The Waycross herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 18??-1893, January 23, 1892, Image 2

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H^^i. i cm ft HERALD PUBLISHING COMPANY. wry I»»<m M dw Hoild PUm Amm, WiycitH, 0*. Subscription $1.00 per annum. THE IlhRALl. _ _ Mir MKfearity.ABiy a4*plm»r —i b* b I wvUy HATURDAY, JANUARY 23, 1892. HON. II. CL TURNER. The IIkrai.p is plowed to note the high esteem in which the gentleman whcne name appears at the head of thin paragraph u held by the prem through out the country. As second member on the most important committee of the House, Mr. Turner's j»osition as one of the foremost «nen of the times has been duly established, and the wisdom of his selection for this important position has been endorsed by his party colleagues ami political opponent*. We are proud that our district in so . ably represent**!. In fact our Georgia Congressmen arc in the front in all im portant legislation. Congrewitncn Wat son uml Livingston have introduced bills that Inok to the benefit of our section, and Speaker Crisp is regarded as (be fore front of the Democratic party of the House. GOV. NORTHEN AT JESIT. Jeriip was honered on the 19th by a visit from the Governor and Slate School t ’oinniissioner Bradwcll, Iwth of al partt y the pe The Chilian Trouble. Mr. Turner, of Georgia mays: “In the present state of the situation I see no decent pretext of war. The trouble grew out of a mere sailor’s brawl, such as is likely to occur on any similar occa sion. Italy has stronger grievances against ns for the New Orleans lynching than we hare against Chili for the Bal timore affair. The difficulty should be settled by diplomacy and not by force of arms.” WYX* THINKS THERE’LL BE WAR. Wynn, of Georgia: “The outlook points to war, but it should be avoided if {tOMible.” EVERETT OPPOSES IT TOO. Everett, of Georgia: “I fear we are going in that direction too last, so far as my understanding goes I am opposed to SENATOR OOP.I*>N'S VIEWS. Senator Fordon: “I am not prepared to express a positive opinion, but it would be a very expensive and inglo rious piece of business.” THE TRIBfNE-OF-ROME SCARED. There is a worse danger, far worse, threatening Rome than a freshet can possible by. There is an all-water route between Rome and Chili and what de fense has the former against the latter, e of war? Just think how easy it will 1»e for a Chilian man o’ war to line right up to Koine and shell the otises fiat to the ground ! And not a i.liceman doing guard duty down at the barf! Think, men and brethren, how- wily the blood-thirsty South American tvages could swoop down in the dead r night on the innocent and defenceless orkers on The Trilnme-of-Uoiiie, make isideration ccutive who \ wi regrass section Truly Georgia has a cultured gentleman, with broad anti lilieral views ujs»n every public ques- tion, and one who firmly believes tluit no section or citizens of our State should Ik- ignored. GLEANING TIIE NEWS. We have in every issue of The IIke- ald a modest beading, “News of the Week,” which probably conveys to out readers some considerable information of events happening all over the world, but little idea of the labor entailed on the editor in selecting and condensing three short paragraphs from the lengthy daily dispatches of the associated press, anti other sources. The Herald receives twenty-two dailies regularly and forty-three- weekly exchanges, and it is seldom that any one of these two hundred and over weekly arrivals is turned off* the editor’s desk without being scanned, if only hurriedly, for any item of (Kissible interest to subscribers. OBTTIXO LOCAIN. The local editor of a city (taper is sup posed to be a much courted, Individual whospenda his time in being entertained at evening parties by the hostess who likea to aee her recherche affair depicted in the morning papers, by young ladies whose toilets jrere gotten up to Ik* de scribed, and hy business men who rightly value a good word on the local page. The local editor is invited everywhere, gets a seat on the platform with other grandee* at a public meeting, hob-nol* with inillionart'* and fraternizes with ministers, takes the best seat at the thea tre complimentary and has a royal good time all around. All this, miud you, is the envied lot of tlh* city local editor of a (topulur daily paper. Have any of the reader* of The Her ald ever given a passing thought as % t how the local news of The Herald worked up each week ? Well, the pie ure draw n above does not lit our tram- The local editor of The Herald is ab editor-in-chief. book-keeper, proof reader, mailing clerk, exchange reader and bu— incas manager. Seven hours of desk work every day, Sunday’s only excepted, are a material check to the natural is*cial instincts of the editor—in short, editor, of whom impossibilities to be expected, cannot In- iu two places at the same time. And it* we cannot go into the highways and byways in search of aocial, personal and local must get the news to come to mace this earnest request of all our ac quaintances, and of all who wish The Herald well, to assist us in making the local page of our town paper a live, spicy, complete and interesting epitome of the life of the place. We frankly acknowledge we cannot do this without your help, and we ask it in the interest of Waycraaa, which can not prosper as we all wish without a first-class newspaper. A newspaper is to a town what the leaven is to the loaf —without it neither can rise, and both WARESBOBO. A Hm Letter f VI*ll and a Bfkr lark dung'•< . tin till ::n The wedding bells are ringing and sound to bachelors and maidans fair like “music by moonlight from lips we love.” We must, however, be a little reticent, for the mills of the gods grind slowly but desperately fine,* and in this case they have a fine Miller. Among the recent arrivals were Mr. J. F. Floyd and the Misses Philips, daughters of Hon. S. D. Philips, of Willacoochee. The for mer is a member of the progressive and enterprising firm of Peele, Floyd & Co., while the latter came to matriculate in the high school. W. H. Mangham and family, who ar rived the week before are quite an ad dition to our town. He has not only swelled the roll of our high school to the tune of eight, but has ordered the chinery for a large saw mill, which will soon be«ending its curling smoke to the heavens and its happy hum to t of prospective builders. Our railroad facilities are better than and our polite and efficient agent, J. U. Ilillhousc, dissipates the slightest appearance of discontent by being con stant in season and out of season. Speaking of railroads reminds us that there are as great evils on other lines which might be remedied by legal pro vision. Why is it not as constitutional a restrain manufacturers, jobbers and Middlemen from charging more than a •ertain per cent., as it is to enact that -ailronds shall collect only a certain mileage? It is claim'd that skill is the only commodity with which the market is not at some time or other overstocked, and it is further argued that the law of supply and demand is the regulator of prices, and yet in the midst of plenty prices are high. But I must close on this line or I will !»•• taken as a couipan- ■cutn • prep; spare in his compress, should call •t gang and other uiiriiiploy- and build forts along the • <’oo«a and turn tire Clifford i a big gunboat. In time of re for wall! “P. A.’ A lar mjo *pcn id deal agai ek h- Ib endeavoring to atraighten oat the of the Herald we have unin tentionally offended about a dozen of oar ■atacriben br okiog them to [.J np. We are tony far this, bat would remind all inch pank* tbit it ia not hwinere- lik. to ret angry from tuck a came, and it would be reach manlier to coree up and help na got oar boob equated up. Wo are glad to aay that for retry anb- ectibcr who wiahreto withdrew hin oarer from thia canar, we hare raemred fire Rural Free Delivery of Mail With the attention being now direc ted towards ameliorating the financial condition of the farmers of <>u a promise of help in another way, hearing on their social and intellectual ate. advancement. The post office department luis made ex|>crimcnU of free delivery of mail forty-six country post offices, and while of carriers lms averaged $181 |K-r annum for each port office, the final result in increased postal receipts has than re-imkursed the post office de partment. There are (51,000 fourth class post offices, and the benefit to this great number of families and small communi ties, isolated from each other and from the great centres of trade and thought, would he not only in a great and general awakening of business interests, but of ual life and intellectual ambition. As an agent in bringing our great rural imputation abreast of the times touch with the world, the experi ment, even if not wholly self-supporting, should l>e given a trial. Appalling Work or LaGrlppe. l*rince Alberf Edward, eldest son of the Prince of Wales, and heir-apparent to the English throne, died of LaGrippe January 4th. All England is in sorrow, and the Queen, his grand-mother, greatly affected by his untimely cutting off*. s 27 years of age, and was to have l*ccn married on February 27th to •incess Mary of Teck. Cardinal Maiming. Arch Bishop of cstniinster. expired, after a lingering m*s from the prevailing influenza, ic hour before the royal prince. Cardinal Simconi, of Koine, died a'so i January 14th. and of ]*aGrippe. In Copenhagen during one week in January there are rc|M>rtcd 2.^28 fresh casosfof influenza, 110 proving fatal. • Five thousand cases reported mi the Island of Guernsay. In Berlin, the physicians express a be lief that the epidemic is on the wane, although all the clergy are prostrated.. ie distemper is spreading rapidly in Netherlands and in the south of Swedch. In Italy it is wining. England Is suffering severely from the prevailing disease. ’ In New York city as many as fourteen deaths in one day have been reported as due to Ia grippe. In California, both man and beast attacked by the distemper. A Chicago dispatch of Monday states that the grip is causing a large number o! deaths throughout Illinois. A Bloom field special says that fully one-third of that city’s police force are unfit for duty on account of the malady, aud that there are many fatalities, especially among the aged. In Yandalia, according to another dis patch. the fatality list is growing larger every day. Various other cities report a large number of cases, many having resulted fatally. In Havana, 310 deaths from Grippe were reported last week, and all the hospitals overcrowded. possessions of Rev. Britt, 120 acn in the cor|Nir:itiou means that several thousand dollars lias changed hands. T. A. Hall has purchased a neat little home from Mr. L. Wilcox, and W. H. Mangham a fine, „ costly building lot from S. P. Settle. T.j M. Britton has arranged to move liis family to town for school advantages —an addition we very much appreeia- * ALONG THE RAILS. Mr. H. B. Plant passed through our city on Saturday night last, on his north ward journey, after a short stay at his palatial hotel in Tampa. Mr. Plant looks to be in perfect health. Mr. A. A. Aveilhe, the clever Assistant Superintendent of the S. F. & W., has been dangerously ill with the prevailing epidemic, bu’ we are glad to state that he is able to be out and around again, but expects to fully recuperate with a trip to Cuba. Mr. F. W. Storer, Geueral Store keeper of the S. F. A W., was presented with a little boy not many days ago. w the proud possessor of a girl and lioy. Our genial friend, Mr. J. Cronin, of the Southern Express Co., came near having a bad accident at the crossing near the post office on Monday. As the B. & W. train was backing in around the Y, Mr. Cronin was struck with con siderable force, but fortunately was not seriously injured. The *^£ew York and Florida special vestibuled train made its first trip on Tuesday, bringing a large list of tourists. Messrs. Osborn and Fitzsimmons, of the B. & W. were in the city on business connected with their road on Tuesday. Mr. T. M. I>arr, the Inspector of Rail way machinery of the S. F. & W. is a born mechanic. The big machines in inite steps will l»e taken to earn- out the j his charge arc examples of high mcclmn- plan suggested by Chairman Amorous, ( j ca i skill and attest the wisdom of the GeorgiA at the World’* Fair. That Georgia ia a State of wonderful possibilities no one appreciates more than the present chief executive, Gov. Northern His unceasing efforts to ad vance the Empire State in the highest lines of progression naturally imbue him with the patriotic determination to see Georgia make a brave and worthy ap pearance at the great Chicago Exposi tion next year. As Chairman of the World’s Fair Committee, the following extract from his report will give some idea of his plans: “The work of arrangement will be di vided out among various committees, each committee representing each line of resources, the specimens from which calculated to adorn the State’s display. For instance, I am appointing a commit tee on mines and mining, a committee on manufactories, one on agricultural products, one on fruits, (lowers and veg etables, one on art, one on woman' work, and one on ornamentation. “This committee on ornamentation will have in charge the task of putting the finishing touches on the general make-up of the Georgia display. The committe|will be composed of artistic taste—men who will know just how to make the splendid specimens cured show off beautifully and to their best advantage. “Georgia will have her own building on the fair grounds “The building committee will hold a meeting in the near future, at which def- FRANK C. OWENS, -Co*)- Extra copies of the Herald was the ry at the post office Sunday morning ist. Two more teachers added to the corps this week and ten new pupils. Still they come. Vioil. Our new and enterprising citizens, Peele, Floyd & Co., are putting up the most substantial turpentine works on the B. & W. Railway. Where there is a will there is a way,” has been clearly demonstrated by a young couple of this place recently. Dr. J. M. Spence, the newly elected Mayor, was sworn in last Monday night. ‘•The right man in the right place,” is the verdict. Mr. Maughan is preparing to erect a w mill in the west end of town. The machinery has been bought, and is daily expected to arrive. Why don’t somebody open a boarding house in Waresboro ? With as many boarding students as our High School has it would (>ay. Oh, iny, at the big rings our girls wearing since leap year came in. One of them was heard to remark the other day that it took a man with a mustache to talk sweet to her. The Wareslsjro Emulative Society as re-organized on -she evening of the fall instant, and will give an interesting entertainment every nltorpate Friday veiling. Ajax, SHADE TREES. Don’t wait, friends till it is too late to lant shade trees. Already the time for tree planting is more than half gon ever}- property owner hat another year does re they l>eautifv the >f their property • beautiful shade trees that thrive in our country. Already we see that our Mayor has planted some large ones in front of his place. Mrs. E. Cotingliam has done likewise, and the Cherokee Nurseries -ntributed some large catalpas for the school block. Who will l>c the next join in this laudable work ? Will the Council not complete "the beauty and comfort of Plant Avenue by a line of trees on its south side ? Mr. H.W. Reed has been appointed by the executive committee of the World’s Fair for Georgia, Director for Ware county. The announcement of Governor Northern and other matter pertaining to this important subject will appear next to construct the building here in Georgia out of Georgia material and then ship it by section to Chicago. Sev eral unique designs for the building have been offered. One is to have it built in the shape of the State, with the counties outlined within as booths for county ex hibits. I don’t know which design will meet the favor of the committee. AVALUABLE PRESENT. Ymr*! Subscription to a Popular Agri cultural Paper Given Free to Our Reader.. By a special arrangement with the publishers we are prepared to furnish free to each of our readers a year’s sub scription to the i>opular monthly agri- tural journal, the American Fanner, pub lished at Springfield aud Cleveland, Ohio. This offer is made to any of our sub scribers who will pay up all arrearages subscription and one year and to any new subscribers who will pay one year in advance. The American Farmer enjoys a large national circula tion, and ranks among the leading agri cultural luipcrs. By this arrangement it costs you nothing r> receive the A. icon Farmer for one year. It will be to your advantage to call promptly Sample copies can l>c seen at ou: office. should see to it dip by befi street in front J. R. Knight can sell you an Organ _. Piano cheaper than you can buy in New York or Savannah. And tliat's just what.s the matter with Hannah. sepl'Jtf providing conveniences re found on few southern The: Leading: Clothier. OWENS BLOCK, WAYCROSS : GEORGIA. MY MOTTO: Best Goods for the Least Money. S. F. & W. i for work that railroads. The long continued raius iu this tion have considerably affected the dition of the various railroads as well as the country roads. Engineers, and passengers alike complain of rough track. Capt. Kingsbury, of the 8. F. A W., was one of the distinguished “Vets” on Tuesday. The transportation department of the S. F. & W., shows its appreciation of faithful efficient services in the merited promotion of Waycross’ popular ticket agent, Mr. Whelplev, to the full charge of the ticket office, which position he has heretofore held under Mr. Knight. Mr. Whelpleys friends are all who know him in Waycross and all travelers and tourists who have made his acquaint ance iu their stop-overs in the S. F. & W. depot, where he is often the friend in need, and always the right man in the right place. The Herald has received, in spite of the editor’s protest, subscriptions from gentlemen whose valuable contributions to its pages have clearly entitled them to be enrolled on “our staff.” There are big hearts and generous minds in Way- t cross, and tKe Herald loves to work I with and for them. SPECIAL BARGAINS AT Dan Broadway English’s. A pretty line of 27-inch Worsted (all colors) © 10, 121 and IA cents per yard 36-inch Cashmers (all colors) © 25, 271 and 50 cents i>er yard. 36-incli Suiting Flannel 50c., worth 65. 42-inch Silk Warp Henrietta 68, 771 and $1.00. We don’t keep the cheapest Calico made. < Inly New Styles, Best Colors, 5, 7 and 8 cents. Our Domestic De partment is full ami complete. Bleaching*. Scadslandx, Canton Manuels, Chocks, Tickings Ac., at Bed l 30, 38 to $1.00 \>cr yard. A Big Line Lidh-s and Gent cc. Ladies Cashiucr (Hove; $1.10. Corsets from 50 cents t New srrivals weekly in Mill lat you want in this line. W Examine our Stock of Shoe Parties ordering Dress Goo« Trimming, Lining Ac. to suit t We Intend To Reduce Our Stock, Even if we are CiPLLLi 1ft SELL Ml FROM Monday, Jannar 1892, TO Saturday, January, 30th, 1892, INTCL.USIVE, WE *d Red and White Flannels 20, 23, 28, and Wool Underwear and Hosiery at any and 50 cents; Kids 50, 85, 90, $1.00 and don't stay in long enough to quote. Order where you have been wasting money, find it to their interest to have us put in Our line of Trimming is unexcelled, and Orders by Mail Receive Prompt Attention. DAN BROADWAY ENGLISH. READ W HAT ■XUJ.Jhl WESTERN FURNITURE CO. EAS TO* SAY. Mil to be Coupeil with Money Saving, TRADE WITH OS AND YOU WILL ALWAYS SAYE MONEY, LARGEST STOCK, LOWEST PRICES AND LATEST STYLES Yoi Are what we offer you now. Every one is surprised that call »ay it is a jmsitive fact that such an array wits never seen before. Our Specialties in Furniture are Fancy Parlor Suits, Bed Room Suits, Dining Room Suits, Man tels and Standing Cabinets, < )lfice Fittings, Etc., Etc. Our Carpet department Specialties: Mouquette, Wilton and Brussels Car|»et*, from 30c to $1.60 a yard. Also, a large apportment of Lace Curtains, Tauihour and Renaisssancc Porticrs of every Style and Quality. Window Shades a Specialty. Don’t forget that wo cun fill your wants, no matter what they are. Carpets, Oil Cloths and Matting laid; Window Shades hung—all Exclusively fm* of charge. Come and convince yourself that we mean what we say. See our $20.00 bed- room suits, worth $30.00. Our assortment of mattresses and springs will make you aware what bargains mean. Our grand selection of pictui blc assortment of quilts, blankets, comforts, and our large i nickers will make you believe we mean business. We want money, lot the something of that list, or some article which we have in stock, and t.i too numerous to mention. Let us make the exchange. We sell our go's Is Installment Plan, and we give you a good discount by paying Cash. Hcaji you all, citizens of Waycross and vicinity, to give us a trial, and patronize us, which will lie very much appreciated. Yours most humtdy and resj>ee.tfully, THE WESTERN FURNITURE CO.. Herschkovitz Bros. & Heller. December 2G-tf chairs ami You want «il to Madame Sarah Bern hart is to play La Tolca in Atlanta Monday night The sale of tickets opened one week in advance at $3.00 for best seats, and in two hoars $2,000 had been paid in to the great actress' exchequer. It is safe to say she will not display her talent in Waycross for several yean to come. A lady in Tennessee, seeing a recent copy of the Herald, sends a subscrip tion for what the is kind enough to call “a valuable' paper.” The Herald is going to make a name and fame at home and afar, if energy can do it He who is false to present duty, breaks a thread in the loom, and will find the flaw when he may have forgot ten the cause. They are not reformers who simply abhor eriL Such men become in the end abhorrent themselves. All Ginghams at 7c Lonsdale Cambric at 10c Yard wide Fruit of Loom Bleaching 9c 7-8 yard wide Fruit ofLoom Bleaching8c Best Quality Eider Down 45c Best Black Satteen 18c Shirting prints 4c. Best Quality Percales 10c Split and Whole Zephyr, per oz 5c ILL WINTER DRESS GOODS AT With every pair of Ladies Shoes ex ceeding $2.00 we will give one bottle of Gilt Edge Shoe Dressing, which is the best made. V. L STANTON, General Agent, REED BUILDING, WAYCROSS, "3A., H.oprosontlng tbo Equitable Life Assurant Of the United States.- Policies Absolutely Incontestible NON FORFEITABLE.. UNRESTRICTED. and are PAID AS PROMPTLY AS BANK DRAFTS. THEY PROTECT YOUR FAMILY. CANCEL DEBTS, and am THEY LIFT MORTGAGES, GOOD COLLATERAL. Information Cheerfully Furnished hy auy of the Society'n Agents. 8ept9-4m. GRACE & HcNEH. CASONT cfc MILLER, I Groceries, Hay, Grain, Flour and Butter are Court House Square. Specialties. new nnd willing onea.