollar
JjHI .. . A
Ww *h^bHKhL
Inn HffiffP’iiSjsF JHHT 4jllßSaE. BbP’"lDh Jhh h|v
will not increase prices
until May Ist
Firestone Prices on Fabric and Cord Passenger
Car Tires and Tubes, also Solid and Pneumatic
Truck Tires Will Advance May Ist
!: r I i.-
The postponement of this price revision
ill possible only because of our realization
of the price danger in the British Crude
Rubber Restriction Act which became
effective November 1, 1922. We were
fortunate in our rubber purchases before
the Restriction Act increased the price of
crude rubber 160%.
We have always endeavored to cham
pion the cause of better made tires de
livered at lowest cost to the tire user by
economic manufacturing and distribu
tion. And we are glad of the opportun
ity to give the car-owner the additional
saving at this time.
Firestone Cords embody certain special
processes which result in their producing
no matter whether for man, wo
man or, child, if you will let us fit
you with a pair of Peters “Dia=
mond” or Peters “Weatherbird”
shoes, we know that you will be
pleased with your foot wear for
the summer.
Pay us a visit and feel that your
time is not wasted.
• Copeland=Turner
Merc. Company
mileage records, heretofore unheard-of
in the industry. Among the more im
portant of these superior methods are
blending, tempering, air-bag cure fln 4
double gum-dipping.
Firestone Dealers are co-operating
with us in our movement to supply your
needs at present prices as long as their
stock lasts and we have advised our
dealers that we will supply them with
additional tires this month only so far
as our output will permit.
See the nearest Firestone Dealer.
Purchase a set of these Gum-Dipped
Cords. Prove for yourself their re
markable mileage advantages and easy
riding qualities.