The Western herald. (Auraria, Lumpkin County, Ga.) 1833-1???, May 09, 1834, Image 1

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Th® ■tww-z w w W_zKat ’®/*sL>W KW JU vMBWWt VOL. 11. PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY MORNING. Terms. —Three dollars per annum, payable within six Months after the receipt of the first number, or four dol lars if not paid within the yea-. Subscribers living out of ill? state, wilj b- exp -ct ■ I i i all cases, to pay in advance. No subscription received for less than one year, unless the money is paid in advance; and no paper will be dis coutinucd until all arrearages are paid, except at the op lion of the publisher. P rsons r’questinz a discontinu ’ ance of their Papers, are requ istcd to bear in mind, a set • tkment of their accounts. Advertisements will be inserted at the usual ates; when the number of i is irtio is is not specified, they will be continued until ordered out. All L' ■tt rs to the Editor or Proprietor, on mat ters connected with the establishment, post paid inorder to secure attention. JCJ*" Notice of the sale of Land and Negroes, by Ail li’ii listratc rs, Executors, or Guardians, must be published sixty days previous to the day of sale. * The saie of personal Property, in like manner, must be published forty days previous to the day of sale. Notice to debtors and creditors of an estate must be published forty days. Notice that Application will be made to the Court of Ordinary for Leave to sell Land or Ncgroes,must be pub lished FOUR MONTHS. Notice that Application will be made for Letters of Ad ministration, must be published thirty days and for Letters of Di un'ssion, six months. . REPORTS. '•> Insurance Bank of Co! giii. ;s, 8//1 vspn7, 1834. His Excellency Wilson Lumpkin : Sir—ln obedience to law, I enclose you a statement of the affairs of this institution on the 7th inst, together with a list of stockholders—it will be seen we have but a small amount in mt or under protest, and under the peculiar circum slances attending the present pecuniary afiairs of the country, I feel graf till t.» have it in my power to say, I consider our business entirely safe. With great respect. J. C. WATSON, President. ~.1 general statement of the affairs of the. Insu ” rance Bank of Columbus, on Monday the 7th oj April, 1834. DR. To capital stock paid, $150,000 “ Notes issued, 298,400 “ on hand, 139,241 “ in circulation, 159,159 f 14 amount due other banks, 28,388 92 •• amountof dividends uncalled for, 675 “ amount of undivided profits, 10,538 86 B ur p|tis Fund, 4,554 81 “ Individual Deposited, 67,892 44 $421,209 03 CH. liv n'etesjJiscounte’J running to maturity, $ 25,588 GG ** “ “ ami un 'ci »rotest, 6, 75 “ “ “ “ in suit, 365 •* bills of exchange running to , maturity, 120,394 49 “ “ “ in suit. 6,35 “ amount due from »th i banks, 30 .»_3 35 *' amount due from agents, 9,7>6 12 ° banking house and lot, 8,131 45 •• piotvst account, 55 75 “ cash, vi.n 4 'silver in vault, 81,903 21 “ gold “ “ 4,000 •4 ** other bank n tes ,»f Georgia, 27,51 G ■S —— 113,839 21 $421,209 03 .1 list of Slockholdirs in the Insurance Hank of Columbus, <>n 7lh of April, 1834. 1 Names. No. of Shu. . ,ih Share. Amount. F'dae. C. Watson, 200 SSO 10,000 I). M’Dougald, 200 “ 10,000 Harper & Lewis, IGO •• 5,000 Robert Collins, 100 5,000 Jas, B. Carswell, 100 “ 5,000 George Smith, 100 “ 5,000 A. M’Dougahl, 100 “ 5,0u0 B. Hepburn, 200 “ 10,000 Jas. Wadsworth, 100 “ 5,000 N. B. Pou ell, 100 “ 5,000 Robert Watson, 100 “ 5,000 Mary Watson, 50 “ 2,500 John Dill, 100 “ 5,000 D. Thornton, Jr. 100 “ 5,000 G. W. Murray, 400 “ 20,0v0 Lewis C. Allin, 50 “ 2,500 Wilkins Hunt, .50 “ 2,.*>00 Seaborn Thorn, 50* • *• 2,500 William Towns, n “ - 2.500 Thus. Crowell, 200 “ 10,000 George Jewett, 100 “ 5,000 Robert Coleman, 200 “ 10,000 Ghffiu. 100 “ 5,000 John Martin, 100 “ fi,ooo Geo. Gnmbcrry, 50 “ 2,500 Georgiy Muscogee Cornify.—Pers .tm I. ; ,p. neared Wore me, B. Hepburn. Cashier, nd Jtuuoa C. Watson President, who being duh sworn, depose th and saitb, U«d th** above i. a ' corrou statement of the affairs oi th. Insuianc e Rank. a list of Storkhold, rs, to the best of their knowledge and belief, on the 7th day of April, 1834. ’ ’ J. C. WATSOV Pi. side;.!. B. Hl PBURW ( ..shier. Swotu to snff subsenbeti before me, thss Stu of 15 ’l, Jcr x J. f. B’&ISBUB© By n holt. Jr. & w. e. joxes, ” Commercial Brink, Macon, 9th April, 1534. Sir, —Enclosed I hand you a return, show ing the condition of this Bank, on Monday the 7th inst. i take this occasion to remark, that the a rnount of discounted notes in suit, a e notes that were transferred from the Bank of Macon to this Bank, and are unquestionably good.— They had been discounted and renewed for se veral times previous to suit, and the suits are now pending on the appeal. Respect fully, &<•, A. CLOPTON, President. To his Excellency, Wilson Lumpkin. Milledgeville, Ga. Report of the condition of the Commercial Bank at Macon, on Monday, 7lh April, 1834. DR. To notes of this Bank issued, $253,407 To Notes of this Bank on hand, . 144,750 —in cir- culation, $108,657 To capital stock, 100,000 “ dividends unpaid. 2,831 50 “ undivided profits, 4,422 22 44 due to other banks, 10,124 82 “ due to individual depositors, 27,098 77 $253,134 31 CR. By notes discounted running to maturi- ty, all good, $54,834 05 By notes discounted, past due, all good, 5,686 By notes discounted in suit, all good, 8,258 By bills of exchange discounted, run ning to maturity, all good, ’ 85.837 35 By bills of exchange discounted, past due, all good, 3,209 By amount due from Bank of Macon, 6,992 43 By amount due from other Banks, 7,651 30 By amount due on protest account, 18 By amount for inci- dental expenses, 112 15 By amount for sala- ries paid, 274 By notes oi other Bunks, 40,250 By spcc’C in vault, $31020 93 By do. in Con- tra! Bunk, $6,000 $253,134 31 Manus of Stockholders, with the number of Shares owned by eac i, on w itch the sum of tweniy-Jivc dollars per Share has been paid. No. of Shares. Dannie! .Vl’Kay 50 L. Baldwin & Co. 50 Samuel Griswold, 10 Levi Eckley, GS John Harvey, 66 Giles B. I’nylor, G 6 James Goddard, 240 Thomas Taylor, 5U illi in Cooke, 50 John S. Rundle, 109 Jam s M. Dunn, 50 William Fnrt, 50 Thomas Hardeman. 100 A ( lopton, 940 David Flanders, 50 Amin w il id, 50 Jaim s W iutlield, 50 James \\ ak man, 12 George J< nett, 50 Thomas Huxey, 50 I’. L. Young, 50 E. 1.. Young & Co. 60 Ml aiah 1 clton, 25 i'liomas ( ooper, ' 100 Giibraith Simonton, 50 Charles Campbell, 50 W ilham Alex udcr, 11*0 Robert W. I ort, 50 Andrews Baltic, 50 ' in. 11. Burdsall, 50 Thomas Napier, 300 Richard Harvey, 25- Ynthony D>er, 176 Leroy Napier. 50 Fleming Ardar, 50 Charles S. Jordan, 63 James R. Jones, 50 Hugh Craft, 150 ('. B. Cole, 50 W ilham B. Parke:, 50 James Lamar, . 100 • ilham B. Flournoy, 100 B- njainm Muaoly, 50 Bank Stalo ot Georgia, 50 Total <> oi-gi.r, Bibb c. u.-.ty — Personally came be fore me Nathaniel Eels, a Public Notnrv for said county, Ylitord Clopton, President, and ■ I muna.- Hardeman, Cashier, ot the Cotntnci- I ciil Iv.'.nk Macot’. who dull* sworn, LinHWUN COIFNTV, iIVT <>. say, that the above report exhibits the true con dition of sai Bank. A. CLOPTCfN. President. THOMAS HARDEMAN, Cashier. ►Sworn to and subscribed before me this Bth day of April, 1834. NATHANIEL EELS, Notary Public. Marine &. Five Insurance Baak, Savannah, April Sth. 1834. To his Excellency Wilson Lumpkin, Governor, Slate of Georgia. Sir—ln cons irmity with the act of the Le gislature, I have the honor to transmit you here with, an exhibit of the condrimn of this Bank on the first Monday in April, embracing the con iticn of the Branch at Macon, made up on the first day of April, togethei with the affirma tions required by law. 'The item in the exhibit “ Notos of Baek of Macon and cost of suit” ($.70) one hundred and seventy dollars, is bad. On the hills and notes in suit and judgment, and bills receivable, amounting in the aggregate, to sixteen thousand eight hundred and sixteen dollars and forty bine cents, ($16,816 49-100) it is probable the Bank will lose between five arid six thousand d liars. These items embrace all the outstand ing business of the Lank contained in this ex hibit, all other assets of the oank are of the I ffi'st character. The sp< cie in the vaults of the Bank and the balance due from the other Banks in this city, are equal to four-fiths of the circulation. I'i reviewing the business of the Bank from t ie first of October last, it appears the amount of specie returned to that day, was the smallest amount the Bank has ha in its vaults at an period since that r< turn was made. I am, most respectfully, Your obedient Servant, S. B. P\ President ' Marine kite Insurance. Bank. Exhibit oj Mat ine Fire I .surance Bank Sa rannah, and Branch at Macon, on the f irst Monday of April, 1834. DR. To Capital stock, $170,U00 “ Notes in circula- tion, principal $176,598 “ Notes in circula- tion, branch, 23,610 “ money in deposite by individuals, 125,119 07 “ amount due to banks, viz : “ U. S. Branch Sa- vannah, $2lB 76 “ Bank of Augusta, 42,390 46 “ Augusta Insurance and Banking Company, 26,667 05 44 Agency and Bank of Hawkinsville, 11,295 99 “N. England Bank, 12,474 96 “ Branch at Macon on open account, 9,935 “ Individuals lor un- claimed uividends, 824 5U “ Reserved fund, $18,775 29 “ profits since sth December last, 15,904 18 • ■■ ■—— 34,679 47 $633,843, 86 ( R. By specie in Savan- nah. $83,782 95 “ specie in Macon, 14,833 10 “ Notes of specie pay mg banks in this State, 5,955 44 amount due from Bunks, viz : “ State Bank Sa vannah, $34,697 20 “ Planters’ Bank, “ 32,215 37 44 Vnion Bank Charles- ton, ‘ 2,620 92 ■ “ Bank of America, New-York, 21,505 14 I “ Bank ot Daiien, $350 51 “ Ba k of Hawkins- ville, 347 17 “ Bank of Columbus 3,812 14 “ dis ounted notes running to ma turity 150,850 73 “ dicountcd Ex change running to maturity, 256,705 47 “ Stuck oi Corpora- tion Savannah, $1,052 75 “ Stock of L’nion road, 200 “ Notes of Bank of Mat on and cost of suit, $l7O “ bills and notes in in suit Si judg ment, 7,646 75 “ bills receivable, 9,170 74 “ Expense since the sth Dec. last, 4,097 92 $633,M3 86 JAS. SMlTH,Cashier.. Savm.-' .‘l April 9th. 1834. ■ Stockholders in the Marine <§• Fire Insurance 1 Bank of Savannah. April 7th, 1834. Amount Names. ■ No. of Si in res. paid on each. . Sidney M. Andersen, 13 $35 Bulloch & yers, Trustees, 6' “ Viaroa t Bl jjk, 15 “ eclianic’s Burk, Philadelphia, ICO “ I Joseph Cummin", 50 <c Harriet Campbell, 50 “ I ary Cleland, . SO “ j Robert Campbell, 451 “ “ ‘‘ Trustee, 85 “ Mary A. Cowp-r, 39 “ Robert Clark, 31 “ Thomas > lay, 4 “ I’homas Cumming, estate of 4 “ Thomas Clark. 123 “ John Cumming, 120 “ Ch iliam Academy', 57 44 iB. .Di la.nata. 100 “ 1 S. C. Dunning, Trustee, G “ Helen Flemming, 5 “ James Fraser, iqo “ J Vv illiam Godfrey’, £OO 44 George Hall, “ • •« John Haupt, Guardian, 3 “ J. B. Herbert, estate of 120 “ Pat. Houston, 45 “ “ “ t Execut ir, 4 “ I nscilla Houston, 33 “ C. S. Halsey, 59 “ Henderson &. And< rson, Trustees, 8 44 E. Jackson, Jr. Executor, l’oo “ George Jones, 50 “ B. a. Johnston, 72 “ J. 8. Johnston, 53 “ L. C. Johnston. 7? ‘ 4 I E. li. Johnston, 70 | P. A. Johnston, 05 <« I .. .P. J ohnston, 94 « . H. Johnston, 9 «« .Vi. Job iston, 75 « J Lucy Isaac, §2 “ Alary Ker, 185 “ P. M. Kollock, G1 “ •i. F. Kollock, 52 44 G. J. Koiiock. 30 « . Andrew Low, 50Q o James Lamb, 150 “ o.a.y Lavender, 15 “ . . 11. Lawton, estate of 55 “ (ieorg Le. v s, 110 “ tiez. Lord, 50 “ it. ackay, estate of 39 “ A. Nichols, “ 20 *• 1. Pa.kman, 20 “ ■ . B. Parkman, 143 “ Parkman m Gordon. Trustees, 270 “ A. . orter, 250 “ John i otter, 400 “ E. L. Penfield, estate of 81 u E. Padl. ford, 200 “ . Quin, 21 “ »v in. Kahn, 50 “ m .tob rtson, 40 “ E. Reid, 100 “ “ i rustec, 150 “ Lucy Spalding, 40 “ C. Seymour estate of 103 4 C. F. 8 ymour, 103 “ J. Stone, ion “ Scai brougii, Taylor & Wallace, Trustees, 97 « ; W. J. Scott estate of 396 “ I J. S. >hapt , 150 | E. »l. 11. I v. I V» m. H. Thompson, 100 “ i l ! Tapper, c,7 “ ; George Thomas, 44 “ Chafin \ arnum, 53 “ John o ilkmson, 400 “ P. H. VV ilkms, 32 “ N. allace, 100 “ F. 8. t.iller, Executor, .32 $25 Samuel Clark, 15 “ •’< s. S'til< s, 4 “ dllftm ailacc, 4 “ “ Trustee, 4 “ •’•V. ytr. 100 53-> 8G Names, ami 8 000 SB • Savannah, Chatham County ToTSUfitr’ ipenr. <1 i- f ■«< i>>- , p|> < unmiing, 11 J tn e oi the luh ru r < ourt for said county, Sa uefß. Parkman, and James .’■rnith, biing 1 < President and Cashier ci the Mtwine and i insurati' e Bank oi the State of Ge rgia, wh<> oJemnly uffi m, thatUho exhibit «•! the con Ihi of sa. 1 B and Br ine'., < • h. st. 1, hold rs ;m<i t exnlanatK n the Preside:.t h a l< Her l<» the Governor, herewith ;no x 1 ontain a correct and faithful repres'm’ i all matters therein set forth, to t l .. s’ of (I < 1. knowledge and be i> f. S. B. PARK Al \ Al, Presii'enl. JAAi Lb SAI I'l H, Cashier. ! Signe I I vs >re me this 9th A] 1 <i, 1834. I JOS. ( I MMIN G, J 1. c. c. c HUMORS or THE TIMES—NO. 1. From the M‘W Yorker. MATRIMONY AL YDVERTIMNG | Truly wa.- il .vrr ul< a L arned and | atr I otic o ator, (S< TitHoi I reiinjhuvsi n, we t'hmf jon some pLila ihropir anniversary, lhat t 1 “ an h oi’mmd” was n<» long* r a mere‘mar . H tiie ordinary I*«t-shufflmg, side-wnggh sti.ill-pace ac< epta i<>n « I the term.—“No . I -aid the animat d<> clanner, warming with 1 ; <»wn un t a k coming ancles, “ it i> no long r th» march oi mind, but the i ush <> mind!” ■ - The un a is <OO good as well as t o true to 'ue lost. Th 44 iiisbol mind’ in our day, is ■ 1 . i> • d tremendt us; and so great is its rn< men tum as to superinduce a corn spondin. rush oi body, *hich sends us whirling and 1 ancmg en- ; j war with .1 velocity whicn is only rcnd< red i ' imp, r ■ ptibl • by the dizziness and indistinct I i mss of vifK.n w hich it creates—ind« ed, we j ’ may utfiim that time and sp ce, it not yet a< tu j ally annihilated, arc pretty considerably b iled I down—so much so, as la bear no relatu n t<> the matters ' huh w. n lorinerlysrtforth under I those imposing adumbralion-. Talk of the all 1 but thousand years • f M- thusr lah !—wc h n . our ey t on sundry g ntlcmcn of forty summers * bycalendar, who would have made the ol < gen tleman I'iti-h uy hi- 969th winter fire side for his own comparative inexperience and ignor ance of the world. How saucer-like would p nave b< en tue .illation cf his opti< s as he listen ed to a modern er mcpoli'e disenursitfu after ' this.fasinon to an unmoved auditory—“ When I was on on ■ of-my whaling voyages in the An tarctic, J was so ibriunate as to discover the tiuc cause ci ihe variation oi the Magnetic Needle. J mentioned it to Bonaparte, during tiii' hundred day's, but he was so engrossed by* his,iy operations’, and then so completely ov t rwhelmed by the disastrous affair at Water loo, t .at he foun no tune to devote to scientific researches, as Ibrm ily. .' tibscquent observa tions, ,ot only during my Norte Pole expedition, but at Owyhee. Canton, St lich na, an Ice land, have so complete! established my theory', that I . avc only b < n lundcred by a’ childish national prejudice from laying it before the Royal *’< >< lety, during some of my recent voy ages to Englund; wLicii, how. ver, 1 shall not fail to do on my next trip.”—-Wc take it that iher vencia. h gentleman aloresaid—allowing him a tok rabl knowledge of geography—would not. hesitate io consider fiimself m the presence of some “ revei mi senior,” ano would marvel how any of his brother ante iluvians, except indeed it might be the Riai Admiral himself, could have contiiw uto perambulate so lar A e a shaie oi creation m the course ol a simple miL 1< nuial cycle. Patu nt reader .' we arc aware that we are not exactly discoursing oi the subject mutter on winch we hao proposed to edify you—and yet we are beai ingdow n upon it. Let us see—-our caption is “ Matrimonial Advertising,”—aye, ! there we have caught tiie idea again. We were I ruminating on tin- vast improvement which had taken place in the m;mn r of conducting certain deli< ate negotiations since the days of our g and lathers. Indi ed, we doubt w ether any 1 single point will illustrate more strikingly the | “ ni.ncn ot mmu,’ 7 w ich the eloquent Senator I aliu > a to, or the compression of the events and sensations ol an averag existence of five hun -1 oi u years into a modern lite oi threc-score-and t< n, than lb t on wnu n w < are dilating. W e may 1 emurk once lor ail that there w’as no branch ol .lonn suc economy which contained such an omrageous proportion of humbug non< w.iii h < alien so iou .fy for retrenchment and rei'ir.i., as the ancient process of wooino - He speak not exclusively of the courtship oi i..e primitives, though there, wc opine, tii h tnaik will apply in ail verity. There is a turning inut to this purport conveyed under the gum ed taciturnity of the Good A 7 olume, win nett .101 1 scape tiie perci ption of the acute. When w. . ac <d the race oi patriarchs loiter ing, on .. in .mother, to the neighborhood of then c. nt birthday and some even beyond it, bi .oh i.ay ventured to exchange their single bie. sgi :ar the state of untried being which c< :m s i. x 1,1 1 ,e order ot things, we may safe l . rnmsm .y m lude—after making aue allow ance l,t, penarity in gumption over the men oi m, t times—that there wcro radical deiecisaim uities which beset the path of .mtcoiiuM.i; courtship. Think you that our auccstoi 8. iven rest him ! would have hov- <i< , sm-11 am, solitary, some sixty or eighty • « is on tin outer confines of matrimony, if he .1 enjoy, the suporeminent advantages of our day—n < ( bare intimation of Iris wants and .'. . s tin. uj, the coiumns of a periodical “up I,a\ presi nted his case to the eager gaze • on e thirty , 1 forty thousand commiserating Xu- . » ■■ i ■ men .'IUTT-: ®- i 1. is, hov.< v< I, one bright opening in the • g m-lory <4 mint benightedness in regard .0 t is important and interesting topic wc ima oi course to the case ollsaac and Rebck , so: •Hi 1 ly, sobn lly, yet so movingly record same aul. < niic chronicle which has 11 tidorc ; .■om ■' la. W here lives the bachelor so ciu. t_», so amiquated, so case-har— ei :,as not to feel a glow 1 .esuscitatod feel exhilirating fresbnes of the -hearl. m nig almost to tenderness—steal ovot no, .m t < cons over, perhaps for the one hum. o, am iiii< ii lime, t .c tv r-lnscinalino n:ir_ 1 ii* n <0 mm *. in me :xivth of Genesis! .urn m.iui .1 m the openmg oi lf<o <tory !—how cubui• mung, Low bewit hing even, the heroine on In r 1 usual mcr ting v. ith ihc unknown ambassador!—ami how f traighf forward yet ■ suasiv ,tii< am.ress of that skilful ncgocia ior ! Anu t cn, Low < os< ise yet cornprehcn_ -iv Le summing up of the whole matter: • “A <■ they called R(4;< kah, and said unto h<i M lit t ou go u.i- man? And she said. 1 will gu!” Think us tin;-. Air* Eliphalel Tibbs !—Pon r 11 <ie 1 ly Air. Joshua Shotpfacc ! and (be xt nine yOll st re*, your cour age up to the ip king pm:01 < n uimg ;m evening of agnniz n.uUmidri v in ihe in* * t nee of your Dull incs. tiy to s icw it a .itl.'c high, r ; and, Instead of pi< king th 1 n aimr.g fur from your head piece, hi b< i.n_ hole-, in the carpet with your oglere. just summo.l a tn mi noons effort ot resolution, an*> move tm previous qu stian.—Ten to or.c b t 011 im La a. w r as direct, as explicit, an ; vivo a-that of the Hebrew damsel an v. quoti 1. Ba ib' w ri is sh v,-in imkarning its errors. '1 he c.mpn confirms tins axiom when it ir.fonrfs us that tin -on of 1- i. c <md h bekah, piofiting notaw. it by the wis < sample before him, enuured scv. n y ms’ servitude each fur his two consorts; which.ilmugh perhaps not to be corn pared with tne M.xatior.;:, the delays, and the Gisapi'ointmf nts of a courtship in the nineteenth century, was yet a serious it in in the account current oi fie profits and losses oi matrimonv, and might give room for some snarling old bachelor to vary the distortion of his counten ai • e into iiainr-; un ns he called to mind Lucknevc.'l nr vc-b ‘J nnvh'g for the wh s afjksfkljsfklsaf