Waycross weekly herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 1908-19??, February 22, 1908, Image 2

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m FRMffl THE WAYCROSS WEEKLY HERAKD THE WEEKLY HERALD A. P. PERHAM & EON. Editor* And Publish! r*. ••stored mt tbs Pott OHM it Wap- A MONSTER BOOK. tN Brnlif BmlE to psbIUtad ■WT avoatag except Baidiy. Thl Weakly Herald every Sstsrdsy. AS BitwcrtpUaei in payable to AdverUsIsg rates reasonable lid ME* taowe oi application. RATES OP SUBSCRIPTION: Befly, Oil Tear 11-00 ally. Six Month* II. 60 Billy, Thru Monthi «1.U Weekly, On Year SO -WAYCR08S, OA„ FEB. 22, IPOS- Hem* ind Quitman eich hire three •endidate* for miyor. «f— ■ • Augusta li suffering from in over ■PPly of water. Several mill* are ■hat down on account of the flood*. » * W* can't lay how lerioui they are •overtboleu lonio of the boyi are talklog about runnlnx Joe Brown , Hoke Smith for povernor. Editor Albort Sweat, of Nashville, to a ciadldate for county commission- •r In Berrien county and It la very Italy that ho will be elected. It la reported that little Joe Brown •toy run for hli old place on the rail- and commliilon. If bo doea and we •n there be will get one vote aure. + "Little Joe” Brown, continue! to poar forth aomo alde-llghti on our lent political hlitory that are calcul ated to make ua very much aihamed M tt when reason to fully mtored. ■ . ■ An exchange auggeita; Probably the •lowing ooolneia between Tom Wat- ama and the Uovornor hid much to dq wtlh the lowering temperature In At- tonu toil week. 4r UUor Perham thtnki Whycroa* •III bo a big city before hli hair geta •meh whiter.—Darien duett*. Waycroii to already a big city Dick Cmbb but we expect to let out • few •ere luces In our iklrti beforo the apd of IMS. The Chinee* department of the Britlih muteum library contain!, I»ya a writer In CtaaeU'e World of Wondera," e stogie work which oo- cuplci no towor than S.020 volumea. Tala wonderful production of tho Cblnoae prea* to one of only a vary email number of eoploe now In ex- latenco. It I* an encyclopodla ot tho literature of China, coveting * per iod of twenty-eight cencnrlea, from 1000 B. C. to 1700 A. D- PORECLOSURE BY ADVERTISE MENT UNDER POWER OP SALE. GEORGIA. WARE COUNTT. Under lag by virtu a of tho power f aale contained In a mortgage ex ecuted by J. W. McQillg to A. M. KalphL Dated November lilt- 1000. and recorded In tha office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Yvar* County la Mortgage book Number «. PoBo 11. on December 14th. 1000 the eadenlgned will cell at public outcry at the court hone* door la eld county daring tne legal boura of aale to tbe highest bidder for cub on the SrK Tuesday In February. IMS, the following property, to-wlt: AD ot the timber suitable now for .turpentine. sawmill, Croatia and wood |purpose* upon lota of land Numbers It owes I to origin to tho literary -SSI aid Ml, containing 4M acres pro cllvltles of the emperor Kang He j j^ppo^gtl "south'of^tt* *A. *C. *l! who reigned from 1M2 to 17». In R. R. containing 4M urea, more or th. courae of bt. atud.u of tb. °C. clent literature of bl* country KangiU R. R-, the whole agregattog 1600 II* discovered that extensive corrup.,^J’ the^Sth" District lions had been allowed to creep Into'of said War* county, as bold by said modern editions, and he conceivedj M J?“ l ?|,ht <1 for^thlTtenn'of tho Idea oi having the text of tbe or- Svs yean from Mid November list. Iflnals reproduced sad preserved to ' ”° 7 ' K^sum'of an authorlltve form. This was a 1 .00.00.' dated January trd, UOS. mighty conception truly, and in ItoL^t^A^L.^cQuidg^on 1 November execution tt remains unique down to 0th. 1007. endorsed and tramlerred tue present „»e. For tho purpose Tg* ^ at ot carrying out the work Kang He per coot per annum end 10 per cent appointed . commlaalon of learned ^ompi^ut*'.% c«t to eolect the writings to be re- f 11.60; alao for tho purpose of pay- produced sod employed the Jesuit |'*»« £**££*,SStfS? missionaries to cast copper types her list, 1906, made by said J. W. with which to execute the prints* | 2SS .VrtatoVb Toe commission was occupied for nterest from date at 8 per cent per forty year. In .to great teak. Before 1 the work was completed Kang lie j other certain promlaory note for the UM. hut he had provided that successor should see (be book com- nowal of balance due on one of the Plated, and he fa.tblu.ly carried out Kn^n'toety bis trust. Tho book to arranged In'days alter date, with Interest from alx divisions, each dealing with n a * te a * * per .f"” 1 1° r J nnum ,10 per cent attorney's fans, with particular branch of knowledge. The'eredlta therein of S109.00. August divisions are thus designated; Flrit I*” 1 - 19 * 7 - l,ni * * 6751 ' U®*- 1997 1 , , . die total amount due on said notes writings relating to the heavens; .being 1964.80 prlrctpal. 7II0.7S Inter second, writings relating to the ••». H•*# protest fee and *103.65 at- i fnpnsv'a font fnspthpr wl'n all future NEW CM FJIGTORY IS NOW El Representatives of tho Southern States will urge n government appro priation to refund to tho south tnon- •y paid aa direct tax' on cotton from IM to 1868. If tho meniuro carries Georgia's \share will be fit,897.094. John Waaamaker says the man who doesn't advertise to not a pro- Sewslonal shop-keeper and has sight lo be In business; Honest Johp avers he made all hi* money with tte aid of printer's Ink, and he Is Clad or It. • + Sbggoata the Baxley Banner: t*tease allow ns to suggest. Mr. that you may overplay the en- tSsrerment of tho President and hts take lea. There are but few things ■r. Roosevelt stands lor that Jeffer- ■M or Jackson would have endorsed, Mr they favor too much of Hamilton in be Democratic. mankind; fourth, writings relating to ,n * ** provided in said mortgage. , • I A deed cr lease to (he purcha_,. Inanimate nature, fifth, writing! re-jnf the timber aforeaald will be made latlng to philosophy; sixth, writings Hjr tbs undersigned. . , , . , A. M. Knlgnt. relating to political economy. This December 27 1907. J. L. Sweat, Attorney. First Cars From New Plant Will be Delivered by Next Monday. Today every department in tbe new plant of the South Atlantic Car and Manufacturing Company in thla city Is in operation, and while a small force la still employed on tbe con struction work, the new plant la prac tically complete. The woodworking department Is running, the forging department has been going for several days, and the machine shop and foundry Is In full operation. An Inspector for the Atlanta, Blr- ir Ingham and Atlantic Railroad has arrived In the city and Is ready for the Inspection of car3 as Oey are put up fer his road. Between thirty And fort PRESCRIPTION CLERK SUFFERS PAINFUL ACCIDENT L. O. Hunter At 8eat’s Pharmacy 8s v erely Burned- Waa Heating Acid When It Exploded. Mr! L. O. Hunter, prescription clerk at Seals Pharmacy, was painfully burned by the explosion of a bottle of carbolic acid yesterday afternoon. The acid severely blistering his face, and at first It was believed that his eyes were Injured, but examination today revealed the fact that none of the acid reached either of hU eyes. Mr. Hunter is temporarily laid up .licka have alreudy been put la ula room ct the Jcffereon Hotel her cn tho A. B. & A. order j His injuries will keep him confined 15 the week tome of the cars for several days, and It may be that be completed. | •here will be no permanent Is announced that by next Mon-' from the burns. HOLY OHOST SHIP ARRIVES AT PORTLAND. Tbe converted yacht Kingdom for merly the Barkentlne Rebecca Crow- ell, belonging to the Holy Ghost and Us Society, of Shiloh, has arrived ai Portland, Me., from St Thomas, Danish West Indies. Rev. Frank W. Stanford, leader of the sect was not on hoard nor waa Charles EL Holland, the second ln^ command of the ChilOhltes, who call* ed from Portland on the Kingdom with about sixty followers on Octob er 21, to meet Stanford who came from the Holy Land on hit yacht Cor onet. Tnere are on board forty-six persons. jOu:e of the neV cars will be ready for delivery. Among tho orders ahead for the car factory are 300 cars for the At lanta, Birmingham and Atlantic Rail- read. 130 for the Florida East Coast, :3 fer the Central of Georgia and 30 for the Charlotte Harbor and North ern. BOO BURDETTE'S ADVICE. Remember, my ton, you have to work. Whether you handle a pick or n pew, a wheelbarrow or a set of booxs, dig ditches or edit a paper, ring an auction bell or write funny FORECLOSURE BY ADVERTISE MENT UNDER POWER OF 8ALE. GEORGIA—WARE COUNTY: Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a mortgage ex ecuted by W. B. Ellington and W. W. Sharpe to A. M. Knlgnt, his heirs and assigns, dated March 6th, 1907 and you tan., work. ,1 you took'»u£“*£m £ & k C !?£ « around you will a ee too men tne most Mortgages, folio 519 on Marcb lk, .i.i„ ... . '1906 and assigned to the First Na- abla to live tho re,t of their dey, Beak 0 1 Waycroii. the undor- wlthout work are the men who work sinned will sell at public outcry ac , . .... I the Court Home door in said county n t be afraid of kill- j ur i ni the legal hours of sale to tho Ua overwork. It Is highest bidder for cash on the first tho hardest. Don' ing yourself with _ beyond your power to do font on'the ^wltf" 1 ’ 1M ®’ * h6 ,0 " OW ' nl •unny hide of thirty. They die some-1 All that tract ot land In Waycros,. Ilntea. bu, It to because the qu.t ™*\°£g‘LSTtStTt£ “an *S2 at 6 p. m. and didn’t go home until 2 corner post near . gum pond at or a m If. >h. .h., in,. 'near the old barrel factory on Sweat a. m. Its the Interval that Kills, my. (rcct anJ runBlllg Eul J0 9 feet on 1'ue work gives you an appetite!Congress street, thence South 395 voui- moot.. I> 'feet to the corner of the barrel fac- your meal., It lends solidity to, lory , and theBce ttl0Bf tbe lta0 of yeur slumbers; It gives you a per- tho barrel factory 385 feet, more or feet and eratnfiii nnnnv-iminn ..f .' >es*. to another wood corner, thence tcci ana gratorut appreciation of » lf(orth 152 , eeti moro or leas to p | ttc0 holiday. There are young men who'of beginning. do not work hut the world to no.*3il?2S proud of them. It does not know; for t'.io aiyn of $700.00, dated Novem- he,r names even; to almp.y speaka ^ Z\X° f them a* “old so and ro'a-boy." No- able to said A. St. Knight or order bodv like* them- inn err-nt 1,„„V on January 15. 1908, endorsed and t ony likes tnem. tne great, hu»> {dl , Mllnlc(| by , aM A M Knl gli t to world doesn't know that they are , the said First National Bank of Way- therc. So and out What you atoJS?SS to to and do, and take off your coat per annum, together with all cost or end make a dus, In the world. busier you are the less alarm you! given in renewal of t*ae debt In part sc- «... he your aleep. the brighter «d JSWLl^JdSS all be your aleep, the brighter and prlnelpal, |3.75 Interest and 170.77 at- happier your holiday, and the bettor ! 0rae> ' 8 ' together with all future WAS A FORMER RESIDENT OK . WAYCROSS. After Talking To Friends, Burpee En tered Room And Shot Himself Through Head. Fitzgerald, Gu., Feb. 18.—W. D. Burpee, foreman of the Atlanta, Bir mingham and Atlantic shops, commit ted suicide today at 'die home by shooting. A few minutes beforo 1 o'clock he was talking with some of his friends and after they left he went up stairs and, lying down on iho bed, placed the muzzle of a re volver against his cheat and shot himself directly through the heart, dying before anyone could reach him, No cau*e of tho act has been found. He leaves a wife and several chil dren. The accident occurred while Mr. Hunter was heating a bottle of crys- talized carbolic acid. The cone In the bottle flew out and a quantity of the acid struck him in the face. An antidote was promptly put on the burns, and it was the quickness of this action which doubtless saved him from serious Injuries. VA8T NATURAL 8ALT BEOS WERE FOUND. 8pecial to Ths Herald. Salt, Lake, Feb. 17.—la Building tho Western Paclfllc, a railroad from Salt Lake Utah, the engineers en countered huge salt beds,'said by the engineers to be eight miles In width an! f O’ ; y miles long. There !•••*’, they declare, another such bed In tr > world. It’s true depth Is as yet un known. as it has onlv been pen<» scars * trated from six to eight fc* • in blasting holes for telograph pci* s poles, but In sinking these holes it was seldom that the bottom of tho salt bed was reached. This la said to be 98 percent pure. Taking Into consideration tbe enormous quantity its commercial value la almost beyond computation. These salt beds are situated near the west end of the Great Desert, about 120 miles west of Salt Lake City. THIRTY*FIRST ANNIVERSARY CANNON'S MAIDEN 8PEECH Washington, Feb. 18.—Today Is the thirty-first anniversary of Uncle Joe Cannon's maiden speech In Congress. Tao event was made the occasion of demonstration which was led by Representative Bon tell. Cheers came from every part of the house. satisfied tho world w)U bo with you. Dob Burdette. GEORGIA—WARE COUNTY. ' all whom It may concern: Emmett Me Elreath having proper form applied to me for per- interest and the cost of this proceed ing aa provldod In said mortgage. A deed to the purchaser of the land aforesaid will be made by tho rt ierslgned. This February 8. 1908. Firet National Bank Of Waycros*, J. L. Sweat, Attorney. GEORGIA—WARE COUNTY. manent letters of Administration on of Fannie Jackson, tote ot|Hsrgiav^tariS. In Prop*.- A man who stood, on tit. *<™t 1 ,''‘ e fonn^ appuid to me for ^rm^Sa’t 1.°Ji Lritar. of Administration on ta* chewing and spiting, telling. M» ol rtnnle J.ck.on to *•“«»►! estate of W. B. Hargraves. Iste of Me* the old xovernmont should said county, this Is to cite all ana euralns the town, tlndln* Lull why"rm^rot^ rt5ll5itSlS"^„‘ h0 - c ^?? c * tilth hi* grandmother because she 1*°" •*"“ °“ l b - granted Bmmett ,, m “.' offlcf^rlthln the Ume SS2 -®5 W ■» tad Fdo* raurajf ture.*5to /rd.ds? SENATOR CLAY IS 1 MUCH IMPROVED. By Telegraph to Harold. Washington, Feb. 18.—donator Clay ot Georgia, who has been critically III for tome Jays, to much improved thl* morning, and It to believed that ho will be out again In a few day.. MORSE WA8 ARAIGNED UNDER NEW INDICTMENT. dy Telegraph to The Herald. New York, Feb. 18.—Chas. Morse was this morning aralgned be foro Justice Dowling to answer lo ad dltlonal Indictments found against him yesterday for perjury. He plead '•Not Guilty," ami gave ball which waa fixed at 110,000. WOMAN DENIE8 ASSISTING IN 8TEAL. Savannah Feb. 18.—Miss Ve:nc E. Sheridan a pretty and very attrac tive young woman who lelt here very suddenly' lant June with Prof. John A. l-eiblo a music teacher with whom she bad been associated and with horn several violins belonging students disappear, has written letter to Chief of Police telling him sho is innocent ol wrong doing os she only discovered recently that the 11ns were stolen. She lelt Savannah with the professor and went to Macon but separated from him there. II 1* expected she will return to Savan- nsh socn and It h not believed that she will bo prosecuted. ■ MISSISSIPPI REPUBLICANS ENDORSED FORAXER. Special To The Herald Jackson, Miss., Feb. 18.—Tho Re publican convention of the Eighth Cc.nnresstonal District thl* morning endorse,I Senator Foraker for Pre, dent. The negro delegates were tu complete control of the convention NEORO ATTACKED GIRL POSSE AFTER HIM. Augusta. Os., Feb. 18.—A poise of enraged men are thl* afternoon ecour- Ing the country for a negro who on yesterday attacked a white echool girl. It to feared be will be dealt with seriously If captured. KNIGHT8 OF PYTHIA8 WILL CELEBRATE ANNIVERSARY Savannah. Qa„ Feb. 18.—Tomorrow afternoon and evening the Knights or Pythias of Savannah will celecrate the anniversary of the order In ex cellent style. There will be a parade In the afternoon of all the companies of the uniform rank. Preceding the parade the officers recently elected will be Installed. Later In the even- meet at heir hall for the purpose or attending a meeting In celebration, ot the freedom from debt of the Knights of Pythias Hall Association, tho organisation that owns the Knights of Pythias Hall. Thl* will ■bo an especially pleasant occasion. There will be addresses by Hon.. George T. Cann, former Judge of the Superior Court, by Mr. Jacob Gazan and Capt. R. J. Davant. There will be a smoker and retreihmenta. The Knlghto now have one of the prettiest temples In the state and It to entirely paid for. i * woman, claiming that the'mer- are a lot ol thieves, that .he M*j«ie and newapaper men would ■ man to a finish and n lot ■■rw. Is a nuisance end an abomlna- Any town peaterd with one or WA1WKV LOTT Mae, etratton ahould not he granted to WARREN LOTT, Ordinary, 0 „., H ar»r«v.. no w n u., m „. GEORGIA—WARE COUNTT. To all whom It may concern; LJisle Williams having In proper Opple Hargrave* on W. B. Hargraves estate. Witness, my hud end official signs- tore, this 3rd day of February 1968. WARREN LOTT, Ordinary. r , **^!! r,, "“sr UU *“ J “* ,la,d j of'admlntotratlon'on^the'eitit* ofT i T,,e 8ott0,#rn Kxpr *“ In tat exercising cowhide authority en j. Kinney, late of said county, this Macon to going to open ap a branch •rr■ ****** Ko «« to«°taMSiM j toe K K — “ — *««* kahUged to live where It ta hot cult-'to be end appear at my office within shipped to there. edL If Utoge don’t ealt yon go where' ti,c u “! •«•»»<« by law end ehow — . I onus*, of eny they can. why permaa- •tay wuL A growler and sorehead m *nt admtototritton should not be • lava to an enterprise killer every edited to Ltaxle William* on W. J. _ . 1 Kl«neyto esute. Mta or at toast that ta what a Kan- wimata. my hand and tfltolal signs- mm paper think, about It .Sure, thla 3rd dav of February not. ^ 1 ... WARREN LOTT, Ordinary, THE WOMAN SUFFRAGE QUESTION. . Senator Clay, chairman of the com mittee on woman suffrage, has called a meeting ot the commute for March 3 to coneider a sixteenth amendment to th* constitution ot th* United 3totea extending to women the right of suffrage. Tha hearing promises to prove on* of the most Intsrsetlng of tho season. It to understood that at least sixty women from all parts ofthe country wlU strand to urge a favor able report en tjo proposed legi* SENATOR LATTIMER UNOERVENT OPERATION Washington, Feb. 18.—Senator C. Lattlmer, ot 8out.i Carolina who underwent a serious operation two day* ago Is reported this morning ot hav ing had an' unrestful night but his condition is somewhat improved now It Is admitted by hospital pbyslclana that the nature, ot the operation to such that result cannot be forecasted, but there are no Immediate fear* for him. TWENTY-8EVEN MINERS WERE RESCUED. Mount Carmel, Pa., Fhb. 18.—After fifteen hour* ceaseless dlgtng by res cuers, twenty-seven of the twenty elan: miners who on yeiterday were entombed to Mldralley colliery by th* breaking of a dam caused by mud and foe, end were this morning res tored to their famine*.' Frank Art- sky lost Us Ufa at (he first |nresh ot the Ice. / 1 QUEEN ALEXANDRA TO VISIT MR. MORGAN. London, Feb. 17.—Queen Alexandra has expressed a wish to visit Mr. Morgan's cesldenco In Prince's Yate, 3. W., to aee ols collections of pic tures, miniatures, hooka and manu- scrip*. It Is expected that the visit III to mndr In March, when the Dowaser limprct* of nusala, Queen Alexandra's xUicr. will be bars. WOCL GROWERS.PROMOTING PLANS FOR tooOL AUCTION. Helena, Montana, Feb. 17.—The Na tional was) Growers Association which has a membership of nearly 800 la promoting plana tor tha hold ing of wool auction sales In this country similar to those held In Lon don. I3.COO TO WORKMEN WHO FIR8T COMPLETE COUPLIN. •ew York, Feb. 17.—About tha middle of March the Pennsylvania Steel Company, which la building the new Blackwell's Island bridge, will award a cash prim of 13,000 to th* wetkmen who ere first to complete the eoapllng of the overhang to tb* middle section which arises abjure tha Islanl. A .mt tho earn* amount of work to yit to bs dona on each overhang, so that tha gangs oo the Manhattan and Long Island shores have ritarty equal cheeses for tha money. Thar# are 164 ate* ta sash gasg.