Newspaper Page Text
Oum-Dipp©cl Cords
Gaining New Fans© Sftr Service
*94% Sales Increase In East Six Months
Shows Trend Toward Firestone
The public has emphatically spoken. The popu
lar preference in all territories is unmistakably the
Firestone Gum-Dipped Cord.
A standard of service has been set by these fa
mous tires without parallel in the past. It has
brought a sales increase of 194% for the past six
months over the same period of a year ago —the
greatest gain in all Firestone history.
The Firestone Gum-Dipped Cord is the mighty
achievement which has enabled Firestone to break
the tremendous record of past Firestone success.
The tire buying public has been aroused to the
f Most Mites per Dollar
Get a set of these G^m-Dipped Cords from one of the following dealers t
- J*
ek ,m
MM 1 flft\iA vBPctA. ■\ \ ■ j//fl >f / gf3/' ■ y
The officers of this bank are at your service in every
particular in which they may be of help to you.
We want you to come to us freely for advice or for any
assistance within our power to render.
Use our facilities to the utmost. Our interest can be
advan:ed only by advancing yours.
results in economical mileage of the Firestone
process of double gum-dipping. The buying-swing
toward Firestone shows how it has advanced the
public's standard of tire value.
Ask owners about Firestone performance on theft
cars. Note the big taxicab fleets Firestone-equipped.
Watch the new cars you see —just from the fac
tories; Firestone Gum-Dipped Cords are seen every
where in fast increasing numbers.
Get the maximum extra mileage that only the
Firestone name assures you. Only by insisting on
this name can you be sure of getting the genuine
gum-dipped construction.
This Bank
' “Your—
Perhaps thetye jokes are old,
And should be on the shelf
But if you can do better,
Hand : 1 few yourself.
They are telling this one
about Holly and Louise.
For hours they had been to
gether on lior front porch. The
moon cast its tender gleam
down on the young and hand
some couple who sat strangely
far apart. He sighed. She
sighed. Finally:
4». 1 wish I had monej r , dear,”
he said.
Impulsively, she slipped her
hand into his; then, rising
swiftly, she sped in the house.
Aghast, he looked at his
hand. u In his palm,lay a dime.
Rastus: “Dat sure am a flam
ins: tie yo’ got on, Sambo.”
Sambo: “Yo* sure a’ * right,
Rastus. Ah got it at a fire
He: “ ain’t going [to school
any more. Just 8 I because $ 1
snickered a little tlie[Uteacher
turned me over to the principal,
the principal turned me over
to pa.”
Mother: “Was that all?”
He: No, pa turned me over
bis knee.” —Kx,
______________ I
Rill Greene says: “I caught
the hay fever the other night
while dancing with] a grass
~ 5 She Knew
A little girl from the city had
*.•*).ju muu*: cm . ««.
been visiting in the country,
and was being questioned as to
what kind of a time she had.
Finally, someone said: “I bet
you don’t even know how to
milk a cow.”
“Ret I do,” she said.
On being pressed further for
particulars as to how it was
done, she replied: “You take
the cow into the barn and give
her some breakfast food and
water, and then you drain her
A Mark To Aim At
A rooster discovered an
ostrich egg and rolled it into
the hen house and said: “Now,
ladies, I do not want to embar
rass you, but here’s a sample of
what other folks are doing.”
“Do you know,” said the
successful merchant, pompous
ly, “that I began life as a bare
foot boy?”
“Well,” said the clerk, “1
wasn’t born with any shoes [on
Full Co-operation Desired
He: “May I have the right to
love you?”
She: “Oh, use the left too.”?
A Perfect Alibi
Irate Cop: Sober up there!
Now, do ye mean to tell me ye
don’t know your own name?
Boiled One: ‘Sail ri\ ossifer,
I’m not myself jus’ now.
“I’m not as bashful as I
lock.’’ - Cclclcu^U,
Prof. Button: \'ame three
articles containing starch.
Duggan: Two cuffs and a
• i •* - T
W here is the automobile first
mentioned in the Bible?
When Moses went up on high.
A Big Lead
Papa: “Did you via der race to
day, son?”
Abbie: “Yes, by chust a nose,
papa. ’ *
Pop: Mine Gott, vot a vic
tory! ”
[Logical ;
_ Jatinie (watching ball game)—
“Where do they keep the extra
Peering: “What for?”
Jane: Well, that [man {just
stole third base.”
KeepingJHis Own
Ts your new son-in-law a
good provider?”
He can just about keen my
daughter in gloves. I pay for
everything else.”
Then he deceived you as to
bis circumstance.
Sly Sayings by Sly Students.
“You may talk about the de
votion of sex. but the most faith
ful attachment iti life is a man
in love —with himself.”— Rig,
“Nature to all fixed a
limit. 1 am one of the limits."
1 “I’ll be merry, I’ll be free,
I'll be.sad for nobody,”
“Flay and the work! plays
with ymu; Work and you
work alone.” —Medcalf.
“1 ain’t nobody’s fool.”
Con nell.
“I’m wise from top of my
head up.” —Espy.
“I’m my mother’s pride awt
mv father’s joy.”—Mora*.
I wonder how this world
ever made any progress beloce
I arrived.”—Rosier.
“Why didn’t they kill Caesacr
when he was a baby—tfaej
knew I’d be & along.”— B.
Greene. *
“I like little girls, but the
bigger, the better I like them-”
“My ambition is that I may
gain more knowledge about —
books of course.” —Wilma.
Waiter: “That order of eggs
how would you like to base:
them? J. E.: “I would like i*®
have them very much indeed ’ 5
Miss Bruner: “Name nirate
important battles of the CiviSL
Cavender: “Bull Run, Get
tysburg, and Seven Day’s LU£r«