The Waycross herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 18??-1893, November 19, 1892, Image 3

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The election for representative i* over, s>n«l “dry" she went. The next thing to engage the minds of the people Is the election, for President jif the United States, and if each of the parties work as' faithfully as they did in our local election they each deserve to elect their man. Think of one side raising two million dollars for campaign purposes. Think how many suits of clothing this would buy at twenty dollars a suit, with a N»- eirema hat and a pair of Rockland shoe* thrown in. If every voter in Ware county gets his hand on this money or any other money, except confederate, let him go at once to Trank C. Owen*, the leading clothier, and get an outfit that will l»e suitable for the was has enough suits to furnish ami boy in the county, an< cheap ©craUs* 001 dal Organ of Ware County. Official Organ of Charlton County. Official Organ City of Wayeross. HERALD PUBLI8HINC COMPANY SATURDAY, NOVEMBER, 19. 1892. ADVERTISING RATES. 1 Inch 2/») 4.00 7.0010.00 2 inch 3.401 0.00 10.00 14.00 Inch 4.00 H.00 14.00 20.00 PERSONAL MENTION. i I have just received a new lot of la- I dies’? mi«c*’ and children** shoes. Don’t A. Wilson left last Sunday j fail to see them before you buy. .1. T. Col. I. night for Atlanta. W. F. Penniman. of Brunswick, was registered at the Hotel Phoenix, ibis week. EIIL, A CARD. understand that som< sons, unknown to me, :» roi.jift; tt/M 12.<l0;20.00;30.00 »1. i 1000. 20.00‘30.00lv).00 * .UOj.V).00|tl0.00. A. Seasoms, of ricssoms, J. K. riessoms, i of Pearson, and T. B. Covington, of Mc- DonaM's Mill, were in the city this week. Mr. T. C. Jeffords, from the denial college in Atlanta, is spending some time with friends at home. It is papa Willie Folks now. The little visitor is a girl, and she and her clever mamma arc doing quite well. < ‘apt. Stone, of the Savannah Morning News, enlivened our sanctum with liis |ierson or per- circulating a trying or have tried to the water works money fqr the pur pose of erecting a dtv hall. I pronounce the rejmrt false. My friends who believe me guilty of such an act I refer to the public reconi**, those who are not mv friends I don’t care whether they believe the lie or not. A. M. Kmart, Examine the r , _ , ,, : presence for a few brief inoiueuts Friday manyfint-dassweekly j* _ . . . Did > ; bow (leo. WiU strels were «lrc**ed. They brought their clothing with them, but Owens sells the ni«**t perfect fitting garment* in Way- Three Dollars a Pair. piay-iie you Gan, advertising inserted at $1.00 per inch first inanition. 50c auliaequen * Reading notice in local colnni line first insertion: 5c per line quent insertion. Professional card* KLOopcr For Hicap adverti Advertisements to insure lnsemuu »uj week must tie in by Wediralay of that week. Changes made in advertisements, inserted regular rates, and for specified"’ insertion. 50c sulisequent inserti each subse- rill l>e charged for Rill U making said charge*! forspe- Arrival and Departure of Mails At Wayeross. arrive a. : om North- 0:30 and 9: .South - 1WW ” 9: • East 9:10 Capt. Stone and the Morning News are both drawing cards. lion. Ben. K. Russell was a visitor at. the Hi:rai.i> office Friday morning. Casual mention of the fact that the Hekai.h went democratic on the eve of his election to congress was a pheasant incident. That little sunbeam of laughter and tears, Katie Putnam, in her new play of “An Unclaimed Express Package,” will bring us hack to happy childhood days, ami impress us with the truism of that poetic quotation “one touch of nature, makes the world akin,” Opera house, Tuesday, Nov. 22, Eidtrdnwn, 27 inches wide, pink, light «. R. Younians A Co. We sell double width tricot d any color, for 334 cents Brad Watson & Co’s. all ‘I Money makes the mare go, and money takes the Clothing at Owens' every day Iii Corkscrew Suits from 5.00 to 1 S.oo. In Black Clay Worsted from T4.00 to 25.00. In Biack and Fancy Cheviots from 8.00 to 15.00. And in Prince Albert suits to preach in, or marry in, from 15.00 30.00. Owen’s leads in Quantity. Quality and Low Prices. IW ABOUT SHOE? r 81.00 worth 4:45 and 7:30 Owens, the leading clnthit-i * fro ant the very best to to eat it out of, buy ; erockeryware at r« 1 McNeil the grocer. The xtension just opened on street from Quarterman att^-ct to residence of Mr. Joseph McQuuig i other feather in chairman Oillon’s (’office Superior court is in aesi week, and there is scarcely a 11 guard of the legal fraternity in < | They may not lie in the soup. I i are in the Coffee sure. If 3 A Co u want a new hat, a cheap bat 1 [* of the latest style and g«xsl value j r money, call on B. II. Levy, Jim. j The young people enjoyed a pulling at the home of Mr. 11. t linm* last Friday night. The pa chaperoned by Mrs. E. II, Myers (Jeo. R. Yount jewel rv business. A Co. lead ed equal to any Men’s Fine K land Co. of Rost Patent leather, only by Owens. J.iko the Clol • de h 11 can find. : the Rock- j ,, in all flic new { ’alf. Kangaroo, warranted, sold vens can lit ami you, especially if you want a half or a 25c. Socks it S2.001 dozen; SOc Seep el a dozen; 15c. Socle it $1.25 i dozen; 10c. Socks it 60c, e dozen. Stetson lints in large* shapes from 83.0 to $4.7m. For a well dressed gentleman, 1 *e tile* famous • Narcirema" Still" Hat. in 1: t»**t sha|*cs. For .*»<h*. 1 sell Crush llats that ai sold for 81.00 elsewhere. For the largest stock of line Woolei Health an«l Silk Underwear. don’t hu till you have seen Owens. Don’t You Do It. ' Boys’ Under Vests, Roys’ Kne«* Paul and Boy*’ Suits at popular Prices. Big wide* Shoe's for fat-fo*Keel boys specialty. 'he new Baptist church is a ri city and is an honor to the hlc workers who pushed the ompletioii in the face* of man ivs and obstacles. All who appreciate a comfortable ting shirt will remember that It. Levy, Br*». A Co. are sole agents for the Manhattan in Waver****. The Wayeross Amateur Draniatie eluh will present a new ami interesting play at the ii|ntu house on December 2. Ladies cloth 50 inches cent* at The C. C. Grace <Jn Remember that B. II. L Co., have the largest stock half hose. an*l their prices A friend in need ml not less than mi mud just such a friend i a friend indeed, million people have Dr. Kii ami colds.—-If you have never used this great cough medicine, one trial will con- vincc you that it lias wonderful curative powers in all diseases of the throat, chest ami lungs. Each bottle is guaranteed to do all that is claimed or money will be refunded. Trial Isittle* free at A. B. McWhorter A IV*. K. U. Goodrich’* and B. .1. Smith’s drug stores. it is not unusual tor colds contracted in the fall to hang on all winter. In such cases catarrh or chronic bronchitis are almost sure to result. A fifty ceut bottle of Chamberlain’s Cmigli Remedy will cure any cold. Can you afford to risk so much for so small an amount. This remedy is intended ospecially for bail colds and croup, and can always lie dcpemled iijion. For sale by Cash Drug ritore. Ask to see our 3d inch black storm serge at bU cents and those new surah serges at Brad Watson A C-o.’s. Watch the weather, its going to turn cold, also remember that B. H. I.evv, Bro A Co.'s, stock of overcoats and win ter underwear is the largest in town at prices that lilt the mark. M«<1 Accident In Lowudrs. Mr. I>. 11. Pounds and wife have just returned from the funeral of Mrs. pounds’ lather, who was thrown from his buggy and killed last Monday, near NVilor, in I*owndcs county. Kroppcndorf, Dcitiuan A Co.’s, and Drew Selby’s fine shoes for bulbs and children at Brad Watson A Co.’*. UncUen’s A mien Salve. The lust salve in the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi tively cures piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give |>erfoet sat is (ac tion, or money refunded. Price 27* cents per box. For sale hv A. R. Whorter & Co., K. B. Goodrich* mid B. .1. Smith’s drug stores. We have the prettiest piece of pure silk warp Henrietta in stock seen in Wayeross this season. 81.27* yd. at Watson A Co.’s. Katie Putnam, that tiny, gr sprite, bubbling over with laughtci emotion, will appear in her new I “An Unclaimed Express Package,” at i the Opera house on Tuesday. Nov. 22. THE 6. G. 6BfgE60. Can you buy goods from them Cheaper than any other house In this Section ? 01 COKE 100 CM Seeing is Believing ! GO Die City Bakery, And See Them! SHOES, ETC., We don’t WAN T THE EARTH, hut will give you ONE HUNDRED cents worth of goods for every dollar you spend with us. J. H. HELLER, Proprietor. This space i* reserved tor the City Bakery. Look out lor his stock of New Good* shortly to arrive, suitable for the Holiday*. Confectionery, FRUITS. ETC.. ETC. REED BLOCK. Startling Facts! A. R. BENNETT, Owens’ Block, has a Fine Stock of Choice Family Groceries. A. R. BENNETT. Owens’ Block, keeps constantly <m hand a Good Stock of Provisions. Blazers All wool fin 4 jH*r v; oft c s 5ft inches wide foi :it The C. C. Grave Co Many old soldier*, who contracted chronic diarrhoea while in the service, haw since lieen |H*rmancntIy cured of it by ChumWriain’s Colie, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. For sale by Cash Drug S?t«*re. >nlv 1ft ( Fulton murkcl ind at McNeil’s, Capt. V. I.. stunt,m, i the Equitable Life fust oecupi*** comfortable Stulh Georgia hank. All wool tricot, black, brown :i > inches wide, for 37» cents. The C. C. Graci Co. all I The aet creating the board of Equal- er* has been declared unconstitutional id will certainly Ik* repealed by the i present legislature. The icket s fast < timing into ; prominence as a bargain house. Mr. . R. Younians A C«. be- Silverman, the genial proprietor under- | stands his business, and we pretlict for ' him a bright business career in this city. * purchasing Christmas present*. Mr. O. R. Gigli is making prepara tions to accomodate all who attend Charl ton Superior court at Trader’s Hill next week. Mrs. Gigli knows just how to prepare for such occasions. New buckwheat and Graham Hour in barrel* or packages at McNeil’s, the grocer. A golden eurl, a tiny pair of child’s shoes, a dainty golden locket louixl in “An Unclaimed Express Package,” forms an interesting feature and hel|»s to un ravel the most interesting story of Miss Putnam’s new play, “An Unclaimed Ex press Package,” to lie presented here at the Opera house on Tuesday, Nov. 22. Gobi and silver wedding preseut* at «h*o. 11. Youman* A Co.’* jewelry store. The C. C. Grace Co. are offering all wool storm serge 44 inches wide for 6ft cents per yard. It’s a great bargain. participate ir b*>ys went to Savannah to i the jollification last night. Sutpradcn, Silk or Liueu Umi.Ikcr- I jiocliw chleb, Skirl. »n.l Xwlwcar. > linv to „ r fastidious. Drop in FIIJI G. QWEHS, Tho Leading Clothier, Owen’s Block, opp. De|>ot, Wayeross, Ga. We call attention to card of B. II. Williams the HeraLH. Ben is t. require any recomnicnd i well known to The manufacturing department of the Wayeross Tobacco Growers and Manu facturer* Association are now turning out an excellent brand of fine cigars. Fresh cranberries from New York and Kalamazoo. Celery received every week by McNeil the grocer. rialary drawn by member* of the wa ter work* commission-to date is stated ai 81,348.00. The water work* commission will n« doubt provide a supply in the neai future. IUt.J. M. Manl«tlB Und. Our hTother. after an illness of : California gage plumlis. egg pluntle. apricot*. nectariues, black cher ries, and flic finest California canned pearlies ever put upon the market, at McNeil’*, the grocer. <’*•1. Thomas Darr. special agent of the riaratinah, Florida and Western R. 11. company, left M*unlay for Rome, Ga., and other jKiints north, to confer with the manufacturers of track scale*. Tom knows a piece of machinery when he it. Foster’s kid -love*, all size* and col ors, at Brad Watsou A Co’s. weeks, died Ga., at 2 p. Mauldin wa preachers IHs end his residence in Tennille, November 2d. Brother me of the most faithful the South Georgia Confer- peao lie r ■aceful. I*t the widow ami orphan prayer. We dip the abov< Christian Advocate, the pulpits in this circuit about twelve yeans ag«*. and was highly esteemed by all who had tho pleasure of meeting him. His many friends in -this section will learn of his death with regret. Children’s hose, full line in extra heavy go*sis, at Brad Watson A Co.’s. For lame hack there is noilung better than to saturate a flannel cloth with ! Chnnilicrlain’s Pain Balm and hind it on ' the a fleet ed parts. Try it ana you will . Ik* surprised nt the prompt relief it of- j fords. Tlu* same treatment will cure ' rheumatism. For sale l»v Cash Drug Store. Capt. J. L. McVeigh, the most exten sive naval store ojR-rator <.J Bragaa/ai. paid u* a pleasant visit this week. Jim was after some job work ami km the liest facilities were. | Eiderdown in delicate shades, for children’s cloaks, at Brad Watson A Co’s. if you want to make your Christ nun fruit cakes and mince pies, call at Mc Neil’s who can supply you with the very best citron, new currants, California prune*, lemon peal*, almonds, At more’s mince meat by the pu in bucket*. Satisfaction guaranteed. W. A. MrNKii- People living in Wayeross as well as those visiting here know us as the lead- ir line. Just as we won flii* re putation so will we hold it, by giving the best values to la* had in clothing, {shoe*, hats, etc. Our new place is iu the Southern hotel building. It is to vour interest to find it. Our price* ami g*HxLs will please you. B. H. Levy, Bro. A Co. Cleveland won with a majority ol votes, B. II. Levy, Bro. A Co. arc every day winning popularity with the largest and best selected stock of clothing, sli»>e* f J hat*, etc. Find them in the .Southern hotel building. Their prior* are the Our new ladies’ 84.00 shoe of elegance and comfort comb to see it at Brad Watson A Co’s. MAKE NO MISTAKE. p wants to eradicate ia fmm will try Dr. John Bull’s SMITH'S TOXIC STRI P. For many year* it has deservedly tained it* reputation a* hemx the —' able of the many erttss • me sees advertised and sokl[ f*‘ annoying ami en«*rvating**f all inalanal dis- ease*. known as (HILLS AX'D FEVER, it has a pasl and lasting effect ami no otlier remedy has ever given sneb satisfaction. 1 leinand it .»f your dnuqdst. Take no sub- stitnte on which a larger profit is made. One bottle will .lo you more good than six bottles of any other remedy, ami the relief is always permanent. A word to the wise A. R. BENNETT, Owens’ Block, has a Fine I.ine of Stoves, both for Cooking and Heating Purposes. If you want Nice Fresh Goods at Reasonable Prices on A. R. BENNETT, Owens’ Block. ■all OWENS’ BLOCK. A. R. BENNETT. HERSGHKOYITZ BROS, and The Racket Store. KEEP YOUR EYE OH THIS SPACE. An all-wool Storm Serge 44 inch wide tor 75e. The C. Grace Co. new good* every day. are getting Herschkovitz Bros. and The Racket Store. WAy CROSS Music * Store. PIRNOS. Organs ai small Instniments. Sewing Machines AND ALL KINDS OF ATTACHMENTS, Needles, Oils, etc. J. H. KNIGHT, Manager. T 5 IIENRY IIOHF.XSTKIV. BEX. J. AITI.K HENRY HOHENSTM & GO. SAVANNAH, GA. * Mifficicut. It runs malaria. TIKE BILL’S lABSAPAlIIUa. Is your blood in had condition ? 4)o you growing worse? U have pain Are you^inypoor health and Do sores ilth and Bulla Sar- ^da) Write us for samples of Dress Goods.. The C. C. Grace Company. &BNERA T ■ AOBNT8 Manhattan Life Insurance Co., OF NEW YORK. Oorreapondenoe solicited. aug 15-ly