The Waycross herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 18??-1893, January 28, 1893, Image 1

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VOL. XIV. WAYCROSS, GEORGIA, SATURDAY, JANUARY 28,1893. hunting her husband. IN MOUNT PLEASANT, IOWA J A Drirrtrd Wife Tell* tile Story of Her Liege Lord's Misdeeds. j Macon, Ga., January 23.—About ; a week ago there appeared a dispatch from Albany giving an account of the disappearance of Henry M. Car ter, of that city, and Miss Della Clark, a resident of Albany. The papers said at the time tiiat it was thought Carter had a wife and child ren living in Macon, but nothing was heard of them till to-day, when Mrs. Carter made her identity known to H'll>>SUr,slin*T»o Cblltirrn In Though Ulch. • 4 I am so cold. Won’t you fix a fue?” was the feeble wail of a twelve- year-old boy, who lay stricken and dying at the miserable excuse of a home belonging to a man named Hathaway. It was a wail that was heard unfortunately too late by some | the newspapers and told her story, kindly disposed persons who came to She now lives on Third street iu offer their services. Hut the visitors ! Macon with her two children, one boy who heard it started an investigation j 0 f eight years and another only four that brands the boy’s inhuman fath- , months old. Carter married her er as a murderous wretch. Hatha- j eleven years ago, when he moved to way was a prosperous farmer near | Way cross. About seven months ago Wenlicld, until several months ago ; Carter left Waycross and went to Al- w hen he came to this place. Neither i bany and his wife came here fora himself nor his wife madcauy friends j visit. The family consisted of two boys. 1 Since coining here she has heard Hotli arc now dead. During the bit- nothing of her husband till she read ter cold weather of the past winter, . the newspaper story and then she these boys, both under twelve years went to work to find out something of age, were sent out on the railroad > about his flight from Albany. She with a little cart to pick up pieces of j learned, she says, Miss Clark was coal, though the father was abuud- j married about ten days before her antly able to fnrnish them all need- | flight with Carter to a man whose fill comforts, and they were thinly j name Mrs. Carter did not learn. She clad and pitiful to see. In a room i has heard nothing of the whereabouts where there was no fire, and had • Q f the fugitive pair, but says it is her been none, under a tbiu cover, and ; intention to find where Carter is and his last words were the ones that be- | have him punished for his misdeeds. gau this dispatch, his life had been j ——— chilled and starved out of him bv his j Tintype Pict*rr». Try ,I,n - ' man, opposite Sonlh GcorgU Bank. own father, who has a bank account J K running well up into the thousands. : THE RIGHT TO LEVY TAXES ON 'TChc matter was placed before the | RAILROADS, graia^ jury. T^nl Parly Enterprise. . '^jhisgtos, D. C., .lanuarj 23. Aiujitst/H'Ga., Jan. 24.—The tak- 1 The United States supreme court to- ing of testimony in tbe Watson-Black ! day dismissed, for want of jurisdic- contest was tegun to-day before I tion, with directions to the United Notary Public Crouch. There is rjuite an array of council and several third party witnesses were examined. The result was only glittering gen eralities aud there was nothing spec ific proven. Mai. Camming, one of Maj. Black’s counsel, informed the acting judge that he didn’t know what he was doing, aud it is whispered that there ! United States Supreme Court Decide I JUSTICE LAM PAINS IN THE HEART CARKV HIM OFF UNEXPECTEDLY. FOUR CHUMS DIE BY SUICIDE. States circuit court for the district of South Carolina, to do likewise, with the suits brought by the Northwestern Railroad Co., and Central Railroad Co., against Walters et al., to enjoin these county otliccrs from tbe col lection of a tax imposed on the rail roads by the state. The taxes were state, couuty and school taxes. The Tillinanboard of equalization assessed Tl>« Kr.idrn.r of W. H. Virgin In . Sr— barb of Macon tbe Scene of His Demise— He Had Jumt Partaken of a Late Dinner and Appeared to be In Good Spirits. Macon, Ga., Jan. 23.-—Justice Lucius Quintas Cincinnatas Lamar died here at 3:50 o'clock to-night. It is a terrible shock to the commun ity. Ilis death was sudden in tbe ex treme, for although he has been ail ing for some time. Justice Lamar appeared to be gradually gaining in health. lie came from Washington to Macon about a month ago and has been visiting at the residence of W. H. Virgin, in Vincville, a suburb of Hits city. This afternoon about 3 (’clock, Justice Lamar took his overebat, in tending to go to the city, but was met at the door by a friend. Dr. Llewellyn, witli whom he retrained to the sitting-room. At that tirrje and during all the afternoon he iras in good spirits, and at dinner at C :50 o’clock this eveuiug he seemed to have a good appetite. Dr. Llewellyn left the house about 8 o’clock and a few minutes later tbe justice was seized with violent pains in the heart and died at the hour mentioned. A SKETCH OF HIS LIFE. Lucius Quintus Cincinnatus Lamar was born in Putnam county, Georgia, Sept. 1, 1825, and after bis father’s death was taken to Oxford, Miss., where he received a part of bb edu cation. He graduated at Kmory College, Georgia, in 184a; studied law in Macon and was admitted to tbe bar in 1847. In 1849 he re turned to Oxford, Miss., and for a year held a professorship in the Uni versity of Mississippi. He resigned and resumed the practice of, the law in Covington, Ga. He wiSf^elfleted to the legislature in 1853, and in 1854 again returned to Mississippi Cincinnati, O., Jan. 23—Jules Eampe, local manager of tbe Wash ington Life Insurance company of New York, who shot himself because he was short id his accounts was buried yesterday. Kampe, Samuel McGIasson, Samuel Clark and Fred Boles were for several years insepar able companions, and all four held responsible positions. Boles bad a shortage and shot himself in the head four years ago. Clark did the same in the presence of Kampe and Mc GIasson, the latter following by tak ing poison in a Virginia hotel, and now Kampe lias taken his own life. Uleumore, Waycross Herald: Readers Glenmore, a live tem- THE SCHOOL CHILDREN OF GEOR GIA WILL HAVE TO STUDY THEM. The County Institute. Other News and Gossip Csnfht at the Georgia Statehonsc The school children of Georgia must go to the book-stove ami get them a history. A few days ago the state board of education ruled that hereafter history shall not only be a permissable, or voluntary branch of the common school education, but shall be placed regularly on the list as one of the positively required studies. Accordingly the state school com missioner, Captain S. I). Bradwell | issued last Monday a circular to all the couuty school commissioners of perance, Christian town in Ware | the state telling them officially of the j arc t u 0 rule here, and a county, has just begau to receive the j recent decision of the state board and j away for a rainy season, is not :i advantage in full of tbe general ad- j ordering them to go about the work i tion. There was marketed from he vertising of our pioneer, Rev. J. M. j of selecting the history to be used in i fields this season, fifteen hundred bale BLACKSHEAR. A Bright ConuMsuIntion From Pierce— What She U Capable of. Mr. Editor: I take pleasure in introducing to you the agricultural county of Wiregrass Georgia. Pierce has lor a decade or more !>een making rapid strides in the art of hus bandry, and to-day she stands peerless as a productive and wealth gaining county. Here the silvkn fibre of the long stapled cotton matures in all its beauty, and here corn and other grain ripen under the glowing sun; here the luscious sugar cane easts its blades to the breeze, and all forms of vegetables grow to make glad the heart of the epicurean. Peopled by an honest, industrious and hospitable citizenship she moves forward with stately tread in the march of pro gress. To-day slit* presents a spectacle of wealth and prosperity proportionately unrivalled in the state. Farms unincumbered by mortgages mug sum laid *1»- Stiger, and people are finding out that there is more work with good pay and less trouble, less whiskey and more money than in most places. They are coming from all over to settle here, we had one family and part of another from Kansas, two families from Michigan and four from parts of Georgia, come here to live the last two months. Two families and four parts of families, so you see thirteen families and parts make a general filling up. We have a brand new saw mill added aud four camps of tie men near Highland Bentley, and so with 100 or more hands in our woods, several com missaries op ened and the well known Gleumore House opened witli eight boarders and over-run with traveling men and some with families, we need some man or men with money to build a good hotel, we need a large store to accommodate our farmers the schools of their respective conn- 1 of Sea Island cotton, aggregating ties. The circular is of great interest, not alone to the county school com missioners, but to the teachers of all the schools and the patrons of the schools as well. It reads as follows; HISTORY, A TEXT ROOK. To the County School Commission ers of Georgia: History, by direc tion of the state board of education, has been made a part of the curricn- lum of the common schools. It is, therefore, my duty to give the county boards of education, through you, the following instructions : 1. The prescription of history ia now placed upon the same basis as arithmetic, geography or any of the branches heretofore recognized as the legal branches. j 2. It is limited to elementary his tory of the United States and of the staie of Georgia. 3. It is made mandatory on the hundred thousand jKmmls, with a valua tion of over one hundred thousand dol lars, and in Pierce some of this money sticks to the farmers’ fingers, and all does not go for supplies and guano bills. So most of our farmers seem to have done well this season. The good price of cotton with the beautiful yield of corn lias filled Imtli purse and ham. Iu fact this is a glorious county of ours; a kindly soil productive of all manner of harvests, while fruits grow and ripen al most the year ’round. I ate a moat lus cious Keiffer pear about the first of De cember and I noticed that a great many LaContes had a second crop of pears almost matured when frost came. I look from my w’indow now upon an old fig tree that has offered its delightful sruit to two generations, and last year I ate of three different crojis of figs that it bore on its ancient boughs. How- like the garden of Allinous. “Tall thriving tree* «tinferrdl the fruitful Tli? reddening itpi>li£*^>eif* gold, I fere the blue fig ' with luscious Jnicc aefj- With dccjior will be some sensational developments j the railroad property at a higher rate before the investigation's over. ; than other property, and it is claimed ............ «*. K.;n. .»d M.rri~ i ll,at '*» unconstitutional. i j Tlic question at issue lias stirreil Louisville, Jan. 24. — Rev. Faiber up tlie railroatl companies of the John T. Culleton, who for the past | state ami has been a polities! issue live years lias hail charge of the Ro-1 as well between two wings of the man Catholic church at llaywick, | South Carolina democracy. It is Ky., lias reoounccd the faith anil is j held that jurisdiction cannot be made now excommunicated. Oil Wcdnes-1 to attach by combining various forms day last Father Culleton married his | of taN in a number of counties, and cousin, Annis Culleton, of Wapakon- j thus swelling the total amount in- etta.O. The ceremony was performed i volved to above $2,000, the amount in Cincinnati, and the couple came to j necessary to take the case into the this city, stopping at the Hotel Vic- ; federal court. The merits of the toria, where the bridegroom registered I case were not gone into. Opinion by as “John Culleton and wife." Fat- j Justice Brown. her Culleton is barely 35 years of age, j • —— CAROLINA’S LIQUOR LAW. He served from 1857 until 18C0, when lie resigned to take a seat in the secession convention of his native state. He cast his fortunes with the ‘•lost cause” and left the army with the rank of a colonel after having shared in many engagements. He was again a professor in tbe Univer sity of Mississippi and again took a scat in tlic House of Representatives. He was elected to tbe senate March 5, 1877. On March 5, 1885, Presi dent Cleveland appointed Justice Lamar Secretary ot the Interior and afterwards elevated him to a seat on the supreme bench. Justice Lamar was perhaps as prominent a figure as any that has occupied a seat on the bench of that august body, but for mouths back he has been almost too ill to take more than perfunctory in terest in the proceedings. For first-claw Cabinet Picture* give Un man a trial. TbeGm Gallery, opposite Charleston, S. S., Jan. 24.—A j *o«tb Georcu Bonk, convention composed of about 100 with all they need, the farmers are all making money and are prepared j part of the county boards to prescribe and settled on his plantation in La- j p a y cas |j f or w hat they want, and j what history of the United States Fayette, being shortly afterward j ^ we i, aTe uo wagon-road to Wav- ; and of the state of Georgia shall be | The hnim l. here lsmls Uncutli the w elected to congress as a democrat. cr oss, such a store could make money, used in the common schools iu their Mr. Thomas, from Lowndes county respective counties ; and on the part The balmy spiri t<"f 0!c western ku 1 c' with a family of ten, has settled in |of the county school commissioners Eternal breathe* on fruit untaught t« slows eighty Glenmore a quiet, healthy, temper ance town, people are just beginning to find out that this is the place to to see that no other histories of the: Each dropping pear » United States and of the state ot ' „ _ . , On apples, applies, tins Georgia than those prescribed shall The same mild season bring children. The Christian cor- j be used in the schools, rectness of Glenmore is beginning to j 4. Circular No. 18, issued from j tell. Rev. J. M. Stiger i9 receiv- | this department September 14, 1892, j ing letters from all the states as well | is to be your guide in the selection | i tlu* I dooms Ido The buds to harden and the fruits to’grow. But agriculture is not the only enter prise in Pierce. The Pierce county . ^ , ..... ,. , . j High school situated at Hlacksliear, has as frommost every cooutymGeor- , a „d prescription of history, is opcnod umIcr Illost favorjl)Ic aus|liccs> gia. We have now about 100 houses from this date eliminated therefrom. | 0Tcr oa ,, humlrci , |mp ; ls Ilmv a and need ten more right now to ac- , 5. Hereafter all examinations will j up0 „ its ro)Is . ProC Roi!en)j a , sisted bv commodate the families oil the way j embrace history, elementary history his sister Miss Rogers and Mr. J. o. lint had been a priest Uiirteeu years. jlrsmlsr Mills <• be llr-eleefled. Austin, Ten., Jan. 24 —The leg* islatnre met at noon to-day to ballot for United States senator, Roger Q. , . , ... .. , Mills and T. L. Nugent, the third ^legates from moet of be counties party candidate for governor in the ‘ D tl,e , 8t!Uc rael 1,erc an<J ‘ ,er ; : * . A ... fecteda permanent organization of; laat campnigu, were the only c-andi- ® . . * i . mm « .. » Min. the liquor dealers of the state. An ? dates. 1 he ballot resulted M.lls eXL . cuUve commiWec oI fiftv was up- . spacious advertising was given at 144, Nugent 3 Hale a colored men,- for ^ ^ ’ of raising j the Portland Young Men’s Christian her, voted for Cuney, of Galveston. amJ 00Urt3 U|e i Association meeting Sunday, whet. V result not ^7 the dav o' constitutionalitv of the Evans liquor! General Secretary McDonald stated l’cnticost ’ law, passed at’the recent session of he had some curiosity to know what DesMoinks, 1a.. January 23.- the general assembly. It^was de- Nearly two thousand conversions ' 1 ~ " Suinincrall, complete the faculty. The professor expects to be able to perfect a regular graded school system, so that a ROW TO BRING BUSINESS. Tbe Xevrapaprr “Ad” Dors tbe Buslurss. A neat illustration of tbe value of and to start for Uere during this i of the United States and of tbe state month and next, wbo will come and of Georgia, and the syllabus for use build us some? House lots are low: in the county teachers’institute will and buildings pay 820 per month | embrace history in the programme of j boy completing at tlic high school will rent and are needed. Quite a num-' exercises. j lie able to enter Freshman or Sophmore her of properties have been sold, j County school commissioners „jH j at any of the southern universities. At more to go at prices men can pay and I place these instructions before their ! ^’ r< •' sc,,, r,lt,! 1,1 increase lie will soon long time given, ten years if wanted. ' county boards, in order that tt, c i have to employ other teachers. rl, ere —- proper action may he taken. D^Ulv. M.m...., | S. D. BltADWELL, j The family living next door to little [ Sute Schoo , Commissioner. • Bess had a uew baby. A few days after j ^ I it was lx»rn she was allowed to go over *a*bt A. M. to see it. When she returned she gave : You « leave Atlanta by feast Teuuesscc. her brother a detailed description of it. Arrive Knoxville —.3:47 p. “Is it u boy or a girl? ” be asked. “What curiosity \ method of advertising ridiculous question. Of course they don’t know yet. They can’t tell until ANOTHER VICTIM, its baptised. \ * Rum, Retribution aiul Murdri si»rty-FtTf. i Johnson City, Tenn., Jan. 25.— gle vacant There is a negro woman in will soon be opened in connection the school, a business school over which the professor himself will preside. Since the erection of the new and commodious school building, and the thorough organization of the school, resi dents have been fi<»cking in. Old resi dences have been renovated, and new ones have followed each other in quick succession, so that now, while many new buildings adorn our streets there is con stant inquiry for houses, and not a sin- » Whiskey has added another name to its One of the great needs now is a large Georgia” ninety-five years ul.l who has , already long list of victims. Sally : domltory, suitable for boarding students „ — v . — , . . her lifetime j Grant, who was reported frozen to death j at our public school. Home day we will cided to raise a large sum of money j most people. He had circulated lias never seen a railroad traiu, lias nev- ; a few days ago, was not frozen, hut mur- have a brunch of the University ofGeor- eacbed the j onlv been i thousands of little dodgers, giving ! er worn spectacles and who can do a full notice of the meeting, and he asked ; day’s work in the field without fatigue, those who bad seen them, and had Mows Tlil«. have resulted from B. Fay Mills’ for leg^l expenses. meetings here yesterday. More than ♦ one thousand .Sunday school children In x#to . are among the number. Business .p| iit :|ltornt . v j im | a vcn . j„„ onl nt wit- teen moved to come through that wid^T-?th h eT.f^‘tdi —a- 7 usual with : means to rise.' The hal. was packed voted to a revival meeting. l * ial * H * insiste<l on telling his story ; a6 full as it could hold, and of the -o- over ami over again. At last the attor- 1 entire uumber about fifteen arose. Underwear and dress goods at yotir_ ney grew tired. i Then Mr. McDonald asked all who priw. Brad Watson A To. -If you please,” he said with *o»ue . had read the notices in the newspa- , li’eve Tini per^tly honunible in all feeling, “yon will not reiK*at that story j too, and had been influenced by j business transactions and financially able $ $ - veral j them to rise, and tbe crowd rose ii * -a-u—* body.—Lewiston (Me.,) Journal* i here. Parxelle. Grow your products on the farm again. I have heard it iu toto and get your exhibits ready in time, times.” the fair is coming, public spirit de- *Htuh ? ” asked the witness in mands it, progress demands it, the city of Waycross wants it and the “I 11,avc heanl tll:lt *tory in people must have a county fair. * nd 1 ,lon t Nvant to ' lcar n “I guess not,” said the witness. dercnl, and, as a consequence, her daugh ter, Eva King, Notun Fair and Mark ; Crawford areiiow occupying felon’s cells. **** ,he w,rd ’s **«ir tor Fifteen cent*. The murder was a most brutal and in- Upon receipt of your address and tif- W'c oiler One HnmlreJ Dollars Re- hotllan one Alter lieing thrown fmm i in l.^ige stami», we will ward for anv case of catarrh that cannot . ,, . . , . . , mail vou prepaid our Souvenir Port- be cural by Hall’s Catarrl. C ure. h, r horw u11 ' 1 h » v ' 0 8 h " “«* broken TOU( J OPTH ,! word’s Fair Columbian F. J. Cheney, Prop., Toledo. O. •'‘he was draggetl tor a quarter of a mile i Exih>sition, the ivgular price is Fifty We the undersigned, have known F. over logs anti rocks , thrown over a cliff, ; Ceuts, but aft we want you to have one, J.,Cheney for the last 15 years, und be- j am j ] u . r h«Klv, uhicl, was still warm, left i we make the price nominal. You will .. ’ - to freest; in snow two feet deep. i fln . J “ '™ rfc ,,f t . art , a ' 1,t 11 thin ? *° 1 . t pnzed. It contains full page views ot to carry out any obligations made by j think that a daughter, assisted by , great buildings, with descriptions of their firm. West & Truax, and Wal- J drunken men would do a mother this j same, and is executed in highest style of den, K INN ax & Marvin. Wholesale i wav is almost Is-vend human conception; i art- .If not satisfied with it, after you —— Draggwt., Toledo O _ | but it »een» to be a terrible -Tory of re- ! S'* **• re J“ n <l the «tami« and let iisop.m. * Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken mternal-I „, . . ^ , | you keep the book. Address Every day you can leave Atlanta ou the j ly, acting directly upon the blood and j tnbution. The storj* is that shortly af- ■ H. K. B^CKLKN & Co., * * ~ - - - - - ■ - ! •*- «-!».. o—* " v Chicago, III. | East Tennessee vestibule for KimaviUe ami j niucuous surfaces of the system. Price - ter the war £j«11y Grant, the murdered ^ ^ ^ j | arrive there at 10:05 p. ty. ! 75 cents pef bottle. Sold by all drug- j woman, killed her mpther and now she New lot of baby caps at Brad Watson j never was in Toto in my life, and I don’t I Vmr Mice piMtsgrapfcs, nto »»»,—-«. | S ‘ St8 ’ <rCTt * monia ^ fret - j has met death while in a drunken stupor AOkV : oven know UK”. H..K- ! ! »t rho hand, of hor .bm-htar. A county fair in the city of Way- cross.