Newspaper Page Text
Georgia, Henry County.
Will be sold before the court
house door, in the city of McDono
ugh, in said County, between the
Jegnl hours of sale, on the First
Tuesday in Juno 1923. to the high
est bidder for cash, the following
property, tovvit:
All that certain piece, parcel or
tract of land containing One hun
dred an' 1 af *ven (107] acres, more
or less : itu ite, lying and being on
the At! nta and Covington Public
Koad, al out two miles northwest
from ti e Town of Stockbrige, in
the 775th Militia District in land
lot Nos. 33 and 04 of the 11th Land
District of Henry County, Georgia,
being the Northwest quarter of
land lot No 33, in a square shape
containing 5(. acres. more or
less; and being 57 acres in the
Southwest corner of land lot No. 64
in the shape of a rectangle, extend
ing 114 rods North and SO rods
East from said Southwest corner
of said lot, said land lying in one
body and having such shape,
metes, courses and distances as
■will more fully appear by refer
ence to a drawing thereof made by
T. H. Lang attorney, of date
October 9. 19H), and being bound
ed as follows; The Fifty acre of
lot 33; On North by Atlanta and
Covington Public Road ; On East
by land ot .T. R. Thompson; on
South by land of the Estate of H
S. Elliott; on West by land of Gus
Owen. Tlio 57 acres of lot 64; On
North and East by land of Walter
Wilson ; on South by Atlanta and
Covington Public Road; and on
West by land* of the Crumbley
estate and ©«• Owen. This being
the same tract of land conveyed by
the following deeds; Ey heirs at
Jaw of Mrs. Susie Crumbley to M.
L. and N. J. Wilson, by warranty
deed dated November 4, 1918, «nd
recorded in deed book 17, page 3!f6 ;
and oy Gus Owen to M. L. Wilson
by warranty deed dated September
13, 1916, and recoided in deed book
13, page 344, said deeds being re
oorded in the office of the Clerk of
the Supeiijr court of Henry
Said property levied on as the
property of J. O. Thompson to
satisfy an execution issued from
the Superior Court of Henry coun
ty in favor of Tee Federal land
Bank of Columbia against J. O.
Thompson. Tenant in posession
notified. This 7th day of May 1923.
Sheriff said county.
Dismission From Administration
Georgia, Henry County.
Whereas, G. V. Westmoreland,
Administrator of Margaret S. J.
Westmoreland, represents to the
Court in his petition, duly file t
and entered on record, that he has
fully administered said estate :
This is, therefore, to cite all per
sons concerned, kindred and credi
tors, to show cause, if any they
can, why said administrator should
not he discharged fooin his ad
ministration, a’-'d receive letters of
Dismission ou the first Monday in
June, 1923.
A. G. HARRIS, Ordinary.
Dismission from Administration
Georgia, Henry County.
Whereas C. M. Rape, Admini
strator of W. H. Stan sell, repre
sents to the court in his petition,
duly filed and entered on record,
that he has fully administered W.
H. Stansell’s estate:
This is, therefore, ro cite all per
sons concerned, kindrea and credi
tors, to show cause, if any they
can, whv said administrator should
not be discharged from his admini
stration, and receive letters of dis
mission on the first Monday in
July, 1923.
A. G. HARRIS, Ordinary.
Dismission from Administration
Georgia, Henry County.
Whereas, U. G. Westmoreland,
Administrator of T J. Westmore
land, represents to the court in his
petition, duly filed and entered on
record, that he lias fully admini
stered said estate:
This is, therefore, to cite all per
sons concerned, kindred and credi
tors. to show cause, if any tiny
can, why said Administrator
should not be disenarged from his
administration, and receive letters
of dismission on the fiist Monday
in June, 1923.
A. G. HARRIS. Ordinary.
For Infants and Children (
In Use For Over 30 Years
For Di ,mission
Georgia, Henry County.
A. C Sowell, Guardian of Harry
Culpepper, has applied to me for a
discharge from his Guardianship
of Harry Culpepper:
This is therefore to notify all
persons concerned lo file their
objections, if any they have, on or
before the first Monday in June
next, else he will be ed
from his guardianship as applied
May 7th. 1923.
A. G. HARRIS, Ordinary.
For Leave To Sell
Georgia, Henry County.
To Whom It May Concern:
J. L. Moseley administrator of
the estate of Robert Moseley de
ceased, having in due form made
application for leave to sell the
laDds belonging to said estate, con
sisting of 100 aoeres in the 11th
land District of said County and
Said application will be heard at
the regular term of the Court of
Ordinary tor v unty to be
held on the f*r>t Mcnuny in Juue
This 4th day of May 1923.
A. G. HARRIS, Ordinary,
Georgia, Henry County.
Will he sold before the Court
house door, in the city of McDono
ugh in said County, between the
legal hours of sale, on the first
Tuesday in June 1923, to the high
est bidder tor cash, the following
property, towit:
All that certain piece, parcel or
tract of land containing one hun
dred (100) acres, more or or less
situate, lying and being on the At
lanta and Covington Public Road,
about two miles Northwest from
the town of Stockbridge, in the
775th Militia District, in the land
lot No. Thirty-three (33) of the
11th land district of Henry Co mty
Georgia, being all of the East halt
of said lot of land except 1 i/i
acres, more or less, in the North
east corner thereof in the shape of
a triangle, being all of said lot ly
ing on the North side of said road,
having such shape, metes, courses
and distances as will more fully
appear by reference to a drawing
thereof made by T. H. Lang, attor
ney, of date October 9th, 191 9, and
being hounded as follows*;’ On
the North by Atlanta and Coving
ton Public Road ; on East by land
of M. B. Hinton ; on South by laud
of H. S. Elliott Estate, and on
West by lands of H. S. Elliott es
tate and land of J. O. Thompson.
This being the same tract of land
heretofore conveyed to M. L. and
D. C. Wilson by C. M. Power by
warranty deed dated January 16,
1919 and recorded m the Office 01
the Clerk of the Superior Court of
of Henry County in deed book 9.
I age 470.
Said property levied on as the
property of J. R. Thompson to
satisfy an execution issued from
the Superior Court of Henry coun
ty in favor of The Federal Land
Bank of Columbia against J. R.
Thompson. Tenant in posessijn
notified. This 7th day of May 1923.
Sheriff said county.
Georgia, Henry County.
W ill bo sold but ore tho court
house door, in the City
of McDonough, in said County be
tw< mi the I'g.l houis of sale, on
tho Firsi Tuesday in J aue 1923, to
tho highest bidder tor cash, the
following property, towit:
All that certain piece, parcel or
tract of land containing Three
hundred, thirty five and fifty-one
hundredths (335.51) acres, more or
less, situate, lying and being on
the Atlanta and Covington Public
road, about eight miles northeast
from the town of McDonough, in
the 444 Militia District, comprising
3,93 acres in northeast corner of
land lot number 20; 4.83 acres in
the northwest corner of land lot
number 19; 82.3 acres extending
entirely across the east side oi'
land lot number 45 ; 59.4 acres ex
tending entirely across the west
side of land lot number 46 ; 53 acres
of land lot number 52 across the
east side of said lot, extending
from south original line north to
South River; 120.3 acres of land
lot number 51, being all of said lot
situated on south side of South
River except, a tract in southeast
corner thereof formerly owned by
Mrs. Sidney Farrar; and 11.75
acres of land lot number 78 boing
all of said lot situated south side of
South River. All of said land ly
ing in one body, in the 11th land
district of Henry County, Georgia,
and having such shupe, metes,
courses and distances as will more
fully appear by reference to a plat
thereot made by S- P. Smith, Sur
veyor, of date Jenuary 22nd 1913,
and being bounded as follows;
North and Northeast by South
River; East by South River and
lands of Quillian and Walter Owen
fnrmely owned by Mrs. Sidney
Farrar, and land of R. H. Furga
son estate; on ‘South bv Atlanta
and Covington Public Road ; and
on West by land of Mrs. R. L.
This being the same tract of land which
was heretofore conveyed to the said Joseph
P Thompson in two seperate tracts as
follows; By M. C. Thompson and R. L.
Thompson by warranty deed dated April
7th 1903 and recorded in deed book b,
page 501; and by E. Jackson by warranty
deed dated January 12th, 1901, and re
corded in deed book 6 page 501 said deeds
being recorded in the oflice of tho iderk ot
the Superior Court of Henry County.
Said property levied on as the property
of Joseph P. ‘Thompson to satisfy an
execution issued from the Superior court
of Penrv county in fevor of !he heueral
Land Bank of Cob mbia against Joseph
Ik Thompson Tenant in posession
notified. T his 7th day of War
Sheriff said county.
Georgia, Henry County.
Will be sold before the court house door
in the city of McDonough, in said County
between the legal hours Of sale, on the
first Tuesday in June 1923. to the highest
bidder for cash, the following property.
towife: , , . . .
All that tract or parcel of land lying
and being in land lots 59 and of the
l2th District of Henry County. Georgia.
Connecting at a point in the center of the
Atlanta and McDonough Public lioau in
said lot 159, which point is located as fol
lows: Commencing at the southeast cor
ner of land lot 159. and running thence
due Dorth along the eastern boundary of
said lot a distance of 2227 feet to a stake
on said boundary line; thence due West
an unmeasured distance to a poin t in the
center of said public road; thence in a
northwesterly direction along the center
of said public road 1417 feet more or less,
to a fence; thence south tiii degrees and 40
minutes west 292 feet to a hickory stump;
thence north 9 degrees west, 516 feet to a
staie in a ditch; thence westerly and
along said ditch 592 feet, more or less, to
the point of intersection of said ditch with
a creek; thence south 86 degrees and/15
minutes west, 932 feet, more or less, to a
stake on the western boundary line of said
lot 162; thence due south and along the
western boundary line of said land lots
159 and 162 a distance of 1487 feet, to a
rock on said boundary line; thence, due
east 2354 feet, more or less, to beginning
The land herein described comprises
49 21 acres, more or less, in land lot 159
and 22 67 acres, more or less, in land lot
one hundred and sixty-two according to
survey thereof made by Talmon Pattillo
in nineteen hundred aud seventeen a blue
print of which is recorded in Henry coun
ty. Georgia., Deed book 15-297.
The improvtments on said land consist
of one six room frame dwelling, one ten
ant house, barn, stable etc.
Said property levied on as the property
of John Henry Turpin and James Burks
to satisfy an execution issued irom the
Real Service In
means advancement along many lines.
We are large handlers of Farm and Garden
Poultry Feeds, Meat Scraps, Charcoal, Oys
ter Shell, Fancy Shorts and Poultry Medi
Ninety Day and Bunch Velvet Beans.
Cheap Syrup for Calcium Arsenate Mixture.
Buch and Running Butter Beans and Old
Time Cornfield Beans.
We advocate planting good supply of ear=
ly white Spannish Peanuts, Porto Rico
Potatoes, Bunch Butter Beans and Corn
field Beans.
We are in the market for wheat, Corn,
Oats, New Irish Potatoes, Fresh Beans,
Tomatoes, Chickens and eggs.
If you want to buy or sell, see
Merc. Company
Superior court of Henry county in favor
of The life - insurance company of Vir
ginia against j 0 hn Henry Turpin and
James Burks. Tenant in ;osession
notified. This Bth day of May nineteen
hundred twenty-thiee.
Sheriff said county.
Georgia, Henry County.
Will be sold before the'court house
door, in the city of McDonough, in said
County, between the legal hours of sal ■>
on the First Tuesday in June nip teen
hundred end twenty-three, to the highest
ldii !' for cash, the following property
towit: 1 J
Ail that tract or parcel of land
and being in iand lots 130 and 159 of' the
12th District of Ilenxy county. G-orgm
commencing at a ro< k corn-mu the east
boundary line of said lot]', at a noint
n 4S bet south from the nor, beast cruet
< f said laud lot; running then-e north
a ong clu- east lino o: mid ! nd b,t I3n +!H i
io9 a disuinCe of 2 7., ft c t , ~ , t k .
tnence uue west and parallel with one
south boundary line of said lot 159 and
the north boundary line of land lot 130
to a reck corner, which is. 1480 feet due
east from the west boundary line of said
iui, iso tnence due south 29? n feet to a
rock corn r; thence due east 1485 feet to
the beginn ng point.
i he land above described is rectangular
in shape and contains 101,15 acres twen
ty-five and twenty-five hundredth acres
of which lies in land lot 130 and 75.91 acivs
in land lot 159, according to survey made
by lalmon Pattilio in 1917 a blue print
9/ ' v ™h is recorded in deed book 15 page
the records of Henry county, Ha
ihe improvements on s.iid lot consist
of a oi.e story, six room, fram ; dwelling
one tenant house, a barn, stable etc.
Said property levied on as the property
oi &. s. fckeiton and James Burks to satis
fy an execution issued from the Superior
court if Henry County in favor of The
Lite insurance Company of Virginia
against S. S. Skelton and* James Burks,
ienant in nosession notified. This Bth
day of May 1923.
Sheriff said dfrunty.
Georgia, Henry County.
To Whom It May Concern;
D. T. Carmichael Administrator of the
estate of Handy Tomlinson deceased, hav
ing in due form made application for
leave to sell the lands belonging to said
sstate, consisting of one vacant lot in 7th
District of said county and state.
Said application will be heard at the
regular term of the court of Ordinary for
said county to be held on the First Mon
day in June ninteen hundred and twenty
This 7th day of May nineteen hundred
and twenty-three
A. G. HARRIS, Ordinary.
“I was pale and thin, hardly
able to go,” says Mrs. Bessie
Bearden, of Central, S. C. “I
would suffer, when 1 stood on
my feet, with bearing-down
pains in my sides and the lower
part of my body. 1 did not rest
well and didn’t want anything
to eat. My color was bad ana
1 felt miserable. A friend of
mine told me of
The Woman’s Tonic
and I then remembered my
mother used to take it.. . After
the first bottle I was better. I
began to fleshen up and I re
gained my strength and good,
healthy color. I am feeling fine.
1 took twelve bottles (of Cardui)
and haven’t had a bit of trouble
Thousands of other women
have had similar experiences in
the use of Cardui, which has
brought relief where other
medicines had failed.
If you suffer from female ail
ments, take Cardui. It is a
woman’s medicine. It may be
just what you need.
At your druggist’s or dealer’s.
E 92
Georgia, Henry County.
To Whom It May Concern:
D. T. armichael Administrator of the
estate of Harriet Tomlinson deceased,
having in dun form made application for
leave to sell the lands belonging to said
estate, consisting of one house and lot
in 7th District of said couniy and state.
Said application will be heard at the re
gular term of the Court of Ordinary for
said county to be held on the First Mon
day in June ninteen hundred and twenty
This 7th day of May ninteen hundred
and twenty-three.
A. G. HARRI Ordinary,