The Waycross herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 18??-1893, March 19, 1892, Image 1

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lllJQSI ton Yoorself LUDDEN & BATES, Savanrsh, Ga. ££ sadttottto w»(h.r|u W«W» hr umt SfOTiLOmaS 1 ' _ Wayckos*, Ga., March 1, 1892.— Mayor pro teiu McNeil, Alderman Sharpe and Gilloa of city council met in council rooms at 7:80 o’clock, p. m. At 8 o’clock p. in. there being do quo rum present, the council adjourned to meet on Monday night next, the 14th instant, at 7:80. p. m. W. D. Hamilton', W. A. McNeil, Clerk. Msyor Pro Tem. Will not hobble aroond on cratches when he can cure his Rheumatism with one bottle of Dr. Drummond's Light* nine Remedy, costing only $5, bat worth $100. Enterprising Druggists keep it, oritvitl be sent to'any address^ on re ceipt of price, fay the Drummond .Medi cine Cu., 48-30 Mai* l» n Lane, New York. 'Agents wanted 16-2t GEORGIA. 8AVAXXAH, mrl&-6m An incomiptikle newspaper which Iim the courage to speak its convictions without fear or favor receives -the com mendation of honest men, who recognize it as the greatest public institution when properly conducted—Exchange. fob anything kept in a FIRST GLASS DRD6 STORE, WE LEAD. OTHERS FOLLOW Brad Watson Sc Co’s leading Dry Goods Store. New Spring and Summer Good*, f Owens Block. Opposite Depot. I WAYCROSS, : : : GEORGIA. B. J. SMITH, Druggist, VOL. xm. WAYCROSS, GEORGIA, SATURDAY, MARCH 19, 1892. NO. 10. OFFICERS OF WARE COUNTY. Warren Lott—Ordinary. W. M. Wilaon-tlerk Sup.rW.r ( 8. F. Miller—Sheriff and Jailor EH. Crawley—Treasurer. - iithU T. T. Thigpen—Tax Collect'»i YV°WS£^!S1fT»./ k ,m Addrrwa, WaycruKx. Ga. CITY OFFICERS, YYAYCKOSS, GA. Knight, M.jn COMB. Forgive the wild words spoken: Come kick to me once more; Ah! spare the heart, nigh broken, And he—just as before. ^AKlfa Twa* in anger that we parted. And I would not have It ao; k’ou’ve thought me cruel-hearted. When I madly told you—go. J. it. sweat, Diy Attorn John P. (toon. (Ity Mai W. M. Somerville, i Itr I The Waycroaa Herald, 1 I !. , ftriintr. . The Waycroaa Herald, Official Organ. BOAIIO of education. II. W. Reed, l*rraident: J. M.« Marsliall. .... .. —-.U Johnson, 8. ] POWDER Hecretary; W. J. CarswelL L. Johnmoi W. Hitch, II. P. Brewer. J. L. Walk.-r. Board mreti Second Saturday in m. at 2JW p. in., at High School building. SANITARY* WATUUVOHIO* ««•». II. Murphy, W.M. Wllw.n, M. Albertson, Iwm Johnson. W.A.Cason, II. W. Iteed. W. I>. Hamilton, Kx. Off. Herk. Warren f»tt. Kx. Officio Treason r. Absolutely Pure. A cream of tarter baking powder. Higtiqd of all in leavening strength.— J/tifdt S. (JarrmwxHt food Report. Bov al r. t kino powrnia t o.. 1«1 Wall St. N.Y. ^Nlgc, No. . .. *1 ami Oh Wcdneday* i ,. A. P. English, W. M.; W. M. You went, and I am lonelj; Will ydu never come again ? Oh! eome, if bnt once only. And chase away thin pain. The aun will never shine, Am brightly as of old, Until I call you mine, With the old, old story told, ("i loo my and darkly the days. While we are severed wide; Oh! let lib sunny rays Within yonr heart abide. WASHINGTON LETTER. TOBACCO ! lid lit;*. Agent; A. k. Hall First Ai Engineer. Meets Aland 4tli mouth nt 2 p. lays BmthcrhiMMl hall, II block. INTKKNATIOMAL ASSO. MACHINISTS. Way crown I/wlgc No. 74.W. T.^ Brewer, M, Furnishes Tobacco Seed F 1 FI E E To Subscribers who pay One kL, I'. T. N. Sjrfan. Secretary. Meet* 2*1 and ' 4tl» Saturday* each .month at B. I*. K. hall, , 1 "wAYCHOM RIKUM. I TT 11 f \T so 1 • I Company —. 4th regiment Georgia Voittn- Dollar for a Years Subscrip- j j ' Ti. !i“fion;'ai ll ii»fi!«imi!r t j tioir.- Elioughlor from One to | Secretary, John Hogan; Tivawnrer, . B. K..U. lipmiwn.uiiiiitnu.iiii.3.1 Thin,. -y] Irce Acres. dnyofeach month. Drill nights 1 ! and Thursday of cadi week, 7:30 p. j. A. Junes. N. IS.; i>. Williams, Scent; EDWARD LOVELL’S SONS, nt^H*'oVloc mis ting Wednesday night i Sabbath school at »»» a. in. every Tlie ILrinut Workers meet every \ •lay aftcriioqn. METIIODIKT ClItTtril. Church Street, Rev. G. W Mathews. Hardware, tinware, Plows, Tur|H‘iitinc Manufacturers’ Supplit Bar, Ihiml aiuf IRON’. • Wheels, Axles and Wagon Material, Guns, Pistols ami Ammunition. *110-1 v * '- Lloyd & Adams. DKAI.KRS IN A Ih S 11and": h,ints - 0ih ’ Doors - Sash antl BIin<ls ’ p. in. Sunday School every Sabbath :t p m. Terra Cof tu and Sewer Pipes. i*rayer Meeting every Thursday »>i i BUILDERS HARDWARE, Lime, Piaster and, 11nir and Cement. Comer Emigre- and Whitaker Sts., Georgia. preparation in the world for plastering w alls and ceilings. Write for circulars. dee lD-ly TilK fliUtSIHLL, H. N. FISH’S European Hotel RESTAURANT, A tiltacr Over Ike Wtregraw Itrglou. Fkom (/okhelk: ()n the 12th the South ern Surgical Hospital ofCordele for col ored jicople was openeil with imposing dedicatory ceremonies. Fkom Savannah: Hon. David B. Hill of Xew York, celebrated SL Patrick’s 1 >ay in the Forest City. Savannah is always accommodating. In response to an advertisement of liar- tender McKey of the Everett for a dozen cats, Savannah has already shipped two hundred to Jacksonville. If they are for night concerts, a new musical taste Is dawning. Fkom Foi.khtox: Mr. H. A. Rcnfroe, the ]N>pular young merchant at Folks- ton, tells a good chicken story. He says he bought nine hens and put them in a coop, kept them there one day and dur- iug the time they laid thirteen eggs. He sold the liens to a farmer at a good price, as an investment, ami the eggs were given a hen with instructions to raise as many chicks as possible. Fnoxj Albany: The “Chautauqua” at Albany appears to lx? getting together in good shape to excel any previous Assem bly held there. The Central Railroad has not only put on extra trains to accommodate the in flux of visitors at reduced rates, bat it Iium detailed on official to advertise the ('hautauqua all over its Hue. The only regret is that this admirable institution is in session at a time when teachers who would be especially bene- titte.1 1>y attendance are debarred from doing so by their engagements. Press Day, w ill, wehoj*e, see a notable meeting of the quill and scissor men. Fkom .St. Makys: A friend from the interesting little sea-port town of St. Marys writes us as follows: We came very near losing one of our best citizens recently. Messrs. T. 1). Hawkins, R. II. Bacldott, Jr., Rev. Thos. Kemp and a colored boy went over to Roses ldu!l'to fish, and when they were returning the boat capsized and they I crawled on the Itoltom of the boat and i remained there about three and a half ! hours. Mr. Hawkins becoming uncon- | cious after being in the water so long, Messrs. Bach lot t and Kemp had to hold : him on the boat, and send the boy to Tison for assistance. The boy swam to the shore and walked through the manli. The steamert Martha went and brought them down* and after working with Mr. Hawkins for several hours he became conscious, and is now getting along all right.” Ulenmore Gleanings. Mr. Jno. Korb has added another im provement to his vineyard in the shape of a picket fence. < Mr. K. L. McKenzie is clearing his property and fencing, and we are begin ning to look more like a town. Mr. Kenworth, formerly of Atlanta, late of Way cross, is moving on his place near Mr. E. McCormack’s. Radishes and lettuce are in order now. Messrs. Beckwith & Rogers are mov ing their mill to Sparks, Ga. Mr. W. & Taylor has opened a gen- I oral store just back of the warehouse. | Oar gardeners would .like to know what has become of the Waycrnss can ning factory. If there is any virtue in fnmigation our town ought to be well purified by fires in the woods of late. Oar fanners are all busy, but an ing light on cotton. From our Regular Correspondent* Washington, March 14, 1892.—Mr. Harrison certainly has not favorably im pressed the majority of the Republican Senators by his .manipulation of the Behrings Sea matter in such a way as to create a war scare, whatever effect it may have had in other quartets. . Senator Sherman, who is chairman of the Senate committee foreign affairs, expressed his opinion in very few words by saying: “A war, or even a contention between the United Series and Great Britain for a cause so trivial aa »wc year** fishing fur seals, would be a crime against civili zation.” A prominent Republican, who is a warm personal friend of Secretary Blaine, said to-day that this whole affair had been directed by Mr. Harrison with out the knowledge of Mr. Blaine, who was for nearly a week too sick to attend to any business, and that when* Mr. Blaine learned what had been done his first impulse was to take advantage o$ lib illness, make that au excuse, and tender his resignation to take effect at once. He was persuaded to change hb mind, but it b not at all certain that he will consent to remain in the cabinet. He is going South as soon as he can travel, and the date for hb return is very uncertain. Naval officials arc drop ping mysterious hints about sending a naval force strong enough to fight to stop the poaching in Behrings Sea, but nobody here believes that there will lie any fighting, or auy occasion for fighting. 'i he Democrats of the House held a caucus Saturday night and authorized a committee to select the House members of the Congressional campaign com mittee for this year. Representative McCreary, of Kentucky, will probably be the chairman of the committee, which will begin work at once. The United States Government has profited directly to the extent of $4,000,- 000 by its dealings with the inventors of the country, that being the amount of the surplus earnings of the patent office now lying idle in the United States treasury, to say nothing of the indirect benefit the country has received by reason of the inventions upou which it lias granted patents. This makes it seem all the harder that on account of the failure of Congress to authorize the expenditure of a portion of the surplus earnings of the pateut office, to provide necessary room, the Commissioner of l’atents has been compelled to stop furuishiug copies of patents issued. This b a hardship, not only* to inventors, but to manufacturers, owners of patents, and other business men who, for one reason or another, often find it imjiortant to have copies of certain patents. Great business pressure is beiu^ brought to bear au the House committee rivers aud harbors, in favor of the proposed ship jranels connecting the great lakes, and more than one hundred Representatives, from Northern, Central Western States have signed a letter addressed to the committee, strongly tlorsing the scheme, and asking that it be provided lor in the river and harbor bill shortly to be reported to the House, The House committee ou territories will take a formal vote on the bill'for the admission of Xew Mexico, on Wednesday of thb week. It will be favorably re ported, and it is believed that it will cer tainly pass the House, but the indica tions are that it will be “hung up" in the Senate. Senator Hill’s Southern trip appean to be giving the Republicans a lot of trouble. He goes in response to warm and pressing invitations, and he b cer tain to meet a welcome worthy of his distinguished services for, and his prom inent position in, the Democratic party. So many members of the House wish to make speeches on the free wool bill, now before the House, that it will he necessarv to hold night sessions this week in order to give even a few of them a chance to have. their say before the vote is taken, next Monday. The present arrangement is to have the de bate closed fay ex-Speaker Reed, for the Republicans, and Speaker Crisp for the Democrats. Two things will occur on Tuesday, March 22, in which Democrats every where are deeply interested. At Wash ington the. House will take up the Bland free coinage bill, and at Austin, Texas, the legislature, In special session will begin hxllotting for a Senator. There are three candidates here—Senator Chil ton, who holds the position by guberna torial appointment; Representatives XfflU and Culbertson, who declined the position of Interstate Commerce Com- POLITICAL DEGENERACY. PARTY METHODS ARRAIGN El* And a Strang Pint fbr Parity In Folltlr*. The old Jesuitical, doctrine that “the end justifies the means” b very generally discredited, save in matters political. There it seems to have' a hold that is daily growing stronger. That thb b true, is evidenced by the recent utterances of two Of the leaders of the great parffes in American politics. Senators Ingalls ami Colquitt have lioth of late given word to sentiments, that had they been spoken in the earlier and virtuous days of the republic, would have unquestionably consigned them to the political oblivion that is now visi ted only on a politician with a smirehed war record. It b true that the speech of the former is said to have been instru mental in his defeat for re-election to the Senate, but this statement, is, to say the least, open to serious question. But that two such men should make such statements, and no one can accuse Senator Ingalls, at least, with a want of sincerity, goes far toward showing that such a condition as they suggest, exists, But there is stronger tvidence at hand than the dicta of the two' leading Sena tors. In both the political parties, from the uufcses as well as from the politi- i,the cry is for expediency rather tlum for principle. And when a mau says openly that he prefers defeat with hon esty, to success with rascality, he is hooted ut, and put upon as an idealist, and a dreamer. \ How do those honest Republicans, who, resbting in the convention of 1884 the noraination of Mr. Blaine, because they believed him to be personally cor rupt, and who, sutfering defeat at the hands of those who iusbted on him as the strongest member of their party, went openly into revolt against corruption in high places—how do they stand in the eyes of either of the great parties—th e leaders, or the followers ? Mugwumps they arc called, and l*e- cause purity of character seemed to them the first desideratum of the Chief Magis trate of thb great country, they are the laughing stock of ninety-nine’ per cent, of the |>eople of it. It is needless to look further into the history of the political parties to substan tiate this proposition, but if it were, the official i*osition that- Mathew Stanley Quay, up to a recent date, held in the Republican party, is evidence sufficient to convict It with; and the more recent insistence of the politicians of the Dem ocratic party for the nomination of David B. Hill for President, in the coming election, will make a case against it. What claim has Mr. Hill sure that of availability ? Who desires him, except for the reason that he controls malodor- 1 oils Tammany ? And yet, who is there* believing as he may, that Mr. Hill rep resents everything that is bad in Ameri can politics, will have the courage to bolt bis nomination should it be given him ? not prepared to advise* thb step. >t even prepared to say that 1 ■hall take it, but I *do insist that we, who belieVe that Hillbm and pure poli tic* have nothing in common, should be logical and consistent, and no longer deceive*ourselves withjan’ assumption of virtue that we difnof jxHsess,*huU hould come out {boldly, and array, ourselves alongside of the Senators before referred to. If we do this we may come, in time, to see the chaos to which such a course eventual ly.tends, and,*perhaps, there^may be a chance for reform, for there b no better;settled principlejn morals, than that conviction b a necessary Jprerequis- ite to conversion. M. W/ycross, Ga., Feb. 10, 1892.--Oity Council met in regular session at 7:45 p. m., Mayor Knight presiding, with a full board of aldcrmeu present. Read and confirmed the minutes of the adjourned meeting held January 20tl», 1892. Council took up reports of committees. Public property committee reported that the material for convicts clothing had been ordered, aud that the cabinet lor clerk's office would be bought. The applications of Messrs. U. J. Williams and J. T. Beaton to build wooden shetls ia fire limits were granted, me to be covered with tin or iron. The Mayor stafS!^ In reply to -the re quest of council, that he had written Cupt. Fleming requesting that he ship the fire engine, purchased by the city, free of freight charges over his road, and that Capt. Fleming had replied, stating that lie would not only ship the engine free of charges over his road, but that he >uld secure free transportation for it from Baltimore, M. D. The jnatter of establishing street lines id of opening new streets, referred to chairman street committee. A communication from the tiuance committee reconunending rigid econo my for the year 1892, received and filed as information. The keeper of I^ott cemetery made statement in relation -4o imperfection of his monthly re|»ort. Report ordered filed. ' The specific tux ordinance requiring license of building and loan Associations was amended by striking out the word The ordinance prohibiting the ob structing of the street crossings by en gines, cars or trains, was so amended as to make the person in charge of same responsible for any violation of said or dinance. The bonds of the following city officers for the year 1892, approved: Warren Lott, City Treasurer; W. IX Hamilton, City Clerk; J. P. Cason, City Marshal; T. B. Henderson, T. M. Wcstl*eriy, E. Cotinghum and J. W. Colly, policemen. Application of J. M. lioodenpile to erect ice cream stand on Plant avenue granted. Joel Lott granted permission to erect, wooden awning at his building bn ’Plant avenue. Council audited and ordered paid the following bills, to-wit: Bill of J. \V. Johnson (itakes) $ 3 20 PROFESSIONAL CARD& SIXOX W. BJJl'U A KDW. II. MYKM. HITCH & MYERS, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, I : P Stairs Wjlson’s Block. WAYCROSS. GEORGIA. J L. SWEAT, Attorney at Law, W ™,m R0S! ? " ‘ • UKORGIA. W ill practice it, il„. Ilnm.wii k .ikIKoiiUi- ■ S SSSJ*. 8»P"»0>Tt toti J S. W ILLIAMS, ■ ' ' Attorney at Law. WAYCROSS, ■* • - - GEORGIA. Tons e, McDonald, . Attorney and Counselor nt Law, WAYCROSS, jieorgia.. Orrit'K up in Wilson Mock. A. WILSON, Attornoy at Law, WAYCROSS. - . . GEORGIA. T . I.. THOMAS. Attornoy at Law, WARESBORO, - . . GEORGIA R. c. <’ANNON, Attorney at Law, WAYCROSS, - ... UKORGIA. Ofiick up stairs in Wilson Block. Will practice in the Brunswick Circuit and elsewhere by special contract. Nov 15-’90-ly. J. L. ORA WliBY, ATTORNEY AT LAW. WAYCROSS, : GEORGIA. Office in the Wilson Building. WALLACE MATHEWS, M. D., ITIYSKIAX AN1) SURGEON. WAYCROSS, : : OKOItOlA. jan23-ly DR. J. E. W. SMITH, Ofllue nt B. J. SMITH S DRUG STOUR. RvHideucu Hicks Street. WAYCROSS, - GEORGIA. J)H. A. P. ENGLISH, Physician and Surgeon, WAYCROSS GEORGIA. WST All calls prumptly attended. -%Si D It. D. E. McHASTEIt, Physician and Surgeon, WAYCROSS, - - - GEORGIA. ^ r ~ All calls promptly attended to. ^gsf Win. Dasher (drayage).... • T. L. Brown (ha WaycroM attracts attention far and near as the tired town ui South Georgia. We find “Waycroaa Jottings” in the Co lumbus Enquirer-Sun, and reprint an extract: The new county court house is near ing completion, and a beautiful building it will be when finished. It lias two towers, one of circular form, and the clock tower is built sqhare and is of brick. It will 'b?, when completed, 85 feet high, having a clock face on fonr sides. The whole structure has a good slate roof, and is almost fire proof on the entire outside, two of the rooms be ing absolutely fire-proof These rooms are iniended for the keeping of all pub lic records of the count}-. It is given out that Messrs. Sharp aud Joe Lott have let the contract for the building of another large brick block near Plant avenue. If this last be true (and I think that it is,) there will be but two wooden buildings on Plant ave nue from the railroad crossing to the Phoenix Hotel, and they are the McCVil- der block and Mr. William Miller’s bouse. No doubt, however, but they will soon he gone where the woodbine twinetb. Grace & McNeil (sundries)...... 40 05 " ** J. H. Gillen &. Co. “ 0 00 *’ ’* O. D*Auvergne (making gate 1 50 ** ** Satilla Manufacturing Com pany (wood and lumber) 2 20 Bill of Satilla Manufacturing Com pany (lights, January) 165 57 Bill of C. Kunice (syrup for convicts) 12 50 Bill of Way cross Lumber Company re ferred to chairman finaucc. Chairman public property committee instructed to “look round” and get prices of lots for city hall,- aud report at the next meeting of council. The Mayor was authorized to Itorrow money at a rate of interest not to exceed 8 per cent, to pay off the outstanding in debtedness of the city. Council adjourned. W. D. Hamilton, A. M. Knight, Clerk. Mayor. Waycross, Ga., March 1, 1892.—City Council met in response to call of the Mayor at 3:30 p. m.. Mayor Knight pre siding, with Aldermen McNeil, Gillon and Murphy present. The object of the meeting was to con sider the Chicago Home Supply Co. case, heard by Judge S. R. Atkinson in cham bers. The following order was passed, to-wit: The Mayor and Council of Waycross, Ga, vs. H. E. Wear and T. M. Burdell. The dependents iu the above stated case having been arraigned before the Mayor and lined in the sum of fifty dollars each for a violation of the special tax ordinance of said city, from which no appeal was filed, but pending an ap plication for injunction deposited the amount of said fines with dhe city, and injunction in said cases having been re fused, the Mayor and Council of said city order aud direct the forfeiture and payment of said sums into the city treas ury in satisfaction of said fines. AX ORD1XACE. The Mayor and Council of the city of Waycross do ordain, That the special tax ordinance for said city for the year 1892, which levies an occupation, tax upon every agent or ‘person soliciting membership in companies or associations for sale of goods, wares, or merchandise, and charging and collecting fees for the same, in the snm of five hundred dollars per annum, be and the same is hereby so amended by reducing and fixing the amount of said sj>ecial tax at the sum o “ one hundred dollars per annum, payabl in advance for the purpose of having said ordinance to conform to the decis- sionof the Judge in the case of the Home Supply Company vs. Mayor and Council of the city of Waycross, and that the said ordinance, as ho amended, be enforced. On passing the above and foregoing order and ordinance, council adjourned. W. D. Hamilton, A. M. Kxioht, Clerk. Mayor. D K. F. C. FOLKS, Physician ami Sur geon, Waycross, Ga. I have removed my office over LanikrA l oilmans’ Jewelry store. Office hours from 9 to 10 a. m. Can l*e found at my residence, corner Pendleton street and Brunswick av enue, when not professionally engaged. ^ July 4,1891—ly. DR. RICHARD B. NEW, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office at Miss Bemshart’s, WAYCROSS, : : : GEORGIA. jan 30-6m A. IIOM.INSIIF.AD, Dentist, WAYCROSS, - GEORGIA. PB* Office over South Georgia Bank. ^yAKKKN LOTT, Firo, Life and Accident In surance Agent, WAYCROSS, ■ - . GEORGIA. •Nothing but lint-class companies r J It.HEDGE, DENTIST, JJH. JAS. C. KIPPAKD. Physician and Surgeon, (late of Pennsylvania.) Special attention given to Genito Urina ry Surgery. Can always l*e found at Dr. H. B. Goodrich’s Drug store. April 14-tf. D" . G. P. FOLKS, Offic* and Residence on Gulf Street. WAYCROSS. - - - GEORGIA. DR. t! A. BAJLBY, DENTIST, Office over Rank, On Plant Avenue, WAYCROSS, : : GEORGIA. A. IVItIGIIT, Justice of the Peace, (Post-office Bnilding—Plant Avenue,) WAYCROSS. - - - GEORGIA. —Special attention given to the collection of all "claims. Office^ tour 12 m.. and from 2 r. m. to 5 !(. D. BOWBOTHAX C. K. MTRPH Y JJOWBOTIIAJI A MURPHY, Architects and Builders. WAYCROSS, - - - GEORGIA. Plans and Specifications Furnished. —CITY AGZXTS FOR— CHEWACLA LIME. —hole Agent* foe— Waltertown Brick. Feb&-t£ . mum. ,. - w. a. jaillet. J. BL JENKINS & CO.,