Waycross weekly herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 1908-19??, February 22, 1908, Image 7

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THE WAYCROSS WEEKLY HERALD OVER ATTEMPTED ASSAULT WILL RETIRE ABSOLUTELY STATESBORO IS INFURIATED. MR8. Math Howard Attacked by Ne gro**. On* Negro Wa* Shot. 8svanaah, Ga., Feb. 17.—A long distance telephone message to 8aTannab Press from Statesboro say* that an attempted criminal as sault was made this morning upon Uts. Met'd Howard at Her bom* three miles from 8tatesboro. The mes sage states that one negro has been shot and la expected to die. Anoth- FROM PUBLIC LIFE. That la President Roosevelt's Inten- tention When He Leaves The Whit* House March 4, 1909. WILL OCCUR NEXT MONDAY FEBRUARY 24. Major R. L. Wyley To Muster Men. Company Has 62 Mem bers On Rolls. Washington, Feb. 17.—It' Is the I 11 *• announced today that the present Intention of President RoWe- “** military company will be mue- velt to retire absolutely from public I‘ered lnto the service of the State lire, when be leaves the White House I ot Georgia on next Monday, the 24th on March 4th, 1909. He has abapd- Major R. L. Wyley. of the 4th oned all Idea of being a senator from I regiment of Infantry, will be New York. Mr. Roosevelt has nev- Blustering offlcer. er bad any Intention of making a tour I Th o new -ompany has no armo or is being chased by a sheriff's pos- of ,he WOfld ' a,ter ‘be fashion set by)*’’ » r <l it to not known where « ^nd If caught will In aU probat y be lynched by Infuriated sent of the county, Mrs. Howard ran out of the house when -the negroes appeared this morning, and they followed her. Her screams brought J. D. Smith, a neighbor. He had his gun and shot one of the negroes as he ran. Mr. Smith then tied the wounded ne gro to his wagon and carried him to Statesboro where he was placed In Jail. The wounded negro refused to dis close the Identity of the negro who is at large. A large posse of deputies and cit izens were immediately organized and the country Is being thoroughly searched for the other negro. Stateaboro came into prominence three years ago when a mob burned two negroes at the stake. ..THE INDUSTRIAL SITUATION. The gross receipts of the railways indicate that there Isn't much. If any, Improvement In the Industrial situa tion. Now and then It Is reported tbnt a mill here and there la prepar ing to resume operation!, but there is no general movement in tbat di rection. There la beginning to be felt con siderable uneasiness In respect to the Industrial situation. The indue\-l«r ar e nut making any money, and their llxed charges must be palj. Besides umber of men out of work la Soglntfng to present aome problems. For Instance, It is published in the New York papere that in tbat city t of every three union men Is Is stated tbat In tbat city mate ot the men out ot em- [plorment la 90,000 ot organised labor, usumlng that the statement la ap- roxlmately correct, how many are Grant at -the close ot hta admlnia-1 the men will meet In the night ot tratlon. He baa not made up bis I “watering, though It la likely the city mind what he, will do the first year I ball will bo uaeJ. after be leaves the White House.) The new company has a roll of 61 He may go an a bear hunt lu Alas-1 members, the number required by ka, just after the Inauguration If- Ills [ the state. AU are enthusiastic over successor, and later go to Hawaii.)‘be prospects for the new company To some of bis friends he has voiced j and nro taking much Interest a desire to make an extended b!g{ ni<s etlngs. fame hunt In Central Africa. How ever the last la but visionary plan ning. BODY REACHES WAYCR08S c ROM EL PASO TOMORROW. MUD 8LINGING IN POLITICS. All contents tor public oUlce ought to bo conducted without reaort to mud slinging. The fact that the Popullata in 1897 made all ^nannef of charges against Democratic Judges who upon ft Brother With Him At Time Of | Investigation were fully vindicated. Death. Funeral Will Be Held | Instead of being a discredit should in Tomorrow Afternoon. | the estimation of the people In a News reached the city yesterday Democratic primary bo a badge of of the death ot Mr. Clifford Herman | honor. Again we repeat let ua have Beaton, of this city, which occurred!no mu d slinging, at El Paso, Tex., last Thursday night at 12 o’clock. ' I Boos Ijuadv* Cough Byrnp The death of Clieord Beaton was|eonghs, colds croup and whooping not at all unexpected to his relatives | sough grows is faoor dally Mothers and hla friends la Waycroas, aa it I should keep tt oa hand for cMldre* was announced some days ago that)it Is prompt rsUef to croup. It Is he could live only about a week long-) ltly lai.tlve, > vlng the poison and blsgm from th* system. It gives lm- Mr. Scott Beaton, a brother of I edlat* relist. Guaranteed. Boll by Clifford, left for El Paso, on the 8th j ••• Cherokee Pharmacy Inst, and arrived there only a short time before his brother's death. Grippe ta sweeping tbe ooentry. SHOT HIM8ELF IN CELLAR OF HIS RESIDENCE. The*. A. Edison Wae First Te Hear Of Randolph’s Suicide. Hid Charge Of Edison’s Financial Officer*, PENSION MONEY FOR mom SOLDIERS CHECK RECEIVED BY ORDINARY LOTT TODAY. $15.00 Each. phonograph worke and Intereeted In West Orange, N. J., Feb. 17.—John j Sixty-Four Pensioners In Ware Coun F. Randolph, treasurer for the Edison | V Te Reetfv* From 912.60 To other Edison concerns, shot and kill-) the ed himself today in the cellar of bis, residence. Taomaa A. Edison was the first . receive the new. of hi. confident!.! I C0Unty,g PVt ° f man*, suicide. .„d reached the re.-• Pei,, ° D f ° r th ° flrat quarUr <dence jD.t In time to prevent the' 0 ^* 10 ^ re,en ^ year * frenzied Mrs. Randolph from throw- Ordinary Warren Lou today I reived a check for 1935,006 which la ROLES GOVERNING DEMOCRATIC PRIMARY PASSED BY SPECIAL COMMITTEE ON SATURDAY. Regulations Practically The Same A* Adopted By Former Demoeratle. Committees In War*. Ing herself out of tho window. Randolph had charge of moat of Edison's financial affairs. 1 animation of the books has not yet been made. Mr. Edison stated this afternoon that Randolpb'a accounts were nil right He declared font he could snow of no reason he could assign for tbo suicide. TAFT WILL SPEAK IN NEW ENGLAND 8TATE8, By Telegraph to The Herald. Washington, Fob. 17.—Secretary Taft will transfer Ills 8|>ccchmaklng to tho New England States thla week. ■ On Tuesday February 18dh, ho speaks at Concord, Maas., and the following day goeB to Fitchburg, re turning to Washington on Thusday. The remain, will he brought to thls| 8top „ uh prTe n'Uci, before It Beta city, arriving tomorrow morning, and [deeply seated.,To cheek early colds at 3 o'clock tomorrow afternoon the funeral services will be preached by Preventlca contain no quinine, n„„ laxative, nothing hmreh or sickening. Rev. Wardlaw, pastor of too First I pneumonia would never appear if Methodist Church, and Rev. French, early oolds were promptly broken. . Also good for feverish cblldren.Large at the Episcopal church. The inter- box, 4S tablets. 26 cent*. Vest pock- ment will take place in Lott ceme- et boxes 5 cants. Sold by all deal- lery. ... Clifford Beaton la a son of Mr. and Mrs.-J. T. Beaton, of this city. His BAIL FIXED AT $20,000 AND WAS FURNISHED. Memo Held For Trial Undar Twenty Indictments.. Wee Up Before Justice Dowling. By Telegraph to The Herald. Now York, Feb. 17.—Charlee The money Is now ready to paid out to the Ot lnd'ccn! or dis abled Confederate s'e.u.irs or Indi gent widows of Confedersto soldiers lu ware county. Ordinary Lott-has pre pared checks far all those entitled to pensions and will turn them over to tho proper parties at the First Na tional Bank. The chocks range from 112.50 to $16.00. Instead of making annual payments of <50.00 to <60.00 to pan Blonera as formerly, the rthto thla year has decided to make quarterly payments. TEN LITTLE BAR ROOMS. To a little barrooms standing In a line One . became a grocery, then there were nine; Nino llttlo barrooms trying to get Btl'slEiht, One became a locker club, and then thero were eight. Eight little barrooms up to many tricks, One became a show-place (ban there were six, THE JUMPING OFF PLACE. , “Consumption had ms I nits grasp; wile and little boy were In Ocala, | tl d I had almott reached the Jump- Fla.. having come from El Poao .omn jng off ptacw whsn^I m***"*'" months ago. Mr*. Beaton and llt*jj wane to say right now, It saved my tie aon arrived here today, aoeom- Improvement began with th* l>»A4 hnlls ansi nftAF tnL-lnr nno Jnrnn , . ^ ... .. ... .first botle, and after taking one dozen ut of employment In tae entire coun- panlod by her sister, Miss Martha | bottle* I wa* n well and happy man ‘again/’ atys George Moore, of t> . Grlmesland, N. C. As a remedy for Jimmie Beaton, who 1* attending CO ugh* and coldg end heeler of week, school In Atlanta, will arrive here sore lungs and for preventing pneu- monia New Discovery , 1* supreme, tonight. 150o and 11.00 at All druggist*. Trial bottle free. try? Therq must be hundred* of. Isaac, housands, union and non-union loll< That being the case, it cannot be very long it there 1* no Improve ment In the industrial situation, be- 'ore there mU3t * assistance extended the unemployed. Nobody expects such hard time* as here were In 1893, but still It Is Im- Kwslble to forecast accurately the uture. The banks now have plenty with these little Candy Cold Cure Morse, formerly ice king, steamer Tablets Is surely sensible and safe‘.— a . hfinlf _„ Pr.vi.ntio. contain no onlnin*. no 1 , ' , ® la “ aml banker, was arraigned before Justice Dowling In the crim inal i ranch if tbo Supreme Court today and held for trial on twenty In dictments ot the grand Jury. lilt ball was fixed at <20,000 which was Immediately furnished. The proceedings were of short du ration. Morse plead "Not Guilty." Ho was then roloasad. Stale Marshal Honckol this morn ing served Morse with paper* In an action for nearly bait a million dol lars which It la nllegod he owes the the Continental Finance Company. MINNESOTA UNIVER8ITY Kennedy’s Laxative Oongh Syrup REORGANIZE BA3EBALL. but promptly on the bow- 'els. It stops tbe coagj by soothing the threat and lung Irritation. Sold St. Paul, Feb. 17.—With the sol. | by Redding' and Co. A weak stomach monos weak atom- ach nerves, always. And thla la al- f money nnrt ire loaning It treoly.l <rol ot the University of Minnesota [no true of the Heart and Kidneys..It's money ana are loaning y, , hn a pliy that Blck ones continue to drug nt that fact doesn't cause activity jef Walter Wllmont as coach for tho tho gtomach or stimulate tho Heart » the security market Nobody isi Varsity ba.ebajl team thla Spring, or Kidneys. The weak nerves, not me security mantel, nouuuj ' tho organs, not tho'brgans themaolvee dying for the reason that thero to ‘JO prospocta for a more succesitull d <Ug he)p Thu explains why certainty respecting the future. It. season than the Gophers have en-|Dr. Shoop's Restorative baa, and la hoped at the beginning ot the that before this time; the de- good, in the opinion of graduate*. The mediocre team* which the college . has turned during tbo past few seasons are laid to the general shskeup which stirred the Athletics of tho Middle Six llttlo barrooms learning how W. strive, > One bought n now sign, and then there were five; Five little barrooms nailing up thoir door, One got a window shade then tbero were four; Four llctlo barrooms sad a* tbey cou’d be, Ono moved away and then there wore three; d for tho products of the mllla ild be ao great that all of them tically would be In operation by ie first of February. If the mills running It would be evidence tbat [It goes direct to the cauao ot these under diseases. Teat thla vital truth, and too. All dealer!. effect* of th* panic had shoot *63. 7;helr ooUUnued inactivity I having a depressing effect TEAMBOATS PASSENGER RATES WILL BE ADVANCED I Detroit Feb, 17.—Steamboat pas- oger rate* to the upper lake* will Weatern Colleges, rather than to any fault of tbe coachere, but now as a college matters are settling down n list, better results are hoped for. PRIZE COMPETITION FOR MODEL AEROPLANES. Munich, Feb. 17.—A prise oompe- advanced at tbe opening of the'tltlon for model aeroplanes, will take ilng season. Fare from Detroit [place In this city, during tbe exhlbl- id Lake Erie pprta to Mackinaw jtion this year, under the management be ^hsured 50 cents each way|<| the 8ports-Comml1-.ee, and with He* ti^nlnfh will be advanced 10 the coloperstlon of the Munich Aerial L This year tneals and berths Navigation Club. Models with and urged separately from trans-, without motors are eligible for com WILL SEND TWO SUBMARINES TO THE PACIFIC COAST, By Telegraph To The Herald (Washington, Feb. 17.—Tbo Navy Department has decided to send two submerlnea to tho Pacific Coast. Tbey will bo loaded aboard a naval collier at New York, and bo taken around South America to San Francisco, within tho next few months. Tho submarines selected for tbo purpose nro toe Porpoise and Shark. The collier which will transport (hem to the Pacific will probably be tbe Caesar, which .will leave New York by March 1st MISTAKE CORRECTED. Correct tho mistake of rlaklng pnou , . _ . r .. . ___ monla by neglecting a cough or cold » 0rlno Laxative Is a new when Foley's Honey and Tar will aotJiWW M Improvement on foe laxa- only atop yonr coigh but expel the,Uvea ot former years, at It doe. not cold from your system. Fpley’s HjP* nanaeal* and to Pleaaant to Honey and Tar contains no opiates take. It Is guaranteed. All druggist* and la tbe beet and safest throat and Three little barroom* thinking what to do, Ono found out and then there were two; Two little barrooms out for the mun, One became a drugstore and then thero was one; This put the sky-pilots all on tho run, So they screwed on the Ild and then thero was none! Everybody thirsty and everybody sore— Soon mnkes n family of ten barrooms more! lung remedy. A1I1 druggists. Stop tbat tickling Cough! Dr. Shoop’s Cough cure wll eurely atop It and with perfect lately. It to so thoroughly harmless, that Dr. Shoop* WHAT EVERYBODY WANTS- Eyerbody ' desire* good health, which to Impoaslbl* unless the kidney are healthy. Foley 1 * Kidney Remedy corrects Irregularities and cure* all - . forma of kidney and binder disorders, cells mothers to use nothing die Eolev’s Kidney Remedy at onco CT * a w, td Ter J young babies. The nnd proTea t Bright's disease and dto- wbolesomo green leave* and tender, bol ., p * A n dealers. stems of a lung healing mountain- p 01 *" ous shrub furnish tbe curative pro- i on nearly all the llaea. FEEL BAOLYT -ao yonr llrer te wrong and yon U U Ask yonr druggist ut It HOW IS YOUR LIVERf ' Tsur Uvtr le right yes 9s*i well lover. LLLkeep* it rfgkt petition, but only those without mo tor* can enter for tbe race. No model abtll be eligible for a prise which does not succeed in corering • dis tance of at least 15 metres, measured horizontally from the itarting place —the said starting place being at a height of two metres. The flight may be repealed twice. pertlea to Dr. 8hoop’s Cough Cure. . o«i«iTinu aensadve SUSMUHt opium, no chloroform, nothing h.rSh" r upiuiu, nu cuiuruiurm, quldiuk iixrsu ‘ —-. ' " ' _# «*« to injure or tuppreae. Demand l““ aJ .“ Dr.. Shoop s take no ether. All De alers. NOTICE. The public Is taerby potlflod thn the carriage, wagon, blcyclo and re pair buslneas formerly conducted by W. J. McGee, with J. T. McGee as manager, has this day been dlsposeJ to J. T. McGee, wbo will conduct the business at tho old stand on Al- >any Avenue. All accounts duo tbe juslnoss are payable to J. T. McOeo. J. T. McGee. W. J. McOeo. This Jan. 27, 19J8. 4tw. Tat special oommltteo of tbo Dem ocratic Executive Committee, which met on Saturday for tbe purpose of forming rules and regulations gov erning lb* Democratic primary to be bold on June 4th, passed tbe follow ing resolutions In additions to those published In tbe Herald on Saturday: Resolved: by tbe Democratic Executive Committee ot Ware county that a primary tor tho nomination ot a Solicitor General ot the Brunswick Circuit, Representative for Ware county, Judge of the City Court ot Waycroas, Solicitor of tho City Court of Waycroas, tnd til county officers of said county, be hold at tbe vari ous voting precincts of said county and also at Beach and Falrrax, on the 4th day of Juno next, and at said primary tho voters to express ...elr choice for Governor, United States Senator, State Houso officers, Judges of the Supreme and appellate courts and mombera of the Railroad and Prison Commissions, and for Repres entative In Congress from tho 11th Congressional District That tbe form of ballot^to be voted In said primary aball it prepared by tbla Committee, and no other form •ball be uaod, said ballot to contain all tbo names nf tho candidates to be voted for; the voter to scratch the name of all candidates except the ones for which he desires to vote and If It shall appear that a voter has voted for more than one candi date for the same office, that ballot ahull not bo counted for either can didate. That for the purpoao of paying tun expenses of laid primary tbe candi dates aball be aanesser ns follows: Ten «10.00) Dollars for oneb candi date except the candidates for Coun ty Surveyor, County Coronor and Coisity Qommlaaloners, which .ahall be paid to the chairman of said Ex ecutive commlttoo on or before tho lGth day of May, 1008, and ir not pc* by that time, only auoh candidates as havo paid such assessment shall have their names placed ou the offi cial ballot Said primary election shall be held by two managora at each precinct, oxccpt Waycroas precincts who shall havo Ihroo mnnagors each, who re side In the district where primary hold, and If for any reason this cannot bo done, tbo voters present shun solcct the managers. The same rules and regulations that govern In tho election Jfor county officers In this Slnto shall bo adhered to In unld primary as far as practicable. RE30I.VED: That ull qualified white registered voters wbo have re gistered during tbe year 1008 up to and Including May 9th, 1908, without regard to past political affiliations, who desire to nlilgn tubmiolve* with tbe Democratic party, and wbo will, If challenged, swear to aufifiort tbo nomtneea ot tho Democratic party at tbe primary, shall be entitled to vote In said election. Tbe returns ot said primkrv elec tion aball be carried by one of tbe managers or other ufo conveyance, under seal, to the Court Houso by 12 o'elock noon, on th* 6th day of Juna, 1908, and turned over to the <Demqarf|Ie > Executive Committee, who ahall consolidate and declare the result ot said primary, and also select delegates to represent the oounty In the 8tato and Congresatonzl Conven- NEIGHBORHOOD FAVORITE. Mr*. B. D. Charles, of Harbor. Malno, speaking of Electric Bitters, ■ays; “It to a neighborhood favorite here with ns.” It deserves to he a 'nvorlte everywhere. It gives quick relief In dyepepela, liver complaint, malnutrition, nervousness, weakness and general debility. Its action on the blood, as a thorough er purifier makes It especially useful as a spring medicine. Tbte grand alterative ton ic to sold under guarantee at all druggists. 50a NOTICE TO CREDITORS. GEORGIA—Ware Countv. Notice to hereby given to all cred' , Vo“« t£SSn«*t. “o™ 01 *• #,uu ot Wlrren ^‘-’tlon. from tbe aup^rter, of tbe in- Honey end Tar will stop yonr cough late, ot said county, deceased to ran- cesaful candidates, heal the lungs and oxpri ttl* «old l(ler ln account of their demand! from your ayatem. Contains no’ . harmful drnge. All druggists. ,r ">• within tht time prescribed by law, properly made out. And all penona Indebted to said deceaaad v. ‘ereby requested to make Imme diate payment to the tmd©rd'*neJ, This, 13th day of February, 1908. HATTIE J. LOTI. Ekecutrix ot the wilt ot Warren Lott, deceased. It will be neeeeeeeery to an through a palatal, expeoal* ope ratio* tor Pile* It yon see Man Zan Pat ip la col lapsible tab* with nosale. reedy to apply Mr say form of Pile, price 80* Bold By ■Cherokee Pharmacy It any contest shall arise It shall be determined said Executive Committee, at each time and place, and nnder such rule* aa they may fig. FOR SALE Or .Rent—Lang's dairy bum. Immediate possession. Apply te O. lsiag, 83 Bade street Way- Oa St at w.