Newspaper Page Text
Zbe Enterprise.
Editor and Proprietor.
Entered at the Covington PostofBce “
Second-Class Mail Matter.
Covington, Ga., Nov.. 10, 1905.
Mayor Weaver of Philadelphia
has routed the republican ring.
A quarter of a million dollars
was lost by flames in Birmingham,
Ala., Tuesday night.
C. E. Swanson, democrat, de
feated the republican candidate of
Virginia by 20,000 plurality.
George W. Willy, 91 years of age,
the oldest Odd Fellow iu Georgia,
died Tuesday at his Isle of Hope
home near Savannah.
Fraud is charged in the election
in New York and in a recount it ie
believed that Wm. R. Hearst will
be the winner over McClelland.
John M. Pattison, democrat
was elected governor of OhioTues
day, defeating Governor Herrick,
the republican candidate for re¬
Ground has been broken for the
monument to JefferBon Davis at
Richmond, Va. It is being erect¬
ed by the Daughters of the Confed¬
eracy and to cost $50,000.
Geo. B. McClelland, democrat
and candidate oi Tammany Hall
wor ro-eloctod. mayor of CZn *otor
New York, defeating William
Randolph Hearst by 8000.
Sam Jones remarks as follows in
his Saturday evening letter in the
Journal: I And on my travels
through Georgia that there is a
gubernatorial race now well under
way in our state, Hoke Smith is
in the lead at this time; Clark
Howell may be a close second;
Dick Russell about a furlong be¬
hind; Colonel Smith prancing for
a start around the track. There is
no hope of either of these men win¬
ning the race if one-tenth they say
about each other is true. They
say all things are fair in politics,
war and love, but I have settled
down to the conviction that it is
never fair to represent, it is never
fair to misconstrue, it is never fair
to charge anything ou anybody
that is not true.
Cotton Sensation.
New York, Nov. 8.—A seu9a
tional break In the cotton market
cf 80 to 40 points followed the
publication of the ginners’report at
2 o’clock today. Just before the
report was issued January stood
11.40 and March 11.60. Ten min¬
utes after the report January sold
11.08 and March 11.20.
Cheap Peruna.
Although Fitzgerald is not a dry
town, the Enterprise of that city
has discovered the receipt for mak¬
ing Peruna. It is like this; 4 « One
half pint of alcohol, costing four¬
teen cents, three pints of water,
cubebs, for flavor, one cent, burnt
sugar, one half ot one cent.” If
you take this near cut to this val¬
uable mediciue and cut out the
profits and advertising expenses,
a quart of it will cost you fifteen
and one had cents.—Moulrie Ob¬
55 hen billious take Chamberlain's Stom¬
ach and Liver Tablets. For sale by all
druggists in Covington and Bibb M’fg.
to., Porterdale.
.......... ........ mil' rritirrwmwaiw n B i aa
; A LEG AI advertisements
z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z r T T T... L
GEORGIA—Ncwros Cotvtt.
Under authority ot orders granted by tbf
Court f Ordinary of Newton county,
Georgia, at November Ttrm, H*fci wih be
sold at public outcry before the Court
House Door, in Covington, Ga., on First
Tuesday in December, 1905, during the
lawful hours of sale,— this sale to continue
from day to day ti.i ai, ot the property is
sold, —the following properties belonging
to the estate of Mrs. Mary M. Brown,
deceased, towit:
moreorksa> know ®
a« the Petty place, atx>ut - miles bomii oi
Covington. 337 acres, more or less, farm
land known as the Swords, or old Ilight
home, place, situate near and South ot
Alcovy Station. 525 acres, more or less,
known as the Weaver place, on Yellow
River, near and South of Rocky Plain*
1 small vacant lot in Oxford, Ga., lying in
rear of home of R. B. Sanditord. One
house and lot in Oxford, Ga., situate near,
and East of, Emory College campus.
The following properties situate in Cov¬
ington, Ga: One town lot, next East of
Court House, and having thereou two brick
buildings store house and blacksmith shop.
The Floyd mill property, having thereon a
grist mill, and two frame dwelling houses
One dwelling house and lot, lying on East
side of West street, and near Georgia Rail¬
road depot, and known as the Simms place.
Two vacant lots on South side of Stone
Mountain street- One dwelling house and
lot known as the I. W. Brown home place.
Meadow lot and gin house fields, having
thereon three frame tenant houses. T wo
dwelling houses and lots on \\ est side ot ;
Railroad street, whereon E- W, Fowler and j
J. R. Stephenson recently lived. One
dwelling house and lot, corner Lsher and
Railroad streets. One frame tenant house
and lot, South side Usher street, and near
colored Baptist church. Two dwelling
houses and lots on South side of I'loyd
street, whereon J. E. Bogle and Evans
Lunsford now reside- One dwelling house
and lot, fronting on Conyers street, where¬
in Dr, Ragsdale now resides. One dwelling
house and lot now occupied by C. G. Smith
and next North of dwelling house owned
by W. B. Hurst. One vacant lot known
na lint vW L«»U giuu 4 Into.
parts of what is known as Corley lot. One
house and lot, known as the Jackie Baker
lot. One vacant lot on East side of West
street. One house and lot on East side V\ est
street. One house and lot on West side
Spring street, and South of Central rail
road. Two dwelling houses and lots on
North side Stone Mountain street, lhree
dwelling houses and lots on what was for¬
merly known as the old base ball ground
Three houses and lots on East side Paco
street. One town lot, South block public
square, and having thereon, a brick store
house and a stone blacksmith shop. Livery
stable lot, having thereon a brick stable,
and five cottages. One small, vacant lot,
fronting on Railrroad street, and lying be¬
tween the Central Railroad and Dried In
diau Creek.
The meadow lot, and gin house fields
will, eaeh, be sold in two parcels, of which
plats have been made. Pla; has been made
of the lot known as the I. W. Brown place
as it will be offered for sale. The Livery
stable lot will be soki in 8 parcels, plats
made. All these plats are on exhibition at
the law office of J. M. Pace. If turther in¬
formation of these lands, or lots be desired,
apply to us.
Twenty (20) City of Dublin, Ga , five per
cent. Bonds for $1000.00 each, dated Jun.
1,1905; due Jan. 1, 1934; Seven, 30 year,
for per cent. Water Bonds, City of West
Point, Ga., $1000 00 leach, dated July
1902, due July I, 1932; Twenty five, (26)
6 per cent School Bonds, Town of Aast
man; Ga , for $100.00 dated 1897, due 1927;
Five (5) 4 per cent Electric Light Bonds,
Hartwell' Ga , $500.00 each, due 1919.
All interest coupons on above Bonds
payable on or before Jan 1, 1906 reserved.
Twenty shares capital stock Clark Bank¬
ing Co., of Covington Ga. Terms CASH.
November 8, 1905.
Executors of Mrs- Mary M. Brown, dec’d.
GEORGIA—Newton County.
To whom it may concern :
It. W. Milner having made application
to me, in due form, to be appointed per¬
manent administrator upon the estate of
Jesse Gresham, late ol said county. No
tiee is hereby given that said application
will be heard at the regular term of the
Court of Ordinary to be held on the first
Monday in December 1905. Witness my
hand and official signature. This the 6th
day of November 1905.
G. D. HEARD, Ordinary.
Another big shipment of Drurn
mer t Samples to be sold at whole
sale price just received at New
York Bargain Store.
at i.VTis. ;** wii'fiM fil;
GEORGIA. Newton Oocvit.
^ YIlL :<e note bewre "he co - boost
door in the eity 0 *. Covington, at
the first Tuesday m December JJHk. » ith.n
the legal hours oi sale, for cast, to the
highest bidder, the following property,
j to wit:
The Lite Estate ol Irena Polsar in one
: hundred and thirty seven acres more or
le*> ol land lying in Newton county state
of Georgia and bounded as follows. North
and East by lands of II C. Hvatt. South
’ey lands of Anderson Owens and Estate of
S- C. Spence deceased and west by Hay¬
nes Creek as tbe property of tbr defendant
Irena Poison the same being an Estate for
and during the life of said defendant, Irena
Poison in all ot said desc ribed .and -aid
property levied on with a fi fa issued from
the Superior Court in favor of T. C- Swann
aginst Irena Poison and J. D. Y’arbury.
Written notice given defendant, Irena
Poison, as required by law. This Novem
her the 3rd 1905.
S. M HAY, Sheriff.
ALSO—At the same time and place,
One sixth undivided interest in all that
tract or parcel of land situated, lying and
being in the Ninth dis' ict of said county,
part of land lot No. 3G~. in the North part
of said lot and is particularly described by
a survey made on the 20th of N'ov. 1875,
by Geiger, county surveyor of said county,
and plat recorded in Clerk’s office of said
countv, deed book T. page 542 3, said lot
containing 65 acres m >re or less. Said
property levied on as the property of
Lucinda Gresham, deceased, to satisfy an
execution issued from tbe Justice Court of
the 463 District, G- M„ said coun'y in fav
or ol S. D. Hight. against the said Lucinda
Gresham, to satisfy a tax fi fa ir> favor of
R. L Loyd, T. C., vs I.ucinda Gresham
for Siate and County taxes for year 1904.
This 9th day ot November 190-5.
S. M HAY, Sheriff
GEORGIA —Newton County.
W. F. Marbut, transferee having made
application to require titles to be executed
to him to certain land described in a bond
far tkapafA atUollLll p;»rpor(flu^ L%J bb
signed by Ike W. Brown, late of said eoun
ty, deceased, the said application alleging
that said land has been fully paid for. All
parties concerned are hereby notified that
said application will be heard before the
Court ot Ordinary for said county on the
4th day of December 1905. This 6th day
of November 1905.
G D. HEARD, Ordinary.
GEORGIA —Newton County.
Edward Heard, transferee having made
application to require titles to be executed
to him to certain land described in a bond
for titles thereto attached purporting to be
signed by Ike W.Brown, lateof-aid county,
deceased, the said application alleging that,
said land has been fully paid for. All par¬
ties concerned are hereby notified that
said application will be heard before the
Court of Ordinary for said county on the
4111 day of December 1905. This the 6th
day of November 1905.
G. D. HEARD, Ordinary.
GEORGIA— Newton County.
The Bank of Newton County, transferee,
having made application to require titles
to bf executed to it to certain ianas de
scribed in a bond for titles thereto attached
purporting to be signed by Ike W. Brown,
late of said county, deceased, the said ap¬
plication alleging that <aid land has been
fully paid for. All parties concerned are
hereby notified that said application will
be heard before the Court of Ordinary for
said county on the 4th day of Deember
1905. This the 8th day of Noy. 1905
G. D. HEARD, Ordinary.
GEORGIA, Newton County
W. R. Morgan having made 'application
to require titles to b« executed *o him to
certain lands described in two bonds for
titles thereto attached purporting to be
signed by Ike W. Brown, late of Maid conn
ty deceased, the said application alleging
that said land has been lully paid fir. All
parties concerned are hereby notified that
said application will be heard l>efore the
' ourt of Ordinary for said county on th«
™* 9,kd *’
G. I), HEARD, Ordinary.
$1500 00 worth of sample no
tions just received to be sold at
; wholesale price at New York Bar
gains store.
y 1 ^~™T Time tJoT"—“~S Tells
The Story.
There ie a big difference between the cost of makin-J first,
* class sewing-machine, embodying the best of * a
and workmanship, and one in the cheapest material,
> The buyer of the cheap machine soon pays the diff Manner,
of price in the constant cost for repaairs, to 'fence
of inefficiency. sa y nothing
its annoying
Sold on Instalments.
Old Machines Taken in Exchange.
;! Belts, Machine Oil and Needles for all Makes of Machines
Old Machines Made New.
The Singer Manufacturing Co,.
‘‘Sewing Machine Makers for the World.”
Headquarters East Side Public Square, Covington, Georgia
% AAAA lU AAAAAnaAAAAA«e»»M AA AM« »*.... ■ -%W
“The Old Reliable”
A $ lit Georgia Railroad,
i Elegantlye quipped trains between all points.
i Pullman Palace Cars between Atlanta, Augusta and
i Charleston, also bet5veen Augusta and St. Louis and
Charleston and Cincinnati. Fast Fi eight Service be¬
3f tween the West and Augusta, Athens, Macon, Charles
ton, Savannah and all points in Southestern anJ Caro¬
lina territory.
is 1 A. G. Jackson,
General Freight and Passenger Agent, Augusta, Ga.
Have the closest possible connection with the stock
raising country, as the stock are shipped from whew
they are raised in cur loads, saving the middle men
* profits ; Guarantees every animal to be strictly as good
. as representated; Makes prices the lowest, treats its
customers better than any other firm in the business
and would appreciate the patronage of all who believe
that an honest man should sell stock, A large lot of
choice reliable stock always on hand, and the public is
invited to come and see them and get pi ices.
L. A. SHARP, Proprietor.
— OF —
§1 l I - THE IN BLOI
Lasting all SUMMER. By Special*
rangements with The
A forfeit of $5.00 will be made if a course of J®
son s Tonic will not eradicate every trace And tai
Subscribe for The Enterprise
GEORGIA -Newton County.
j To whom it may concern .
Whereas J. King Stewait. administrator
ol J. A. B Stewart, represents to the
Conn in his petition, duiy filed and entered
on record, that he has fu ly administered
J. A. B Stewart’s estate This is therefore
to cite all persons e meerned, kindred and
creditor*, to show cause, if any they cun,
why said administrator should not be dis¬
charged from his administration, and re¬
ceive letters ol Dismission, on the first
Monday in December, 190j.
G. D HEARD, Ordinary.
GEORGIA, Newton County.
To whom it may concern:
Joshua Ellis has applied for exemption
of personalty and setting apart and valua¬
tion of Homestead, and I will pass upon
the same at 10 o’clock a. m. on’ the 21s
day of November, 190-5, at my office This
Oct 28, 190-3.
Ordiuarv of Newton County.
GEORGIA, Newton County.
Mr;, Eller. H. Harcrow having made
application in due form to be appointed
permanent administratrix upon the estate
of M W. Harcrow, late of said county
notice is hereby given that said application
will be heard a the regular term of Court
ot Ordinary for said county, to be held on
the first Monday in December, 1903- This
1st day ot Novembei. 1905.
ft. D HEARD, Ordinary.
Make Your Grocer
Give You Guaranteed
Cream of Tartar
Baking Powder
Alum Baking Pow¬
ders interfere with
digestion and are un
Avoid the alum.
The Original.
Foley 4 Co., Chicago, originated Hon¬
ey and Tar as a throat and lung remedy
and on account of the great merit and
popularity of Foley’s Honey and Tar
; many imitations are offered for the gen
u'ne. Ask for Foley’s Honey and Tar
and refuse any substitute offered as no
other preparation will give the same
satisfaction. It is mildly laxative. It
contains no opiates and is safest for
children and delicate person?.
Theodore Price’s Guess.
Thee lor Price, the cotton spec
uYtor is out with an estimate of
the cotton production for the pree
>, cut sec son. J. e puts the crop at
11,250,000 baits minimum.
8be Tried Five Doctors.
Mrs. Frances L. Sale?, of Missouri
Valley, la., writes “I have been afflict,
ed with kidr ey trouble five years: had
severe pains in iny hack and a frequent
desire to urinate. When ridine I expe¬
rienced mucti pain over the region of
the kidneys I tried five phvsirians
with >ut benefit and then concluded to
try Foley’s ¥ i.lm-y Cure. After taking
three .1 00 fettles j was completely
Campbell Bios, circus train was
wrecked Tuesday near Temple,
Tex., and neurly all the animals
.0 tbe wood,. „ i, sold
that something akin to a piuio pre¬
vailed in the rural districts. The
wreck was caused by the train
breaking in two and the two sec
tions running together.
Take The Enterprise for the new.