Henry County weekly and Henry County times. (McDonough, GA.) 1891-189?, July 03, 1891, Image 3
WEEKLY TIMES. Mi Donoit-.h, Ga., Jri.Y 3, 1891. Homo Affairs. . No Paper. The Weekly will observe the reg ular Fourth of July holiday next week. Consequently no paper will be issued, and we make this anuounce tliat subscribers will not be disappoint ed when they fail to receive their pa pers. Of course correspondents will also govern themselves accordingly. Missionary Society. The Woman’s Missionary Society will hold the next meeting at the Meth odist church on Saturday evening be fore the 4th Sunday, at 4 o’clock. The bell will be rung one hour before the time of meeting to give the ladies am ple time for preparation. May the spirit of God move upon the hearts of our dear women, and urge them to greater energy and zeal in this grand work in advancing the kingdom of our God and of Christ our Saviour. Mrs. A C. Nolan, l’res. Fine Work. We feel safe in saying that The Weekly has two of the best boy com positors in the State. They are Raleigh Harper and Clarence West brook. It deigh has been at the busi ness not quite five months, and last Monday set three columns and a half. Clarence commenced not quite two months ago, and set two and a half columns on the day mentioned, but nei ther of them put in a full day’s work. Nearly the entire type setting on this issue was done by these two boys alone. We present it as a fiue showing for the two young gentlemen and challenge comparison. Lecture for the Benefit of the Church. ihe District Conference has kindly consented to suspend its exercises on Friday night July 10th and allow the ladies of the l’arsouage Aid Society to occupy that evening with a programme prepared for the occasion. We have secured the services of Col. T. C. No lan who will deliver a lecture at our re quest upon the subject of “Infidelity.” Many of our people are anxious to hear this gifted gentleman handle this theme. The community recognize his oratori cal ability and we expect a large crowd to attend the lecture. The price of admission is moderate and we feel as sured that every person will be amply repaid for their presence. We respect fully request the public to attend. Miss Am Crabb, Pres Miss Emma Knott, Sect. Slill a Mystery. Our Ola correspondent last week gave an account, of the finding of some of the contents of a drummer’s valise iu the woods near there, which looked very suspicious of foul play. It con sisted of a supply of drummer’s station ery and several articles of wearing ap parel, a piece or two of which was slightly stained with Min'd, hut there was no clue hy which to identify the owner. The printed stationary be longed to the Gibbs Drug Co of At lanta. Efforts have been made to investi gate the matter, but it still remains a mystery, and some of the citizens of the neighborhood are not at all sat isfied as to the solution of the affair. The question is. who did the things belong to, and how did they get there ? It should be ferreted out if pos-ible. Col. Zaeliry Hurt. Another painful accident happened to Col. C. T. Zaeliry last Saturday. He was on his way home with his two daughters, M isses Marv and Thornton, and when on the steep hill just this side of his place the buggy came un coupled in front and the occupants were precipitated to the ground, the Colonel having the misfortune to get his shoul der dislocated in the fall. He was brought home by Mr. Turner as soon as possible and I)r. Gunter summoned to attend his injuries. Though very painful at first, he is now getting along as well as could be expected and is in a fair wav to recover as soon as the nat ural course will admit. Ihe Colonel seems to be quite unlucky within the past few years, and his many friends will sympathize with him in this last misfortune. Aside from a slight bruise or two, neither of the young ladies were hurt Parties using coal can save a hand some profit from winter prices hy plac ing their orders with J. B. Newman now. at the Georgia Midland depot. KliTHSlti ami Health. If von arc not feeling strong and healthy, try Electric Bitters. If “La elrippe ’ has left you weak and wi-arv, use Electric Bit teis. This remedy nets directly on Liver, Stomach and Kidneys, gently aiding those organ- to perform their functions If you are afflicted with sick hendaclie, you w ill find speedy and permanent relief by taking Electric bitters. One trial will convince you that this is the remedy you need. Large bottles only .10 cents, at Dr. McDonald's jjnig store. RIP RAP. Laying by corn. Sale day uext Tuesday. District meeting next w< ek. Ordinary's court next Monday. Several new Ordinary’s notices ill this issue. Judge Glass, of Tunis, was in the city Tuesday. M iss Cora Citnbell is visiting friends in liarnesville. Col. G. W. Biyan made a trip to Atlanta Tuesday. Call for the Douglas Shoe and take no other—it will pay you. Miss Kate Maxwell will reopen her school at Tunis next week. Miss Birdie Daniel s visiting Miss Tallie Johnson in Eiippen. Miss Ida Lou Tomlinson v : sited friends in Atlanta this week. Agent Nolan went down to Gordon Institute commencement Wednesday. Mesdames Minerva Lemon and A. C. Nolan visited Atlanta last Friday. McDonough sub alliance held their regular meeting last Saturday evening. Col. W T. Dicken and lady spent a few days at Indian Springs last week. Who will overwhelm The Weekly with the biggest watermelon this sea son ? Mrs. W. I). Waller is visiting in Barn jsville, where she spend several weeks It is predicted that cotton will open this tall at 4 cents per pound. We hope not. Misses Mamie Maxwell and Mary Turner visited friends in Atlanta last week. Remember the lecture for the beue fit of the new Methodist church next Friday. Miss Tippora Harrell, of Palmetto, is visiting hi the city, the guest of Mi-s Alii Crabbe Col. John T. Oglesby spent several days in Millidgeville last week, the guest of Dr North. Prof. Ham has erected a neat fence around his yard, and thereby improved its appearance. Mr. B. B. Carmichael’s new residence lias received the paint, and is very neat and attractive. Dr. C. I). McDonald has been ap pointed surgeon of the East Tennessee road for this county. Both the railroads are hauling large quantities of watermelons through Mc- Donough every day now. Mr. B. H. Brown, of Dawson, was in the city this week visiting hts daugh ter, Mrs. J. A. Fouche. Miss Nena Tye and Mrs. George Henderson left Wednesday morning for Cape May, where they will spend the summer. Miss Emma Bostwick, of Peeksville, and M iss Mattie ilooten, of Concord, are visiting the family of Mr. J. W. Harper. M isses Myra Dailey and Laura Sloan have been spending a few days with friends in Flippen. Rev. J. E. Rosser has inaugurated a j prayer meeting at the poor farm, to be held every Friday night. Mesdames T. C. and .1. (}. Nolati attended Gordon Institute commence meut at Barnesville, this week. Mr. Tom P. Thompson and lady of Peachstone Shoals spent Sunday in the city with the family of Col. Zach ry. The first installment of watermelons were received in McDonough last Fri day hy Mr. Charles Walker, and sold at 25 cents apiece. The County Alliance met here y s with terday a fair attendance, though Lecurer Chupp failed to arrive accord ing to appointment. A singing will he held at Timber ridge to-morrow (Saturday) and we j aie authoiized to extend a cordial invi tation to all to attend. M rs. T. Zachrv and daughter. Miss Clifford, returned from Indianapo lis, Ind., last week, where they have been on a pleasure trip. A literary gem may lie expected in Col. Nolan’s lecture next Friday night. Go out and not only enjoy it, but help a good work. Splint Wynn, of Jackson, came up to McDonough last Saturday and went down to Gordon Institute commence ment Sunday with Will Thrasher. Mr. 11. B. Neal has lieen tender d a position as traveling saleman for a large guano establishment, at a flue sal ary. and is considering ati acceptance. Coroner Coker bad the first home raised watermelons on the 2*th ult. He has several patches and we learn bis prospects are good for a fine yield. The young people enjoyed a delight ful dance at the residence of Mr. C. W. Dupree, in Lowe’s district, Tuesday night. Col. W. A. Brown and Mr. Perce Bryan went out from McDon ough. Sheriff C iss and lady visited Atlan ta Monday. Mr. Jeff Divis. of Stockbridge, was in the city Tuesday. Messrs W, 1). Waller and J. B. Newman spent v 'unday in Griffin. Miss Nettie Hester of Archie, Fla., is visiting Miss Trellis Carmichael. Messrs 11. J. Copeland and 11. C. I urner took in the Gate City Monday. Miss Lois Bryan is visiting .Miss < arrie Dupree, near I.uella, this week. Aunt Peggy Alexander spent this week with the family of Mr Jack Brown. Mr. T. M. Sanders, of Morrow's Station, is visiting his brother. Mr D. J. Sanders. Ben Neal returned from Indian Springs last Saturday, where he spent several days. Nina, the little daughter of Col. J. F. Wall, was quiet sick a few days ago, but is now better. Prof J. 11. Speer will resume bis school at Snapping Shoals on Mon day, the 13th iust. “Beni barrel buzzards” is a new name under the sun for those who bloat themselves with beer. A lengthy and spicy communicu lion from Muggins arrived too late for publication this week. Mr. 11. C. Bridges and lady and Miss Veil* Harper spent last Sunday at Indian Springs. A gosling boy, when the victim of a ruffled couise of true love, is the most ludicrous and miserable of living crea tures. Buy the celebrated Douglas shoe if ton desire tin* worth of your money every time. Sold by the Racket Store. Mr. M. C. Lowe returned from At lanta and Hapeville Tuesday, where he had hi en spending a few days on business. Rev. King, pastor of the colored Mt. Carmel church, near Mr. Asbury Tur ner’s, died a few days ago with con sumption. Mrs. E. J. Reagan has returned home from Conyers, after spending a week or two with friends and relatives in that place. Col. G. W. Bryan, l)r. C. 1). Mc- Donald, Luther Pair, Hardy Elliott, Torn Sloan and Sim Eargason enjoyed the Indian Springs atmosphere Sun day. Mrs Annie Atwood and little daugh ter, who have been spending several days with the family of Mrs. D. Knott, returned home to Atlanta Tuesday. The new pool at the big spring is a delightful bathing place, and as a pop ular attraction is a big success. Every body goes down, and they have any amount of fun. A Scotch snuff jar churn one hun dred and fifty years old, belonging to Uncle Hilly Miller, was broken a short while ago. It was a family heir loom handed down from his great grand mother. Messts. Foucbe & Johnson have greatly improved the llknry County Weeki.Y. They found room for im provements and “filled the long felt want.”—Atlanta Constitution, Sheriff Glass’ faithful Waterbury succumbered a few days ago, and he immediately proceeded to Atlanta to replace it. Me now wears a n.ore costly and ornamental time piece. The old soldiers tinder General Tige Anderson" duiiug the late war will have a big reunion at Marietta in about two weeks. Those interested can find particulars on our first page. Mr. J. W. Hill, of near l.ovejoy; was in the city last Saturday and gave The Weekly a pleasant call, lie promises to resume editorship of our Dutch Town department again soon. Your uncle Tom Stewart went down to Indian Springs Monday to spend a few days for his health. lie has never been sick a day in his life, but is a very pru dent man and realizes that a pound of preventive is semetimes worth an ounce of cure. We learn that Col. Nolan’s lecture has been submitted to several able ministers, who not otdy approve, hut pronouce it a most grand and masterly effort. Let him have a hearty home encouragement, that it may he an in - fiuence to be given to others. Rev. Irl R. IBcks, the St. Louis weather prophet, repeats his warning in regard to a dry summer, and exhorts the farmers to husband tbeir early June supply of water and prepare for a severe drouth. No harm can be done hy giving heed to this warning. The time has about come wheu no town can completely depend upon its agricultural territory for its business. Small manufactories, giving people em plo\ meut and thereby increasing the ! population is the only sure means of lamming a town and causing its business interests to flourish. Let’s have more of them. Wheu they are properly conducted nothing pays better. DISTRICT MEETING. To Convene In McDonough Next Sleek—List of Delegates. The Methodist District Meeting for the South Atlanta District will lonveue in McDonough next Wednseday night, the Sih inst, and close the Sunday fol lowing Some of the finest ministers of the North Georgia Conference will he pres ent, and the occasion will be a delight ful one. McDonough extends a cordial wel come to all to come and partake of her hcspitality and enjoy the meeting. Below is a list of delegates represent ing the different churches in thu dis trict. St Paul’s—W. 11. Frizzelle, J. !L Harris, alternatis ; S. P. Mabbett, J. W. Taylor. M L. Underwood, pas- tor. Walker Street—W. K. Booth, C. 11. Kelley ; alternates, J. W. Johnson, VV Baker. U. King, pastor. East Point—S M Taliaferro, Hob ert Baker; alternates, J. S. Sitns, J Fain. il. L. Embry, pastor. Park Street—W. 11. Ilolcoinß, J. (). Wynn ; alternates, I). Morrison, E. I). Mobley. J. \V. Lee, pastor. Asbury—\V. A. Fincher, P. 11. Smith, I. B. Lester, B. T.Brady, Rev. W. A. Sullivan. W. P. Smith, pas tor. Jeiikinsburg--J. M. McMichae), W T. <'owan ; alternates, F. L. Walthrope, J. 1). McKibheii. R. A. Fakes, pas tor. Elovilla—D. M. < armichael, G. B. Elder; alternates, J. IL Butler, A. Milieu. J. M. Turol.n, pastor. Jackson—T. J. Dempsey, J. W. Crumb ; alternates. Dr. J. L. Mapp, J. R Sams. J. 11. Fakes, pastor. St. Johns Rev. T. T. Key, Rev. W. E. McEwen, J. C. Joiner. C. C. Carey, pastor. Bolton—W. E. Wood, M. Wood ; alternates, W| J. Lamb, J. L. Akerage. W. A. Dodge, pastor. Fayetteville—J. W. Kitchens, —. McTiavis ; alternates, B. E. Fife, J. T. Gay. John Spier, pastor. Inman —J. A. Nash, W. W. Dick son ; alternates, J. Chambers, IL Gtiicc. C. M. Verdel, pa3tor. Snapping Shouts—M. V. Sowell, W T. Stroud, W. Ilooten, S. P. Ilooten, T. N. Cowen, J. J. L’rickett, F. R. Burford. D. C. Brown, pastor. Palmetto Circuit— R. A. Rivers, W. T. Stipe ; alternates, IL P. Mc- Lane, S. A. Wilson. W. C. Fox, pas tor. Fairburn—W. C. Parker, T. J. Bal lard ; alternates, M, A. McCurry, R. M, Holley. C. S. Owens, pastor. Morrow’s—A. J. Vineyard, A. J. Harper, C. €. Carroll, J. J. Jordan, J. B. Sutthis, W. I\. Burnham, J. J. Marbut. F. P. Brown, pastor. McDonough—L. 11. Fargason, S. C. Pruitt ; alternates. W. il. Lovvorn, IL B. Neal. J. E. Rosser, pastor. Locust Grove—J. P. Farris, M. P. Sowell, alternate. Turner’s—W. T. Turner; W. 11. Harper, alternate. Trinity—A. J. Wolker, W. E. Iloyl W. P. Westmoreland, Revs. W. P. J. W. Jordan, W. J. Aryer, Joseph Cohron, 11. C. Johnson, J. O. Don tially. Walker Lewis, pastor. An Aged Citizen Hone. Our Locust Grove correspondent an nounces the death of Elder Rice Cleve land this week, which we learn was caused from neuralgia, with which he was attacked two or three weeks ago. Mr Cleveland was one of the oldest citizens of Henry county, having just passed his ninetieth year. lie was a Primitive Baptist minister during the greater portion of his long life, rigidly honest, and universally respected by bis acquaintances as a throughly good and true man. He was the father of Mr. Moseley Cleveland, of this place. Peace to bis ashes. New Alliance Officers. The County Alliance met Thursday pursuant to adjourment. There being but little other business on baud it proceeded to the election of officers, which resulted as follows: T. Zachry, Pres’t; T. A. Ward, Vice Pres’t; R. Sandifer, Sec; J. C. Daniel. Treasurer; W. T. Griffin, Chaplain; I). W. Aronld, Lecturer; W. 11. Bryan, Assistant Lecturer ; G. W. Cathy, Doorkeeper ; R. Sowell, Assistant Doorkeeper; M. A. Terry, Sergeant at arms. None of the old officers were appli cants for reelection. Douglas’ celebrated S 3 Shoe cannot tie equaled on the market. It is made of the very liest material, a printed guar antee accompanies every pair, anti the immense sale they have attained is something wonderful. An advertise ment giving full description, togethei with other makes, appears iu another Column. Read the advertisement and you will save money hy buying the shoe. Evety tissue of the body, every nerve, bone and muscle is made stron ger and more healthy by taking Ilood's Sarsaparilla. Prof. <1aool« Aiken Dead. After long and trying sufferings. I'rof. .lacoli Aiken breathed liis last alsout. halt past 1) o’clock last Friday night, the 26th lilt. I’rof. Aiken had been a resident of Henry county for a number of years, where lie has taught school, making a laithful and efficient teacher. A few years ago his health failed him, his voice almost completely deserting him, besides other affliction, when he was forced to abandon his profession and adopted farming as an occupation. In all the relations of life he was a good citizen, and had the respect and esteem of all who knew him. lie leaves a wife and one small son to mourn his death, who have the deepest sympathy of all in their sore affliction. May they lind consolation with the Great Com forter, who doeih all things for the best. 11 is remains were interred in the family burial ground at Liberty Hill, Pike county, Elder \V. T. Goddard preaching the funeral sermon. One of our industrious lawyers, something less than live years ago, walked about half a day hunting for a “coon” to do some work that ho could have performed himself in twenty mill dies, with perhaps a tenth of the fa tigue caused by his jaunt He now does his own work when hirelings are not convenient, and has plenty of veg etables in his garden and corns in his hands. Col. T. C. Nolan, we learn, has con sented to deliver his lecture in twelve or fifteen neighboring cities, if circuit) stances will permit, the entire proceeds to be appropriated to the building of new Methodist church in McDonough. This would be a most kind service on the part of Col. Nolan, in behalf of a nolle purpose, and we trust he may be induced and find time to imiku the en gagements. We take pleasure before hand in assuring those places fortu nate enough to hear him that they may expect a delectable literary feast. Cl KKI>. Dr. L. A. Folsom, of I lampion, is prepared to treat and cure you of any j case of piles, whether itching, bleeding or blind, without pain or cutting, and no detention irom business. Also cures fistula. Call to see him at the drug store and consult with him. Terms reasonable. McElree’B Wine of Cardul and THEDFORD’S BLACK-DRAUGHT are for sale by the following merchants In Henry County: D. J. Sanders, McDonough Hill & Parker, Lovejov. A. V. McVicker, Babb. Berry A Brannan, Flippen. Dr. W. 11. 11. Peek, Locust Grove. J. C. Bostwick, Pecksville. ,1. W. Hale, Sandy Uidge. \V. 11. Gilbert & Co. Stockbridge. B. F. Harlow. Tunis E. C. Wynn, Wynn’s Mill. It. F Smith, Locust Grove. E. S. Wvnn, Wynn’s M ill T. E. Sullivan, Locust Grove .1. Calvin, Locust Grove C. S. .larboe, Sandy Ridge C. D. McDonald McDonough. D. K. &E. P. Suttles, Stockbridge G. B. Brannan, Stockbridge AH. 1 lamb rick, Stockbridge. A. G Harris. Flippen. Most children decidedly object to taking pills; they more decidedly ob ject to taking castor oil. What then is to he given them when a cathartic is needed’? Cheatham’s Tasteless Castor Oil. It is the same as the plain effect hut actually delightful to the taste. Price 25 ceuts. IF YOITK PACK ACHED, Or you are all worn out, really g<s»<l lor noth ing, it is general debility Try ltltOWA’n IRON HITTER*. 1 It wilt cure you, cleanse your liver, and give a good appetite. Ink mr ngi-nts for W. 1.. IJougln* Shoe*. ,f not for ante In your plmc o»k your /Iciiler to ■•• nil for rnliilouur, secure too aireocr* and gel Ibeni lor you. IITT.IKE NO HCBBTITUTE. -*1 BBT mt p s<£os* WHY IS THE W. L. DOUGLAS $3 SHOE GENTLEMEN THE BEST SHOE IN THE WORLD FOR THE MONET? It is a seamless shoo, with uo tacks or wax thread to hurt the feet; made of the best line calf, strllsh and easy, and because tee make, more shoes or this tirade than tiny other vianufacturer, It equals hand sewed hh<*es costing from $4.00 to ST»JiO. dtZ OOOeimlne Hand-uewed, the finest calf 33, Hhoe ever offered for sr».<>o; equals trench Imported shoes which cost from s#.<» 1 to SI2AI). s> JS 00 1Ihii«I-Sewed W ell Shoe, fine calf, stylish, comfortable and durable. Ihe best shoe ever offered at this price ; same grade as cus tom made shoes costing from SO.IO to $9-00. «0 30 Police Shoe t Farmers. Hallroad Men 30* and letterCarrlcrsull wear them; finecair, seamless, smooth inside, heavy three sole*. exten siou edge. One pair w ill wear a year. ar% 30 fine mill no better shoe ever offered at 9)dCa this price; one trial will convince those who want a shoe for comfort and service. <fcO *3 and 8*2.00 W’orkinainnii’n 9dba are very strong and durable. I hose who have given them a trial will wear no other make. n AVe | 8*2.00 and *1.73 school s»n>eH are DO Jr o worn by the boys everywhere; they sell I on their merits, as the Increasing sales allow. I odtnc 83.00 llnnd-aewcd shoe, best LdUtvb Dongola, very stylish; e<|ualsl- reach imported shoes costing from * 4<Jo . t ‘k£f'*Tv liii dies’ ‘2.30, 8*2.00 nnd 51.73 shoe for Misses are the bent fine lamgola. Stylish nnd durable. f'niitlon. See that W. L. iiouglas’ name and price are stamped on thel*ottom of eaeh shoe : ._, a W. L. LKjUOIiAS. Hroektou. 801,11 BY T. A. SLOAN 5 CO.. Racket Store. I'or %«l in iiiiwlrn lion. GEORGIA- —Henry County.— E. F. Cook has in due form applied to Ibe undersigned i for pemiAiient letters of administration on I lie estate of Ephraim Took, late of said county, deceaseu; and I will pass upon said application on the first Monday in July, i 1891. (liven under my ham! and official ! signature thin June Ist. IH9I. WM. X NELSON. [ Printer’s fee |3 Ordinary H. C. Your ATTENTION, Phase I am prepared to serve my customers this year with ev erything in my line at the VERY LOWEST PRICES, and give everybody a cordial invitation to call on me. I continue to carry a full line of FURNITERE, and will not be undersold by city or country houses. Nothing but reliable goods kept. I sell several splendid brands of GUANOS, and have put prices just as low as good grades can he handled. If you want fertilizers it will be to your interest to see me before placing your orders elsewhere. My Undertaking Department is the Best in the Country’— Full and Complete. A SPLENDID IIEARSE Sent Free when Price exceeds Twenty Dollars. Lumber, Shingles, etc., Constantly on Hand. I Repre sent the Finest Tomb Stone Monumental Works. Sells the Wheeler & Wilson Sewing Machine, the Finest on the Market. B. B. CARMICHAEL, McDonough, Ca. NT. Ait A IN’ OFKKR TO Tit K TRADE THE CELEBRATED GULLET MAGNOLIA GINS Feeders and Condensers. The GULLETT GIN produces the Finest Sample shown in the market, and will readily bring from t-S to 1-4 cent per pound more than any other cotton. THOS. M. CLARKE & CO., ATLANTA, CA. fOv Chichesifr's English. Rfd Cross Diamond Brand A a rtHMRom « r\\i\is 4 ijyAi) THC ORIGINAL AND QCNUINI. Th*- only Hnfe, Hurt*. mu! reliable Pill for Hale. * Nr l1 "' 1 Drugsfial fur Chichester* k'tn/Unl t JHamond K-uml in !{••<( and Gold im-taHia \ y fjn bo tea mled with blue ribbon '1 tike no oilier klnil. Refuse .Substitution* and Imitation*. v njl All pill* In pasteboard boiei, pink wrapper*, an ilanrcroui • ounU rlVltn. At liruggiata. or Bend or W 3/ 4r. in NiampH for pnrlianlara, t.iitlinonUU, and “Keller for I .uillea.” 1.1 letter, by return M*iL Ijr 1 0,000 Taatimonial*. Same I‘aper. Chichester Chemical Co , vuui..» r Mold by Mil Laval l»ru tf glM«. i’lllLAln i.i'lll I*A. BRYANT & STRATTON Business Cofe Book-keeping, Shorthand, Tel fofiaphy, *c • A| liCtf || g w O Write for Catalogue and Full Information. V# BOtV ILa jb. jIV T o ■Nolle#-. All persons concerned ure hereby notified that an order has (his day been passed es tablishing a new militia district in Henry county, (In., to lie known as the Flippen district, with sin election precinct at I lip pen in said district, The boundaries of said district are as billows: Beginning at Cotton Indian creek, where the line of the Sixth district intersects said creek, and running south along the line of said district to Walnut creek, just below Brice's mill, thence down the bed of slid stream to Crockett’s bridge, thence northeast to the corner of C. R. Walker’s land, thence along the line of his lands, leaving said Walker’s lands in 489th district, and running the line to the 11. W, Carmichael camp ground lot, thence along the line of .said lot, be tween said Carmichael and I. It. Pair, to the road leading to the camp ground, I hence east along said road and liie line between Shiuglcroof camp ground land and Win. Stceje’s land to the public road leading by Stalem church, thence north along said road to Bonner's bridge, on Cotton Indian creek, thence west up said creek to beginning. All concerned will govern themselves ac cordingly. May <27, IN9I. Printer’s fee WM. N. N ELBUN, Ordinary H.C. Police Is hereby given that the next General Assembly of the State of Georgia, to meet on the 2d Wednesday in July next, will be asked to pass a local bill, of which the Idl ing is the title: An Act to amend, revise and consolidate an Act entitled an Act to incorporate the town of Hear Creek, in the county of Hen ry. under the name of the town of Hamp ton; to appoint a board of commissioners for the same, and for other purposes, ap proved August 23, 187*2. and the several Acts amendatory thereof; to provide for a Mayor and Counulnien, and define their powers and duties; to change and fix the corporate limits; to establish and fix police regulations therein; to provide a manner of raising revenue therefor; to provide a man ner for opening new streets, and improving and working the roads, streets and side walks therein, and to authorize the levy and collection of taxes on the property thcrin, and ull business or callings; to pro-e vide for a marshal, his assistants, a clerk, treasurer and assessors, and define their powers and duties; to provide for enforcing processes and sentences of Mayor and Coun cil, and for other purposes. 'I his ot h day of June, I . I'or IHsiuissioii. STATE'OF GEORGIA, Hknbv Cointv, Whereas. J. B. Diclson, administrator of Mary J. Evans, represents to the court in his petition duly filed that he has fully ad ministered the estate of Mary J. Evans: Th?l is therefore to cite all persons con cerned. heirs and creditors, to show cause, if any they can, why said administrator should not be discharged from his adminis tration, and receive lett- rs of dismission on the first Monday in July, 1891. WM. N. NELSON, Ordinary H. C. l oi llNini'»'*•!on. STATE OF GEORGIA, Hknky Corvrv Whereas, James G. Dunn, administrator of Mary E. Johnson, represents to the court, in his petition duly filet, that he has fully administered Mary E. Johnson’s estate: This is therefore to cite all persons con cerned, heirs and creditors, to show cause, if any they can, why said ndmistrator should not lie discharged from his administration and receive letterc of dismission on the first Monday in July, I*9l. Printer’s h<* WM. X/XELSOX. Ordinary H.C BE A TTYS ORGANS . " Write lor cata logue. Address, Daniel F. Beatty, Wash ington, New Jersey. BK t l ITN MitNOM. — In use ev erywhere. Write for catalogue. Oan lel F. Realty. Washington, Now Jersey. F6R RENT One store house and resi dence close by, at Sand}’* Ridge. Apply to (). L. WELCH. MRS. J. R. GREGORY, ARTIST, .1 77 ANTA, GA. Portraits A Specialty. All kinds of'work solicited and orders promptly executed. “Home Studio" lfi.'i CViutland street. SAMPLE COPIES PEEK. TUB Sl ! N N V SOUTH, our great South ern Family Weekly, should be taken in every household. The priee is only u year, nnd a present which is worth that amount or more is sent for every yearly subscription. A sample copy will be sent to nnv address. Write at once to J. 11. SEALS ti CO., Atlanta, Uu. i'or A «l■■■ i■■ iwlritlion. GEOKGIA —llenry county.—To all whom it may concern: M. J. Barham having in due form applied to me for permanent let ters el administration on the estate of K. F. Ilarham, late of said county deceased, this is to cite all and singularly the credi tors and nr xt ol kin of B. F. liarliain to be and appear ill nty office within the tine allowed by law and show cause, if any they can, whv perinani ot administration should not be granted to M. J. Baiham on the first Monday in July next. Witness my hand and official signature tliis Ist day of June, ! WM. X. NKI. SON, Ordinary H.C. I'or Ycur'i. Support. GEORGIA — Henry County.— Win reus. Savannah Fargason, widow of Win. J. Far gason, deceased, has in due form applied to the undersigned to have a year’s support set aside for herself and three minor chil dren, out of the estate of said deceased, and appraisers having been appointed for that purpose, and said appraisers having made return of the amount so set aside by them, This is therefore to cite all pin-sons con | rented to show cause, it any they can, whv I slid returns of appraisers should not he - approved by the court and admitted to ree ! oril on the tirst Monday in July next as the j judgment of the same. This June Ist, 18111. Printer’* fee $6 00 WM. N. N ELSON, Ordinary 11. C. I'or ItisiniMiaii. STATE OF (JKOfU.ilA —Henry County. ‘ Whereas, Nancy L. McMullen, admi.iistra : Iratrix of T. il. McMullen, represents to i the court in her petition duly tiled that she ! | ms full* administered Thos. 11. McMullen’* , slate. This is there(• re to cite all persons ; i oiieerned, heirs and creditors, to show - cause, if any they can, why said administra- I i r ix should not he discharged from her ad ministration and receive letters of dismis -ion on the first Monday ill September, 1801. Printer’s fee s•> 80 WM. X. NELSON, Ordinary H. C. ■ triilgc Notice. The contract for building a new bridge I across Cotton Indian creek at Green's gill, ! i;i [li-urv Vounlv, <•:>., »i!! be let to the j lowest bidder it the bridge) on Saturday, i the *2Tlh day ot June, 1891, at 3 o’cclook p. i ni. For plans and specification** call at niv office, or at Wm. L. Elliott s, near the old bridge. Right to reject any and all led* reserved by t he commissioners appointed to superintend the building ot the same. May •2 <t h, 1891. WM. X. N E LSOX. Printer's lee $3 Ordinary H.C,