Newspaper Page Text
Why That Bad Back?
Doe* spring find you miserable with
an aching back? L)o you feel lame,
stiff, tired, nervous and depressed?
Likely your kidneys have weakened.
Winter is hard on the kidneys. Colds
and chills and a heavier diet with less
exercise tax them heavily. It’s little
wonder spring finds you with backache,
rheumatic pains, headaches, dizziness
and bladder irregularities. Hut don’t be
discouraged. Use Doan'B Kidney Pills.
Doan's have helped thousands and
should help you. Ask your neighbor!
ci ucuigia vuSC
Mrs. J. S. Norris, _ "Every Pie.
Washington Street, j(w^ ,unTtlls
Nashville, Ga., says: a Story"
“My kidneys were tU' 1 .
disordered and I suf- /tit iW'.s's
ft red from backache. (ST t wl
When I swept, sharp flu.'ljJrw
pains shot through VL & U
the small of my
hack, nearly driving jSCSST I '//
me frantic. My kid- ‘Jj yjJ
neys acted irregular- JWKjv/ ,«*}
ly. I felt tired and / ffU
suffered from dread- >l/1:. H
ful pains in my head. R
Doan’s Kidney Pills v|il
helped my back and lijgPaßf uJl'
Get Doan’* at Any Store, 60c a Box
DOAN’S k p ™ y
Famous Beauty Parlor secrets revealed.
16 selected formulas which can be filled by
your druggist at great savings mailed for
fiOc coin. Supply limited. THE SUMMIT
W. N. U., ATLANTA, NO. 19 -1923.
Roman Remains in Britain.
Excavating for tin* foundation of a
new factory to be erected at Keyn
sliam, near Bristol, England, workmen
recently unearthed Roman remains.
The Daily Chronicle of London reports
the discovery of coffins containing
skeletons, a Roman needle about six
inches long, a spoon and a brooch. The
brooch is believed to have put the
finishing touch upon the toga of a
Roman gallant.
Old Colored
Mammy Knew
What to Do
“I was distracted with fear when
my little 9-inonth-old baby had dys
entery, but n*i old colored mummy
told me to give her Teeth inn and she
lias given me no more trouble since,”
said Mrs. Nettie Barnes, South Bay,
Palm Beach <’o., Fla. “With my last
baby I got Teethlna before he began
teething and he was never sick a
It is not always safe to follow the
advice of old colored mammies, hut
when they are as well Informed as
this one who recommended Teethlna
no advice could he better. All moth
ers can Inform themselves as to the
proper care of their babies by con
sulting Moffett’s Baby Book, which
can be had free by sending 30c to
the Moffett Laboratories, Columbus,
Ga., for a full size package of Teeth
And the Wife, Too.
“A man usually makes more or less
than he says he does,” remarks Tom
Sims. Sh-h! Tom, or you'll arouse
the income-tax collector’s suspicions.—
Boston Evening Transcript.
We are a good deal happier because
of a lot of things we don’t know.
An Absolutely Reliable Statement
Important to Every Woman
Remarkable Results Shown by a Nation
Wide Canvass of Women Purchasers of
Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Com
pound. 50,000 Women Answer
For some time a circular has been
enclosed with each bottle of our med
icine bearing this question: “Have
you received benefit from taking
Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Com
pound? ’’
Replies, to date, have been re
ceived from over 50,000 women an
swering that question.
1)8 per cent of which say
YES. That means that 1)8 out
of every 100 women who take
the medicine for the ailments
for which it is recommended
are benefited by it.
This is a most remarkable record
of efficiency. We doubt if any other
medicine in the world equals it.
Think of it only two women out
of 100 received no benefit —9B suc
cesses out of a possible 100.
Did you ever hear anything like it?
We must admit that we, ourselves,
are astonished.
Such evidence should induce every woman suffering from
any ailment peculiar to her sex to try Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vege
table Compound and see if she can’t he one of the 98. The
Lydia. E. Pinkhaui Medicine Co.. Lynn, Mass.
Declares Tanlac Entirely Over*
came Indigestion and Put
Him Back on Feet.
W. W. Taylor, well-known locomo
tive engineer, living at 215 IV. 11111
i Ave., Valdosta, On., is still another one
who has found the Tanlac treatment
a safe and sure means to health,
strength and working efficiency.
Mr. Taylor has served the Southern
railroad for twenty years and Is highly
respected. While discussing Tanlac,
he said:
“For a year I had suffered from
nervous Indigestion and was In a badly
run-down condition, having lost 44
pounds. I realized my condition must
| he remedied or it might seriously In
i terfere with my work.
“Tanlac seemed to help me at once,
so I continued until I took six bottles.
I regained thirty-four pounds anil I
haven’t a sign of my old troubles. I
eat heavily at all times, and I consider
Tanlac a great medicine. I have rec
ommended It to many of my friends,
who have told me they, too, were
greatly helped by it.”
Tanlac is for sale by all good drug
gists. Accept no substitute. Over 37
million bottles sold.--Advertisement.
Radium's Energy.
An atom of radium in full activity
is shown on si slide available to ama
teur mlcroscopists in England. The
mineral pitchblende is the source of
radium, and under a strong lens a
piece of tills is seen to maintain a
ceaseless and brilliant bombardment
of particles which strike a screen.
The sight gives an excellent and
realistic example of terrific energy.
do what we claim for it—rid your system
of Catarrh or Deafness caused by
sists of an Ointment which Quickly
Relieves the catarrhal Inflammation, and
the Internal Medicine, a Tonic, which
Q/ffs through the Blood on the Mucous
Surfaces, thus assisting to restore nor
mal conditions.
Sold by druggists for over 40 Tears.
F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O.
Another Early One.
The wild ginger has large, broad
, heart-shaped leaves which are most
' conspicuous objects on the rocky hlll
| sides In early April, says Nature Mag
! azine. Their thick stems rise some
; six or ten inches above the ground,
but the dull, purplish, cup-shaped blos
soms must be searched for at the roots,
well hidden among the dead leaves.
Shave With Cuticura Soap
And double your razor efficiency as
well as promote skin purity, skin com
fort and skin health. No mug, no
slimy soap, no germs, no waste, no irri
tation even when shaved twice dally.
One soap for all uses —shaving, bath
ing and shampooing.—Advertisement.
Bulb Does Measuring.
Operated by compressing a rubber
bulb, a device which can be atttached
to the neck of any bottle-shaped con
tainer, has been Invented to deliver
measured amounts of liquids.
Of course we know that our medi
cine does benefit the large majority
of women who take it. But that only
two out of 100 received no benefit is
most astonishing.
It only goes to prove, however,
that a medicine specialized for cer
tain definite ailments —not a cure all
—one that is made by the most scien
tific process; not from drugs, but
from a combination of nature’s roots
and herbs, can and does do more
good than hastily prepared prescrip
You see, we have been making,
improving and refining this medicine
for over 50 years until it is so perfect
and so well adapted to women’s needs
that it actually has the virtue to ben
efit 98 out of every 100 women who
take it.
Its reliability and recognized effi
ciency has gained for it a sale in
almost every country in the world
—leading all others.
According to Department of Agricul
ture 3,913 Barrels of Cement
Will Be Needed.
What goes into u mile of concrete
paving? The answer makes an Inter
esting story and the data are available
from Bulletin 1077, issued by the Uni
ted States Department of Agriculture.
According to the bulletin, a mile of
concrete pavement 7 inches thick at
the edges and 8 Inches thick at the
center will require 3,013 barrels of
Portland cement. With it must he
mixed 1,102 cubic yards of suud, 1,664
cubic yards of crushed rock; 30 gallons
of water are needed to mix and cure
a square yard of concrete pavement,
or more than 300,000 gallons of water
must tie furnished for a mile of road.
Approximately 4,500 tons of concrete
goes into the construction.
In making the cement required for a
mile of pavement over 300 tons of coal
are burned at the cement mill, and ap
proximately 10 tons of gypsum are re
quired to regulate the setting time of
the material. To ship the cement to
the scene of the paving requires some
15,000 cloth sacks, 15 bales of cotton
■ —■■Hl 111 l TIT —■ I ——M——rfUm
Materials in Mile of Concrete Paving
-42 Cars of Sand, 20 Cars of Cement,
30 Cars of Water, Are Among Essen
are woven into cloth to supply this
item. In a year about 30,000,000 sacks
are lost and destroyed.
Back in the cement quarries 450 tons
of dynamite are shot off for blasting
rock for the cement required in this
one mile of concrete pavement. A
good idea of what highway construc
tion means to the railroads can he ob
tained from these figures: Forty-two
cars of fine sand, 65 ears of crushed
rock, 20 cars of cement. When rein
forcing Is specified, further transpor
tation Is called for.
While the water supply is gov
erned by local conditions, in addition
to these requirements, the drainage
pipe, bridge and culvert construction
must lie provided for.
As the peak of the demand comes
during the late summer, there is diffi
culty In getting materials on the job
at the exact time desired. Earlier
shipment of construction materials and
loading of cars to capacity would go
a long way toward helping the con
gested condition.
Bureau of Public Roads Has Allotted
$190,000,000 Worth of Road-
Building Material.
(Prepared by the United States Department
of Agriculture.)
Approximately $190,000,000 worth of
road-building machinery, and other
supplies from the surplus war material
of the army, including 30,000 motor ve
hicles, have been allotted by the bu
reau of public roads, United States De
partment of Agriculture. This mate
rial, of which approximately $150,000,-
000 worth has been delivered says the
bureau in its annual report, has en
abled many of the states to organize
and equip maintenance divisions to pa
trol the entire state road system.
The largest item of materials deliv
ered consisted of shop machinery and
shop tools and equipment. This en
abled the state highway departments
to equip shops for reconditioning and
repairing motor vehicles and other mo
tor-driven machinery received from
the government. The shop machinery
consisted mainly of lathes, tool grind
ers, milling machines, cutting ma
chines, planers, drill presses, and elec
tric motors.
Approximately 8,000,000 pounds of
picric acid hare been distributed for
road-building and land-clearing pur
poses. In addition to the material dis
tributed from the excess stores at
camps and arsenals in the United
States, there are now being returned
from Genu any and France 50 motor
trucks, 23 Cadillac automobiles, and
3,000,000 pounds of spare motor-vehicle
parts, shop machinery, and machin
Just mix Ai&bastine with
water cold or hot and /SkSs*
apply to any interior sur
face. The sure result is vV
beautifully tinted walls in
exactly the color you wish.
None genuine without
Alab«tia e come, in all -gSiSiS* 1 '
standard colors and these
intermix to form count
less others so that your
decorating taste may be
accurately followed.
Instead ofKalsomine or Wall Paper
A Mexican Prehistoric City.
A prehistoric city lias recently been
discovered at the foot of the volcano
‘ztaccihuatl. The city is apparently
four miles long and throe miles wide.
Tile city is surrounded by a wall and
here are 28 pyramids. There is a
possibility of the ruins l>eing as fa
unas as Tectihuacan. —Scientific
Chinese Take to Frozen Meat.
Argentina is giving Australia a run
’or her money in supplying China and
he Far East with frozen meat. While
the Chinese have in the past preferred
he taste and smell of fresh-killed
neat, they are gradually being edu
cated to eat the frozen variety, says
Consul General Thomas Sammons,
Melbourne, in a report just received by
he Department of Commerce, and
here is a general belief that they will
ultimately become accustomed to using
’rozen meat freely. On the other hand,
Australian butter Is selling well in
Dh in a and Japan, while canned fruits
tnd jams from the island continent are
'eing taken in increasing quantities.
k- a I^UfL^
Look for this boot shaped trade mark
Oil stamped on the back of the cloth.
Work Clothes Means Long Wear
GET Your Overalls, Shirts, One-Piece Garments
and Women’s Dresses made out of this cloth.
It is easily washed and wears like harness leather.
Garments sold by dealers everywhere. We are
makers of the cloth only.
J. L. STiFEL & SONS, Indigo Dyers and Printers
Wheeling, W. Va«
New York 260 Church Street
Baltimore Mkt. PI. & Pratt St., 117 W. Balto. St.
Chicago 223 W. Jackson Boulevard -
St. Joseph 201 Saxton Bank Building
St. Paul 724 Merchants Nat. Bank Building
Winnipeg 400 Hammond Building
St. Louis 604 Star Building
San Francisco 508 Postal Telegraph Building
V-A. Standard for over 75 Years
The while won't weaken *
I „
Every year you plant Irish Potatoes. f
Every year you have Potato Bugs.
Every year you should use
Irish Potato Bug Killer
Guaranteed to destroy the bug vrithout damage to the plant.
Also destroys all leaf eating insects on cabbage, cucumber,
cantaloupe, squash and tomato vines. Ap
ply lightly. Cost low. Applicaton easy.
t 1 Results sure.
f* For a ' e by Drag, Seed
to * and General Stores
pf Westminster, • - - S. C.
(a vegetable aperient) taken at
night will help keep you well, by
toning and strengthening your di
gestion and elimination.
One-third the regular dose. Made
of the same ingredients, then candy
coated. For children and adults.
-=J JmMm %
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