Newspaper Page Text
n— :i i.~r -' ' 1 **** l,ir ! i
8 rinpßin SlieriirsSa’-'s
W r ILL be sold on the first Tuesday in
March next, it the Cowrt-liouse in Lumpkin
county, within the usual hoursof sale, the following prop
erty, to wit:
Lot No. 423, sth District, Ist Section; le
vied on as foe p operty of Pi'.ilip Ilanco % «<>
ft. fa. issued from a Justic <*s C ourt of t-gb l»tot p«, <
in favor of Lewis J. Dupree, adm’r. C-c. vs. Jot-i I laucocK,
and Phillip Hancock. Levy made and returned to r..
by a Constable.
One Sorrel Mare and ten Panels of Corn; ■,
Lai ■<! on as the property ol Edward lattum, to sati.-fv
a fi. fa. issued from Campbel! Superior Court, hi favor of j
Martin Jones, vs. Edward latum, 1 homas Lioxvn and ;
Carter Cannon. r „...
Jan. 31. SAMUEL Lx-v-i, ■ h'fi.
At the same time and place,
Ono crearncolored Horse; levied on as the ■
• /operty of John 11. Cochran, to saristy a fi. fa. for costs '
issued from ! lubersham Superior Court; in favor o» L. n- I
i v Grudy and AA illiam il. Smith, vs."i i( < •■■n'.sn. Levy
made by Samuel Tate former Deputy ‘Je nfl of Lump
kin comity. _ . „ ;
Jan. 31. JOHN I). FIELDS jr. D. Sli’fl. |
Ha’l S heriff's s:tlcs.
WILL be sold on the first Tuesday in
. in ch next, at the Coriit House door in the
(own of Gainesville, Hall county, within the usual hours
of sale, the following property, to wit:
One Hundred and Fifty Acres of Land, more
or less, whereon Micajah Landrum and Marion Linton
now Lives ; levied on as the propcity of said Linton, to
satisfy sundry fi.fas. one in favor of Stephen H. VV oodruft'
«jnd others, vs. said Linton. Property pointed out by
plaintiffs Attorney.
Eight Hundred Acres of Land, more or less,
with a Grist and aw Mill thereon whereon David
M’s 'I- skey now lives; levied on as the property of 1 )avirl
1.1. M’Clcskey, to satisfy sundry fi. fas. in favor of P.
Murray and other ti. fas. vs. said M’Cleskey.
Lot No. 50, in the 10th District; Lot No.
121,in the 9th, and Lots No. St, 82 and 83, i.i the 111
District, and half ofLots No. 57 and 56, in the Il’th I .‘is.
trict; Lot No. 136, in the 9th District; Lot No. 138, m
the 10th District, and half of Lot No. 131, in the 9l i
District; and one bundl' d Roa fifty Acres of Land, ad
joining the Academy Lot in Gainesville, gs,;! ohc ;sid; -
board and Dmmg-tablc, eno Looking Glass, tee W ind
oor Chairs, one Map of Europe, one of the United States,
find one of Georg,*, one Piano Porto, one Sideboard,
one set Dining Tables, one Cupboard, one dozen Rusti
bottom Chairs, ona large Looking Glass, fire Irons and
fire ifogs, three bedsand Furniture, one Clock, ten IL ••
rels Corn, more or less, one pleasure Carriage, one Sul
key, one two home Wagon, one Hoad Wagon and G< ar.
one white Pony, and the following Negroes, to wit : big
Harriet, and httle Harriet. July and her fore chfoin n.
Catharine, I’d.: und and. Camilla; all levied on as the p:o
party of P. J. urray, to satisfy sundry fi fas. one in
aror of I I nry H. Fields fc Co. vs. :;aid Murray.
Fifty Acres of Land, mo.e or less, whereon
Ralph Jackson now lives; l-vied on as (lie property of
Cary "V. Jackson, to satisfy afi fa. in favor of John !,
Stanford. vs. said Jackson. Levy r.iude and return-d
< j me by a Constable.
Jit the same, place, on the first Tuesday in
April next.
One Negro woman by lhe name of Sophia,
about thirty five years old; levied on in the properly of
I’radl- v •ullon, to satisfy a mortgage W. la. in favor of
Camon Foremen, vs. said Italtcn, Properly point-<.
out in said fi. fa.
Four Hundred Acre* of Land, more or less;
levied on ns the property of Isaac Sow'll, to satisfy a
martgage fi. fa. in favor of Janies . Jones, vs. said
Sowell. l‘ oi rtv pointed out in said fi. fn
/a <l A '’HAS t’.AIN, SlffT
•a }S rIT fl's .•:» .>•.
WILL bo sold on the first Tuesday in
■('arch next, at the Court House doorin < lain, s
v ' nn'v w i'in the usual horns of sal , the fol
Itwin pro erty, to wit:
Two Hundred and Fifty Acres of Lund,
more or less, and known by Lot No. 84, m tie- fitii Dis
til. i of i iaii con ity; levie I on at the property of Wiliiam
Dogett, to satisfy sundry fi. fas. issued fiom a Justir s
Court : ii»vo ot I L..jin ,L( o. \ . ndd 1 < g«tt
Levy ma il und r> tinned to tnc by a Constable.
Two Hundred \ res of Land, more or less;
levied on as the property of Thadeus H. M’Clesk. v, lo
catiufv sundry fi.fas. issued from u Justices Court in la
v.i <>f Howel Jarrett, vb. stud M’Clesk y. Levy madi
ord n turn d to me bv a < ’o i t ible.
Two Hundred seres of Land, more or less;
lcvi-d on nsthe prop :ty of And: w, |„ Ba(i.-.fy a fi.
fa. - •xlfoin I lull SnpfKor < \mrt, in fiv of j lltl s .
Uay, vs. "aid IL s.
One small bay H rsc eight year -old; levied
fin as the propcity ofParneti .in. ■ .ci, Kx’r. . f V, ittiar’i ■
< barter, ifeceax. d, to satisfy a ti th. issued from >ll
Sup< no < omt, in fav.r of John Gui Iron. vs. said Jn< 1.,
son. I r p. rtv ; > fit. d out bv if t. idunf.
Two Hundred and Fifty Acres <>f Land,
more or les.s lyin< on Ute wateis of the Grove Itiwr
granted to Tumps m, whv- <m J. J. ILw inn |o,, s |
vi'xl on aa the property of Lewis ■♦.th. or its mt ; ; t in 1
i aid Land, to«atisfi a fi. fa. in fav.> oft C \'< n- j
able, for the use of Jests' . Shew, vs. s.itJ Smith.
Three Hundred Acres of Land, more or I.- --,
fving on the North Fork <»f the Ucon-e iver, uh rcon
I ./., ki I Biiffinctoi now live*; |. v ed on as the proiH-rtv
nfEwki'l Dntfington. to satiety snnd v fi. t is. i... ued
from Hall Superior Court, one in fa\vr of Laic" C i r i> 1
und athets, vs. S..J BtMF yt. n.
Five HiUufreiT Acres of Land, more or less
whereon Gill now hv ■<, on the wutem oft'h.m ;i
< ‘reek. !■ vied on as the property of Ihntv Pe ; s. to
airti-tx sun In fi. faa. one in favor of Gou'd ami . thet« I
S a said Peeples. Property I'omtedout l.v pl.umfiv :
Jan. 31. J ACt >i'. I BF.R iiA RT. I). Si t fi.
Pa d i; S rrL > $
l)e Bo{ d the fust Tuesday in
•• darch next, nt th-place fe’hnl.iing Court# ,
1 auidmg wuuty, the tulluwtng propertv to wit;
Lot No. 924, 2lst 1 i.-iUict, 3u Section- le
'.*** o„ a. t*ic prop ty.f ’ uh. * t uk s , t \ 4
u. x.iKdlr»m Gwinnett Sup nor Cui i, m f n \
i t James R. Spark' \ said | , 'fondant.
Lot Nn. 584.3 ] i't-tri t. 3d Section; L ,
rd on aslhv p.opem ot wjt i < m4‘» t<> • ,»>
la. IS'lleii ?'OIU > Coil Sn Hui /onj, -;i fa. .
Lcrt F. !’<»•, vs. said Smith.
Lot vo. 729, 2d District, 4th Srrtio 1
rd on as :tie pws-rtx ofJohn i ;■». i« . o ‘
i. j.w Ih . vs < , M . t t! , !al ;^ )n ;
' 1 favour of r. K < ooprr, > . 4 ; ; 4f .j .. , .
*.'M returned to me by a i imat tjr.
Lot No. 54!. 31 I Wirt. 4th. Serb ~|n , >
ra a. the property «J K. SanCer-t tn .
I <U d tro.ll a tl.Cie • ( fit r,f I*. „,.. “ ‘ '
r urn U> me by a <•. ' "*' ic , ’* i I
o la«n nwnrth r. «row«id, «« L. ,-n •' A ’"“ r I
t..3d and returned io me hv a Cocwt ibl» Levy I
' - ■■. b •
I ~ ! roi •- I r p o . i , ~C j t , . ‘ ’ <
-«•' ••••■' - .J- !>
ingLa county, in favour of John fl. Newton, vs. sj'. i
d< fondants. Lev., made an ! returned to me by a Con
I.ot No. 120 S, 18th Distiut, 3d Section; le
vied on as t!:*'property of -mk illiams, to satisfy a
fi. fi*. issued from a Listices •■ ourt of Lincoln < '<m ity, tn ■ (
favour of' et<*r Lamar, Sttrv'ving f opartm r of Stovail
& Lemur vs said illiams. L.cvy made and rctuined i
tome by C o ■ ibl .
Lot No. 738,19th District 3d Section; le. J
vied on as th- property of ! eter Trammell, to satisly a ,
fi. fa. issued from a Justices Court ol !' dims county, in ,
favour cf Abner < l!br>r:i vs. said Trammell. Levy
in d" and n.turned to me by a Constable.
| Lot No 120, 1-t District, 3rd Section; levied
;on as the property c.f J. C -It r and i lemy ltd cards,
! to satisfy a fi. fa. issued from a Justice’s Court olUall
county, infi.vorofA. 13. Hardin, vs. said .-’efendasts.
j Levy made and returned to m by a Constable.
Lot No. 2, 3rd District, 3rd Section; levied
i’otr as the property of Abel Person, t> satisfy a fl. fa. is
[ sued from a Justice’s Court cf i hill county, in lavor of
! J W. James & Co. vs. said Person. Levy mads and
• returned to me by a Constable,
j Lot No. 64,2 d District 4th Section; levied
ion as the property o James Hendly, to satedy ti >!• L’-
issued from a Justice’s Court cf Upson county, in tuvor
,of Kelley and Cannon, vs. sail Hendley. Levy ms de
i and returned to me by a Constabl .
Lot No. 1221,215 t District, 3rd Section; b'-
i vied on as the property of illiani B. Johnson, to s. tisfv
I a fi. fa. issued from Franklin up rior Court, in favor of j
I Patrick J. Murray, vs. said Johnson.
Lot No. 800, 2nd District, 4th Seclion; le
vied on as th" property of Jeremiah 'oilner, to satis!', a
fi. fa issued from a Justice’s Court of Franklin county,
in favor of George Stovall, vs said Milner. Levy made
and returned to me by a Constable.
Lot No. 722, 18th District, 3rd Section; le
i vied on as the property of John F. B -llamy, to satisfy
twofi. fas. issued from a Justice’s Court ot ,'!<inroc
county, in favor of . Watson & Co. vs. said Bellamv.
Levy made and returned to me bv a Constable.
Lot No. 27'8, 2d District, 3rd Section; levied
a-- th' property of Lewis J. Ramsey, to satisfy tw f i
fit-, issued from a Justice’s Court of Houston county, in
f vor of Allen Chaistain, vs. said Ramsey. Levy mam
i id returned to rnc by a Constable.
Lot No. 274, 3rd District, 3rd Section; le
v. lon as tiic property >f David McVay. Sannt.l . .
rnith, and William B. Smith, to satisfy a fi. fa. issm d •
hem a .Justice’s Court of Houston county, in favor of
John R. Senterfit Adinr. vs. sai l defontlanls. Levy
i id" and returned lo me by a Constable.
Lot No. 750, 2nd District, 3rd Section; 1«-
vi don as the property of liliem Pilkington, to satisfy
a fi sh issir-1 from a Justice’s Court of Coweta county,
in favor of Samuel cJunkin.vs. said Pilkington. Levy
mad-- and returned to m by a Constable.
Lot No. 517, Ist Distri t, 3rd Section; le—
vicrl on as the prop iTDavid Jerti 'gan, to s.Aisfy a
li la, isui 4 fi« .i a Justice’s Court of Green county, in
fj»-.»r<>f Llijali Jordan, vs. said Jerncgan, Levy made
,m rctujned to me by a Constable.
■ti<i ■—iw ■—gjg
A IE Gi.i to an order granted by lie honomb!
>■ nferior Com tof Newton county, when sitting
saa Court of ordmi ly, will bi sold on the hrst Tuesday in
March next it the Court house in Cobb county, l ot
of! .an I \o. 03, in ('■. i~th Di-tiict, 2d Section, origin
ally (fherokec, now (. obt> county.
Also, on the siitir (kny al the Court house in Gilmer
. countv Lot fLaud. No. 198, in th< tub f’istrlct, 2d
cction, originally Cberoki e now t ’ilmer county. Also
on the same day at tin the ('ourt h itisc in ' ’aulding coun
ty, Lot <>l Land No. 7i 1, in the 20th District, 2d **ec
tion, o iginally Cherokee, now Pauhiing county, 1 old
i I so the he.i fit of the hei.s and creditors of Jesse
| White, d etas I. T ins made known on the day of
i sale.
J< HN SMITH, ) , . ,
7. A- HI.US PRICE, \ Admrs.
Dec. 28.—36—’ds.
A ABl to no or er gr utedbyth lior.orab e
■ *». th- Inf ior i ourt of ••wt< n count ■ v. firn sittm"
asnt'oiul of Ordinary, will besold on the fir«t Tu-sdnv
i i anti (ixf, at the ('ourt bouse in the town of' olum
’ l>u« uscogee comity, Lot of Land No. 1 15, in th" 32
District of original'' I e now .nscovee county, bcluii' -
1 in'.' to t !<• Estate of Elizabeth Hudson,deceasea. Ti rms !
1 made known on the day of sale.
J ID- IIENtIA’, Ad.u't.
- ”1.3 - tds
\ 'MI MS it{ A TORS SAI .
Ik Gi.ABl. ito an order of (hi iinnorahle tlu lafi-J
| W ior < 'mt. tof [dnll cmi.ity, when sitting f r onlrnari |
I ; ur, wijl tie sold at the Court f louse in said County I
on tie IsL Tue -day in Aplii mx , all tit( . rca | <g{;t{
I ilton ' i hi- h r lute I said countv deco -'xl; s .ld f> !
Iti" benefit of th' Hens and < i ditors of s;?d d-o< asv \
I erms made known on tie day of pal.',
JOI N tiAb’ AN, A,!,,,-,. ■
i January 25- 40—rds
IJ—»IU —Mm*, .
( ourt of (Ordinary, September 'lcrr.i, 1833.
! lEp 11 h pi tition oi Jolm Webb, Administrator <.f A*.'ib?
j ,11 I 'owerl, <k< ased, resp«»ctfiilfy s’wwith, that
i has fu,!y comph tol the administration upon stud ! stat >
and prays letters cd Dismiss rm therefrom. herettnon i
is oi icred by t te ‘ mrt, that al! persons having valli i . b
i lections to said John ebb. administrator as afor>'~,.i.i
i l>eing dismissed from the further administration of said
I te. i and a; poor at lhe next Term of this . . uit
; which shall sit n< xl.afi. • th.- due publication of this ule, j
I n. .1 and (here to mak tlunn. as m <i< tauli thereof this I
mu t u ill th< n an<| t.> ri pris tcd so grant left i« of I
mission v> said John ■ < l.h, ai’tninistrator as afi re -..' I
ago cable to the statuti m cases made and provtdixl- ml ■
that a copy of this tul be publish... mono ..f the Pubh. '
azettes of this -tale, I*!, ea month for six monil.B.
A true extract from he mmntes.
L. HOPKINS, c. c. o. ‘
Bept. 14.—23.—mCin.
'■ Xtwln w Milk . . .| an; -B. I
‘ * •H r'' ’•' ' ’ | . [■(,.;,! i;, ., . n th. .4.. -, t „st -
latent said countv. lucro-nd:
These are tl ret' ,-I<. «-i;e .m i ;.|<p a || a .,,j sjjv
CU-arth. k-n.’r d..r<l. ..htors.f -...J to t ,
..n-l appear at my ofti, witht. t et
. • ■- o w c.i-. if ill V hax, .V. !,v . | ls . IP b ;
(avia ttiHi,. iu> Itanrl i>t M. iulwr, I'- fj.
n. .. ~ . •’ v l i'A?iJt .I*. i |C . vo>
ts c. 'l. . > ::iC;n.
i. a : i < lintox.
If' * ( 'r' r * ll ,fv ' * a ' * •"'*'>«•
1 a I .t tiiax * ■:.< •« tet ««ntk .in fc-.r,-
. L.M-S' Os e !,,(!.< I ::>i ’ ~f, ...j
<«• ti<ut«.‘is conv. n», nt \ errang- forth.-
t t.o-1 .lir'amitt -mh sv?Arsons? . -u- r
!s„ •». IXvaH rs. *1 . Re, s n<l , u , i; ..„ <*
iar n. wan m<p nor. Ih, , s , ;> v ’* . ’
i • Urrush wt t t’re U m i:.p a; » A: . .V t: o
’a.,l - a.-i.S . •
' .md he hop. < from l»s kv»» ~n d ‘ -
* '•! "vt Jorr r- ndervd ?b. Pp ... «,- •
fl-Mlh ~ H ,
■jntc iv n.f;ii ;y a -; .. r , ~..
\ . n, n, ... - ’ ' »U u. ? » .-?■
FTp ' E undersigned, takes this method to in- >
Ib Sa— f° rm the Public generally, that he has J
taken the House, occupied by Les
” targctte,& Cleghorn, as a Tavern, at the Al
•atcona ’'lines, tn Cass County; and is naw ready to ac
ommodate as many as may find it to their interest to vis
it this interesting, Golden Region of country. Trav
ellers v. bo stop to r< st, will fi'-A bis Table suppli- d with
the very best the country will affo'd, his Stables well fur
nished with provender; and attended by a first rate (’siler,
and no exertion wanting on his part, to comfort constant
Boarders, or render agreeable the situation of the tran
sien’ visitor. E. R. Mc’L AIN.
July 2,—l3—tf
' E Subscriber respectfully informs his friends, and
g the public generally, that he has opened a House
of entertainment, at the Allatooney Gold 'lines, in Cass
county, the above place is a handsome and healthy situa
tion, with the advantages of good spring and well water,
and the pleasant'‘ fountain breeze, and is surrounded with
a romantic forest, in the centre of the Gold Region, Alla
tooney, is 45 miles from the < farroll Mines, 70 from Au
relia in Lumpkin county, and on <he direct road leading
from An.'aria, io the Civroll mines.
B. the post office is removed from Sanfordville tothis
| July 9,-11 ts
U ’ FOR '■ S the public that he has opened a House of
; ''nlettaimnent in Athens, lhe possessions lately own
ed by Doctor Tinsley. The proprietor will endeavor to
' repsucha I louse, as to insure liberal patronage. The
great and usual promises of good Tables, Bars, and Ost
lers, is so common thatit is useless to mention them. It
will at rd! times be the endeavor of the proprietor to ren
der bis cti'ft'jiners good accommodations ; such as will
prove satisfactory to them and gratifying to the propric
tor. I- house is now prepared ibr the reception of
Travellers and Boarders,
ov. 2 : 36 -Gt.
H E Subscriber respectfully informs the
ißßtli rla public, that he f>as opened a house of
ENTERTAIN'IEVf at Huntsville; the
1,1 Gold Mines in Paulding county. This place
! s inn healthy -itnation, with the advantages of good spring
water, pleasant mountain breezes, and surrounded with
a romantic forest, and better than all, **» the midst of the
Gold Region. Huntsvilh-ts twenty-five miles from th<
Carroll mines, and twelve miles from the Alatuixa. mmes
in Ca«s county,and on the direct road leading fromoneto
the other. - JACOB PARLIER.
May —ts
fNFOR.V the public that they haw taken the above
Commodious I louseof Entertainment at Dahlohnega,
und are prepared to aeconmt-’“b' all who may be dis- '
posed to i—■‘"vise them, with the host the country at-
■ fords. Ti'.- ir charges will be a-low as circumstances
will pos.-iblj’ permit and no pains or attention will be
“I ■«red to i'nder their customers comfortable and sat
isfied Their Stables shall beever well supplied with prov
indo . and atf. nrtcd bv faithful ( Istlers. travelh is or oth
! ers are invit"<! to calf and see for them selves.
Ja» 11.-39—fl
r o^ ! F’. übsciiber respectfully informs his
j L. I' l tds and the public generally, that he
i '•jDckD his purchased the abovcinontioned Esta
' " hlisbincnt, foniu rlv kept bv -Ir. J:'HN
j JACKSON. The Hous" will be t. adv for the accom
■ modation ( f Transient ami regular Boarder:-, ■ ither sin-de
i or in Families, on as moderate t 'rms as can be aflbrd d
!in the place, by fiie first of January next. The undivid* d
' attention of liimseif and family, w ill be constantly din vi
ed to the comfort and pleasure of all wlto may call on
I 'is Ptnblcs nr< anij I", his Rooms g< n rally comtnodi
<»u«, and a pains or exp: nsc will be spared in furnish,mg
his Tabb with Ihi best tiie narket will afiirrd.
SA Gt’FLG.’.l LliiEl.
Athens Dec.2B,—36—3m
i a Cherokee Indian, on tl e 23d of September
m last, lix ing near the Big Savannah, tn the 15th dis
trict, Ist Gcction, a bay stud Pony, about fourteen hands
ln> h, fouryears old, three white, and the left fore foot in
i < lin>'d to be ro<m, and has on his right side,a roan or white
t spot; a star in foreh"ad. Any person giving infor-
I tuition tome, living nt New Biid "■, Lumpkin countv. j
i will be coropi usated forth: ir trouble.
A'wnt for Lumpkin county.
Oct. 3.—26—ts,
To G.-oJ Aline f*'- <‘t " H»< r*,
' E l ndctrigned fendeis Ins services, as an I ’.xpe
» ri-need praetie«! ' inrr, to examine and test any I
I ot in the i iold Region. drt>"l;''veing inatiyct rtain th<‘<- 1
ryuntd piov< nby practice, lie Mill warrant is opin.o
w! n .v nto hi emrect, bis puce for examiningant! giv
■ mg a \ 'i>al, or writtr n ojitnmn, as max be rennirisl ofany
i I e’, xvit! ' txvi ty ti\ ■li :r: Letters < m li.-cing that
. amount in Cash, xvtll lie strictly attended,and all necessary I
imt ::;atton give n, he max at all times lie found at Leuth
■ er's Fur ! ur in Auraria Lumpkin county.
Augn-t 10. 18—tl,
'll I KF. ~ I
11. ■ i is at !:<; d y cautiomd against trading for >
rR i.i* t .1.,.xi ing • " 'i< - <>m f.>r eighfv dollar' s , princi-i
pat; anct > r tor th.i-e iie lied and m vonty Dollars; also, i
ai. obiii i ii.n on \■ a « nli. and A'lncrnt I’-. K>itb, for:
eighty two h -ad c.f !.og«, made paxabb- to Benjamin .’ ;
Smith; : t!-. < ..nsideii-.h •:! for the above notes and obh- j
gatinn bus t. .!<■<!, and xx , are uetsi aimed not to pay tli« r 1
unless coni|x'li*d hv law.
'.Li. i! on g ven to the sai 1 B fiamin Al. Smith to j 1
• nke ti’l s to Lot No. 12, in tin 6th District, 2d section; I
a' 'bond to inaki Uth stoLot No. /64. sth Pistni f. .3
< t ii.rn; as th- cnnM-.r ration for tli< s..i i tx»nd hav<- fail
rd an i lam dctenaideJ not to make titles < r pnv the same
Or. 07—<f
Ii) L AM) Hl i'E S
> /iscnher, living tn t'»e lower part of Ei'tjav
EL ..wain Gi!mcr<-«un:y, c.a th. direct road leading
h.,.11 *<>idlevin to Sanders c.n thr !• edrral Iloa. , having
fui <i hires, it with ’.ip®, Lottery Registers, and
uy n-C-vm.m ■ !a* t I aa.'s 13 i h;.
ci r. and th‘-adjoinin': counties, t nders hts services to
all th>»*. sieiiiaybe in -a-nr, ;of £ n< tn the above
.-• •; .n ofc., mtry. to ->ou l-. u-fsor eiv, such infoima
tto 1 a- :.,ay b ■ di inb'.r to o«, or others int, -■ strd.
be wi’! d-Hiacl as \«ren! tn nurti-xsi ;ng la .4s at tinrtift
"a .1 hl n ■ -ouirty.‘ chart’ - will .• 3 bl, ;il
pn tn tronbie. JAMES D. tiENS<>N
Jir.-. ' 61,—15—tf.
1 !
A ‘-J I " w ? -.ot ; > trado :i>r 1 ..cti> n
. > vo. MS, 12th Di' S- dn.wn to my
name r c n lv. as I am d-t rn: rM to use all k-jdabie
nar f . • a»».> a nUe nbt <-i J from :r.. by the henom
>i _ If. I.iicase'. !»tc a Rcpn rotative from
■trr. v r 1 v, ?;r u .-^; : i c- ost toul ar.-i wan!- 1
e r-x -lale-.-'
C-. 5 iFtLLiAM D. BRADLEY. •
The following Gold and Land Lots :
No. 407, 13th Dis. Ist Sec. north, the Landrum place.
504, 13 1 North.
796, 2 1
208, 3 1
172, 3 2
248, 3 2
533. 3 2 My Interest.
435' 15 2
316, 5 2 Land.
119, 1 2 ;
314, 7 2 Land.
A.pnly to the subscriber in Decatur, DeTxalb comity.
Nov. I—6.32—ts.1 —6.32—ts.
J .st P sblislieil at this o lice,
Ft 'R
jOkRDERS from any part of the State will meet with
xy prompt attention. Such of our country, subscribers
as wish a copy can have one sent by male. The price
is fixed at 12 2 cents per single copy, or $5 per Groce.
December 1. —36 —ts. [Constitutionulist.
3a® stolen:
R 'W7JROM the plantation of James
11 Chesnut, on the night of Sunday,
the 15th instant, a
P* named NEPTUN E, about fifteen years
4 of age. The boy is not very tall, but
t stout for his age. and speaks quickly,
lie is supposed to have been stolen by a tall.
with thin, small whiskers, wearing a white, or brownish
Hit and Camlet Cloak, and who has been about the
Indians Camp, on the Charleston road, for a day or two
«.ck. A reward of
xx ill 1 ? paid for tire recovery of the boy, and the conviction
of the Thief; and a liberal reward for the boy alone.
Camdon, S. C. Dec. 16, 1833.
■ —xj S7USTRAYED or stolen, from the sub-
scriber at Lumpkin Court-house,
11 l’° ut O' c of April last, a small sor
rel horse, five or six years old, with a star
in his forehead; racks well. The above rexvard will be
paid for his delivery to me, and all reasonable expenses
paid. Any information respecting said hoise, xvill be
thankfully received.
Sept. 7.—22—ts
i PBpHE subscriber takes this method to inform tbeGold
_SL and Land Speculators, that Lots No. 23 in the 15th
District of lhe 2d S’cction, and No. 134, in the 9th Dis
trict, and 2d Section, are now for sale. Persons xvishing
to purchase eith rof said lots, will call on Tho nas Chaf
fin of Crawfordville, xvho is my legal agent, and the only
person xvho is legally authorised to dispose of the same.
Oct 26.-29—trn2m.
By the Subscriber, on the 19 of the present month, a
the house of John Jones, in the 3 District 1 section
a Smr II n.are 4 or 5 years old, 4 feet Five inches high—
both hine fext white above the foot-locks, a snip on the
nose—and a white spot in the forehead,
her left hip rather smaller than the right she had on when
taken upan old bell, tin' oxvner is requested to come aad
prove property, pay expences; and t ike her i.xx av.
1 .umpkin County;—Nov.—23d—33—
Fjfi xIIE Subscriber wishes to sell the Lot oflantl xvhere
on Wiley Bishop now lives, near the junction of the
Ciiestatee and Chattahoochie rivers, containing one hun
dred and fifty Acres, more or less, thirty-five oi forty Acres
of cleared land, xvithgood fences, and comfortable dwel
ling and outhouses; with an excellent fishery and Mill
.Shoal. For terms, apply to
Gainesville, Geo.
June 4.— 9—ts
ON th" night of the 18th Inst, a Negro Man about 30
x urs of ag- who calls his name Novel, and says he
b longs to B tn. Janes of Green Co, Ga.
N. B. 11ARBEN Jailor.
| Jan. 25—40—St.
I situated on the comer of Broad and St. Clair street 5
. x>. hu ll is in the centre of the City and heart of busi
ness, being in front of the Columbus Bank, and mx 1
door below the Insurance Bank. The City 1 lull has ex
tensive accommodations for the man of family, the indi
. vidua! traveller, the daily boarder or the fashionable vis
iter. Ihe p-opru tors pledge themselves that neither ex
pense nor attention shall be xvanted to render their;
guests comfortable. T cir House xvill be ready for tiie j
reception of company by the 23rd inst.
Columbus Jan. 25, —10—w2m
Sale of Lots.
the first day of February next, xvill be sold at j
A ills Rica, or Hucks Town, i i Carroll county, for
ty thr toxvn lots -aid sols are sixty feet in front, and
two hundncl fol back , sold for the bcn< fit of the slock- j
holders. Terms made known on the day of; ale.
Hi . W. H< LLAND, ’
J. A. J( »NES,
i T ar x-x . > UltnkkMcTt.
I January 25. —40—143
A LL persons indebted for lent fir Houses in Aura-
-a. ia. are r qt: sted to make yaynnnt, to Walker v
• lu-w. by the 10th dnv of February, or their Notes
Utt rout rr sjx-rt !o wi jj fx . . {aC( djn t;)f , - ’
a Justice ot the Peace, f or eolhetion.
J.-n ? —Ni_3t o «l*an* of John Chapman.
T|s > all cant—ned. are desired to take Notice, that I
j*. tiav. Ist the 1 blowing not s, viz •
Vac on Fans Carter, principal, and Samuel Tate. Sei
runty, for twelve hundred and Fifty Dollars, w ith cred»t
< :<non for sis hundred dollars, now on demand. One
o.'. >: ephen Duncan for fifteen dollars, date not recollected
2ne receipt against Esq, Gordon, for notes to collect ;
h« nnotmt not recollected, between two and three hund. ’
oollars. Ido forworn all persons fre m trading f or ; 1C i
above papers, as I am the proper owner.
Jet.. 11.—
FipiiE Public are hereby cautioned against
_W. a Note ot hand for two hundred Dollars, given to
Benjamin B. Avery sometime in February 1833’ in con
sideration for Lotoi Land No. 258, South end of 12th
District, Ist Section. Whenever titles to said lot (a bond
only being held for titles) are obtained, the note will be
valid, until then it will not be paid unless compelled by
law * GEO B.RUCE.
Jan. 25.—40 —2 t ELIAS BRUCE.
A® OiAWe
HAVING removed to Auraria, Lumpkin countv
now tenders bis professional services to the public,
and will practice in all the counties of the Cherokee Cir
cuit; and Carroll, Campbell, DeKalb, Hall and Haber
sham counties.
Having been engaged for three years in gold mining,
he xvill, (assisted by Mr. George S. Moody, from North
’arolina) act as agent in the examination, and sale of
gold lots.
Letters upon either branch of the above business, ad
dressed to mi', will be promptly and faithfully attended to.
August 24. —20 —ts.
REMAINING in the Tost Office at Gainesville Hall
county. Georgia, xvhich if not taken out before the
first of April 1831, xxill be sent to the GeheralPost Office
as dead letters.
A William Lowrey or Isaac
F. C. Ando, Dorsey,
Mary Ashworth, Noah Langley,
' illiam Adams, Joh tG, Lotte,
Gadwell Ayres, Godfrey Luther,
Elias Allred, M.
B. Bartholomew JUurphy,
Samuel Deliver, AValker Mason,
Aaron Brown, John M’Cutcheon, 2,
John A. Bates, John Moore,
John D. Brown, Edward MaticksJ
A’A illiam T. Bell, 3. Thomas JVcDoxvell,
John S Bell, Thomas B. A'cDowtl!,
Daniel H. Bird, George Aforgan,
John Bates, 2, David Myers,
William Banks, J. J. McCleskcy or L, D
John Blalock, Wood,
Thomas Bottoms, John Miller,
Enoch Bradley, David H, .’VcCleskev, 3.
David Barton, A A illiam G. JlJonis,
Archibald Bishop, Abraham McCorkin
iv F. Bishop, V. illiam Myers.
K, 11. Brazid, Eias.Villcr, ’
G. IF, McLaughlin,"
Jas. or Jos. Clcvclay, ' N,
A > illiam Cross, jr. ‘ David C. Neal*
■ illiam C’ulverhousc, Alexander Nuckolls,
John ('hambers, Andrew Nelson,
Edmund Chalmers,
John Collins, David T, Owen,
Andrew Chalmers, p’
11 arris P. Casey, Benjamin Faiks,
Samuel Clemmons, IF.T. Prichard,
John Casey. SauchoPauzy,
Absalom D, chandler, H illiam Power,
A, Chastain, j;
~ D. AA'iTam Rilev, *
.Marfin Dodd, William D, Itetd,
A. 1. Davis, Bartimus Rcnclds. 2-
Ehja Davis, Eeabirdßliea,
James A t. Daniel, James Rilev,
Benjamin Dunagan, ’ g
Bradly Dolton 2. Jacob Br.undcis 2.
John Deavours, Jt hn Smith,
Jt Im Dorsey 2. Wiliiam .Smith 2.
E. James Smith© 2.
Henderson Ekes, John R. Stanford,
Jacob Eberhart, Duinisf nnons,
illiam p. Ltfott. James S nil tli,
, , r ,. , Nathan Shepherd,
Isnam !■ t< Iding, j) ni| ...
o Vv i.lis .Smith,
Sarah (th rns on , William J. b'andci s
Nehcmnih Carnson, It illmm Slavfon,
1 o the Guardian of (he or-livin Stricklun
phans of John V\ ilson, dec. 'y'
Elisliu Gossttte David J. Turner,
Rwhard Gossette, K ichard 3 lioni{ son>
Joseph Hamilton, B< niamfo!°T
John Howell, A »J« u m Jay Jor,
George I-uupo, 3. *
Osborn Hagood, ixj
Ja.ob Ilollenswortb, ' LdcrMoo '*>
John Head, r, v- „■ ’ ’
Hillury, Catharine IViley,
James C. Jones,
A*uss< 11 Jones, ~* j\ V ood ' ,,r »
Mary Jones, I, ™ y X'.? tUrs >
B. J'tban, L ? V T”’
((..HrJ n... VXS’fea.
P illiam Lindsn- J ° lin VVa,te "t
Davud Lowery, ' Janjf s Youn ?/
1 ' < - Wn-,p.m
r J. l \ , o ; wi! hliCribt ' roin ' rSfur Sa,e t!iC Mowing Land.
A T o. J)is.
* 2' ) Adjoining
M / Carrollton,
10 ) vacll iinpr’d
7(i jo
31 4
98 (j
136 G
4.9 5
337 7
49 9
Dis. Sec.
H 9 15 o
go 6 15 Q
258 1! 2
165 8 1
26(> ] 1 j
l-'-r Term,, ar , a. o . F AMBHOt;ciI,
17“ il '‘ U b= Apple
Nov 23.—33—if
Enqui'r. 10 '’" 16 " 1 mil “’ ve,n or
Augtist, 10—IS—ts.
I or sale at this office.