Waycross weekly herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 1908-19??, February 22, 1908, Image 3

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THE WAYCKOSS WEEKLY HERALD Mjh*** ^ ■ .*«r- 3** • MMhwtw **t Reasons Why it is to Your Advantage to Patronize Us. We Lanjle only the Purest Wines, Whiskies and Beer, and all of our goods comply with the Pure Pood Law. Wo are tho best known anj larges liquor house in the state. We refund your money if goods are not satisfactory. We sell direct to consumer lit lot cat prices. We ship cood3 in plain boxes, with no marks to indicate their contents. We do not bottle any whiskies; all our case goods are bottled at the Distillery. mow ira up to you. po it not and send yourorders to Joseph Zapf Co., Inc. "SoT- THE BEST KNOWN LIQUOR HOU8E IN THE 8TATE. The,, price. In.lud. express charges. Jug orders not delivered. If you want tha Expreaa prepaid on Jug or t qta. Forest Lawn Rye I 5.70 12 qta. Forest Lawn Rye 1.00 4 qta. Beechland Rye 2.76 12 qta. Deochland Rye S.Ou 4 qta. Olen Lily 3.20 12 qta Olen Lily 9.00 4 qta. Jim Buckner Rye t 4.00 12 qta. Jim Buckner Rye 10.00 4 qta Woodford County :.50 12 qta. Woodford County 10.60 4 qta Roao Valley 6.00 12 qta Rose Valley 12.00 4 qta Echo Spring 6.00 4 qta. L W. Harper 6.00 4 qta Lire Oak 6.00 4 qta Lewis 1 66 6.06 4 qts Hunter 6.00 4 qts Canadian Club 6.(0 4 qts Cane Spring—boiled In bond 6.00 4 qta J. E. Pepper—bottled In bond 6.00 4 qta Duffy’s Malt 4.00 4 qts. American Malt 6.00 4 qts Laurel Valley Corn 3.50 4 qts Stone Mountain Cora ... 4.00 4 qts Gopber Gin Tonic 4.00 4 qts. Devil's Island Gin 4.00 4 qts Gin Phosphate 6.00 dera add for 1 gal. 60. 2 gal. 76. 3 gal 90, 4 gal. $1.00, 6 gal $1X0 P«r Gal.. Extra Star Rye $ 1.60 Excolaior Rye 1.76 Redman,Rye 2.00 Eastland Rye 2.26 Maryland Monogram 2.60 Rose Valley 3.00 Echo Spring 3.50 L W. Harper 3.60 Solace 4.00 Silk Velvet 6.00 Malt Wblaker 2.00 up to 4.00 Georgia Cora 1.60 Tennessee Corn 2.00 N. C. Cora 2.60 Stone Mountain 3.00 Tom Gin 1.60 up to Holland Gin 1.60 up to 2.50 New England Rum 176 up to 2.6U Cognac, Perch, Apple, Apricot, Blackberry and Banana Brandies .1.50 up to 3.00 Port, Sherry, Catawba, Black berry Wines 1.00 up to .... 2.00 OON-T OVERLOOK. THE CE GOOD8 ARE BOTTLED AT THE OIS TILLEDV. NO CHARGES FOR JUG3 OR PACKING. Budwelser Pints, 10 Jos. per cask $12.00 Less than cask, per doa 1X0 Export Blue Label, 10 dox. per cask 8.50 Less than voak, per doz 1.00 Beers arhanl W* hurt contract* wlU * ,7itti-Jsssr*' V£t& wrasse uaa ear eeeiM ein ktep say cat ef beets ETaay dne of bariaoa. TILtCRAFHT. TJIa dsaatfig la la ehsrfvoraa apaaasar ef twenty yean- ,ree* float experleaee. JteOraad wins ns law •*SvSwlef ?<£**£*«**«■ 112-00 • Write today tot neadwmtly lUostreted Catalag. a count! byKtlL J. O. BAGWELL, Pros., IN Poadtaraa St, Atlanta, Ga. A TIRED HORSE Is just as able to do hard work as a man with an exhausted,' torpid fiver. Constipation drags a long train of troubles behind it The machinery can’t work u the boiler doesn’t make steam to move it If the stomach and liver don’t do their work, the body and brain can’t do their duty. Lamar's Lemon Laxative makes things right The Herald i A<|ver - THE NIGHT MAGNIFIES. Something Worth Knowing for Those Who Lie Awake And Worry. $• "You have lain awake at night,” raid n physician, "and have heard a mouse knawing at the woodwork sc :r.e where down in a kitchen cup board?" Toe listener nodded. "How loud did it sound to you—: burglar splintering tho door jambs with a jimmy.” Another nod. "You have been awakened at 1:30 m. by the crying of a teething in fant next door” A shudder. "And it mounded like the hoarae murmurs of mingled undulations of a frenzied mob asseufbled outside (to demand somebody's blood?” Partial collapse. "Along toward morning you have Us tened to the thin small voice of i mosquito circling above your head? 1 An Involuntary alap. "Did it sound like the screech of a planing mill turning out clapboards for a barn?” Two nodi. "Would you have minded any those sounds In the day time”” A shake of the head. "Now I have no doubt you think that the seeming loudness of these sounds are due to the contrasting ali enee of the night. But take another test You have been In love?” llm-um (without utterance.) “And do you remember how much softer and warmer and moro thrilling was the touch of your best girl'a hand as you strolled with her on tho way homo from- singing school at the witching hour of half past) nine p.m. than It was when you called in the forenoon to ask if you mlsht escort her to tho aforesaid vocal exercises.” An unspoken yum yum. "Was It tho night silence that add ed the finishing touch?” "It was not,” tho physician replied to hl 8 own question, noting hia lis teners look of uncertainly. "Take another instance: You think you now how to write—a litle.” A smile of gratification. "Well, you find yourself awake at inight and thinking. A gem of an Idea suddenly sparkles In the darkness You surround ll with epigrams, and while elaborating the setting you fall asleep. What does this Jewel amount to In the morning?” A elgh. SHE DID NOT FEAR DEATH. An old lady on her seventy-third birthday once said, "I do not mind getting old, and I do not fear death, bat I live In constant dread of para lysis.” "For some time I bare been wanting to tell you of the great good your won derful Sloan's Liniment ls'dolng here, wrltea Mr. James F. Abemethy Rutherford College, N. C., " In fact, all your remedies are doing noble work hut your Liniment bcati all. In my eight years' experience with medicine I find cone to go ahead of it, having tried it in very many cases. I know of one young fan. a brick mason, who suffered from u partial, yea, almost complete, paralysis of one arm. I got him to use your Liniment, and no# ho can do as much work as ever, and he sings your praise every day. I get all to use it I possibly can and know there Is great virtue In It I have help ed the sale of your uoble remedies about here greatly, and expect cause many more to buy them, as I know they can't be beat,” Williams' Ilammoth Mail Order House Tom Watscn Is yet a strong power In Georgia politics wheat used as an auxiliary to the candidacy of some one else but he cannot dominate tho politics of the state or prescribe the views of candidates for high office.— Observer. g|g The engag ment between ex-sen- ntor Henry Davla, the tnilllnoaire otogenarlan, and Miss Maude Ashford formerly a newspaper writer, Is said to have terminated. It Is intimated ttoat Indss AjshfordJ Inlands settling damages. "There you are. You recall t Idea and some of the epigrams and little of the setting and all of It so commonplace that you wouldn't think of trying to make anything present able out of It. "The fact Is,” the physician went on, "the night magnifies. At night our pleasures are more keen, our pain more dltresslng, out small successes are triumphs, our little failure disasters, our faintly cherished hopes appear before ua a thing realized, our mall worries are overwhelming calamities. "You find yourself awake In the night, and your thoughts wander back to some time In your youth when In ihe presence of those older and wiser yon—as you saw it—were guilty of some slight broach In deportment or of some little offense to good taste In speech, and you dwell upon the con demnation that must have fallen upon you. In the morning If what you dwelling upon so seriously oc curs to your mind at all you smile and say to yourself that if your fault was noticed by anybody at the time tl was to -trival for you to remem ber. The night magnifies!"the physi cian repeated. "£uch things as I have mentioned prove It. It Is party due to the silence, but more to ourselves. To account for the latter would keep mo talaing. "But take It for granted that what rer your cause for worry at nlbht it will look smaller by daylight and re fuse to dwell on ft. If your anticipa tions are pleasant, nurse them, and you will fall asleep. In tho morning /ou will not be downcast because your magnified hopes of the night seem unlikely to be reallied.”—’Washington Post * Men look back to their days of youjh i Innocence with regret and long ing, but women generally laugh at the pictures of men taken In those halcyon days. -4* About the time the Georgia poll- tieirms were getting accustomed to loe-wacer—at times—an authority comes along and says that Ice-watcr is as prolific of murder as whiskey Is. 1112 West Bay Street, P. O. El: JACKSONVILLE, FLA. J. J. WILLIAMS, Prop. ft CASE GOODS EXPRES8 PAID. Do Soto Rye. 4 Full Quart. |5.oo ( Fall Quart. 7.00 13 Full Quart. 12.16 12 Full Quart, (freight paid) ...12.00 WILLIAMS NO. 10 RYE. 4 Full Quarta |3, 6 Full Quarta 4.50 12 Full Quarta 9.00 OLD HALIFAX RYE. 1 Full Quarts (4.20 Full Quarta 6.0J ! Full Quarta 12.00 SUNNY SOUTH RYE. Full Quart. (2.76 5 Full Quart. (4.00 12 Full Quart. (8.00 2-1 Full FlnU 12.00 YELLOW 8T0NE BOURBON. Bottle (1.60 Case 11.00 OLD BONE, EXPRESS COLLECT. Bottled In Bond by the G. 8. Got* eminent Full Quart (1.26 1 Full Quarta 12.00 SPECIAL OFFER. Idlebrook Wtilikey In Drumo— Distillery Bottling. Bxpraaa Collect. ~r~ YnT=teiiffrgiisrEaB5 100 Plata In drum {23.J$ 200 IlaY Plata In drum (23.00 Sold only by drum. Will not break drama. SEND US A TRIAL ORDER. OLO HOMESTEAD N. C.. CORK WHISKEY. On# gallon Jug, exprean paid ... .(2Xe CORN WHISKEY, Express Collect. , Rocky Ford, per bottle (1.0. Rooky Ford, per caco 10x4 N. C. White and Jug fl.«* N. C. White, Bltta'r (2.34 N. C. White. Fine (240 Laurel Valley Corn (2.1*' RYE WHISKEY. Bxpreaa Collect. per Gallon Copper DliUlled and Jug (1.06 Queen City (2.U9 Sunny South (2.M RYB MALT (3.0C Hurdle Rye, Special (440 Orerholt (4.0. Rloh jnil (4.09 Plantar ....(6.04 Old Bone (6.94 William. Prlruta Seal $4.90 Se * tlus a TRIAL ORDER ENGINES A-3X733 BOXIijme Complete aaaortment of steas- 10 h. p. to 126 b. p. in atoek for Immadiata dallrtty. .*. Sara money by writing dlraet to tha manufacturer!. .-. „ .-. R. D. COLE MFG. CO. 64 YKAK8 IN BUSlmMi NEWNAN. CA. Alte'Com Nll^faw Mills, •ranch. 616 la,Ira Slid., Atlanta, Ga. It coate leas than two cents a mile to travel across the ocean to Europe just now, with board thrown In. Rut It coats moro to get back o wher you cen make money enough to live on afterwards. .J. A Connecticut news Item says the wife of a man In that State has not spoken to him In aeren years, doubt ho bores hla friends by brag- sing of It, too.—Washington Post The burglars seem to be getting In their work at Brunswick. They are now robbing he Carolina Cook laJlea ■l- Georgia’s Agricultural train com menced Its campaign this morning. It will be on the road unUI March 12th. 4, The "Dandy Dixie Minstrels” will be the attraction at the Bailey Thea tre next Wednesday nlg-.it. The company Is composed of all colored performers. Seats now on adle. • + W. J. Bryan'la credited with saying ttiat on aearchlng history he find, that very few men who have run three times tor president have been defeated. The moral la obvious. We make no excuse for the short- comings of fee Advocate these Jnya. With a gasoline engine to keep runn ing all day and a gal baby to nurse all night, we are doing pretty well to get out any kind of a "rag."— Quincy Peacock In Dunellon (Fla.) Advocate. Kentucky lost nothing much In (he murder of Judge Hargis, but It will coat the state a heap of money to hang the son. Just watch an see. : 4. The Herald 1a no Bryan enhutl- sat but It la dsmocratlc (0 the core and Is with tbo party when it dscldes on a candidate. 4- WAYCROSS, GA., FEB. 15, 1908. Franco muR have received a se vere fright in Portugal. Ha Is atlll fleeing. Drink Half of Any of Our Liquors And Send the Rest Back if They Arts Not as Reprerented WHIdKTY IN BULK PER GALLON. Florida Special Uye (1.59 Congress Rye 2.0* Urcokdate Rye 1.69 Paul Jcnea Rye 3.00 , Belle of Maryland Rye 3.60 Paul Jones Old Baker 3.60 Livingston Itye 4.00 Old Gibson Rye 6.00 Malt Whiskey 3.00 CORN WHISKEY. Old Georgia Corn 61.60 Marlon County N. C., Cora 2.00 Special N. C, Yellow Corn 2.1* Old Pilot Mountain Cora 3.6S Gold Band 100% Corn Double Stamped 3.00 CIN. Domestic Holland Oln 12.00 Belle Brand Gin 3.60 EXPRESS PREPAID PER GALLON Keystone Club $2.60 - Old Kentucky Club 2.00 Old Monogram Rye 1.50 4 qta 12 qts. Keystone Club (3.00 $ 8.00 Old Bailey 3.16 • 9.00 Cavalier 4.00 10.00 Golden Wedding 4.26 il.OO WHISKEY IN BOTTLES. 4 qta 12 qts. Monongahela Rye (2.20 $ 8.00 The Lcador, Pure Ryo 8.60 9.00 Old Crow Rya J.76 10.00 Monogram Rye 3.76 10.00 Private Stock Rye 4.20 10.60 Wilson WBItkoy 4.40 12.00 Bello Maryland 4.40 12.00 Paul Janes, Four star 4.40 12.00 Livlngaton Ryo 4.40 12.00 Old Oscar Pepper Bourbon 4.40 12.00 Jas. B. Pepper Bourbon 4.20 11.00 Canadian Club 4.60 13.00 ML Varnon Rye 5.00 14.00 Dswar’if Special Scotch 4.50 12.60 King William Scotch 7X0 18.60 Duffy’s Malt Whiskey 4,00 10.00 Canada Malt 2.75 10.00 Booth’s Tom Oln 3.75 10.60 Gordon’s English Dry Gin 3.75 10.60 Geneva Holland Gin 4.30 11.00 Plymouth Gin 3,75 10.60 Henneaaee ••• Cognac 6.60 17X0 Superior Blackberry 3.00 7.00 Old Apple Brandy 3.75 10.00 Old Peach Brandy 3.75 10.00 Old St. Criux Ilum 4.50 13.00 London Dock Jamaica Rum 4.60 13.00 Gin Phosphate 4.20 11X0 KccK * Bye 2.00 7.00 Beat Banana Brandy 3.20 WO If You Deilre to Prepay the Excreta Charge on Any of Our Goodi Add the Following Amount 1 Gal. Jag 80 2 Gal Jug 75 .. 3 GaL Jug 9* 4 Gal. Jug $1X0 6 Gal. Jug 1.00 4 Quarts 60 12 Quarts 76 CHAS. BURNETTE & Co., 635-7-9 West Hay St, Jacksonville, Fla,