Newspaper Page Text
■ii V* ii sß«wßi %*> D
Recommends Lydia E. Pink
ham’s Vegetable Compound
to Other Mothers
Windom, Minn.—“l was so run-down
that I was just good for nothing. I was to
B"" | become the mother
of my ninth child, and
I thought I did not
to go through with
it. 1 took Lydia EL
Pinkham’s Vegeta
ble Compound, and
it has surely done all
I could ask it to do
and I am telling all
my friends about it.
I have a nice big baby
and am feeling
fine. You may use this letter to help
other sick mothers.” Mrs. C. A.
Moede, Box 634, Windom, Minn.
My First Child
Glen Allen, Alabama.—“l have been
greatly benefited by taking Lydia E.
Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound for
bearing-down feelings and pains. I was
troubled in this way for nearly four
years following the birth of my first
child, and at times could hardly stand on
my feet. A neighbor recommended the
Vegetable Compound to me after I had
taken doctor’s medicines without much
benefit. It has relieved my pains and
gives me strength. I recommend it and
give you permission to use my testimo
nial letter. MrsJDA Rye, Glen Allen,
til) Tomorrow
MSlmj i iggjjfa &Q A vegetable
MmTM nTwi 111 aperient, adds
° r to
eliminative system,
HVfl ggLJ&jj Improves the appe
9VM VVlfiP tite, relieves Sick
pT ■S&|l Headache and Bil
** Jousnes6, corrects
■Chips off -Hie Old Block
m JUNIORS—LittIe N?s
One-third the regular dose. Made
of same ingredients, then candy
I coated. For children and adults.
H PAZO OINTMENT instantly Re-
M lieves ITCHING PILES and you
I can get restful sleep after the
first application.
All druggists are authorized to
refund money if PAZO OINT
MENT fails to Cure any case of
ordinary cases in 6 days, the
worst cases in 14 days. 60c.
DO you feel run down and half
sick all the time? Are you thin,
pale, easily tired —no energy, no
ambition, no “pep”?
Now is the time to take Gude’s
Pepto-Mangan. It will brace you up,
give you a delightful feeling of vigor
and ambition, enrich your blood, build
firm, solid flesh, and bring the healthy
color back to your skin.
Your druggist has Gude’s —Liquid
or solid, as you prefer.
Pepto-M an £ an
Tonic and BloodJEnrichei^
of aching eyee, red ltd*. blood
•hot eyeball*. Mitchell drS
Eye Salve removes irrita- f y, «■
too, reduces inflammation. / ■ "V.
•oothea pain. / / \ », \.
I*7 Waverly PI., Mew York / I ) \
Removes Danaruff-StopsHalr Falling
-JBII Restore# Color and _
«THH Beauty to Gray and Faded Hair
PLkjawS I toe. and SI.CO at nrunx-ists.
ESftyJri } Rtiuy.i Chem. Wta Patcliogue. S- Y.
hindercorns Removes Corns, Cal
louses. etc., stops all pain, on*urea comfort totaa
makes walking ea*y. 16c. by mail or at Drop
ftsta. Hisoox Chemical Works, Patchogue, N. T.
Makes old run-down Batteries operate like
NJEVV BATTERY. Send »1 for trial carton.
Agents wanted. Money back If not
Wavside Serv. Corn -215 W Fort.Detroit. Mleb.
iMjP Daddy's
fairy Tale
There had just been brought out k
copy of Naturelund News which those
who belong to Na
turelnnd bring
out every so
often and which
1 ■ is the official pa
lier ature *
There are al-
ways interesting
items of news in
the pnper and
those are the bits
yMfITTWI news * n this
last copy of the
Spider were seen
~ 1 spinning their
home web. They
“Found a Tea were doing very
Biscuit." nicely when Mrs.
Spider hurried
Mr. Spider out of the way. Gossips
say she is far from being a loving
Sirs. Spider will live in her new
web and make it her home. She will
stay as far away from other spiders
as possible because she has no spider
friends she trusts.
In fact, spiders do not trust each
Clover, an old horse of fifty-two
years of age, saw his old keeper—
who had not seen him since Clover
had been but a few years old.
And Clover remembered his old
keeper and kissed him at the tip of
his ear just as had been his special
trick with this keeper long ago.
The Skua in the Zoo spends most
of his time these days eating fish or
scratching his back. •»
Both, he says, are delightful ways
of passing the time, and is willing to
give this advice free to any-who
wish to accept it. No one need .even
write him a note of thanks for it.
The Skua, we hope our readers
know, is a cousin of Mr. Sea 'Cull.
He wears a dark brown suit.
General Sparrow found a tea bis
cuit upon the lawn the other day.
For some reason or other no other
birds were around. He would have
enjoyed it more if he had had to fight
for it, he states.
Mr. Eagle particularly wishes to an
nounce that when people tell each
other to “keep an eagle eye” out for
this or that and mean of course to
watch very carefully and as keenly
as they can that half of them don’t
realize what the saying means.
It is all because Mr. Eagle has such
amazingly good eyesight and can see
so clearly and so far away that the
saying first started.
But Mr. Eagle says that many do
not realize wliat it means.
He says that no one says to keep
a sparrow eye out or a man eye out
when wishing anyone to he very care
ful to see something. And he wishes
when people use that expression they
would remember that it was because
of the wonderful eyesight of the
Eagle family that the expression was
started in the first place.
And it is a saying with sense, lie
Mr. Brown Bear says he is put out
because he heard someone say that
she had a frieud who was as cross as
a bear.
Mr. Brown bear states that he is
not cross and that many and many a
bear is as friendly and playful and
pleasant as can be and he does not
like that saying.
If they mean as cross as a polar
bear, why do they not say so?
Mr. Horse of the Fair Farm was
very qool-headed the other day, and
so saved what might otherwise have
been a bad situation. An aut mobile
started to have trouble and to hack
down a hill and then to go Into a
bank and during this time he was
on top of the hill
with the wagon
behind him, In
which were the
He did not budge
and it was be
cause he was so
calm that the
people In the au
tomobile knew
just what to do.
If the horse had
become excited,
they ; aid, they
could not have
saved themselves
from an accident.
Friends of Mr.
Horse of the Fair
Farm are very
proud to know
him and take this opportunity to ex
tend t* him their congratulations.
“He Is Not
“Dodson’s Liver Tone” Straightens You Up Better Than Salivating,
Dangerous Calomel and Doesn’t Upset You—Don’t
Lose a Day’s Work—Read Guarantee
You’re bilious! Your liver is slug
gish! You feel lazy, dizzy and till
knocked out. Your head is dull, your
tongue is coated; breath bad; stomach
sour and bowels constipated. But
don’t take salivating calomel. It
makes you sick, you may lose a day’s
Calomel is mercury or quicksilver
which causes necrosis of the bones.
Calomel crashes into sour bile like
dynamite, breaking it up. That’s
when you feel that awful nausea and
If you want to enjoy the nicest,
gentlest liver and bowel cleansing you
ever experienced just take a spoonful
of harmless Dodson’s Liver Tone to
|H Yes arm ' n S ew Color Tone to Old Sweaters
IU llßlllv PUTNAM FADELESS DYES—dyes or tints as you wish
Really Asking Too Much of Him to
Sort Out Cats at That Time
» of Night.
Every'celhir window was broken in
Mr. Jones’ old tumble-down house.
Consequently, all the small domestic
animals in the neighborhood—particu
larly the cats —ran in and out at will.
Sometimes there was quite a gather
ing in the cellar, and when a pet was
missing, it was the regular tiling to go
to “Uncle Bill’s” door with, “Have you
seen my cat?”
One evening a nearby family missed
their “tortoiseshell” at bedtime, and
concluding that she had joined the
happy throng at Uncle Bill’s, sent their
man over to ask him if he would take
a look and see if she was among the
number. It may have been a day of
many similar demands; at all events,
Uncle Bill was not in his usual good
“Your cat may he there, or site may
not be there,” he said, “hut I ain’t a
goin’ to light up no lamp an’ go down
in that cellar this time o’ night sortin’
out cats for nobody!”
Starting Out.
Grocer—ls there something else?
Young Bride —What would you sug
When do you
really wahe up’
in the morning/
Do the golden morning hours find you
wide-awake and fit, or do they find you
sleepy and tired ?
Coffee is a common cause of sleepless
nights, which bring drowsy days with
their usual train of neglected oppor
Why not get a new, firm gTip on
yourself, by leaving off coffee for awhile
and drinking Postum, a wholesome, de
licious, mealtime beverage, with a fine,
full-bodied flavor you will like.
You can enjoy Postum any time, day
or night, without interference with
nerves or digestion.
“ There's a Reason”
Burst Its Bonds.
Another girl and I are studying home
nursing during the evening, which
necessitates our staying dotvitfown for
dinner. In order to save expenses we
cook our meals in the office and conse
quently have had to take down a lot
of kitchen utensils.
I was bringing a frying pan down
one morning. It was an awkward bun
dle to carry, and when I got in the
crowded street car away up in front
so that every one could see me some
thing went “clang,” like a fire alarm.
Everybody looked, and there in front
of me was my frying pan, whicli had
fallen out of tlie paper. A man near
ly fell over it, hut kindly picked it
up and gave it to me. There I hod
to stand until the end of my Journey.
—Chicago Tribune.
Individual Dictionary.
Leonidas W. Van Quentin is going
to write a letter of protest to the
maker of his dictionary. “The dic
tionary is always careful to define
‘cat,’ ‘dog,’ ‘house’ and the other
words everybody knows. But when 1
come to look up a new’ word I rarely
find it. Why doesn’t somebody get
out a dictionary with the words I
want to know and leave out the words
that not even a child in the first grade
would have to look up?”—Kansas
City Star.
Made by Postum Cereal Company, Inc., Battle Creek, Michigan
night. Your dryggist or dealer sells
you a bottle of Dodson’s Liver Tone
for a few cents under my personal
money-back guarantee that each
spoonful will clean your sluggish
liver better than a dose of nasty calo
mel and that it won’t make you sick.
Dodson’s Liver Tone is real liver
medicine. You’ll know it next morn
ing because you will wake up feeling
fine, your liver will be working, your
headache and dizziness gone, your
stomach will be sweet and your bowels
regular. You will feel like working;
you’ll be cheerful and full of vigor.
Dodson’s Liver Tone is entirely
vegetable, therefore harmless and can
not salivate. Give it to your children.
iToswgjiig S
"“ Til 1
yMjhjjjl——— ——•— —-
Yonr grocer sells Postum In two forms: Instant
Postum (in tine) prepared instantly in the cup
by the addition of boiling water. Po6tum
Cereal (in packages) for those who prefer to
make the drink while the meal is being pre
pared; made by boiling fully 20 minutes.
Flora’s Papa Had Stood Much, but
This Time Mickey Had Gone Be
yond the Limit.
Mickey Is a collie pup.
Flora’s sister gave Mickey to Flora
last Christmas.
Mickey lias done a great many
tilings that a little dog should not do,
but his wagging tail, roguish expres
sion and rol.vpoly antics have alway*
won him forgiveness. But now Mickey
is in disgrace.
Flora's mamma didn’t get angry
when Mickey pulled the cover off the
table and broke one of her best china
Flora’s papa forgave Mickey when
lie chewed the sole off one of his
house slippers.
And, of course, Flora couldn’t 'do
anything w’hen Mickey tore one of her
best silk stockings.
But last week the assessor came to
Flora’s house and Mickey met him os
the front porch.
Flora’s papa says: “It’s too much-"
—lndianapolis News.
Odd Cause for Rejoicing. \
Nothing tickles us as much as hav
ing Opportunity knock at a woman’s
door when she’s away somewhere play
ing bridge.—Buffalo Evening Time*. .