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OHpn T f\ n AAy»
pcli me uuus 6U rjug,!Cso
1 ou Can Do This By Trading At The
GLOBE CO. INC. Griffin, Ga.
Everything that is new in Dry
Goods, Clothing, Shoes, Ladies,
Suits, Dresses, and Millinery can
be found here. Our prices will
more than pay you for your trip.
Read a few items taken at random*
Gold Bank Corticella Taffata Silk at sl*49 yd*
French Plaids in Ratine Effects sl*so val at *75 ”
The New King Tutt Voiles at <49 ff
See the New Jersey Voiles at *65 ”
100 Pieces fancy Voiles all colors 50c val* at *25 ”
50 tf Good Dress Ginghams at *lO
150 ff fine Dress Ginghams all colors *ls
Everything in Dry goods at a SAVING*
Every Express brings New Dresses at proper prices, you must see them,
all prices.
Our Millinery Department Was Never More Complete—Hats & More Hats
—Every Style represented and the price will cause you to buy. Get in your
car, come to the Globe for bargains.
Don't forget we are Men and Boys Outfitters frem head to foot. Give us a
call. Thank you.
The Globe Co. Inc.
Phone j 7 j Griffin, Ga.
Stop the Loss of Grain
Between Field and Thresher
To avoid loss of grain from shattering, many farmers have adopted grain-tight racks for hauling
to stack or thresher —a step in the right direction. But what about grain lost from shattering
while passing through the binder, or damaged while
Force Feed that automatically adjusts itself to
Elevator light or heavy grain in different
fields, or in different parts of the
same field. The flow of grain to the packers
is continuous and so gentle that there is no
Relief Rake prevents trash from gathering on
the inside end of the cutter bar.
You don’t have to leave your seat to remove it,
or carry a stick for that purpose.
Come in and let us show you other features
you will iike.
la operating most binders weeds catch on the inner
corner of cutter bar and retard the butts of the grain,
allowing the heads to be elevated first. Hence, instead
of having a smooth bundle with heads all at one end,
you have u BUNCH of grain. When such bundles
are shocked, some of the grain heads are in contact
with the ground, causing them to sprout or rot.
The relief rake on the Champion keeps trash cleaned
away, preventing grain being dragged through uncut.
The kicking motion of the rake straightens the grain
so it ascends the elevator in proper position.
jP UNi
Inverted Attention
A colored preacher was the
proud possessor of two pairs of
trousers; duck for the warmer
and buckskin for the cooler
months, the pair not in service
being hung in the attic of his
home. Just prior to one of the
periodic changes, hornets built
a nest in the seat of the idle
On a Sunday morning the
unsuspecting preacher donned
the inhabited trousers and pro
ceeded to church. The subject
of the sermon for that day was
‘Heaven,” and as he warmed
up to his subject the hornets
went into action. In the midst
of a lurid description of the
Promised Land, his flourishing
hands grasped suddenly at his
coat-tails while language un
scheduled poured from his lips.
“Parson,” shouted a scanda
lized elder from the Amen Cor
ner, “Ah thought yo all wuz
preach in’ ‘bout Hebben?"
“Brudder, “demanded the
harassed preacher, “How’s a
man gwine keep his mind on
Hebben when Hell is in his
At L. G. I. it is impossible for
B. Greene to be serious,
Hale to smile at a girl,
King to stay off the sick list,
Gilbert to meet drill regularly
Colclough to go to chapel or
to miss going after the mail,
Kspy to study his lessons,
Frank Hill to be in the bar
racks before taps on Saturday
Colclough to look pale,
McKoy to miss meeting the
train on Tuesday and Friday
“Violets are blue, roses are
So is the hair on T. J.’s head.”
Capt. Connell: "When 1 give
the command ‘Halt’, you bring
the foot that is on the ground
up beside the one that is on the
air, and remain motionless/’
Capt. Smith; “At the com
mand ‘Light step, March’, you
place the right foot out to the
right fifteen inches and keep
on putting it out until the com
mand ‘Halt’ is given.”
Wynn: 'I don’t think 1 de
serve a zero on this algebra.”
Miss Lancaster: “I don’t
either, but that’s the lowest l
am allowed to give.”
Nelson was crying as if his
heart would break.
Bledsoe: “What’s the matter,
Nelson “My dog died.”
Bledsoe: “That,s nothing,
my grandmother died last
month and 1, tn not crying about
Nelson: “Yes, but you didn’t
raise her from a pup.”
“T. J. and Oneita are a per
fect match.”
“Think so?”
“Yes, she’s a spitfire and he’s
a stick.”
Waiter: “What was the mat
ter with those eggs I just
brought in?”
Cain: “Oh, nothing much,
they were just too small for
their age.”
Typographically Speaking
Speaking of typographical
errors, which, like the poor,
are always with us, reminds us
of a newspaper report of a
wedding. The statement was
made that, “The roses were
punk.” Ip a later edition an
apology was offered and was
followed by the statement,
“What we meant to say was
‘The noses were pink.’ ”
None of His Business
Isadore: “Ov, Oy, lkey, I
shust hear de capting say the
ship is going to sink.”
Solomon: “Veil, let idtsink.
Ve don’t own it.”
There are meters of gas
There are meters of light,
But the best of all meters
Is to meet her tonight.
Didn’t some brainless idiot
propose to you before our mar*
“Yes, dear.”
‘(Then why on earth didn’t
you marry him?”
“1 did.”
Mr. Smalley (given exam):
Does any question emharass
Strickland: “Not at all sir.
Not at all. The questions are
quite clear. It’s the answers
that bother me.”
“ Mother, may I go out to
“No, my darling Jill,—*
Father and I go out tonight;
You’ll have to tend the still.”
Second Mate (pointing to in*
scribed plate on deck): “This
is where our gallant captain
Elderly Lady Visitor: “No
wonder, I nearly tripped over
it myself.”
Lady: ‘‘Which end shall 1 get
off at?”
Conductor: “It’s all the same
to me, lad}'; both ends stop.”
They were adrift in an open
boat. The waves ran mountain
high. It seemed as if they
were lost. Finally, one man
fell upon his knees and began
to pray. “O, Lord,” he said,
“I’ve been a hard drinker, but
if my life is spared now I’ll
never again—”
Wait a minute, Jack,” said
the other, don’t go to far. I
think I see a sail.”
Small Boy (at zoo) —“Gee,
mom, that giraffe looks just
like papa.”
Mamma (in horror) —“Willie,
aren’t you ashamed?”
Small Boy —“ Aw gee, the
giraffe didn’t hear me.”
The wobbly One —Offislier,
did you she me f-fall?
Officer —Yes.
Then Wobbly One —Had you
ever sh-sheen me before?
The Wobbly One—Then hoW
did you know it wash me?
Time To Learn
He (fervently): And when are
you going to allow' me to kiss
She: Come around Friday*
That’s amateur night.