Newspaper Page Text
Z Ji TIAfiffiY II- fill
She Prays for Death to Re
lieve Her.
t-’annd HcljilrH and Frrrtin}; In (be >lrcrt
—Hrr lluaband Owns a Largf
Ilanrh In Texas.
Atlanta Constitution:
]iv lu>r Iim«E>:i*h1. thrown
The Fair Hand of an
Mndi Cold Strrl lo
fj.ix Francisco, Cat.., January —
Rev. Cirsnr A. A. Tayh>r, D. 1)., form
erly a member of the negro Republican
: executive committee of New York city
ami county, is now general financial
representative for Edward Waters’ col- ,
1 lege at Jacksonville, Fla., and u on route ; The old year was elosed hy an unique ( doe
! South after a tour of New England and j a ” d terrible tragedy, by which Sidney «• c
the North, endeavoring to raise a *50,000 I McCoy, a young lawyer, aged thirty- etl through the rear of the room, and
Hi s ' three, lost his life, and Miss Grace , amid the sounds of crashing panes of
Poller Raided the House and tbe People
•Itunped Through the Window*.
A hundred men were assembled in the
third story of the Miantonomah hotel at
Taftville, three miles from Norwich,
Conn.. January 1st to witness a cock
light, when the police appeared at the
and demanded admittance. A pan
ned. The whole company plung-
bosom and p
last night.
She bad just been brought Slivering , r«.,lutiun and otherwise. When wen
with cold (rum the streets and given ! *>> “ "porter he said :
leading white clergy :t „
ntions of the North endorse liis work by I "utcli the old year out and the
The feature of the eveniu;
the product!'
I tamment wa
rear , at the rear of the house said: “The air
r’s enter- in a moment was filled with -falling ;
f a short bodies. Sunc fell on tops of carriages, j
opposed to the
American’ and ‘colored’ as
terms ‘A fro
nt ployed by
4h«‘Iter by a kind-hearted negro. With
tears of gratitude gushing from her eyes
.he knelt upon the bare, hard floor and Mr - A ‘ I,ana l,r ’Sun, and
begged that .he might die, and told the ! «K‘" <> f Tha A * c - Mr ’ T ‘ f; F ° r ‘
Sro.1t Invisible Being that it wa. cruel ! ‘“»e. The term ‘Afro-American i. mo
th let her live. Her voice wa. .oft and : «PP> ied . and '"nee misleading, from the
refined and evidenced good breeding and j fat ‘ ‘hat white person. 1mm in Africa
education can C(,me to America and marry and
' Two city detective, who had been ! h »ve "ff.pring. which would undoubted-
called in to assist her looked, on and at
the sight tears came to their eyes. j can l’ :ircntu K e k° rn
It was a sad story that had just l>ecn j > ou * e< * t * 10re can ^
told them, the story of a woman and can * !
lists by one ot their number. The nihi
lists discover their traitor and condemn ,
her to death. They decide hy lot who
shall perform the execution and the
number fell to the character portrayed
by McCoy, Miss King playing the part j
| Iv Ik* ‘Afro-Americans’ because of Afri- °* traitor. She is
play written by McCoy, and performed i three or four on the backs of frightened
by amateurs. The plot ol the play was ■ horses; others came down turning over !
the betrayal of a band of Russian nilii- ; and over in the air and one heavy man j
struck me on the shoulders and brought I
me to the ground.”
Most of them escaped injury and then I
went under horses, and without hats or j
overcoats fled down the country Toads J
and through fields. They plunged by [
the choice dozens into the park woods and a few J
America. Hence • being killed or stabbing herself, and lay helpless on the ground,
bite ‘Afro-Amcri- ! chooses the latter alternative. McCoy < >nc man, Edward Welsh, 28 years of'
well as black. Second. Per- banded her a dagger which had been in age. employed at the Norwich cotton |
her babe deserted by a husband, «hoj*~ ****** *»»<*. K»S' a "<l. India, | Ihmily fi.r many yenm. In the piny mill, who weigh. 200 pound., dived j
r . j . ^ a ^. a a s i rei ,, | , ! Germany, etc., of African parentage, ! t,ie o ,rI instead of killing lierselt uas to head foremost through a window. His
•l!-i n «T M Urt aWUV ' U * e ' would he Franco-Africans or French- j stal * ber executioner, aud as Miss King ; head struck a projecting edge, and as j
'f'T.r ni-ht „ wl.n live, at the I African., Anglo-African. or English-A I- ! reteived the knife .lie reached forward the result it was crushed in from above j
corner of Pryor street and Trinity u vc- ! ricaas, efc. Thus, this nonsensical affix- I to t0Ul ' , > MtC '"y «»' ‘ho breast with the j the temple to his lower jawbone. He]
Hue called at police headquarter, and told I ‘ n 15 and prefixing would have lo he ear- ' bnife. died instantly
t hief Oonnollv about a woman he had ricd on ad inSoitun, ‘ At ,he ' iame 1Dsta " t . MoL "> ' t:,rt " 1 Another had Ins arm broken and four f
/ 1 . “The bastardv term ‘colored’ which : towarlillu- girl, and hilling forward with ( Other, had broken legs,
tountl .h'wring upon the .tree.. w.«h | ™c ™\ 'Jm^v j the dagger i„ her haud.tlrove i, through The police arreted .even men, inelud-
her thirteen-inonths-old babe and had; nw *’ ,s m>tntn c or anyuuu,,, i. cquauv , ,,,. . •, I. .. . , ’
-iwn her shelter He I,ad little aecom-1 «b»unl and misleading, from the factj McCo J " heart. McCoy .hotted won- , tng the cripple?, hut most ol them were
modations for her and wanted to know ! that the Chinese, Siamese, Japanese, In- ; dcrful Vlla ’“- V a,,d P rraeme ut ,nmd ’ , released on bonds. They will appear!
.. - ’ ■ dian Indiamen etc are all people of Ho walk,si into tile nest ns mi ami asked in tile city court to-morrow morning,
tf the could not do someth,ng. | >’«b t ’ 0 7.h‘ C w f'’r a aa <> then fell dead,
t hief Cqnnolly sent Detective Harris to ™ lor - In the ll * ht ° r lhl! ’ ho " * |U , .. ,. '
. ' . ; <mn<.ratii>na iinalArtatunrl irl.ia'l. : g ,r ‘ knew tllJlt there had U'CM
vstigate the
A f m e for Twenty Cents.
, [ color. In the light of this how will
iivi'Huiraie me case - future generations understand which race j
The Jeteetive found the woman in the ! is mcant *hen they read the terms ’col- j dent <,f "° me kmd ' I,l,t did ,lot kno "' JI< " ; Any remedy sold at one dollar a bot-
The d^tt,e found the woman,othe | , Afro . Am ; rican . „ desienating »» ki "«' d ‘ She was taken home ,c claim, to cure rheumatism, is
t gro cottage rocking her babe to sleep
; simply an imposition, for when all
and while she wept over tbe child in her a connected with transactions a ; ^* t ^j™ She'was taken l >cn!4es an * deducted it leaves not more
arms, she told the detective her story, j hundred or more years prev
t^he said she was from Bell county.' “Sir, I am a negro, with a big ‘ N
i liersell up to the police.
; to the city prison at
dock in the I
than twenty cents to represent the medi
an*. I)r. Drummond’s Lightning Rcin-
racc should 1 ni °T»i»g, and when she entered the pris- j eilv, which is performing such wonder-
i fainted, ami lias
Nearly a year and a half ago she came ; I^ a * n a,,( ^ - H itnple and my
. this city and Umk up her abode at. ‘he term negro . pr,,|HT
term designating people, of Hamitic ! oohrciuii.-. Tins morning McCoy. tut
’ ** cured her release hy givin»
),00U f<»r her appearance.
j The girl was then taken home and is in j ^ent prepaid to any addr
cidcnt wa:
nice Iwarding bouse. She had come « « . . « . . , i
here with tbe understanding that ht . r i origin wherever born, and so live as to | n r ^lo 0
husband was sm>n to follow and they ; makl ’ “>« torm ol u l«-“ d - I . . .....
happy and a progressive race of people.
Down with the nonsensical hyhrcdisms,
4 A fro* American’ and ‘colored.’ Negro, i
that is the proper term.”
were to live here. He sent her money
regularly and she had no trouble in get
ting along.
Her husband did not conic ns early as
he had told her be would do. He wrote
to her that business had detained him,
Ju* wouHl come as soon as be
could gel off*. *lic kept putting off his
coming from week to week aud finally
♦be became apprehensive. But lie con
tinued to send her remittances of money
with unfailing regularity. Three months ‘ man, who claims to he his
ago In* ceased sending her monev alto- Savannah. He gave bond.
ful cures that it is being prescribed by
the medical faculty everywhere, is com
pounded at great expense from rare drugs
and cannot lx* sold for loss than Five
Dollars a bottle. But it always cures.
Mark, Learn
i evil
A Yet«-ran of Both Arniirx !
on a Blgamix!.
O. G. Simplu, alias J. II. Freeman,
was arrested at Americas, < hi., January
10th charged with bigmny. Mrs. Frcc-
iii*, lives in
im pi it lias
a critical cmlitimt. The aeculcnt was 1 l*" 1 ?- Urummond Mctlicinc Co., 4X-
. . . , .. r w f . »>0 Maiden Imnc, New lork. Agents
explained by the fact that recently Miss w . inte< j
King suffered from a spraimsl ankle ami j —
she had been using crutches to walk j Kentucky’s Gifted Son designs from the
with, hut had laid them aside to practice j jilted s,a, «”‘ Senate.
the part in the phil*. i Washington, Jan. S.—Tmlay Senator
= ‘ ,fJohn G. Carlisle, of Kentucky, forwarded
a Kau«» Oupow* of_j>—t »s-nni re»ignati(»u to the G
Wlfr *° IIer Govrr. tucky, ami ]»npliely announced his in- i
?5F55T ; .*q7y:> '5X"'.C. V: v
He Was First in the Field.
It is a significant fact that, whenev
Georgia’s part in the recent presidential
ernor of Ken- wim paign comes up for discussion, the
l name of Mr. Ik M. Blackburn rarely
boirr Scott, Kan., Jan. 8—J*ast Sun- tuition of accepting the portfolio of Sec-
day a young farmer named Garber, liv- 1 retary of the Treasury, offered him by
iug fifteen miles west of here, having Cleveland.
leaded that his wife and his brotlier-in- John Gridin Carlisle was born in Ken-
Charles Kirby, loved
d his wife to Kirbv for
other. : tiicfcv September :), 183,1. He became U ' ,9 not 9Ur P r “i»i
horse. , lawyer in 1858, serve,! several terms in sl,ould havc ^pressed his
ever fails to be mentioned.
A retrospective glance at the campaign
will show that Mr. Blackburn was prac
tically the original Cleveland man in
that he
ats upon
, learned oIH.c transaction the State Legislature, and was a State ] his t'cllow-eitimts. He is a trained jour-I
lent her back to Fro,,, December 3, 1883, to March J,
: 1 SSI), Mr. Carlisle served as Speaker of
Herald enabled him to render valuable
aid to his favorite chieftain. When Mr.
Cleveland passed through Atlanta last
spring on his return frem his hunting
trip to lxtuisiana, Mr. Blackburn’s paper
was the only one in Georgia which was
gether. and no longer wrote to her. She ; lived here only a short while. He rc-
waited patiently while her bills accumu- ccntly drew considerable money for back
hi ted, and then learned the bitter truth, | pensions as a wounded Union soldier.
rluit he had deserted her for another wo- j He was a Confederate who, while a pris- Kirby’s house in a body and or- senator from °18«G to 1871. From 1871 j nalistand a magnetic speaker, and in the
nun. She was thrown out of her hoard- j oner, joined the Vnion army. He claims dered him to send Mrs. (iarber away, to 1875 he was Lieutenant-Governor of j earl - v ‘’‘“S'" of ‘he contest his position as j
iug house two days aud was left iu a j to have had a leg broken by the kick of] This he did under threats of being tarred ] Kentucky, and in March, 1877, he took J editor-in-chief of The Atlanta Evening
pitiably helpless condition. She had no a horse. Up to the time of obtaining ; an d feathered, (iarber married the girl I his seat in Congress, where lie served " ” “ ” J “ ' ' "
K.*une but' the »trt*eij*, and not a cent of • his pension he obtained u peddleris \ who is hut 17 years old, in Sedulia a ! seven terms,
money. She was in a fearful dilemma, j license as a wounded confederate. i year ago, and Kirby
Night before last she obtained shelter • — — ! that citv.
•with a good Samaritan, and last night *“**“"** -■ ■ - I the House of Representative*. On Mav
she was found shivering on the streets ' Mr. William T. Price, a Justice of the ^ 1S , J0> he was elected to succeed Mr.
by a kind-hearted negro and given a • The Property M«y Beoffcrrd to the entjr. , f at i:i c hlaud, Nebraska, was con-; J1S United States senator, which ' °P en, 3 r advocating his claims. Although
place to s[H*nd the night. j The* trustees of tho Confederate Sol- j f, ne d to his bed last winter with a severe j p<*iti, >n he now resigns in order to enter \ HU1 <lele S ates hatl been elected in New
Detective Harris oflere<l to take Mrs. ; diers* Home will meet in Atlanta on j attack of lumbago; but a thorough ap- | Cleveland’s Cabinet^ York, he went actively to work to turn
Joyner, for that is her name, to the |>o- next Thursday to discuss the future dis- J plication of Chamberlain’s l'ain Balm Henry Watterson is spoken of as a ; lbe risin S t,Jc of P uWi c sentiment in j
lice station where she could spend the , position of the property in their hands, j enabled him to get up and go to work. ; successor lo Mr. Carlisle, although it is ’ thU 8eclion » ttnd Respite Mr. Cleveland’s j
night, but she preferred to remain where j since the Legislature refused to accept it j Mr. Price says: “The Remedy cannot generally believed that the gifted son off si,ence > the c<Iitwr ot T,,e Herald called j
she was rather than to take her babe out j as a State institution. Immediately after ; be recommended too highly.” Let any ! Kentucky will refuse the proffered honor. ! u P on tbe democracy to renominate him. j
in the cold night air. Detective Harris j the action of the Legislature it was the j one troubled with rheumatism; neuralgia j * He lost no time. He called the first |
carried her blankets to keep her and her j general sentiment that the home should | or lame back give it a trial and they will ■ Corbett Does Up a Georgia Farmer. inaM meeting in Georgia that organized
Kibe warm during the night. The de- , be sold and the proceeds returned to ; be of the same opinion. 30 cent bottles . Handfrsville Ga. Jan. o.—Two ‘ itse ^ into a Cleveland Club, ana was
feetive left an order at a restaurant for those who subscribed to it* At any rate for sale by Cash Drug Store. • made chairman of the State Central Com-
a nice warm hrejikfast to be sent to the ; these trustees who live in Atlanta were
poor woman thus morning. She is not; violently to giving the la*g>sla- * TWENTY-ONE.
yet over thirty years old and is good tore another opjiortunity to refuse the
booking. Tiie rase is a sad one. An ef- home, and reflection has not materially
Tort wil| Ik* made to secure a home for changed this sentiment, though the idea
- her to-day. Jumbo Hunter offered to of selling the property and refunding the ! Carlisle this afternoon emphatically
find a place for her child, but the moth- money to the donors has nlxmt been denied the published statement,
er could not bear the idea of parting abandoned. A plan now on foot is to i purportiug to be on her own
Aud Did Not Consult Ills WITr.
Washington, Jan. 9.—Mrs. John G.
} Handers vi LLE,
itinerant dagoes arrived here this after- w (
noon, accompanied bv two polar beam, j mittcc t0 ****** ,he Ckvoland fore “
The beam were respectively named ! ln Gcor S ,a ’ ° ,hcr8 tht ' u feU ,nt0 line
: Corbett and Sullivan, and durin? their I “ d the rcault 15 kno ' vn to a!L
He continued to fight it out on his
line until after the nomination of Mr.
In any other city in Georgia,
and at as low rates.
We Use The Best of Stock.
Anything in the
Printing Line
with it aud refused to give it up.
The Portal* Cloacd Against Asiatic Choi*
submit the same proposition that was j.authority, that Senator Carlisle has ; ^
made to the State to the city of Atlanta, j made up his mind to decline an invi-
that is making the Home strictly an At- j tation of the President-elect to accept
anta institution, though of course open ; treasury jtortfolio.
to all ox Confederate* regardless of their : ^he said that up to Saturday' night,
The senate passed the bill on the
tttth which, it is thought, will enable
the President to so regulate •tnnnicrvc
travel and immigration as U4 effectually j, v t { ke ^ of Atlanta have already been “It h» said that you oppose the sena-
daw* the portals of the United States ’ prejiarxd,** and if the trustees at their tor’s going into the cabinet,’’ remarked a
j stay hen*, gave exhibitions of their wrest-
■ ling and boxing powers, and an almost
| serious accident was the outcome.
A drunken man, a third party man,
bet one dollar that he could knock out
taken and the
fight began. The third party man got
^ 7 „ ■ , • eve, hut bruin came back with an ante- “ } ,
,« all ex-Confcdentex « of them She »«1 ‘bat up to &.urday ntght, ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ] People frequently aak tf 1
..residence in the State. Resolutions pro- when the senator left Hjishington b,r on j st „f tlu* flesli on his ri-dit cheek I hum will be among the app
vidinit ti.r a committee to look iuto tbe Kentucky, ;be wav .till uncertain ’ ^ a J d „ crics | office under the new adminivt
feasibility of tbe acceptance of the home whether to accept or decline. farmer’s Mends “Kill arc nut P re P ared *° an *"'er th
Cleveland, when he was unanimously
chosen elector from the Fifth district.
Heretofore he had been known only as a
jonrnallst, but his speeches on the stump
in Georgia and Alabama during tbe
a stunning blow on'W Corbe’tFs left I tl,rec ™***V™**i«B ‘he election were
hut bruin came back with an ante- fl "(01.1.00 to the people.
People frequently ask if Mr. Black*
applicants for
ration. We
on the part of tbe farmer’s Iriends “Kill i arc D “‘ ‘"T**™ “ thc fl ue, ‘ k ‘'
the dagoes and the bears:" 15u» nobodv I but lds fnt ' ,,d * du n,,t h ? ,ta,e V’ say
eared to tackle them. The police inter- that a fore.g" nuss.on or
i a cabinet
fered and no further blood was spilt. ; P lace ’ nould **
Thc third party boxer l.a.1 bus wound i f dioD » f --bthty and zeal. Ollc
dressed and is doing well.
against, the ravages of Asiatic cholera mating, next Thursday, approve the ; reporter.
next summer. To what extent reatric- ( ,i an ,|, t . resolutions will be prescutctl to ! “Well,” she responded, “I would pre-
Hons will be imposed that will operate the council at its next meeting. : fer .that John remain in the senate, but T ‘ "j ~~~~j ; thing is certain—this orator-journalist
againstthe privilege of toreigners .to Should the trustees agrts* to give the 1'vrsouaUy, 1 huveiu> very great objec- ** _ i would worthily wear any honor conferred
visit thc Columbian exposition is not home to Atlanta on the tenns upon ; ‘‘ on *° his going into the cabinet. He . ^ o»ly owe Kvrr prisi«r-c.s v.n ! upon him, and If he should be singled i
known; but we do know that that tlie w ),{ c h it was offered to the is ; dom not kttOW,what he is going to do’ Ftort to. Word t ; out for preferment the jssiple or Ceorgia .
acccssity for precautionary measures ex- believed that the council will accept it: himself. John always had. a way of ; ^Tbra fa a Wndh displ^ wjrerifaementin ! - ’
Ws, and think that ■ Mr. Cleveland Vj/i| nadUv. Other plans for the opening of j having his own way about things. He ] wordsaEffie e« ’ ' ' “
employ thc *1,000,000 appropriation that the h^ne are in prospect by the trustees,
will be at his disposal for quarantine ; however, and the city of AtlanU tnay
pnrposcs wisely for the benefit of the no t be given the opportunity of doing for
P eo Ph ! . t the-old soldiers of the State what the
Xw ltrrr. great State of Ueorgia, through Us Leg-
^ Iky our new hosiery for children. Ulaturc, refused to db.
They tue imported direct front Germany : ‘ - — - - —
tbrongh New York custom house. Blankets at Brad Watson & Co’s.
. Bkad Watson A Co. ; cheaper than elsewhere.
two ; will be well satisfied. But this talk Is ;
word. Jflie same is , probably premature. Jlr. Blackburn ,
Try The
doesn’t make many mistakes, and I j f™' 01W ThL; i may noi be an applicant for any office.
guesa he won’t thU time. You can (le- house 'iiiacvw n 'K'n^ccnt' — - ^ ■
, . : thev iuake anil uul'lbb. Look for it, semi CloUtlacMe* A*ni! Wanhd for Way-
pend upon it that hcewtll he his own I “.“Jr tS wowLand th«r will dtrautr.
advisor, anti when he makes np his \ return you Book, Beautiful Litbognipli!< or Liberal commissions paid, and, we fur-
mind what to do he won’t ask ine or any j ^ Inr>les Frt *‘ m ' ^ an l3r * J.niah thc best and most complete outfit
one else whether we like it or noL” To make room for my spring stock, I j ev«*r provided by any house. Write at
c : — will from this’date, soil - at e«t, wifi a | once for terms.
* .Splendid farm to rent three miles from great ihany handsome articles below, cost. • Wanamakeb & Brown, . _
town, apply at Herald office. Mrs. E. Cotinoiiam. j Philadelphia, Pa.
Jolt His .