Waycross weekly herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 1908-19??, February 22, 1908, Image 8

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THF. WAYCROSS WEEKLY HERALD ’ M muni rtLnnA Worse than an alarm of lira at atfbt Is the metalle cough of cronp bringing dread to the household. Careful mother* keep Foley's Hon*? and Tar In the Home and wive It at the flrjt elgn of danger. Foley's Hon* ey and Tar has saved many lives and St U the. only safe preparation -for children as It contalnH no harmful drugs. All druggists. "The Atlanta, Birmingham & At* lautlc Railroad ISO# calendar has proven the most popular railroad cal endar Issued In the Southeast. The heavy Jdnand for toes*- caltndar* j haa caused a second edition to be Issued. Copy can bo secured by Bend ing seven cents (7c) in stamps to W. H. Leahy, General Passenger Agent, Atlanta. Ga. I Railroad... Restaurant Atimtic C?ast line Depot Open Day and Night FIRST-CLASS SERVICE Do you know that Plneealre Car- hollaed acta ilka a poultice Id draw, lug our luftemmilloe and polsonT It la antiseptic. Fur cun, bums, eeae- no. cracked Cauda it la Immediate relief. •• Bold by Cherokee Pharmacy Strength ■ NVrrs t>f*nire nerve—tfm (Anllac. or Ifmrt Nortel ipfjr Mids. and Bust hats, mors power, mors Kl: lausssuiusss k. und the itomsch and kidneys also Lavs M(SptoSs”wh»^M a medicine, Dr. RipVIMMKtlrs h»i in the t«it dam so much | weak snd ulllng Hmrta. Dr. Hhoop first sou*bt tr prescription—la a Ions direct*! to thus [and ntwtlnr nerre center*. It baiidj; I Ssaisfl needed, with Dr. Shoop’s Restorative Naturally a young man'u heat girl la all (he world to him—which cx- plalne why all the world lorea a lover. NO CAOE ON RECORD. There Is no case on record of a cough or cold resulting in pneumonia or cnnsumiitlon after Foley's Honey an Tar Has bead taken. II stops foe cough and breaks up the cold quickly. Reruse any but the genu- In? Foley's Honey and Tar In a yel- lew package. All druggistr. You can get the best Red Illlss and Early Rose aeed Irish potatoes from Wood A Varnedoe. 3cnj In your orders early. It Weak Women __ Wi'i^ScSSCS! SpK SSHr®; mlxotall norm SL. tenersl tonla PsOatsawsU Dr. tShoop’s Night Cure ALL DEALERS” WILSON, BENNETT A LAMDIN, ATTORNEY. AND COUNiELOM AT LAW 3«oeril Practice la Alb therCourts. State and redqraL *» * wayensa g» ' / DR. W. K. MEEKS,' DENTIST — OFFICE—Front Room Up Stair* of Walker Building. Office Phone 373. Residence 275. OR. E. M. NOLAN, Practice Limited to TWO UNWELCOME VjoirvmO HERE. At tfale season LaGrippe end Pne umonia cause more deaths than cod- sumption. Foley's Honey and Tar cures la grippe cougha tnat may re*u^ in -pneumonia over night. Do not take chances with a cold when Fbleyhr oney and Tar will quickly cure 1L. entral Pharmacy & Union Pharmacy. RICHARD L. SINGLETON, Contractor and Builder, Plane and Estimate# Furnished on Application. No. 3 Gilmore Street. .'Phono 636. SSLUDLUMMD Practice Limited to the EAR, EYE, NOSE AND THROAT. Office Over Redding Pharmacy. Bonn: 9 to 11; 3 to 6. Sunday* 1 to 10 Weycroee, Georgia. OKIND Pleasant to take The new laxative. Does not gripe or nauseate. Cures stomach and liver troubles and chronic con stipation by restoring the natural action of the stom ach, liver and bowels. FOR ALL KIND OP PLASTERING BOO O, J. McCANN. CONTRACTING PLASTERER. Phoaa 217. Box SI. WAYCROSS. 0> Granolithic Cldewalka A Specialty. you ilding work Will be aatlafactory—everything else being equal—If you specify White ltoee lime, Atlas Portland Cemen': and Acme Wall Plaater. We buy In large quantitlaa and are in position to quoto low prices. Quality and a full count are our key words. Tele phone ISd. *.-,*t*: ssrjtas. P. II. IfAJtLEY HARDWARE COMPANY Guano! Guano!. The well known brands of the SAVANNAH GUANO:CO. PINELAND. OUR OWN. BONE FISH AND POTASH LONG STAPLE COTTON GROWER, OIAMONO COTTON FOOD, EXCELSIOR, FOR BALE BY US. BREWER & SIRMANS PALACE BARBER SHOP. Mary St, Raddlng Block. Flretclass, Courteous Workmen <erve yon. Your patronage will he (appreciated. OUS REYNOLDS, Prop. G R LOVELACE. Dentist 'Phone 304. Office over Star Clothing Stars. OR. A. FLEMING, Physician And Surgeon , Office Over Central Pharmecv. Plant Avenue. Residence Fhote, 449. Office Phone IH. C. B. MYERS, BUILDER. Superintendence and Percentage Work a Specialty. Convrete And Fire Proof ‘Contraction, -• RESIDENCE PHONE, 383. OFFICE PHONE. 181. OFFICE! NEW HOTEL. ■ dr. W. 1 H. pKCBJtg?^ PHYSICIAN AND BURGEON, Residence ss Reed atreel, 'Phone 13, Office Phone 104 Reddlng'e Drag 'Stare. ************* * 4. W. L. HINSON A CO. 4> UNDERTAKER AND 4. EMEALMERS, 4. 'PHONE 31 AND 413 + ************* JACKSON GRIMES SHOEMAKER- NEXT DOOR TO CITY CLERKS' OFFICE, JUST BELOW THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK. ALL WORK GUARANTEED C. C. THOMAS. Attorney And Connccllor At Law ROOM 14 LOTr-HITCK BLDG. Waycross, Ga. THROUGH ' Pullman Service —via— Southern Railway SHORTEST LINE. BEST ROUTE NewJYork, Ksnsas City, Chicago, Cincinnati, Cleveland,"Detroit, Birmingham andjSt Augos- tine. For further informs tforfgtnd]' Reserratiofu, Write to (If ft. PETTIT, Trar. " PassJ Agt, Ms- COQ. Gto. Perm For Rent Twenty acre farm for truck farm ing. Good house and outbuildings, two miles from the city and In sight of court house. Apply to D. B. H. WRUnme. It NOTICE TO OUR CUSTOMERS. We are peaael to announce that Fo ey‘a Homey and Tar (or cougha, colds and long troubles la not affected by he Nations Pure Food ant drags law as It costal a. no opiates or other •armful drags, and we recomeod it e a eefe remedy tor children nod eduite. *M by Central Pharmacy tad Union UNION PHARMACY. SIMPLE REMEDY FOR LA GRIPPE La grippe coughs are dangerous as they frequently develop Into pneu monia. Foley's Honey and Tar rot only Btops tho cough but heals end •trengthena tho lungs so that do eir lc.ua results need, be feared. The gen uine Foley’s Honey and Tar contains no harmful drugs and Is la a yellow package. Refute substitutes. For srJo fit all Druggists. “Health Coffee" le realy the closest Coffee imitation ever yet produced. Thle le the finest Coffee Substitute ever made, has recently been produc ed by Dr. 3hoop of Racine, Wls. Not a grain of real Coffee In It either. Health Coffee la made from pure toasted cereals, with malt, nuts, etc Really It would fool an expert—whe might drlng It for coffee. No twent) or thirty minutes boiling. “Made t • minute"' lays the doctor. To waycross Oro. Co., Mutual Oro., C SUFFERING AND DOLLARS SAVI B. S. Loper, of Marllla. N. Y.,eaj "I am a carpenter and have had mi severe cuts healed by Bucklln's nlca salve. It has saved me suf lng and dollars. It is by far the I healing salve I have evry fou Heals burns, oorea, ulcers, fevers eczema and piles. 23c at all . gists. KEEPING OPEN HOUSE. Everybody le welcome when w good, and we feel that way only our dlgeetive organa are v properly. Dr. King's New Lift regulate the action of the stomach, can't help feeling good when he uses theee pills. 23c at all druggists.- To atop that pain In the hack, that Iffneee of the Joint# sal muscles take Plneulea. They are guaranteed. Don’t niter from' rheumatism, bacek- Get them today. Sold by HAVING ARRANGED FOR LARGER QUARTERS IN THE NEW BUILD ING, I HAVE LEASED MY FORME OFFICE TO MR. L. V. WILLIAMS AND UNTIL THE OFFICE BUILD NG IS COMPLETE I WILL BE TEM PORARILY LOCATED AT MY RESIDENCE NO. 14 MILLER 8TREET. FOR THE NEXT TEN DAYS L MAKE MV PRICE8 ON ALL HIGH GRADE WORK JU8T ONE HALF PRICE DONT FAIL TO HAVE YOUR TEETH FIXED WHILE THESE PRICES ARE ON. ALL WORK GUARANTEED. TEETH EXTRACTED WITHOUT PAIN 60 CENTS PER TOOTH. DR. DANIEL, Dentist. : WAYCROSS. GA. to taka. Sold by Bedding A Ce. of this repulsive disease. Aek will eurely tell yon a Catarrh tn well worth knowing. Write tod Don’t suffer longer. All dealers. ^MjeeJee;ee;ee>,ee*e»Je*>»;ee>>:.ejMje^ee>eJee;eeJ*eJee>e5»ejMi*e>> f EXCLUSIVE WAYCROSS AGENT'S I COLUMBIA \ Phonograph Company Y 1 1 1 . — . - V ...BIO SHIPMENT- * X PHONOGRAPHS AND SUPPLIES A t * INCLUDING THE CELEBRATED $ 20TH CENTURY PHONOGRAPH A E23TAND SPECIAL RECORDS WC ALSO HANDLE THE | Wonderful IndestruotlblefB’Records 4 A. W- LANG, WAYCROSS SEWING MACHINE: SUPPLY AND REPAIR HOUSE DeWItt's Carbollaed Witch Salro Is especially good for Bold by Redding A Co. re only taken four doses of yoi Kidney and bladder Pills and thi have done for me more than any ot er medlciae haa done. Mr. Barber Ece. draws not tnflamatlou and poison Antlceptlc healing. For Chapped hand, Ops, cats, bums. Boll By - Cherokee Pharmacy MOW TO AVOID PNEUMONIA. , Ton can nvnld pneumonia and other ewrteaa reeolte tat a mid by taking FWey*e Honey and Tar. M atop* toe SHL bm»l ton liWA mi expels 8. tola MSmTto dr*a5*patoma Ii5a5 CuLt Am£Tm* mt ' Kodol la a actontl(Be preparation, ol vegetable adds with natural dlgos tuts and contains the same Juicer found In ah Lenity stomach. Each dose will digest Don than 3,00! grains ot good toood. Sold by Redd ding; A Co. Laxative Cough Syrup to soldi croup and Whoopis- cough grows ha facer dally Kothsr should keep it ea bud tor ehlldrer It le prompt relief to croup. It stly taxeUvn, 'vtag the polaoa u klegm from On system. U gives bn ME IT ie ;; t. - > 7 " % • • HARDWARE ijr i i If 1 * Building Material, » ■ 9 1 Paints and Oils It 1 1 , U t 1 r. *» Stoves and utensils i !! 1. • • Everything in our r J [ Watt Hardware Co. • , ,• • \; H«H r | -\HE foregoing^ numbers constitute THE I HERALD'S well known 'phone number—/* .26- Should you want a servant, help g any kind, wish to sell anything, buy anyth!# 1 lost anything, found anything, wish to iCacv* rooms, etc., call 25. Your ad will be taken, and put in THE HERALD'S want column and we will credit you for it if you like.