The Waycross herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 18??-1893, May 28, 1892, Image 3

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PERSONAL MENTION. Ool E. H. Myers returned Monday afternoon from a visit (o Marietta. Mr. II. T. Dunn, of Brunswick, w in the city, looking after hw business in- terrst*. Mrs. Julia Caredo, postmistress of Folkston, came up t« the city tine-week. ' J. R. Bonn, of Else, mu here on Wednesday. Mr. Cha*. L. Pratt, of Hilliard, was in town Thursday, looking after his wood interests. J. R. Taylor, of Glentnore. visited, the city Thursday. Mr. W. 1L McIntosh is, we regret to learn, on the sick list this week. Mrs. latent* Jenkins and children are visiting in iSouth Florida. To The W. M „ and Members of Way. cross Lodge, No. 305 F. sad A. M. Your committee to whom was intrust, ed the preparation of resolutions in memory of our Brother, Dixie H Hit- Hard, ask to submit the following: Whereas, The alarm has again been sounded at the door of our Lodge room and He that gireth hath taken away the soul of our loved Brother, Dixie B. Hil liard. . Therefore, Resolved, That while we murmur not, yet, we cannot refrain from expressing the irreparable loss to this Lodge, the community, his family, all have sustained. It is indeed myste rious the working of the Great I Am; whereby it seems that the dearest, most prominent are taken and those less ex emplary, if not- less valuable as friend and Brother, are permitted to remain and prepare their earthly beings for that “building not made with hands, eternal in the Heavens.” Truly “death loves a shining mark.” We bow in humble submission to His will and offer our sin cere and heartfelt condolence to the afflicted family and the very large circle of friends, and recommend to them as exemplary the life and walk of our la mented departed Brother. May they follow those and the separation, while comparatively long, will be short, when they will meet In the Celestial City. Friend and Brother farewell: When eternity, with its teeming millions, makes vocal those gem bedecked walls may our voices with yours swell the Glorious Anthem. Resolved, That the Jewels of this Lodge be draped in mourning for the space of thirty days, and that. a page in our record be dedicated to his memory, and that a copy of these resolutions be furnished to the family of our deceased Brother, and that the Waycross papers be requested to publish the same. Fra ternally Submitted, W. W. SlIARPE, W. D. Hamilton, C. T. W. Syphan, Committee. Adopted at a regular meeting of Wnv- cross Lodge held May 11th, 1892. D. B. English, Secretary, Pro. Consisting of two bed-rooms, a bath-room and large sitting-room, all tarnished and opening with French windows onto a piazza. Can be secured by two or more yonng gen tlemen desiring to dub together. The loca tion is near the depot and a very desirable one. Inquire at Herald. tf Oflrlal Organ of Ware f'onnty. Official Organ of Charlton County. Carp North ex, ) Griffin 1 , Ga„ May 25,1892, > 12 Noon, j Awr Jfrt Ret<t;—After a tiresome trip of 279 miles we arrived yesterday morning about i a. m. Have-been hard at work getting things ship-shape and are now snfficiently initiated to begin to feel Hke veterans. Within ten minutes after our arrival in camp we sat down to a splendid break Cut in our own mess hall, which latter was nicely cleaned and In thor ough good order. This was doe entirely to Sergeant Jno. Hogan and the cooks, Charlie Cooper and Jim Martim, who worked untiringly all night before our arrival to have thing* in readiness for us. The boys wont forget the Sergeant. camp, and he SATURDAY, MAY 28,1892. children or grown people, restorii weak and puny to robust health. Try So ocher worm medicine is so safe am Price 25 cents at drug stores, or sent b by John P. Park & Sons Co., 175 ai Sycamore St, Cincinnati, O. de< WAYCROSS. GA. ADVERTISING RATES. have added SAVINGS DEPARTMENT WHAT WILL IT CURE. Dr. John Bull’s Sarsaparilla will cure scrotala. syphillis, pimples, boils, sore eyes, ring-worm, scabby-head, bone-aches, ach ing-joints ami muscles, sore lungs, sore kid neys, sore liver, lame back, the after effect of mercury and potash, dyspepsia, asthma, nervous debility, female complaints, general weakness, unnatural fatigue, etc. It is strange tliat anyone will continue to suffer from any of tlic above complaints when the U> ° ° Dr. John Bull’s Sarsaparilla. will restore perfect health and strength. It stands uncqnalod as a vegetable tonic and blood puriher, and no other remedy has as sure curative virturc. It is highly concen trated and never fails to have a good effect on the system, and has proven itself in thousands of instances a cure for all forms of weakness, sores and pain. Yon have on ly yourself to blame if you remain an in valid when this remedy will restore your health. Large bottle (192 tea-spoonfnlls) $1.00. Sold by druggists. K. B. Roby. Vincennes, Indiana, writes: “I would not give one bottle of Bull's Sarsa parilla for twenty 1 Kittles of any other blood medicine I have ever-taken, and I believe 1 have used a liarrcl of other medicines for my blood.” -)t> 10.00 To onr Bank, in which we will receive deposits from $1.00 to $5,000. paying interest at the rah* of 4 per cent, thereon, per annum, which will be credited FOUR TIMES A YEAR. Natmjy, January 1st, April 1st, July 1st and October 1st newspaper and you will find our* to be less. Transient advertising inserted at $U» per inch first insertion. 50c subsequent insertion. Reading notice in loc&l columns 10c per line first Insertion; 5c per line each subse quent insertion Protmioul cards $f).00 per annntn after January 1st. For Cheep advertising aee Cheap Column. Advertisements to insore insertion any week mantis in by Wednesday of that week. Cliangrs made in advertisements, insetted at onr regular rates, and for specified tiny?, will be charged for n»«wt of making said ^AdSitional rates will be charged Sir spe cial position. Save Your Spare Dimes We have the beat mess in deserves great credit for it. On entering the camp grounds, a por tion of the Savannah Cadets, recognizing in Capt. Farr one of their old comrades, gave us a rousing cheer. We hare fallen naturally into the routine duties of camp, and are in good spirits. We were ordered out for batallton drill at 10 a. m., and after being nearly cooked by a broiling sun, were dismissed until 2 o’clock, when the encampment •was formerly opened by Governor Nor- then. In the review by the Governor we had the honor of being attached to two companies of the regular army who were at the head of the column, and though the boys were a little nervous at bring placed in such a position, they held their own, and are not ashamed of their buttons. After supper, although the boys were naturally fatigued by the long journey and hard days work, they made the scene around thecamp fire cheerful with bright faces and merry songs, but re tired early, for it was at 5 o’clock this morning that they were to go on duty, and they were promptly at their post To day regular duty is enforced and i Capt. Farr is officer of the day, and “Sarge” Green Ls sergeant of the guard, so the “boys” “are in it,” sure. Pri vates Allen, Croom and Ed. Crawley are marching their posts as sentinels like regulars, despite a hot sun. We are off duty at noon until 4 o’clock this Fora rainy day, and put them whore they will be-safe arid earning you something. DIRECTORS; “trimming" pearl buttons jnst . Wat-on A Co. C. C. Grave, Miles Albertson, H. Murphy, J. E. Wadley. The closing exercises of the High School are set, we Micve, for tho 9th and i 0th of Jane. This ushers in a season of much heed ed rest for the teachers, who have work ed faithfully during the year to sustain a school of such high order as to give Waycross prestige as an educational center. The pupils too, after the nine monJts of wholsesome discipline' and necessary confinement, will welcome a period of unbounded Deposits received every day during Bonking lloti . in., and the 10th and 17tl» of each month for one horn and on Saturdays from <5' the evening—0 to 7 p. m. From North... " South... Find the Word J There Ls a 3-inch display advertisement in this paper, this week, which has no two words alike except one word. The same is true of each new one appearing each week, from the Dr. Harter Medicine Co. This house places a “Crescent” on everything they make and publish. Look for it, send them the name of the word, and they will return you Book, Beautiful Lithographs or Samples Free. jan23-ly For North. “ South. • Hast... unlimited recreation and liberty. FINK JERSEY COWS FOR S&LB. I offer for sale a limited number of Extra Fine Cows, fresh in milk, all my own breed ing. Parties desiring a good, docile family Cow, can obtain same from the undersigned. X. F. TIFT. inayl-l-lni Albany, Ga. 4:45 ami 7 JO A new lot gauze rildton just received. Watson A Co. South. Wanted—A printer who can live on the “thank yous” of an appreciative publir. W. J. Smith will sell you a Ladies Opera 81ipper for 60 cents, and give anewouefor every pair that ripe. tf A Ix'Unteous front has he who rata his food I n awed content and happy frame of mind; But he who brings rare to the banquet’s spread In spite of plenty has hut poorly dined. SCHOOL. Come to ns for all kind of hosiery s adapted for school children. Brad A Co. 1 specially 1 Watson Ware County. Prices which will suit all. Come and see for your self, and you will find rock bottom prices Htill the rain holds back, giving us only tantalizing promises. Our old friend, Judge Tillman, sends us his compliments from Quitman and a i good word for M r. Turner. His letter will appear next week. SHERIFF’S SALE. GEORGIA—-Wabe County. Will be sold on the first Tuesday in June next at the Court House door, in said coun ty, within the legal hours of sale, to the highest bidder, for cash, the following prop erty, to-wit: A certain house and lot of land situated and Being in Old Waycross, Ware county, Georgia, described as follows: Commencing at a comer of land owned by Mrs. Mollie Cason and running along Parallel street west 57 feet, thence north about 100 feet, thence west to E street, thence north along E street about 110 feet,or to the lands owned by Wesley Cooper, thence east al>out 210 feet or to the lands owned by Mrs. Mollie Cason. 1 thence south 210 feet or to Parallel street to the place of beginning. Rounded on the south by Parallel street and lands owned by R. B. Bryant, Lucy Quick and L. C. Wil liams, on the west by K street, on the north by lands belonging to Wesley Cooper, J. I». Smith and Knuna Moody, on the east by lands of Mrs. Mollie Cason. Levied on as the property of Mrs. J. R. Spangler by an execution issued from the Superior Court ofWarc county in favor of L. Williams against Mrs. .1. !!. Spangler. This April No auction good* at Brad Watson A C, It secma good to have a taste of cu cumber again, and see the blarklrerrie* coming in. We sell child* blouse waist, 25c. Brad Watson A Co. The Waycross Herald is one beat weekly papers in the State," Valley Leader. We appreciate this, coming as from so good an authority. of the —Fort All who want first-class Hats, Bonnets, Toques, Ac. guarantee satisfaction, and prompt attention given. should come to The Presbyterian Assembly in session at Hot Springs is now considering Dr. Briggs cam*. Tin* decision is watched for with interest. The “green goods” man has been af ter one of our substantial citizens. The literature is gotten up in attractive style and promises a spice of adventure as well as wealth to the participants. It is safe with the Herald. Editors don't get rich—not in South Georgia, any how. NOTICE. An Ordinance to prohibit the Blowing of Mrs. W. H. Dixson and children re turned WcdnejMlay from a two week* visit to Savannah. Master Hugh re mained at home, however, to help get out the Herald. Engine Whistles unnecessarily long or loud within the corporate limit* or Waycross, Ga. • Be it ordained by the Mayor and Council ! assembled, that from and after the passage i of this ordinance, it shall Ire unlawful for any Locomotive Engineer, or an Engineer of Stationary Engines, or other person or persons, to blow' the whistle of an engine unnecessarily loud-or long.-within the cor porate limits of the city of waycross. And lor a violation of this ordinance the offender -shall be fined not more than Fifty Dollars, or imprisoned at labor fora term of not more than thirty days. By order of Council. W. D. Hamilton, Clerk. May .24th, 1892. S. F. MILLER. Sheriff Ware County. As the paper goes Jo press, the pic nickers are having a jolly time at John son* Park. The editor* picnic “pic” is of a different character. / W. J. Smith will sell you a pat Oxford Tie for 85 cent*, and giv< new pair for every one that rips. SHERIFF’S SALE. GEORGIA. Ware Coi xty. Will Ire sold on the first Tuesday in June next at the court house door in said county within the legal hotirs of sale to the highest bidder for cash, the following property, to Two certain gray mares, one being about eight years old, aniT the other about nine years old. One oTsaid horses named Maud and the one last described named Fanny. And also one lightning rod wagon, levied on to satisfy a mortgage execution issued from the Superior Court of Ware county in favor of R. C. Cannon against C. W. Dedge., Levied on as the property of C. W. Dedge. This April 28th. 1892. S. F. MILLER, apr30-tds Sheriff Ware County, LATEST STYLES. Mr. I jmicr believe* in advertising in hard time*. We are glad to learn that liis recent extensive advertising in the Herald is already bringing him re turns in orders from Boston, Baxley and two other towns where the Herald cir culates. A Card. ~ , Having boon informed that there are many ladies who say that they have asked ns to change their old style trunks to the roller-tray, aud that we have refused to accommodate them, we beg to say that we would like very much to oblige them, hut wc cannot make the change with credit to ourselves, the- Hotter-Tray trunks being made in every way superior to the ordinary trunk. Very respectfully, . H. W. Rountree A Bro. Richmond, 1<I. It The Seventh Annual (Commencement of the Ware*boro High school takes place on June 3d. NEWS FOR THE LADIES. Mrs. M. P. Tennont A Co. have taken the agency for "the world renowned Hewing Machines,” guaranteed best and most durable < and see^ them.^get ov - specially low nrices cordially invited to visit the new and elegantly appointed Store of ‘Domestic to l*e the „.... the market. Call .... ™ wm, B v> ..... prices and terms. For the next 30 days we will also offer pccislly lew trices on all millinery goods, idies and chfldren’s bats Ac. MRS. 51, P. TENNENT A CO.. Owens Block, Waycross, Ga. Two doors from Brad Watson A Co’s, wading Dry Goods House. 14-2t - Who are "going to (’amp Wnycrow about the lath of June? Please send in you* names to the Herald. If the Hegira is big enough we will send our society editor to St. Simons to take notes during the season. On Tuesday the 24th of May, Camp Xorthen, the permanent encampment grounds of the military companies of Georgia, was formally taken possession of by the State. The ceremony of presenta tion and acceptance, and the review of the troupes were witnessed by 10,000 people. Friday morning, about nine o’clock, the blowing of the Satilla Manufactur ing Company’s whistle, taken up by the various engines in the “yards,” an nounced a fire, which was soon located in “Old Nine.” It originated in the dwelling of Mr. Peach, foreman in the 8.F.A W. Railway blacksmith shops. This building was burned to the ground, and Mr. W. H. Sim?’ house adjoining was badly injured. The water works of the Satilla Manufacturing Company saved a general conflagration. The Chemical Engine, though tardy in arri val, did effective work in subduing the Now open in the Owens Block, just opposite the depot, Waycross, Ga. You will find it fitted up exclusively for Millinery and Dress Making. Our .Stock embraces everything needed to make a Summer Hat Stylish and beautiful. Special attention’ is invited to the entirely new and faultless French System of Cutting and Fitting. Courteous attention and entire satisfaction will be given to you and your friends. NOTICE. having demands against the All persoi-.......^ estate of A. R. Phillips, late of Ware county, deceased, are hereby notified to render in their demands to the undersigned, accord ing to law, and all persons indebted to said estate are required to make immediate pay ment. This May 2, 1892. JAMES M. SWEAT, 4t Administrator A. R. Phillips, deceased. FOR RENT. A two-story brick building, 10 rooms and ! stores, suitable for hotel or merchandise mrposes. Apply to D. B. ENGLISH. J. R. Knight can sell you Piano cheaper than you can York or Savannah. And that’ the matter with Hannah. an Organ or lmy in New i just what.* *cp!9tf Mrs. M. P. Tennent & Co. Owens Block, City Tax Notice. The books for the receiving of the City Tax returns for the current year will close on the 15th day of;June next. Those who fail to make their returns by that time will be DOUBLE TAXED. Tire books for the collection of the City Taxes will be opened on Monday, June 27th, next, at mj ""cc corner of Parker and Eliz abeth streets, daily, from 8 o’clock -a. m. to 12 o’clock m., until further notice. By order of Council. W. F. PARKER. City Tax Assessor and Collector, Waycross Ga., May 20,1892. Keep this Notice. iny21-4t Tire ladies always come style*. Brad Watson A Co. Waycross, Ga. Two Doors from Brad Watson & Co’s Leading Dry Goods Store the matter with the weather clerk! Fires in May, * in the sunny South, ami rumor* of snow and ice in the Xorthen .States. The thermometer registered 38° Sunday night in Way- crow*. NOTICE Ordered and ordained by the City Council >f Waycross, that the city ordinance pro- Hibiting soliciting patronage for hotels, on the platforms, tracks, cars or between the tracks of the railroads in Waycross, be so imended as to embrace within its scope and meaning all persons soliciting patronage or ‘drumming for boarding booses in Way- Extract from Council proceedings of May As an encouragemet to those of our advertisers who are resolved to continue with us during the dull season, we have decided to send out 400 extra copies every week. We intend that the Her ald’s advertisers shall do the business this summer. mrStf Watson* 10th. 1892. ’ *" ' 0 " Published by order of the (Sty"Council. This May 28th, 1SWJ, W, D. HAMILTON, 21 Clerk. Salesmen.—Energetic men wanted. Free prepaid outfit One of our agents has earned over $20,000 in five years- P. O. Box 1371, New York, may 28-It. GEORGIA—Wax* Cocxtt. To nil whom it may concern: Am Hilliard having, in proper form, t.pp me for permanent letters of adminisl on the estate of D. B. Hilliard, late < county. This is to cite all and tingn creditors and next of kin of D. B. H to be and appear at my office on tl Monday in June to show cause, if an can, why permanent administration i not be granted as applied for. Witne band and official signature, tins May • WARREN LOI May 7-4t Ordii Out citizens will enjoy the bright letter from our soldier boys. The young ladies gave them a good send off Mon day night, from the Armory, and a large crowd gathered at the depot, with music and hearty cheers, to see them on their way to the encampment, where they will not be the Waycroas Rifles if they do not reflect credit on themselves, and dis tinction to the Magic City that feels the utmost pride in them and their already enviable record. Tire New York World has (bond Way- cross out and writes the Herald to secure them a correspondent from our little city. This is an opportunity for some one to work up Wayccom for all she 1* worth. Next Door to the north of Lanier & Youmans, Mr. Whelpley, of the Waycross Rifles, returned from the encampment Friday morning, greatly* enthused over the fine position taken by our boy*. He say* it is honor enough to be a Waycross Rifle man in Griffin now. Mr. Whelpley re gretted being compelled by his duties as ticket agent here, to leave the camp, but they still have 27 enrolled. Where, with hia He is supplying the public at Lowest Prices. and be satisfied. W- P. 1 Wi litre f letter from Ebie and one from Glnunore. which we will make room for next week. We are glad to hear from the towns in which the Her ald circulate*, and hope soon to enlarge the. paper to gire them a better repre sentation. Coming Home From Wealejan. This is the season of “sweet girl grad uates” and Waycross will soon have one of her charming young ladies hock from Wesleyan “for keeps” as the boys say. (’apt. L Johnson and Mrs. Branham go to Macon next week to attend the commencement exercise*, and bring Mis* Lola liome, the proud possessor of a ‘‘sheep-skin.” We congratulate Mias Lola on this richly deserved .reward of several years of diligent study at Wes leyan, and Capt. and Mrs. Johnson on the pleasure of having their daughter home again. See the offer of Cheap Sub urban Lauds in the Adver tising Columns of this paper. A rare chance to secure a nice home. enable you to render tEnSSt order of service to your clients.”—Benj Battenrorth, ex-Comm&i inner of Patents. , „ . “Your good work and faithfulness have many times been spoken ot to me.”—M. V. Montgomery. ex-Oommissioner of patents. “I advise my friends and clients to corres pond with him in patent matters.”—Schuy ler Duryee, ex-Chief Clerk or Patent Office. Address, BENJ. R CATUN, Atlantic BaBding. Mention this paper. Washington D. C. The Waycroas Headlight excursion to Jacksonville and Pablo Beach, on Jure 17th will afford every one a delightful day at the Beach and ample time to see Jacksonville, as you can go on Friday and return Saturday, or you can go and return on Friday. The fare, round trip, to Jacksonville is $1.23, with only 50 cents included if yon go to Pioblo Beach. Train leaves ai&15a.m, Be on time! Waycross, Ga., July 4-tf. GEORGIA, Chaeltos Cocmr.— To all whom it may concern: Julia Ga- redo, guardian for her minor child, Bertha AARON Clever Willis Moore will take the place of Roadmaster on tire Savannah, Americas and Montgomery Railway, on the 30th of the present month. He has held a place on the 8. F. A W. Railway for many years, and he has scores of friends along the line of the road. May good luck and promotion attend him in his new place.—ThomasviHe News. The Herald rejoices in Mr. Moore’s promotion, but feels, with other friends and the citizens generally, that in the departure of Mr. and Mrs. Moore, Way- croas suffers a In** that would Ire difficult to fill. f to toff back, leaving the 3 TRUNK Nothing to break or get out of order. The 2 I Tray can be lifted oot if detired. and to buy •_> 1 this style is a guarantee that yen will get the g strongest Trunk made. 2 I If your Dealer cannot furnish you, notify the •> manufacturers, g H. W. ROUNTREE L, BRO., Richaread, Vo. | TheB. A W. R. R. 'will make a special rate or $1.25 for adults and 75 cents for children, from Waycrns* to Simons Island and return for Sunday \I*.- i - ... OF NEW YORK. CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED.