Newspaper Page Text
3P«gjeo93£ IBxMralJr,
J. S. SHARP, Editor nnd Proprietor.
Hubscription $1.00 per annum.
resources of this section would bene*
fit us individually and insure an
agency for advertising Ibat would
grow and spread out far beyond the
gates of the fair ground, and we
trust that no one will be found with
heart so cold or soul so dead as to
Addmt all communication* and remittances to
Our authorized representative* will l>e provided
with proper credentials defining their aatbor.tjr, duly
signed by the Manager.
Communications for publication must bear the name
nf the writer. Purely personal controversies will be
taken only as advertising matter.
Communication* to insure insertion mnst be in by
refuse to loan his support to the popu- the new life being injected into j rating topics as ‘'Greet Htaic 1
lar wish for the organization of a Homervillc daily. The get-up, exbi- j “Dress," “l*,»ition of Women,” “
bited by the hustling inhabitants, the ; Greek Games” etc.
satisfaction expressed by the business
We rise to ask for information re
garding the state of one Mr. Blaine’s j tbority on that point,
Notwithstanding the preference ac
corded to some others in Corbett’s
sweeping challenge to fight the world
we have just put our devil in training.
Will the business men of the city
put their heads together now and
consider the benefits of a first-class
county fair.
John Wannamakcr is entitled to a | information obtained iu Glenmore is
monument after the 4th of March for | at variance with statements gleaned
from officials here, the conclusion
' that there mnst be something rotten
county fair.
*3,000 Lost By AwUntt «r TWrft.
On the 3d day of January regis
tered packages valued at $3,000 were
mailed iu Glenmore for parties in
Brunswick, Savannah, Chattanooga
and other points none of which ever
reached the point of delivery, and in
fact never reached Waycross if post
master Fuller is to be taken for nu-
This would
fasten the responsibility for the miss
ing packages od two men, the post
master at Glenmore and a Mr. Sykes
who was in charge on the mail car
on the evening of the 3d, they being
the only ones through whose
hands the packages shonld have
passed between Glenmore nod Way-
cross. A. Herami man put himself
to some trouble to get at the facts in
this case and in view of the fact that
A series of six lectures on "Social Life !
in Ancient Greece.” will be delivered in {
connection with the Waycross Ch&utuu-
Cntali, Wave County:
To the Heralu :
A large number of the citizens of
our thriving city are subscribers to
your valuable paper, and we feel
sure that you will accord us some
space in its columns for mention of i Owen Seaman, and arc upon such inter- Butler, J. A. J
. . . . . 1 . . (l( , * ... „i \\ anvil l.'tt, I.. John:
qua Literary and Scientific Circle, he- To u,. superior Court ors.kl corny
ginning on Wednesday, Feb. 8th.
Th«*pe*ition of J. S. Williams, A. II. Mor*
T , “ . . '' * .. c I Pan. K. H. C’rawley. Sr.. W. M. Wilson, K
These lectures were written by Prof. ! 1{. Crawley. Jr.. J.f. Uiuiucd. tt\ B. Folks,
' * “ ifier. J. A. Jones,
le Life
Many who have not found the time
men and the encouragement extended i fur Chautauqua e^SI^h “r
to those who would make their homes <=”"«« * lU he glad U, embrace the ad- m „. Thaj t£capital«ock..of said
1 vantage olfered in these lectures. Kadi
amongst us, is a guarantee of success , ......... . , .
. ., . . , i member w furnished with a printed syl
in the popular effort to budd an edu- i ,. w .... :.«•
catioual center and a business mart I
on the bosom of the once neglected !
old town. Prominent business men j
from abroad are locating here, Mr. j
T. J. Strange, of Torrisville, will es- 1
tablisb headquarters here for an cn-
labus or full synopsis of the lectures, af
ter they have been delivered and in this
way may [perfect himself in the impor
tant information contained in the lec
tures. The cost of the course of lectures
is fifty cents per mondrer, the money to
go for the purchase of the lectures and
terprisc giving employment to about j syllabuses from the Chautauqua central
his cheap production of a porus-plas-
tcr, about four or his Columbian
stamps will cover the hack-achc com- j on the surface forces itself. But as
fortably. an inspector is now ctigagad in on
, j effort to unravel the negligence which
lM no business man ignore the re-, re8ulted in tllis ]oss to lIje good peo .
quest of the people for a chance to ...
quest of the people
exhibit the fruits of their labor, to
advertise the splendid resources of
this section witli its wealth of soil
adapted to the culture of almost every
cereal, fruit or vegetable that can be
grown in the genial climate of a sun
ny southland.
Brunswick is slowly, cautiously
pie of Glenmore, or the clumsily exe
cuted theft for which some one will
be made responsible, the Herald
one hundred men.
Mr. George Moody has recently
moved here from Dothan, Ala. Mr.
White of particular interest to those
pursuing the years reading on Greccian
Moody is an extensive tie contractor j history, the lectures are ot such a char-
and a‘gentleman of means, to n fi | actor and degree of merit as to be of im-
such Homervillc extends a cordial j P" rt “noe and interest to others; and it is
iiojkm! that many will avail tlu*in-
Society too is alive with interest
anti sparkling with uew acqu isitions j
to its membership. Last Friday nVarkeJ
evening the young people enjoyed a
sociable at the far-famed Crum house
irh other person:* as may hereafter lx.*
associated with them, desire to ho incorpo
rated under the name of “Life Preserver
Medicine Company," for the purpose of
pany shall he two thousand (lollars(^2,000.00),
divided into eighty shares of twenty-live
dollars ($25.00) each, twenty per cent, to he
paid in on organizing and the remainder in
such installments as may be called for. each
share-holder to lie liable to the extent of the
stock sitlKicribed for by him and no more,
which capital stock may he increased at any
lime, or from time to time, not exceeding
twenty-five thousand dollars (£25,0^0.00).
That the officers of said company shall con
sist of a president, vice-president, secretary.
treasurer and Utanl of directors, and that
the principal office of said company shall
l>e at Waycross. Ware county, Georgia. and
they desire to establish their business in
other places through agencies or otherwise,
as they may deem expedient.
They therefore pray that they and their
associates and successors In? incorporated for
the term o| twenty years, with the privilege
j *clv
I’ircle has held on for nearly
in the course of study
fer the great Chaiituuqu;
ltool anti it is gratifying that a manlier
i our town are handed together in pur-
given by mine host Crum in honor of i su it of culture of mind and heart, which j <
of renewal at the expiration of said
under the unme of Life 1’roerver Medicine
Company, with all the rights, powers and
privileges authorized l»y law. including the
right of purchasing, holding and using any
real or pers«»nal pn»pcrty, or Itotli. that may
of this op|ortunitv. The Way- ! lx* necessary or proper * ‘ *
luct of their business, t<• alienate, dispose
'or incnmU r nt pleasure.
And your petitioners will ever pray. etc.
This January 4th, IKT., J. 1.. t’nwi.v.Y,
»| J. S. Wll.t.lAMs.
! Georg!*, Vu« Countyi
Will he sold, before the court house door,
in the city of Waver****. Wale county. Geor
gia, on tlie first Tuesday in February, next
within the legal hours of sale, the following
property, to-wit:
All that lot, or parcel of land. situaUsl, ly
ing and being In the city of Waycnws, Wan
county. (h-orgia, and known and distin
guished in the plan of said city by the fol
lowing Ummluries, to-wit: Hounded on
the north-east by Pond street, north-west l»y
lands of Highsmith. south-west hy lands of
Flynt, formerly In-longing to the l«ott estate,
and south-east by E street, containing one-
half acre. Also, all that lot of land, situated,
lying and being in said city of Waycn»s-.
county of Ware and state of Georgia. «t*n-
taining one acre, more or h>s. Itounded ami
described as follows, to-wit: Commencing
at the writer of Mrs. Heaton’s lot on tb
north side of Pond strci't. anti running atom;
said Pond street west, a distant**: of two hun
dred and ten feet, mare or less, to D strwt.
thence north along said P street a dis
tance of two hundred and ten fist,
more or less, to a stake, thence east parallel
with Pond street a distance of two hundred
ami ten feet to Mrs. Heaton’s lot, thence
along Mrs. Heaton's line south a distance of
two hundred and ten fis't to Pond street, the
place of ls*gilining. Said lands, with all and
singular, the improvements thereon to he
sold as the property of Florence K. Hamil
ton, together with all her right, title, inter
est or demand. in or to the same, at public
outcry, to the highest bidder, for cash, umlci
and hy virtue of a mortgage given thereon,
hy said Florence K. Hamilton to the S«mth
Georgia Hank of Waycross, *lat**»l June loth.
1SS*I, to secure payment of a certain protui-
sory note of same date, on which there i*
now past due the sum of $(S12.50, principal,
ami fl.tSS interest, anti the aitthonty given
therein, hy said Florence K. Hamilton to
the said The South Georgia Hank of Way-
cn*ss, in case of default in the payment ot
said note, to sell and convey said property.
Tin's December 29th. 1«»2.
Tm: Sinn 1 iv.oittiia Hank of Wavcis**..
Hv f. t*. Gi:\ck, Presilient.
his son Col. Reiner Crum who is i is the broad
visiting the old folks at home. The
occasion was a pleasant one indeed
and your correspondent left reluc- ; ture course will
•t' the Chautauqua
;ht to increase
Filed in office ami recorded, thi:
4th. l«r;. W. M. Wimox.<’h rk S.
koboia—Ware t’ounty :
Clerk’s office.
nuivemcut. The circle uugm w luvmuv ■ j jpj j,
from year to^year, and the promised lcc- J pears
doubt enlist manv
tlcrk soffice. superior court «>fsaidcoti
hereby «*ertify that the foregoing is a
•pyof the petition f<
w. c.
j county, title to t
On Xovcinlicr 1st, ISirj, the itndersigmsl
vatwe ;»ss»»eiat«Hl t«>gvth*‘r under the linn
>f the Chernkw Xurscry <’o. Tin*
i* Preserver Medicine Company, as an- j fully omtplusl with. All contra**
irs from the re***ml now *»ti nle in my *«f- ! the Chen >kee Nursery Co., must 1h» sigmsl hy
tanth*, luit carried away memories j who need only to know* the advantage of- j this January Pb. 1«k».
bright to cherish when Moody* oh, j ferc ^- __
II. W. lleeil as president. S. L. Hishop ..
secretary and treasurer is :iuthori%«s| to sign
cheeks lor the payment of current hills and
my! we mean when far awav in our
withholds the publication of these ‘ ,one, - v meditation
facts until the inspector performs his * ^ XK OF TI,K * 5ovs *
| * m # m . For ibr Present Dnty.
' Order No. i Keatored by tbe iutiroad J At the eleventh annual meeting of the
commission. , tobacco growers assmiation of Connect!-
lteceiit action hv business nieu in
cut, held at Hartford. January, 10, the
surveying a riglit-of-way for a dead j Sav * n,l * h » w,,l<-h influi-m-.-<l the railroad J follom'ng rwolutions were mlnpted:
Messrs. 1'. Dart, M. J. Kguu, F. Duuu
! F. Minch. I*. C. Hyrd, C. Morris, It. K.
! Dart, C. A. Montgomery, D. I). Clinch,
Mcsdams U. l>art, M. J. Egan, tVwits
| and Levy and Misses L. Hampton, L. * t«
j Hay. A. Mcnch, A. Drown, Coats and I
I*evy, Dr u us wick Amateurs registered at j
the Southern.
Sheriff Sale.
Georgia I Wore Connty.
Will Is* sold on tbe first Tuesday in Feb
ruary next, at the Court house in saidrotinty. i
within the legal hours of sale, to the highest '
bidder, for *nsh, the following pnqierty, j
: jMirt of.
Cher*»k«*e Nursery
of II. W. Heed .v C»».
II. W. IlKF.It.
>. L. Utstt*«t‘.
c. M. GltlFFIX
line, beyond which the sale of rum
will not be allowed, instead of con
commhwion to fix .-quid ratra to Bruns- , ftesolvetl: That it is ap|iarcnt tliat the
j * il * an '' Savaunah from all points south | gi. ni . ra i government requires an.l will re-
quire for some time to come a large reve-
„ . , __ , , and west of Waycross was unjust, and
lining it to lim.ts west of Newcastle ; 0 „. nnill | i „ lu ,| , vith „ at „ knorlcd)?c „„
street, would it not he well for our j Jan )>f th , eonrmission. of all the
neighbor to cast the whole traffic into | fm . t> ,| louM h ave | HV „ considered,
the bay, where Uie laughing waves j The «is<' ha. Iieen na.|K.ncd however
would sing a requiem while the bil- j nn >] justice done in the matter by re
foul- j storing order No. I lust Wednesday, j
lows lashed the stench of hell's
est curse from their shores.
nue to Ik* derived from a tariff tax on
im|M»rtcd articles, and as it has been
shown that the preseut duty on imports
of tobacco will largely aid in raising this
duty and allow a reduction of duty on
t articles of consumption considered as ne-
• henceforth mileage will form the liasis. i ei*s*itics by the whole people, we there-
j Will Savannah was,- to annoy llrim-- j fure ,| Mu ; it „*„,[,[ ,| lat the |m „ cllt
f laml Ni «ii
Sth district ot
Aaron Itowling, Ordinary.
A.G. Go wen. Clerk Snp**rior C*»urt c. C.
J. A. Wain right. Shen IT.
Jam*-** Thompson. School Commissioner.
Mr. F. A. Wrench, of the Kvening
Advertiser, of Rrunswick, was a pleas
ant caller at Herald office yesterday.
From $*IOO to 8*1,000. Good Interest.
Ftrst-elass serurlty. Address
P. O. Box No. 71.
“Among the Breakers” was well re
ceived by a line representative audience
last even in;
nud. theca ...
». lying and In-ing iu the !
of said lot of laml in the
1 Ware county, and Umn.l-
c*l os_follows: From original corner and
running south to hram*h. them*** taking up I GEORGIA, cbnrlton Connty?
the branch to original line, thenee running
west sj chains. Sai«I property levied upon j
as the property of Mary J. McDaniel, to sat- j
isfy execution, issue*! from the I
superior i-ourt of said «***unty. in favor of j
Tonitha Hemlerson. against Mary J. Mr* :
Ihmiel. Tlii* finemlNTiitli, tittf, i
S. F. !
Sheriff Ware <’utility. j
All Wliom It 3lay t
Uufus S. lams of said state having in
proper form appliisI as a |N*rs<m sclectcil by
the next of kin f*»r letter* of tulniinistratio
on llu* estate of William loing late
county do*-cased. This is to cite ;
nmiiish all nu«l singular the credit*
heirs of t hr said William lamg to
appear at my office, in the court olj^fnlin-
ary. in ami forsaitl county, at th^Man-h
t*«Kt of sai«i county, thrmwmrtherc
On the authority vested in Senator wick for a season, at least until she In- j dutv of $2 a ]H>und l>e retained on cigar • — -
Vest, Washington correspondents i comes a rival indeed,
announce that the anti-option bill
; leaf tobacco imjiorts.
••in* South. Resolved, that the welfare of both the I
will pass both houses of congress,' Indications just now point to the re- j cigar manufacturing and the tobacco, 1
the senator ventures the further idea j nmval »>f textile industries frmn the New j growing industries of this countty de-,
that it will help the speculator and • Kiiglainl states, to more favorable jM»si- mnnd, that there he no discord between j
hurt the fanners, nnd that when it J hi tin* south, hist year il!* new mills J them and we affirm there is no desire on !
lias been tried its repeal will be worse *' rn ’ vsbiblished iu the south against 2.» j the part of this association to act antag-
claniorcd for than its passege now iu tUo Now Ka - lu,ul * t * tw * Fn,m w : *>ni»tieally to the interests of the cigar
j 9> • business stamljHiiiit, t*oiuiiion sense, manufacturing industry, but this ussocia-
— ^ ' economy and eoimiiience demand the j Ron feels that any movement of the cigar j
\\ c put the farmers and business location of these industries in close pro.x-' nianufaeturing industry
men of Ware and adjoining counties j imitv to the cotton fields of the south,
on notice, that the necessary arrange- j and such a result will establish friendlier
nienl* will be made for a fair in Way- i relations* between tlu* producers and
cross this summer. ; manufacturers, affimling letter prices to
— ; the consumer by reason of reduced ex-
Mrs. M. II. Felton is evidently op-, ponses curtailed by the cheaper and less
posed to some of Dr. Hawthornes meth-j burdened facilities for handling munu- ... v . M . w .. Mfe . mv
«h!s. In her resume on the speculative | faetunxl goods as eoniparetl with the j farmers to raise crops of tobacco profit-
and ministerial tactics indulged in by bulk of raw material. With these lights ; ably, this association (hacked^by the unit-
sensattonal preachers, she applied aomc ; l H *fore why not secure* the location of a ! ed jiower of the f»,000 farmers and cm-
sharp criticisms, which may, )>erha]M, * cotton mill iu Waycross, there is no ln*t-; ploy
Drunswick’* Amateur Dramatie club
to Way cress in full force yesterday.
order from tin
GEORGIA—Ware County.
•f the po
I hy
of the present duty on leaf tobacco is
solely for the l»enefit of that industry
and the right st‘lf-protection demands
that in the event of any organixed move
ment to reduce or modify schedule F. of
the present tariff’so as to annul the lien-
fits of that schedule in enabling the
Wc have been requested to call atten-
f tion to a gross violation of the city or-
1 diuaiuv limiting the s|m*c<1 of trains
| within the city limits to five miles an I dersigmd.* 11.I»ul
j hour. AhiHL-t daily pedestrians on
i IMaut avenue are* subjeeteil to iniiiiinent
danger from train's coining in or going
out on tlu* Drunswick «& Western V at
the rate of 20 miles an hour. The cros
sing between tiie hank and the post-office
GEORGIA, dMrlfoat Cuunfyi '
Mrs. Klixa Nonnaii, widow of It. G. N«r-
inan,d(*ccased. Iiasapplusl tome tost*taside
a year's .support, and I w ill f»n>s upon the
said application on the first (1st) Monday in
Man*li, Wtt. This tin* 3th day of Jnmmry,
i Dm
GEORGIA, Charlton Coauty .*
To All Whom It !Vay ( ourrrM s
Kate Kenison has. in due form, applied to
the uiidersiffiusl for THTinanentletters of ad -
ministration on tlu* estate of J. It. Kenison.
late of said e«»uiity. dtss-ased; and I will
upon said application on the first Mon-
Imlstcr up «imr uiiuiilrralion in tire jswxl! trr location in tire world for
Doctor':* mind for a certain .pednren of prire of thi. kind and there i. practically
the “female persuasion” over in Bartow
now growing tobacco in New
an enter- j England, tin* merchants and other per
sons interested in the industrv and with
no obstacle in the way to prevent the i the knowledge that this association will
successful execution of such an enter- • have the assistance of kindred associa-
prise if our (teople want it, and are wil- • tions in other sections of the country)
I'ublic spirit is nowhere in the south ! li,,K . to cncour ** c «*P>taliat» wlm nre j trill do all in its power to secure the
To Develop Dnr Resources.
f easting about for investments.
^ Postmaster Suspended.
j largest jsissihle resluction in the present
prohibitive duty on cigars so that the
. Luke Johnson, of
saUU-qtunty. with isvwer*«f sale t*» the said
II. S. DuHosc*. tinted Juiiiisry Uth. I8U2, to
s<H-ure payment <»f a tvrtain prumUsiry xmte
for one humlretl ami seventy-fivedollan*.
will he sold U-fore the court house door in
\Voycn**s, saitl county, on the first Tui*sday
iu February. IXSIJ, to the highest ImMer, for , •, . ... , ... _
cash, the following pmis*rty. to-wit: All i ’b)’ in l'chruary, 1S5K.. 1
.... .. — --- 4 . that tract or panrfof land, situate, lying! * ,<!r -* A.utox Doi
has iH*en the scene of several narrow es- ) and Wing in the city of Wayemss, Ware i *—
capes from death recently and it is to be | * , “ ou “ ,A ’ “** rl,<mC ”'
hopetl that the mayor will sec to it, ami I- C. Tdwau to lH>num Johnson, * *
that these trains in the future will govern
their sjiecd as the law direct.
All Free.
Those who have used Dr. King's New
Discovery know its value, and those who
have not, have now the opportunity to
try it Free. Call on the advertised Drug
gist and get a Trial Dottle, Free. .Send
your name and address to H. E. Bucklcn
& Co., Chicago, and get a sample box of
Dr. King’s New Life Pills Free, as well
angles to the first line 1241 feet, thence
north-easterly parallel with said lane 122
feet, thence south-easterly at right angles to
said jane 124* feet to a jNiint or plan* of be
ginning. except the tnu*t hcrerofore d»s*dwl
to Kxckicl Dumnere. which tract is thirty
feet front awl fiirty feet deep. Saitl land,
with all ami singular the improvements
tWreon. to W sold us the property of Luke
Johnson, together with all Ins right, title,
interest or demand, in or to the same, and
th* authority given therein l»y >ni»l Luke
Johnson t«» the said II. S. I>uHosc. in ease of
T» All WlkoiM It May Concern t
Alice A Johns having, in due forut. ap
plied to the undersigmsl for the guardian,
ship of the person and property of EHxn A.
Johns, a minor child of Seaborn S. John*
late <»f said county. dc«*eascd. Ntdice is
hereby given that her application will Is*
heard at my office, on the first Monday in
February next. IWti. Aakox Dowmxo.
as a copy of (luide to health and House- ! default in the payment of said note
hold Instructor, Free. All of which is I y This January
guaranteed to do you good and cost you | ;
. DtriUwK. Mortgagee.
' assist in mising the revenue necessary !
nothing. A. D. McWhorter & Co., H. .1. i ware Conntyi
Smith, E. Ih Goodrich', Drug Store. i «,• virtue of thepower re,tel
1 SlSfeU® i -«*. x-ucr chaiq.,! hamD, chilbl,
! said county, with power of sale to the said i cnrns *> an d all skill eruptions, and f
A» English .Juror Fined.
The severity of British justice
said county, with power of sale to the said
was . Keacy Freeman, dated April 2:Jd, W)l. to t tivelv cures piles.
more prominent in its sway over the .
minds of business men than in Way- i r . ... ... , , . „
crou, as necessity has lrec. rcgardctl Guthrie, O. T.. Jan. 23^-Tho ,«»t «f- j f'* •***? »"<
a. the mother of iuveutiou. so public ! 2?C ? fi, ' d “
spirit has been moulded in a caicible regularities. The condition of a
out of which come tlie means to pro- other offices in the territory
vide for and put into practicable exc-
eulion every enterprise as carW as Ibis reminds us that a little healthy i t j 1Jlt W1 . thauk onr fellow ! *own f one of their nnmljer took this op- the highest bidder'for cash" 1 he iol V^riii , drenj^mres
the necessity for its existence became ‘"T^g.t.ou to Georg.* post office, j of t „ ( . , mrtll . ^ all<1 wwt for | BT3tiB?i?lSS£i ".ml
Dr Jonn llullN Worm Destroyer
taste good and quickly remove worms front
children or grown people, restoring the
weak and puny to robust health. Try them.
No other worm medicine is so safe nnd sun*.
Price 25 cents at drug stores, or sent hy mail
hy John D. Park A Sons Co., 175 ami 177
Sycamore St.. Cincinnati. O. 'l« ’*-ly
Bnrklru'a ArntcM H«lrr.
Tlie Imt salve in the world for cuts,
] bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever
|my required.
ter system for lighting tlie city was
procured by a contract wbicU gave
handed robbery with so little regard j ren in Florida and Groiyia op the
An Inrhlent In the Hmi
the ben^U of the brightest result * ! 5T.I^T. T*? t \
number ;>i5. in said dlstnct, and bounded as
follows: North by land of J. H. Miller, east
*’ ‘ Jai
of Kdisou's ingenuity, the South Ga. iosestigatiou that follows the loss of the industry in th«re ».«.«, as well _ ... „„ _ „ unl „ , ^
Bank of Waycrosscame not unKdden. u «> a “» d » o( d o llar »* that thc onl y j ‘ lK ,r l’ ro ™r* f,,r “ ,,n P ^ » B<I i »Vr «f uremtar. wh,. m ignorant dTUn'K ET.Vc foT.he ^iore
the iron foundry, the ice factory, the
MvclMlT .il .i’ ll, . ‘ ” way and west by land of John Lre. To bc
ga\c fell to call thc laxly to order s sold as tire property of D. J. Blackburn, ibr
excuse deemed necessarv to veil tlie ' l’K-al associations, that wc look with in- J of tire fact that the house had iuerelv ofrettlln* the.motintdnco'n said nv.rtp.-c
, . . .... . .' l. . , .i K.t . I v.— and notr mil lit «mi«.
theft and shield the robber
novel tv works of thc Sstilla M’fo lueu nnu * U,CIU U1C robber Is set up terewt and approval on the sumwsfttl at- ***? wevendy rose to listen FaS^Ax. Mortfagee.
novelty works Of lue ^SUIIS al rg. . . m t tempt to extend the cultivation of to- i to the chaplain» prayer, and then sat u A. WTuox. Att
company, the barrel factory, the *“ * u e suaky l reiexi ox a . hurco in South Cnrolimt, Alabama, Mi»^ I down amid tin* laughter of their bet- Deeemlwr 2,1802.
Itnore and Way- Te xa^, Nebraska, Kansas, Iowa,ter informed colleagnes.-VTiuJiijijrtoji ;
Illinois, Colorado ami other states, Im*- . Letter. SmtrtM sals,
lieving tluit under the present tariff the • —
cigar factory, the Ufe Freserter ; P 0 ”* 1 |* twecn Glenmore
Medicine company and various other cr0 *** '* .
factories and enterprises of a public
nature were pat on foot. Tbe city is
HnHbyiiciliti, Moral Htighborhood,
Huildiu:. 4'ompetent lw-
for 0*1 leg** ami
Teaching « Specialty,
For pcirtictilars address
TIk* Washington and Gltattaiio«*ra
- ... lay ii
; ruary next, at Court house, in said county.
; within tbe legal boar* of sale, to the highest
Zeb. H. Saxdkrs. • principals
John Xiu*. , rnncopni
, . - . . , The mansion near the SchnyUriR falls,
U...1- -. «* °f t''*-1* 1 ?"'. ■» "tates once occnphsl l.y Gawroor Thoms,
ihiwnv nw* imsvuism. * “*■ «V *• t-d i« aiktMiwlnlrfd to Iv tin* tines eouionml ** ** agricultura wealth of » Mifflin, of Pennsylvania, and n land- • within the legal hour* of sale, to the higbe
at present engaged in paving the ; timitol u I r ° r **“ fclwto * ""i B. COOPER & CO..
suuHntnnl afeaata anti nttdiiwf an mnriv Pnltman IVnlnw t*itttmn,% tWatcitiw ' *• s •_ .... .1 > etl. GOT ... »%...» l... . X t...t t<»". !» .1*. u»t. .11,
principal streeu and putting in many fullnwn Dinin* Ore. I’utlnui. t*ra*i«s purpire ,.f mutual instnudion and pro- ‘"snuirSOflUn
thousand feet of magnificent nkf . <«»•«« N««siitd*y wiretres | uwtJam.
.11 —hlch ress unit i« Moren ,n, l olecrrsthui csr. alvfree to pawozer- -Bewdved, that we emphatically endonre
mams, all of which waa and is essen i.jji n y Hret-rlr. ticket. .«• pttw over th,' t [ u .. rosoluriei, tutwnl at
tiat to prosperity, and now tlie much K T. V. * Pullnun company only t |, r largely attendcl and important con-
wa, to. in Philadelphia j j COMMISSION MERCHANTS.
thereon, conUining 490 acres, more or lee. wwimwiwuimii * >> *^ *'
Said place, known as the old Dale place,
levied on as the property of l*. K. Wilcox,
execution T
talked of fair association muU be or v rentionhrid™ December 16, 1892. at casionally » yonug-nun wiThlcyfeei |
« i .i i I.J.. ..j npw Ltmftcsi trains. Marianna 1 Fla anrl m*e CIDPessOltr Illeas- t an.l I i. • . ! itonmlil aninit 1*. E. Wiknt. I l ma,r<t* .
ganized, tbe knowledge and inform*'
Marisnna; Fla., and
' ure at rite gurecaa
Uon gsined by viewing a thorough Krappcmlorf. Dittaun * ***. i ZZSSttZZT* VWJ SSm?h^''
display of tbe agrtctilUtral and other hy Brad W afooo A Co. j vania. tog.-PhUadriphia Ledger. st. F. Sheriff.
S^bof the merry bells there is oc- | Vcddowc-. J T I*!, tf?Sf! j *+ B»J SRreet - - • Sarannsh. «a.
id we exprew onr plcmt-1 , n ,l henimlted lands who i, teaming ' t*»“d’V I> ; , R ..£’
of thc effort, to form j flu. . flve doUsr ride behind a thr4 Sly™ ,
•renwen tit Fennsvl- *.- « t