Newspaper Page Text
Lumpkin Sheriff’s Sales.
WI LL be sold on the first Tuesday in Jan
uary next, at the Court House in Lumpkin
rounty, within the usual hour* ©t sale, the tollowing pro
perty,” to wit:
One fourth of Lot No. 14, 13th District, Ist j
Section, north; one half ot Lot No. 30,Uth District, Ist i
Section, north, and one Silver Watch: levied on as tie. j
property of Jos. Howard, so satisfy a fi. fn. issueu tron.
Hail siipeuoi Court, in favor of JXuiici Chue vs. said
Lot No. 1093, 4th District let Section; lc- |
‘’it'd on as the property of Or. S. Mathews, to satis!)* a fi.
fa. issued from a Justices Court ot Clark county, in favor
ofSaSbelGallihcr&Co. vs. said Mathews. Levy made
and returned to me by a Constable.
Lot No. 628, 12th District, Ist Section;
levied on as the property of Elijah Kcl I um, with sundry
fi, fas. issued from a Justices Court of Henry county, in ;
(/Leonard Bissel, vs. sai Jvellum. Levy made I
and returned to me by a Constable.
Lot No. 7G6, 12th District, Ist Section;
levied on as the property of John Gray, to satisfy sundry
:i, fas, issued from a Justices Court of Columbia county,
in favor of David Roh man, F.x'r. on the estate o! Ah l’
and others, vs. said Gray, Levy made and return
ed to me by a Constable.
Lot No. 7-10,12 th District, Ist Section; lc
-.0 on as the property of James Hatcher, to satisfy a fi.
i7 issued from c Justices Court of Crawford county, In
favor of It. N. C. Ruifin, vs. sani Hatcher. Levy made
tad returned to me by a Constable.
Lot No. 270, 4th District, Ist Section; le
vied on as the property of Brittian C. Reese, to satisfy
David Cooper, by virtue of a fi. fa. issued from a Justici-s
< “.urt of Columbia county, m favor ofKeneth McKenzy,
eg. Brittian C. Reese and’ David Cooper. Levy made
and returned to me by a Constable.
Lot No. 104, 12 th District, Ist Section; levied
on as the property ofElisha Grey, to satisfy a fi. fa. issued
r.m a Justices Court of \Ylikes county, in favor of Dajg
vd Cooper, vs. said Grey. Levy made and retumed'To
Sje by a Constable.”
The remainder of an unexpired Lease on a ;
House and Lot for the nemaining term of eight y>’ars, in ;
the lltb District of formerly Hall, now Lumpkin county; |
levied on as the property of Isaac .'l’Gehct, to saii-fya
ip fa. issued from a Justices Court of Lumpkin county,
in favor of B. L. Goodman, vs. said l‘Gehee. Levy
made and returned to me by a Constable.
On the first Tuesday in January next.
■ Lot No. 925,12 th District, Ist Section; la.
•viei on as the property of Thomas J. Pew 11, to satisfy
s’.r.dry fi. fas. issued from a Justices Court afaßabun
county, in favor of Thomas B. Cooper, vs. said Powell.
Levy made and returned to me by a Constable. ”
Lot No, 820, 4th District, Ist Section; le.
vied on as the property of James Hogan, to satisfy a fi. fa.
issued from Habersham Superior Court, in lavor ot Har
bson & Earle, vs said Hogan.
Lot No. 372,13 th District, Ist Section,north;
levied on as the property of John J. Pass, to satisfy a fi.
fit issued from ttic Superior Court of Henry county, in
favor of the Administrators on the estate of Stephen Up
con, dec’d. vs. said Pass.
Nov. 30. SAMUEL TATE, D. Sh'ffl
Lumpkin Sheriff's Salt's
WILL be sold onthe first Tuesday in Fe
bruary next, at the Court-house in Lumpkin
county, within the usual hours of sale, the following prop
•erty, to wit:
Lot No. 599, lllh District, Ist Section; le
vied on as the property of David Clanton Jr,to satisfy
twofi. fas issued from a Justice’s Court of nabershaiii
county, one in favor of David Clanton Sr. and the other
in favor of AVllliam 13. Patterson. Levy made and re
turned to me by a Constable.
Dec. 2?.
f ’ erokee Sheriff's Sales,
WiLL be sold on the first Tuesday in Jan
uary next, at the Court-house in Cherokee coun
ty, within the usual hours of sale, the following property,
to wit:
Let No. 1273, 21st District, 2d Section; le
vied oil as the property of Isaac Wheaton, to satisfy sun
dry fi. fas. issued from a Justices Court of Jonr-s county,
■in favor of H. D. A. Bradley and others, vs.said hca
ton. Levy made aid returned to me by aConstable.
Lot No. 5-15, 21st District, 2d Section; le
vied on as the property of Hiram -Van, to satisly a fi. fa.
issued from a Justices Court of Bibb county, in favor of I
John Holzendorfli vs. said Man. Levy made and re
turned to me by a Constable.
Lot No. 581, 15th District, 2d Section; le
vied on as th.’ property of Tillmon D. Gooch, to satisfy
two ‘i- las. issued from a Justices Court of Rabun county,
in favor of Andrew Miller, vs. said Gooch. Levy made
*ad returned to me by aConstable,
Lot No. 392, 15tll District, 2nd Section; le
vied OH as the property of Thomas Gardner, to satisfy a
fi. fa. issued from the inferior Court of Bibb county, for
the use of Robert Bi'dsong, assignee, vs, said Gardner.
Lt No. 134, 15th District, 2d Section; le
vied on a- the property of John M’Canless, to satisfy a li.
fa issu-d from tlie It.!', riorCourt of Habersham county,
in favor of rhomas 15. Cooper, and John R. Stanford, vs.
saro Jh C artless.
Nov. 30. JOHN P BROOKE, Sh’ffi
Cherokee Sheriff’s Sales.
WILL be sold on the first Tuesday in Jan
uary next, at the Court house in Cherokee
county, within the usual hours of sale, the following prop
erty, to wit:
Lot No. 312, 15th District, 2d Section; le
vied on as the property of Robr-it Rogers, to satisfy a fi.
fa. issued from a Justic s Court of franklin county, in
favor of John R. -tunford, vs, said Rogers. Levy made
tad returned to me by a Constable.
Let No. 1100, 3d District, 2d Section; le
vied on as ‘he property of lUllium Wright,to’ satisfy two
ii fas. issued from a Justices ‘oust oi'lfiull county, in
favor of Josiah Roberts, vs. said Levy mado
and returned to me b v a Constable.
Lot No 1176, 2d District, 2d Section; le
vied on as the property *.f Johnston L. Dunaway, and
James Dunaway, to satisfy a fi. (U’issued from a Justi
ces Court of Lincoln county, in favor o! Thomas Lyon
vs. said Dunaway'. Levy made and rctuvned to me by
a Constable.
Lot No. 513, 3rd District, 2nd Section; le
vied on as the property of James Marehman, to satisfy a
fi, fa. issued from a Justices Court of Putnam county, in
favor of danghain & Meriwether, vs said Vlarehman.
Levy made and returned to me by a Constable
Lot No. 49, 14th District, 2d Section; levied]
cn as the property of John L. ‘in..-', and Richard If. Les
ter, to satisfy a fi. fa r-u-.-d from a Justices Court of
Gwinnett county, in favor cf J. Wurdlaw, Agent fori
Samuel J. Hammond, vs. said defendants. Levy made
end returned to me by a Constable.
Lot No. 1114, 2d District, 2d Section; le
vied on as the property of Thomas Hanks, to satisfy a fi.
fa. issued from a Ju.-tiei< ‘nurt of Jasper countv, in favor
us illiam Rudy, va said Hanks. Levy made and re
turned to mo by a Constable.
Lot No. SOI, 14th District, 2d Section; le
vied ob as the property if.-'das Shiree, to satic’y sundry
tl fas. issued from u Justices court ci Vv uskington roun
tv, in favor of William Fish & Cos. vs. said Shiree. Levy
made and returned to me by a Constable.
hot No. 316,21stDistrict, 2d Section; levied
om as tho property of Gabriel Capers, to satisfy u fi* f ft
issued from tar Superior Court cm Bibb county, xn lavor
of Scott ('ray, vs. said Canere. _ _
Nov. 30. G. \V. JONES, D. Sh’fT.
Union Slu'i'ilV’s Sale.
’ Wa/” ILL be sold on the first Tuesday in Jan
* w w uarv next, between the usual hours of sale, in
I the town of Blairsville, Union county the feilowingpro
! perty, to wit:
j f#ot No. 323, I Oth District, Ist Section ; lev- !
’ vietl on as the property of Austin Bryant, to satisfy a fi.
| fa. issued from a Justices Court of Campbell c unty, in ,
’ favor ofß nnet ll Confers, vs. Samuel * ilkerson prxn
* eipal, and Austin Bryar-t, security. Levy made and re
turned to me bv a ('onstable.
Nov. 30. * GEOBGE W. G A DDES, D. Sh'fi!
Gilmer JS'ievUT's £;tlc.
JV7ILL be sold on the fits tTuesday Ln
* * February next, before the Court House door
in the town of Eli jav, Gilmer county, within the usual
hours of sale, the following property, to wit:
Lot No. 161, 9th District, 2d Section; levied
* on as the property <>fi Edward Johnson, to satisfy a fi. fa.
issued from a Justices court of Walton county, in favor
Samuel M’Junkin, vs. said Johnson, Levy made and
returned to me by a Constable.
Lot No. 79, 1 Oth District, 2d Section: levied
on as the prop, rty of Voses Keys, to satisfy a fi. fit. is
sued fro a Justices < ‘ourt of Walton county, lit favor of
Samuel’ Tinki'i vs said Keys. Levy made and re
turned to m a usiahle.
Lot No. IC, Oth District, 2d Section; levied i
on as the property of Carnal Vines, to satisfy a fi. ft. is- I
sued front a Justices Court of Walton county, in favor of j
Samuei ..’J unkin, vs. said Vines. Levy made and re- j
turned to me by a Constable.
, J. C. KING, Sh’tT j
Dee. 2S.
Gilnipp fiber i i’s fSMie.
j “llflLL be sold on the first Tuesday in Fc
j “ * muaiy next, in th • town of Elijay, Gilmer coun
ty. within the usual hours of sale, the following property,
to wit:
Lot No. 42, 6th District, 2d Section ; levied
vial m as the property oflsaac Potts, to satisfy a fi. fa.
issued from a Justices Court of Habersham county in
favor of >\ i'iiam B. Shelton, for the use of E. T. Sta
in Levy |U’ and returned to me by a Constable.
At the sometime and place, on the first Tuesday
February next ,
Lot No. 161, 9th District 2d Section; levied
n as the properly of Edward Johnson, to satisfy a fi. fa.
issui ci from a Justices Cpuit of AValton county, in firor
of Samuel !* J un&rajfpsJ said Johnson. Levy made and
returned to me by a Constable.
Lot No. 79i, 10th District. 2d Section ; lc
vied on as the property of Affeeß Regrs, to satisfy a fi. fa.
issued from a Justice*Court iof elton countv, in favor
of Samuel Vi \J unkin, vs. said lieges. Levy * made and
returned to me by a Constable.
Lot No. 16, 19th TJistrict, Ist Section; levied
on as the property of Fariu l Nines, to satisfy afi fa. is
sued troin a JusiicesCourt of W alton county, in favor
of Samuel M’Junkin, vs. said Vines. Levy made and
returned to me by a Constable.
l>c. 28. B. B. QITILLIAN, P 9 ‘ ’ff
‘ a ill S‘-CTiil s gale.
r ILL be sold bn the first Tuesday in Fe*
“ bruary next, at the place for holding Courts in
Paulding county, die following property to wit:
Lot No. 843, 2nd District, 4th Section; le
vied on as the property of Abner Jordan, to satisfy sun
dry fi. fas. issued from a Justice’s Court of Elbert county,
one in favor of Thomas Haynes, vs. said Jordan; one in
favor of McDonald A Haynes, vs. Abner Jordan and odi
er fi. fas. vs, said Abner Jordan
Lot No. 363, 19th District, 3rd Section, mid
371, m the 2nd District, 3rd Section; levied on as the
property ts George J. Zipperer, to satisfy a fi. fa. issued
from a Justice,s Court of Chatham county, in favor of
Micheal Cunningham, vs said Zipperer.
Lot No. 35-1, 23 st District, 3d Section; levied
on as the property of John Huobard, to satisfy a fi fa.
j issued irom a Justice’s Court of Chatham comity, in fa
| vor of John B. Gaudry, vs. said Hubbard.
Lot No. 175, 2nd District 4th Section, and
Lot No. 559, 21st District, 3d Section; levied on as the
j property of Hardy Blackwell, to satisfy sundry ii. fas. is
sued from s Justice’s Court of Elbert countv, one in favor
of WiHiam .Vloss, one in favor of Stephen Carlton, and
one in favor of Bennet Dooley, vs. said Blackwell.
Dec. 25.
B:i,i riler of the Honorable the lulu tor Court of
Richmond county, when sitting as a Court of Or
dinary, sold at tin- Court House in Union county,
o the first Tuesday in February next, a i rae-t of Laud
con'aiuiug one hundred and sixty Acres, No. 225 16 1
of formerly Cherokee, now Union county. Sold so the
benefit of the heirs and creditors of F. H. Combs, decyl.
Doc. 14.—35—tds.
AGREEABLY to an order of the honorable the Infe
rior Court of Newton county, when sitting as a
Court of ordinary, will be sold on the first Tuesday in Fe
bruary next, at the Court house in Stewart county, Lot of
Land No. 115, 20th District, of originally Lee, now
Stewart county. Sold as the property of V alter Poolp
deceased. Terms made known on the dav of sale.
JTov. 16,—32.—tds. ’
WILL be sold on Friday, the third day of January
next, in the lown ofAuraria, Lumpkin county
between the usual hours of sale. All the perishable pro
prerty of Joseph Howard, late of said county deceased
consisting of a Saddle, Bridle, and !arfni"ills t Trunk’
Brace of Pistols, Watch &c. Sold for the'Benefit ofthe
Heirs and Creditors, of Said deceased Terms made
known on theday of sal r.
Nov. 16.—32.—tds.
A GREEABLE to an order of the Inferior Courts of
,-tm. Campbell and Lincoln counties, will be sold on tile
first Tuesday in February next, in the Town Tuloncgn
Lumpkin county, between the usual hours ofWle Lot
l2th , District, Ist Section. Sold for tiWneiit
of VVilham and Kesiah Jeter, Orphans &c. ‘
WESLEY WHEAT, < uards.
I Oct. s.—2S—tds > \ .
A Agreeably to an ordc, ofthe honorable the Inferior
Court of Newton countv. wh. 1 sitting as a court
of ordimary, will he sold on to- first 1 u-sdav in Febru
ary next, at the Court House m the lown of Covin -ton
Newton county', a Negro woman bv the nam.- of Leah’
and her child Clarinda. Sold as the’ property ofthe minor
orphans of Joseph Howard, deceased. Terms made
known on the day.
Nqt. 16. —32—tds. THOMAS J ’ GRAV Gm L
AG REE \HL Y to an order granted by ho',honorable
the Inferior Court of Newton county, when sitting
as a Court of ordinary, will be sold on the first Tuesday in
March next, at tho Court house in Cobb county, Hot
of Land No. 800, in the 17th District, 2d Section, origin
ally CRcrgkec now Cobb county.
Also on the same day at tho Court house in Gilmer
county, Lot of Land No. 19S, in tho 11th District, 2d
Section,originally Cenrokeenow Gilmer county. Also
on the same dav, at the Court house in Pauld. count) L ot
of land No. 7ll‘, in the 20th District. 3rd Section, origin
ally Cherokee l now Paulding county. Soldifor tlie benefit
of the heirs and creditors ot Jesse Ah bite deceased,
forms made known on the day of sale.
JOHN SMITH. ). and ,
I Dec. 28.—36—tds. ‘
The Governor on the information of )
Menrt Lihtfoot Sims, f s a * y^
vs. f
Michael Everett. j
Gtimer Superior Couri , August Term , 1 833.
IT appearing to the Court by the return of tho Sheriff,
of Telfair county, that the defendant in the above
stated case, is not to be found in said county,and it further
appearing by the affidavit of the Informer, that he docs
not bclive that the said defendant resides in the state: It
is therefore ordered,that sc aoe of said Sci Fa. be effected
by publication, and.tbat the defendant do appear at the
next Term of this Court, to be held on the Thursday after
the fourth Monday in February next, to answer to said
suit, and that this Rule be published once a month for
three months, in one of the public Gazettes of this State.
True extract from ihe minutes of the Superior Court ol
Gilmer countv, this 2Uth day of August, 1833.
Sept. H—23—in3m.
Court of Ordinary, September Term , 1533.
j petition of John Webb, Administrator of W ilic
1 JL Cowart, deceased, respectfully sheweth, that he
| has fully completed the administration upon said Estat
: and prays letters of I >isnnss:on therefrom. hereupon :
j is ordered by the Court, that all persons having valli i ob
: jections to said John \\ ebb, administrator as aforesaid
! being dismissed from the further administration of said
, Estate, be and appear at the next Term of this Court,
which shall sit next, after tiie due publication of this rule,
: then and there to make them, as in default thereof, this
Court will then and t tie re proceed to grant lett rs ol .s
----i mission to said John Webb, a ministuito. as afore sul
agreeable totiu statut* i • niuucand provided; and
that a copy of this Rule be published in one of the Public
Gazettes of thi;- State, once a month for six months.
A true extract from the minutes.
L. liOPKINS, c. c. ©.
Sept. 14. —23.—m6m.
The Governor on the information of I
Elijah Uvtssu, ! s • r,
vs. f • ‘ ■
Jacob Farmer, j
Murray Superior Court, September Term, lß33. |
ti’ appearing to the Court that the defendant, Jacob !
Farmer resides without the State of G eorgia, on mo
tion, ordered by the Court, that the defendant appear anil
plead at the next term of this ourt, and that this rule be
published in one of the public Gazettes of this state, in j
terms of the law, and that said publication be deemed suf- j
ficicnt service of this case.
A true extract from the minutes.
Sept. 21.—24.—ni3m.
The Governor on the information of I
William Martin, .. . „
vs. | ScL Fa ’
Pient E. Jackson,
Cobb Superior Court, September Term, 1833.
IT appearing to the Court from the return of the Sheriff,
that the defendant is not to be found, and by the af
fidavit 1 1'the info-ri mt, that he believes that the defen
dant docs not reside in the state, it is therefore ordered by
the Court, that service be perfected by three months pub
lication of this rule in one or more of the public Gazettes
of tliis stale.
A true extract from the minutes.
Sept. 21.—21—m3in.
FOUR Months after date application will bPmadc to
the Honorable the Inferior Court, of Hal! countv.
when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell the r!
al estate of William Wheeler, sen. late of said county,
deceased. JOHN GARMON, Admr.’
Sept 28.—25—w4m—
171 OUR Months after date application will be made, !
to the Honorable the Interior Court of Lumpkin
county, when setting for ordinary purposes, for leave to
sell the real estate of RobcrtLigon, sen. late of said coun
ty, deceased.
ROBERT LIGON, jun. y ‘^” mr s>
kept. 23, —25—w4m
nereas John Humphries applies to nrefor Letters
V V of administration, or the Estate of James Rod
well late of said county deceased. These are therefore to
citeand admonish, all and singular the kindred and Cred
itors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office with
in the time prescribed by law, to shew cause if any they
have why said letters should not be granted. Given un
der mv hand this 14th November 1933.
M. P. Q.UILLIAN, c. c. o.
Nov. 16,-32 —30d
‘WW/ HKREAS Andrew Miller and Jamesß. Henson,
w r apply to me for letters of Dismission from the
furlliCr administration on the estate of James Strother,
late of sain county, deceased:
These are therefore to cite and admonish all and sin
gular liit kindred and creditors of said deceased, to bo
und appear at my office within the time prescribed by law,
to shew cause if they have, why said litters should not be
granted- Given under inyhand this Ist December, 1333.
Dec. 14. —35—m6m.
Lumpkin Court-house, Georgia.
THE undersigned respectfully informs the public
that he has removed trow his former residence, a
half mile south from Lumpkin Court house, to this place,
and has opened a House of Entertainment at the sign of
the Indian King & (Aucen. Where he is now prepared
for the reception of Boarders and Travellers. To such as
have heretofore patronised him, he relies for recommen
dation on the satisfaction which he may have been able to
givc,andfrom those who have neither proof or the testi
mony of others, on which to rely, he respectfully solicits a
call. The Tableof the Indian King and Ciueen, will be
bountifully supplied with the best the country uffbrds;
•arcpared he busts, in a style which will be satisfactory to
appetites the most fastidious—his Lirpiors will be of the
j best quality, and stables, which arc in superior order, af
i fording the utmost security as well as comfort, will be at
tended by the best of Ostlers. Grateful for the patronage
with which, in his oldstation, he his been so liberally fur
fnrnished, tic solicits a continuance of it at his new stand,
where he hopes to be able to administer successfully and
satisfactorily, to the various. wants anil appetites of his
ff e3 ‘ 3 . JOHN O. BRACKEN.
Sept. 28.—23- th i
HAS opened the Central Hotel, in the extensive Fire
Proof Brick Building;recently erected in this Lit)’.
The Location is central to the business ot the place, and
the House is conveniently arranged for tho accommoda
tion of Families or single persons,either as regular or tran
sient Boarders. The Beds and Furniture throughout,
are new and superior. Ihe Table and Bar will always
he furnished with the best the Market affords, and no
pains will he spared by the Proprietor, to render comtor
tahle and agreeable, all who favor him with their custom,
and he hopes from his long experience, and the satisfac
lion heretofore r< ndored the community, to merit from ins
friends and the public, a liberal share of patronage. Ex
tensive and convenient Stables arc attached to the Hotel.
Sept 21.—24—ts
i rfIIIIE undersigned, takes this method to in
| L JL form the Public generally, that he has
‘is ijiisS taken the House, recently occupied by Les
tfrTlifiirni ( ar oette,& Cleghorn, as a Tavem, at the Al
latoona Mines, in Cass County; and is now ready to ac
commodate as many as may find it to their interest to vis
it this interesting, Golden Region of country.
filers who stop to rest, will find his Table supplied with
the very best the country will afford, his Stables w’eil fur
nished with provender, and attended by a first rate Ostler,
and no exertion wanting on his part, to comfort constant.
Boarders, or render .grceablc the situation of the tran
sien visitor. L. R. Mc’LAIN.
July 2, —13—ts
Subscriber respectfully informs his friends, and
K the public generally, that he has opened a House
tis entertainment, at the Allatooney Gold Mires, in Cass
county, the above place is a handsome and healthy situa
tion, with the advantages of good spring and well water,
and the pleasant Mountain breeze, and is surrounded with
a romantic forest, in the centre of the Gold Region, Alla
toonev, is 45 miles from the Carroll ?\lines, 70 from Au
raria in Lumpkin county, and on *hc direct road leading
from Auraria, to the Carroll mines.
N. B. the post office is removed from Sanfordvillc tothis
July —l4- ts
; iik. jekd&Qm
LIU yubscrihi.i respectfully infomis the j
lit. -EL public, that lie has opened a house of
UIS m ENTERTAINMENT at Huntsville; the
Gold Mines in Paulding county. This place
i9 in a healthy situation,with tile advantages ofgnod spring
water, pleasant mountain breezes, and surrounded with
a romantic forest, and better than all, in the midst of Ihe
Gold Region. Huntsville is twenty-five miles from tin
Carroll mines, and twelve miles from the Alatuna mines
in Cass county,and on the direct road leading from one to
(he other. JACOB PARLIER.
ay 28.8 —ts W
I . c. W. CALLIER,
IWFORMS the public that lie has opened a House of
the possessions lately own
ed by-Doctor i propretor will endeavor to
: cep such aI! liberal patronage. The
c-reat and usual pronSfcood Tables, Bars, and Ost
lers. is so common thStjjTOeless to mention them. It
j will at all times be the endeavor ofthe proprietor to ren-
J der his customers good accone odations ; such as will
1 prove satisfactory to them and gratifying to the proprie
i tor. Tlie house is now prepared for the reception of
Travellers a nd Boarders,
Nov. 23—3G—6t.
Tho Washington News, Georgia Constitutionalist,
Georgia Journal and Fedoral Union, are requested to
give the above six insertions and forward their accounts to
to this office for payment.
——■■■ ■-!■■■■ -’L I ."’.*"’ ■ ‘ 11...."1 ‘ -.1
Tt? CL id Aline Speculat. rs,
TANARUS! IF, Undersigned tenders hia services, as an Expo
rionced practical Miner, to examine and test any
Lot in the Gold Region, disbelievcing in auv certain theo
ry until proven by practice, lie will warrant his opinion
when given to be correct, his price (or examining and giv
ing a verbal, or written opinion, as may be required ofany
l ot, will he twenty five Holism. Loiters eneloseine that
amount in Clash, will be sti ictly attended,and all necessary
information given, he may at all times be found at Leath
er’s Ford or in Auraria Lumpkin county.
Auixnst 10.—18—tl.
41. L persons are hereby cautioned against trading for
the following notes: one for eighty dollars, princi
pal; another forth ee hundred and seventy Dollars; also,
at obligasionon Asa Keith, and Vincent D. Keith, for
eighty two head of hogs, made payable to Benjamin Jtf.
Smith; as the consideration for the a'bove notes and obit- i
gation has failed, and we are determined not to pay them,’
unless compelled by law.
I Also, a bond given to the said Benjamin M. Smith to
make titles to Lot No. 12, in the 6th District, 2d section ;
also a bond lomakc titles to Lot No. 164, Bth District, 3d
s< ctinn; as th consideration for the said bond have fail
ed and I am determidej not to make titles or pav the same.
Oct. 12— 27-ts
T’ F subscriber, living in the low of Elltjay
Town in Gilmer county, on the dir: rt mad leading
from said town to Sanders, on the Federal Road, having
furnished himself with Maps, Lottery Registers, and
other necessary information in relation to Lands in Gil
mer. and the adjoining counties, tenders liis services to
all those who may be in search of Lands, in the above
Section of country, to show lands or give such informa
tion as may be desirable to owners, or others interested,
he will also act as Agent in purchaseing lands at Sheriff
Sale, in Gilmer county, his charges will be reasonable in
proportion to bis tronbie. ’JAMES B. HENSON,
•lnne 61, —15—ts.
f§P IE subscriber offers tor sain, that valna
s ■ SriSL hle TJ,ouse an( * Lot in the town of
Gainesville, Hall county, formerly occupied
by L. Cleveland for a Tavern. The Hons
is situated on the Public Square, fronting the Court House,
in the most eligible part of said Village, and is well adapt
ed for a Tavern, having fourteen well ventilated rooms ;
fourChimnies with eight fire places; a good Pump, and
all the other necessary out buildings; a nod Oar<b i and
stable lot, well improved. A liberal credit will be given
Sept 7.—22—ts.
@ AIL® ‘
TriK Subscriber wishes to sell the Lot of land where
on Wiley Bishop now lives, near the junction of the
( hostatee and Chattanoochie rivers, containing one hun
dred and fifty Acres, more or less, thirty-five or forty Acres
of cleared land, with good fences, and comfortable dwel
ling and out houses; with an excellent fishery and Mill
Shoal. For terms, apply to
Gainesville , Geo.
June 4. —9—ts
(*ol<l Lotsforgale in ClieroktiC.
No. 287, 2nd District, Ist Section,
No. 573, 3rd District, 4th Section. Forfurthcr
information, address A. B.GREENE,
ifov: 5. —31 —ts Tn Augusta, Georgi*
Luhe-nberoilers for sale the following Lint/
No. Di.s.
98 10 \ Adjoining
127 10 ( Carrollton,
100 10 ) well irnpr’d
76 10
34 4
98 6
13G (j
49 5
337 7
49 9
No Dis. Sec.
119 15 2
556 15 2
258 11 2
165 8 1
266 11 l
For Terms, apply to A. G.
Auraria, Sept. 7. —82—ts.
Lands ibr Jsale.
42 I 1 252 3 2 445 2] ‘
255 1 4 445 21 2 92g n, „
201 1 3 63 S 4 1 J4O lo J
193 1 2 47 4 4 298 JO 4
776 2 1 SOS 4 1 132 10 4
633 2 2 74 1 4 1 218 10 3
113 2 4 933 4 1 ,M 6 j, ,
587 2 4 15 4 1 70S 11
602 2 4 610 4 1 01 11 i
95 a 8 2 258 4 4 775 U 1*
19S 1 8 254 4 1 1088 11 1
<7O 2 1 113 4 2 61 12 1
633 2 2 £3l 4 1 23 12 j
•13 2 4 213 4 1 £O4 12 1
387 2 4 1237 4 4 jgo 12 1
602 2 4 423 4 3 130 jo ,
952 2 2 522 4 1 452 jg „
108 1 2 467 4 1 368 12 j
455 2 4 1021 4 3 734 12 <
167 3 2 54 5 1 10 5 12 4
331 3 1 149 5 1 189 12 4
967 3 1 1187 5 1 44 12
‘205 3 1 72 6 1 85 12
89 3 2 294 6 4 41 12 3
286 33 SIS 7 2 58 1® 4
1640 3 1 47 7 3 25 5 13 1 s
839 3 5 311 8 2 289 13 ] N
952 2 2 161 8 L 113 13 1 V
283 3 2 199 8 3 276 13 4 “
550 3 1 73 8 1 74 13 3
349 3 1 160 9 1 739 14 1
1026 3 2 127 9 2 ? 03 14 i
558 3 4 65 9 2 534 44 j
177 3 2 104 9 2 .245 14 1
1050 3 1 164 9 2 308 IS 1
803 3 4 473 18 2 4 G o 13 1 g
409 3 2 590 18 2 370 21 3
233 14 3 404 18 3 433 21 3
210 H 3 ,019 IS 3 43i 2 1 2
623 15 2 706 18 3 2 SO 21 3
723 15 2 6GO 18 3 809 2 , e
548 13 2 2 <lB 18 1 70S 21 *
405 15 1 21 19 3 054 21 2
508 15 2 ,070 19 2 774 , .
584 17 2 252 19 3 000 21 2
S-l 16 2 28 19 3 27 22 2
452 16 2 271 19 * 201 22 “
32 16 2 100 19 2 252 22 3
197 16 4 ~19 19 3 242 22 3
173 16 3 , ,30 19 2 300 23 3
101 10 1 , ,38 19 2 2243 33
400 16 3 ;-,2 19 2 351 23 3
679 16 2 q 49 39 2 35 23 3
135 16 2 yis 19 2 87 £3 3
668 16 2 406 IS 3 24s S3 -a
97 17 1 030 19 3 276 24 2
610 17 3 2 15 19 2 64 25 2
618 17 2 7 7£ 20 3 CO 26 2
506 17 2 .166 20 3 109 20 2
541 18 2 gS3 20 3 67 27 2
286 18 1 i>Bo 20 3 £74 27 2
2SI IS 3 421 21 2 87 27 2
98 18 5 ,26 21 1 243 28 3
325 18 3 g 97 18 3 117 13 4
I For Terras, apply to J. C. HABERSHAM, or
„ „„ R. KING, Auraria
Oct. 6,—29—tf. .
& 1 or before the 25th of December next, we or either
01 imi ll! i?i anc * Dollars, lor the hire of a bov natncl:
Thill, 20th November, 1833.
Wl. hereby caution all persons from trading for the
u.tove note, as the consideration having failed for which
it was given, we are determined not to pay the same, ex
cept compelled by law.
1 will also, give a liberal reward for a certain sorrrl
Horse, five feet high, light short inane; long tail; one
hind foot white; the lid of one eye has been cut, so that the
sear may easily be seen; and has a habitof stamp sucking.
I have reason to believe that said Keith has carried him
away. Any information communicated to the subscri
ber at Monticeilo, Jasper countv, Ga. will be thankfully
Nov. 30. —34—It.
J he Georgia Journal, will give tne above three inset;
tions, and forward their accounts to Monticeilo.
IS hereby given that I shall on the 3d Monday of De
cember next, make application to the Inferior Court
of Hall County for the benefit of the Oath, and act, made
and provided for honest debtors, of which all interested
will take due notice.
Nov. 30—34—1 t.
The following Gold and Land Lots :
No. 407, 13th Dis. Ist Sec. north, the LandrumpUcc.
504, 13 1 North.
79,;, 2 1
208, 3 1
172, 3 2
,249, 3 2
533, 3 2 My Interest.
435, 15 2
316, 5 2 Land.
119, 1 2
31-4, 7 2 Land.
Apply to the subscriber in Decatur, De Kalb counljb
Nov. 10.—32—ts.
R IBERAL prices will be given for Negroes. Apr'!’
JLiatthis office.
Nov. 22.—3£-V-f