Newspaper Page Text
Official Organ of Ware Comity.
Official Organ of Charlton Count j.
Official Organ City of lTayows.
lBCACE. il mail:! mojO mo] *1 yr
Wayceoss, C»a., Jan. 27. 1893.
To the Editor of the HERki.D:
Dear Sin:—Returning from the grave
of my dear little l»oy, 'I cannot resume
the affairs of business without first ex
pressing the appreciation felt by Mrs.
lien nett and inyself for the great kind
ness and sympathy shown for ns by the ,
good people of Way cross during the ten
1 Inchi 2.00| 4.00
12 Inchj 3.00J 0.00
, ...10.00
!3 Inch 1 4.00 8.00 14.00
I Col. 1 6.00)12.00 20.00
,1 Col. 11000.120.00 30.00
jl <>>1.(15.00!30.00)50.00!
J long days of watching and anguish while ;
j our little one lingered in the balance i»c- |
j tween life and death. We trust our !
j many friends will accept this expression j
| of our heartfelt thanks for their kind-j
' nr**. A. Bennett. I
Mias 15. Gleason, after a pleasant visit
to the Misses Nelson, returned to lier
home in Savannah last Monday.
Col. S. W. Hitch made a business trip
to Itlacksheur last Monday.
Col. John C. Nichols, of Blackshear,
was shaking hands with his many friends
on our streets last Moiidav.
Three Fast Trains !
Atlanta to Rome l*y East Tennessee.
Leave Atlanta 3:00 a. m,..l:50 p. m...l0:45p.m.
Arrive Rome 10-.50 a. m..4:32 p. m...l:55a. tu.
All trains arrive and depart from Union
Milton S. Bennett, infant son of Mr.
and Mrs. A. Bennett, so cruelly burned
on the evening of the loth inst. by the
criminal negligence of a sleepy headed
nurse, died last Wednesday and was
Examine the ratesofnny first-class weekly !
newspaper and you will find ours to be less. ;
Transient advertising inserted at $1/0 per ,
inch first insertion. 50c sulisequent insertion. :
Reading notice in local columns 10c per 1
line first insertion ; 5c per line each subse- i
quent insertion.
Professional cards $0.00 per annum after
January 1st.
For Cheap advertising see Cheap Column.
Advertisements to insure insertion any
week must be in by Wednesday of that week.
Changes made in advertisements, inserted
at our regular rates, and for specified time,
will be charged for at cost of making said
Two stores, good location. The tw«
ronnected or not. Smith's Drag Store.
Mr. John T. Brantley, of Marietta, ! token to Savannah for burial. The bc-
waa in the city last Monday evening. j r caved family lias the sympathy of the
Rev. Mr. Morrison of Waresboro, was j ent,re immunity,
in the city Wednesday.
Rev. M. F. Beal, wife and son, of
Blackshear, were registered at the Plue-
nix this week.
Additional rates will l»e
eial position.
•barged forspe-
On lee.
She went to Prospect Park to skate. J
Her soul was filled with bliss:
She struck a rough spot in the ice.
>’!'|l 0! !!I l s 'uf popUBj piiv
IVathcrbone corsets guaranteed to J
give satisfaction at Brad Watson & Co.'s, i
t ’apt. Stone can adduce valuable in- !
formation from any source, congressional
record not excepted.
Thompson's glove fitting corsets all
sizes and styles at Brad Watson A (Vi.’s.
• | Mrs. J. M. Purdem, Mr. and Mrs. B.
Travelers may learn a lesson from ; J). Brantley, Miss Nettie Brantley and
Mr. C. 1). Cono, a prominent attorney of j Dr. W. P. Williams, of Blackshear,
Parker, Dakota, who says : ‘*1 never f came over to see the New York Stars at
leave home, without taking a bottle ol i the opera house last Monday night.
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and War- | Mr „ Ij0 , vtlier llils move)110 F „ rt
rlicea Remedy with me, and on many oc- j Mud^e.
casions have ran with it to the relief of!
some sufferer and have never known iV!
to fail. For sale by Cash Drug Store. I
j Mrs. Mary Jones, of Newport Kcii-
Mr. (Jeo. E. Bradnack, Brunswick j tuck >’ for 11 long time accustomed to
agent of Ludden A Bates’ Southern music 8 P^nding "inter South, is spending
house, was. in Waycross this week on | this season at the residence of Dr. 1. S.
business. Wavcross is now in the terri- ! ^ nine. Mrs. Jones expresses herself as
(’apt. A. P. Perham, of Quitma
love to Waycross next week.
Are Yon Going to Cuba!
If so leave Atlanta on the East Tennessee
Florida vestibule, 12:35 night, and arrive
Tampa same day at 8:55 p. m. Ships leave
at 10 p. in.
Mr. William T. Price, a Justice of the
Peace, at Richland, Nebraska, was con
fined to liis lied last winter with a severe
attack of lumbago; hut a thorough ap
plication of Chamberlain’s Pain Balm
enabled him to get up and go to work,
j Mr. Price says: “The Remedy cannot
I he recommended too highly.” Let any
; one troubled with rheumatism; neuralgia
j or lame back give it a trial and they will
! he of the same opinion. f»0 cent liottles
[ or sale bv (’ash Drug Store.
loop. M.
Every day the East Tenneesee Vestibule
Limited leaves Atlanta for Cincinnati.
The Phcrnix hotel register shows an
immense list of guests from everywhere.
Friend Strickland has made this a popu
lar stopping place.
Mr. Alex Weiss called on mayor
Knight last Thursday morning.
Subscription to the Herald is only
$1.00 a year, payable in advance.
Tom Mulligan has tackled theartesiau
well again.
500 cords dry heart pine at $2.00 per
cord, delivered anywhere in the city.
Leave order at Miller’s restaurant, Plant
tory controlled by Brunswick, and the
many friends ftf Mr. Bradnack will he
glad to learn of his success and welcome
j him whenever he is here. Anyone con-
j tern plating the purchase of a piano or
; organ will d*> well to call upon him or
i drop him a line. Pianos $10 a month
! and organs $5 -a month. The same
| prices for goods delivered in Waycross
being delighted witli the beautiful city
of Waycross, and says there is no
why our hotels and l*oarding
should not he filled with tourists.
They are Here.
cw lot of the best and latest
reason J styles of ladies' fine shoes. Stop aud
houses j see then at J. T. Palmer’s shoe store
; store, Owens block, near depot.
Magnetic Nervine quiets the nerves,
drives away had dreams, and gives quiet
rest and j>eaccful sleep. Sold at B. J.
One small house, corner Elizabeth
and Tcbeau streets. Apply to
W. F. Parker.
1 *30 P. M. Dally.
The East Tennessee Vestibule Limited
leaves Atlanta for Cincinnati, "the World’s
Fair Special." No other line has through
cars to Cincinnati.
We keep in stock a full line of wool
collars for teams. J. A. Jones A Co.
DuBignon, Northen and others may \
aspire but the Hon. Henry G. Turner i
will be Senator Colquitt’s successor. j
Capt. L. Johnson spent a few days in j
Savannah this week.
MinchoJt Wetatfthc~Southem ho- Housc tn rt ‘ nt ’ » ,tr "' on,h ’
tel is indefatigable in his labors looking } , good ocation.
after the many patrons who patronize! ^ 1 11
this tine hostelry, commercial men ini 7* 03 P.M.
particular. j The Western express leaves Ma.-on daily.
Arrive Atlanta 10:25 p. m.
** Chattanooga 4 : 40 a. m.
“ Nashville 10: 40 a. m.
Knoxville 8;25 a. in.
The season for garden “sass” and
spring poets is approaching
10*30 A. M.
The East Tennessee Vestibule leaves Ma
con daily for Atlanta. Chattanooga and
The foundation for the new Methodist
churi'h is above ground.
Let our farmers cease to worry about
uotton and grow more hog and honiinv.
otions, dross goods and j Johnson’s Magnetic Oil kills all pains
All diseases of the skin cured, a
We arc pleased to announce that B. J. j complexion restored by Johnsoi
nterprising druggist ha
cured the agency
Cun*; a most wonderful discovery for
the cure of Piles of every kind, which
they will sell with a written
to refund the money if it does not cure.
It is said to he a specific for that terrible
and dangerous disease. < Jet a free sam-
‘ple'twjd try it.
Let our^otels aud hoarding houses
advertise, tlulvacaiit places may i*e fill-
j ie . » Oriental Soap, sold at B. J. Smith’:
Japanese Pile
Dr. <J. II. Williams* Liver Pills*
At T. S. Paine’s drug store, endorsed
uarantec ! by Ur. ^ Walker. This pill will cure
mt «*nre. ! »>ck headache or any other kind.
W. P. lice’s grocery store is a favorite
resort for those who look for pure fresh
supplies for their larders.
A handsome brick building fronting
j The position of devil in this office :
• vacant.
The C. I’. (Jr
j rare bargains in
j shoes.
j The C. C. Grace Co. are offering '
j some astonishing bargains in dress |
j goods.
Houses to rent. Apply to
Hitch & Mykrs. ,
Lucius Lanier
* residence.
quite Ul at his fath-
vlietlicr inter
B. J. Smith’s.
! patron a;
Japanese lav
j great in their
| doses 25 cents.
external. Sold at
house is
s season.
t Pellets
■fleets; n
re small, hut ]
griping; 50 |
Seld at B. J. Smith’.*
A new enterprise—the Novelty Re
pairing shop—has been opened in the
building next to Millers restaurant, ,
Spence & Button are the proprietors, and j j lt * on * n * oro>
we wish them well. [ 8 11 ' 1 an *l dog.
Murphy’s gang will soon have the Mr. B. II. Thomas, the
water mains in position and the stand- the Superior Court received his commis-
. E. Lanier enjoyed some recrc-
thc forest last Thursday, with
clerk of I
cd and their
by tourists,
them so well
The C. C. Grace C
room for spring stool
r3V^ tnkrn for il.c swison I ° ,,c l«n><lrnl fm on
No pnhj>nogf would pay j **»>><
ns this. J I
J | “Orange Blossom,’
are making j Female Remedy, is s
| ed l»y all druggists.
Plant avenue will J
* up, advancing skyward.
10*43 P. M.
Daily leave Atlant
the common-sense Arrive Knox
dd and recommend- ; ’* Nashville 10:30 a. i
Memphis. s: (0 p. r
1 " Cincinnati 8:»)p.i
! sion and was squarely seateil i
[ ficial sanctum last week.
The World** Fair Special.
Leaves Atlanta daily at 1:5o p. i
Arrive Chattanooga at 7:29p. t
" ( incinnati 7:20 a. i
” < 'liicmto A: 20 p.
Italian tramps arc considered danger
ous and should not l>c allowed to lounge ■
on the streets in idleness.
The C. C. Grace Co. are offering j
genuine bargains in dress goods.
Travelers to Johnston Station will find i
the Burns hotel just the place to pnt up j
at. Its proprietor, Mr. T. B. Burns, has
the comfort of his guests as heart. I
1 *30 P. M.
The East Tennessee Vestibule Limited 1
; leaves Atlanta. Arrives Knoxville 10:05 I
p. in.
Artezans around the stand-pipe are \
! entertaining the guests at the Southern
[ and Prof. Bridges’ school with thunder
unchained, hut riveted to the base.
The Luvinia hotel in Waresboro, Mrs.
I Mangliam, proprietor, is a comfortable
i home for all those hxiking for stopping
‘ places. It has the reputation of being
I first-class in all its appointments.
All’s well that ends
ell. t
I the
Blank applications for widows'
pensions will he found in the ordin
ary’s office.
East Tenn. Virginia I Georgia Railw’y
! dress goods at the Grace Co. Tknx.. Scptcinl*cr 1, l.s!»2.
From and after this date all local tickets,
not including commutation tickets, will Ik;
void unless used before midnight of the day
after they are purchased.
Any ticket purchased which cannot Is*
used on account of providential or other un
avoidable causes will lie redeemed from the.
original purchaser upon application to the
agent from whom purchased. Approved:
Ii. W. Wrkn.v.
lien’l Passenger and Ticket Agent.
L. N. Tbammf.ll.
rli’m’n It. R. Conimssiihi of Georgia.
Don t fail to see the bargains in Don’t fail to get our prices on Job
Printing. Note nml Letter Heads a
Is Offering Special Inducements to Buyers !
In order to Close Out their Present Stock of Dry Goods,
Ladies’ Dress Goods and Trimmings,
To Make Vi-ooiii For Om* New Stock.
Now is the Time for Bargains!
It Will Pay You to Get There Early !
• • * s' *
Orders by Mail Promptly Fi lied.