The Waycross herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 18??-1893, May 21, 1892, Image 2

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3BUjpeso** HMALOPUILISHIIIC COMPANY. 6*c PtaM Ahm, Wajrero**, C*. Bnbtcrfption fl.00 per annum. CLEVELAND VICTORIOUS. Tkr Stair CMrratim Meet* to Atlanta. Tlic Democratic State Convention met Atlanta Mtjr 18th. THE HERALD- ^ ... Oar aaUtoriml rr»rr*r■*«!.»« will be fr.vHW with rnptr crmleMUU defian* tbe.r aathoory, daly awM bear the name •Obe writer Parely penotnl coatioeereiee will be •dvertidag min t be in by DEMOCRATIC MASS MEETINGS. Cl toe A (aunty far ClrrrUwL HoxEtmu; Ga.. May 16.—Satur day the voters of the county voted in Hon. K'*j*e Harrow «t< nominated the primaries held in their respective ; hy the Cleveland men for Chairman. tLe j districts. Sunday the j anti-Cleveland mei »--j— /..« • »» ... t \V. Robertson. The former was j 180 to 1:17. ; Fulton county’s * seated bv a vote of 171 to 1 nominating Col. J. ; solidated. Hr.n. Augustus I)uP«.nt . , and S. L. 1 travdy were the unan- elect ed by a vote oft imotl* chime a* delegates to the Atlanta convention to select delegacy to nominate ’levclaud delegaliou \ a candidate for President and tothegub* , This j ernatoml (i nvention tononiitiatea gov- uk» oaly m »4« SATURDAY. MAY 21. 1892. North Carolina will vote for Cleve land. Atkinson was defeated in Glynn by 240 votes in a total poll -of 808. about represented the relative strength j ernor and state house officers. Capt The citizen* of. Home. Ga., have de cided that their city shall In- leveed a(rain«t further devastation hy flood. Every dollar wi appropriutions by a Democratic Congm**! i# a dollar contributed to Republican sue- | tens in November. of the Cleveland and Hill faction*. The following Cleveland delegation was selected for the National Demo cratic (Vmveutiun from the State at large, viz: Jn*. M. Smith, F. G. Ihi- Hignon, F. II. Richardson, Da|>oiit Guerry. The deU gaJcs from the 11 ill District are Walter T. McArthur and Thomas \V. Ijiudr, alternate*- I. C. MclV>aald and I). I*, .lone-. Owing to the able leadership of Hon. Clark Howell and lion. Patrick W«l*h, I who represented the *mti-('lcve!aml fae- unneveseary 1 ,fo„. the detaratinu srm** imindrurted. The Ware County Executive t*«»ni- mittee ha* adopted a* rule for primaries that hears the impress of fairness, the result will demonstrate the of the candidates. i. the delegati TJU: fl.ATroRM. Following is the full text of the plat- J form: 1. Resolvrsl, That we, the iH'iuoerabi of Georgia in convention assembled, r«> ntlinil onr devotion to the time-hononsl ™7th »f «»r I'i-'l'Ti. I'ralj UlitVf that the jmwers of delegates J nlioiild Ik- strictly construed, that the -urnsl aut'Oiomy of the States and the rights of I local government and homo rule should wo j Ik* zealously guarded; tha* ,,r * •••'**‘**»* A terrible railroad wreck li near Cleveland. Ohio, on Sunday train*, Imth running at full *|»cod, j h |i«hi!«I Ik* taken from tli- erashed into each other in a blinding storm. Many were killed. people ider Mr. Davis has introduced a bill au thorizing the President to proclaim a general holiday commemorating the four hundredth anniversary of the dis covery of America, October 12th, 1802. Application was made last Friday at Knoxville for n receiver for the East Tennessee, Virginia and Georgia Rail road. Nearly, ninety men have been discharged owing to the dullness of trade. It appear* that the editor of the Rlackahenr Times is a Turner man, and the owuers of the pajK-r are for sup|a»rt- ing Judge Atkinson. This will not he another Brunswick Flopper ease, but simply a change of editors, and Mr. Mitchcl. and the owners of the Times are to Ik- res|K*eted for standing by their holiest conviction*. Col. lien E. Russell will tuidoubtedly soon l»e in the congressional race. Alter his address in Rrimswiek in favor of Mr. Turner, In* was projKwed to the Demo crats of the .Second district as a projK-r successor to Mr. Turner in that district. Possibly the Second ' district would ii: etest .economy all government local. State or slioiij;! I purpose*; that the s should Ik- exercised ii «-.\|*enditiires, whethei n;ttioital: that legislate fmed to legitimate object- of the govern ment; that public ofliee i- a solemn p 2.'\\V beiic-ve that the same care and caution should be used by the govern ment, Itoth State and national, in the exjK-nditure of public mofiey, as is usetl by prudent men in their own private af fairs. We lielleve that the right of taxa tion was developed then, IsHli Suite anil national, to Ik* used only for absolute ne cessities, and any other ttsi is dishonest and tyranieal. 4. The surplus revenue in the treas- j urv is a glittering prize to l»e sought j after by political thieves and plunder- i o. We are uncompromisingly op|«-sed | to the enlargement and concentration of j federal power, to t'..e usurpation by the central government of the funclious of* the State; to Ismntic* and sulwidics Augustus DuPont offered tk« following resolutions, which were unanimously adopted: Resolved, That the people of Georgia have just pride in the administration of the affairs of their state by Gov. Northen. 11c brought to the discharge of his duties as governor profound learning, states manship and an honest and patriotic purpose. Hehas/sbown himself worthy our great esteem and confidence, having given the state a wise, honest, justdmd huisnessUkc administration. We would Ik* derelict in a sense of proper approcia- tion, did wc fail to specially mention, his ruedduotis efforts in W-half of agriculture and education, which has crowned his administration, the ablest and Rant in the history of the Sstat* Resolved, That we declare our tin- iMiundiHl confidence in Grover Cleveland, and without qualification indorse and commend him as worthy ihe siip|*>rt of onr party. We regard him the imiu of the hour, lie gave to Jtciuocracy their Tro jan of war--tariff reform. Wc recognize in him the great exj»oiieiit of Democratic | doctrines. IIokiIvuI, We sincerely regret the death j of the attornev general of Georgia, and in- | dorse for the place the Hon. J. M. Ter- | rell of Meriwether county; for the other ! state hon>e officer* we indorse the pres- i ent gentlemen who so ably fill tin* re- I ! speetive places. 1 Resolved, We indorse John C. Me-J ; Donald as a suitable person to he selce- : ted from the Eleventh congressional dis- j triet as delegate to the national eon veil- j i tioii, and Clark Howell and J. II. Kstill I ■ from the Sjtate at large. • j j Resolved, We cordially indorse the * candidacy of Judge J. L. Sweat to the j judgship of the Brunswick circuit, and i refer with pride to his record as a law- ! yer and legislator. ' We have no liesi- j talley in presenting him t<» the consider- j ation ->f the legislature of (Jcorgia. lived, That in accordance with HAPPY !!DAN BROADWAY ENGLISH, NO NAME FOR IT! This Gentleman. has found the most extensive and complete es tablishment of any kinlc in Way- cross. A regular MULTUM IN PARVO. Where they make anything in wood from a Pine Plank to an to an Elaborate Sideboard in the highest style of art. GOOD SOLID ICE Delivered at your door or shipped in any quantity, anywhere. Auction Dry Goods, Masonic Building, Plant Avenne and Folks Block, near Depot Are now displaying the largest and most varied assortment of l>rv Good* Shoes Hats Ac ever brought to Way trews. comprising the Latest Styles' in Dress FabriquV. Gush meres, German Fluids ami Stripes, White Goods. Fine Figured India Linens. Black Lawns. Embroidered Dresses, Fumy Flounces. I .ace*. Hamburgs. Braid. (Xml and Trim ruing Silk of every description. Ladies and Gents’ Shoes and Hats, and make them as Cheap or as Fine as desired. f thi.** power , ( | n .|„ r ,,|i nnjl of principles, we em- t! • lr** - 1 pDatically declare for Cleveland, N’or- with i theory i ml government ite entcr|Wi*c: t practice of pater We. aim have within preferred to confer the honor uit*olieiti*l, people n imt that Col. Russell would be a strong force a the race there is no dotibi generation | drum, the judicial j.owcrs of the State \ usurped by vouvts-wv.utial and the legis- ; hlTlirestdzed hy a military «-letk and the ally elected repres* utative tlicn and tariff reform, and hereby in stinct our delegates to the several con ventions to give full expression* thereto. Lullocii county sends uninstructed i delegates to Atlanta, but adopted a res- | oitilii ii preferring Cleveland and en dorsing Governor Northen. ■ Early eotintv sends uninstructed dele- | gat<*> also, though the odds seem in i 1 fa vor of Cleveland. N’orlhtn and the Tin* Denm their mass m. •unprpiui ELECTRIC LIGHTH- For Street Store or Dwelling. We refer to the Satilla Manufacturing Company, WHOSE OFFICE AND WORKS ARE IN WEST WAYOROSS. *“* Fancy Furniture, Moulding, all kinds of Wood Carving and Turning. Two immense dry kilns. Bone Dry Lumber Dressed and worker!. Store wood at yonr door at $1.00 for for two-liorse wagon load. Agent for Fay’s mauilla building . paper. n„ . C. C. GRACE A SON. DRY GOODS, Millinery AND SHOES. Full Line of Table and Toilet Linen, loit-e Curtains, Window Shade*. Matting. Drapery. I'pholstery, Tinware. Table and Pocket Cutlery. Etc.. Etc. We save mone\- on everything we sell. No credit; we are after the Cash Trade only. DAN BROADWAY ENGLISH. Masonic Building. Plant avenne, and Folk* Block i Waycross, fieorgia. ! SILVERWARE. | RODGERS FLAT j STATIONERY, j POCKET IVTLERY. j SPECTACLES, office letehu to' m'ake'hv ! . de- i* t oiiveutio. 7. We eousitler government control of the j»o*t office* a* noee*>ary ami proper, I localise the seal of the letter protects the private affairs' of the citizens from government espionage, hut we protest, except in the regulation of prices, against extending this control over the tele graphs and telephones, and placing in j our midst a horde iff office holders who \ will Ik- amenable only to national laws, | and may at any time, hy the will of the ; majority, or as often happens, in our federal affairs by the will of the minor- \ ities, he. turned into spies ami informers. } While wo oppose government owner- j •“hip of railroads, we indorse our State commission laws powers of the interstate commission Ik* so enlarged as to provide a “rigid, lion- j eat and just control.’ of powers of traits- ( i |»ortatioti. IT /.V rXOL'MOrltATJr. This is what State Chairman Atkinson, «K»innuindcr-in-ehiel' of the Democ'ratio forces in Georgia says: “It would Ik* just as wise,*' continued Mr. Atkinson, “to drive out of the party those who are opposed to free coinage of silver as it would those who favor the demands of the Ocala platform. • In my opinion the main body of the Ocala platform is good Democratic doctrine. F:.r my pari 1 do not believe that the country would be bonefitteO but would 1m* greatly damaged by the passage of the sub-treasury bill, but the Democrats who believe that this measure would Ik* Itencficial to the country have a right to their opinion. They have a right to in sist that they I* heard upon a question ! raised l»y the advocate* of the suletrcas- \ wry plait, and if they have a majority * ' g \\*e f 10 they have a right to dictate the |K.liev of; ( ^,i naR ,. 0 f i H ,th silve the party upon that question. The mi- | ^\r\\v with vnvh otlur, to the t ml that norit.v must submit to tlu* control of the j ,| ie ,;„„ u . v 0 f tlir* pnqde shall Ik* of Decatur county, which is largely Alii- * unco-Democ iatic, resolved to semi dele- ! gates uniustrueted. This convention I also endorsed Gov. Northen and the ! present State administration. "j Sr. Many’s Ga., May 19.—The vote of tin* Democratic primary held May 14 ! resulted, «* consolitlated, as follows: j For congress—S. 11. Atkinson, 209, H. 1 LITTLE PEKSOXAL." | Tilt* etlitor of the Thomasville News I has favored the recognition of Alliance- j Democrat* in the party, and the eamfi- : ami Vlrm'aTui that"the \ '}?'> " f Mr - !'• 11 «•'«'»“./ > Ore Tiftmt (•azetle, in it* usual spirit ot parttsuu- • of till* nl uiilimitetl i majority. That i* a fundamental D« (M'ratie principle.’’ The Atlanta t\»U*tiHition takes the same groiiml: AN INUKMorKATIC PR»M’KF4»INO. We regret to see a disposition mani fested in the Second autl Eleventh con gressional districts to refuse to allow Democratic Alliancemcn, who are favor- . aide to the demands of the Ocala plat form, to participate in the Democratic primaries of the district. Happily, this disposition is not gen eral among the Democrats of these two ! districts, aud as for the rest of the State, j w it certainly ha* not the encouragement; * vnt jailing < political ad- capons of tin- j ctional preju- f the News Is a just rebuke *f political tricksters who means to accomplish their of the party. |iiantity ami quality as was originally contemplated by the e«>nstitiltioil. 9. \Ve desire that a uniform system • ff kinking 1h* provided for by tlu* legis lature* of Georgia with a flexible expan sion of the State liank currency. We further demand that the prohibition iu the national bank law against accepting real estate for security for loans shall Ik* stricken therefrom. 10. Wo tlemand that the amount of the circulating medium Is* s]M*edily in creased on a souu<l basis sufficient to meet the needs of tin* country. 11. We demand that congress shall pass such laws as will efleetually pre- futures of all agricultur- When will come the day of c lies atul statesmen-like method: The News h»*gs in advam-e the pareh |H.I- | al product'll of its readers for what will foll< is not often that this jKireloii will he ask ed for a similar reason. The Tifton Gazette in its issue of last week, stilted as a fact that tlu* editor of The News was n carjMS luig vankee, who i had 1kh. ii a resident of the state for only 1 a few years. In fact that lit* had drift ed to Thomasville when it had first res ell into prominence as a winter resort. The editor of The News lias this to say- in reply to the Gazette: lie was lmru in Georgia, has never lived out side of uurts oi ini agnetmur- ,, . c nrmidin* -*-*trrtirent il’ eor £ ia - bus parents were l.eorgiana, il.z. » * .» i ami that when the ciid eorties to him lie Bennett & Weller, JEWELERS, Way cross, Georgia. WE HAVE A FINE LINE AT VERY LOW PRICES WATCHES! Watches for Ladies. Watches for School Girls. Watches for Fast Mon. Watches for Slow Men. Watches forOld Men. Watches for Young Men. Watches for Good Boys. Watches for Bad Boys. Watches of any size, or for any sized pocket and at any Bizcd prices. VERY LOW PRICES !! VERY LOW PRICES !! BENNETT & WELLER. BENNETT & WELLER. LIVE JEWELERS, Wayeposs, : < ieoegiii. feh ’-’7 v 11. V IS 7 1 > SaLE < >I? THIS RACKET STORE. SELLING OFF AT COST. j 1 announce to the public of Way cross and vicinity that until the 2f*th day «n March I will sell mv entire stock, consisting of Dry Goods, Clothing, Shoes, Hats, Caps and Gents Furnishing Gomls at COST, to make room for my .Spring Stock. 1 am going to New York some of these days for a Spring Stock, and 1 need money, and to get it I have marked all the goral* in my store at cost, and if you i need some goods come-and I’ll show you how goisl.* can Ik* sold cheap. Avail 1 yourself of this golden op|>ortunity, and come early, liefore the grand rush. i RACKET STORE A. LIPSHITZ, Proprietor. Try our Two Dollar Ladies Shoes and |W%- Don’t Forget the Place. Sharp’s Block, Plant Avenue. NEXT TO THE WESTERN FURNITURE COMPANY, W ay cross. : Georgia, Figured Lawns, Persian Mulls, Figured, Shantung Porgee, Figured, Canton Crepe, Figured, Elysee Stripes, Figured, Indian Dimity, Figured, Bedford Cords, Figured, Pineapple Tissues, China Silks, all colors, Crepe tie Chine, all colors, India Mulls, (’ream, White and Black Bargains in Leghorn lints, flowers and ribbons “FTITlhSEKY FRESH STOCK. South CMM pwmmJ ’*■'** «****'*(« t"*!* (“S® j secure prompt conviction, and imjKising Cleveland by a vote of 23. to 49. The j as shall secure most inr- conv entnm was m the hands or the far- . flVt ^, nip ii ance w ith the law. mers and the following resolutions were j 1; , iviieving in the doctrine of equal **b*P^ : ..... , j nglr.s to all ami special itrivileges to Wc see with displeasure anti appro- j noue wo demand- iMndM that tho monfjr changt-ra of) Thatlho nalinnal leglalatiotl shall Wall atrert have «, framed i« the fata.* temple of IVnioertcy, and that they will ; „ 0IU . indus(n . , t 0J . . llf try and force up»>n our party a candi- date reprvsentii^, not the wishes ami * of the state that he has loved sr» well. The editor of The News further says to the Tifton Gazette; that lie served nearly two years in the confederate army as a ltoy volunteer, that when Johnson snrremlered he come home w ith a Bel- nm7o Ui'n'd i ! !i "' ril V" J f ,<,r " “"' l ta,Ur " 1 s,,!t of i gray, as the only mementoes aud rceom- : jcuse of the days anti nights of hardship that he had km u *' 1 ' *” v I li. We denounce the present iui<iui- 717,'" T-T ’"V Vi x- W^H-bmttg °f o« r people, bot th«r ..n , _ tariI r an ,| (Wmau ,| ,| u . re „,„v,l rf , ], l,c S?i tor ’? Th* sMTtm* mZSL.'JK SSd! «*-*-* *** ,ui * *“ frora ' Cleveland mws not represent the unno- n ece**it'u-* 0 f j*,f c that the poor of onr pirn of DeHtowntcy ;u taught fcy curl «"*tlws «*•“»' ""'kn-ttut.! th,".. We f „ nllrr , k . mall ,| a justs:B .i tVe tbcrt-ftwe mut rntr »lmnn |m.t«l | „ „ r a „ ra .;„ at „l ,„ x agaiost the nomination of (.rover Clove- t f |lcniB ,^ land or any other candidate known t~ d. We lielu bplit-vr.1to i«- ««««».". "■; M mud, „ ami at tire .ItctwtHm °f It all street, l>ut ■ ; n Uic Uao*rfthc p«.pW. «pl w» .Ifmaml» ottrattodart-^yrer a .mu. | , lnt „l| n-.vnno,' v «* '*»• rjefc * 0,, * , '- r *' lil '*‘ or fiU - ahall W limited t.. tlte “ •uui . .t ; ' .i . «d 1 he News Dem- hus always been a Democrat, that liis first ballot was cast for Gordon in 18»>S, when it required more nerve Jo he a Dem«M*rat- than it d.ics now to enable an irresponsible etUl*»r t.» besmirch the eharaeter of an op|K.ncnt. Tlu* article fnwt the Tifton Gazette was eoj»ie*I into the Albany News and Advertiser, aud eoiiiiueuded by that ( The News l»:t* tills to say : It argues ; re jKs.rly f..r the justice of any cause • an it bruriias neetssarv to utter inex- 1 Oxford Ties. They can’t he heat for the Money. Every pair guaranteed. C. C. GRACE & SON . - | 4th Store in the Owens Block! PIANOS! PIANOS! ORGANS! ORGANS! Sewing Machines! Hnsical Instruments of all Kinds—Small and Great. J. K. WADLEY, THE tvARRRS rxmr. Vlrr-Prr»ldeM Will handle nothing but the Best Instruments. AH the Best Makes. No Single Beed Organs in stock. Will i; has less than two sets Reel* and good Walnut Cases. i.v Instrument* are ol t handle an Organ that ™ u - ..... , , j oi itie govemmint W. J..I1 l».k uptm tlie ttora.itet.ou of t ;u u„u li ,.,^|. cx-IWent CVwtaod. .r ftTted up°.. 111. tY,..U...;..,d ro.romI.IO..,. J . , •or l-rty !>>■ «*<*»"*> <*■*«*>«.•. I ro t u, iu the di.ndit.rn .dthe udhdnl :" Si,bK ' » pnwt.tuliol* of the pnttopk. of IV- j „ venn ,^ anil „,„. :a p. v ,a*^nt |.n GUITARS OF ALL KINDS, Banjos in Great Variety, Harmonicas in Quan- liotii ol these the editor | tities,'Fifes, Flutes, Fageolets and Drums. Musical Albums and Jewelry Cases. «*"*!>«*••» •"'r*** ' *•“ h-tehnii like'. ..,».„.;.otl. , **« uuud. of the firmer, oirteliee « ; „ r ux , m , Mr „ r , !h . Hilo: embodies the true pnnetr “ r racy, and a surrender of tl pics of the rigfa .1 tax on our seiviun ui me uutou. v - , . , .. ■ . • _ - t ,, T , . - *. r News and Advertiser.; that thev knew 14. Therefore, in a spirit of mutual . • \ , - * . _ , . thev were pubhslmn; iaUebood* when Gazette and ihe Albany | My friends are irfvited to call and examine my Stock. '*“• f £ cooeemioo, we otkr ,h* . ^ were pohlbhhy fi-Uehra^ when the above, that • I thl - v for ean.jalign purposes, j Wefaicvc we xgien the •U*jm**** of ('^nnd modera- knowingly and wilfully-Thomasvi^ I.—. nre^rlK' rtf the white Voter* of I J N tU>. pooplo^ to the fitte.tri.1 Hop of the . IVnu ,^„ ,. f thoy|te C =c y the divine providence i large majority of the white voters of i ^ ■Guth Carolina when we assert that the 1 ii.ii i. tu of any Wall street candidate : Senator John S. Barliour, of Virginia,; work, li will pay you to w hi* LJg stock I I create grave di^nti-facthm in the : died in M*ash«ngU*r«iirtfie 14* «»f heart j “Money will A» vmwers'' at Owen's next ! " '*■ ‘ - see his Li; stuck I PIANOS, ORGANS, AND SEWING MACHINES ' ON EASY PAYMENTS. J. R. KNIGIIT, 1 tf ’ Wayeross, Ga. South Georgia Bank of Waycro|s, WAYCROSS. GA. We l»ejr l<> aiiiitKimv t<» the-piihlir that we have added a SAVINGS DEPARTMENT To onr Bank, in which we w ill receive deposit* from fl J® to W,Oi®. paying interest at the rate of 4 per rent, thereon, per annum, wldeli will Ik* credited FOUR TIMES A YEAR. Namely. January Js», April 1st, July 1st and October l*t Save Your Spare Dimes For a rainy day. and put them wlterc they will Ik* safe and earning yon something. DIRECTORS: C. Grace, Miles Albertson, Warren Lott, J. K. Bailey, II. Xnrphy, Lemuel Johnson, J. E. Wadley. Deposit* received every day during Banking Hours, and Satunlaya from C to ». m.. and tire 16th and 17th of each month for one honr in Oh* evening—fl to 7 p. m. ! CASONT cfe 3VIILEER. ! Groceries, Hay, Grain, Flour and Butter are | - Specialties. [Court House Square. Waycross, Georgia