Newspaper Page Text
pictured Mli» Ripples with most dis
seising tenures. end referred to her
age In sn unkind wsy, There were
verses too.
| Those verses told how any women
strutted with a face such ss sho pos
sessed owed It ss a duty to a sneer-
ng public to take her face out in the
deepest recesses of the woods, and
away and lento It to a mlaenbU
Miss Ripples wept and then hunted
up a lawyer, when the case was call-
ad Weldon offered no defense, and
the jury promptly gate the maligned
woman the Tace lotion she sought.
romm nnKromnw uasm to ua
C ®UWT N dor. cu
**••«■« nrtrtnu OS, •rwrasSr.
Nut assails Ssglu Ssptll7
Hr BtotrsM catsls(Us sad lsinitliis uirtu
K.C.MnBOi,,IX.D n »riMdiai;
Hew Tork World.
Morse has lost his fortune and fled
let these who loose aU faith in fair-
mess. who blnk that tbs laws were
always made against the poor and
humble anJ lawyers for the rich and
powerful, who believe that a stolen j Ilk, Alexander hate been broken and
fortune always protects the robber,] like Barney and Maxwell hare been
from the conseouences of Its effects*driven to suicide by that Implacable
and you will find that none but the
best men are running for offlie In
been called by the law's fear, and
like Walsh and Burton, Osynor and
Greene snd Schmitz, have been found
! guilty In the courts of Justice, who
who Imagine that because there
sometimes seem no Justice in the law
therefor** there Is no law of the Jus
tice- In such as theso take heed of
the crowing Hat of those who In the
last two years thinking themsclvca
nbove the law wsre punished by the
law, o' perfihsd by the law.
Let stem think of those who lfss
ilyde and McCurdy and Morse hare
Read the announcements of canJl-
datta and the comment by the press, 1 Hwe.
higher law which has never favored
duns |or .privUega.
Lot them think of the lengthening
rod and know that retribution Is not
It begins to look as If demoertas
should make up their mlnda to sup
port Bryan for pealdent, tho Herald
would prefer another man but we are
sure to aopporc the nominee If we
used as a qerde and applied lo
[he swelling and givestot nSt
Lungs this linimaijt is unsurpassr
Moons UntaMHft indispensable
when hovelling because II to
* Price 25*,50ttH00
Or. EoH S, Sloon. Boston. Moit.U.S.A*
Thefe For
The Price
All oi onr goods sold under
Our Personal Guarantee.
Wines, Liquors
Beers, Etc.
517-519 W. Bay Street, Jacksonville, Fla.
Agents for Pabst Blue Ribbon Bottled Beer.
Jung’s Cincincati Beer.
Lewis’ 66, Sunny Brook, Early Times and
Moncrief Springs Whiskey.
E. O'Hagen a Supposed Suicide. at
His Home on Brewer Street.
Mr. E. O'Hagen ibot hlmaelf short
ly after noon today-, the bullet pas
sing through the heart, causing In
stant death.
Sulci.)-* Is the theory which will
ddnbdeas be borne out but the cor
oner*. Jury which this afternoon la
bolding an Inquest over the body.
The shooting occurred
William Jennings Brsyn Issued a
statement benrlng on the president's
message stmt to the congress He
said be recognised the moral cour
age of Roosevelt in fighting against
Mr.' roe opposition be has to contend with
O'Hagen’s home on Brewer street, a Referring to the Wall Street methods,
short time after he had reached home | he said It would be a aafe bet that
for dinner from hla bottling works the financiers would see that they
in Old Nine. could place no dependence on Roose-
Tnough Mrs. O'Hagen and the dhll- 1 velt as a friend of the aystem. Hla
dren were In the house, It la stated statement Is In part aa fallows:
that the sound of a pistol shot was] “It la a bravo message and needed
not heard, and Mrs. O'Hagen dlacov- at this time. AU friends of reform have
ered the dead body of her husband reaion to Tejolee that President
only after be had tailed to answer Roosevelt has raised hla high post-
her call to dinner. tlon to call tho attention "to the
The body was reclining In the chair wrongs that should be remedled.Ho
usually occupied by Mr. O'Hagen has pointed out the corrupting Influ-
wrnle at homo. A pistol was lying encea, that flow from pedatory wealth
near by, and he was dead when dls- monopolistic enterprises which have
covered by hla wife. given unearned riches to the few who
The news of the probable aolclde by controlling great Induitrles of the
was a great shock to Mr. O'Hagen
numerous friends la this city. He
was noticed on the streets this morn
ing and appeared to bo in good apir-
its. It ban been known for some
time, however, that the financial
I striogency had been hard on Mr.
O’Hagen, and the fact font hb had
recently been unable to pay all his
hills promptly had worried
Mr. O’Hagen r nas alao been a great
sufferer from asthma, and It Is said
he has recently spent many sleepless
nights from this disease.
He Is a man whom all liked, and Is
one of the last Id the city to have
thought of suicide, one would have
nation, hava levied tribute upon toe
whole country."
A Philadelphia lawyer, who spends
most of hla time aot his country es
tate employs a sturdy Iriah garfiner
whose one desire In life Is to live un
til the btnncr of freedom is unfurl
ed over Ireland.
One evening the lawyer strolled
through the grounds of his place and
slopped to have a chat with Toe gard-
Cabbage Plants are
Not AU Alike!
You have to pay the same price, for them so
why not yet ihe beet. That's the kind we grow.
Our time is divoted to this work and nothing
more. Money can r ot produce better plants than
ours. We want to give you the best
We select our plants and
Give us a trial order, and if you don’t find
them sa isfactory your money will be refunded
Early Jersey Wakefield, Charleston Wakefield
Succession, Flat Dutch, Drum Head.
l,ooo to 4,000, $1.5o per thousand F. O. B.
5,ooo to 9,000, $1.25 “ “ Meggett, to 2o,ooo, $l.oo “ “ S. 0. '
The Philadelphia Ledger says the
next president will have he appplnt
ment of four Justices of Hie supreme
court. Whereupon the Newt and Ob
server remarks that “Mr. Bryan wfii
appoint four men who will appoint
four men who will appoint four men
who will preservee the rights of the
states.” How can either party be so
positive In Its statesmen.
(or ■ few minute* of your time. No one who has
a horn* to live in can afford to min thl* truly
I To cecure FREE of charge < Clock, the
I„ „„„ 1,nnn, w'ms moat Important thing In the home. And
Michael. Jo you know that »o..i tue|| , ^ “ B EAUTIFUL GOLD
It la being diacovered that the new
poatal regulation* affecting bogus
publications and Illegal eubacriptlon*
has materially reduced the demand
for print paper. No doubt this new
ruling will prove to be a good one.
WUl will
Sheridan Club, 4 qusrts
.82 75
I’ald, the folowlag package*
Sheridan Club, 6 quarts
4 quarts 8unny Brook
Sheridan Club, 13 quart!
11 quarts Sunny Brook
Pure North Carolina White Corn.83.u0
Black and Blua Corn, 4 quarts .
4 quart* Mellwood
. .34.50
Harvest Corn, 4 quarts
Jl quarts Mellwood
Laurel VaUey Corn, « quarts ..
Imported Scotch Whiskies, Brandtea
4 quarts Guckenhelmer
Qlna, Port and Sherries delivered 111
IS quarts Guckenhelmer
4 bottles, aa follows:
4 bottles Club Blend Scotch Whls- ;
4 quarts Uonerict Springs ...
key delivered for
11 quarts Moncrief Springs ..
4 bottle* Mormlll* Fro res 3 Star* J
$6.00 |
4 Fives Old Crow
4 bottles of Don Carlo* Sherry .
4 Fives Hermitage
4 bottles Nlerport Port
Both Old Goods and Bottled In Bond.
4 bottles Hill & Underwood Dry
Remember, all above Whiskies are
or Tom Gin
bottled In Bond under Government's
4 bottles 8lr Robert Burnett ....
4 bottle* Cryslallied Rock and Rye
Fine blended Whiskies delivered to
or Peach and Honey
ou all express charges paid.
Lewis 16, 4 quarts
Jug Orders Not Delivered
Hunter, 4 quarts
Per Gallon
Harper, 4 quarts
Sunny Brook. $ years old
Bah* Spring. 4 quarts
Gibson Pure Rya
Canada Taaaaaao, 4 quarts .
Lewi* 88, Blend
Blum's Monogram, 4 qt*. blend or
Early Times Bourbon
Blum's Monogram bottled In hood
White MUla Bourbon
4 quarts
• .$4.34
Indian Hill 109 proof
11 quarts Monogram ........
Land of Flower*. Blend
Ilium's Sylran Glen. 4 quarts
Irven Briar Tsnntaaaa
Blum's Sylvan Clan. 8 quarts .
MeOaffia* Malt
Siam's Sylvan Gian, 8 quarts .
. .84.40
Canadian Whits Rya
Blum's Sylvan Glen. 11 quarts
-Recently the house of representa
tives of Mississippi passed a prohi
bition bill abolishing all saloons In
the stite, to take effect December 31,
One of the most expensive valan-
Ines passing through the malls was
sent to Miss Sophia Ripples, by John
Weldon, of Wllkeaboro, Pa. It cost
b'ui 81,400 and was not so very elab
orate at mat. The trlmlngn cost the
Weldon had been rejected by Miss
Hippies. S*i> had turned him down
gently, but firmly, and he felt 5hml-
tated. This was shortly before SL
Valentine's Day last year and In a
spirit of revenge, he mailed- her a re
minder of the season.
It was a home made valentine.. It
we are here enjoying the beautllul AND GUARANTEED FOR TEN YEAR3.
twilight It Is dark midnight In Ireland BEAD EVERY WOOD OF THIS 6BEAT OFFER
l*e ashed. I MUtt ,fcSSi?? h g??f
“Faith, an' Ol'm net surprised." ro- rJBStnAfVB&ftMW
plied the garduer. "Ireland nlver ajjrmj wantro gstU.^1 wW
i,..He- vet” P*1«L a carefully wrapped
got Jl »UCe yet. package of handsome portraits
; of George Washington, and
ask you to ahow them to your
The adminlsrator of the estate of These portraits are copies of
„ vi. . the best known palntlny of the
Marshall Field, Chicago's great tner- first President of the United
States, and are different from
to Kaap
Him for Tan
chant has just compromised with the and handsomer than any pic*
tax. collector by paying a million dol- ££ of ““ k,na 3,00 * ,,r
lara by way of back taxea on prop- toVth* dlnma-roMi w alt!
erty that Mr. Field had not Haled,
Tho claim waa for $1.730,000. It wa. i7hSm.*'S^iSfry *n°Jd
not known until after hi* death that "If,o’SS’SiTammS
Mr. Field owned propery upon which' {jgjgjjo U
he waa paying no taxea, and the new* ’ — —
came with great surprise to those
who knew him well. Hla friend*
would not believe that h* had pur-
poaely failed to Hat the property for
taxation. Whether purpoaely or not
h« failed lo do so and tho city Is a
million dollars better.
Dispatches from the Interior of Mo-
rocco state that 10,000 Moors were
killed In n recent battle with French
troops. The number of dead French
officers and men Is 100. The
French led the attack and al
most completely surrounded the Moors
The French used heir machine
guns chiefly and mowed the Moors
down by wholesale.
Aa prosperity has de’cerloated while
In charge of our republican friends
they can hardly sustain their claim
of n partnership with providence.
Still they will doubtless again urge
the dangers of Intrusting the Demo
crats with such a delicate task as res
toring prosperity.
An Atlanta Dispatch states that
Governor Smith la having a pretty
severe bout with the grip, and It will
be several days yet before he will he
able to go to hla office In the capi
tal. Every member of the governor’s
family has bmeen a sufferer from the
— 4*
Two amall earthquakes probably
at a great distance from Washington
were recorded on the seismograph
at the weather bureau daring Sat
urday night apd Sunday morning.
Taft waa probably stepping around
somewhere In the neighborhood.
Georgia School
of Technology