Newspaper Page Text
STiiaKß 13^s3 AMi3*_
J'fißiikfi? smei iiT s Sate*
WILL be sold on the first 1 tiestfay in Fc-!
hr,. ,r- next, at tin- t ‘oart-he;:-- ini umpl in ’
( , ’inty, wi’h'n me ii.'ual Uoe 1 i sab ,t!u token ii; prop-
I) , to w it :
Lot No. SC?,*lllh .K
----'.cx\ on ns tJ • • ‘• ■. i • ‘•••’ Ji, f u saTi-fy .
‘to H. fas ; Ji-r. t V <’ • 1 •’*’ ,
n ♦ • *\ ( .:. !<>. a-t.’. tiu* olucr t
f V 5. Pa n. Levy i . al l u
. iir.od tome by a Constable.
Seven Acres of Land more or >*s, h ing on !
• East side of the Chestatee Uiw r, i..u!ui!ing tbe ‘! y- ;
rn where William .Reagan non lavs, ntv.. Leathers
l ord; levied on as the property of liardy 7’-t?om, to ‘
s-dirty sundry fi. fas. issued from a Justice's ( ourt it j
Hall county in favor of Jeflerson ‘/.ilmon, and others.
Lew made and rcturnod to me by a Constable.
Fraction No. 15, 4th Distric t, Ist Section: .
vied on s* the property of James white, . niyafi.i
’issued from Habersham Superior Court a.or ot
. .hn ll* dela k.
Lot No. 07, Ist District, of originally Haber,
sham now Lumpkin county, containing two hundred and .
. av acres; levied on as the property of Thomas Garrison
so satisfy a ti. fa. issued from a Justice’s Court, of this
< runty, ii favor of A. N. Board. [ .evy made and return
ed to me by a Constable.
Lot No. OSI, 12th District, l?t Section; le.
vied on as the property of IPiUiam .'ficus, to satisfy a ti.
tY issued from Walton Inferior Court, in favor ot the in
lerior Court of said county, vs, sard Jtlicus.
Lot No. 430, 12th District, Ist Section; le.
* ied on as dic property of Enoch Jslatton, to satisfy a ti.
a. issued from a Justices Court of Hall county. in tavor
cf Thomas Warris, vs. said Sialton. Levy made and rc
t :rn. to me by a Conslable.
Lot No. SOT, 13th Dis. Ist Section;S. half;
e vied on as the property ofJames smith,to satisfy a ti.fa.
issued from a Justices Court of Franklin county, in favor
of .Moses H. Denman, vs. said Smith. Levy made and
returned! o me by a Constable.
I.ot No. 1071, 32th District, Ist Section;
‘'.vied on as the property of John Conner, to satisfy a ti.
ta. issued from the Superior Court of Clan! v, in fa
vor ofElbridge Jackson, vs. said Conner.
Lot No. 04d, 11th District, Ist Section;
! tried on as the property of fiandel Bernclt, to satisfy a I
f:. fa. issued from a Justices Court of ll’a!ton county, in j
favor of Jonathan Peacock, vs said Burnett. Le vy made I
and returned to me by a Constable.
Dec. 2S.
Clierokeo Sheriff’s Sales.
WSriLL be soki on the first Tuesday in Fe
- * bruary next, at the Court house in Cherokee
county, within the usual hours of sale, the fallowing prop
erty, to wit:
Lot No IS2, 2d District, 2d Section; le
vied on as the property of Charles Havns, to satisfy a ii.
fa. issued from the Superior Court of Cherokee county,
in favor ofP, J. Alurray, vs. said Havns.
L*t N. 139, 2d District, 2d Section: le
leviedon as the property of Job n Hunt, to satisfy a fi. fa.
issued from the Inferior Court of Jones county,"in favor
of Isaac Newell, vs. said Hunt.
L*t N*. 30, 2d District, 2d Section; le
vied on as the property of James Taft', .Richard Tali;
George Tats and William Taft; to satisfy- sundry fi. fas,
issued from a Justices Court of Crawford county, in fa
vor of E. Stone &Cos. vs. said defendants. Levy made
and returned to me by a Constable.
Lot No. 974, loth District, 2d Section; le
vied on as the property of Jacob Barantine, to satisfy a fi.
fa. issued from a Justices Court of Fayette county, in fa
’ orof T. D. &G. C. ICing, vs. said Earaikine. Levy
made and ■ etm-ned to me by a Constable.
Lot No. 134, 15th Districted Section;levied
on a- the property of John .V’Canlcss, to satisfy a fi. fa.
issued from the Inferior Court of FI ibersham county, in
tavor .f Thomas B. Cooper and John R. Stanford’, vs.
eaid M’ Canless.
Lot No. 900, 15th District, 2d Section; le
vied on as the property Drury Roach, to satisfy two fi.
fas in favor of James Adams, issued from a Justices court
of; aliersham county, vs. said Roach. Levy made and
returned to me by a Constable.
Lot No. 858, 2d District, 2nd Section; le
vied on as the property of William llarriage, to satisfy a
ti. ta. issued from a Justices Court of Newton county, in
favor of James Henry, vs. said Homage. Levy made
and returned to me by a Constable.
Lot No. 301, 23d District, 2d Section; levied
on as the property of Thomas B. Martin, to satisfy a fi.
a. issued from a Justices Court of Harris county, in fa-
Vor of W. W. Walker, vs. said Martin. Levy made and
r eturned to me by a Constable.
Lot No. 155.15 th District 2d Section; lr.
v ied on as the property of Ezekiel Underwood, to satisfy
■-> fi. fa. issued from a justices Court of Elbert county, i;i
favoi of Henry Bowen, vs. said Umdenvood. Levy made
and returned to me by a Constable,
Dec. 30. “ G. VV. JONES, D. Sh’fif.
Gilmer f§leriir* Sale.
WILL be sold on t'le firs tTuesday in
. * * February next, before the Court House door
in tin- town of Etijny, Gilmer county, v.ithin the usual
hours of sale, the following property, t wit:
Lot No. 161, 0(h District, 2d Section; levied
on as the property of Edward Johnson, to satisfy a (i. fa.
issued from a Justices court of’ Walton county, ‘in favor
Kamuel M’Junkin, vs. said Johnson, Lew made and
relumed to me by a Constable.
Lot No. 79, 10th District, 2d Section; levied
cn as the property of Moses Keys, to satisfy a !i. fa. is
rued from a Justices Court of Walton county, m favor of
Samuel -M’Junkin, vs. said Keys. Levy made and re
turned to me by a Constable.
Lot No. IC, 9th District, 2d Section; levied
cn as the property of Parnal Vines, to satisfy a ti. fa. is
i:aed from a Justices Court of Walton county, in favor of
Samuel .M’Junkin, vs. said Vines. Levy made and re
timed to m< by a Constable.
_ 00 J- C. KING, Sh’fl.
Dec. 23.
• iSmer Sheriff's Sain.
be sold on the first Tuesday in Fe
” Oruary next, in the town of Eliiay, Gilmer coun
ty, rtitmn the usual hours of sale, the followin', nrooertv
to wit 4 * r r j,
Lat No. 42, 6th District, 2d Section ; levied
vied on as the property of Isaac Potts, to satisfy,! fi. lb
issued from a Justices Court of Habersham county in i
favoi of William B. Shelton, for tiie use of E. T. Sta
ca. Lew made and returned to me by a Constable.
At the same time cud place, on the first ‘Jjiesday j
in Aebraary next.
Let No. 7 61, fith District 2d Section; levied
on asthe property of Edward John-.,m, !•> satisfy a fi. fa. I
issued from a Justices Court of \\ niton county, in favor
of Samuel M’Juiikm, vs. saiil Johnson. Levy made and
returned to me bv a Constable.
Lot No. 79, 10th District. 2d Section ; le
vied on as the property of M/o-.-s lieges, t > satisfy a ’fi fa
issued from a Justices Court of Welton county, in favor
of.Samuel M’Junkin, vs. said ilegts. Levy'made and
returned to m by a Constable.
lot No.
oil as me prep- t.y of Camel Nines, to aatiaty an. v;p is
sued from a JuslicesCourt of AN uiton county, in tavor
ofSamn 1 MMunkin, vs. said Nines. Levy made and
returned to me by a Constable.
Dee. 23. ‘ B. B. CIULLIAN, P.'Sh’ff.
P'Ulcli M • S’lc-
ILL he sold on the first Tuesday in Fe
w w brnarv next, at the place for holding Courts in
j Fauhlin"county, the following property to wit:
Lot No. 843, 2nd District, 4th Section; le
) \led t>n as the prop* rtv >l Ahm r Jordan, t* satisfy sun
i ilvv ti. fa**, issnixi from a Justice’s Court oi Klbcrt county,
| ou*o ii favor of Thomas Havocs, vs. said Jordan; one m
! tavor of McDonald &. I tavno?. \s. Abner Jordan and oth
! cr ii. fas. ns, said Ahnrr Jordan
| Lot No. 3G3, 19t!i District,.3rd Stcticn, and
’ 371,in the -Ji:d Dlstric*., 3rd Section; levied on as the
I property if George J. Xipperei, satisfy a fi. fa.issued
i fmiii a Justk'CjS Court of Chatham county, in favor oi
i Mi Focal Cttiiiiingham, vs. said Zippcrcr.
Lot No. 354, 21st District, 3ii Section; levied
| on as the property of John Huohard, to satisfy a Ii ta.
j issue. 1 in>ni a Justice’s Fouit oi Fh.itltam county, m la
vor of John l. Gaud.., vs. said I lubhard.
Lot No. 175, 2nd District 4th Section, and
Lot Ao. 519, *2Ft District, 3d Station; levied on as the
! property ofHanlv* Blackwell, to satisfy sundry ti. las. is
sued from s Justice’s Court of Libert county, one in favor
of U illiam Moss, one in favor of Stephen Carlton, and
olio in favor of Bennet Doolev, vs. said Blackwell.
Dec. 29.
B’ an t-r .*ro! t’.i HonoraMe Ue Inferior Court of
luehmond county, win ; sitting as a Court ot Or
dinary, \\ ill he sold at tbCouit House in Union county,
on the first Tuesday in February next, a Tract of Land
containin’ one hundred aivi sixty Ac:es, ]No. 223 IG 1
offonne. •- Uherok •, now t-nion ( ounty. Sold so: llu
ben lit of the heirs and creditors of F, 11. Combs, deejd.
Dec. 14.—35—1d5.
4GREEABLV to an order oi’llic honorable the Infe
rior Court of Newton county, when sitting as a
< ‘nnrt of ordinary, will he soM on the first i'uesilay in Fe
bruary next, a! lIV Court house in Stewart county, Lot of
I .and No. 115, -JO'h District, ofotiginailv, now
’ Stewart county. Sold as the property of N\ alter Poole,
: deceased. Tunis made known on the dav of sale.
ILVUDV K. I’OuLE, Adm’r.
Nov. IG, —32.—tds.
R ft r ILL he sole on Friday, the third day of January
w W next, in tiie Town of Auraria, Lumpkin county,
between the usual hours of sale. All the perishable pro
prerty of Joseph Howard, late of said county deceased,
consisting of a :-addle, Bridle, and Martingiils a Trank,
Brace of Pistols, Match tic. Sold for the Benefit of the
Heirs and Creditors, of said deceased. T erms made
known on theday of sale.
Nov. 16.—32.—tds.
A OREL ABLE loan order of the Inferior Courts of
ah*. Campbell and Lincoln counties, will he sold ori the
first Tuesday in February next, in the T wn Tulonega.
Lumpkin county, between the usual boats of sale. Lot
No. 944, 12th District, Ist Section. Sold for the benefit
of William and Kesiah Jeter, t frphans &e
WESLEY WHEAT, l S ua ' (N -
Oct. s.—26—tds
A Agreeably to an older of the honorable the Ini
Ask - ourt <>f Newton county, when sitting as a
of ordiniary, will be sold on the first Tuesday in
ary next, at the Court House in the town of” Coving
Newton county, a Negro woman by the name of
and her child Clarinda. Sold as the"property ol'tln
orphans of Joseph Howard, deceased. Terms
known on the dav.
Nov. 16.—32—tds.
AIEAIIL. V to an order granted by hejionorabh
nle. ior Court of Newton county, wh
sa a Court of ordinrry, ill be sold on the first Im si
March next, at the Court house in Cobb county,
of Land No. 00, in the 17th District, 2d Section,
ally Ciierokcnow Cobb county.
Also, on the same day at the Court house in Colm
county, Lot of Land, No. 198, in the Util District
Section,originally Cecrokcenew Gilmer courilv. \
on the same day at the the Court Inuse in Paulding con -
ty, Lot of Land No. 711, in the 20th District , 2d - -
tion, originally Cherokee, now Paulding bounty, ~
for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of Jess.
WTiite, deceased. Terms made known on the dux
sale. J
Dec. 28.—30—tds.
The Gov, r.ioron tin* information of
llenkt Ligiitfoot Sims, J ,
vs. f ‘- Cii Eg
Michael Everett. )
Gilmer Superior Court, August Term, i
tT appearing to the Court by the return of the Si,- ,
ol fclfair county, that the defendant in the . in -
stated case, is not to be found in said countv,and it furthei
appearing by the affidavit of the Informer” that be does
not belive ihat the said defendant resides in the slate- li
lis therefore ordered,that seivice ofsaid Sci Fa. be cIK-ei-d
by publication, and that the defendant do appear at ,
next Term ofthisCourt,tobe held on the Thursday -i
(ho fourth Monday in February next, to answer to
suit, and leatlhis Rule he published once a month i,
tnree months, in one of the public Gazettes of this State
direct front the minutes of the Superior Court'.
Ghmer county, tins 20th day of August
Sept. 14,—23—m3m.
Court of Ordinary, September Term, 1533.
TIIE petition of John Webb, Administrator of W ilio
Cowart, deceased, respectfully sbeweth that e
nas tuily completed the administration upon said ErtuG
and prays letters of Dismission therefrom. V. hereupon I
is ordered by the Court, that all persons having vul'i
jcetions to said John V ebb, administrator as aforesai.”
being dismissed from the further administration of sad
Estate, be and appear at the next Term of this Court
which sua 1 sit next, alter the due publication of this rule’
, then and there to make them, as in default thereof this’
< oui t u ill then and there proceed to grant lettrs n f I tic
mission to said John Webb, administrator as !p -f
a ,reeable to the statute in c’ases pmvidS mui
i d f S? P,V f ; bl 2 ku,e be Pushed in one of the Public ‘
Gazettes of this State, once a month for six months i
A true extract from Ihe minutes.
Sept. 14.—23.—m6m. L ’ UOPKINS ’ c - c.
well late ot said county deceased. ’J hese are th!>f R °?’
Rea,id admonish, all and singular tin kindre, n"w. r ° to
Hors ol said deceased, to be and appear at i iv lfc, o^ 1 ’
I” "> by law, to ‘sLw clisc
have why said letters should not ho granted Given J
dor my hand this 14th November 1333. ‘ l crl u ”
Nov. Id,—32—30d M ‘ R QI TLUAN, c. c. o.
The Governor on the information ol 1
Elijah Hulsey, l gd Fa.
ys- I
Jacob I armer, J
JWitrraij Superior Court, September 1ev) i?,1833.
I’ T appearing to the Court that the defendant, Jacob
. Farmer resides without the State of Georgia, on mo
i tion, ordered In the Court, that the defendant appearand
I plead at the next trim of this ourt, and that this rule lie
published in one ot tho public Gazettes of this state, in
• erms of flu- law, and that said publication be deemed suf
ficient service ofthisease.
A true extract from the minutes.
Sept. 21.—24. —m3m.
The Governor on the information of I
William Martin, i. p fl>
PirsT E. Jackson, j
Cohh Superior Court, September Term, 1833.
ST appearing lo theCourtfroin flic return of the Sheriff,
. that the defendant is not to he. found, and by the af
fidavit oftheinlbrmant, that he believes that the defen-
I dant does not reside in the state, it is therefore ordered hy
I the < ‘ourt, that service be perfected hy three months pub
j lieation of this re!c in one or more of the public Gazettes
j of this state.
A true extract from the minutes.
Sept. 21. —24 —m3m.
Months after date application will he made to
’ the Honorable the Inferior Court, of Hall county,
wln-ii sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell the re
al state of William \\ heeler, sen. late of said county,
deceased. JOHN GARM ON, Admr. ’
Sept 2d.—25 w4m—
INOTJR Months after date application will be made,
to the Honorable the Inferior Court of Lumpkin
county, when setting for ordinary purposes, tor leave to
sell the real estate of RobertLigon, sen. late of said coun
ty, deceased.
It: BERT LIGON, jun. j Ad
Sept. 28, —25—W'fill
HER FAS Andrew Miller and Janies B. Henson,
V? apply to me for letters of Dismission from the
further administration on the estate of Janies St other,
lait of said county, deceased :
I hose are V .. reforc to cite and admonish a!i nui
guhir the kindred and creditors <f said deceased, to ! >
and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law,
to shew cause if they have, why said loiters should not he
granted. Given under my hand this Ist. i h remk r, 1833.
JACOB C'AIMJ j- i * c. (>.
Dec. 14. 35—-m6in.
Lumpkin Court-house , Georgia .
rgIHE undersigned respectfully informs the public
J3_ that lie has removed irom his forme r residence, a
all mile south from Lumpkin Court house, to this place,
and has opened a House of Entertainment at the sign of
the-Indian King &. Queen. Where he is now prepared
lor the reception of Boarders and Travellers. To such as
have heretofore patronised him, he . ties fo** recomiiien
'.ition on the satisfaction wliich lie may have been able to
.nd from those who have neither proof or the testi
mony of others, o i which to rely, he respectfully soliciLs a
••ail. The Table of the Indian King and Gtueen, will be
ho.: ‘tilully supplied with the best the country affords;
pi oared he tin; .s, in a style which will be satisfacto.y to
. rites the most fastidious—hisL'qjois will !>e of the
’ quality, and stab'es, whieli arc in suprvioi order, af
• I*r the utmost eoc-urity as well as comfort, will be at
t hy the best of Ostlers. Grateful for tie patronage
! * which, in liis old station, he has been so liberally fur-
Ik d.he solicits a continuance of it at his new stand,
he hopes lo be able to ad minister successfully and
-lactoi'ily, to the various wants and appetites of his
; t. 28.—25-tl.
g AS openrd the Central Hotel, in the extensive Fire
IL SL Froof Brick Buiklingjrcccntly erected in this City.
Location is central to the business of the pkiec, and
low <e is conveniently ai tanged for the acconmiodu
. . <f Families or single persons,either as regular or tran
:h Eoait'ers. The Beds and Furniture throuidiout,
new and superior. The Table and Bur will always
furnished with the best the .Market affords, and no
s will be spa fed by the Proprietor, io render coinfor
•!•!.• and agn e- Ide, all who favor him with their custom,
id he Slopes from his long experience, and the satisfec
ia iieretofore rendered the coinimm'.ty, to merit from his
ids and the public, a liberal share of lage. Ex
-i ii: and convenient Stables are attached to the Hotel.
“■ opt. 21.—24—1f
~tu vvi:lleus ri;st.
j r|UIE undersigned, takes this method to in
,U _£l form the Public generally, that he lias
•k’r'JjS • ihca the House, recently occupi *d by Let>-
targetlc,is. Cleg :o n, as a Tavern, at the Al
roon a Alines, in Cass Coni'.v; and is now ready to ac
'cniodatc as many as irav fnj it totlioir mt tto vis
• this interesting, Golden Region of country, Trav
'! * s who slop to rest, will find his Table suoplied with
;n<‘ very best the country will afford, Ins IStablcs v\ ell fur
ni-ried with provender, and attended l.y a first rate OsJe**,
no exertion wanting on his part, to comfort constant
. - or render agreeable the situation of the Iran
sient visitor. E. R. Mc’LAIN.
. uly 2, —13—ts
Subscriber respectfully informs his friends, and
0 the public generally, that he has opened a House
ofriter.ainment, at the A.latooney Gold iVlincs, in Cass
county, the above place is a handsome and hcaUliy situa
tion, with the advantages of good spring and well water,
and the pleasant xVlouatuin breeze, and is surrounded with
: romantic forest, in the centre o r the Gold Region, Alla
looney, is 4u nib’s from the Carroll Alines, 70 from Ar
: iaria in Lumpkm county, and on the direct road leading
from Auraria, to the Carroll mine s.
v . C. the post office is removed from Sanfordville tothis
July —l4—tf
I X FORMS tiie public that he has opened a House of,
Entertainment in Athens, ihe possessions lately owu
ed by Doctor Tinsley. The proprietor will endeavor to
keep such a House, us to insure liberal patronage. The
great and usual promises of good Tables, Bars, and Ost
lers, is so common lliatit is useless to mention them. It
will at all times be tiie endeavor of the proprietor to ren
der his customers good accommodations; such as will
prove salisfuetory to them and gratifying to the propritj i
tor. The house is now prepared for the reception of
Travellers and Boarders,
JSov. 23—36 Gt.
The Washington News, Georgia Constitutionalist.,
Georgia Journal and Federal Union, are requested to
give the .above six insertions and forward their accounts to
to this office for payment.
A MAN expercnced :n the Mining business who can
give the best references for his cliarcter and abil
ities .wishes to get employment in a mine,vein or deposit.
Enquire at this Office. .
August, 10—10—"r*.
rttH IE Subscriber respectfully informs tbi
•: : t L i public, that lie has opened a lmusc ot
Sl*K ENTERTAINMENT at Huntsville: tho
Mines in I’aukling county. Ims place
s in a healthy situation, withtlieadvantagosofgooilspring
.vat'er, ph asant mountkn breezes and surrounded wuh
a romantic forest, and bettor than all, m the midst ol ho
Gold Region. Huntsville is twenty-five miles trom tin
(tarroll mines, and twelve miles from the Alatnna mines
!n Cass county,and on the direct Ttr-OU PAIUJLKK
the other. JACOb 1
May 88.—6—ts
Fraud 1 Fraud !
A LL persons are warned not to trade for Ui action
A No. 943, 12th District, Ist Section, drawn to n>
name reeen'.lv, as I am determined to use all laudabh
means to set aside a title obtained from me by the Itonua-
We George W. H acasor, late a Representative from
Murray county, through the most foul and wanton mis
representations. r. nninrrv
Wilkes county, Ga. Jan. 4. —38, 4t
REMAINING in the Tost Office at Auraria, Lump
kin county, Georgia, on the first day of January,
1834 and if not taken out before tnc first ot April next
j will be sent to tho G eneral Dost Office as dead letters.
A Silas Kellys,
! David Allison,’ Mr-
I Joseph Allison, ‘ Roswell Kin,..
I Reuben Abarr,
i John Addington. Bcnj. H. Lan),
George O. L.iicisc\,
j James Enant, 2. a, l‘ uel ¥^ er ’
I Nathaniel Black, A. Langford^
Solomon Boatner, ... n i Jfr L: n
ItrJSts g-ffiUn
William G. Black, Jfojlter tt Madd, .
William Boyten, Ui _
Gondu N. Bissell, G c ° g WS*-™.
Enoch Belangee, George Maatm,
Thomas Bailer, “^o^,castle,
H. Bruce, Ui .u.
n r pZtnr Martin MeeKs,
G.c.bestor, K B . McLeure,
L. K. Barcheld. philip D Mar on ey,
Stephen D. Crane, 3. Mingle c-or*.
Howard S. COll mi, 2
William Crane, John Nolilit,
A. A.Caldwell, William M’Nabli,
William Cleveland, Walter R. Nunclee,
A. K. Craig, U.
John Clavton, John G. Oliver,
Bonjami:-'Clemons. Roland Csburn,
Ambrose Christopher, Jourdan Odum.
Zadock Cook, P.
r>. Vv iiiiam \V. Pearce,
John Donalson, 3. Thomas Pounds,
James Do!loson,2. John Powell,
Matthew Duncan,2. Silas Palmer,
John Davis, John L.Park,
oses and Simon Dunn, T. J. Pearce,
Richard Davidson, IF. Ii Park.
Thomas Dodson, CL
William Deadman, Clements Ctuillain.
Mary Darter. , B.
E. Mrs. Caroline Uodtvcll,
James Edmonson, Rusk k Rockwell,
Alexander Earnest. .Tames C Rawls,
F. 8. T. Rowland,
Jonathan Foster, Thomas llievcs,
Coleman Fergusson, Willis Rentfrow,
G. Falls. Samuel Rutherford,
l_i, tiuttm r\.ut\j‘*v }
Iliram Gaiiey, M. B, Robinson.
James Grier, S.
Samuel Gallihor, Jesse Stancel,
Frederic k G uthrie, Larkin Saterfield,
L. D. Gwyne, Mary Ann Smith,
A. W. Green, William Sentell, 2,
A. G. Grant, H. Shelton,
Joshua Gist. John Spreaden,
11. Clementine Southern,
Silas ti. Henley, Jonathan Sutton,
Williams. Hoskins, WilliamSouthlin,
Osborn Hagood, James T. Sutton,
W. D.Hill, John Thomas, 2.
Abel H. Harrison, John Towns, 2.
W. Hitchcock, John Townsend 2.
George S. Haynes, John L. Turner,
William Hancock, Asa Thompson,
J, Charles J. Thompson,
Vary Jack, Lemuel Thomason,
Henry Jennings, Dosier Thornton,
Bar! lot Jones. Abner Terry,
Noblet Johnson, AJajgarcl Teague,
Philip Jackson, \v.
Seaborn Jones. R. A. Watkins, 2.
K. William Wheeler, 3.
Elijah Knight, 2. Joshua Welch,
Asa Keith, William E. Walker,
“? m ® s K®lly, Henry W'atkins,
W. S. McKinzie, AV. P Wooddv,
H ixellian, William Woods,
Etty King, William Walraven.
Jan. 4.—38.-31
To Gold Mine Speculator*.
THE Undersigned tenders his services, as an Expo
rienced practical Miner, to examine and test any
I Lot in the Gold Region, disbelieveing in auv certain theo
j ry until proven by practice, he will warrant his opinion
i when given to be correct, his price for examiningond giv
ing a verbal, or written opinion, as may be required ofany
Lot, will lie twenty five Dollars Letters encloseing that
amountin Cash, will be strictly attended,and all necessary
information given, be may at all times be found at Leath
er’s Ford or in Auraria Lumpkin countv.
AugnstlO.—lß ts,
ALL. persons are hereby cautioned against trading for
the following notes: one for eighty dollars, pnnei
! pal; another for three hundred and seventy Dollars; nlso,
| an obligalion on Asa Keith, and Vincent D. Keith, for
eighty two head of hogs, made payable to Benjamin M.
i -Smith; as the consideration for the above notes and obli
i tuition has failed, and wc are determined not to pay them,
| unless compelled by law.
Also, a bond given to the said Benjamin M. Smith to
make titles to Lot No. 12, in the 6th Distiict, 2d section ;
also a bond to make titles to Lot No. 164, Slh District, 3d
section; as (tin consideration for the said bond have fail
cd and I am detennide J not to make titles or pay the same, i
Get. 12.—27—ts
mrglUE subscriber offers tor saic,tliat valua
-HL ble House and Lot in the town of
Gainesville, Hall county, fbrmcrlv occupied
by 1.. Cleveland for a Tavern. The House
is situated on the Public Square, fronting the Court House,
in the most eligible part of said Village, and is well adapt
ed for a Tavern, having fourteen well ventilated rooms ;
four Cbimnies with eight fire places; a good Pump, and
all the other necessary out buildings; a trood Garden and I
stable lot, well improved. A liberal credit will be given.
Sept 7.—22—ts.
FHA K subscriber, living in the lowu purr of Elhjay
JL Town in Gilmer county, on the direct road leading
from said town to Sanders, on the Federal Road, having
furnished himself with Maps, Lottery Registers, and
other necessary information in relation to Lands in Gil
mer, and the adjoining counties, tenders his services to
all those who may be in search of Lands, in the above
Section of country, to show lands or give such informa
tion as may he desirable to owners, or others interested,
lie will also act as Agent in purchaseing lands at Sheriff
Sale, in Gilmer county, his cnarges will be reasonable in
proportion to his trouble. JAMES B. HENSON.
Jig., oi, -■ ?-:(■
rSI lIE I.uhscriberoilers for sale the following Lamb
M to wit:
No. Dis.
98 10 1 Adjoining
127 10 > Carrollton,
130 10 ) well nnpr’d,
7(i 10
31 4
98 (5
136 a
49 r>
337 7
49 9
No Dis. iSco.
119 15 2
556 15 2
25S 11 2
i 65 8 1
266 11 1
For Terms, apply to A. G. FAMBROUGH,
Auraria, Sept. 7.—22 ts.
Lands for Sale.
42 1 I 252 33 4-15 21
255 1 4 445 21 2 !>fc 21 5
2ul 1 363 g 4 1 140 10 4
198 1 2 47 4 4 299 10 4
778 2 1 805 4 I 132 10 4
633 2 2 74 ! 4 1 218 10 3
113 2 4 933 4 1 1146 11 1
387 2 4 15 4 I 768 11 l
602 2 4 610 4 1 61 11
952 2 2 252 4 4 775 11 1
193 1 2 251 4 1 1083 11 1
779 2 I 113 4 2 61 12 1
633 2 2 631 4 1 23 12 J
113 2 4 215 4 1 504 12 l
337 2 4 1237 4 4 180 12 1
602 2 4 423 4 3 130 1 2 1
952 2 2 622 4 1 152 12 8
398 1 2 167 4 1 368 12 /
455 2 4 1021 4 3 731 12 2
167 3 2 54 5 1 105 12 4
331 3 1 149 5 1 189 12 4
967 3 1 1187 5 1 44 12 2
205 3 1 72 6 1 85 12 2
89 3 2 294 6 4 41 12 3
286 33 2!8 7 2 58 12 1
1010 3 1 47 7 3 255 13 Ift
839 3 2 311 8 2 289 13 1 JV,
952 2 2 161 8 1 113 13 ] *\
933 3 2 199 8 3 276 13 4
580 3 1 73 8 1 74 13 3
349 3 1 160 9 1 739 14 1
1026 3 2 127 9 2 803 14 1
558 3 4 65 9 2 631 14 I
177 3 2 104 9 2 j 245 14 1
l ejiri 3 1 to* 9 2 scS 14 1
803 3 4 473 18 2 460 13 IS.
469 3 2 590 18 2 370 21
238 14 3 4tM 18 3 433 21 3
210 II 3 jOl9 13 3 131 21 a
623 15 2 706 18 3 250 21 2
723 15 2 666 18 3 809 21 2
513 15 2 248 13 1 756 21 2
465 15 1 2iß 19 3 0,i4 g| a
503 15 2 j 076 19 2 774 21 2
581 17 2 252 19 3 COG 21 9
881 .16 2 23 19 3 27 22 2
•152 10 2 271 19 2 201 £2 a
32 16 2 190 19 2 252 22 3
197 16 4 ,119 19 3 242 22 3
173 16 3 ,330 19 2 300 23 3
101 16 1 133 19 2 2243 33
416 16 3 752 19 . 2 351 23 3
679 16 o 949 19 2 35 23 3
135 16 •> 215 19 2 87 23 3
668 16 o 403 19 3 216 23 3}
97 17 l 230 19 3 276 24 2
610 17 3 215 19 2 64 25 3
616 17 5 772 20 3 66 2G 2
506 ]7 2 ,266 20 3 109 26 2
54, 18 2 083 20 3 67 27 2
28G 1.3 1 , -80 20 3 274 27 2
281 18 3 421 21 2 87 27 2
98 18 2 126 xl 1 218 28 3
325 13 3 #97 18 2 117 18 1
E*r Terms, aPl’ly to J. C. HABERSHAM, dr
It. KING, Amaiia,
Oct. 6,—29—tf.
AT or before the 25th of December next, we or either
of us, promise to pay Vincent D. Keith or bearer,
one hundred and fifty Dollars, for the hire of a boy narata
Phiil, 20th November, 1333.
WE hereby caution all persons from trading for t!# 1
above note, as the consideration having tailed ior whioii
It was given, we are determined not to pay the same, ex
cept compelled by law.
1 will also, give a liberal reward for a certain sond
Horse, five (eet high, light short, mane; long tail; one
hind foot white; the lid oT'one eye has been cut, so that tin
sear tnaveasilv be seen; and lias a habitof stump sucking-
I have reason to believe that said Keith has carried liiai
away. Any information communicated to the subset:-
her at Monlicello, Jasper county, Ga. will be thankful”
Nov. 30.—31—1 t.
The Georgia Journal, will give tnc above three aser
lions, and forward their accounts to Alonticclio.
S'S hereby given that 1 shall on the 3d Monday of W*
. comber next, make application to the Inferior Coup
of Hall County for the benefit of the Oath, and act, main
and provided lor holiest debtors, of which all interests
will take due notice.
Nov. 30—31—It
“Flic following Gold and Land Lots :
No. 407, 13th Dis. Ist Sec. north, the Landiumrtoh
504, 13 1 North.
706, 8 1
20J, 3 1
172, 3 2
2-13, 3 2
533, 3 2 My Interest.
435, 15 2
316, 5 2 Lan.
119, 1 2
3)4, 7 2 land.
Apply to the subscriber in Dec atur, (De Kalb <0 -
Nov. I—6.32—ts.
Vi IBERAL prices will be given lbrNe-rOCs. AH*’
w Ja t tins office.
Nl-v.a?.— £3— ts