Newspaper Page Text
Mmvjildt’ Sheriff'ssa
WILL bo soM oil (he first luesdav in Fc
bruarV nrxt. at llio Cokrt-hon.i- in I umpkin
county, within the usual hoursol ale,tlirfo:!owjne prop
erty, to wit:
Lot No. 595, 1 in* District, Ist Section; !c- ,
vied on # the ptwnrttv *’ Hwl 'fnaton .'Otisl> ;
tvvori. f.s iamird from a Jnstioo'a f-uri * Hash.un j
county, one in tavnr ofOaviit Clanton Sr. an, I (In- other]
i„ favor of V illiam H. 1 ‘nthnwn. *-<Un *s a*** **
1 tome by a Consuhie.
Seven Acres of Lai.J tnoty or less lyingon
the Eist sole of fUw chtn*uc i> t 1
imwil'Tr AV mm*ii tuNfe-*” , ‘* ,w . * T V\ !K ' u , r }/, “* l *. s: ’k*
Ford: leviwri *. as tins . properly 01 y' 1 ]
satisfy siinnrv h ts. from a u j
Hall county in lavoi - ol .LfLison . ... fcmus. i
Ltvv made uud relumed to u a l . .. t.u.
Ft,tot ion No. 15, 4tll Dr. tfict. I.t Section;
Icvi-aion aStlm pioperty ..fja.u s nt: .i. aahsty a ti.j
fa. issuel from UA: :'-M £J’ u- - * 1 fm ’ r ul
b ohu‘l ivderiafc.
L i Xu. psr, I-l:l District* :-J l\ I
v:,’-Ton'#, tire pfop-rtT of ft'iiaai.x rs-, •-- , t-v u'i.
fa. issuo.l fro :: Il'nliaii Interior Court, n Savor o! the l
-1 ;rior Court ot .mi county, vs. siii .r/i,‘Us.
Lot No. C 7, Ist District, of originally Haber.
f'.cui now Lumpkin countv, containing two hundred and
efty acres- 1 vied on as the property of Thomas Garrison
to satisfv a ti. fa. issued from a Justice’s Court, o! this
oounlv. in tavor of A. X. Board. Levy made and return
ed to iaa by a Constable.
Lot No. 430, 12th District. Ist Section;
, od on as the property of Knoch Slalton, to satisly a ti.
a issued from a Justices Court oft lull county, in tavor
ot Thomas Warns, vs said 81atton. Levy and re
turned to me by a Constable.
Lot No. 337, 13th Dis. Ist half;
rvied on as the property of James Smith,to satisfy a ti.fa.
issue! from a Justices Court of Franklin county, in favor
of .(loses H. Denman, vs. said Smith. Levy made and
rcturnedto me by a Constable.
Lot*No. 1071, 12th District, Ist Section;
Un it’d on as the property of John Conner, to satisfy a ti.
fa. issued from rne Superior (-curt of Clark * minty, in fa
vor of Elbridg Jackson, vs. said Conner.
Lot No. 640, lUh District, Ist Section;
levied on as the property of Randel Bernett, to satisfy a
U. fa. issued from a Jnstices Court of VFalton county, in
favor of Jonathan Peacock,‘vs said Burnett. Levy made
and returned to me by a Constable.
Dee. 23.
Cher oUpp Sale
WILL be sold on the first Tuesday in Fe
bruary next, at the Court house in Cherokee
county, within the usual hours of sale, the following prop
erty, to wit:
Lot No IS2, 2d District, 2d Section; le.
vied on as the propertv of Charles Hay is, to satisfy a li.
fa. issued from the Superior Court of Cherokee county,
in favor of P. J. JM array, vs. said Hay ns.
Lot No. 139, 2d District, 2d Section; le.
levied on as t!ic property of Job n Hunt, to satisfy a ti. ta
issued from the Inferior Court of Jones county, in favor
cf Isaac Newell, vs. said Hunt.
Lot No. 30, 2d District, 2d Section; le
vied on as the property of Junc-s Tatij /iichard T- tY,
George TatT, and IFiiliam 7aff. i> satisfy sundry ti. fas.
issued from a Justices Court of awford cou-ity. in fa
vor of E. Stone M. Cos vs. said delta hints. L’ vy r.ij ;•
and returned to itk- by a Constable
I t V-,. 974, loth District, 2d Section; 1-•
vi don as the pro rtv of Jacob Barantine, to satisfy a fi.
fa. issued from a J -Uces Court of Fayette county, in fa
vor of T. D. &. G. C. Ring, v-. said Rar&nline. Lew
ma t ;ndtome : y a Constable.
Lot No. 134, 15th District,2d Section; levied
on as the. property of John JtPConlcss, to satiofv a fi. fa.
issued from the Inferior Court of II ihersham County, in
favor of Thomas B, Cooper and John li, Stanford,
taid JlPCanlcsa.
Lot No. 900, 15th District, 2d Section; le.
Crd on as ihe property Drury /?ouch, to satisfy two ri
la? i favor of James Adams, issued from a Justices court
of i aucrFham county, vs. said Roach. Levy made and
returned to me by a Constable.
Lot No. 858, 2d District, 2nd Section; Ic
ried un as the property of TT illiain Harriage, to satisfv a
li. ta. issued from a Justices Court of Newton county, in
favor of James Henry, vs. said Harriagc. Levy made
end returned to me by a Constable,
Lot No. 301, 23d District, 2d Section; levied
cn as the property of Thomas B. A/artin, to satisfv art.
a. issued from a Justices Court of Harris county, in sa
w: of *>\ \V. vs said . Tartin. Levy made and
ciurnedtu me by a Constable.
Lot No. 155, 15th District 2d Section; le.
vied on e=* the* property of Ezekiel Underwood, to satisfy
e fi. fa. issued from a Justices Court of Elbert county, in
avor of Henry Bowen, vs. said Umdetwood. Levy made
and returned to me bv a Consiabl \
Dec. 30 ‘ G. * . JONES; D. Sh’ff.
■uitmer glicrilT s £>a]o.
“MMTILL be sold on the tin; tTuesday in
* February next, before the Court House door
into town of Elijay, <iiijner comity, within the usual
Lorn a of sale, the following property, to w it ,-
Lot No. 161, 9th District, 2d Section; levied
on as the property of Edtvard Johnson, to satisfy a !i. fa.
issued from a Justices court of \Valton county, “in favor
Samuel M’J unkin, vs. said Johnson. Levy'madc and
returned to me by a Constable.
Lot No. 79, 10th District, 2d Section; levied
on as the property of Moses Keys, to satisfy a fi. fa. is
t ucd from a Justicc-a Court of Walton eouniv, in favor of
£amu.d .M’Junkin, vs. said Keys. Levy made and re
turned to me by a Constable.
Lot No. IC, 9th District, 2d Section; levied
r n as the property of Parnal Vines, to satisfy a li. fa. is
sued from a Justices Court of Walton county, in favor ot
Samuel Ol’Junkin. vs. said Vines. Levy made and re
erned to me by a Constable.
J. C. KING, Sh’o
- S3.
Gilmer slieviir*s Sale.
WILL bo sold on the first Tuesday in Fe
niuar; next, in the town of Elijah-, Gilmer comi
ty, w ithin the usual hours of sale, the following property,
to wit:
Lot No. 42, 6th District, 2d Section ; levied
vied cri as the property of Isaac Potts, to satiety a ii. t;,. j
i .suedfrom a Justices Court of Habersham comity,in ,
favor of William B. Shelton, for tKe use of E. T. sta- ,
on. Levy mad ■a id returned to me by a Constable,
Jit ihe same time and place, on the first’ Tuesday
in February next,
Lot No. 101, 9th District 2d Section; levied
, „J • 1 <■ t ip'-rly of Edward Johnson, to satitdV a ti. In. ;
a .lastiees Court of N- alt ai < onntv. in favor
lei ’ I. vs. raid Johnson. Levy made and
lii ii,o by a CousWfle.
1,0. Vo. 79. 1 - h District. 2d Section; le
. oo W* ti”- prop rty of Jlfoses lieges, to satisfy it fi. fa.
and a Justices* Court of V. niton county,‘in favor
i MMunki.i, v.a. sii id Iteges. Levy made and
(I to m bv a Constable.
- 0 , Vo. 10, 19t!i District, Ist Section; levied >
.e “*• P~ r, li Nine*. to ratify a li. fa. is- -
sued i rein a Justices Court ol Walton county, m‘a\ w*
of Samuel M’J unkii. vs. said A mcs. L- \ UW au ’
tt turnctUo nt by a i on stable.
p,o. 23. H. B. qUU-LIAN, \\>4k%
p \%u\u.r s -v s a*.
be sold on the first Tuesday in Fe
* w hrmirv next, t Ihi place tor holding Courts in
I’uuldin” county, the following properly to wit:
Lot No. 813, 2nd District, 4th Section: lc
\ltd on as tho property oi Abner Jordan, H satisfy Min
dly li. fas. issm and from a Justice^Court of Mbert cohnty,
one in tav •of Thomas 1 lavm s, saul Jonlan; one m
favor of McDonald * laVnos, vs. Abner Jordan and oth
er !i. tbs. vs, Stiid Aimer Joidau
Lot No. 363, Ot’; District, 3rl Section, and
371,in the 2nd Oistiic* 3rl Section; levied on as the
property cf George J. SSippom, .o satisfy a H. ia. issued
from a Justices Oomt Chatlißiu cumitv, in favor ot
Michael Cunninrham, ve said Zipperer.
Lot No. 354,215 t District, 3d Section; levied
oivas tl*.e property ot* John to satisfy a ti la.
issued trom a JusiieoV rt urt ol i ’hatham county, in ta
vor of Jolin l>. viand ~ vs. said llubbaol.
Lot No. 175, 2nd District -4th Section, and
Lot-No. Sa9,-Jl.-t pi-l’ 1,3.1 8< -4ion; levied on * (he
propertv oft l.mlv BiuckwcU, lo -ali.-ly stuidiy li- fas- >■-
-nod from s Justice’s ( oiirt of F.lhcrl county, one in favor
of itlunn loss, one in favor of Stephen Carlton, and
one in favor of Bonnet Poolov, vs. said Blackwell.
Dec. 2S.
Bun •r-t rof tlu UoiHiraMc t lie Interior ourt ol
Richmond county, when sittingras a Court ot Or
dinary, will !>e s.ld at til Court House in Union county,
on the first Pvi ‘sday in February m\b a Tract of Land
containiu.e one hundred an i sixty Acres, No. 2*25 1C 1
offoiMi- r, v Uherokee, now Tuition county. s old to the
benefit of the heirs amt creditors of F. Jl. Combs, deed.
Dec. 11 —"3—tel s.
4 GREK ABLY to an order of the honorable tlie Infe
rior Court of Newton county, wf* n sitting as a
Comt of ordinary, will he sold on the tiist Tuesday in Fe
ry “ t!i ‘ ‘ourt house in Stewart county, Lot of
Land No. 115, 20th District, of originally l ee, now
Stewart county. Sold as the property of W alter Poole,
deceased. Terms made known on the dav of sale.
Nov. IG, —32.*—tds.
4 GREK ABLE loan order of t!io Interior Courts of
< -ampbell and Lincoln eounti* s. will be sold on the,
tirst Tuesday in February next, in the T wn ‘Tulonejya
Lumpkin county, between ‘he usual hours of sale.! t
:N . OU, I2tl: District, Ist S ebon. Fold for the* be: . fit
of Will am and Kesiali Jeter; 1 irphuns &.c.
WLSLEV WHEAT, \ cuard.-.
Get. s.—26—ids
4 A ul* *- oan ord of the honorable the Inferior
!of ewton county, when sitting ns a court
ofordi i:c v, will be sold on tfic first Tji sdav in {’ h-u
----ary n- \t .it tfr Court Mouse in the town of Coviugto
’ Newton county, aV’ frro woman by tie nam of I
| and her child < Tarin<E . Sold as the property oftlie mine
orphans of Joseph’ Howard, deceased. Verms mfG
known on tlu* d&y.
ov. in —?-2
\I>V!\ISTR.VTOrrS S\l E.
A 1 RE T* an ord’ r ' anted hv he honorable
nl Court of Newton couiuv, when sitting
sa a Court of ordinary, will be sold on the first Tnesday in
.March next, at the Court house in Cobb count’ T ‘
of Land No. 00, in tlu 1 7ih Pit it, 2d Section, * •
ally Cherokee, now t’o!)’- << \ utv.
Alsq. on th* s.-.H,. ‘ : ay ai the Court house in dimer
county. Lot of Land. No. lUB, in tlio fl th District. ‘
•ection, originally Cherokee now Gilmer county. Also
on the same day at the the Court Inuse in Paulding’ coun
ty, Lot of Laud N . 711, in the *2oth District, 2d ><r
tion, originally Cherokee, now Paulding county, G>!tf
t r tho benefit of the heirs and creditors of Jesse
W hite, deceased, Terms made known on the dav of
JOHN SMITH, ) , , ,
Dec, 26.—36—tds.
AI) >ll MS l’R ATOR’S S A LE.
4GRF.EABLV to an order granted hy the honorable
the Inferior Court of XWton county, when sitting
as a Court of Ordinary, will ho sold on the first Tuesday
in March next, at the Court house in the town of’ oluni
bus, Muscogee county, Lot of Land -To. 145, in the 32d
District ot original v Lee. note Muscogee county, h. lon**-
ing to tlie Estate of Elizabeth Hudson, dec ased. T< nus
made known on the day of sale.
J HN HETR-Y, \d -,V.
Dec. 21.—3(5—tds
Court of Ordinary, September Term, 1533.
petition of John Webb, Administrator of \V ilie
M Cowart, .1, ceased, respectfully sheweth, that h
i has , full >’ completed Iho adrnimetration upon said
ami prays letters of Dismiss on therefrom. ■ hereupon I
, !® “ r ' lure ‘ i l>y ..e Court, that all persons hating valll , ob
jections to said .John \ ebb, administrator as afor--aid
bong dismissed from the further administration of said
Estate, le-and appear at the next Tern, of this Court?
whic.i shall sit in-xf, after the due publiention of this rule,
~ then and there to make them, as in default thereof, this
i C ? Ult "'| ll ® r V* ’t re P rocrrd ‘".grant letters of Ids
mission to said John Webb, administrator as aforhsaid
agreeable to the statute in cases made and provided- and
thata copy of this Rule he published in one'of 1„ Phbl
Sept 1-I.—2.3.— rntlm. C ” ■
! ' , | er <|:, ' e application vv ill be made
t i r r pk : n
ty!deceascd? Stat . C ° llobertLi S on > scn - late of said
~ ROBERT LIGON.jun. < Admr’s.
Sept. 98,—go—W-Im }
P';r R . r Uonl! ir f, r r da £ application will be made to
m the Honorable the Inferior Court, of Hall county
lien silting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell the J’
al estate of ,011,0.,. WIL-llr, sen. late of eounrt ‘
W’ I le.RE ,\s Andrew Miller and James R Ih-nson
f ,, appfy to me for letters of Dismission from the
further administration on the estate of • s, ,i
late of sain county, deceased : fet ‘oUier,
These are therefore to cite and admoniv-h all and
gular the kindred and creditors of said rh-ceasr-d m h 7
and appear at my office will,in the time prescribed by haw
to shew cause if they have, why said letters should not lie
planted Given under ray hand this Ist JWmbcr, 1833.
Dee. M.-33-mCm ‘ CAI ART, e. c. o. ,
CJuM in Cherokee,
N- o ‘r^’.?'V ! rP is, , rfct > ,8t Section,
-mmr ‘-IRKAS Nancy Fincher and John Chirk, apply
▼ ▼ -< motor letters ofadniim-tration, with tho Wi!
annexed, on the Estate of John l'tticher, late, of told coun
fy, deceased.
These are therefore to cite and admonish all and sin
milar. Uie kindred a “..l creditors of -aid deceased, to he
snd appear at ary office within the time prescribed by
law, to shew cause if any they have, why said letters
shonfcl Hot l*e giftllted.
Ciiven under niy hand lltii December, 1 e )3.
L. HOPKINS, c. c. o.
Dee. Jl.—-G—3tVl.
Lumpkin Court-house, Georgia.
rjniJE undersigned respectfully informs tlie public
JL that he ha- removed trom his fornior residence, a
half mile *Olllll from Lumpkin (’ourt house, to this place,
and has opened a House ol Entertainment at the sign of
the Indian King M Queen. Where be is new prepared
tin the reception of Boarders and Travellers. To such as
have heretofore patronised him, lie relies for recommen
dation on the satisfaction which he nmy have been able to
gne and from those who have neither proofior the testi
mony of others, on which to rely, he respectfully solicits a
call. The Tabic of the Indian King and Queen, will he
Imuntifiillv supplied with the best the country affords;
preoared he busts, ill a style which will be satisfactory to
appetites the most fastidious —his Liquors will he of the
best quality, and stables, which arc in superior order, af
fording the utmost security as well as comfort, w ill be at
tended bv the best oft istlers. Grateful for tlie patronage
with w hich, ill Ins old station, he has been so liberally fur
furnished,he solicits a continuance of it at his m w stand,
where he hopes to be able to administer successfully and
satisfactorily, to the various wants and appetites of his
guests. ‘ JOHN O. BRACKEN.
Sept. 23. — 25-tl.
TR AVl’-LB liR S Hi IST.
FTpIIE undersigned, lake? Ibis method to in-
IJSjijjfc Ja form the Public generally, that he has
. takerKhe House, recently occupied by Les
-vaiL tttrgette,&Olcgliorn, as a Tavern, at the Al
la toon a Mims, m Cass County; and i> now ready to ac
ommodatc as many as may find it totheir interest to vis
il this interesting, Golden ItegiGii ol country. Trav
ellers who stop to rest, will find his Table supplied with
the very best the country will afiord, his Stables well fur
nished with provender, and at temped by a first rate Ostler,
and. no exertion wanting on his part, to comfort constant
‘Boarders, or render Agreeable the situation ot tho Iran
sient visitor. E. R. Mc’LAIN.
July 2, —13—ts
rgIHE Subscriber respectfully infonns his friends, and,
..E. the public generally, tliat he has opened a House
of entertainment, at the AlJatoorrey Gold Mines, in i ass
county, the above place is a handsome and healthy situa
tion. wifi; the advantages of good spring and Well water,
and the pleasant Mountain breeze, and is surrounded with
a romantic forest, in the centre of the Gold Region, Alla
toi riey, is 45 miles from the Carroll Mines, 70 from Au
raria in Lumpkin county, and on *be direct road leading
from Auraria, to the Carroll mines.
X.B. the post office is removed from Sanfordville tothis
July <\— 14-ts
C. Vs. CALI lEl\,
I. F< >R’ S tbejmhlic that helms opened n House of
nt ’aiument m Athens, tho possessions lately own- j
ed by Doctor Tins Dy. The proprietor wifi endeavor to i
!• <*cp such a ’ louse, as to insure liberal patronage. The i
gr*nt and usual promises of good Tables, Bars, and Ost- 1
Ers. is soQrminion tbatit js useless to mention them. It 1
will at all liitv he the <n : pioprii tor to rep*
der his customers good accomn odafioF? ; such as’ will
prove satisfactory to them and gratifying to the proprie !
tor. Tie-bmis'* is now prepared tor the reception of
Travc llern and Boarders,
Nov. 2 5 36 61.
Subscriber respeotfidly infonns the
JJJIjL public, that lie has opened a house of
ttt 3B ENTERTAINMENT at Huntsville; the
Gold Mines in Paulding county*. This place
* m a healthy -itu ition, with the advantages of good spring
water, pleasant mountain breezes, and surrounded with
a romantic forest, nnd better than all, m the yiidst of the
old Region. Huntsville is twenty-five miles from th<
* ’arroll mines, and twelve miles from the Alabina mines
in Cass county,and oirthc direct road Hading from one to
tho other, ‘ JAG/U F\itl.l’T.
May 28.—° -ts
H> opoTird tho Central Hotel, in the extensive Fire
Proof Brk-k'BuilcUnfrjreceatly erected in this City.
Tim Location is central to the business of the plafc, and
the House is conveniently arranged for flic aceonflnoda*
tion of Families or single persons, ither as regular or tran
sient Boarders. ‘Hie Hods and Furniture throughout,
arc now and superior. The Table ami Bur will always
he furnished with the best the arket affords, and n •
pains wit! be spared by the Pitipricitor, to render comtor
tahle and agr cable, ail who favor him with their custom;
and lu? hopes from his lon- experience, and the satisfac
tion heretofore rendered the community, to merit from his
friends and th public, a liberal share of patronage. Ex
tensive and convenient Stables are attached to the Hotel,
Sept- 2 f ,-—24 —ts
IN FORM Inn public that they have taken the above
Commodious [■h>iiseof t Entcrtainmcnt at Dahlohnega,
and*are prepared to accommodate all who tpay be dis
posed to patronise them, with the best thf country af
fords. riv ir charges will he us low as circumstances
will possibly permit and uq pains or attention
spared to render their customers comfortable and sat
isfied. Their Stables shall hoover well supplied with prov.
inder. and attended by faithful Ostlers travellers or oth
ers are invited to call and see for them selves
Jan. 11,-39—1!
.-.ubseribef respectfully informs Ins’
fnends and the public generally, that he
has purchased Ihe ahovementioned Esta
blishment, formerly kept by Mr. JOHN
JACKSON. the House will he ready for the accom
modation of Transient anil regular Boarders, either single
qr in Families, on as moderate terms as can be afforded
in the place, by the first of January next. The undivided
attention of himself anti family, will he constantly direct
ed to the comfort and pleasure of all who mav’ call on
His Stables are ample, his Rooms generally commodi
oils, and no pains or exp-use will he spared in furnishing
his Table with the best the market will afford.
Athens, Dec.Bß,—36 —3m
FI ROM a Cherokee Indian, on tl c 23d of September
last, living near the Big Savannah, in the lath dis
( tries, Islbttcfion, o bavstufi Forty, about fourteen hands
j hi o h tour years old, three white, and the lelt fore foot in
rimed to be roan, ami has on his right side,a rnanorwhitr
spot; a st.n in Ins forehead. Any person givin** infor
mation ton,c. living at New Bri.'lgc, Lumpkin countv
w ill be compensated for thei r tiouhte. ‘
f) ., . , r A gent for Lumpkin county, j
To Gold Mine Speculators.
T-'K Undersigned tenders bis services, asnn Expe
rienced practical Miner, to examine and test any
Lot m the Gold Region, disbelieveing in any certain theo
ry until proven by practice, he will warrant Ins opinion
w hen given to be correct, hi- price for cgaminuigand giv
ing a verbal, or written opinion, as may be required ol any
Lot, will be twentv five Dollars Letters cncloseing tna
amount in Cash, will be strictly attended,and all necessary
information given, be may at all times be tound at LeaUi
cr’s Ford or in Auraria Lumpkin county. QjggQ^
Augnst 10. —18 —ts,
4 LL persons are hereby cautioned against trading for
Jm. the following notesi one for eighty dollars, princi
pal; another for three hundred and seventy Dollars; also,
nil obligation on Asa Keith, and Vincent V. K.-ith, lor
eighty two head of hogs, made payable to benjamin . i.
Smith; as the consideration for the above notes and obll
ga tion has failed, and we are determined not to pay them,
unless compelled by law, . „ ... .
Also, a bond given to the said Benjamin M, bmiUi to
make titles to Lot No. 12, in tlie 6th District, 2d sec-lion ;
also a bond to make titles to Lot No. 164,8 th District, Ju
section; as the consideration for the said bond have tan
cd and I am determideJ not to make titles or pay th<| wamc.
Oct. 12.—27—ts ,
To Post masters and the public.
ITIOR the future all letters intended lor persons at
’ Lumpkin Court House, and its vicinity should be
directed Lumpkin Court House Georgia. A lc ', te *‘"*
tended for persons at NuckoUsviile, Harbm - store - - - -
ria and its vicinity, should be duectwl: Auraria, Luiiipkin
county, Georgia. 1 1 .MAo l i-i •
October 5, —26—Ct —
THE suhscriher, living in the lower part of Ellijny
Town in Gilmer county, on the direct road leading
from said town to Sanders, on the Federal Road, having
furnished himself with Maps, Lottery Fvcgiß ers, uu
other necessary information in relation to La uls in • -
mcr, and the adjoining counties, tenders Ins services to
all those who may he in search of Lands, in the above
Section of country, to show lands or give such informa
tion as may be desirable to owners, or others interested,
he will also act as Agent in purehascing lands at bherilt
Sale,in Gilmer county, his charges wll be rrasonable in
proportion to bis trouble. JAMES L. - .
June 61, —15 —tt. _
Fraud ! Fraud !
4 LL persons arc warned not to trade for Fraction
A®. No. 943,12 th District, Ist Section, drawn to my
name recently, as I am determined to use ad laudable
means to Set aside a title obtained trom me by the honora
ble George IF. H neaser, hue'* Representative fom
Murray county, through the most foul and wanton bus
represeetulions. and) ‘ p CRADLF.Y.
Wilkes county, Ga. Jan. 4.—33. —4t
The following Gold und Land Lots :
No. 407, 13th Dis. Ist Sec. north, the Landrum place
* 504,’ 13 1 North.
796, 2 I
I 203, 3 1
172, 3 2
i 2*13, 3 2
533, 3 2 My Interest.
1 435, 15 2
316, 5 . 2 Land.
115, 1 2
3[ t, 7 2 Land.*
Anniv to the subscriber in Decatur, fPc KalK county.
Nov. 1- C.32—lf.
REMAINING in the Post office at New Bridge,
Lumpkin county. Georgia, which if not taken out
!,, f O ,-p the 9th of March, 1834, will be sent to the General
Past Office as dead letters.
C. William Nisoon,
Mr. Crumwclk Daniel Niceler.
Lina Cooper, O.
David C “Chewy ,2. IF imam f twens.
Jacob Clouse,’ Roland Osborn,
William* K. < arson, Chrretnia< >gles,
Juinesß. Chick. ‘ ?.
U. Stephen 11. Philips,
■i i os!'.liege. Benj. Parke, 2.
w F. John 11. Prier.
\V illson Furr. H.
J. . Isaac Huarls.
Joel Jones. R.
I„ Thomas B. Rush,
William Lindsov, 2- - <^-
Robert L. Lane,’ Vt llliam Stocks,
Horace Laurens. Janes & Cathy Sjicncer,
M. Enow & Tatum.
Martin Alakanson, ‘l'.
William M’Kimie, Hardy C. Tatum.
AN illium AUClure, Esq. Samuel Tatoin, 2.
A.M’Laughlin, . Hughs TorbcU
Jolm M'Daniel. W
N. David AYcayer.
Dec. 21. 36.—3 t.
RE MAIMING in (ho Post Office at Aurarin, Lump
kill county, Georgia, on the first day of January,
1834, and if not taken out before tnc first of April next,
will be sent to the General Post Office as dead letters.
A. Silas Kellys,
David Allison, Mr. Kellogg,
Joseph Allison, Roswell King.
i.eulKn- A bow, L.
John Addington. Benj, 11. Lany,
13. ‘ Georg” O. Lindsey,
Jane - 13: .art - i. Saninel Lester,
Nathaniel Black, A. Langford.
Solomon Boalner, M.
Malakiah Bumts, Stephen McLaughlin,
George Bell, A. McLaughlin,
James Boclair, Silas Miller,
William G. Black, Walter P. Maddox,
William Boyten, Gilbert Moony,
Gondu N. Bissell, George M’S wain,
Enoch Belangcc, George Afastin,
Thomas Butler, Jonatlian Miller,
fl. Bruce, Gcoige Mounlcastle,
G.C. Bestor, Martin Meeks,
L. IC. Baretield. It. B. McLcurc,
C. Philip U Marohey,
Stephen P. Crane, 3. John vingledorf,
Howard S. Council, 2 N.
William Crane, John Isoblit,
A. A. Caldwell, JLilliam M’Nabb,
V’ illiarn Cleveland, Walter R. A'unetee,
A. K. Craig, O.
John Clayton, John G. Oliver,
Beniamin Clemdns, Boland Oshum,
Ambrose Christopher, Jourdan Odum.
Zadock Cook, P.
D. V, illiam \V, Pearce,
John Donalson, 3. Thomas X’ounds,
James DoMoson, 2. John Powell,
Matthew Duncan,2. Silas Palmer,
John Davis, John L. Park,
M oses and Simon Dunn, T. J. Pearce,
Richard Davidson, - W. H. Park.
Thomas Dodson, Q.
William Deadman, Clements duillain.
• ry Darter. It.
E, Mrs. Caroline Ilodwcll,
1 ones i dmunson. Busk & Rockwell,
Alexander Earnest. James C ltawls,
E. S. T. Rowland,
Jonathan Poster, Thomas Iticves,
Ceh-man Pc*gus?on, Willis Bcntfre-,
G. 1* alls. Famuel Rutheiford,
*-'• William Itacklcy,
Hiram Galley, AJ, B, KobiiiPon.
James Grier,
Samuel Gullihcr, Jesse Stance),
Frederick Guthrie, Larkin Saterlield,
a ‘ •,; ( *IX^ II0 * Mary Ann Smith,
A•}y - Green, ilfi am Sen U-11,2.
P” *A’, ant ’ H. Shelton,
Joshua Gist. John Spreadcn,
.... v* Clementine Southern,
Jonathan Sutton,
W illiam S, Hoskins. William Southlin,
Osborn Hagood, James T. Sutton,
W. D. Hill, John Thomas, 2.
Abel H. Harrison, John Towns, 2.
M’. Hitchcock, John Townsend 2.
George S. Haynes, John L. Turner,
M illiam Hancock, Asa Thompson,
f J, Charles J. Thompson,
Alary Jack,*. Lemuel Thomason,
Henry Jennings, Dosier Thornton,
Abner Terry,
N oblet Jolmson, A/a Jgaret Teague,
Philip Jackson, ‘ W.
Seaborn Jones. R. A. Watkins, 2.
K. William Wheelor, 3.
Elijah Knight, 2. Joshua Welch,
Asa Keith, William E. Walker,
James Kelly, Henry Watkins,
W. 8. McKinzie, W. P. B ooddy,
H. Krllian, Trillium /Foods,
Erly King, William IFalraven.
Jan. 4.—38,—3t
REMAINING in the Post Office at Gainesville Hall
county. Georgia, which if not taken out before the
first of April 1834, w ill be sent to the Gchoral Post Office
as dead letters,
A * William Lowrcy or Isaac
F. C. Ando, Dorsey,
Alary Ashworth, Noah Langley,
SVililam Adams, Job iG, Lotte,
Gadwoll Ayr* y, Godfrey Luther,
Elias Allred, Al.
B. Bartholomew Murphy,
Samuel Deliver, Walker Mason,
Aaron Brown, John M’Cutcheon, 2,
John A, Bates, John Moore,
Jolin D. Brown, Edward Maticks,
William T. Bell, 3. Thomas JlfcDowell,
John 8 Bell, Thomns B, JtfcDowell,
Daniel H. Bird, George Jliorgan,
John Bates, 2, David Myers,
William Banks, J, J. MeCleskev or L, D,
John Blalock, * Wood,
Thomas Bottoms, John Aliller,
Enoch Bradley, David H, JVcCleskcy, 3.
David \\ illiam G. Jl/orris,
Archibald Bishop, Abraham McCorkin,
W. F.Bishop, AN illiam Myers,
It, H. Braziel, E ias A/i I lor,
C, IF, McLaughlin,
Jas. or Jos. Clevulay, N.
illiam CroS, jr. David C.Neal,
illiam C'ulverliouse, Alexander Nuckolls,
John Chambers, Andrew Nelson,
Edmund Chalmers, O,
John Collins, David TANARUS, Owen,
Andrew Chalmers, I*.
Harris P. Casey, Benjamin Parks,
Samuel Clemmons, W. T. Prichard,
John Casey, SnuchoPauzy,
Absalom D, Chandler, B illiam Power,
A, Chastain, It,
D. William Riley,
■iarfin Dodd, William D, Heed,
A. TANARUS, Davis, Baftimus Rcnolds. 2,
Eiija Davis, Beahird Rhea,
James M. Daniel, James Riley,
Benjamin Dunagan, 8,
Bradly Dollon 2. Jacob Faunders 2.
John Deavours, John Smith,
h fin Dorsey 2. William Smith 2.
E. ‘ James Stnithe 2.
Henderson Pikes, John /?. Stanford,
Jacob Lbcrhart, Den n * s Simons,
Wiliiam P, Eliott. Janie ß
P\ • Nathan Shepherd,
Ishain Fiildinir, Drury Smith,
G. AN iilis Smith,
Sarah Garrison, William J. Sanders,
Nehcmiah Garrison, IT illiam Slayton,
To the t mardian of the or-Irvin Stiicklan,
plums of John Wilson, dec, ’i\
Elisha Goss cite, David J. Turner,
Richard Coesetto, Richard Thompson,
H, R. Thornton, 3.
Joseph Hamilton, Benjainim Taylor,
John Howell, Ab, Thompson,
George Ilaupe, 3. I',
g stern II igood, M. Udcrwood,
Jacob Hoi lobs wort li, \V,
John Head, John AVilliams,
Francis Howel, Anderson AVilkins,
James Hull; Alscv AATite,
Plillory Hcndrlcic, Catharine Wilev,
J- A.KWoollv, ‘
James C. Jones, AVilliam Walker,
James D, Inzer, ChiualWalke -
.E ‘V J ones, 2. White AVoodfiti',*
ivussell Jones, Henry Walters,
* ary Jones, Lewis AViners,
B, Julian, Jesse TFindsor,
Richard or John Iley Francis AVhclcheh
/ L, John Walters,
William I.indsey, V.
David Lowery, James Young,
Jan. 11,—3D— “WILEY HA/?BEN,P. M
THE Luhseriber offers for sale the following Lands
to wit:
No. Dis.
08 10 1 Adjoining
127 10 \ Carrollton,
130 10 ) well nnpr’d.
76 10
34 4
98 (>
130 (>
49. r>
337 7
49 9
No I)is. Sec.
119 15 2
556 15 2
258 11 2
165 8 1
266 11 1
For Terms, apply to A. G. FAMI3ROUGH,
Auraria, Sept. 7.‘—22—tf.
IFOR W ARN nil persons from trading for a Due Bill
for two hundred and Fifty Dollats, (250,) dated 14tb
December, 1833, given by me to E. T. L. Spencer, as the
conditions which arc expressed in the due Bill have laiteu
and therefore not payable by me.
Jan. 11,—39—tf