Newspaper Page Text
The Boil Weevil To
Be Thing Of The Past.
"I believe that within the next
five years the boll Weevil will be a
thing of the past in Georgia, and I
have everv right to this belief.”
This remark, made by W. J. Walk
er, President and General Manag
er of WEE-VO Poison Manufactur
ing Company, will naturally cause
a thrill to every cotton farmer who
reads it.
There is no doubt that WEE-VO
is going to play a very important
part in the extermination of the
801 l Weevil, as it has several indi
vidual points, chief of which is the
money-back guarantee. If WEE
VO does not rid any patch of the
dreaded pest, full purchase price
is returned, and an even greater
attribute to its qualities is the re
clamation features it possesses.
Last year at Hiram, Georgia,
the Weevil had gotton in its dead
ly work on a patch of about one
and one quarter acres. When
the ground was literally covered
with Weevils the work of reclaim
ing the patch was started, and
when “picking time” arrived more
than an average of a bale to the
acre was the result, and Mr. Walk
er has testimonials from bank
presidents, ginners, railroad a
gents, and others who kept in
close touch with the operations on
this field during its reclamation.
WEE-VO is a molasses and cal
cium araenate mixture, with a
higher percentage of calcium ar
senate than is contained in any
other molasses mixture. Its third
ingredient gives out an odor
which is disagreeable to the Wee
vil, and acts as a preventive, but
if the warning is not heeded then
the insect instantly suffers fatal
Another individual feature of
the WEE-VO selling plan is the
absence of a barrel charge, as all
containers become th _■ property of
the purchaser at no added cost.
Continuing his ialk in connec
tion with the preventive feature,
Mr. Walker said, „Is it logical to
/ ffl. Joe O/Zt 'e// fJe/zee
Specials at Eliis-Setzer Company, Friday and Saturday.
40, 50 and 60 Watt Electric Light Bulbs, .35 or 3 for SI.OO.
lOqt. Galvanized Bucket and Alluminum Dipper .49 cents.
Good House Brooms .60c One Ply Barrett Roof $1.35
Good Cotton Mops ,50c Two “ “ Roofing sl-75
’’String” ” .75,.85,51.00 Three“ “ $2.25
Large White Enamel Screen Windows .75 to 1.25
” Gra ’’ » SIOO “Doors 2.00,2.50 & 3.50
Chicken Feeders .lOcUp Plow Lines, 33Feet .3«> c
” Founts .10c” Flo wer Pots per Gallon .15c
: T I
9X12 Crex Square s€>*7s & $7 *SO
36X72 ” Rugs sll.lO
9X12 Gold Seal Congoleum Square $lO 00
9X12 Waltonia “ “ sls-76
6X9 Gold Seal “ $ 4-75
6X9 Waltonia “ S 8-00
Bishop W. A. Candler is to
preach the Commencement Ser
rnon of the Sixth Disttict A. & M
School, Bartlesville, Georgia, on
Sunday morning. May 20, at 11
o’clock in the Gordon Auditorium
The following program of the
commencement exercises which
marks the close of one of the
most successful year’s work in the
history of the schohl.
Saturday Evening, May 19, 8:00
p. m. Champion Debate.
Sunday Morning, 11:00 o’clock,
Commecement Sermon Bishop W.
A. Candler.
Monday Evening, 8:00 p. m.
Senior Class Play.
Tuesday Morning, 10:00 a. m. Sen
ior Class Exercise.
Tuesday Evening, 8:00 o’clock,
Graduating exercises and Literary
Address by Dr. Willis A. Sutton,
Supt. of Atlanta Public Schools.
sick headache, sour stomach,
constipation, easily avoided.
An active liver without calomel.
Never sicken or gripe—only 25e
manufacture a mixture that will
attract the Weevil and kill it upon
its arrival? Why not manufac
ture something that will have the
tendcy to get the Weevil away
from the cotton fields and then if
the warning is not heeded have it
strong enough to finish it?
“It’s just as illogical to attract
Weevils to a cotton patch in the
hope of killing them, as it is to
leave vour house with all doors
and windows open, vour jewelry,
money and other valuables lying
on the tops of tables, and know
ing that thieves are standing
across the street, waiting for you
to leave the bouse, because the
801 l Weevil is nothing but an
insect burglar.”
In the spring when the days
are just beginning to be warm
how pleasant it is to walk out in
the bright sunshine! All around
you the fields are golden: A 1
nature is cheerful.
Then suddenly there is a change
the earth turns dull, and the air is
chill. It is as if the happiness had
suddenly gone out of the world.
You know in a moment what
has happened and instead of sto«.p
ing to examine the earth you turn
your eyes up toward the cloud
that has drifted bptween you and
the sun. In a little while it has
gone bv, and you see the big
shadow flitting across the fields
and watch the plowman in the
• distance turn his eyes upward
(just as you turned up yours,
i Why is it that in life we often
| look downward when shadows
darken our pathway? There is no
more reason to do it in the jour
ney of life than in the walk in the
fields. A cloud can do no more
than hide the sun for a little
while; it cannot destroy it, we are
not rfraid of that, neither can the
brightness of God’s face which
shines continously.
Mr. and Mrs. Bud Hooten and
Miss Corene Hooten from Porter
dale were visiting friends and re
latives near Mt. Bethel Sunday.
When you want to give anyone
advice manage first to make them
want it.
Mr J. Niil and family of Mt.
Bethel attended services at Phila
delphia Sunday.
Mrs. Eerenest Haynes and child
ren, o Atlanta, was visiting her
sister, Mrs. Lamar Wilkersou last
Well the other letters didn’t
land in Ihe waste basket so you
see iv’e kept my promise.
Krazy Kat.
Are Your Sows Pre
pared to Raise O
Thrifty Pigs •
A properly balanced ration for the
sows before and after pigs are born
prevents runts. Insure a well regu
lated system and abundance of rich
milk by feeding
Purina Pig Chow
All Pure Ingredients: —corn
meal, digester tankage, O. P.
linseed flour, molasses, gluten,
alfalfa leaf flour.
Start your pigs off with a boost
Keep ’em coming
K l^fTsoldin
Only Upll
Make Your Trip More Enjoyable by a
Refreshing Night on Lake Erie
(Your rail ticket U good on the boats)
Thousands of east and north bound travelers say they wouldn’t have missed that
cool, comfortable night on one of our fine steamers. A good bed in a clean state
room, a long sound sleep and an appetizing breakfast in the momingl
Daily, May Ist to November 15th
Leave Cleveland • 900 P.M. \ Eastern I Leave Buffalo « 900 P.M.
Arrive Buffalo - 7:30 A. M. / Standard Time \ Arrive Cleveland - 700 AM.
Connections for Niagara Falls. Eastern and Canadian points. Ask your ticket agent I
or tourist agency for tickets via C& B Line. New Tourist Automobile Rate —slo.oo.
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Great Ship “Seeandbee” and 32-page booklet. Ite*. “Sieandbtt the
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