Waycross headlight. (Waycross, Ga.) 1884-1???, May 27, 1885, Image 2

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■ fwism . 5 W,; AH Of HENCE. TIM UnM Tow* tlrdl.tlon, W* Urtrt CMatrClKBUtioa. Tto Ur*wt Otwral ClrailtUM. «• MRiltLlUUT vl.lu Mm BMW M4 to Mm4 l»; IMI» Fa*p»* llu My »tlUr r»w fWMtofcM III tfcto ■#*)•*- JuV^iSSiPMH. Editors. Editor Parker, of the South Georgia tend Agent, pick* bif teeth and riiea to remark; ''One of the Warcrou Headlight men went to Hoi . imerville not long aincc and tried to erawl on the outaide of everything he found cooked, and became ho tailed, waa mad with himaelf for not having the capacity of a box par, Poor old fellow, ho* envioua Jie i*—it nearly runa him mad to know that “Unole Tommio’’ received a “clear fill up" at the Clinch county jubilee free gratia for nothing, and that be might get oven he went, laat week, to Savannah, put up the Marshall House, registered for two per. tons, via: “Wm. Parker, Coffee county, Ga.," and “Editor Par ker, Pearson, Ga,” When the time foresting arrived he tried to eat double barrel, at ho had registered, end came near kill, ing himself—it’s a fact, he was thinking about sending for Mrs. Parker to eome to his bedside, but then, bo was afraid she’d learn from the dootor that lie had been feasting on "boiled raw-hide and fried collards,”— Sit down, buddie, and leave “Uncle Tommie,” alone. at the ______ last Thursday, and continued in session until Saturday evening. There were about ono hundred delegates present, who reported churches and Sunduy-schools ir. good or der, and with favorablo pros pects for the future. Several distinguished divines were in at tendance, and the meeting throughout was characterised with a brotherly love that exisits in all similar gatherings of Christian workers. Our reporter failed in his duty and wo iinvo no report of the proceedings of the Conference to lay before our readers. The Georgia Slate school convention will uicet I Koine on the 22nd of July. Paris, May 24.—The remalncs of V ictor Hugo were conveyed to the Arc doTriomplie to-day and laid in state on a catafalque. HwrtH, May 20th, 1SS5, in Black, cheat, at the residence of the bride's father, Mr. J, D. Bee, by Rev. J. M • 'rose, Mr. Sumpter B. Parker and Miss Rosa bee.— The enjoyment of the occasion was ergumontod by the preeonce of Prof, Baldwin’s Brass Band, which rendered delightful music. FfTtMil Md Othwrwlu*. If you want fishing tackle go to. Jim McGee's. The gardens in and around tofn are looking fine, Mr. G. G. Parker, of MeDon. aid's mill, was in town lost Sun- day. lira Albertson, of Brogansa, was visiting In Woycross lust weok, Messrs. Robert Crum and Jo seph. Mattox, of Homerville, wore in town last Sunday. Tlio Sundiiy Sclio.,1 at Pear son pienickcd lust week, Wo are sorry we could not iittend. We learn that arrangements have been mnde to complete the artesian well at an curly day. Judge Brower is preparing to build a residence on his lot near Rev, Mr. Sanford's place. Miss Carrie Greene, who lins been yisiting relatives in Way- cross, has returned to her home in LnGraugo, Ga. Miss Mollie Bacliiott and Mrs Annie Besont, of St Marys, spent a few days in Waycross this week. The body of Dr. Brown, the fotfiider of tho once famous Bron- wood Insitute and the pioneer of education in LaOrange, lies in n neglected spot, on the roadside, near the scene of his useful labors. A fawdeyr since Mr. F. H. Hays, of near Dover, entered his corn crib and killed two bushels of rat. with stirks, The rats wore taken t< Dover end measured, —Dawson Journal, Adalreville had quite a sensation last Saturday over a keg of beer. Several parties received a keg by express, and upon its arrival burri in the bung and drunk it on the streets. The teinporanco people talked of prosecuting them. McVillo May 22.—During a thun. dcr storm yesterday afternoon Mr. Ivey’s dwelling-house was struck by lightning mid totally destroyed by (Ire. His two oldest daughters were knocked insensible for a while by the shock. Neighbors gathered in and succeeded in saving most of bis household goods. The loss fall heavy on him. Mr, Ivcv moved from shii Washington county to Telfair some four or five years ago, aud hid built up a nice place. While repairing a house in Quitman last week, the work man found between tho celling and weather board'ng about bushel of old iotters. They hail apparently bean mailed during I860 and 1801, and were never sent away, Tho houso hud been used as a post office, end the letters had slipped ill some un accountable manner between the celling and outer wall as stated Many of the letters wore perfectly preserved, others rat niton anil soiled. They were consighnl, unopened, to the flames, as be longing to the deed past. Wlint talcs they could tell. Jxsuf.Ga May 25.—This morn ing at 2 o’clock a crasy negro named Joe Merritt found train No, 22. of the Bait Tennessee Road, all made up, standing on the Y without any one on it. It was to go out at 4:15 o’clock.Ho hoarded the onglne and, pulling ■ pan the throttle, started to Macon. Fortunately his steam gave out whan ha had gone about three miles, and, mors fortunately still, passenger train No. 1ft, due in Jo»- up at 8.30 o'clock, was delayed claethu result would have boon rious.. The train mon in Jesup, missing train No. 22 and hearing signals blown by Mcrritt' startcd in pursuit, They overtook Merritt where he had itopped.and lirour" * Jiim and the train back before ■- r train. Mor Ciiattakoooa, Texx., 25,— Hie drat strawberry train over run In the South left this city to-night for Cincbiatiria the Cincinnati Southern Raifroud, Augusta, May 22.—Tho East Tennessee, Virginia and Goprgln Railroad Company have placed a tickit agent lit Augusta, and are cutting rates North, South, East and West. A passenger war la in* inincut among tho State roods, A gentleman in McDullio county who raises his own meat remarked to us a few days ago that ills hogs last year did not eat, on an aver age, a bushel of corn while fatten ing. He planted h sufficient amount sweet potatoes to fatten them. He alwnvs has plenty of bog and hominy.—Columbia Sentinel, The bbysfit Mayer & Olaulier’i .hr ve'ii pot mouse which'they prise highly because of its fly-destroy ing propensities, It comes out of a little opening in the wail, near Iakov's window recess and catches the Hies oil the window panes. Tills is vouched forby the Albany News, The Macon street r..ilrond has been completed. Macon bad a street railroad once before. The line crawled up the steepest streets in the city, anil never paid its ow ners ii revenue ofnny imperial s injured A passenger who was injure, getting on one of the ears brought suit to recover damages, succeed cd, aud wrecked the road. Misses B. Estelle Layton, Irene Sparks and Lucy Myzcllo, of Folkston, Ga., are visiting friends in town. Col. Me WiUiams, of tho Calla han Record, passed through Waycross yesterday, un route to Suwannee springs. The Jail in Waycross is with out u tenant, for the first time in years. Judge Brewer and Sher iff Miller lire terrors to evil doers. The register at tho Grand Cenlrul Hotel does not show any decrease ill travel. Cnpt Austin draws full bouses oven in the summer time. Lust Friday night n burglar attempted to ontcr Mr. W. M. Wilson’s bed-room, by raising the window-susli, but was fright ened away. Three negroes escaped from the chain-gang at W. J. Smith's wood wood yard, u few niglils ago. The guard slept and they refused to tarry. Mr. E. Z. Byrd, of Blackshcnr spent lust Monday in Waycross He comes up over now a ml then, hoping that wc will give him another iness of fish. Mrs. W. G. Bunny has been siek during the past weak, but wc hope for her early recovery. Four of her children arc also sick. Her dutiful daughter, Miss F'oridc, has her bunds full. The Albany post office will pass into tho bands of a Deni oerat on tho 1st day of June, for the first time since tho war.— One by one, the autumn leavss of republicanism are falling. M is. A. J. Sweat was stricken with puralyais Inst Monday, and for a time was rendered speech less, but ultlii* time she is much improved and wo hope she may Hcon recover entirely. Til* revision of tho old Testa- mont has been finished, but i> not well received by tho masses as it duos away with their idea of hell. It ia strange that some people will make .such u fuss about hell, Mr, Weiss, the olever host of the Batilla house, gave u tea party last Monday night, for the benefit of tho Baptist church.— We have not been informed as to tho amount raised at tho par ty, but know it was a success. It is historical that when the bee is first imported into the West Indies and discovered that Blowers bloomed the year round, and that there was no necessity for working and laving up a store of food for the winter, the newly enlightened insect, us the histo.ian graphically relates, spent his time “hanging ' ound the sugar houses and stinging niggers.” 'Turkey-Breast Jim," an old negro who belonged to the estate of J. J. Taylor in slavery times, and who has well-known ill Blake ly, started to town oil horseback, yesterday morning. He became sick by the way so as to.be unable to continue his ride on horseback, and, as a wagon was passing, he asked permission to get in it. This was granted, but in four nr live mimutes lie was found to he dead. —Blakely Nows. XkwakV, \V. Va., Sfa.v24.—■Yes terday a deadly light occured hi- ween J. II. BHlfingtoii and Angus- us Killian, farmers. Tile battle be tween the two in,-ii is disoribed : s wing one of the bloodiest personal ■ncuuntcrs ever heard of in tins State and was only terminated, despite the fact that three or foui men interfered, ivhen Killian had i stabbed seven times, lii.s head and foee terribly beaten, and other wounds inflicted, while Buliingtnn had four ribs broken, bis skull frne- furi-d aud a dozen minor cuts mill bruises oil his person. Both men dying. The trouble was occa sioned by a dispute about a cow. tig of citi* in tho’court house on the 15th instant of taking certain „ notion eoii. o.ning the of’tlio county sits from Homerville to DuPont* Hon. II. A. Mattox was choeen C'hairiAau and Itev. Q. W, New* hero. Secretary of the meeting, On motion Hon, J, L. Sweat was called upon to* address tho meeting. At the conclusion ofCol. Sweat’s speech, after hearing from Messrs Smith and Baldwin, and after dis cussion by ethers, the meeting re solved unanimously to have the barbecue and band nt llomerville on the day of the electiop, the following committee of arrange inenta being appointed, to-wit: J. L. Sweat, H. P, Matton, M. M. Caswell, James P, Mattox, \V. H. Gary, B. A. Whittington, Seward Smith, L. J. Moore, C. F. Hitch, W, *A.Kcord, C. V. Drawdy, Hlierod Smith, Jos, B. Mattox, W, A, Normauj B. K. Mattox, A, J. Cpswell, R. B, Crum.G.W. Neivberii and H. A Matton. It was resolved also, to have social entertainments on election night fur the benefit of the young ladies and gentlemen of tho county, to which all are invited, The hospitalities of the Crum House were generously tendered the Blacksbear band for the occa sion. The meeting also resolved to have a thorough canvass made of the county upon the court house question, and to have public dis cussions of the same at tho follow ing times and places, to which all arc invited Guest’s Mill, Wednesday June 10th. Mud Creek, Friday June 12th tctockton, Monday June 15th. Withers, Wednesday June 17tb. DuPont, Fridas June lUtii. Atg.vlc, Mondyy June 22nd. Medley’s Wednesday June 24th. Wircgrass,Thursday Juno 25th Homerville, Monday Juno 20th, T, ‘° »•*'* About a year an? a jrouog tnaa made Ida appearance in Grady- town, one of the suburbs of -Atlan ta, Ga. He was of pleasant address, industrious, mindful of his own affairs, and aootunndofrionia who thought liighly of him. Among others he made tho. ucqrnintancc of a young lady of respectable fam ily, whom he subsequently iflB ried. Tho eouple,at unco down to housekeeping with pros-1 poets which seemed bright enough for ordinary people. About a month ago the husband was strick en down with disease which baf fled tho skill of the doctors, and pn Friday night he died. Several male friends of tho family prepared the body for burial. About one / of tho dead man,* ankles they found a shackle such as is used in .1 penitentiury. The chain hud been broken off at the first link, and the poor man was unable to move the fatal ring which after death was t<> give the clue to his identity, The young men found their secret too great for conccalment^Calling the wifo to the side of the- corpsfe, they asked her for an explanation, but she could give none. She had never soen the shackle beforo, and was even more mystified than tho men who made tl»e discovery. A policeman was called in, and recog* niged the dead man as a notorious desperado who had 'escaped from tho penitentiary, and for whose capture u large reward was offered. The wife, thus for the first time made aware that she had been the bride of a convict, fainted, and the greatest excitement followed. On being restored to consciousness her relatives entreated her to have nothing to do with the funeral, but she refused their advice, saying as her husband had done his duty by her she would see him buried with such honor as she could give him. E. HighsmithSCo Deat.khs Is— Dry Goods, un, lot cu BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, CAPS, GEN^FiiRNISHlNG lfo¥)DS, YANKEE NOTIONS, &« Failli &1PCT Groctnss, TWVAKE, EAmiURE CUOCUjERYWARE, READY MIXED PAINTS, PUKE WHITE LEAD, LIN SEED OIL, VARNISHES, COLORS, PAINT. BRUSHES, ETC. Gold and Silver Kxfnnlon to Kuwanre Nprini'n. Tho S., F. & W. Ry. will run a train over their road, reaching Suwuneo Spring onthv27tb in stant, giving excursionists an opportunity to enjoy a grand sax Axroxto, Texas, May 24.— ira Jenkins,the American enj-in-i . . . ... who was incarcerated 11 ! , , ,CmC J ’ mUS,C n ’* d du " cln S- moi,ths withouttri.il in n Mexican I!ound tri P tuket8 . fro, “ stations prisimnysan Juan Dei Rio, ar I cast and south ol Waycross, 8o; lived licra yesterday on his way from Waycross, $4; stations be- to" Washington to lay tho facts of twocn Thomasville and Woy- his imprisonment before tlio State cross, inclusive, ,4 50; stations Department. Early last June an engine run by Jenkins run over and killed a Mexican qb a hand-car, bctwccit Vera Crux and tho City of Mexico- Jenkins relates u tale of inhuman treatment at the hands of his jail ors and the neglect of the Ameri can Consul: lie says that tho Con sul communicated with him but once during his entire confinement and then told him that it was nec essary to have money to induce the authorities to take up the case,’ Jenkin* exhibits wounds inflict ed during his imprisonment, and * hi Conykhs, May 22.—During a thunderstorm here this morning lightning struck the dwelling house of Mr. G. A, Lucas, doing some damage. It' seems that ihe bolt first struck n shade tree in front of the hftusc, going to and entire ly demolishing tho gate posts and all, aud here it scorns io have di vided. bounding about twenty feet to the house, one bolt striking the top of tho house, tho other the bot tom, one going under and the other following a tin guttei passed over the house, coining together on the other side. Mrs. Lucas was con siderably bunot seriousjy shock ed, as nlso was her husduud, who was in the garden at the back of the house. Macon, Ga., May 25.— To-day nt 12o’clock as Miss Mittie Lamar, daughter of l*hil Lumnr, of Vinc- villo, was going to her home, up M agnolia street, and wliennt the mouth of the alley between Messrs. Culver's and Singleton’s she was set upon by u young negro boy, apparently about 20 years old, who knocked her dow n, jorked her V th finger ring off, stole the satchel in her hand, and tried •ar rings out, Ho then' darted ring! down the alley towards the river. The ring was a diamond one, and $45 in money was in the satchel. The police were put ou his track, but up to n Into hour to-hight nothing has hcon heard from him. TllHRK DHILDHKN SAVED from a horrible death by twenty- live cents' worth of Sbrmer’s Indi an Vermifuge, that the authorities tried to kill him. He filially eseaj»cd through the assistance of a humane physician, • Brunstrick’aBreezc is urgin g the Jewish residents of that city to builtl a synagogue. The Quitman mills will shut dowu fora short time. There was sonic bail in Brooks county Thursday. Black wulnut logs from Tenn essee have been .shjpped through Brunswick this weok to i'orciga ports. beyond.Thomnsvillc, $5. \Cupsjnqx A’joao sujuSjcq tntoods ejoyo 04s ‘piy m ‘ooud A\OJ Aid A U rqOtrtUH-l ([OR |(|.%\ oqs (AtipsjmfjJ ‘.wojjoiu-oj pun jo spirts ipr ui Btintf -auq ojua ouios Surjejjo .won uouuu,') omH 8S !1V J0 J ‘UAOp apis dn epiiauRtqj pis o| .to^uud oqi puq OAuq o.w siq) jfuipuqj utojj sotpB[ oqj ^udAoad oj^ Cheap Untm t'» Tmii|i» and St Aufautlnt Darius this Month of.Hay, Round trip tickets good for five (5) days to St Augustine and sevon (7) days to Tampa arc on sale by tbo Savannah, Flori da and Western Railway : Waycross to St Augustine, 85 50. Waycross to Tampa : ; ; 80 80 Call on me for special rates, etc. J. II. Stephens, Agent 00, S. F. & W. R. R . Diamond Dyes, ail colors, Silver ami Bronze Paint, and White Glue, Ut W. B. Folks & Son’s, tf A. R. BENNETT, W ay cross, - - - Greo. HEADQUAUTERRS for Dry Goods, Notions, General merchandise, boots, shoes, CtOT8t*C, Hatsr Caps* and Choice Including the best Coffee in the State, Crockeryware, QUEENSWARE, EARTHEN And other article*, needed In every family, which cannot lie ninimer- uteri, at*ay* m noth. Pliawa.k |c| what you want t w* like to show ourgoe.li, npr I5-Iy. Jtsss 1. Biller 1 Gii„ ~I)KAt.EH» Ik— Cottage and Parlor Furniture, irpcting, Mat ting, Wall-paper Window Nhatlcs, Etc. Etc., May 27 6 mm JOHN C. NICHOLLR. | W. Q. BIIANTLEY ATWRA’YSATLJW. Blacksher, Georgia. w Practice Federal Coiirlt. in Suite ana IWDCEiniL HOffl, Oppo. 8. F. & W. R. R. Depots It. C. AUSTIN, Proprhtor, * Waycross, • Georgia, Table Supplied with the hex tae market alford* Rooms.furli-- ifthed with iiuW luriiiiiire, spring la da, tfco. S., F. a;:d W, Railroad A largo asso'-tinont of Gold and Gold Plated jewelry. Flat and Hot low Silverware, Optical Goods, Le- mare’s SjKctacles and Eve-Glasses, cr We have n very large and variotl assortment of Goods, which we would lie pleased to show you at prices as low as the lowest nr Gornor Gordon *St. and Court- houso square. npr 2b 85-12m a\og at CliaUahoocbie This train stops oulv at slalii iiuiccd ultovu aud at, ull siuiioas tween Thomusville a;.d ClmtUi iilice; Fa8sci.gc-rs for Binnswiik (via I* I’., V'. & G. K. H.) t-.ke this train, arriving at B.uuswick luily ut 10:51 and invilo ctifae ns of Way- cross and snirotinding country to cull and price them Indore pur chasing elsewhere. We carry » full line of Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, mm®, —AND— Gents’ furnish- i n<r goods. Groceries, sfe ;nrs and Tobacco. Give us a cal I. W. J. Smith & C o. Merit Will Tell. O. i. €. — ^OlG Iiilian Cure.) Is taking ini* of all other blood puiifier- uiULaffqnistiing rapidity. An excdlcononic nn«l appetiser. It is on absnkiUdy infallible cure for ever? known form ofRLOOD DISEASE and SKIN DISEASE arising from blood All trains of this road aro run by Central (1*0) Meridian time, which i« 30 minutes slower than Suvai.nxfc time. Si emuNTKXPKXT’s OmcK) Savaniiuli, May 8, 1885. j On and ‘ after Sunday, May ,31, 1885, Pussscugtr tfaius ou IhU road will l ua us follows : FAST MAIL Lean Savtiiuib Judy ,.t 7 01 .m Air*veal S.»vtiimiiUiltily nt 8 25 |> nt Amve nt Ji»up d-tily ut ....... « 43 pin Arrive nt Wuyen tK daily at 0 50 t in M fivv nt i .'idlnium daily nt. ..... 11 2.1 a ui Arrive-at JncinumviUudaily nt... 12 0) >tu Arrive at lJuixmt dndy ui 1121 am Arrive at Yulduttu daily at... 12 It) j w nt Qaitaairi daily at.... 12-. '* ^ w at 'i'aoutaavillu daily at j 30 m' j’assengerA for Maeon and Atlan ta lake liii» train, uriiviug at Macon G p. m., aud AtiatiUt 10:3U p. ui. . d-vily;-.. ) FiiriaCugers for Brunswick take Aids train, arriving ut Biuuswiek (via B. & W. ivy) at I 1U p. m. Passengers lot Funmndilia, Waldo, Gainesville, PaluUiu, Cedar Keys, O -uIa, Wildwood, Levs:,, r_, And a'.t suliuusoil Florida Kail#ay and Nav igation Company aud Flo ids Soutu- . el’ll KuiUvuy, UtKe this Irani. Uota; eouuuowoli at JauiuouvUls daily x .Mibtia\s vxeeplmljjsr Urxu v.oY* »i Au/i^nuc, t'id.akn, Aaiurpctnc, aauiur-t, am ulfTaudiuRh ou Sr. -iouus n*..r. Passengers for jpensaeola, Mobile, New Orleuus, iexas ai.il iruus-Mia- sissippi points make close vomiec- tious at Clidltahoocliee daily with trains of Pensacola and Atlantic rail road, arriving at Pensacola at 10 «:.» p. in. Moiulc at 2.40 aui ami New O • leans at 7 45 a iu. Pullman bullet and sleeping cuis Wua\ cross loNcw Ui leans. JESUP EXPUESS. It'jnve Savnunnli daily at 4 2' > r* Aui\ft utXsiviuiimU. 7 Inn Aitivs Jenup 6 3 pin StopF nt All r»;*nUr »n.I be- ALBAN i X.XPRE48. '• 3vs m taint, be It- ^phHlir in nny stage. Ulcers, Uheumati8m, Scrofula, Catarrh, Tetter. Ulcerated Sore.Tbnitit, White Swelling, Kcxcraa, Pimples or Eruptions. The follow(ng are fair samples of hundreds of Ualliuii.idals we can pro duce ; 1 had In my family a cast of [mison oak that for 'ten years defied pliysi- emus. O. I. 0. made a permanent cure. It is without doubt tho “gem ot blqpri purifiers. S. D. Uoimikka, Agcut Central R. K., Perry, Ga Dr. F A. Tooraer, Perry, Go., aays: “I. have used it in my |-rao> tlce twenty-ft** years. It is a per- I'cct blood purifier, an iutallible spe cific for the disease for which it is recommended, a tine tome and ap|>e- lieer »n.i a Godsend to suffering wo men for their peculiar ailments.” Dr. Joseph Palmer, Fcagin., writes ns t It is as great a specific for blood diseases •• quinine is for fever.— Have hoed it more than twentj* vfhtrs in my practice.’ 1’rUd 81 50 for large bottles. 4THK0.I. C. CO. Oct 22 84, l*w, Perry, G*. . Smith & Temples, Contractors, Builders J* Blacksmiths, Glkkui si. Ckviiuu. Work solicited. mar !8ih.fitn« l/fivc Sav:mna!t daily nt U O') p i A>nv«i OMtHuuau •t.dy ti ..... . rt 2J # A r ve lUiiy *i ll.sdj : At.i\v H i v m i* ilaily si 2 te « A. rive nt U IihIimii daily At 7 uita .,m«< a. •J.a-i.Moavilltdutij *b... s W a n\« Uhijuui d.<il> at A I Oak daily «t A v. a Gait esvills daily .,t u u ss . Vamosta daily at ..4r^ ..rrita ab 4la |y at W.LUm Arriva av i *..aiauviUe «ai|y ab.... 7.16 a a Air.Vo at AlLuiy dnily at 10.30 a m Pailman | aluca bleeping cars Saranuah ll> J..LKHv.»k»niO- . ru il mail jM lace aicaplag ears Havas uk to Uiuu aViUu Passengers for Urimawick via. Jesup take lids train, arriving at Brunswick ut 8 ;00 a ra, Passengeis for Macon, Atlanta, Chattanooga, Knoxville, Bristol, Konnoke, Bristol, Hoauoke, Phila delphia and New York, take thu train with through Pullman ButTct slceiicra dady. Passengers for Fernamlina, Cedar Keys, Gbiuesyilie,Ocala, Wildwood, Leesburg and nit stations ou fioiida Hallway and Navigation Compasy and Florida Siml.tciu Hull Way taka tbia train. Passengers for Madison, Uonlioslla Tnilahasses aud ail muiata Florida points take this l.-ain. Connections at Jacksonville daily with People a Line slearners for Augustine and ail points on St Johns river. i-lough dckclimold sad 8i«*»<ng Cart loot ol Uibertys/rest. A restaurant has been opvaed ia the slsiion at Wayuio.Vs, and auund- ant time will be ullunod for rueals ky ui, iMsseiigei trains. JAH.L TATLOR, (leasiAi >«»rsuB«r a ( « It. ii. rUJ-HNir. J-IWUAMU. Go to If, MaBmSmatm & Bio’s, for best cigu ‘ lisliiUR For oil kinds pf li For picnic bud chuwiog tobacci