The Waycross herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 18??-1893, March 26, 1892, Image 4

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FARM AND ALLIANCE. natural money, or that some particular kinds of natural product* were designed in tfce beginning to be used aa money, i* absolute ftedofi and unworthy the age in a of all thouthtftil men. f£3B5pB*en51 •Vwax President: H. Willlai VtcrPresJdmt: J J. Wilkinson .Secretory; J. G. donah, Treasurer; R*v. Thompson, 4 haplain;W. !» Hamilton. L"™™* ; K I. Bi-hop. AasDtant l/doj". M. J. Mock. I *uor Keeper; C.’. I». Todd. Assistant Door Keeper; R F. Miller, Sergeant-at-arm*. Port nfflre. Wayenm. H.r.Williams. President •. A L. Bishop. Vk-e-President; K. It. C. John-. Secretary; ll. rUiuah, Treasurer; J. M. Freeman: 4’haplain; M. J. Mock, Ikior Keeper; C. I>.. Tutkl. Assistant Door Keeper; T. II. Morton, f<ertufer. o'clock, i The SutUla Alliance meet* on the Saturday Udore tli Pmnh Sunday in earh month. . F. Its u. Assistant I as-til rer; P. II. T ’ Piet office Folkstoii ;N. N. Mizcll Treasurer; P. II. Baker, Business Agent. ALLIANC E ITEMS. which ire life. - -That all i Will apt bobble around c When he can care hi* Khepin one bottle of* I»r. Drum mom r i* art:- ! ning Remedy, costing only $.'».1>ut n orth E.H. CRAWLEY, SR., THE Arial, and, therefore, the result of a “fiat” must be apparent to all who would give the matter a moment’s careftil thought. The fact that all money is “fiat” was firmly established by the Su preme court 4»f the United States iu its decision relative to the legal tender act. That decision embalmed in law the rea dable and intelligent conclusion that appeals to everyone who has studied the question; that R i* the Impress of govern ment decree that carries with it the func- of money, aud not the material upon which such impiesn is made. The term •‘fiat money" as now used in deri- 1 ridicule by the money owners implies some connection with what they are pleased to designate a- "irredeemable money.'' The absurdity of this assertion is only equaled by the ignorance which prompt* it. The “fiat” which gives the money its distributing and debt-paying functions, is in no manner n<*ar or remote connected with either irredeemability or redecmability. “Fiat money" (a full legal tender) is redeemed with each transaction iu which it is a factor. Take for example the greenback |«|*-r money. WltlsBUt-tlie exception on its back it is al«ohlte.“fiat money.*' *It was issued as ilatra for thirty fl'H*. Enterprising Druggie >r it will l»e sent to any udure reipt of price,‘by the l>nimiu rine Co., -JH-.’Vo Maiden Line. Agents wanted , • i J HEADQUARTERS FOR FURNITURE and STOVES South Georgia Bank of Waycross, A VAUASIX l-RE.s’fcNT. i Papular AjH- Rv ; special arrangen: publishers we are prepa /rer to each of our reader* scription to th« popular i tural journal, the .Laei-iVvn lishdl at Springfield at with the si to furnish ion tidy’ agri- Furuier, pub- d Cleveland, As I desire to give the people the benefit of my cash trade, all’ Furniture aud Stoves will be sold low down for cash. Parties desiring to purchase these goods will do well to state j "> that they intend to pay cash, so as to get the benefit of Cash I Prices. In addition to our large stock of Furniture and Stoves, we earn- a full stock of t.. ,»h WAYCROSS, GA. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT Ohi Crockery and Hardware. This oft’ei r sub- ALSO A COMPLETE LINE OF cribers who »n subscript ill pay up all one year in advance j uhscribers win* will I •av one year in advance. The Antericm ; farmer enjoys a large national circula- | ion, and ranks among the leading agr ultiiral pajH-rs. By this arrangeinei t costa you nothing to receive the Amei cm Fannrr fi.r one year. It will 1 o votir advantage to call promptl; -ample copies can U- seen at 4,.: EAiUlUiG UTENSILS AND HARNESS. 1 will he pleased to price goods at any time. COURT HU SI SQUARE. R. B; KEENE, was ctrgnhi The minute* of the Eleventh district Alliance dW tml reacli tw in time for last wi-ek’s i**ue,and not having a list of otli- een* at hand we were unable t4i give them, same “fiat money” to-day. Following were the officers elected: ! was ami is at the pn*ent time •‘irrcdeeni- I'resident, W. L. Wilkinson, Quitman; | able” as the term goes, which, however, Viee-President, J. II. Yapp, Valambro- I has nothing whatever to do with its being sia; Secretary, *1. II. Roone, llazlehur-t; j “fiat.” I want to state at this poiut that l^cturerer, W. AV.Webb, Halvia; Asaiat- there never was a single dollar in gold office tf II ant la-cttirer, S. L. Risliop, Waycross; iKsir Keeper, W. A. F.cord, (ad<lre—« not given). — The following resolution was unani mously adopted, alter an earnest discus sion: Rcsohed, That this district Alli ance, iu convention assembled, recom mends that each county Alliance author ize each sub-Alliance in their resjas-tive counties to send delegates to the county Alliance, to meet in April next, lull) prepared to send one or more delegates from each county to meet the district convention on the last Wednesday in i mu April, at Waycross, lla., with a view of j Tli recommending a suitable candidate In j lie represent the Eleventh Congressional j |. r . District in the .'*.3d congress. It was j „f clearly explained in this connection that no political test should l*e required of a candidate, hut if he measured squarely up to the Ocala platform, hi* polities should not lie questioned. Plumbing, Gas Fitting, F ^“i DomesticFruit8 I’l’IN. SHEET IRON AND COPPER WORK. ST EAM FITTING A SPECIALTY. TIN ROOFING AND JOB WORK. FOUR TIMES A YEAR. -U April 1-t. July 1st and October 1st Save Your Spare Dimes Foi ’ day. id 1»«H the - the rill Is* imething. DIRKtTOKS: C. C. Grace, Miles Albert son, Warren Lift, J. S. Bailey, II. Murphy. Lemuel Johnson, J. F. Wadley. IVp p. pi., id the nd 17th of each i id on Saturday* froii AN INTERESTING EVENT- AND I ICS, ~ roNFWTIONKRY. ToB.U t 11, CIGARS. CltJARETTKS. &v. Ice Cold Drinks, Albany Avenue, Those who think they will have a “walk over” into office, by the same old tariff'sham battle so far as this district is concerned, are luidly tooled. You can —WTlrdfiWN ns ft feet :!u»t nefda no urgu- iiteiit, there will be a candidate for Con grats on the th*ala platform. There are too many Alliancetnen in tire district to let the gold hug element have every thing. The next congressman, or mther the first congressman from the Eleventh, will be an Ocala platform man, and don’t von forget it. Flat Money. UfflCE Al.UASPK PBVUHHIMtt C<»„ \ 281* North Capitol Street, WASHINGTON, D. March 1*. ) Webster defines the won! “fiat” as “a command to do something; a decisive or eiftcflve command; a decree.” ' Hence, according to the definition, “fiat money” is simply and only tnarh money or divreed money. With thi? (Miint establishisl, the next important question is, under what decree or 1 whose command is this fiat money ei at<Hl? Did this «-ommand eminate from nninipotiuice? I fid the creator of the universe ever decree what should ami what should not In* “fiat money?” * Ifni., what is its substance and what are i.s denominations? Also, where i* this ‘‘fiat nnsrey” of Deity found, and what are its particular vUar.u • whoi DEALER IN l J ipc, Steam, < »iis and AT atei* Wells Driven at Short Notice, and Every Well GUARANTEED. Plant Avenue, Bear Canal 'Way «-i*< >sisi, Georgia. HENRY HOHEXSTEIN. BEX. .1. APPLE. Henry Hohenstein & Co., THE SECRET OFSIK 'CESS IN FRUIT (*R( )VV l NG INTO GET Good Fruit Trees from Reliable Dealers. THE CHEROKEEE EARM AND SAVANNAH, GA. donoral Agonts NURSERIES, ! Have a Half a Million of tile best Pear, Peach, Plum, Japanese Persimmon, Apple and a hundred other kinds of trees and plants at the lowest prices. Write them for cata logue and price list. oct3i-ty ai \ rs ii ,v r r r i\vi\ Life Insurance Co. OF NEW YORK. CORRESPONDENT E SO LICITED. GILLON & HUDSON, FOUNDERS AND MACHINISTS, (WAYCROSS IRON WORKS,) Waycross, Georgia, trslrd, anil |Mr whou or ill roll -11 kIk.hi Kit first distrilmtci 1 among the children «.r men? If God does really “make money," as w»iuc* of our statesmen ami writers etaim, where in the great laW.*- tory of nature i« Die pnwes* carried on? To charge such efforts to Deity sacri lege, and tend* to lesson our respect and reverence for the attributes of divinity. The fact is that Providence created Uie material out of which money is made, hut uiau made the money itself. As an example. God made the mate rial out of which the steam engine is made, but the labor of’man built the machine. The engine together with water and fin* may be prepared to draw the passenger coach from jK»int to point with great ra|ndity, but it is the *Tiat," the iMMiuand of the railroad officials that determines whether their power* shall be active or dormant. Just so with money. Certain material*, some time* one, sometimes another, and many times several are selected and fashioned by labor into various forms with certain »<her characteristics -to designate ibetr use, (hundred* of different sahsUnccs have been made use of in the past for this pur|xwc,) after which either custom, a* fat the past, or what is termed law, as in the present, declar * them to be “fiat ic said that injustice t<. a few wealthy in nocent*. aud a few hundred laborers who are working in the jute factories. But he was dumb, when it was suggested that, on the other hand, the bill would greatly Ix-ncfft 'millions in the cotton That was a matter of no eousider- to him. lie thought It would he sufficient to show that free bagging and ould redm H AVING added all necessary.Machinery to our shop, we are now prepared to do all kinds of casting, repairing WHY IS THE W. L. DOUGLAS 1 S3 SHOE cENfSSiiEN and general work on Locomotives. We also carry in stock Stationary and Saw Mills, Piping, Belting, Pulleys, Hangers and Brass Cocks of all kinds. We make a specialty of noruiou* profits filched from the farm- ! TffE BEST SHOE M TffE VOSLD FM TK MWEf? . i It !• *muBleMaboe. with tto tack*or wax thresd l»y these |>roteeted jute haggin;. maker*. ^Ir. Turner’s vonuhiUet*. lmw- ever. rcp*trtetl rite bill favoruldy and it will pam the home. It iy *aid Stat Gr.itz, before he left Washington,, inti- mated that the jute trust crowd would look after Turner if lie l*ecame a candi date for re-election to Congress thi> fall. They will try to l»eat him. f<mnc’Re publican candidate will be aide to get s.»iiie sugar for making the race. Hut it is not believed here that Mr. Turuct can I»e treated hy them. •, A* raw material they are not money, tv*. Ji they an; only the product* of mature. by labor they are not money. The Houston Post says How* do yob rfcondje the statemeni' that the silf^r producers are to gain an much from the unlimited coinage of their product with the fact that silver bullion ha* declined steadily, both in New York and in I Hin doo. in prospect of favorable legislation and that it is now chcaj»er than at any time in maip years? Can you explain wherein 'ramonrtueition or demonetiza tion of silver can possibly be of more interest to the farmer than diversifica tion of his crop* and the removal of-the war taxes, the imymeiit of high prior* f«»r everything he buy* while only tire lowest price* are obtained for everything lie sell*? It b easy to see how the agricultural classes may be ^benefitted by being re lieved of a heavy 1 (ax fir»r the building up of monopolistie ^ianufaeturiug concern-, a tax which is intended to make the and the rich richer, which ssM '"sijjutt thef^t; mad* - UCMll. „ — , T offered foe |Omt kick cost frots ixa) to StUMi a OO BtwMewe4 Welt »hoe. an* calf. ■ comfortable and datable. Tte beat -Ter offered at thU price; tame gmU aa cus- ‘ ‘ ratattxntonJM. - •* Railroad 3 Syrup Mills and Kellies. HAPPY!! . NO NAME FOR IT! . This Gentleman lias found the most extensive and complete es tablishment of any kink in Way- cross. A regular MULTUMIN PAR VO. Where they make anything in wood from a Pine Plank to an to an Elaborate Sideboard in the highest style of art. GOOD SOLID ICE Delivered at your door or shipped in any quantity, anywhere. i:i jo< i rk ; r.KiHTN For Street Store or Dwelling. We refer to the Satilla Manufacturing Company, WHOSE OFFICE AND WORKS ARE IN WEST WAYCROSS. 1>C convinced. leh fmm MlUtotlliU. • Fancy Furniture, Moulding, all kinds of Wood Carving and Turning. Two immense dry kilns. Bone Dry Lumber . _ Dressed and worked. Store wo<xl at your door at Ji.oo for ALL WORK'GUARANTEED. Give us a trial aud i for two-horse wag(,n local. Agent for Fay’s manilla bnilding CQ U Pallcf* Skon Farmer*. Railroad X« 90a aadLetterCan-ler*aU wrearthrm: Boacalt, —a—ia.ea!t who want a *hoe for comfort and aerrlce. -JJ and 8X00 \V«rklnsman*a *boM MM|Hrcii| and dnraSle.. Thoaa who «• their merits, a* the lserraslcx «ale* tliow. I bom »t.uu to Ladies fcapccted «boe* pAtware"ti^^ on the bottumofulch ahow° rr TAKB NO M BNTITrTK^ tlirt on local ■dTertlwd dealers *-* bat slatply manufactured products, bat, poor poorer and the rich richer, which takes from '«w elw to gfre to atifttW.: It is easy to see hoar freedom of trade must help everybody except the protect ed baron*, but c&n you explain how the . free coinage of silver is going to work. nr law decrees that they shall act in the capacity of money, then, and not until then, do they start out on their at such. The idea of a such a revolution in the condition of the fanner or anybody else? Mr. Mills the free coinage of silver will not afforJ the relief for which the people are clam oring. Gan yon offer a single argument ora e * i rapport of a contrary opinion* Im&S on iood •dTertlwd deslers supplying yoo, W. G. DOCCU8. Braektaa. MassTaold by FOR SALK 15Y B. H. LEVY BRO.&CO WESTERN FURNITURE CO. HAS TO SAY. TRADE WITH IT? AMSYOl' WILL ALWAYS 8AVK MONKY. LARGEST STOCK, LOWEST PRICES AND LATEST STYLES Are what we offer .say it is a positive now. Even* one is surprised that calls on us. You will ....... that such an array was never seen before. Our Specialties in* Furniture are Fancy Parlor Suit*, Beil Room Suits, Dining Room Suits, Man tels and Standing Cabinup*. Office Fittings, Etc., Etc. Our Carpet department .Specialties: Monquette, Wilton a from 30c to f 1.60 a yard. Als^ a large apgortment of Lace anil RenalsMsance Portiers of e T -— - v *' 1 u ' !, “ Ia Don’t forget that we can fill d Brussel* Carpet*, I'urtains, Tain hour Style and Quality. Wimlow Slunle> a Specialty, wants, no matter what they are. Carpets, Oil Cloths and Matting laid: Window Shades hung—all Exclusively free of charge, j Come and convince yourself that we mean what we say. See our $20.00 bed- , room suits, worth $80.04». Our assortment. of mattrwses and springs will make ! you aware what bargains mean. Onr grand selection of pictures, oar most *lesira- i file assortment of quilts, blaukets, comforts, and our large stock or chain* an«l ! roekera will make von lielieve we mean business. We want mou [ msontf?r,i.Siditmij^rrrMw ; too numerous to mention. Lc-t us make the exchange. We sell our goods •“**''* * " ! ]lutallaient Plan, ami we give you a gissl discount l*y paying Cask. Heappeal to j you all, citizens of Waycross ami vicinity, to give as a trial, and patronize u», j which will be very much appreciated. Yours ni4«t humbly and respectfully, 4th tee in the-Owens flbch! ■mi PIANOS! PIANO^ ORGANS! ORGANS! Sewing Maclaines! Musical Instruments of all Kinds-Small and Great Will handle nothing but the Best Instruments. All wy Instruments are of the Best Makes. No Single Reed Organs in stock. Will not handle an Organ that ha* less tlian two sets Reeds and good Walnnt Cast*. GUITARS OF ALL KINDS, Banjos in Great Variety, Harmonicas in Quan tities, Fifes, Flutes, Fageolets and Drums. Musical Albums and Jewelry Cases. wmm FOURTH STORE IN THE OWENS''BLOCK. stock, ami they are My friend* are invited to call and examine my Stock. LADIES s^iSSMsacci jin rri bMB PIANOS, ORGANS, THE WESTERN FURNITURE IX).. Herschkovitz Bros. &, Heller. aug 1 if AND SEWING MACHINES ON EASY PAYMENTS. J. R. KNIGHT, Wiverou, G».