The Waycross herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 18??-1893, February 20, 1892, Image 4

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Cleveland is the most fearless Demo crat in the country to-day, and yet it in generally conceded that he cannot carry the farmers support, either in the West or in the South. Just at present Hill seems to be in a little more 'favor with the farming classes because many of them imagine him to be a friend to free silver, bu'. he is a straddler and uot half the man that Cleveland is, and wc do not believe that with all bis |H>litical trickery and deceit he will be able to fool the farmers into supporting him, even if Ue is nominated. N > oik who does not fulh mdorse the Ocala plat form can command the fanners vote in the coming election. Let the Demo cratic party name some p«d, solid Alli- In t!«? l-c*t stye and at moderate prices. How much longer do our enemies pro- use to keep up the cry of “uuconstitu- W. L. DOUGLAS S3 SHOE cENf££twEN GILLON & HUDSON. Ully against the sub-treasury plan* It in the eery first argument lurd against Or and ha* been kn<*ckcd out of the riug long ago, but occasionally we run across some one who i* just loginning to find oat there is an Alliance organization de manding the adoption of the sub-treas ury and he * GUITARS OF ALL KINDS, Banjos in Great Variety, Harmonicas in Quan- FOUNDERS AND MACHINISTS, (WAYCROSS IRON WORKS,) Waycross, .... Georgia, U AVING added all necessary Machinery to our shop, 1 1 are non prepared to do all kinds of casting, repai| titles, Fifes, Flutes, Fageolets and Drums. Musical Albums and Jewelry Cases. Just opened in the FOURTH STORE IN THE OWENS BLOCK. My friends are invited to call and examine qay Stock. PIANOS, ORGANS, cSo Sewing Maclaines OX EASY PAYMENTS. aim oft sore to open wid hi* eye* ami exclaim, “unconstitutional. 11 are now prepared to do all kinds of easting, repaigng and general work on Locomotives. We also carry in stock Stationary and Saw Mills, Piping, Belting, Pulleys, Hangers and Brass Cocks of all kinds. We make a specialty of We have before said that there i* no better fruit country in the world than South Georgia, and we wt h to rrinat it again with emphasis. If we only had a canning (acton- or governmental control of tianapovtaUun lines, we would want no better occupation than fruit culture. 1 ALL WORK GUARANTEED. be convinced. FARM AND ALLIANCE. lonesome. But if the O. P. continues in its present course some one will think before many more months, that the “third party,” a* they are pleased to call it, has something behind it besides renegade Republicans and Republican boodle. We are not indulging in idle threats, but are talking sound sense and know what we are saying when we state that the laboring people of the country, and especially the farmer* are not going to 8. L. BISHOP, Editor. By a special arrangement with the publishers we are prepared to furnish fire to each of our reader* a year’s sriIn scription to the |mpular monthly agri- tural journal, the Antrrie-jn Farmer, pub lished at Springfield and Cleveland, This department h devoted to the interests of the Farmers Alliance and rural attain. The opinions expressed may not in some in stance* conform to the views of the IleaaLD. The Alliance is a substantial and apparently enduring institution, which is due the care ful foninlleration of all thoughtful men. OOK^WutCssitr Alliance. T. II. Morton. President. H. C. Williams. Vice-President; J. J. Wilkinson. Secretary; J. G. Clough, Treasurer; Rev. Thompson. FURNITURE and STOVES WAYCROSS. GA. As 1 desire to give the people the benefit of my cash trade, all 'Furniture and Stoves will be sold low down for cash. THE NEWWEBSTER IS WEBSTER’S INTERNATIONAL J DICTIONARY. lie-edited and Reset from Cotst to Cover. TOLLY ABREAST OF THE TIMES. A GRAND INVESTMENT for ctery Family and School. The Authentic Webster's Unabridged Dictionary, comprising Issues of 1864, ’79. and '84, (all still copyrighted) has been thoroughly revised and enlarged, under Che supervision of Nosh Porter, D.l>., IX. D.. of Tale University, and as a distinguishing title, bears the name WEBSTER’S International Dictionary. The work of revision occupied < ial laborers being employed, 1300.000 expended before opy was printed, SOLO BY ALL BOOKSELLERS. P:utH»hlct sent free by the publishers. Caution is needed in purchasing a die- iotury, as photographic reprints of an obao- i.- and comparatively worthless edition of 4 h*plain; W. I>. Hamilton, Lorturrr; L Billion. Assistant Lecturer; M. J. Mock. Todd, Assistant Door Door Keeper; C. D. Todd, Assist Keeper; H. F. Miller, fiergeant-at-a Post office Waycross. Waycross Beib-Alliance. H.(VWilliams, President; 6. h. Bishop, Yior-President; IF. R. C. John*. HecreUry; J. G. (Touch, Treasurer; J. M. Freeman. Chaplain; M. J. Mock. Door Keeper: C. D. Todd, Assistant Door Keeper; T. II. Morton, liecturrr. Waycross rtub-Alliancc meets in Way be put off with promises any longer; our demands are just and reasonable; they are measures that will benefit all the people equally—the merchant as we the farmer, and it i* the height of sense to ask us to stick to any party that will not grant us simple justice. > the 4th Hat unlay in each month ; o'clock. Charlton County Alliance OBleers. FeMer Land, President. J. It. G»opcr, Vic*-President; Newton Koddenherry. Sec- rHary; A. G. Gowcn, lo-ctnrrr; J. D, O'ltulnn, Aiwtant I/ctunr;X. S. Miiell, Treasurer; P. II. Baker, Business Agent. Post Office Folkston. ALLIANC E ITEMS, The most important coming eve the Ht. Jx>ui* convention. The ey an oppressed people are turned atixi ly to that liody. It* action is awaited with almost breathless anxiety, because it will sound the keynote for the coming campaign so far as the lalior organiza tions are concerned; because it will prove to the whole world whether or not the weary toilers of America can Ik* united into an invincible army of voters for the preservation of their homes and liltertiea. If we cannot unite now our cause is doomed to disaster and defeat; next year or even next fall will Ik* too late. We sincerely hope the coming convention will speak in no uucert* sound, being composed of member** tr< all political parties it should bv all manner of means hold the welfare of the people above party and strike down the enemies of our platform even though all existing parties must go down before the coming avalanche ol* |s-litic.*l reform. It should Ik* clearly understood that the Alliance and the People’s party ar two separate aud distinct organization; the one is a political party, the same * the Democratic party and the othtr is a brotherhood of farmers, leanded together for mutual protection. We have put forth to the country our platform of principles and pledged ourselves over and over time* without number to sup port no man, no party that does not ac cept them in full, and w * mean every word of it. It ia the most healthy sign we have yet seen that our order cannot be led into partisan politics by unscrupulous leader* of the Livingston strijK*. It » no evidence of disintegration, these reso lutions of condemnation of political dem agogue* who are trying to use us for po litical purposes, hut rather incontroverti ble proof that wc cannot be divided either bv enemies within or without. scribers who will pay up all arrearage* on subscription and one year in advance and to any new subscritar* who will pay one year in advance. The American Farmer enjoys a large national circula tion. and ranks among the leading agri cultural papers. By this arrangement it costs you nothing to receive the .4 iron Farmer for one year. It will be to your advantage to call promptly. Sample copies can be TOBACCO k Substitute for Cotton. dopted and ordained the specific tax rate for the year 1892, The same as contained in the printed dinance l took adopted June 28tli, 1888, with the following exceptions and amendments: All persons retailing or tratio-ins ii oe soia low aown ior casn. Parties desiring to purchase these goods will do well to state that they intend to pay cash, so as to get the benefit of Cash Prices. In addition to our large stock of Furniture and Stoves, we carry a full stock of Dr; Goods, Notions, Shoes, Hats, Crockery and Hardware. ALSO A COMPLETE LINE OF UTENSILS m HARMS. I will be pleased to price goods at any time. COURT HOUSE SQUARE. R. B. KEENE, the people of the country own niucty-ni: entire wealth. Supjxi per cent, of the people demand a oh in social condition* that will result more equitable adjustment of prop how i* the wealthy W ayeross, -222 Ten week* of the present *essi Congress is now passed ami not one bill of any consequence ha* been enacted. The politician* have not even manufru - lured any political thunder for use in the campaign next fall. Where i* tin* relief that we were promised a* a result “the Republican Waterloo" of 1890! What good have the suffering people de rived from it? Have you merchant, lawyer, doctor,‘jpreacher, teacher, me chanic, farmer, anything to |»oiiit to as »i lienefiCramltingMn the change of senti ment from one of the old parties to the other? If so, please point it out, luue looked in vain and can see n thing to relieve any one of any thing except a few in’s were relieved of and a like number of out’s were | For three long years we hm loudly and earnestly at the do old parties for relief. We h good many promises, hut more ridicule and abuse ami not one thing to give ti any relief. Democrat*. w»- are not ab to live much longer on that kind of di< aud if that is all you have to offer ca you blame us if we arc not willing t starve any longer, especially when othe are calling us hi coine to them ami pa take of tlieir abundance? We do n< want to leave you if we can help it, hi as you insist on starving us to death v are uot going to stay with you until v are Urn weak to get away; we are going to have something substantial, evei we^ have to run independent to get it. We are not going to be side tricked liy the State hank fraud. We want something else besides wild eat simula tion of the Jackson era We wa national currency controlled by government for the benefit of the whole people. We insist that congress ha* right to delegate the Issuing of money to any individuals or corporation* either State or national, because the con*titu- tion doe* not grant any such right, was never intended that our laws should give one clam the power to oppress the masses. The constitution was framed for free peaple; the principles of Jeffer son were the principles of liberty and not of oppresaion. State banks of issue V® no improvement over the national banking system; both delegate the trol of the medium of exchange to soul- corporation* and are alike opprew*- It i* tin* height of iguoran muni* do that the tool of exe be controlled by money mono] atop your prejudice* for one n think seriously about it, :u foolish it really is to place tli money into the hands of a f» hang |K*opl recognize tli stand by us a* brave down monopolies, or wiI cowards, help to bind u He have frequently asked why we did not say morealiout the income tax plank in the Ocala platform. We have not said very much about it; first, because there does not seem to be much opjMisi- tion to it so far as Georgia is concerned; of course we realize the fact that the plut<K*rat* are going to kick aliout pay ing their share of the taxes when it comes to the test, but the principle of an income tax is so just ami fair that from some cause they have not yet dared to call it “unconstitutional.” It is aliout time, however, that some one was mak ing the discovery, and >ve are looking out for such an announcement almost every day. Suppose when every other argument is exhausted that it will be all at once discovered that a tariff for reve nue onlv is unconstitutional too. Columbus i* no discoverer at all when we compare him with the fellow who discovered that the People’s party was backed by Republican IknkIIc. He and the fellow who discovered that “rebel brigadiers" were b icking the new party in the West ought to Ik* put on exhibi tion at the World’s Fair. What is the use of quarreling over an appropriation for that purpose any longer. Is*t us' capture this wonderful discoverer and put him on exhibition. By charging twenty- five cent* admission we can possibly get along without the sub-treasury bill for a few year* longer. May be this is the ’Something letter" that we have been waiting so patiently for the old parties ,to give ns. Plumbing;, Gras Fitting, Tin, Sheet Iron and Copper Work STEAM FITTING A SPECIALTY. TIN ROOFING AND JOB WORK. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT FOUR TIMES A YEAR. *t. April 1st, July 1st and tVtobcr l>t Save Your Spare Dimes when* they will In* safe and earning yo DIRECTORS: Miles Albertson, Warren Lott, J. S. Bailey, J. F- Wadley. jisv* evi >. m., and the Hit Ii amt 17th AN INTERESTING EVENT- PTT2CPS, PIPE, STE-LUE, .GKA.S 1-1TD WATER PITTING-. Wells Driven at Short Notice, and Every Well GUARANTEED. Plant Avenue, Near Canal Georgia. Henry Hohenstein & Co., SAVANNAH, GA. Goiicl-al Agents MANHATTAN Insurance Co. TIIE SECRET OFSUCC ESS IN FRU IT GR< )WING IS TO G ET Good Fruit Trees from Reliable Dealers. THE CHEROKEEE FARM AND NTUI1SERIES, Have :i Half a Million of the best Pear, Peach, Plum, Japanese Persimmon, Apple aiul a hundred other kinds of trees and plants at the lowest prices. Write them for cata logue and price list. octji-iy OF NEW YORK. CORRESPONDENCE SO I, I CITE I). an* 15-1 y CANNON&WELLER, Live Jewelers, WAYCROSS, GA. WATCHES, JEWELRY, CLOCKS, Silverware, Diamonds, Table Knives, Forks and Spoons, Spectacles and Eyeglasses, Carving Sets, Fancy Pottery and Bric-aBrac. ] These goodF are all new and fresh, just bought. Not an o] whole stock. And they are sold at prices lower than ever km try before. Each article is marked as low as possible, in plai to waste yonr tin*-1-eating down our prices*. We promise to save yon money if you buy from ns. We : have to help pay somebody else'.* bad debts. Come and see i looking at the handsomest stock and store in South Georgia. Watches and Jewelry Repaired C ANNON & WELLER, Aug 22.6nv Owens Block, Waycross, Ga. HAPPY!! NO NAME FOR IT! This Gentleman has found the most extensive and complete es- * tablisliinent of any kink in Way- cross. A regular MULTUM IN PARVO. Where they make anything in wood from a Pine Plank to an to an Elaborate Sideboard in the highest style of art. GOOD SOLID ICE Delivered at your door or shipped in any quantity, anywhere. ELECTRIC LIGHTS For Street Store or Dwelling. We refer to the Satilla Manufacturing Company, WHOSE OFFICE AND WORKS ARE IN WEST WAYCROSS. Fancy Furniture, Moulding, all kinds of Wood Carving and Turning. Two immense dry kilns. Bone Dry Lumber Dressed and worked. Stove wood at your door at $1.00 for for two-horse wagon load. Agent for Fay’s manilla bnilding paper. No> 4th Store in the Owens. Block! PIANOS! PIANOS 1 ORGANS! ORGANS! Sewing Mac-bines! Musical Instruments of all Kinds—Small and Great Will handle nothing hut the Beat Initniiuenta. All my Inatrunienla are o! the Beat Make*. No Single Hoed Organ* in atock. Will lint handle an Organ that 1. I.. .■ ... .a. T» V. . M .l »e^#l U'ul