Newspaper Page Text
lie Broke the Record.
“Talk about getting there," said an
Eighth ward preacher yesterday. “If I
didn’t break the record Christmas Sun
day, I don't want the medal. It was
this way: Just half an hour before the
services opened my organist sent word
that she was ill and couldn’t apj>ear.
There we were, a lot Christmas music
prepared, with an organ voluntary for
morning and evening op the programme.
Then I came to the frorf. and with half
an hour’s practice weilT" on and played
the music myself. tariilos preaching the
sermon and leading Ihfsinging. You
should have seen me.
“First I would read, then play an ac
companiment, then dodge up again and
pray, hopping up and down like a bird
Hadn't Thought or It In That Light.
A lady who baa recently returned from
traveling in Europe tells of a wise man
whom she met, who seems to have been
a cousin of the famous wise men of
Gotham who put a fence around a bush
to keep in the nightingale who was sing
ing there.
She was going northward to visit
Nawi Items That Flash Over the Wires
from'All Points.
uneasy about
Carl Alberto Cappa. the well known
bandmaster, died at New York recently.
Dr. Haskell, of the Illinois state board
at wig, and I got through all right ’ attention to the study of the stars." she
too. How did 1 manage the voluntary? t onc
Well, you see music is my profession-] "Oh. yes. 1 he answered. “I have been
_ , , .... of health, has resigned because of charges
North Cape and to see the midnight sun. j c f p a( i management.
On the steamer she made the acquaint- Wickham & Co., of Ohio, the biggest
ance of an elderly gentleman who said j fish dealing firm in the country, failed,
that he was traveling simply for pleas- ! with liabilities of $253,000.
ure and the improvement of his mind 1 The report of the agricultural board
and who seemed to be a person of much ! Illinois to be
. . ,,, ... . , ... | *62,000,000 less than in 1881.
learning. She was especially struck with ’
his knowledge of astronomy, and they “
talked on this subject a good deal.
“You must liave given a great deal of
insignificant to talk about.
The people of Evansville, Ind., are try
ing to get a pardon for Charles Hitter,thb
imprisoned bank embezzler.
The anarchists of Paris are threatening
do not rail nreachintr a nrofession it is interested in the subject for years, and I ! trouble, and the police are ready at a mo-
<io not can preacning a profession, it is . - f .]*•_# t ment’s notice to arrest the leaders,
a calling—and I just improvised, mixing * iavo *nado it one of inj chief occupa-
in dance music, drawing the frisky notes ; tions as well as pleasures. It is really
out long to make Sunday music out of because of my love for astronomy that 1
them. Oh. I was all right. When my ; decided to take this trip,
voice fails me I will only just have to **How was that.*” she asked,
fall back on mv professir*. Good day. “It occurred to me," ho said, “that so
Got to fly, you know-mighty busy,” far north as we are going the constella-
and the sturdy little pTencher dived for tions must lie seen to greater advantage
the elevator and enlivened its downward than they are farther south. The air is
trip on the same by singing a few im- clearer, and the northern stars of course
provisod bars of opera to the office boy. can be seen much better.” .
—Minneapolis Tribune. “But, my dear sir.” she said, some- . tied.
what astonished. “I do not see how you ! Captain McNeill, of the Texas border
Tli* Newspaper. expect to study tho stars to advantage I rauger* has been dismissed, and bis eu-
Tho newspaper is essentially a com- by daylight, and what we are going to \ tire company of raugers weut out of the
mercial enterprise—the preparation and 6ee is the sun at the time when it doe9
putting upon the market of something to T1 °t set at all.”
nell. it is of the same nature as an ordi- An expression of astoiushment and di >
narv merchant’s. The rule in every well may came over the face of the wise man.
regulated shop is that the clerks shall not , “I don’t see how I can have been so
discuss religion, jaditics or any disputed ; stupid,” he exclaimed, “but really 1 ! and killed himself through remorse
topic with tho’customers. Where tlio never thought of that until this ino
editorial department of a newspaper en- nient!”—Youth’s Companion,
tors into the enterprise the .commodity
offered for sale is opinions, and a con- A Good Place for Ducks. i burg froni interfering with workmen whi
stituency is therefore presumed tol»oin “The client of a friend of mine who j have replaced them,
t lie market which is willing to pay for , came from tho land of St. Patrick j England has seut a special envoy to Mo-
sit-ing the opinions in print. But tho j erected in the Twenty-fourth ward of | rocco. and the fact is taken to indicate
fact is that no paper limits its solicita- New York city a structure with pilas-
tion of trade to any special constituency. | ters of lath for tho facade and with
It solicits advertisements from all classes, rusty tin for tho roof, with a cellar below
it prints news for all classes, and in va- I lor fowl—chickens in this case,” says
nous other ways apjieals to all classes. General Horace Porter. “Mr. Muldoon
Editorials which please only one class went to tho commissioner of public
and displease many others are a draw- works with this statement: 'Me name is
$500 Will be Given
For any case of rheumatism which can
not be cured by Dr. Drummond’s Light
ning Remedy. The proprietors do not"
hide this offer, but print it in bold type on
all their circulars, wrappers, printed
matter and through the columns of news
papers everywhere. It will work won
ders—one bottle curing nearly every
ease. If the druggist has not got it, he
will order it. or it will be sent to any
address bv prepaid express on receipt of
price, $•">. Drummond Medicine Co. 48-
50 Maiden Lane, New York. Agents
back to the paper, without being an ad
vantage to the reader.—Boston Revi<
Muldoon. of the Twenty-fourth ward.
1 control forty votes. 1 keep chickens
in the cellar, and there is water in it. I
lro«rn Almost Solid on :» (nr rut form. want it cleared out. or 1 shall throw me
When tho Chicago and Alton “hum- i forty votes ;.gainst your par-r-ty.’ Mill
iner” drew up at Joliet Thursday after* ! doon was advised to go to the fire de-
noon tho passengers waiting to tako tho 1 partment. Ho went there, and he said:
train saw a man drop off the bumperson j ‘Me name is Muldoon. 1 control forty
the front end of the baggage car. Help ! votes. 1 want the water pumped out or
was given him, when it was found that ! I’ll cast them forty votes for a naygur.
he was dying. His ears, face and feet j The fire commissioners said they would
were frozen stiff. He was taken to tho I he glad to pump out the water, but Mnl-
hospital, where the doctors and nurses j doon had better see the mayor,
tried unsuccessfully to restore him. The] “The mayor, who was Mr. Grace, re
doctors say ho was frozen almost 6olid. i ceived him with that bland air which ho
His name was John Bussey and Jie was ! always wore when he did not intend to
. .nrty-nine years old. He got on the train give any attention to a complainant
at Pontiac to go to Dwight, getting on Muldoon repeated his story, saying, *If
the front end of tho baggage car. but the j you don’t get the water out, I’ll give ray
“hummer" does not stop until Joliet, forty votes to a haytlieu Chinee.’ The
fifty-five miles away, is reached. There | mayor sent Muldoon to the board of
is lio door in the front end of the bag- j aldermen, where Muldoon’s friend, Mc-
gage car, and ho had to stay outside. He j Gnffin, a countryman of his and a mem-
met a terrible fate, tho worst blizzard of ber of tho board, engraved on the tablet
catching him in full force.— of Muldoofi’s memory the intellectual
Two thieves at Salt Lake City rifled a
I lamp post mail box containing letters and
j drafts aggregating $58,000 in value.
Peter Antonious & Co., of Beyront,
\ Syria, have begun work on the Turkish
; theater at the World’s Fair grounds.
The clothing store of Isaac Wolf. Chi
cago, suffered a $55,000 loss by fire, which
j originated from the electric light switch.
Archbishop Ryan, of Philadelphia, says
that all differences between Satoili anil
tne American archbishops have beeu set-
Oliver M. Sheldon died at Chicago. He
pitched quoits with Abe Lincoln at the
time the latter received the presidential
An Indianapolis firem
• ’ led llitnse
» death who “subbed’’ for him at
! fire two years ago.
! The Pennsylvania supreme court ha*
i enjoined the striking job print' '
lie fii
* either the subtnis
sultan or else a war.
Fierce storms, accompanied by heav
snow and intense cold, are doing muc!
damage to life and property everywhere
both in this country anu Europe.
A coffin which hail li
IOO a. ~ urilDAiLY Action.
Beautify complexion by purifying
The dose Is nicely adjusted to suit ease, M one pill e*n
never betoo much. Each vial contains 42, carried in vest
pocket, like lead pencil.. Business mnn’s pftt
mnwrucnce. Taken easier than sujrar. Solaevcrj-
AU genu
Life o.‘ an Italian Signalman.
A signalman in Italy has a remarkably
easy time of it in comparison with, his
British brethren. Tliis is of course part
ly due to the greater leisureliness of rail
way traffic in the peninsula, hut is partly
also the outcome of the conditions under
which he is required or pennitted to ply
his calling. He is always* married—if
he wero a bachelor he would not bo em
ployed—and his little cabin beside the
railway is also his home. Ho is free
during the daytime, at least, to engage
in any other occupation he may desire.
When a train passes his wife puts on his
hat—an official covering—and goes out
to give the necessary signal with the
flag. The wages amount to about a
franc and a half a day.—London Tit-Bits.
Au Ancient Work on AngTJnp. j
The greatest work of antiquity on j
angling is said to be tho Halieutica of
Oppiau. a Greek poet, who flourished in I
the time of Sever us, A. D., 198, from
which we learn that many artifices in
fisliing thought to be modern were known
to the ancients. We also learn from
Athenens that several other writers had
written treatises or poems on fishing
some centuries before the Christian era.
—American Angler.
The Cash Drug Store desires to inform
the public, that they are agent for the
most successful preparation that has yet
been produced for coughs, colds and
croup. It will loosen ami relieve a se
vere cold in less time than any other
treatment. The article referred to i„
Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy. It i> a
medicine that has won fame and popu
larity on its merits and one that can al
ways be dejiemlcd upon. It is tlu* onU
known remedy that will prevent croup
It must be tried to be appreciated. It i»
put up in 50 cent and 81 tattle*. For
sale by Cash Drug Store.
Have you seen tin
latest styles of ladies’ shoes.;
J. T. |*ai.Mint’s Sinn:
What ? The
css maker
lake .-un
prepared t»
Splendid farm to rent three
town, apply at Herald oflict
Cor. Chicago News-Record.
A Georgia StatraniMii’* Recreation.
There is musical genius in tho Georgia
congressional delegation. Colonel Liv
ingston plays the flute. The colonel has
an old flute that has seen service for
many years, but is still mellow in tone
and its notes are always true. The colo
nel’s flute playing is, however, a secret.
Ho never plays in public, but in the se
clusion of his room, with the door locked
and tho windows closed, the colonel
often performs in tones that are cap
tivating to the one who is so fortunate
to hear him. The colonel can play “Ta-
ra-ra Boom-de-ay” and “Chippie, Get
Your Hair Cut” in the most approved
style, besides all the old southern melo
dics.—Atlanta Constitution.
taken t
lo., for reinterment, an l broki
the platform, to the horror of the sp
The Press Printing company w
fight against the Democrat Priutiu., .
pany at Little Rock, and the court
nulled the printing contract and ordered
it relet.
George Salter, a citizen of Great Brit
ain, is about to sue the city of Niagara
Falls for $15,000 damages and Niagara
county for $1,000, for alleged illegal ini-
prison meut.
The Grand Forks, N. I)., chamber of
commerce has adopted resolutions urging
the perpetuation of the Turtle mouut&iu
timber lauds as a national park or pre
serve by congress.
The pilot boat Edward Cooper, of New
York, which has been reported missing,
was lost on Dec. 26 about 150 miles from
Sandy Hook. The crew of six and four
pilots were saved.
Charles H. North, three . _
millionaire pork packer of Somerville,
Mass., was recently arrested and locked
up in the Boston workhouse for several
days for a debt of $705. (
A minister assisting in the dedication of
a German Lutheran church closed the
ceremony l»y wedding his sweetheart,,
who had come to him from the Father
land, at Mouticello, Ills.
Annal Sherman, a lumberman, was as
sassinated near ishpemiug, Mich., by or
der of a secret organization of France,
known as the “Paris Terrors,” who had
been pursuing him for ten years.
It is said at Cincinnati that one result
of t he Smit n heresy trial is a practical
boycott of taue Seminary. 1 • • • —
Recent Mortality Among Dukes.
The mortality among dukes, compar-
ing their limited nnmtars to the im
mense concourse of untitled folk, has
been exceptional during the last two
years. The Duke of Marltarongli makes
the ninth who has died in that period.
It must ta remembered that, excluding
royal titles, there are only twenty-seven
dukes in the United Kingdom altogether.
Therefore in two years or a little more
one-third of the holders of dukedoms
have died, while two of the titles—
Buckingham and Cleveland—have be
come extinct.—Loudon Tit-Bits.
remark, T was jist tliinkin the party
would stand it much longer if you could
l>e induced to keep ducks.’"—New York
H« Built On© of tho Pyramid*.
The British museum, the great Euro
pean storehouse of things out of the or
dinary, has hundreds of Egyptian mum
mies of all dynasties carefully stowed
away within its walls. Some of these
are comparatively recent efforts at em
balming, and others date back to the
“wide revolving shades of centuries
past.” The oldest of the entire collec
tion is the mummy of Mykerinos. He
was a king in Egypt in what is known to
history as the “fourth dynasty,” and
wore bis golden tiara and sat on the
throne of thrones 4,000 years before the
wise men followed the star of fate till it j Illinois’ board of "health, says if.’is pto-
stopped over that lowly hovel in Bethle- j maine poisoning.
hem where the infant Jesus lay. • The United States government will be
Mvkerino, was tbebuilderof tho third ! “h'd K n *l«nd t» P»r »o indemnity or
pyramid at Ghizeh. where his headless ; ,^ ger „ Illurl i„ er , f„ New Jersey. Hal-
mummy was discovered in the year 183G. 1 linger •**•«.* **«* hnipi«w«a
The stone coffin in which he was being | to be n
transported to England was lost at sea i
and lay at the bottom of the ocean for '
two years before being recovered. It is i v
saMam ♦ la A fr .. mu„*a lutnAS hwa aa^a.1 ^ *
Plumbing, Gas Fitting,
Pumps, Pipe, Steam, Gas and Water Pitting.
Wells Driven at Short Notice, and Every Well Guarnteed
Plant Avenue, near Canal, Waycross, Ga.
. 1 Icav
al of inn
East Tennessee. Virginia and G<
in and Northern and Maeou i
which" Dr! i Eaton ton Railroads
No. .3 lei
, ing aftern
s Mac
ml of i
San .luun diggings, it is said, through the
use of many fictitious uames. Great in
dignation among the prospectors is the
the Arkansas peuitentiary and pronounce
it not to be cholera. Dr. Reilley, of the
on the Central.
western and Georgia Railroads, and connects
at I'alatka for St. Augustine and ail points
in East and South Florida, and with the St.
Johns and Ocklnwaha river steamers.
White ,-pru
Valdosta ...
7 15a
A 9300,000 Skating l'ond.
Ouo of this city’s richest men. John D.
Rockefeller, the Standard oil king, is so
fond of the outdoor sport of skating that
be has a private skating rink on his
property near his residence. The pond
is on a vacant lot, 50 by 90 feet, next
■door to the millionaire's Fifth avenue
residence, near Fifty-fourth street. The
lots ou which the poud is located are
valued at $300,000. Mr. Rockefeller re
cently bonght 100 pairs of skates for the
nse of his family and friends on the rink.
He is a good skater himself.—New York
tuple Sant’s Japanese Indians.
. A tree was foiled by a storm here re
cently, and taneath the roots that were
turned up were found Japanese coolring
utensils and a hammer and rial), both
corresponding to such as are used by tho
Japanese. The rings on the tree were
counted after the tree was cut in two,
and 300 rings proved the tree to be as
many years old, clearly showing that the
Japanese were here or ]tointing to the
Siwash Indians as of Japanese origin.—
. Vancouver Cor. St. Paul Pioneer Press.
The horse and cattle industries of
southeastern Oregon are reported to be
in a depressed condition, and many
ranchers are dropping both and turning
to sheep raising.
Anson Phelps-Stokes, of New
seldom that a man's bones are subjected • lorK * iS worth
to vicissitudes, especially 5,000 or 0,000 j I-s'It.Gordon Camming has planned au-
years after hi, deith.-St Louis Repub- ! ott , er v »‘ t t0 «•“ c “ uutr) , v . .
j- * Miss Mary Martin, of Nashville, is a
llc * ' ' candidate for the positiou of state libra
Indians Tired of Amy I4fe. j rian before the Tennessee legislature.
Commissioner Morgan, of the Indian : Princess Galitzen, a member of one of
bureau, lias received a letter from Lewis j the oldest aristocratic families of Russia,
Miller and fifteen other Cheyenne and I is now a st.blen.aid Id s I* reach crcua.
No. 2 leaves. I'alatka after arrival fast West !
India Mail from Tampa and <-onnectsatMa- j
eon with all outgoing p. in. trains 0. R. It. j
! S. W. R. Ga. R. R.. K. T.. V. A G. R. R. j
No. 4 leaves I'alatka after arrival of trains ;
from .St. Augustine and points in East and i
South Florida, and connects at Macon with i
• all out-going a. m. trains C. K. It., S. W. R. •
* R., M. & N. R. R., Ga. R. It. and K. T. V. & '
i G. R. R.. M. & B. R. R. and M. & N. R. It. j
' Connection for vestibuled train between At- j
i lanta and Washington D. C.
This Gentleman has found the
most extensive and complete es
tablishment of any kink in Way-
cross. A regular /
Where they make anything in
wood from a Pine Plank to an
to an Elaborate Sideboard in the
highest style of art.
' s N, Delivered at your door or shipped
rv ™ \ in any quantity, anywhere.
For Street, Store or Dwelling. We refer to the
Satilla Manufacturing Company,
; Fauc3' Furniture, Moulding, all kinds of Wood Carving and
! Turning. Two immense dry kilns. Bone Dry Lumber
Dressed and worked. Stor e wood at your door at $1.00 for
! for trvo-liorse wagon load. Agent for Fay’s manilla bnilding
! paper. So
Brunswick and Western Railroad,
Time Table.
In Effect Sunday. January 1st, lSDS. Subject to Change IVithont Notice.
All trains arrive and depart from Union ( ~
will l»e run on trains :
Fifth United States cavalry, asking him I
to intercede in their behalf tosecure their , Mndeliue Broh ,„. one ot th . m0Jt
discharge from the army. The Indians , farming aC tresses of the Francxie. turn* 1 II. lit
•ay that they are tired of army life, and j out to be the daughter of a Scotchman •
can do much better working on their J named Brown.
farms.—*W;ashington Star. Mrs. Fraac*. Ho<l«m. Buruett belier^ H100H AND BIRMINGHAM RAILROAD.
in the benefits of walking as an exercise.
Depots Macon and I'alatka.
Elegant sleeping ears will
No. 3 and No. 4.
For farther particulars apply t** aj
Junction points or to
I.. J. Harris, Ticket«Agt., Macon.
Jas. M kn/.ies. Gen’l Agt., I'alatka
xs. Trav. Pass. Agt., Macon.
A. C’. Kxapp. Traffic Manager.
No. lliNo. o.iNo. 3 i No. 1
The oldest bishop of the Established
church. Dr. Durnford, has just cele
brated his ninetieth birthday. Ho is a
fine old .gentleman, still strong and
A roor. Unfortunate Man. %
Two Chicago women made a wager on
the late election, the loser to make a
proposal of marriage to some man. She
has done so. and fancy the feelings of
the man. who is a United States senator
from 'Wisconsin, when he finds out how
it all came about.—Boston Transcript.
Schedule In Effect April 17, 189*.
From Albany hi Brunswick.
•No. 2}Ko.'4.' 1 No. 6.1 So. 121 No.8
.... I Daily Daily Daily
Dsilv I> a i*>- K.S. K.S. R
A. M.Ia M A*. M
-all 401 7*i5 : •»
I ... si -tfi V '(ft
« 15|f 4 45:
5 55's 4 15;
5 40: S :t
5 15! s 3 15
4 ;»!s 2 57
The emperor »nd empress of Germauj
decorated the family Christmas tree this
year with their own hands. The festivities
were held in the new palace at Potsdam.
Ella Wheeler Wilcox objects to wait
ers wearing the black swallow-tail coat of
aocietv. She might forgive the swallow
tail if”it was of any other color than black.
Mr*. Mary U. Sturgis, who recently died
in Kansas city at the age of 84, was a
noted army nurse during tne war. and as
sociated for a long time with “Mother”
Recentlv, in Richmond, Va.. Mrs. Mark .
; Davis, wife of a well known hotel propri- ’
! etor. professed her belief 1 ‘
. Montpelier
3 30i 12 Oils 7 10 ! s *• 40j Brunswick Isll 23, , w ,
3 45: 12 Hi; 7 19| 0 50 K. T.. V. G. Crowing j 11 l«i t; .y)
4 15 12 :» f 7 30 f 7 01!...Eleven Mile TurnourJf II ttl f « :a>
4 35! 12 58jf 7 40;s 7 lli Jamaica... islO 53 f 071
5 15; l 25 f 7 57(s 7 271 Waynesville 'slO .*i7jf ^ u
5 30- 1 38 f 8 05 s 7 .34..: Atkinson jslO .'i0,f 1; (4
5 50; 1 52l >s 7 41 ‘ Lulaton !*10 2:»-f ,y; 4 15|
0 25, 2 10,f 8 13,s 7 40' Nsfliunta . slO 15;f 3 55 ; s 2 35-
7 15 2 43 f 8 21 (s 8 07 Hoboken is !i 54 3 20,s I 50,
7 40j 3 oo f 8 40 S 8 15 ^Sjchlatterville s 9 4% -3 00 .- 1 30;
m Si. % s; 1 ! S vfc 5 *: " AYCROSS !, s £| f * jsj" 1 | sl ; Z=
sit 00i‘ * 9 20s 9 45 Warestaro~ is l'f 4 40l J- “rl ,,
all 50* 5 54lf 9 :K*sl0 13 Millwood s 7 57!f 4 ST *- a »l sn •••■
s 1 55! 7 43!fl0 45ls.ll 09 Gray s » •_ wjf 3 281
* 2 051 7 50]flu 48!k11 13: Willacooehw • i-jf 3 24, ]
2 45! 7 55lfl(
, _ __i the Jewish
faith and became a member of Beth Aha-
1 b^' svnagoguw. After the ceremony Mr.
and Mrs. Davis were remarried according
to the Jewish ritual.
Miss Halstead, sister of Secretary No-
ble’. wife, haa b«D eiiMgwl to wriu an
article on “Th. Social LiT, of Waahlnj-
ton from tho Earlieat Adnumatration to
th. Present Day.” for a aonrenir volume
prepared by several distiniuiahad women
for the World'. Fair.
Suean B. Anthony admit, that Gorer-
A cream of tarter baking powder. ^,T^’i:Sftid«iut 0 Lh5Sl“.?£:
Highest of all in leavenin' strength.— ; chatter, affected her deeply. '‘Yonaae. I
UttA V. S. Omrnanit Food Brport. hare Iwen rtearded at tiojVi hoo«a tod
‘ noraea creature *w ■■ r ' ■y*
Royal Baking .Powder Co. ‘tM .van a little tliog touekee *y
100 Wall street, - - New York. \ koaft”
nterraediatc ^tation.s.
For farther information apply t«
L II. Harris, Ticket Agt., Macon.
R. G. Stoxe, Ticket
H. P.rr.X¥, Trav. Pass. .4
A. C. Kx\pr. Traffic Manager.
. _ .taml pass at Waycross.
7.11,12, 8, daily except Sunday.
Direct .•onnection made at W’ayc "**
Trains No. 3. 1, 2. 4. daily, f—Stop on sig-
a,„, . with through Pullman Sleeping Cars for
t Agt.. LaGrange, j st. lsiuis! Montgomery. Birmingham. Nashville, imf Vontlom’
Ad., Macon. , Tampa and interme^liate points. Reclining chair cars tatween W aycros and . fonts 1
J. Smith, apltfi iy i
1 Bainbridge.
O. MORRIS, Master Transportatiox.
* ' 0*30. W. HAINI3S, SupRrintrxoknt.