Newspaper Page Text
A.. P. Perham.Sr.
A,. P. Perhnm, Jr.
; rt» i
d pu '
liable, and made
OK BlJHriOKIPTION : /ear “****JS
Daily,six months - *
Daily, three months........ * "
Weekly, one year 1 00
Weekly. •!* month* 60
WAYCKOSS, UA., DEO. 27,1002
Tlio Salvation Army of At
lanta will feed tli.’co hundred
poor families. It is a good
idea to till a fellow’s stomach
before you preach to him.
Dr. S. S. Gaulden, of Quit,
man, withdraws his remarks in
the legislature about Hon.
Henry G, Turner, lie said that
Mr. Turner was “cold blooded,
und without a spark of gratl
tilde In his bosom."—Thomas
villo Times Enterprise.
Pierpont Morgan says that
Noah organized the first trust
It was a very different sort of
trust from thoso that Morgan
is organizing in these latter
days, howe.vor, and Mr Morgan
also seems to overlook the fact
that tho Lord told Noah to do
what ho did.—Albany Herald.
Well according to liner, the
Lord is also instructing tho
trusts of the present day as to
llioir duties.
Toj Trot Too I .sir.
Advices from New York con
veys tho Information that the
octopus has dropped steel rails,
gum shoes and bicycles long
enough to fasten its long tenta
cles about the Christmas tree, \!/
says the Now York World. It j ^1/
I had already reached to the toes
of the little stockings that are
hung from the mantelpiece as
receptacles for Christmas sweet
Prom the c’andy trust Santa
Claus is now brought face to
face with a toy trust. The flaxen-
haired doll that gazes down
from tho topmost hough of tho
Christmas tree upon tho radiant. \V
Ruilyard Kipling has an
American wife and likewise an
American mother-in-law’. The
latter,' Mrs Wolcott Balestier,
lives in New York. Tho other
day Mrs. Ualestier sent her fa
mous son-in law a present, says
tho Utica l’ross. What do you
think it wnsy A glass rolling
pin for use in making pie
crust. In making tho purchase
she explained that Mr. and Mrs.
Kipling and all the little Kip-
lings are passionately foml of
pio. Here is a pointer for those
who would win literary fame.
Pio is the stuff that dreams nro
made of.
Pass the word on down the
line ot tho now crop of Ueor-
gia colonels! They can got fa-
tigu6 uniforms with which they
can qualify, at a cost of ♦?<',
instead of $-00, as heretofore
stated. It seems there nro two
uniforms, the dress uniform nnd
tho full dress uniform. The
cost of the first, which is re-
quiroil for all who retain their
commissions nud offices, is $70.
while tho cost of tho second,
which is optional, is $12125,
making the tntnl cost for the
two uniforms $101 23. Sotno will
get the full dress uniforms, but
tho majority of the stall' will
contont themselves, no doubt,
with the cheaper grade.
Long visits, long stories, long
essays, long exhortations nud
long prayers seldom profit those
who have to do with them, l.lfo
is short. Time is short. Mo-
nients nro precious Learn to
condense, abridge and intensify.
faco of the little tot who has
been waiting for it must wear
tlie trust tag. Hobby horses,
wagons and carts are all to bo
gobbled up in I lie capacious maw
of the new octopus. Details of
the big consolidation, wired from
New York, disclose agreements
for combining thirty-two tnv fac
tories. which turn out 95 per
cent of all the toys roIi! in this
country. In the plans for elimi
nating competition
that ail the hobby horses
made in one factory, ull the dolls
iri another and the mechanical
toys in another,
A few years ago the Imcteri
ologist advised us to lioil the
toys. Now we are informed that
they aro to be controlled by a
trust. Tho sad-eyed sheepie
with wheels on its foot is ulso in
tho cold and clammy grip of the
Hut it is too late for the be
nevolent purpose of this cunsoli
dalion to cast a gloom over the
coming Christmas cheer. Uy tho
time the next Christmas comes
around the toy trust will have
boon smashed into smithereens.
It bus been suggested that Mr.
Roosevelt might get a little war
in his Christinas stocking.
It,-ill Kstat*- Tor Side.
We offer for snlo tile Brown
hotel lot in illackshonr, On., anil
Severn! valuable lots adjacent to
snni“. Tho hotel lot faces the
Plant System depot. This is
valunblu property nnd will not
be on tho market long. Also 20
acres of laud a portion undor
fence und in corporate limits of
Bluckslivnr. Will sell this tract
all togother or divide to suit
purchaser. This property Inis
not been on the market before
and investors will find it to their
advantage to see us at- once iu
regard to niiiuo. Cult und see
plat. A. P. Perham & Son, Real
Estate Agents.
“Better be Sure than Sorry.”
No regrets will follow if the Christmas Gifts
are selected at the Store of
J. C. Humphreys.
if/ The Window Display gives a suggestion of the richness of the Vi/ „ „ ,
V stock within--but only a suggestion. Come in and see the rest. $
W vv
|Toys! Toys! Toys ! For the little folks. %
if/ \i/
(tj v n nvrmmn r«rT/^nr$
Office in Few Lott and Hitch Building,
Office in Lott & Hitch building,
Solicitor-General of the Brunswick Circuit.
Waycross Ga.
Collections a Specialty.
Kwd Handing, Wagcnm, Georgia
And everything else to wear for the big people as well as for the little ones.
it is reportul j ij/ You couldn’t go a thousand Miles and do better than at our 'W.
mrses will he w &tore, If you doubt, come and see. We are ready to prove ft. S *i.„ .i.-ii-1 v f
Cure#* Blood and Skin;
Itching Humors, Eczema
Scrofula, Etc.
.‘-end no money—Mimply write
try Botanic Blood Balm at our ex;
t.A Million Voices. I MISCELLANEOUS.
Could hardly express the thanks of — — ■ - :== =
I Homer Hall, of Wont Point, la. Lis en
1 why: A severe cold had settled on hi*
lung*, c.uising a moat obstina’e cough
88 I’Junt Avenue, Way
A personal trial of Blood balm is better
than a thousand printed test i in on i a la, so
don’t hesitate to write for a Irie -ample.
If you sutler from ulcers, eczema,
scrofula, blood jmiihou, cancer, eating
sore*, itching skin, pimples, boils, bone
pains, swellings, rheumatism, catarrh, <<r
any bloo I or skin disease, we advise you
to take Botanic Blood Balm, B. B. B.
I>pec ju./ r.commended for all obstin
ate, <Lej esse* of malignant blond
or skin disease*>„■ ause Botanic Biood
Balm, B. B. B., kills toe poison in the
blood, cutes where all else fails, heals
every sore, makes the blood pure and
rich, gives the skin the tich glow of
health. B. B. B., the most perfect blood
purifier made. Thoroughly tested tor
80 years. Costs #1 per large bottle at drug
stores. To prove it cures,sample of Blood
Balm sent free by writing Blood Balm
Co., Attains, Os. Describe trouble and
free medical adwicesent in sealed ietter.
8£%_Thi* is an honest offer—medicine
sent at once, prepaid.*
Bsan tbs Kb Kind-You Hate Always Bought
Sever; I physicians said he lmd consump-
tion, but c«»uld not help him, When all
thought he was doomed he began to use
Dr. King’s New Discovery for Consump
tion and writes—‘if completely cured
me and saved my life. I .now weigh 227
ibs ” It’s positively guaranteed for
roughs, colds and lung troubles. Price
40c and $1. Trial bottles free at Seals
Doug Co. and Brinson Drug Co.
Wnycross, Ga.
Kn Jackson, Manager.
Latest Styles in Haircutting—Shave
Shampoo by up-to-date Barbers.
Prompt ami Courteous Attention to All.
premecourts of United States, and in all
lh r' ,ru, ;.‘* i< ' kc ; r < , “k '
ptione No. » Olttoe Tlmtiilr.
leading Building, W.ycroil, Ua.
• LA
* Attorn kv
Attorney at Law,
New Lott Building:
ohn c. McDonald,
Wilson Block.
Waycross, Georgia,
Pendleton Street,
Waycross Georgia,
Piles S Pilots!
Dr; William?*’ lr.di m * lie On tment will Blind. Bleedinr IT cerate ! and ltcls—
ing J lies. It nbs..rbt the turners, al.’ays
the itching at once, nets as a pou tire, gives
Instant relief. Dr. Williams’ Inti an Piles
i Ointment is prepared onlj for Piles and
Don’t be imposed upon by taking sub
stitutes off -red f »r Foley's Honey and
Tar. Sold by all druggists.
Boy’s Lifo Saved from Membra
nous Croup.
I C. \V Lynch, a prominent citizen of
Winchester. Ind.. writes, "My little hoy
had a severe attack of membranous
croup, and only got relief alter taking
K'dev’s Honey and Tar. He got relief
after one *bwe and I feel that it saved
the life of < y boy ” Refuse substitutes.
Sold bv all druggists,
$1,000 Worth of Good.
A. H. Thurnes, a well known coal op
erator of Huff slo, %(V, writes, **l have
been * 111 iced with kidney and bladder
trouble fur years, passing gravel or
r one* with xerucisting psin. I got-«o
re i*f fruit medicines until I begin tak-
iitg Fu'ev’s K'duiy Cu •* then the re.
prising. A IVw do»e» started
Natural Anxiety.
If&fothers regard approaching winter
with uneasiness, children take cold so
easily. No disease costs more liftle
lives than croup. It’s attack is so sud
den that the sufferer is often beyond
human aid before the doctor arrives.
{Such cases yield readily to One Minute
Cough Cure. Liquifies the mucus al
lays inflammation, removes d.inger. Ab
solutely safe. Acts immediately: Cures
coughs, colds, grip, bronchitis, ail throat
and lung trouble. F, S. McMahon.
Hampton, Ga: "A bad cold rendered
me voiceless just before an oratorical
Contest. I iutended to withdraw but
took One Minute Cough Cure. It re*
stored my voice in time to win the
A Timely Topic.
At this season of coughs and odds it
is well to know that Foley’s Honey and
Tar is the greatest Ctma? a id lung rem
edy. It currs quickly and prevents se
rious results from a co.d. Slid by all
Bean the 1 _ Tk Kind V« Haw ktajf \i%
h»vri ■ psin *cr«** inr kidney* and l
f 'k * a n w m«n It ha- done me a
#1000 »«»rth »>f go *1.” J-ohl by all drug-
Wo CdU hoar things that aro j *b^ brio* dust like fin-
dull if they uro only short. Wo
onduro many aches and tils if it
is over soon, while even pleasure
grows insipid, and pain intoler
able, if they tiro contracted be.
yottd the limits of reason and
convenience. Learn to bo short.
Crop oH the brauches, stick to
the main side of your ease, if
you pray, ask for what you bo
Hove you will receive, and pet
through; if you speak, tell your
message and hold your peace;
if you write, boil down two
sentences into one and three
words into two.—Ex.
Coughs, Colds and Constipation
j Few pr. pin tealiz* wht*n taking cough
| medicine* other than Foley’* Honey and
| Tar, that the* contain opiates which are
j co-tips ling braid-» bring unsafe: par-
j lieu ar y f-*r children Foley’s Honey
I and-Tar contains n«» opiate*, a safe and
1 -ur-’ and will not constipate. Sold by sli
A kldoev or bladder ttumble can al-
ways be cured by udng Foley’s Kidney
Cure In time. For tale by nil druggists.
Deport Prom the Reform School.
J. G; Gluck, Superintendent, Prunty-
town, \V. Va., writes: "After trying all
other advertised cough medicines we inching oi the private parts, and
have decided tn use F.iIavm Hnnev itii.l else - Every box Is guaranteed. 8ol<t by
have deyiuea to use roley a Honey drogglsfaj sent by mail for 50c. nnd #100
Tar exclusively in the West Virginia per box. WILLIAMS M’F’G CO., Pros.
,, r , u . i i r i .i . v ' Cleveland Ohio. Kotsale by T. 8. Paine
Kef »w School. I find tt the most et and Gem Pharmac/
fective and absolutely harmless.” Sold ,
by all druggists. Forty Years, Torture.
J To be relieved from a torturing dis*
ease after 40 years’ torture might well
cause Oie gratitude of a yone. That is
what DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve did
for C. Haney, Geneva, Ohio. He saya:
"DeWitt'a Witch Hazel Salve cured me
of piles after I had suffered 40 years.”
Cures cuts, burns, wounds, skin diseases.
Beware ot counterfeits. Seale Drug Co.
Basra the Tt.a Kind You Have Always BougM
^ • Attorney-at-Ijiw,
9 * w LAWYER.
Waycross, . . Georgia,
Attorneys and CounseU
Attorneys and Counaellors-at-Law.
Lott & Hitch building.
The Pride of Heroes. J
Many aoldieos in the last war wrote
to say that for scratches, bruises, cuts,
wounds, corns, sore feet and stiff joints
Bucklen’a Arnica Salve is the best in the
world. Same for burns, scalds, boils, ul
cers, skin eruptions and piles. It cures
or no pay. Only 25c at Seals Drug Co.
and Bainson Drug Co,
Liook Out For l*«
Biliousness and liver disorders at this
season may be prevented by clensing the
system with DeWitt’s Little Early Riser
rhese fatuous little pills do not gripe.
They move the bowels gently, but co-
QiThe Worst Form.
Multitudes are singing the praises of
Kodol, the new discovery which is mak-
many sick people well and weak
v v • Attorney-At-Law.
AMI practice in any courts of the Bruns
wick Circuit,
Physician and Surgeon,
Office over Star Clothing Store,
dence next corner. Office hours 8 to
0 9 a. m u to 1 p. m.
I \R8. WALKER <fc IZLAu.;
LS Office up stairs Walker A
piously, and by reason of the tonic people strong by dices'ing what they
properties, give tone and strength to the
glands. Seals Drug Co.
Saved at. Grave’s Brink.
I know I would long ago have been
in my grave,” writes Mrs. S H Newsom,
•if Decatur, Ala., "if it had not been for
Electric Bitters. For three years I suf
fered untold agony from the worst form
of indigestion, waterbrasb, stomach and
bowel dyspepsia. But this excellent med
icine did me a world of good Fince u*-
ng il I can eat heartily and have gain-(
ed 25 pounds.” For indigestion, loss of
appetite, stomuh, liver and kidney
troubles Electric Bitters are a positive,
guaranteed cure. Only 50c at Seals Diug |
sod Brinson Drug^Oo.
eat, by cleansing and sweetening the
stomach and by transforming their food
into the kind of pure, rich, red blood
that makes you reel good all over. Mrs,
Cranfill, of Troy, I; T„ writes: For a
number of years I was Doubled with in
digestion and dyspepsia which grew into
the worst form. Finally I was induced
to use Kodol and after using four bot-
tl*s I am entirely cured. I berrtily
recommend Kodol to all sufferers from
iddigestion and qjspepsia. Take a dose
after meals. It digests what you eat
Seals Drug Co.
Subscribe for the Herald.
Office up stairs Walker A McCullev
block* Office hours 8 to 10 a. m., l to 2
p.w..aud7 to 8 p. m. Dr. Walker’s
residence op Gilmore street Dr, isisr’s
)rders should be left at Seals PharmaOT.
Office at Residency, Thomas Street,
Telephone No. 140,
Office up stairs in McCulley a Walker •
unlding, tenders bis professional services
to the public. Waycross, Geora.a.
Foley’a Honey nud Tar
cure- afl throat and lung di*<
substitute- Sold by ail dnurcist*.
Plant A vein *
Residence st Arriu^tt.-n House.
It’sill lie to vour luu .tst „ y i« e e me
before having work doi.e
| The Star Clothing otore, j
Is the Place You Find V
$ The Best and Latest in Everything. |
^ See our New Line of Boys’ Suits and Overcoats. s
g Look At Our $10.00 Suits For Men. -
3 W. D.rO’QtTINN - Pronriotor. ?