Newspaper Page Text
Los Angeles Woman
Tells of Wonderful
{ygEag - m %, S.'**,
Mrs. Gussie E. Hansen, of 916 West
52nd Street, is now numbered with the
multitude of Los Angeles men and
women who have realized the wonder
ful merits of Tanlac. In relating her
experiences, Mrs. Hansen said:
“It is wonderful what Tanlac will do
for one suffering from stomach trou
' ble, nervousness and run-down con
dition. I have tried it.
“Before taking the treatment every
thing I ate disagreed with me so that
1 1 actually dreaded to sit down to the
table. I suffered from constipation, had
awful pains across my back, and was so
nervous and run down I was in mis
ery all the time.
“Tanlac was helping so many
others I thought it might help me, too,
and it certainly has. Why, my appe
tite is just splendid, and my stomach
is in such good order I eat to my
heart’s content. My back doesn’t
bother me any more, and I sleep like a
child at night. I can’t say too much
for Tanlac.”
Tanlac is for sale by all good drug
gists—take no substitute. Over 37 mil
lion bottles sold.
More spinsters might marry if other
women didn’t marry so often.
Could See Big
Change in Baby
From the First
“I could see a big change for the
better in baby right from the first
when I began giving him Teethina;
he grew quieter, his stomach pains
left off and now he is as fat and
healthy a child as you please,” writes
Mrs. Maude Neighbors, 1638 W. 4th
St., Texarkana, Texas.
When baby is restless and fretful
from teething or a disordered stom
ach nothing will bring such quick re
lief as Teethina. It contains nothing
that can harm the most delicate child,
but soothes and allays distress inci
dent to teething and colicky condi
Teethina is sold by leading drug
gists or send 30c to the Moffett Lab
oratories, Columbus, Ga., and receive
a full size package and a free copy
of Moffett’s Illustrated Baby Book.—
You never fit a halo to your head.
That is somebody else’s work.
Catarrh la a Local disease greatly in
fluenced by Constitutional conditions.
sists of an Ointment which gives Quick
Relief by local application, and the
Internal Medicine, a Tonic, which acts
through the Blood on the Mucous Sur
faces and assists in ridding your System
of Catarrh. _
Sold by druggists for over 40 Years.
P. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O.
Close quarters —in the miser’s purse.
Sure Relief
Hot water
Sure Relief
7Ae kitchekt i
■ i
*- J
t©> 1923, Western Newspaper Union.)
It is clearly the business of th*
mind to build it more stately man
sions as the swift seasons roll. For
the mind cannot remain fixed, no
matter what the psalmist thought
about the heart Ourselves, like
everything and everybody else,
must change.— Edgar J. Goodspeed.
Even In homes where meatless day
Is not observed, it Is found profitable
Friday as the
a greater variety
1 f°r at Fish
m in most communl-
J lies is a plentiful
It is easily di
gested and nutritious.
Baked Stuffed Fish. —Prepare a
stuffing for fish with one-half cupful
of bread crumbs, one-fourth cupful of
melted butter, one-half cupful of
cracker crumbs, a few drops of onion
juice, one-fourth teaspoonful of salt,
one tablespoonful of chopped parsley,
a few dashes of pepper, and two table
spoonfuls of chopped sour pickles.
Mix and bind with a beaten egg. Stuff
the fish and lay on strips of cheese
cloth ; tills will keep the fish from
breaking when lifted from the pan.
Bake until the fish leaves the bones.
Serve garnished with cress or parsley,
with sections of lemon.
Jellied Fish.—Cook a two-pound fish
and remove all the bones and skin,
chop fine, and stir in a little at a
time a half cupful of water; add a tea
spoonful of salt, the juice of three
lemons, one tablespoonful of grated
onion, 23 almonds blanched and finely
chopped, and a dash of cayenne pep
per. When all these ingredients have
been well-mixed add two tablespoon
fuls of gelatin which has been soft
ened in one-fourth of a cupful of
water and dissolved over hot water.
Pack In a mold and when thoroughly
chilled serve in a crisp nest of lettuce
with mayonnaise dressing.
Lemon Jelly with chopped vege
tables and a few nuts, molded and
served or. lettuce makes a pretty and
novel salad. Serve with any well
liked dressing.
Of all tho men I have known, I
cnnnot recall one whose mother did
her level best for him when he was
little, who did not turn out well
when he grew up.—Frances Park
inson Keyes.
Asparagus Is one of the most appre
ciated early vegetables. Cooked until
_tender and rerved plain
with melted butter it Is
RAJCLrUrI excellent, or served with
Mvi rj IJ cream on toast it makes
a delightful luncheon
; 5s s= . J Another method which
| adds variety is to toss
the cooked stalks in but
ter in a hot frying pan,
then spread with butter and grated
cheese and brown under the gas flame.
Hollandaise sauce is also delicious
with cooked asparagus. Cream of as
paragus soup is one of the most de
licious of all cream soups. Served
with a spoonful of whipped cream on
top of each bowl, with a sprinkling of
minced chives or finely shredded al
monds, the soup is par excellence.
Cooked stalks thrust through a ring of
pepper or tomato and served with rich
mayonnaise (a spoonful placed on the
side of the salad plate), makes a de
lightful salad.
Rhubarb is one of uur early fruits.
It Is especially good for the system
and blends well with other fruits as
drinks. Rhubarb sliced, sprinkled with
sugar and baked in the oven until ten
der is unusually good In flavor. Com
bined with strawberries and pineapple
a most delicious jam cr conserve is
The cultivated mustard is one of the
nicest greens for serving, cooked and
dressed with butter and vinegar or
lemon Juice, or cooked with a slice of
fat salt pork. The fresh, pretty leaves
served with lettuce in a salad add a
zest to the dish which is well liked.
Mustard grows freely and should be
found in every garden as It continues
to put forth leaves all summer. If the
blossoms are kept picked the plants
may be useful until late in the fall
Spanish or.lcn with green cr red pep
per In rings, radishes and watercress,
ail add variety to the salads of this
time of the year.
A fine dinner menu for this season
is a dish of greens with a slice of
corned beef, salt pork or ham. which
have been cooked together, potatoes,
onion salad and rhubarb pie—a dinner
which is not only filling but medicinal.
There is no food more healthful for
young and old than the fresh, juicy
j't ttu $-
ms EveKiaV)
Fairy Tale
Mr. Pekin Baxter and Mr. Toklo
Jones, the two gold fishes, were chat
ting together in
S their g o-l d-fl s h
way a 9 they swam
about the fish
bowl In the living
They were en
joying themselves
Immensely. They
had Just bad a
very good meal,
and they had not
been given too
“It Is strange,"
said Mr. Pekin
Baxter, “but there
are many people
who feed their
“It Is Surpris- gold fishes too
ing.” much. I hear the
friends of our
mistress talking, and they ask her such
absurd questions.
“They say: ‘lf the fishes leave food
untouched which you’ve given to them
It shows you’ve given them too much,
doesn't It?’
“‘You don’t jvant to give them so
much that they could possibly leave
any untouched, and the way to do that
Is to give them very, very little.
“‘Cold fishes have small stomachs;
they’re not taking great long swims
and lots of exercise, and they shouldn’t
be fed too much.’
“Yes, that is what our mistress tells
her friends.’’
“And that Is right, too," said Mr.
Toklo Jones. “It is strange how Ig
norant people are about feeding gold
fishes and how many of them think
that as long as the gold fishes eat up
all their food they’ve been given the
right amount!
“Dear me, It Is surprising how Ig
norant people are.”
“Well," said Mr. Pekin Baxter, “It Is
true that people can’t read our
thoughts—what few ones we have to
read —and they can’t tell unless they
know just how much gold fishes want
to eat, for people haven’t the tastes of
gold fishes, nor have they the stomachs
of gold fishes, nor have they the wishes
of gold fishes."
“Nor," said Mr. Toklo Jones, waving
a fin, and grinning a funny grin, “are
they gold fishes!”
“Well,” said Mr. Pekin Baxter, “I’m
glad when news about gold fishes Is
spread about, for we don’t want to get
sick, and our relations don’t mean to be
“When our little mistress does not
seem to be w ell the doctor comes, and
he says, ‘Stick out your tongue,’ and
then he usually says:
“‘Ah, just what I thought! Yes, a
little tonic will do you good.’
“Or perhaps he says, ‘Some medicine
Is what you need, and then you’ll be all
“A tongue is most important to some,
for it seems to be an excellent thing
in its way of showing whether a per
son is well or not.”
“Yes,” agreed Mr. Tokio Jones, “with
people a tongue is important; or, per
haps I should say, many tongues are
Important, for they all have one
"But with us it Is different,” said
Mr. Pekin Baxter.
"We need our dor
sal fins. They are
all important; or,
perhaps I should
say, each one of
us has a dorsal
fin and It Is very
“I think, per
haps, that Is the
correct way to
“Some may not
know what the
dorsal fin Is, but If
they will look at
you or me, or at
any of the mem
bers of our fam
ily, they will see
a fin which Is
spread up on top
of our backs. It is a fine, straight,
healthy-looking fin when we are well,
but w hen we’re sick that fin droops and
does not stay out nice and smooth.
“So people can tell if the gold fish is
well b; the way his dorsal fin or the
fin upon his back looks,
“So let the people have their tongues
—they need them —but let the fishes
have their dorsal fins.
“My dorsal fin is not wrinkled up—it
looks like a handsome, outspread fan,
and that shows I’m healthy, and yours
is the same way, Tokio, and so you’re
healthy, too. Hurrah, splash, splash,
eurele, bubble I M
"Stick Out Your
Children Qy for
MOTHER ? Fletcher's Castoria is a harmless Substitute for
Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Syrups, especially
prepared to relieve Infants one month old to Children all ages of
Constipation Wind Colic
Flatulency To Sweeten Stomach
Diarrhoea Regulate Bowels
Aids in the assimilation of Food, promoting Cheerfulness, Rest, and
Natural Sleep without Opiates *
To avoid imitations, always look for the signature of
Proven directions on each package. Physicians everywhere recommend it.
To step from poverty to riches, one
has, as a rule, to first think out a good
There is only one medicine that really
stands out pre-eminent as a medicine for
curable ailments of the kidneys, liver and
Dr. Kilmer’s Swamp-Root stands the
highest for the reason that it has proven
to be just the remedy needed in thousands
upon thousands of distressing cases.
Swamp-Root makes friends quickly be
cause its mild and immediate effect is
soon realized in most cases. It is a gen
tle, healing vegetable compound.
Start treatment at once. Sold at all
drug stores in bottles of two sizes, medium
and large.
However, if you wish first to test this
great preparation send ten cents to Dr.
Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y., for a
sample bottle. When writing be sure and
mention this paper.—Advertisement.
The man who wants the earth is in
variably the first to growl about his
Cuticura for Sore Hands.
.Soak hands on retiring in the hot suds
of Cuticura Soap, dry and rub in Cu
ticura Ointment. Remove surplus
Ointment with tissue paper. This is
only one of the things Cuticura will do
if Soap, Ointment and Talcum are used
for all toilet purposes.—Advertisement.
It Is joyful to be able to talk only
reminiscently of one’s poverty.
for Economical Transportation
Farm Products
Modem, progressive farmers, being
also business men, now depend on fast
cheap motor transportation to save
time, save products and get the money.
Chevrolet Superior light Delivery,
with four post body was built espe>
dally for farm needs. It has the space
and power for a big load, which it
moves fast at a very low cost per mile.
For heavy work, Chevrolet Utility
Express Truck at only $575, chassis
only, offers remarkable value. Fits
any standard truck body.
Chevrolet Motor Company
Division of General Motors Corporation
Detroit, Michigan
Do you think that others envy you
because of your shrewdness?
Lift Off with Fingers
% k
Doesn’t hurt a bit! Drop a little
“Freezone” on an aching corn, Instant
ly that corn stops hurting, then short
ly you lift it right off with fingers.
Your druggist sells a tiny bottle of
“Freezone” for a few cents, sufficient
to remove every hard com, soft com,
or corn between the toes, and the cal
luses, without soreness or Irritation.
W. N. U., ATLANTA, NO. 20-1923.
Prices f o. b. Flint, Mich,
Superior 2-Paw. Roaditcr $5lO
Superior 5-Paw. Touring . 525
Superior 2-Paw. Utility
Coupe 680
Superior 4-Paw. Scdanette 850
Superior 5-Paw. Sedan . . 860
Superior Light Delivery . 510
Superior Commercial
Chaailt . 425
Utility Exprew Truck
Chawii 575
Dealers and Service
Stations Everywhere