The Waycross herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 18??-1893, November 19, 1892, Image 2

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HERALD PUBLISHING COMPANY. the Herald CHRe* every Saturday at flam Amur. Waycroaa. Ca. Subscription $1.00 per annum. IBagttnwHS GOTra,OR PEOCtA - As the year draws to a close and the fruit of our toil is gathered, it is fit and right that, as a people who should make acknowledgement of our gratitude to Him from whom all blessings flow. Therefor, In conformity with the pro clamation of the President of the United States, I, W. J. Northen, governor of the State, do appoint Thursday, 2-1/A of Xoranber instant, A* a day of thanksgiving and praise, and I earnestly recommend to all people of this State on that day to turn aside from their accustomed employment and their homes unite in reverent thanks giving to Almighty God for the evidences of His favor, as abundantly vouched to them during the past year. Given under my hand the seal of the executive department, in the capitol in Atlanta, on the 12th day of November, A. I)., 1892. By the governor. \V. J. Northed, Governor. J. \V. Warren*, Sec. Ex. Dep’t. J. 8. SHARP* Lessee and Manager. D. B. SWEAT, ARtat C«rmpoad(«t. HIiImii an coaMumkationa aad remittance* to THE HERALD- ... Oar authorized fepreaetttttive* will be provided witk proper credential* defeiag their authority, duly ^ahlicatioa mutt bear the name •Tlba writer. Purely pervert*! taken only a* advcrtUinc ntatt/i T^naanicati SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 19. 1892. t inter: ion mart be i LEAVE IT WITH GROVER. The democratic press all over the country stre discussing, anti must of them insisting, upon an extra session of con gress. The argument it seems to pre ponderate in favor ot an extra session. But whilst the democratic party isliound to a fibril relief ns speedily sis jxissible, would it not bo U-ttor tc regular assembling of the new congress in I>ecenilK*r, 1893, the claim that this would jH**t| any revision of the rob ber biri/T until June, 1894, j.s inrorrect, in view of the fni-t that the ways and means committee upon whom the prepa ration of a new schedule will devolve, can by special apjxiictinent, prepare a hill ready to introduce when congress assembles in 1893. With flic present depleted condition of the treasury would In* ns unfair as it is ini]>os*ih]c expect the new administrate government machinery, supply the tie mantis imposed hv the retiring party, and nitslify customs inrome Itefbre it had time to lop off and dam up some of the tlrains from the national treasury. FRUITS OF VICTORY. The election is over, the returns are in, the officiid count made up, giving a democratic president, a dein«HV:»tie house, and a democratic senate. With a demo cratic people to suppoit them we may reasonably expect to enter upon an era of prosperity. With Harrison out. Me-, Kinlev out, Reed out, I^ulge out, Da venport out, Tom Watson out. Force hill out, and a power Itch inti tin* throne to turn all the rascals out, it remains for Grover Cleveland and the next congress to releivc the people of the burdens of a robber tariff. There are some who are clamoring for an extra session of con gress, claiming that the result in the re cent election is a demand from the peo ple for a speedy revision of the McKin ley tarili'law. That the people need re lief and will expect it to be provided with reasonable dispatch, no one ques tion*. _ f MUST STOP qUICK. A call will be issued very soou for, a meeting of the House committee of ap propriation* at noon on Monday, Novem ber 28. This will give the committee aliout u week in which to prepare of the regular annual appropriation bills for the action of congress when it meets for the second session. It is the purpose to push rapidly all of these measure* for the maintenance of the government next year, and as the treasury department has promised to sub mit estimates for the District of Colum bia, pension and fort ii teat ion appropria tion bills by November 28, there seems to he no good reason why the House should not have one at least of these ap propriation bills ready for its action as si ton ns it meets. The exceedingly heavy payments made hv the treasury department during the first quarter of the present fiscal year have caused some dismay among mem bers of the appropriations committee. For Hie first four months of tlie year these )»ayuicnts have exceeded by 818,- 000,000 the expenditures for the corre- *]M>nding |>crii*d in the preceding fiscal year, which means a total increase for the present year of 848,000,01»0, while the appropriations tor the year are only $12,000,000 greater than the appropria tions for last year. In plain English, that means, if the estimates of the com mittee hold good, a deficiency on ac count of ]H-usions of thirty-six million dollar-, which will have to be met by congress at the next session, in addition to an appropriation for pensions for the next fiscal year of certainly not less than one hundred and fifty million dollars. S$o that the total appropriation that con gress must make for pensions next ses sion will aggregate not less than one hundied and eighty-six million dollars. With this enormous sum added to the other appropriations necessary to carry on the government, and decreased im portations (and consequently receipts) expected as the result of the agitation of the tariff question, it will be seen that the appropriation* committee ha* good reason to feel dismayed at the outlook and to doubt their ability to prevent a deficiency in national account*. GRAND JURY PRESENTMENTS. We the Grand Jurors, chosen, selected anti sworn to serve at the present term of the court resj»octfully submit the follow ing general presentments. We recommend that a bridge be built across Aligator creek on the public road leading from Wavcross to Glenmore. We recommend that Kittle creek bridge betveen this place and Waiter- town lie repaired. We call the attention of the county commissioners to the slough between this place and the .Satilla river bridge on the road loading from Wavcross to Black- slicar ami recommend it to he attended to at the earliest convenience. We recommend that J. E. Byrd be the } appointed notary public for the 1490th REPORT OF CITY OFFICERS. To the Mayor and Aldermen CUy of Way-' Waycross, 6, 7, 1892, Gentlemen; We find outstanding unpaid warrants at end of first quarter $4,552.18. The attached reports check up correct except a difference of $1 between die clerk and treasurer, which clerk will correct In next report. We again recommend very close and wise economy for balance of year, such economy as is consistent with good gov ernment. Respectfully Ac., W. W. Sharp. Chairman F. C. Report of Warren Lott, city treasurer for the first quarter of the year 1892. GE5ESAL FUND. Dr. v To cash received from J. P. Cason, marshal,..! $1,546 27 To cash received from W. D. Hamilton, clerk 915 72 To cash received from J. L. Sweat, attorney, 15 00 To cash borrowed from bank, 2,000 00 To cash borrowed from inter est fund, 500 00 To amount overpaid, 87 70 To amount due for garbage for 1891, To amount due for garbage for 1892...... To amount doe for fines, first quaater, 1892, appeal case of E. B. Goodrich, Respectfully submitted, J. P. Cason, City Marshal. $5,064 69 Ck. By amount overpaid at last report, 1,036 12 Bv voucher* herewith, 4,028 57 CEMETERY FITXP. By amount overpaid last rc port, By voucher herewith By cash on hand, G. M. distri intend that A. A. Tuten be ap]M>inted notary public of the 1030th G. M. district. A’e recommend that I). J. Blackshear roapj»oiiited county commissioner. A’e recommend that Archibald Sam uel* be appointed chaplain of the Wal- We have examined the public hnild- [I* ami find them in a neat and sub stantial condition. Wc find that the public road leading mi the Cason bridge known as the Coffee road in the 1372d district to be in bad condition-and we recommend that it lx* worked on at once. We have through our book committee examined the iiook* of our several jus tices of the peace and notary public* ami found them neat and correctly kept, We also find our county officer* are all under good and suiiicien! bonds. We have examined our county treas urer’s book anti find it to Ik* correctly j kept. We recommend that in tbe future the county officers present their books to the county commissioner* lor examination before the setting of each session of the Wc have examined the sheriff’s books and found them neatly and correctly kept. W c also found our county clerk’s books correct and kept in very neat style. We have found our ordinary's books corrcetly and neatly kept. In taking leave of his honor Judge J. L. Sweat, wc desire to tender him our sincere thanks for the able and deliber ate manner in which he has presided over our court at the present term. We respectfully tender our thanks to Hon. W. G. Brantley, our solicitor, for the prompt discharge of his business and services rendered our ImhIv at the present term of the court. We recommend that these present ments be published in the official organ of the county. Foreman, Thomas K. l.anier, Simon 'P. Jeffords, Randal D. Cason, Edward M. Cribb, Arthur Gillis, Christopher C. Grace, Jno. A. Thompson, David R. Walker, Jeremiah K. Daniels, Willoby II. Cason, Henry L Herring, Alvin H. Liles, William ll. Mallun, Miledge M. Woodard, Jaa. A. Cason, Juo. W. Million, Banner H. Thomas, Jno. M. Spence, Sr., Daniel Smith, Staten Douglass, Henry J. Thompson, Andrew M. Brett, Randal J. MeQuaig. Novemlzer Term, 1892. The foiegoing general presentments of the grand jury are ordered filed and spread on the minutes of tbe clerk. In pursuance of the recommendation of the said grand jury, it i* further or dered that the said general presentments be published in the official organ of Ware county and that the county treasurer pay for the same. In open court this Nov. 11th, 1892. J. L.Sweat, J.S. C. 1LC. Recorded pages 162 to 165. Filed in office November llth, 1892. W. M. Wilson, Clerk. SIN KING EUXI*. Dr. To tax collected 1890, To tax collected 1891, INTEREST Eirxn. Samples Free. By loan W. W. Com’rs. (1890) 1,650 00 By loan W. W. Com’rs. (1891) 1,373 80 By loan General Fund, (1891) 500 00 By cash on hand 817 29 $4,340 59 To Mr. \V. IF. Sharpe, Chairman hin nitty: Clerks report first quarter 1892 Mr. J. W. Turner, of Appling county, gathered from one acre of land this year 85) bushels of coru, besides nearly 1000 pounds of fodder. He was a member of club of thirteen who agreed that each member should give the man raising the best yield of corn, a bushel. Mr. Turner led off with 85) bushel*. Mr. Allen Johnson came next with 70), and Mi. Turner’s acre will net him, counting his prize of 13 bushels, nearly 100 bush els. Good yield, but Georgia is calcu lated to produce a fine crop if properly cultivated. A X*w Circuit. Hon. E. D. Graham, the handsome representative of Appling county, in the city Tuesday. Mr. Uraham has just introduced a bill in the legislature to create and organize a new judicial cir cuit to be called the Altamuha circuit. It will include Montgomery, Telfair, Dodge, Appling, Coffee aud Irwin coun ties. Mr. Graham is one of the rising legal lights in southeast Georgia, aud should the AHamaha circuit be formed, no bet ter man can be found in that territory forejudge ot the new circuit. He i* capa ble and would fill the position with cre dit to himself and give satisfaction to the people. Deserving Prat**. _____ We desire to say to our citizens, that ' Thev’tllt for years we have been selling Dr. King’s new discovery for consumption, l)r.’ King’s New Life Pills, Bucklcn’s Arnica Salve and Electric Bitters, and have never handled remedies that sell a* well, or that have given such universal satis faction. We do not hesitate to guaran tee them every time, and we stand ready to refund the purchase price, if satisfactory results do not follow their use. These remedies have won their great popularity purely on their merits. For sale by A. B. McWhorter & Co., E. B. Goodrich, and B. J. .Smith’s drug stores. Mr. J. M. Smith called Friday morn ing and secured a copy of the Hkrai.p for one vear. A Cute for Twenty Cents. Any remedy sold at one dollar a bot tle which claims to cure rheumatism, is simply an imposition, for when all ex penses are deducted it leaves not more than twenty cents to represent the medi cine. Dr. Drummond’s Lightning Rem edy, which is performing such wonder ful cures that it is being prescribed by the medical faculty everywhere, is com pounded at great expense from rare drugs and cannot be sold for less than Five Dollars a bottle. . But it always cures. Sent prepaid to any address on receipt of price. Drummond Medicine Co., 48- 50 Maiden Lane, New York. Agent* wanted. Ladles are Unfortunate. Because the higher they rise in society the weaker they find themselves bodily. Risley's Philotoken controls the nerves, aids nature in various functions, and thus combat* with the many ills of womankind success fully. If your druggist has not got it he will order it for you for $1 a bottle, from Chas. F. Risley, Wholesale Druggist, 62 The Only On* Ertr Printwl—C.n Yon Find the Ward! There is a S-inch display advertisement in this paper, this week, which has no two words alike except one word. The same i* true of each new one appearing each week, from the Dr. Harter Medicine Co. This house places a “Crescent” on everything they make and publish. Look for it. send them the name of the word, and they will return you Book, Beantiful Lithograph: PETITION. GEORGIA, Ware Comity: To the Superior Court of Said C The petition of C. C. Grace. W. W. Beach. L. Johnson, G. W. Deen, A. Sessoms anti 1’ F. Grace shows that their object is to do a extensive business as dealer* in dry goods, notions, boots, shoes, hats, gents furnishing goods, clothing, hardware, groceries and other articles of merchandise. That to p erly effect this object, they should have, they petition for perpetual succession, and other corporate rights and powers; that they have associated themselves under the name of the C. C. Grace Company, for the purpose of carrying on the particular business afore said, as a corporation ; that the amount the capital stock to be employed by them twenty thousand dollars (820,000) to be net ally paid in. or such portion thereof as ini. be necessary, the said stock being divided Philotoken. Dr Jouu Hull’* Worm Destroyer iste good and quickly remove worms from lildren or grown people, restoring the eak and puny to robust health. Try them. No other worm medicine is so safe and sure. Price 25 cents at drug stores, or sent by mail by John D. Park A Sons Co., 175 and 177 Sycamore St., Cincinnati. O. dcc5-ly Chamberlain’s Eye an^Skin^ Ointment A certain cure for Chronic Soro Eyes, Tetter, Salt Rheum, Scald Head,' Old Chronic Sores, Fever Sores, Eczema, - Itch, Prairie Scratches, Sore Nipples and Piles. It is cooling and soothing. Hundreds of cases have been cured by it after all other treatment had failed. It i* put up in 25 and 50 cent boxen. For sale at the Cash Drug Store. LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS. WARE COVNTY. Ware County Administrator’s Sale. between the usual hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in December next, the following property, to-wit: All the timber suitable for saw-mill and turpentine purposes (with plantation timber reserved), on the follow ing tracts or parcels of land in the 5th dis trict of said county, viz: 200 acres, more or less, of lot No. 251. I*eing all of said lot, a certain l 245 acres. t half of lot No. 252. it being ‘ ' >t lying west of a cer- througii said land. 15 n the north portion of ish. ThisOctoU' Ada thin, dot 0th, 1892 David J f the estate t if Kantlal Jor- > any amount r ... hundred dollar? » increase the capital s . They therefore, pray tli their associates and successor* ma. corporated for the period oforesai the name of the “C. ('. Grace Coi with all the rights, power* ami p authorized l>y law. including the purchasing, taking, holding and u the expiration of thn *’ ‘ luy am v Win d. unde: iipnny,’ „ __ . . purpose c . organization, either in theconduot < their business or for securing any ii ness to the corporation, and the sai ienate. or otherwise dispose of at ] This Oetolier 21st, 1892. L. A. Wn An honest Swede tell* his story in plain but unmistukublc language for the To amount specific tax collected $920.93 j benefit of the public. “One of my chil- cemetery fund “ re- ilren took a severe colt! and got the $° 00 j croup. I gave her a teaspoon ful of ! Chamberlain’* Cough Remedy, and For Sheriff. To My Fellow Citizen*. T1 Wat. election to be held on the l»th of Novemh next to nominate candidates for county offi- cers, I announce myself a candidate to re- election for the office of Sheriff' of Ware county, subject to the primary election. If ’ • * * * faithful Sheriff Sale. Georgia, Ware County: Will be soldo legal ho bidder, for ish, the folio- legal hours of sale to the following properl l^ity lot descrilied a of Sweat street, front five feet running hat- landofJ.K. Nelson, son Morton, cast by land ofT. H." Morton, west by Sweat street, containing one half acre, as the property of D. J. i Buzzard's llill, in . l*ou tided east by ■*>1 Pollard, south by •Joel Lott, fronting ami west sixty-eight urths of an acre, said operty of Jos. 8. May L M.Thomas against . 21*. 1892. F. M i i.t.ER, Sheriff. n December iT ImndreS c north by W. L. DOUGLAS S3 SHOE cENftiW THE BEST SKCE IX THE WOULD FOR THE MOttOT. ffiSSSSSs *oM*tIMwive. Equal*customnuul*akoMCotUng M IJ«nd-*i*we«I,fln*c*lf*ho**. Tha O 1 ! mod ■tyllkti, *»►>• nml durable shoe* aotd at th* price. 1 bey equal line Imported shoe* coding CO fioVoUce Shoe, worn by farmers and all WMi others who want a good heavy calf, three aoted, extension edge shoe, easy to walk In. and wUl *• the feet dry aud warm. ■ ^MeGulf^^5 and «ra.aOWjart- f tbansuy other make, ^Theytr* - — ..-It?- - McIntosh Carri-ige comp . 1*92. Sheriff. ill pert . That ceipts for. $38.00 j Dog tax collected.. To-day the democrat* of Ware county in a general primary will select candi dates for the several county offices, and it is the duty of evety voter in view of the fact that upon all the tickets that may be presented, the names of none but good men will appear, to go to the box prepared to vote in favor of an honest, lair and able administration of county affirirs be Influenced by no personal favor itism, unmoved by friendship for your neighbor, let your ballot be a distinct call for the man’best qualified to fill the office. $960.93 | five minutes later I gave her ! By this time she. had to cough up the By treasurer » reep t Jan. 16 92, gathering in her throat. Then she went * “ 1 to sleep and slept good for fifteen min utes. Then she got up and vomited; then she went back to lied and slept 37.67 “ 22 “ 50.00 “ 23 “ 52.50 “ 26 “ 78.50 “ 28 “ 232.00 “ 30 •* 67.00 Feb. 2 “ 86.66 “ 4 ‘ 75.85 “ 6 “ 8.75 “ 13 “ 6.25 “ 13 “ 31.00 “ 20 " 21.00 “ 26 “ 18.00 Mar. 5 “ 21.66 “ 9 “ 31.35 •• 26 “ 13.00 Apr 2 “ 10.00 “ 7 “ 6.00 “ 9 “ 22.66 “ 16 “ 29.00 “ 16 “ 20.00 to amount paid dog tax, postage, etc. 8.68 $961.40 Very Respectfully, w. D. Hamilton, —- Clerk Council. City marshal’s report for first quarter of 1892. Du. To number ot street hands summoned, 795, at $2.00 .. $2,590 00 To number of street hands summoned, explain. 1, at $1 * 00 Amount of fines collected, due fourth quarter, 1891, 15 50 Amount of street tax collected due fourth quarter, 1891,... Amount city tax collected due for fourth quarter, 1891,.... Amount collected for garbage for fourth quarter, 1891,... Amount of fines collected for first quarter, 1892, Amount collected for old market house, 1892, Amount collected for im pounding stock, 1892, Amount collected for wood sold first quarter, 1892, good for the remainder of the night. She got the croup the second night and I gave the same remeny with the same good result*. I write this because I thought there might be some one in the same need and not know the true merits of thi* wonderful medicine.” Charles A. Tiiompseex, Dew Moines, Iowa. 50 cent bottles for sale by Cash Drug Store. county, subject to tbe pnr elected I pledge myself to mance of the duties of said office, ing you for the liberal support l’ffisAugust 23d 1892. For Ordinary. To the Voter* of YVorr County i I announce myself a candidate tor the office of ordinary of Ware county, subject to ** ' ■' 'nary election, and solicit '"'■—■'i and fellow ei‘ s - A. H. Morgan For Ordinary. To the Voter* of Ware Count I hereby announce myself a 20 00 10 02 70 35 449 50 10 00 9 10 10 80 Or. $2,186 27 (Superior court adjourned last Friday night alter a short term of four days. This speaks well for Ware county, few counties in the state witli an equal j»opu- lation, enjoy the peace, security aud fruition of all that is guaranteed by the constitution with as much repose a* do the people of this county. Prompt ac tion hy the officers ami swift Vxecution of justice by the courts fill the hearts of the evil doer* with alarm. A* the terin drew to a close the prisoners convicted were brought into court ami received sentence as follow*: Richard Tott, for assault and attempt to murder, 4 years in_the penitentiary, Abe Denton, simple larceny, 2 years, Geo. Smith who had plead guilty to a charge of simple lar ceny, was fined $100 or 12 months in the chain-gan . For the best children’s shoes go to J* T. Palmer’s shoe store. By number of street hands defaulted, 310, $ 620 00 By number of street hands ex cused, 9, 18 00 By number of street hands worked, 1, 2 00 By treasurer’s receipts, Janu ary 22, 1892, 40 00 By treasurers receipts, Janua ry 30, 1892, 29 00 By treasurer’s receipts, Feb ruary 6, 1892, 35 50 By treasurer’s receipts, Feb ruary 13, 1892 CO 00 By treasurer’s receipts, Feb ruary 20, 1892, 173 00 By treasurer’s receipt*, Feb ruary 27, 1892, 54 35 Bv treasurer’s receipts, March 5,1892, 231 U0 By treasurer’s receipts, March . 1892,. Bv treasurer’s receipts, March 19, 1892, By treasurer’s receipts, March 26, 1892, By treasurer’s receipts, April 2,1892, .... By treasurer’s receipts, April 9, 1892, By treasurer’s receipts, April 16, 1892, 130 00 392 00 120 00 124 00 66 00 91 42 Try a pair of Palmer’* $1.00 school shoes, best in Waycros.* for the money. Anxlvtrury Sermon. As was announced, Dr. W. A. Candler, president of Emory College, would preach the anniversary sermon of the Ware County Bible Society at the Bap tist church last Sunday. It was a beau tiful Sunday morning, and promptly at 10 o’clock the good j>eople of Wavcross began to fill up the spacious auditorium; seating capacity ample for ordiuary oc casions was soon taken, a short song ser vice followed by an announcement by President V’. 1.. Stanton, that Dr. Cand ler had been prevented from coining to us by sickness in his family. After for mal opening Sir. Stanton introduced Rev. Geo. W. Mathew*, Mr. Fred T. Lockhart, Slate organizer, S. S. A., and Rev. E. H. Myers, district superinten dent of the American Bible Society, each presenting their views, touching the great importance of the work being done by the society. Closing, the con gregation was asked to contribute to the fund of the society, and a handsome sum was raised. At the afternoon session a mass-meeting of all the Sunday schools was addressed by Mr. Ixickhart, also preaching in theevcninglto a large con gregation. Dissolution of Co-partnership. By mutual consent the firm of A. B. Mo- Whorter «fc CO., composed of A. B. McWhor ter and Frank C. Owens, engaged in the general drug business in the Phoenix hotel block, Wavcross, Ga., has this day been dis solved. The said Frank C. Owens having disposed of his interest in said business to G. Toombs, the said A. B. McWhorter and the said G. Toombs assuming all the debts and liabilities of the old firm. Sheriff Sale. StoqjU, W*rr County: Wiil sold on tin- first Tuesday in Nov- •nilsT next, at the < 'ourt house in said eouti- y. within the legal hours of sale, the follow- ns property to-wit: That storehouse and lot limnded as fol lows, on north by Albany Avo. on west by land off. M. Sweat, on south hv right of way of Brunswick & Western It. R. and on fast l.y brick block of W. L. Wilson, front- ing on Albany A vo. tidy feet, saioTlimise and lot levies 1 on as the property of Z. F. ltlack- shear and J. 1*. Blackshear. to satisfy an execution issued from Superior court of said county in favor of .1. L. Walker. M. Albert an and A. P. English against Z. F. Black- shear and J. P. Blackshear. This Sept. 30 1802. S. F. Milucr, Sheriff. Boys’ S2B S? iSrt? tkl where. The doK *-rr I t hoc**.>ld *t t hr prior*. Ladies' ?s:S8 J!str,'S'feJt«S lUlisea are made ot the be*t DongoU or floe Coir, a* dMired. They aiw very ►tylish.ooinfortable ami dura ole. TbeCU0ih'*i<'qn*f«cuiton:niiMlc»hoeAcoating troatUntoaUH IxtlnwkovbktocooMiUula their footwear * re n*diar thU out. C'aatlM.—W. I- lttitsW asm* •Umped on the bottom when you boy. Rewurro atltota other r- % — ' --- fraudulent at ire »a and tha price !• htaboo; loo* for H or dealer*attemptlur toaub- h autxUtuUoniara DOUGLAS. Uruckioa. Blaaa. Bold by FOU’JSALK BY B.H.LEVYBRO.&GO janl-ly GEORGIA SOUTHERN AND FLORIDA R. R. Suwannee River Route. Schedule In Effect April l?lh, INUt. MET No. 1 leaves Martin after arrival of incom ing morning trains on Central, Southwestern. Georgia. East Tennessee. Virginia ami Geor gia, Macon and Northern and Macon and Eaton ton Railroads No. 3 leaves Macon after arrival of incom ing afternoon trains on the Ontral, South western and Georgia Railroads, and connects at Pulatka for 8t. Augustine and nil points in East and South Florida, and with the St. election, called to nominate county "officers I take this method of thanking the people of | the county for their past support, and ifeallcd | again to serve them I pledge myself to a j Georgia: W« J. ll.Smit to me for let I WARREN LOTT. For Clerk Superior Court. To the Voter* ofYY'ure County t At the earnest solicitation of many friends I announce myself a candidate for the office of Clerk of Superior Court, of Ware county, subject to the action of the democratic pri mary to be held in Noveml*er. I respectfully solicit your suffrage and pledge myself if elected, to a faithful discharge of the dutit of said office. ft. It. Thom w. For Clerk of Superior Court. To My Fellow citizen* of the Conut mary election to be held on the 19th day of November next, to nominute candidates for the different county offices. At the earnest solicitation of many friends. I hereby an nounce myself a candidate for re-election to the office of Clerk of Superior court of said county, subject to the action of the primary election to he held at that time. Thanking my friends and the voters of the county for the liberal support given me in the past. I pledge myself, if elected, to tt faithful per formance of the duties of the office, ami to For County Trcnsnrer. I announce myself as a candidate office of County Treasurer, subject t tion of the Democr " spcctfully solicit the and fellow-citizens. For County Treasurer. We, A. B. McWhorter and G. Toombs hereby announee that we assume the debts and liabilities of the old firm of A. B. Mc Whorter <Si Co., but the old firm are to re tain and collect tbe debts due said old firm. v firm will continue under the name Waycroas. Ga., Nov. 9th 1802. NOTICE. The firms of Grace A McNeil and C. C. Grace A Son have this day dissolved by mu tual consent. The business will be contin ued by the C. C. Grace Company. All per- — -* —a are rcspect- vemustclo- Payments will be made • i indebted to the above Tally reques the old dhsL^_„ C. C. Grace, who is authorized to settle tl»e business of both firms. C^C. Grace. W. A. McNeil. $2,186 27 I Wayeross. Ga.. Oct. 23,1392. of County Treasurer of Ware county, subjec to the democratic primary to >>e held on th< 19th day of November next. If elected I pro mise to faithfully discharge the duties or tin office. Walter T. I/rrr. Georgia, Ware Comity: »nrt of Ortlluay, September Term 1RM. Wherear, G. F. Parker, administrator on icestate of T. J. Ivey, deceased, applies to le undersigned for Letter* of Dismissory mn said administration. Therefore all arsons concerned are hereby required to Monthly in iV-vinU- Sept. old not W discharged. Wit- ml and official signature, this lli. 1392. Warhen I»rr, Ordinary. City Registration. hereby given that the books for the purpose of registering: the voters of the city of Waycross, Ga., will Ihj open at the ' • f Council's office, in Masonic Hall, first day of November, 1892, until the ofI>ecenibcr, 1892. Sundays excepted, City Ct Hamii.t* . Clerk Council. ;en. Clerk Superior Court C. C. For County Treasurer. I announce myself as a candidate for n maries, and respectfully solicit the support of my friends and fellow-citizens. E. H. Crawley. Sb. For Tex Assessor. To My Fellow-citizen* of Wore County < I am a candidate for tbe office of tax as sessor of Ware county, subject to the demo cratic primary to be held in November next. I promise, if elected, to work for the inter est of the tax payers, and with the six yearn experience that I have had, 1 think I can give satisfaction. Your obedient servant. J. J. Wilkixson. For Tax Collector. To My Fellow Citizens of the Comity of Wore. At the earnest solicitation of many friend.* I announce myself a candidate for the office rst Tuesday in Decern- •use, said county, within. » highest bidder for cash railroad, all in the county ofCharlton, stati of Georgia. Said personal property leviet; on anti sold under and by virtue of a mort gage li.fa issuedt'mm the Superior court of saitl county, in favor of Baxley, Boles A Co. Said personal property consists of machinery and other articles difficult and expensive to transport, and will therefore !»c sold without carrying and exposing the same at the court house door on nie day of salt*. This 2d day of November 1892. J. A. Wain-bight. Sheriff. GEORGIA, Charlton County * To All Whom It Slay Concern. M. A. McTeer, guardian for J. P. Stalling, applies to me for letters of dismission from said guardianship and 1 will pass upon his application on the first Monday in December next at my office in Trader's Hill said county. Ordinary. GEORGIA, Charlton County! To All Whom It May Concern! Alice Johns has in due form applied to the uudersigned for permanent letter* of admin istration on the estate of Seaborn S. Johns, lateof said county, deceased, and I will upon said application on the first Mor • . un der my hand 22d 1892. Dowling, the first Mondag December *1892. Given under my h an.) ..tBci.l ftignaliin- tb» Oct. MM. Ordinary. to a faithful discharge of the duties of office. II. F. JzrroRi*. For Coroner. To the Voter* of War* Count) : An ©Id Confederate soldier, who has once served the people of Ware county as Coroner Would respectfully zsk their support at the coming primaries and electkm,j>romwing to discharge the duties fkithfolly ii Nov. 12. Jackson Grimes. Sheriff Slip. GEORGIA, Charlton County I Will W sold on the 3d day of January, 1*03, at Trader’s Hill, Charlton county, Georgia, between the legal hours of sale, the house and lot known as the C. S. Parker drug store in the town of Folkston, levied on to satisfy an execution issued from the Superior court of Coffee county, in favor of Ro-enhc mcr A Co. I^evy made this the 20th day of Oct. 1892. J. A. Waixwbiqht^ KILL GERM Hi * itch No. 2 leaves Pulatka al India Mail from Tumi>a ami connects with all ul fast W ;at N ’. R. 1! Ma th all outgoing n. m. trams R IL Ga. R. It.. K. T.. V. A ft. R. R. I leaves Palatka after arrival of trains t. Augustine and point* in East and South Florida, ami connects at Macon with lint-going a. in. train* C. It. It.. S. \V. It. M. A N. R. it., Ga. R. R. and E. T. V. A G. R. K., M. A B. R. R. and M. A X. R. I:. Connection for vcstibuled train between At lanta and Washington D. V. All trains arrive and depart from Union Depots Mat-on and Palatka. Elegant sleeping cars will Is- run on trains No. 3 and No. 4. For further particulars apply to agent' at tnction points nr to L. J. Harris. Ticket Agt., Macon. Jah. Mknzik*. <Sen"l Agt.. Palatka. II. Blcns. Trav. Pass. Agt., Macon. A. C. Knapp, Traffic Manager. MACON AND B1RM1N&HAM RAILROAD. Schedule in Effect April IV, INyt. ilWUChy Odessa... Valdosta, Lake e and Points in vannali, Millcdge- Oonnection in r with O. 8. A F. 1 City, Palatka, St. Aus-istin Florida: C. R. R. forTHava ville and Eaton ton; S. W. K. R. for Ameri- cus. Albany anti Eufauln; M. A N. II. It. for Madison, Athens anil Lula, and |>oints be yond; Georgia Railroad for Sparta, Mi Hedge ville and Augusta, and all point* beyond. At YatcsvUle with A. A F. R. It. for station* on that line, and at LaGrange with A. A W. P. R. R. for Montgomery and l>eyond and intermediate stations. • For further information apply to L. H. Harris, Ticket Apt., Macon. It. G. Stonk, Ticket Agt.. LaGrange. H. Bcitss, Trav. Pass. Apt., Macon. A. C. Knapp. Traffic Manager. Benton & Upson, Machinery and Mill Supplies, EXCISES, BOILERS, Siw Hills, Skiigle Mills, Wot Work- i*E Hitkinirj, Sojir, Bice, Cotton ul Canning Hukiierj. Irrigating Machinery . A SPECIALTY. Ornc*: and WiRCHoi’sE. Machinery Wharves. Adjoining S. F. & V. Railway Depot, oCt 8-ly. JACKSONVILLE, FLA.