The Waycross herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 18??-1893, June 25, 1892, Image 4

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Article Guaranteed man, the doctrine of the fatherhood of God and the universal brotherhood of man. This means purity in politic*, pu rity in church, purity in our laws and above all. purity in our home*. Not that our home* are not nure now, not that our land is not now full of right eous men and women, but that it will bring to every department of life more purity, it will drive out that spirit of in tolerance and persecution that has al- ways opposed every step in human prog ress since history began. That spirit that Reveled in martyrs blood In olden time* wKiU alive to-day, but it has changed its manner at attack and now instead of canning blood te flow in rivers of gore it jgjttka character with falsehood and g|§^^^to^atiwr.4. The Alliance ha- a h UIh’ £.30. WJ.OO «nd f 1.73 Am SSki ar»tb*b««tfln*PongPta. «ylUh sad dnrsJ CuiIm.-6m »a*t w. L Dwlu' U1M < fries sr« ataxapedoatbe bottom ufcachtbo*. m-TAKE KO gpMTITl'Tt^i Inmti on lorsl sd^mlard dealer* •nppljriujw V. 1~ INH/tiUS Urockln, Ma»». Sold FOR SALE BY Wonderful The cures which are lteing effectedby Drs. Starkey A Palcn.l.’>29 An h St..Philadelphia l*a„ in <V>tL«amptfcm. Catarrh. Neuralgia Bronchith*. Rheumatism, and all chronic disca-cr*. hr their Compound Oxygen Treat ment. are indeed marvelous. If you are a sufferer from any disease which your physician lias failed to cure, write fur information about this treatment, an.! tlu-ir book of 200 pages, giving a history of Compound Oxygen, its nature and effects, with numerous testimonials from patients, to whom you may refer for still farther in formation. will be promptly sent, without charge. This book, aside from its great merit as a medical work, giving, as it does, the result of years of study and experience, you will find a very interesting one. Drs. STARKEY &PALEN, ISD Airh SL. PhiUddpIua. P«. 130 Sntt«- St. S.n PranciMV. Cht Pkue mention tlm paper. >pf3Mm H AVING added all necessary Machinery to our shop, we are now prepared to do all hinds of casting, repairing and general work on Locomotives. We also carry in stock Stationary and Saw Mills, Piping, Belting, Pulleys, Hangers and Brass Cocksof all kinds. We make a specialty of AVLLLIt CONVENIENT TRUNK rn iv EVER DEVISED. I I\AI The Tray is arranged rnnmn/ to roll back, leaving the rRUNK ^3^ Tmok Nothing to break or get out of order. The ‘ray can be lifted out If desired, and to buy us style b a guarantee that you will get the longest Trunk made. If your Dealer cannot furnish you, notify the has ever yet perceived, and church and State, and borne and hearts will purer be where it baa done its work, and when it dies the world will die and time will be Syrup Mills and Kettles. Bndinfi, dull Wire county be one of tbe dr.d branehm that will hare to b.cutoffoflhe Alliance tree? Domot ALL WORK GUARANTEED, be convinced.' FARM AND ALLIANCE. E. H. CRAWLEY, Sr. This department is devoted to the interests of the Farmers Alliance and rural affairs. The opinion* expressed may not in some in stance conform to the view* oftho Hsnau. Tb* Alliance l* a substantial and apparently enduring Institution, which b doe the care- fa! consideration of all thoughtful men. rnesville. N ahun ta. Hoboken.. . SchlattervilU WAYCROJW Waresboro.. Millwood. .McDonald!.! .Pearson. <nc::::.:iau m film W all M 3.V-U 3>sl2 13] . Wesitonia. WiU&oooch .Tifton. ^Isabella. T. B. Voiton. Itr.Ulmt; H. C. Willtom*. Vk-1'r^id.nt: 1. J. Wilkimon. : J O. Clough, Treasurer; Rev. Thompson, Chaplain; W. V. Hamilton. Lecturer; H. L. Bishop, Assistant Lecturer; M. J. Mock. Door Keeper; D. Todd. Assistant Door Keeper; H. F. Miller. Sergeant-at-arms. Poit office Waycroe*. H. C.Williams, President; S. I* Bishop. Vice-President; .F. H.C. Johns. HecreUry; J. <J. Clough, Treasurer; J. M. Freeman; Chaplain; M. J. Mock. Door Keeper: C. !>.. Todd, Assistant Door Keeper; T. It. Morton, Isetarer. WaycroM Sub-Alliance meets in Vtay- ,TO>m the 4th Saturday in each month "* *" o'clock, a.m. The Satilla Alliance meets semi-monthly on the Saturday before the second ar, * fourth Sunday in each month. J. J. Davis. O. F. Bsoxto*. Secretary. President. Has he indeed ceased to be, and will his burning words of eloquent patriot ism never more be heard in all the land 7 Ah, yes! Col. Polk is dead! He has gone into that long dreamless sleep from which no one has ever yet awakened to tell the world how full of rest it is. From the humble cabin in the sunny South land, where dwells licneath the murmur ing pines or sighing hemlocks, the crip pled veteran who wore the gray and fought beneath the stars and bars for what lie thought was right and just, there comes a mournful sigh and falls an honest tear, while far nway toward the western sun on fertile plain or rocky mountain side, where dwells the maimed Yankee boy who wore the blue and fought lieucath the stars and stripes to preserve the glorious union of the .States, a bead is bowed in grief as if a corjwe of his own flesh and blood lay in his hum ble home. These foes who once, with dauntless courage stood before the deadly cannon’s mouth and fought each other fearlessly with fires of bitter hatred burning, and heartless enmity, are now bowed down beueatli a common grief before the bier of their matchless chieftain. Others have done much to wipe out the bitter hatred between the victorious North and dauntless South, and in his life departed l*re»ident has done a noble part, but it is in death that he has ac complished most, Wfause in life v< loved him so, ami now, with a common grief we bow as mourners of one family and realize as never before that brothers. Yea, true it is that the last great change has come and laid our chieftain low, but like the “old independence bell” that first tolled forth the glad re frain of freedom for our nation, though broken now and silent too, “yet the spirit it awakened still lives forever young.” And so with Folk, though laid to rest, yet in our hearts he live#, and living there forevermore he will lead on to victory and the principle* that he taught us all to love so well shall tri umph over plutocratic rule, and rich and poor, and high and low, shall driuk alike at Freedom,s spring and ever bless the man who taught us how to love and not to hate. S. L. Bishop. Way cross, (la., June 12th, 1892. Political parties may rise and fall, great syndicate* may organize and con trol legislation in the future as they have done in the past. Financial erbeis may bring wreck and ruin to the busi- ness interest* of the entire country, but the Alliance must and will live on and grow and prosper through it all. Per sonal difficulties or other local causes may cause sub-Alliancea or county Alli ance* to grow discouraged anti disband, but the great order will not stop to tuourn because some of her weak branches have not the courage and love of truth to keep up with her onward march. The Alliance will always live, because her principles are founded upon the eternal rock of justice. They mean for the world a fuller realization than it haa yet dreamed of, of the doctrine taught by the lowly Nazarene—the doc trine r* ~ •* ’ *" ‘ think that because yon have had local disputes and the interest bar grown cold in this little corner of the country that the order is going to disband just be cause you have quit it. If any one thinks that, his egotism is certainly equal to that of the ancient kings who thought themselves were God. The Alliance is eternal because it is founded upon truth, and a house built upon a rock cannot fall. If you have believed the slanders and lies of the enemy about our noble order, or have fallen away because some one has told you that some brother dif fered from you in politics, you should re pent in sackcloth and ashes and beg on your knees to be taken back, for if you stay away you are the looser and not the Alliauce. The world will still move on when you are dead, whether you think so or not, and if you l>ackslide from the Alliance it will not miss you much more than your death will stop the world from moving. It is an honor to you that you are counted worthy of admission into the order ami not an honor to the Alliance that you condescended to join it and then because some enemy told you a pack of falsehoods and you back slid. — st us have a grand reunion ou the fourth of July. I^et us come together and talk over our differences as brethren should and build the Alliance up and strengthen it on every hand. Kcmemlier that our noble order is still the only thing that is between our homes and slavery, and we of Ware county cannot afford to let the cause decline. The Al liance can get along without us. In cannot afford to do without it. BRUNSW i 1 [CK AND WESTERN RAILWAY. Time Table. In Effect April 24th, 1892. [Subject to Change Without Notice.] From Brunswick to Albany. From Albany to Brunswick. Mad downwabo. mad vpw vkd The coming quarterly meeting of the Alliance will be the most important one of the entire year. Let there Ik? a full representation from all over the county. The Ware county meeting has l*een ap- I>ointed for July the fourth, and it is hoped that no sub in the county will fail to be represented. Remember that tin Alliance lias not and cau not become i l»olitica] party, and whether you are i Democrat, a Republican or People': party man you have just as much right in the Alliance as you ever had. 1^ its stick to our beloved order and our sj cred principles no difference how widely we mav differ in methods. Brethren, remember your obligati and do not fall out with one auotber be cause you cannot agree on political par ties. Remember that we are brethren and should treat each other with perfect fairness, and above all things we should never condemn any brother, no differ ence who he is or where he comes from, without a fair ami impartial hearing. We accord this just right to the meanest criminal; then ui>oii what grounds c we justify ourselves if we condemn < brother without even giving him chance to explain his poaition 1 The Waycross suh-AUiance will meet on Saturday the 25th. Let there be a full attendance on that day, as it i day for the election of officers foi coming Alliance year, and also for the appointment of delegates to the next county meeting on July the 4th. Delinquent members of the order who wish to be reinstated should notify the Secretary of the sub where they last be longed so that the matter can be brought before the coming June meeting, should l»e remembered that under the new rulings all delinquent members must receive a two-thirds vote of all the members present at any regular meeting of the Alliance before they can be re ceived back into, the order in good standing. Why Th* American Cultivator Think* That Ute Thrashing X* Safest. The advent of horse power and steam thrashing machines haa nearly every where been signalized by increasing ear- linesa in getting grain out of the straw. Why fanners who are in no hurry to •ell should want to thrash directly after harvest haa always been a puzzle to ns. We suspect it is not the farmers who are hurried. It is the army of traveling thrashing machine owners, each in search of a job. When they get one it is a signal for all the farmers in the neighborhood to follow. As the owner of the machine seductively puts the case, "he may not be around again until ▼ery late. It is better to thrash while f * 1 Ill any other city in Georgia, and at as low rates. We Use The Best ot Stock. Anything in the Printing Line VI4IT1NC CARD TO A POSTER neatly ana at City Prices. Don’t send out of town to have your Wedding Invita tions engraved, we can print them right here and save you expense. ComiKiai Printing a‘ No. 3. No. 1. Daily Daily STATIONS. No. 2. No. 4. Dailv j Daily Ip. m. a. m. >s 7 45* 7 20 Brunswick P. M.1A. M. sit 50»7S !”!!!!!! Furniture, Stoves, Dry Goods, Notions, ALSO A -"Mn.ETK LINK OF SHOES, HATS, CROCKERY AND HARDWARE. .» I dfsin- to K»v,- tho people the benefit of my cash all Furniture ami -will be solrl low <lon n for cash. Parties doeiring to purchase these prods o well to state that they intend to pay cash, so as to prt the benefit of C«»h Court lloiiMC £i<iua i*e. J. A. McDuffie, . Pass. Agent. P.W. Angier, A. G. I*.; Geo. W. Haines .Supcrintenden Try Tile HERALD OFFICE Fine Jon Printing. Buy THE ALPINE SAFE «... And Save .Money. The Cheapest on the Market J. II. DEEX, General Agent, jne n-im BAXLEY, GEORGIA. SUBURBAN LANDS. Just West of and adjoining the City and S. P. & W. Railway. ANYONE Can get a HOME LOT OR SMALL FARM. ONLY ONE DOLLAR PER MONTH ITntil August 1st I will offer a choice of locations to those applying. 1000 Acres Laid Out in Lots, Blocks and Streets. Size of Lots from % Acre to One Acre. Farm BlocRs from 7 to 14 Aoros. Western Furniture Co. BABY ENJOYS SOLD C0HF0BT HT “PATENT PALACE SLEZTINQ COACH.” Installment Plan, For Special Pricks Cash. HERSCHK0VITZ BROTHERS. AN INTERESTING EVENT Five Dollars cash and one dollar per month for twenty-five months, or $25 cash, will pay for one lot or one acre. Waycross has grown nearly 700 per cent, in ten years, and is now growing despite hard times. A like increase for the next ten years will increase the value of this land 1000 per cent. Two factories will be located on this laud at no distant day. For a small Truck or Fruit Farm, or for growing Tobacco, this land is unsurpassed in this locality. If you want the land cleared, fenced and planted, ill fruit a contract cau Ire made at lowest terms. Remember this offer is good only to August 1 st. Prices will be advanced after that date. Apply at Herald Office from 9 to 12 a. m. THE SECRET < )Fsi (:ci-:ss i x fruitgik >w i n« istou kt Good Fruit Trees from Reliable Dealers. |THE CHEROKEEE PARfyl AND NURSERIES, Have a Half a Million of the best Pear, Peach, Plum, Japanese Persimmon, Apple and a hundred other kinds of trees and plants at the lowest prices. Write them for cata logue and price list. oct3i-iy R. B. KEENE, Plumbing, Gas Fitting, TIN. SHEET IRON AND COPPER WORK. STEAM FITTING A SPECIALTY. TIN ROOFING AND JOB WORK. DEALER IN Piimp,s, I’ipe, S*Steju»», (in* stud Water Fitting. Wells Driven at Short Notice, and Every Well GUARANTEED. Plant Avenue, Near Canal Waycross, Georgia. NEW STORE. New Goods. We are opening up the best selected| stock of Hours, Sugars, Meats, l-’erris Meats, Can Goods, Coffees. Teas, Pice. Hams, Breakfast Bacon, and everything First Class firocery Store.jJ. V. NORTON, DRY GOODS, SHOES AND HATSL The Largest Stock in this Marked LADIES SLIPPERS & HOS<By ABE SPECIALTIES. Call and Examine the Dress Goods Department. fi b “7-31.1 At Price* never before named in Wa our goods and get our price*. Open to the Public. TERMS SPOT CASH. Credit. We Don’t Keep It. : Prices Paid for Country Prodnce. Eespectfully, ’ & BENNETT, “ **’ — V ' raay-i ,tf GILLON & HUDSON, FOUNDERS AND MACHINISTS, (WAYCROSS IRON WORKS,) Waycross, .... Georgia,