Waycross headlight. (Waycross, Ga.) 1884-1???, December 31, 1884, Image 1

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■H - . ' ■ / -■ SSli ligi Z E LANIER, Proprietor. r*- : l - * *. ' .V . Tempsrancejrut^d Justice. 4 .. - - $1.50 Per Annum, in Advancs. VOL, 1. . WAYCROSS,. GEORGIA, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 31. 1884. NO. si subscribers, postage free, at the fol lowing price: One year, - * • • * * • $1 50. oix months, - * - - • - 75. «Three months, - - * * - • 50. Invariably in advance. No devi ation will be made from the above prices... KATES OP ADVERTISING. Private Juris Haase; i will take.a litutted, number o.J One square, first insertion, 51 00. «?‘or each subsequent insertion. 25- 3-4 column, threo months, 12 00. M colnmn, shs months, 20 00. 1-4 column, twelve months, 35 00. 1 2 column, three mouths, 80 00. . 2 column, six months, 40 00. 1-2 column, twelve mouths. 60 00. 1 column, one year, - - 100*06 gentlemen boarders, bv the woek month. Good rooms, wUh fire places Terms reasonable. Apply to . Next dpor to- Hon. Jesse Butlerk Residence. * (noir 26 lm, GRA PES S Malaga Grapes Arriving To-Day. T. -Ji. LANIER, PR ACT! C A L J E W E L tR, w W AYCKOSS, r.E 1 'ItirlA; 0 'll A Raisins. Nuts Cocoanuts Currants. Peanuts Peanuts Lemons* Orange# Orangos- H Lemons Lemons . Lemons Cocoanuts ~ Apple* Cwralii Depot. ThqXafgest.Stock,of* Hay and Grain Ui .Savannah. •* % Headquarters for Florida Oranges attd Fruits, Rust Proof Oats. Etc. 158 and 166 Haj St., Sarannah, G:# T. P.; BC^ffD , Out 22 84*6ms v FOUTZ’S HORSE AND CATTLE POWDERS K wjrJraftK’asRpaa Powders will Inmsso the quantity or mil ■M oretm twenty per cent# ind msUtl* bntterfln *^p8^?fefHoSeisadCttSc&l wWfcet/ YJSSV ity enlightened lit* hatrerVby- the remark, “A'ponclusivc prbof that God is. benevolent is seen ire the fact that He. has placed .death iat the end instead of at the beginning of life. • This is about igjugl to tli? rea soning of tlio Pasha who saw nn unmistakable evidence' qf*.n, groat First Cause in tho fact thnt thc rivers, in place of . flowing in a straight channel, were made toSurvo so as tx) feadh the great cities and afford them the bene fits of water navigation.. POWPRM WIU, «ITS (At 1ST ACTIO*. DAVIS M. POUTS. Proprlstor, 8ALTiacoaa,xs. LEADS THE WORLD. Pnrohastog Agents wanted lr unoccupied territory. Adders*: 1J. 11. O. and 8. M. Co., Atlanta; Go. Or ADAMS * SMITH, Waycross, Ga. acp26 IJhnos For Sale. Seventy.(he acres of bind In Waycress, in a desirable Ineulien, which I will sell, at from lifiy In one hundred and twenty live dol lars |>er acre. I will sell seventy- live acres ot this land on easy terms. I have also (hr sale two thous and acres in Wuyuo ecmity, some ntwlilcli Is improved It will be old ul a bargain. Two lots on Parallel streoi, with dwelling on each. One hall cosh * good time lor ballahee. A GoodTurin in Ware coiiniy, OHS .inilo trinn tlie Jacksonville branch ol tlai 6., F. & W. 11. It., lot No. 34, Dili district, containing ' 490 seres, more or less, situated J miles Irom WayerosS, li»s on tho place a good wolf of ■* f iwator, pencil urehatUiVnt buildings, 10 acres in cultivation, and is »good stock range. - •- A good farm hi- Pierce county, lying an I being in tlioiib district of said comity, it dicing ■ lot No 85, cniitaliiing 4i)U.acres, more or less, with good improvements. A good water mill, situated in Woynoubllldy,fid, in n good lo. cation, together Willi 401 acres of good bo niing land. Will sell at a bargain. Titles hi all of the above pro) or- tjr ate pcrlcct. . .. • ■ I am ell’ering some very desirable real-estate, nnicu is not IncliKledin iilvciUsciucnt, winch will I canon n hie prices a id on easy terms. Apply or write to 1 A/ Joses, WiiycrotJ, On, RAND CENTRAL HOTEL, (Oppo. S. F. '& W. It. It. Depot.) M. C. mm, Proprtlit:, Waycross, - Georgia. Table Supplied with tho best tne market afford* Rooms furn ished, with new furniture, spring beds, «fcc. Artesian House. Albany, Georgia. artotunn water ttmf new Hotel i now the m<*st pleotfiut Winter Itomrt in tin Hue Kelt ot Southern Georniu. . hu Arte Hotel hits all the uio-ltru lni| The True Ueuven Oil Earth, If there is any heaven on earth it is where just the right man niarries just the rjglit woman, and there'is no way, to he happy except with perfect liberty, i hate a man who thinks it woman should obey him, I bud rattier be a slave than a master. I hud ratlior be robbed than to be robber. All that I ask for woman kind is simple liberty, and lot the man love the woman us she should bo loved. As dno of the old sacred boobs of the Hindus say: “Man is strength—woman, is beauty, man is. courage—wo man is prudence matt is strength and woman is whilom and where there is one, ,maa, loving one woman, and.one,woman, loving 'oiie man, in thatNoase the'very itiigejs loyfi^cpiiW.aiiji.sit .and sing.” J bolieve, theny-im perfect freedom: I believe in periett ju:*- lice, and whero a tnnli loves, ti nllfii' elm TfWcf*gl^ll.v-n!rt him. Through the wrinkle age, through the mask of time ho sees the sweet maiden fnee that ho loved und won. And where n woman really loves n man he does not grow gray? he does not grow decrepit’ he is not old, hut to her ho is tho same Tho year, of 1831 is jLt and gone. Its, joys and sorrqws aye among the thing, that arc numbered, in otu- rniidls, with tho past. Wo are 'listening down' the river of'lifc, tod sumo times, on this juurncy.'flu- roar of the water's as they ru h along, disturbed by cataracts sorrow, trouble ami death, is ioLudund deafening that ‘wo cijfuot bolty A . 'Clark.'' ■ -iT,^ South ' Georgia Confer- tiuc, adjourned last Moiiday .week, after a session of six days. Tlio following are the appointments for Wayeross uml J^i unswiejt Districts. • ^ , > * ’ 'WAVtiRpSS illSTIUCT. Wuresboro-J-l'o bo Supplied THE "HKAPUGHT gallant gentloman forever that won her heart and hand. * * ntn, and everythiuK la uow und Unit is. nnv 10-12 m». CI1U8E KA11NES, J'mpr, F. J. James, Boot, Shoe H;irii33s M. ikor, Court House Sqnnn, Waycrowi, Georgia. 1 guarantee vatlftfactiou on nil work done n»v shop. We do nothing l»ut tiinl- 08m work. nmy 1U-12 utos. J. E. MAY, (Near S,, F. & W r . R, IL ikqxit) —Dealt rln— FANCY GROCERIES! Teas, Fruits and But'er a specialty. A Bill line nt reasonable prices con stantly t.u hand, nov 12 lm. W. B. FOLKS & SON, ” \rtjn have just received a fresh snppty o Drugs Medicines Perfumery, Fancy and Toilet Articles. . , 0 , ltvpubllcaii,. A very pretty quarrclt is brewing among tlio Republican leaders. President Arthur’s friends lire try ing to have him elected Senator from New York, to succeed Sen- Laplmtn, und Mr. Blaine’s friends, it is alleged, are d i ig all they euu to defeat the President’s ambition. It is the old light be- tween the hnif-breods ami the stal warts revived. The Blaine faction say that the President ami his Cab- iuet did not exert themselves to secure the election of .Mr. Biniue, und that, therefore, Mr, Blaine’s friends ought not to help elect tliu President Senator. .Mr. Jones, the Chairman of the Republican national Committee, made seine, pretty bold statements about the iuditferunce displayed by tlio Pres ident and his Cabinet during the late campaign. Secretary Chand ler retorted and hit Chairman Jones sumo hard blows, lie in timated that if there .was a desire for a (action light ill the, party .ft would bo had without much trouble He told Mr. Jones that as h*f led' tlio party to ddfentin tlio Hesitleii- tialcontest it would -be more |je- coming in him to keep quiet. Of course there is more or less crim ination and recrimination. Blaine's managers arc now told that if they had spent in New York the t'JO.GOU which they threw away on Butler Mr. Blaine would liave been elected. If this quarrel continues and it ioo|js very much as if it would, sonic interesting party se crcts may bo nmdo public. A hitter feeling is bcghining to show its self among file less prominent leaders. The Democrats can afford to watch this faction fight with satisfaction, because it promises to assume such proportions ns to in sure them tho Btate in the next Gubernatorial contest. In the meantime the President’s prospects for tlio Scnntojrshfp Bccms to ho •heard when wo pull Lj. help. Some huva Worked; Iivd and steudy for tho ayUiuve^.cut of soiuo particular .desire, ■■add.-- as tin) your closes they ' .arc "lb nearer the iousiimatiou qp^hoir hopes than tlioy were wfSn Clicy* first began to writo. Ifi j!. ‘This 1ms been tho-cuss of thin writer, ttiid’tliei-o are many otiu”s wlio, iiko us,' may have mol diaap- pomtineut, but with, u ptoer to tile great '-Helper of Ali^yind,',’ we can toil on, tiie rewut i. may be in the future, if not-yii life, perhaps after t death, (fno of tlie greatest objects f ore:file is. to so live and work for ttto good of tlie poojde, pai tieulu^JyjthB young, that when ii/o i< past, wlion we have ej-pssed tlfe dark and chilly river, tlioge tSut are left belnnd; can writo wof^Js sub lime*. "U ell done, faithful sc-i* vuut.” 'ibis mucii wo liictm Vfo deserve from die public,‘whop we have served t lor seR^mi|| long, weui:y. years.' ice);..g aif siu-eil that thoso’.who lm ,» cui ployed us, anti .aided tie, give a lieariy ‘•Aluen”'"to life erdict. Writing of tlie past addons, ils, and looking buck over the track of the past year brings suddness and joy to all. ’I he past year lias been one of sorrow and bereavement to some of our friends; wives, friends and companions have fallen, like leaves before uu an gry wind, out down by the scythe of time—aye, the links of house- holds have been broken, tlie hearth-stone has. been dimmed and ail made desolate, The wail of tlio -orphan is heard ih tlie land while tlio cry of the widow, and children rises to Him who is tlie husband of the fatherless. Turn the other side of tlio pic ture. After years of toil and anxious waiting our ciiorts have bifcn crowned und the Dem ocratic hosts have marehod to victory with Cleveland ut its lioud. Hearts that have been so long hoi-no down with the weight and disappointment of defeat rises in thanks to tile Gutl of tiie world. So great has been.. the shock of this long looked; lor and devoutly - wished achievement; tlmt tlio heart is paralyzed with gratitude, and the thanks of a mighty multi tude ristis to heaven liko tho billows ol tlio deep, while every bosom lionvos a' prayer,“God save Cleveland,” Teuco and plenty, reigns su preme, gladness und a future liopo for prosperity fills Urn heart to overflowing,., and wo look forward to tho recomingof the Now year with joy, believing tbit within that- scopo of time much will have been done for good uud many orils may he removed. "Camden—C. T. Bickley. •St. Mary’s—T. M. ChrUlfliflk Folkston Mission—supplied' by 0, \V. Infingcr, , ' • Homervillo Mission—Charles Davis; . , ; • DUpont—\V. M. C. Conley, i. Stella—Supplied by - J. \V, Weils. — ■ Grooufiold ilisson—W-. "L, Carter. . ; ,'i ; MouUde -Mission—Supplied ■by M. II. Galloway, Lovyudes ami Echol»-J. M., Foster..* buimH-r-J. E. Shepherd. Alupuha-W. J. Stelling. . LittJo Uivcr Mission-J. J. F. tiqodman, supply ...q • • l’earson-H. M. M.om'son. Brunswick district. J. D. AT(£hony Presiding El der.;,'* ... Urunsick-G.- C. Clarke. lilackslioarT-F. W. Flanders. Jcsuji-B. II. Blanch,, s B»xley-W. F. Hixeog, e fh-.- : Graliani-T.. M'jljiam's, Oc nml gee—-Siqiplied by 0. Mhrrison. :: Irwin Mission—11.'M. 'Gould. ; Abbeville Mission-Sunpliod by ll, p.;G..Walters. • Eastiimu aud.phdunfjSy-.H, ' 'irowtou. ", '•I?- Mission-stipplicd : h’ s ftHstmas Night Ut tTITQllOS?—mcilINO ITEMS 05 THE “WAV • . HI.M1-MO-MIII.Y ..KOUXUS. Wg proiuiscd our readers to give them Clifistmas flight in n good business, add’ notwith- s*-:iding tlie ery of “hard times’ < and the scarcity of money, the dealers in holiday goods appear " to ho doing a good business. Whether the timos aro hard or hut, money can always be found •wipfinii Aieileu—M’. D. McGregor. Spring Hill—J. M. Hendry. Buck horn Supplied by G. D. Pope. spring Hill High School—C. C. ilines,' l'rincijinl. Alter tile appointments had been made liio DoXology was sung, tlie benediction Wits pro nounced and tiie conference was adjourned. in his closing address tho Bishop spoke of tlie love and fraternal feeling which perva ded tlie conference during its session. Ho believed the del egates would separate not only loving each other more, hut the influence would go out among ail tribes of Israel. Tim Bishop in tlio management of the con ference siiowed tlmt lie was pos sessed of great executive ability. ltev. L. A. Dursoy, wlio 1ms Wajfeross. And as \vj>. -start out our overcoat, is buttoned up elose by ojio ifho always look af ter .our. comfort and safety. Tho night is dark, with u sprinkle of rain fulling, and us we pass along the street our mind is carried Jiuck many years, to tho timo when wo enjoyed the return of fcliristmus, just like the hoys and girls do now, but we have reach ed riper years now, many chan ges have coriio oyer Us, our cup of sorrow Has boon full, those that .wo loved have been laid a- way in the cold and silont tomb. We have also seen many happy days, and as we look hack over forty summers wo can but tool thankful to him ' who doth all things wejl, and that our life lias been spaired, and. that ivc have enjoyed another Christmas. It is not our . purpose to visit familie’s to night, but . to givo a picture from the out side on the streots. As we near tho port office wo.wepbafrowd of ipcn who had taken jujt a little drop too much discussing polities, ,and making bets, on their favored candidates for -county officers’. All it hustle and ooufusion, people going in every.diroction’ f intent on having ing.-'Itohmn candles shooting tiieir firey halls high up in the air, and the beautiful notes of tho tin horn is heard in every direction. Wc puss into Folks & Morgans to got a cignr, hut just then wo remembered tlmt wo had Ivon the nieklo wo thought wo hud to tlio children to buy fire crackers with, »ur children are like other children they want to colobrato Christmas too. As wc turned to leave we were met bi otic of our friends who was full almost to overflowing witli Christmas and us wc looked up wo saw tlmt ho hail a lint on nhotit six numbers too small. Been swapping huts we eiiquir- (1, 1 llic—no you see 1 went home this morning hie, and mv for Christmas presents. ChOsi dron look forward to Christmas for many weeks, and it would ■not do to disappoint them’ and evon gi-own -people Would miss tlio pleasures and presents ot tho holiday season. ’4 Presents are not prized for their money value, but because they indicuteflove, friendship, or ( respect on tlie part of the giver, and the charm about them is that tlioy afford tho giver as much pleasure as the receiver. “Every year greater attention is, paid to the holiday goods, and there is every year somthing now and novoll. The merchants havs selected their stocks with such tastes and judgement that people . arc lured into purchasilK prescuts for Umbo to whom they want tel give pleasure whether they feel abl« to du so or not. There is perhaps no place in tho -ountry where there is mors tcsl njoynient at Christmas time than in Waycross, tho children aro i plentifully supplied with presents filled tlie pulpit ut this place wife to keep mo there hie, hid during the past year, has boon ™y hat and locked tlie doors, but “The fiuVimhali'N'ews Isln favor of a railroad commission and wonts it ; clothed with auificiont power to prevent unjust discriminations, hut 'ddsn’t Want if clothed with power so great as to bar; out capital and arrest-railroad building.” Col. Lucius Laimir, of t HawMij“- vllle’l’iS a ea'ndiclato for L’liited States Marshal of Georgia; Pay your subscription to the IiniiBMUKT we want tiie money ' ifeySfc vviifaaafcv. sent to Forry. Gu, for 1885. Mr. Dursoy carries with him tho best wishes of the IIkadmqiit, and ‘cures behind him a host of friends wlio join us in regretting his departure. While his suc cessor iriay bo fully his equal in every respect, still we feel sad when We give our hand to Bro. Dorsey und his cstimublo wife and beautiful child in a tong aud affectionate adieu. We take pleasure in commen ding our departed brother to our friend of the Homo Journal, and tlio people among whom lie goes to do: God’s work. Good-bye, Brother and Sister Darsey uud little Grticie, wo tip our hut to Bro. Whiting, and trust his so journ among us may he pleas- ant. The -room in the Tower of Lon don, in which Sir Walter Raleigh was so long imprisoned is 8 hy 14 feet in size, amt so low that it was impossible for. Raleigh ( to stand erect in it. The Walls of ( tlie room ore 18 feet ii\ thickness, and there \* only one window—an opening 10 by 20 incljos—from which the only thing that can.-be seen is tho blank waU of an ad- jdlning building. Here Raleigh lived for 14 years, never being once out of the room until the day on which ho was taken to Great Tow er Mill to bo beheaded. llic, you see I got tho drop on her liic, to night she left the door unlocked llic, und I got Sim’s hat hie, and got out hie, hurrah for Christmas hie, Cleve land, hie, or any oilier man whose name commences with a “C!” We passed down tile street, and around to tlie eourt-houso square where we saw a lad of suitable to their age, and especially are the boys mode luippy with fire crackers and tin lioriis. The ex-', change of tokena of,friendship an* affection in families is very gen eral.” • V. * Here as 'elsewhere, Christmas has been onjoyedas ,ivdj and bolter hah any-pn-ecdingChiistipas. As. Miss Kate Cannons store, and wil£ in. Mis* Kate La* a splendid stock of millinery of all kinds, and wo were pleased to hear her say that she was doin# well. Our attention wn& next culled to a large bonlire near the residence of Mr. A. J. Sweat’s where were as sembled a crowd of the small fry engaged in shooting poppers and Roman candles uml sky rockets, singing laughing and having a good time generally; wc felt liko stoping there uud join in with them, but wc remembered that w« had other places to visit, tho resi dence of Mr. II. Murphy claimed attention next, where a good many of the young folks had gat her od to have a social party. We look in at tho smiling faces of the ladies and manly forms-of the gents, and wish we were young again. These young folks aro «u- joying Christmas. We next look in to tlio Satilla Hoina\ the office is full of gontle- men cracking jokes and smoking- cigars. All seem to be happy. Wo cross the brunch to tho Grand Central whore tho episcopal con gregation have their Christmas tree this is a merry crowd, and many re the merry laughs at those who got comic presents. C’apt. , , Austin got a box of pills, he say* about sixteen summers Icumiig, hc Wllt tIlkcll uf thcm jwt, against an oak. Hollo, "lmt» | Hll t lmt liu is fooling much betkr. tlio mnttur wo askoil; are you drunk? “Worse than that” ho said. Aro you sick? “Worse than tlmt” Have you lost anything? “Worso than tlmt;” Goodness, hoy is your mother dead? “Worso tlmu that.” Well wlmt can it hc. Well, said lie, look here, dont And now allow us tu wish all of our friends and readers n happy new year, and a return of many merry Christinas,s. (Saturday xight next week. It is now reported that tho East Tennessee and Virginia railroad syndicate will realize difficulty in you tell anybody.” We promised | making arrangements for the loan silence, when ho continued “I | of money with which to pay tho have been smokeing a cigar, and 1 January interest on their bonds, 4 the ding thing 1ms made mo so sick I want to fling up hut I cant.” Wo passed on loft him. Well did wo know his feelings for wo oueo learned to smoke. Poor boy wo aro sorry for you, hut take our advico' und dont- give it up, stick to it, you are bound to learn altera while, then you will look so uioe, so gentocl, us you walk down tho sfroot smokeitig n cigar. Wo went around to all tho stores, and in tlmt event, it U predicted that the system will go to plecs#, , It is said tlmt Gould and Vender- hilt are both watching the situt* . - tion with great interest, intendin , to gobble up that part xctcndiug from Bristol to Chattanooga, and ;, the Memphis and Charleston, so as to make a great through lino firom New York' to the cxlrcrae southwest. —Brunswick Herald.’ ■ , • M* A full lino of Christmas Goods and looked in at tho clerks us of all kimls, at Folks A Mor. they ivuiteil on their numerous ‘ gana. 3t