Newspaper Page Text
Local Happenings
Fraternal Lodge No. 37 F. & A. M.
Regular communications of Frater
nal Lodge No. 37 F. & A. M., meet
Ist and 3rd Friday nights in each
month. All duly qualified brethren
fraternally and cordially invited to
meet v«th us.
Fred Leguinn W. M.
Thos. J. Patterson Sec.
A regular communication of
Pine Grove Lodge No. 177 F. &A. M.
will be held at the Masonic Hall,
Hampton, Ga., every second and
fourth Tuesday evenings at the reg
ular meeting hours. Visiting breth
ren cordially invited.
R. H. MOORE, Jr., Sec.
Mr. Murray Copeland spent
Thursday night in the city.
Mr. John Pullin went to Atlanta
Thursday afternoon.
Col. E. M. Smith made a busi
ness trip to Atlanta Wednesday,
Mr. F. L. Walker went to the
Gate City Wednesday.
Mrs. D. T. Carmichael made a
shopping tour to Atlanta Wednes
Mr. C. W. Dupree was a visitor
to our city Monday.
Mesdames E. J. and E. L. Rea
gan went to Macon Wednesday to
attend the Bibb county Centennial.
Mrs. A. M. Nolan and Miss
Annie Nolan spent Monday in At
Miss Mattie Sue Callaway, of
Atlanta, was a week-end visitor
to our city.
Mesdames J. A. Fouche, J. T.
Weems and Miss Mary Weems
spent Saturday in the Gate City.
Miss Ruth Carmichael came
•over from Lithonia to spend the
Mr. H. M. Tolleson, of Emory
University, made a week-end
yisit to homefolks.
Mr. William Amis, of Georgia
Tech was circulating among his
McDonough friends the past week
The Presbyterians are expecting
to begin using the basement of
their new church right away.
Mrs. Jack Craft and little daugh
ter, of Hartwell, are visiting Mrs.
E. M. Smith.
Miss Essie Holcomb, of Atlanta,
who spent the past week with
Mrs. W. P. Sloan, returned home
Mrs. Wylie Mtlam, of Stock
bridge, visited her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. J. A. Partridge last week
Mr. E. L. Reagan is contemplat
ing erecting a new residence
above the Big Spring near his
fathers. We are glad to see new
growth incur community.
* Mrs. E. M. Copeland went to At
lanta Tuesday to attend Executive
Board meeting of the Atlanta
We regret to learn of the illness
of Mrs, Marvin Turner and tru-d
that she will soon have recovered.
Now is the time to buy Binders
twine, is going higher.
D. T. Carmichael
Now is the time to bay Binder’s
twine, is going higher.
D. T. Carmichael
Mr. Levi B 1 dsoe of Broxton
was a visitar to our ctv Tuesday
We are always glad/to see the
old hoys back home.
S. C White Leghorn eggs, $1 00
to r 15; $5.00 ior 100. Special prices
for incubator lots. C. J. Dickson
McDonough, Ga.
WANTED-Beef Hides, 6 cents a
pound McGarity & Rodgers, Mc-
Donough, Ga.
It it’s a good milk cow you want,
see Johnie Branan.
ou will find good flour at
McGarrity & Rodgers.
50 bushels of good ■*orn for
sale, T. B. Beshear, McDonough,
Ga. R 5.
666 quickly relieves Colds and
LaGrippe, Constipation, Bilious
ness and Headaches.
Ladies belts for 10c at Austin’s
Be ready to save your Grain
Crop. If you buv eather McCom
ick or Deering you take no chance.
D. T. Carmichael
You will find a good line of
fresh meats at McGarity and
Staple and fancy groceries
priced right. McGarity and
Be ready to save vour Gram
Crop. If you buy eather McCom
ick or Deering you take no chance.
D. T. Carmichael
If you want a bargain go to
Austin’s Saturday.
We want your beef hides at 6 cts
per pound. McGarity and Rod
Monuments and Tomb
STONES. Prices right. See W.
G. Thompson Agent.
Ladies silk hose at Austin’s for
50c Saturday.
For Sale: —Porto Rico seed and
eating potatoes. Eating potatoes
kiln dried and a nice size. W. C.
Dailey McDonough, Rt. 3.
If you need a Binder or a Mow
er and Rake. You need eather
McComick or Deering. I have it.
D. T. Carmichael.
Mens Sock’s for 10c at Austin’s
For rent or sail—A six room
dwelling. Apply to Mrs. M. P. Glass
Wanted —Lumber, Peas, corn
etc. Will pay highest prices for
them on accounts.
Planters Warehouse and Lumber
If you need a Binder or Mower
and Rake. You need eather Mc-
Comick or Deeriug. I have it,
D. T. C .rmichael.
Austin 10c Store will Seil you
2 yds. lace for sc.
Ferris Strain, heavy laying S C.
White Leghorn eggs, SI.OO for 15.
$6.00 for 100. H. J. Turner.
For Sale—One new six volt
battery and a new 32x4 G jod Year
casing- Will exchange for corn.
E. C. Floyed McDonough, Ga. R. 3,
Ladies vest at Austin’s lor 15c
Salutu ay.
We have a few buggies, wagons
and live Stock tor sale. Come to
see us if you want a bargain.
Stockbridge Mercantile Co.
Lost, Strayed, or Stolen,—A
blue spotted male hound about
nine months old. Finder please
notify, John Gilbert, Stockbridge
Georgia, R. F. D. 3.
8 qt. bucket at Austin’s 10c Store
Saturday for 15c.
Attorney General George M
Napier rendered a decision iast
week, which holds that a woman
v\ilt not he eligible-to vote in the
elections which will be held next
year, unless she pavs poll tact for
the present year. This means
that if a woman does not pay her
poll t ict this year, that she will
not be eligible to vote durring the
coming elections next voas. A
dispatch in an issus of the Atlanta
Journal a few diys ago, stated in
full, the opinion of the Attorney
General on this question, quoting
the law which governed the pay
ment of poll tact. As ihe official
organ of Henry County, the week
ly desires to call the attention of
the voters of our c unty to this
fact, in order that they may be
fully informed in reyard to the
dicision of tlie attorney general on
, this questian. In order to vote in
the coming elections next year,
all presons are required under
this decision, to pay a poll tax this
year. The board of tax equalizers
Knre in session this week and the
tax digest will soon be campleted
for this yea*’, and weman only,
win re names appear on the re
paration back, will be carrid on
the tax digest. The weeklv pub-,
lishes this explanation for the
benilit of all concerned, in order
that they may be informed ou this
Mother’s Day.
Like most all other special days,
it comes but once each year.
This is a special invitation for you
to show your high regard for
mother by attending the special
service to be held in her honor.
If living, she will greatly appre
ciate this mark of esteem; if de
puted, it will be a beautiful act in
memory of her self-sacrificing love.
Servicers at Court House next
Sunday 11 and 7:30
L. D. KING Pastor
A McCommick Binder having
. beer, used to cut about 7o acres of
wheat last year. Coine quick and
get a bargain. We have other
bargains also. G. W. CATHEY.
After a long illness Mrs. W. A.
Simpson Sr. passed away at her
home on Hampton St. early Sat
urday morning.
Mrs. Simpson was a typical
Southerner of the old school
quiet, unobtrusive, seeking not
the plaudits of men but faithfully
bearing her share of life’s burdens
in the domestic circle and sharing
her sympathy, love and helpful
ness with those close about her.
A loving devoted wife, faithful
ender mother, a true sympathetic
friend she leaves the world poorer
■ She survived bv three daughters
Mrs. John Bonds of Ellen wood.
Mrs. Claude Hightower of McDon
ough, and Mrs. Henry Riwan of
Funeia. services were conduct
ed at the Methodist Church, of
which she had been a loyal mem
ber for many years, on Sunday
afthernoon at 2 o’clock, Rev. J. A.
Partridge officiating and inter
ment was at McDonough cemetary
beside the beloved companion
who had preceded her to the
Heavenly home only a little while
The May meeting of the U. D.C.
will be held at resindence of Mrs.
T. J. Brown on 24th inst at 3:30
o’clock, Mesdames F! L. Walker
and J. G. Smith joint hostessess.
All of the members are urged
tube present at this important
meeting to elect olficers for the
ensuing year.
Song .Congregation
Recitation Ida Bell Dupree
Hugh Turner Jr.*
Dorothy Kimbell
.Elsie Peace
Olive Lemon
Song Edith Horton and Katherin Hightower
Recitation Elizabeth Bradfield
Earnest Smith
Song Miss Mary Alice Nelson
Solo IVrs. Charles Kimbell
Reading Miss Josephine Turner
Duet .Mrs. Adel Elliott and Miss Ruby Dickson
Reading.. .Miss Mary Alice Carmichat I
Duct., Misses Loree and Virla Patillo
I'ist. Solo Mrs. Will Peace
Reading Miss Johnnie Dickson
Vocal Duet Mrs. J. B. Newman and Mrs. Chas Kimbell
Reading — Miss Lucile Bowden
Quartette. Messrs, Partridge, Dickson, Horten and Turner
Reading Mrs. Hugh Turner
V"cal Solo. Mrs. Weymati Sloan
Reading Mrs. A. Y. Leslie
Vocal Solo Mrs. Jake Giles
Reading Miss Mary Lou Rodgers
Reading Mrs. Adam Sloan
Paper Town Topics Miss Emily Griffin and Rev. J. A. Partridge
Reading Mrs. J. T. Weems
Vocal Solo Mrs. Jake Giles
talk s Miss Bertha Bunn
'T'HE BEST dreambook is
It makes your dreams
come true.
This bank cannot help the
man who shuns it. You
will sleep better if you
have a deposit with us.
The Bank of Henry
For sale —A second handed
McComrnic Binder also registered
Polland China pigs, J. M. Chafin
McDonough, Ga. Route 6
For Tombstones see or write
me, Jinkinsburg, Ga. We will
give vou the best material at the
Best Prices of anv firm in Georgia.
See us before you buy and com
pare prices.
W. W. Hooten.
Lot mu build you a set, Oper-j
>itcs with telupliono' buttery,
costing 50 cents. You can hear
the finest music from Texas to
New York or Havana, Cuba.
Simple to operate. No storage
battery required. I test every!
set at home. Shipments C O. D.j
Address your order to
114 Feld Ave. Decatur, Ga.
is a Prescription for Colds, F.-ver
and LaGrippe. it is the most
speedy remedy we know, prevent
ing Pneumonia.
2 pair of hose for 26c at Aus
tin’s 10c store Saturday.
Austin will sell you 7 packs of
washing powders for 25c
Warnermaker Cleveland 2 year
old cotton seed for sate. Price
$1 50 per bushel. Robert Branan
Route 2 McDonough. Ga.
Lost or Strayed from the
pomades a Jersey milk cow,
Monday, March 26th. Finder
please return to Mr. M. P. Glass,
Lost—On Keesferry road, be
tween G. W. Cathey’s residence
and Union Graded school, one
Overland crank. Finder please
return to G. W. Cathey, McDon
ough Ga., and get reward.
Pure bred Barred Rock Imperial
Strain eggs for hatching SI.OO per
setting of fifteen. Spiendid Bar
red Rock cockerals $2.50. M-s.
F. B. St;awn, McDonough Ga.
R f . 4.
W. W. Hooten will tune your
piano for you. W. W. Hooten,
Jinkinsburg, Ga.
I am requested to announce
that Mrs. Shirley E. Keilcv has
Ferns most all kinds for Sale and
most all other Flowers, Just
ready to Pot out.
She wants to sell them to be
able to buy more Testaments,
and for other Mission work.
Mrs. Shirley E. Kelley,
McDonough, Ga. j