Newspaper Page Text
the Western Union Telegraph ofiice. I am prepared to examine
the Eye and fit glasses for Eye Strains, Hyperopia, Myopia,
Presbyopia, Astigmatism and Strabismus. My stock of Specta
cle frames and Nose glasses of latest design. 1 repair Broken
frames, replace Old and Broken Temples.
CHAS. M. SPEER, Optician.
Fraternal Lodge No. 37 F. & A. M.
Regular communications of Frater
nal Lodge No. 37 F. & A. M., meet
Ist and 3rd Friday nights in each
month. All duly qualified brethren
-fraternally and cordially invited to
meet with us.
Fred Leguinn W. M.
Thos. J. Patterson Sec.
A regular communication of
Fine Grove Lodge No. 177 F. &A. M.
will be held at the Masonic Hall,
Hampton, Ga., every second and
fourth Tuesday evenings at the reg
ular meeting hours. Visiting breth
ren cordially invited.
W. W. WISE, W. M.
R. H. MOORE, Jr., Sec.
Mr. Walter Harris spent the
week-end with homefolk.
Mr. Edwin Rape spent Sunday
in the city.
Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Weems mo
tored to Atlanta Saturday.
Miss Kate Reagan was a week
end visitor to McDoneugh.
Miss Mary Ammons is visiting
relatives in the city.
Miss Annie Nolan spent Satur
day in Atlanta.
Mrs. R. O. Jackson spent Wed
nesday in the Gate City.
Mr. W. M. Upchurch had a five
passinger Ford stolen from him
Wednesday night.
Mrs. Otis Oglesby spent last
last week in Atlanta with relatives.
Dr. W. P. Sloan, Mrs. T. A. Sloan,
Mr. Terhune Suddeth motored to
Atlanta Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Thompson
spent the week-end here with
their parents.
Mr. Ei Alexander spent Sunday
here with his mother, Mrs. Ida
Mr. and Mrs. Oscar A'exander
and Mr. Milton Mays left Monday
for their home in St. Petersbnrg
Mrs. Gussie Sloan, of Atlanta,
spent the week-end here with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Atkin
Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Tarpley
spent Sunday in Atlanta, the guest
of their daughter, Mrs. Homer
Miss Marcia Tucker, of Atlanta,
spent Sunday here with Miss
Mamie Alexander.
Inr a i e
'w i~\ .o
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Grier spent
the week-end here with Mr. and
Mrs. W. J. Grier.
Mr. Roy McGill, of Atlanta,
spent Sunday with Mrs. J. A.
Mr. Alf Fouche and family, of
Atlanta, spent the week-end with
his mother.
Mr. J. G. Craft left for home at
Hartsville, Monday after spending
a few days with her sister, Mrs. E.
M. Smith.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Kim*
bell were visitors to Jackson
Mrs. Joseph H. Land and Mr.
Thomas J. Land, of Jackson, were
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Kimbell Sunday.
Mr. Frank Newman, of Tech,
was a week-end visitor to his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. New
Messrs. Gordon and Howell
Dickson, of Atlanta, visited their
parents during the past week-end.
Mr. Ray Magill visited his Aunt,
Mrs. Carry B. Fouche last Sun
Mr. Carl Sloan, of Atlanta,
spent the week-end with his pa
rents, Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Sloan.
Mr. John McDonald, of Snap
ping Shoals, spent Sunday with
his sisters, Misses Lucy and Mattie
Mr. and Mrs. Whit Russell, of
Atlanta, spent the week-end with
their sisters, Misses Stella and
Kate Russell.
Messrs. Frank and E. M. Cope
land motored to Oglethorpe Uni
versity Thursday to attend a ball
game on Hennance field. Ogle
thorpe gained victory over Uni
versity of Ky. •
Mrs. Julia McDonald has return
ed home after a two weeks visit
to her daughter at Griffin.
Mrs. Harvey Brown and little
daughter, Melvina are visiting Mr.
and Mrs. T. J. Brown.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Y. Leslie and
children spent the wee-end at
Doraville with Mrs. Leslies’ pa
rents, Mr. and Mrs. Mundy.
Mrs. Herman Lcroper and Her
man jr. returned to Savannah
Monday night after spending
several days with Dr. W. W.
Mr. Frank Oglesbv, of Atlanta,
spent Sunday here the guest of
his Uncle Elder E. Oglesbv who
has been confined to his bed the
past week.
Master Edward Brown spent the
week-end here with his father Mr.
Parker Brown.
Mr. Walter Harris, of Ogle
tiioipe university, spent the week
end here.
For Sale —White Spanish seed
peanuts, S2.CO bushel. J. L. Gard
ner, Locust Grove, Ga.
Phone or Bring your laundry to
Wihner Turner at Copeland Tur
ner Merc. Co.
Porto Rico Potatoes for Sale,
W. C. Dailey, McDonough, Ga.,
Route 3.
The Weekly extends thanks to
Messrs. I. P. Rosser and Willie
Coker for the Onions, Cabbage and
English peas etc. they have pre
sented us this week.
Now is the time to buy Binders
twine, is going higher.
D. T. Carmichael
Now is the time to buy Binder’s
twine, is going higher.
D. T. Carmichael
S. C. White Leghorn eggs, $1 00
fo* 1 15; $5 00 for 100. Special prices
for incubator lots. C. J. Dickson
McDonough, Ga.
WANTED—Beef Hides, 6 cents a
pound McGarity & Rodgers, Mc-
Donough, Ga.
You will find good flour at
McGarrity & Rodgers.
666 quickly relieves s Colds and
LaGrippe, Constipation, Bilious
ness and Headaches.
Be ready to save your Grain
Crop. If you buy eather McCom
ick or Deering you take no chance.
D. T. Carmichael
You will find a good line of
fresh meats at McGarity and
Staple and fancy groceries
priced right. McGarity and
Be ready to save your Grain
Crop. If you buy eather McCom
ick or Deering you take no chance.
D. T. Carmichael
We want yotfr beef hides at 6 cts
per pound. McGarity and Rod
STONES. Prices right. See W.
G. Thompson Agent.
If you need a Binder or a Mow
er and Rake. You need eather
McComick or Deering. I have it.
D. T. Carmichael.
If you need a Binder or Mower
and Rake. You need eatiier Mc-
Comick or Deeriug. I have it.
D. T. Carmichael.-
Ferris Strain, heavy laying S. C.
White Leghorn eggs, sl. 00 for 15.
$6 00 for 100. H. J. Turner.
Austin will sell you 7 packs of
washing powders for 25c
W. W. Hooten will tune your
piano for you. W. W. Hooten,
Jinkinsburg, Ga.
I' am requested to announce
that Mrs. Suirley E. Kelley has
Ferns most all kinds for Sale and
most all other Flowers, Just
ready to Pot out.
She wants to sell them to be
able to buy more Testaments,
and for other Mission work.
Mrs. Shirley E. Kelley,
McDonough, Ga.
For sale or rent —A house with
electric lights and good size lot on
Covington st. McDonough. Mrs.
Lizzie McGarrity.
Look! Just when you need a
hat most Mrs. J. E. Lyons offers
hats at reduced prices.
For Infants and Children
Sn Use For Oyer 30 Years
Signature o{ U&A&U
Mrs. Elizabeth Martha Hicks at
the age of 9G died early Friday
morning at the home of her son,
Mr. T. W. Hicks (Oak Hill;.
Mrs. Hicks is survived by on*
daughter, Mrs. E. C. Hull, four
brothers, W. A , T. W , W. P., and
R L. Hicks and a host of relatives
and friends.
Funeral services was held Satur
day morning at 10 o'clock from
Prospect Church, Rev. G. M. Turn
tin her pastor conducting the ser
vice. D. T. Carmichael funeral
director in charge.
The school at Mount Vernon
will close Thursday evening May
Guaranteed to Kill the
or Money Re funded
35 -Gallon Barrels for S3O
50 -Gallon Barrels for S4O
No Barrel Charge
Freight Paid to 300 Miles
Small quantities —9oc per gallon
Use it with sprayer or mop.
We will accept Calcium Arsenate
at 20c per pound in exchange for ’
We invite you all to visit us when you come to Atlanta
we'll be glad to see you. Send for booklet.
Local Agent:
rTttakefc less! _
What’s the Difference in Mule Feed?
IT’S not the amount of feed you give your mules but the
kind. Just a monotonous diet of corn, oats with hay fails
to supply work animals with a sufficient variety of diet to
keep them in good shape. Mules fed in this fashion get
plenty “to fill ’em up.”
Picture yourself sitting down to meals of bread and water.
You would soon lose your health. If you couid have plenty of
good meat, and fresh vegetables, your health would soon come
You don’t need as big a bucket to measure out a feed of
O-Molene as you do for a feed of corn and . __
oats. It takes much less O-Molene.
O-Mol ene contains the variety of foodstuffs
necessary to keep mules in perfect condition.
You get more work from them. Mules like
O-Molene because it is made exceedingly cp- jQaj 50
petizing by a special process of crushing the •arshtirE J
select grains. O-Molene is being used by
many of the biggest mule owners in the coun- ,
try, because it is the cheapest in the long run.
k ik isms
ninnrn unit/
mota Hflfii
Mrs. Nancy Norris age 73 died
at the home of her son near
Wynn’s Mill on last Sunday night.
She is survived bv one son with
whom she made her home and
one daughter, Mrs. Sam Austin.
Funeral services held at New
Hope church Mondap afternoon at
3 o’clock. InTerment in church
yard. Ellis-Selzer Co. in charge,
The program will consist of
songs, marches, drills, monologue
and dialogues. Exercises will
begin promptly at 8:30. Admis
sion 10 and 15*\
Homer Waldrop Prim.
A CHILD IN PAIN runs to Mothtf
for relief. So do the grown-ups.
For sudden and severe pain in stomach
and bowels, cramps, diarrhoea
It has never been known to fail.