The Waycross herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 18??-1893, April 09, 1892, Image 2

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GEORGIA. CllABLTOX Col'XTY. To all whom it may concern: KL«ia Thompson having in due form I tin? nnder-ixnedlorthe guardiaiisliip of ll the peixons and property Sheldon rimmi •on. Calvin Thompson. kiriali Thompsoi Jeflcron Thompson. Kiey Tliomp^on. Natl an*el Timnipaon and Kina C. Thomp*oi minor children of Calvin Thompson, late < •aid county deceased, notice U hereby give tliat her application will be beard at my n lice on the Ant Monday in May next. — —- ‘■•"■I »«*i fifllcuil sign: l'OR SALK BY my hand and It 17th, 1*M£. AARON DOWLING, Onlinary. Given t ure thh e and put!' Imsom shirts in groat Owcn\ the leading clothier. 3 GEORGIA—CnABf.Tox CofXTV. To all whom it may «t.n.-**m: A. * •. Butts, agent for Henry <\ Semple. a*lmimstn»tor of tlie estate of John Scott, tlecuiw!. <« «* Sute of Alabama, ha*. in due form, applied to the itr.dersigtusl for have to m il tlnrty fractional hits of land in said county, at public and private sale. io-lonrinjr t» tlie ea- tate ofsai.1 deceased. an«l said application will U heard on tlie tir*t Monday In Slay Ordinary. Nc*Uk«ji LEGAL ADVENT IS KM ENTS. aprJ-O J. IL! can mil >'•» ™ llano cheaper than you can buy in New York or8.Tant.ali. Ain! <!“■ * J»«* the matter witl. Han .tali. l-ir CKT THE BEST. j An cklcrlj pliynMati, »li«« nneHtuce with debility a.i'l Wood dura**. fun. l«n veer mSSital informed the nnfcr flat, there wj» only one patent nie»ln inc that be ever recommends 1 hia patieuU to take, ami that was Hr. John Haifa Sawaponlla. lie inm- and vicinity that until the 25th <lay <h listing of I try G.>hU, Clothing, Shoes, Hat*, ( f 1ST. to make nr.m for my Spring Stock. w days f'iT a Spring Stock, and I «d-ctl 1 the in my More .it cost, *aml if you ■ vou how good* can he sold cheap. Avail 1 V.mi* early, b.f*re the grand rush. rackjbt store A. LIPSHITZ, Proprietor. Don’t Forget the Place. Sharp's Block, Plant Avenue. SKXT TO TIIK IVEOTEBS FCBXITl’KK COMPANY, Wavcrosw. , : Georgia, Will U kiM on tlie lira Tnemlay iu May next at the court door in »aid «esinty with in tlie legal hour* of «ale to the higlie»t bid- ilrr(«c»h. the ftdlowinx lots unrrturncd wild land: Number 87*5, 47s. £H. 173. in tlie 5tli dis trict of m>1 county ami l>it< N'«a>. ♦ 71. 7t*. a*. «*, GT. rat. 4:*. 47. 54. 51. 53, 53, 45. 43. 33. 31. a*. Mi. 2. in the 11th dbtrfc-t. and lot* number 113. hr.. fC. 72.65. IK, 57. M. 29L 2S ill the «!i di-tri* t of *ahl county, and Iota Xus. 4TM. 4U7. da. 113. *©. 4. 34. in the 13th district of said miinty. ami No. W. 72 in the 2nd dL-tri.t. lot* No. 33s.57S, 3W. 495, 331. 251.330. r>. Sil. 527.521. MK 50*. 49»* s 4U2. to *.-.1. i\\. *•!. 471. 311. 4St.25t.2G7. 2*c. aa. 3*4. sri si. sr». 4«. m. it*. i3». i» 13M. 151. lO*. 1C iu tile fth district. td said county, ami h* No. 324 in the 7»h district, and »l*o lot* Nut. 549AI4. 33S. 557. 502. 477 47R. 473. lS».*l>7. T44. <iJU. 34.3t». Htt. ITU. Wi, 247.253.254. 255. 23S. 31*. Ut. XT. 331. ML- 33*. 410. 404. 40,401.412. 473 iu the 12th d»- trict of *ai*l »»mnty. Slid luU of land con- taininx vxb e*i acre** nmiear let. Said lot-* ofbtxl levied on a* umetomed. Wild lomtl. under ami lor virtue of Tax k«tu- tiom i—ucd by T. T. Thigpen. Tax tWlertor of Ware county, lor State and Jhanty Tax due thereon. A*r the year MM. Th» Janua ry 34h. IK S. V. MILLER, l. ail -SU-riif Ware CountV. York w gunge. If IXvu icraey i» to U- saved, now is the time to save it, hr.t if it turn* a deaf ear to the fanner** demand* f *r justice, not charity, it uiay succeed by •Hat of it* time-honored awl aflectHm lmuud organuatH«i to »1 but with the people out the hollow wall* will r the dirge of a dying hop ItU a comuw® remark that many good men consider it degrading to enter the political arena. Why? Itorau*c in the heat of political campaign* men for get their manhood and drag froui the mire of sectional prejudice and personal animosity the filthy rags of personal yiLliOratiou and unholy invactives. Gwal caeo will not employ Mich ^uertionable methods, and hesitate to subject theta- ad res to the unjust calumnies of polit- fea! demagogues who may be actuated by personal enmity ur material consider atiou and who have no convener nor sense of honor to hinder theii amaming, sfcaassKSS; d I’ll *ho ►ort unity, a i.Ttte Tlie .li.wM il .un.l nlnae in iu i.lrn*linp* fur pufr l»n»icratic |rinci|Ar, nt»4i,* .nil JXwnlic |ony orgnnimtiua. nil the kninrleilp' tlinf il» l—***^> l*» jtMt and htmorabir. . la Caudill- Cr llio Cirntn nr far every Mher |«4aMry. far nh fanner IreU want, Urn !u*r.'l}«:)l if i ■Bjon F. Franklin, IJttfc Ibnk. Ark . mIucciI to almost a skcic- id J»7rak 1 Si l^nllr *»ik. Mr Sr ? .^_.i Iwh «i rv la air. 1 cA.8MOWdlOO. «*r. ■ u SgJ to-to _^cua«MnB ipnl 8ATUBDAY, APRIL f>, l»»i. TUe politirsl |«)» b bnbblilg et n fa- rioa* rate. W’alt Whitman, the poet, dial it .mlheSfilh. / A dean political contest require* thoughtful di«cua*ion of principles, and the effect of different policies upm the welfare of the people. The Democrats in confrere* are play ing tho fool in making the silver question an issue of such magnitude in our opiu ion.- - llainbridge Democrat. Ferdinand W'ard will be discharge. 1 from Sing Sing penitcutiary on April .•Jftth. I Hiring hia confinemc liecoine an exjiert job printer. A bloody engagement between the |s*rial trooiw of China and the rebel forces loiil place recently, in whicli thousands of the latter wer.- put t. death. The par of a congressman is I* .lay. It e.wt* $1,000 to *]M-ak well of duad atatesraan. And this happen* « au average of twenty-five tiiii.-* p year. Question ? How many of the . W i,rtli it?—Montazuma Ilec.»rd. infallible editorial broth- era are beginning to show decided symp tom* of alarm at the formidable upris ing of the People’* party. Let them take over their dry editorial cracklings uf the recent past, then panse for one moment to retrospect and inves tigate, and they will find flrwt, that the Fanners Alliance move ment originated within the Democratic party and its master min.l* were IVta- ocrat*. Second, tliat the Alliance wa* the com bined protest of an indignant end op pressed rural population, against whom ha.1 licen f«»r years, direct, unjust legis lative discrimination to such a degree as ra*t it* blighting influence not only upon the farmer, but indirectly 14**11 all classes of our industrial |*opulation, a discrimination that was felt with espec ial severity in the South and \N ot. The money power of the Hast was domi nating and forcing into subjection,by in- •iduou* but rapid advance*, the produc tive powers of the West and South. The Alliance wa* a Southern measure, born iu a Southern State and with Siuthern *|*on**»r*. which cried aloud to their f<*>trr mother, the Democratic party, for relief from these unjust bur dens, and the West united with them in the cry. Third. The astute (?) political leaders >re ldind and dumb to the pleading* of their own people; tbry^ sneered at the “Hayseed politician*,’’ s* n, l attempted t.» soothe with patronizing platitudes the anguisli of a distressed |Topic. They mistook the tem|»er and jhe deep cause of discontent. The/ flattered themselves that in the approm-hing contest these el ements of discontent would vanish and the ign«*rant fanner would be whip)>ed back into line bv their dictatorial lash; but tlie meek and-lowly as* saw the vis ion “when the prophets eye was dim.” Neither the whip nor the bludgeon nor ttern, the mechanic sits idly by hia forge and the artisan is without a trade. The American constitution was formed for the farmer., for in the beginning all were farmers, or their dependent co- workers. The magnifieent palaces, the great cities, the comtfion carrier* of the nation and the colossal fortune* that have arisen in the last thirty year* t*» stifle the voice of honest toil are the re sult of tho farmers work, hut those same fortune* now an* diverted fnun the channel* of trade at the will of their ter*, aud not only the farmer lmt the merchant, mechanic, professional and laboring man suffer a* well. The farmers never go to tlie Third J«arty had they been treated with even justice in their own. ms NE W COURT HOUSE. Tin* new court house was formally o)M*ni*l on Mouday, Judge Atkinson de livering a few well selected remark* suitable to the occasion, aud Rev. J. M. Marshall dc.ivered a dedicatory prayer. The structure and it* furnishings, when complete, will lie a credit to it* projec- j tor*, to the building committee and to our city and county. In our next issue we hope to present illustration of the building, and also ?of Judge Atkinson, the first Judge to hold court in it. C. C. GRACE & SON Have them. Bedford cords, Henriettas, Serges, Cashmeres, Camels Hair Suitings, Silk Grenadines, French Challics, Out ings. Etc. HATS AND Mv deg I an*. Licet r 1 Trunks, %3 Valises AND embrace* the Newest Shade- ine Crepe Worsted. Serge*, d *. tin Men** Shoe* 1 lead tl “Best Goods for the Least Money." JVIKlE A TKIXSOS SPEAKS Oil Wednesday afternoon it was an nounced that Judge Atkinson would ad dress our citizens iu the new court house. At the hour appointed the house wa* Millinery. The Judge dwelt largely on the issues of the present {iolitieal campaign aud defended hi* recent letter endorsing the Ocala platform. * He showed clearly whore there i* nothing undemocratic in the Ocala platform, and that many of the demand* of that platform were in active accord with the fundamental prin- party. Wo See our stock of Millinery beforeordering your Spring Bonnet. We do not ask any Fancy prices. CALL ON Franfe C. Owens, THE LEADING CLOTHIER. Owens Block, Just Opposite the Depot, WAYCROSS : GEORGIA. DAN BROADWAY ENGLISH, Do not fail to read “Political Scan dais” on our first |*age. Every xml indeed every woman who ha* influ nice on others, and the ( rearing of fit- turn citizen* in her care, should li eogninnt of the legislative trickery that is impoverishing the common |<eople, ami demoralizing the nation. It i*.g«*- ing to take a great wave of popular in dignation, sweeping from all quarter*, to |HirUy the political atmosphere at the ra|iitot. MOM’S YIVEXM. I Hiring the present controv Milit- |a-t there 1h- reform first i« ml me tie sis. Ix-t grenit men n-4 «h* seend to the level of political tricksters, l^t the uietli.sls of the political waul Imsm In- relegated to trie shade* of obscu rity. How to do this? Let men engage in political matters to the extent at least ««f touching tlicir fell- art of Ikiaking and acting for themselves; then and then only will even nun l*e conn- a |Militical freeman, and pditii Ims .iuic an Imuoralilr profession. the curse* of the (lolitii-al Balaams were c j|,| tM „f the Democratic parti sulfieieut to drive him agaiust the reve- . u j||_ jf | M >ssible, print the address lation of justice. | in our next issue. hhmrih. A political criaia was reached. Tliese honest “son* of toil,” true t*» their Democratic instinct*, sent Alliance lead er* to CongrcM through the Democratic parly. They overturned, in mighty re volt* whole district* and Stat«s» aud turned the money changer* jout of the people’* temple. Eiflh. Still the Prophet failed to dis cern. The misted leader* fell victims to the goddess of gold and betrayed 'heir nifiding f.dlower*. Did it require ’truck* to oi»cii their understanding ai develop their !ion< Sixth. The mil- „ . , L* Vivendi. It ha* Iks 1 full Ladies Shoes. be- We have a Large Assortment of Button Goods and Oxfords at Lowest prices. All of our Fine Henriettas, Bedford Cordsai.d French Challics arc in patterns. Come early and get First Ceoiec, •eii the United State* and Great Brit ain the word* “modus vivendi” have fre*- •luently apjieaml in the dispatches rela tive to the imbroglio. Many have no doubt wondered at the precise meaning of those Latin word*. Modus, in the said connection mean* measure or limit; ; " vivendi, of life. Or. in other word*, the | measure of *the killing. The slaughter j ,,l ! ha* become *0 great that fears are enter- j ; tallied that the seal* of Behring Sea will i , 4 forthcoming, i fovome extinct miles* protcete.1 by a j The St. Louis convention, compose.! -. ., , , , i]it- IkhUt. uf tin- imluntrial organiia- | la'fiire Un* trvnty betwci, hi,gland nn.l „f |h, country. r. T rraenling j thr IV.tral SUIcn «an ma.l.-, far JJ li.,,,. fa||,will, a .nu.niu.Uv an- ; •" >-ill ll.c waN In-fnra Ibvy l.n.l 1- the island* to rear their young. , _ , killing it often happened i Foreign and Domestic r nuts Auction Dry Goods, Masonic Bnilding, Plant Avenue and Folks Block, near Depot. Ladies aud Gents’ Shoes and llats, Table and Toilet Linen, C. C. GRACE k SON. We save money on everything we sell. No credit; we after tlie Cash Trade only. surpassed, adopted a run ami determined on indc|*e i platform *' lw t |iolitieal ; A doctor will sit down and w rite a prescription; time, 'five minutes; |«aper ami ink, one-fourth of a ernt, and tlie patient |»ay* $1, l-\ or <10, as the »a*e may lie. A lawyer write* ten or twelve line* and get* from fio to <-••* from hi* elient. An alitor write* a half columu l*uff for a Mali, pay*.* man .4) vent* to f 1 for putting it in lypr. print* it on <7 worth of |iaprr, semi* it to several tlniu* sand iwtqde aud surprimw the pulU*t man if lie make* any charge*.—St. Au gustine Pres*. Sr re nth. Still it was IK Deinm-ratie leaders In Georgia, by prompt and «*onciliatory action, could have rescued their straying brethren, l»ut no! Their hearts were *<-t iu bitter- P r ’ that the life of three or more seal we destroyed and only one pell gained. By \ killing the matured males only, the | slaughter wouhl not tbr»*aten extinction j or the herd*. The modus vivendi i* a j k*al I if- that is humane There i* rather a peculiar ex** )W Sui*eri«*r t’«*urt. In the railMa.l wreck a few year* ago, just this side oi Black shear. Mr. Andrew Fain-loth wa- kill,si. The railroad company pai«l hi- wbkrn $2,500—in settlement of tlie case It now seem* that he lia*l another wife Iteaidea the one the c«»mpany **-ttkd with, and this wife now brings suit for a large sum to reimburse her for his kill ing. The wile he had been liviug with when he waa kill^j. had been married to him for some ten or more years. But the one that ia now aucing *ays she was lib first wife and bad never been di vorced. • Felix Fremery, a recognized author ity on fiber culture, assert* that rrraanl production of cott*m will not give permanent relief to the cotton states. A highar |»ri« for the fleecy staple will aasnredly have the effect of producing a larger acreage the follow in^ jv*** tf ool in t^e # aactum utf t«ruipo- ray decreased acreage it will be taken ndraatageof in other cotton growing countries. He claim* that artificial maintenance nf high price* hi variably ha* an injurious etfe?t on any industry. • Ik* assert* that tlie salvation of the planter lira in a lower coat of produc tion. l'ndiably the planter will wonder how that ia to be done. .e vision faile.1 to i in wa* ilouiinatcd b fisliin-**. Rather than yield for the sake ' party liariiiouy, t*i die just resjuin- > lit* of their fellow men aud fellow .-uiocrat*, they began a warfare of i»cr- , s*mal abuse iu luldition t*> their former ; ilicule of the Alliance principles. thoughtful men like our Judge 1 Atkiusoii have met the crisis b.ddlv— ! re aUeaqitcd t-» avert the disaster an prcsiTvc to the glorious old Demo •y her rightful heritage ot direct p L-rualisui over the iicople’s iuterea The Judge’s strong arrow of spetvli i- brgiiiniug t*i i»e felt with hi* sledge hammer blows of logical argument, am! during the eoming campaign, whether iminatedor not we predict that he will bo in the thickest of the fight be tween the contending factious, attempt ing to preserve iutaet npou tlie eternal irineiplc* of justice, the solid integrity f our democratic organization. I should i kind and the i*d between Kllg- j , of Jonathan, , ATTENTION DEMOCRATS. 7« thr M-,fiber* oj .the ( vnrfir**ion4tl Item- j WAYCROSS, ucttdie (b fit ui it tec* tch„ Hetide it* the ,/ the Efccr„th l’om,jrrt*Htmnt CANDIES. CONFKl TIONKKY. TOBACCt >, CIGARS. CItiAUKTTES, &r. Ice Cold Drinks, Albany Avenue, i GEORGIA 1 DAN BROADWAY ENGLISH. ^'ayi-eows, Bennett & Weller, responsible And who is re*;K»u*ible dilinu of affairs ? Who for the jiresent .serious menace to tin democratic organization? Not the lion e*t fanner, who marched foot-sore an* weary through four year* of sanguinary wa/fiue.'ind who, returning to a de»o-. late home has dcvottsl nearly thirty long year* t-> hard toil, with uo better result than to be told to work harder and he will fare better, but it is thnae dapper little gentlemen of the partisan press who are the williug tool* of th< wondrous statesmen (?) from whom w doui shine* a* never Sohnca’t ghw? slioae, but “who toil not neither ilo they spin.” Upon him and »q**n hi* iua*tcr the re*|*4i«ibility r»U ere being no Democratic Exetutive uittee, formally organized for the nth Congressional District, and uo „j j Chairman of the Executive Committee c . j ol the old District resident in this* Di»- a . j iriet, I. a* Secretary of the IVutocratic bl Executive C-nnmittev of the original I First, n »w resident in the Eleventh Congressional District, herein- request member* of the Democratic comiuit- fi.r the several e untie* comprising Eleventh District, to meet me at the rl house iu Jesup, (1#., at 11 o'clock u. Wetlnesday, May 1st, 1X92, for the |>urjM**o of organizing an Executive Committee for said Eleventh District, 1 for electing a chairman thereof; 1 also for the |rtir|Mwc of ap|Mtinting a le and place for holding the Demo cratic convention to nominate a candi date for said district. A. N. Smith, Secretary of the Old First Con. Pi*t. District pajier* please copy. miticcd many familiar faces iu the city iu attendance uu court this week. OFKirKllU OVIIIVHLTOS COT NT V. Aaron Iktu'Uiu:. Onlinar>*. J.* A. Wain right, Hlienff Jaim* Tlmmpsoii. School i FWTL. DOUGLAS S3 SHOE CEN?°EMEN to bestsHOEiiiTO»q»ura«TO»a!n; to hurt^thPtnT^ legal advbrtisrmknts To all wlH*n» It may « Seller* liuviux in due form applied to the undersigmd for guadianship of the person ' property «»f Alnui Seller*, minor elnlu ... oilas Seller*, late of said county deceased; notice i* hereby given tluit Id* application will he beanl at my ofllce on t)ie tirst Mon- a %l",fu. y nWm, L.,1 nn.l ire this March 1.tli. liWL AARON DOWLING, mario-tt Onhmrry. JEWELERS, Wavcross, (ieoma. WE HAVE A PINE LINE AT VERY LOW PRICES SILVERWARE. DRIi’-A-ISRAi . JEWELRY. DIAMONDS. 19)lUSERS FLAT WARE B.H.LEVY BRO.&C'O jant-ly Watches for Ladies. Watches for School GirlB. Watches for Fast Men. Watchos for Slow Mon. Watches forOld Men. Wntchos for Young Mon. Watches for Good Boys. Watches for Bad Boys. Watchos of any size, or for any sized pockot and at any sized prices. WilVCl'OW*, ... VERY LOW PRICES !! j VERY LOW PRICES !! BENNETT & WELLER. BENNETT & WELLER. LIV33 JEWELEJItS, a . fieuTtfi®- < >lf THK RACKET STORE. SELLING OFF AT COST.