Waycross weekly herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 1908-19??, February 29, 1908, Image 1

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Weekly Herald VOLUME XV OFFICIAL ORGAN OF WAYCROSS AND WARE COUNTY AND COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WAYCROSS' GA- SATURDAY FEB 29 1908 NUMBER ;iw BETTER TIMES NEAR * SAYS MR. WADLEY WRITE INTERESTING LETTER ON WAYCR08S. -figures Out Pay Roll Of $2,134,000.00 When New Enterprises Are |n Operation. IPo the Editors of i‘ae Waycross Her- Herald. Dear Sirs: I feel that tie time Is ripe for some «f our citiaeas v:ho love Waycross, and Uavn tuiauciui interests here. u> express tkenmelvos cn the future out look fo; our city, with the hope that it will encourage the tUuUi and in spire them with more c-wi/idenee in the future. In one sense this letter way be con sidered 4m an advertisement, not Wholly ». but I wish to let the pco-J pie know w'nat I am doing and what: aiy plana are. In my opinion there & a great deal •f idle money hid away in our midst, and much .that is owned by people residing here, but deposited outside jsf otrr city/ Is thi3 not true? Let everyone who reads this examine his finances and see if it is not true in his case. Onr community is strlotly a salar ied one, and In conseqaence we have no wealthy people, Loose who make pretense to being well off have every dollar they possess Invested v hero, and they deserve tho support of ov- -e/y individual, both nunraliy nad fi nancially. What people have a more- pleasant j^y to live in or a more honestly coir* •JBoted city administration. ‘^TlYhat are our prospects? Are these not eome of the things that few cities of our size can boast of A railroad car manufacturing plant Just started up with a pay roll or some twenty or thirty thousand .dol lars per month. A railroad shop, the equal of which is not to be found in the South just opening up with a pay-roll that will very shortly amount to one hundred and thirty thousand dollars j^er month. The Bailey,Manufacturing Co. wit a pay-roll of some six io seven thou sand dollnrs per month, whl will fur nish the Car wontB with much of their; lumber, which will thus keep that much money at home. The lonre Cypress mill now near- LOOKING AFTER LOCKER MEMBERS IN SCREVEN SAFE. INDICTMENTS WILL BE RETURN- STORE OF J. C. HATCHER & BRO. WAS ROBBED. ED TODAY. About $300.00 Damage Done to Place. Judg, Speers’ Court In Sav.nn.h, Wl)ktr ., 8tcre w „ A|<0 Enter . Looking After Important Mat-1 ed without Result, tort | , i Tho store of J. C. Hntchor & Hro. Savannah, Oa., Feb. 28.—The grand | at Heroveu tvns burglarized lart night Jury of the United Stateas court it la | the tblcvea securing about *75.00 In believed will Boon nave the locuer “zb «nd a gold watch valued at *40. club proprietors and members In 1 ‘ ri< ’ “ fo was b>mn °'’ f “ evJ , , , , . . cry thing of value was taken. Mr. Savannah on the ruu. it is expected i liati/.er l.ad carried home tvi.U alto thia afternoon that several indictment % . . .... j<a number of cfeecKS and bIHr. and It nill be returned by the grand jury| wn9 fi, r tunale that there were not lu which spent a part cf yesterday and the safe. Tia* damage to the store today investigating the charges that'; ml Bate, along with the cash and rnese clubs are ran practically mdc | wstcJiwMco »«» UKen will utount open in Cavatnuto. 1 here Is uq! a Chatham county man on the gran.* jury . All of them come from the country counties in the district. It is also expected that come thing ( will be done toward breaking up the; system of “crimping" of sailors ini this port The grand pury will in* j vestigate this matter before }1 ad- BOMB HURLED AN PERSIA’S RULER. SHAH WAS NOT INJURED BY EX PLOSION. Thre e Outsiders Wore Killed. Per petrator Outdistanced Officers and Escaped. , | *300.00. J Th • store of J. H. Walker &. Co. } nearby war. also broken ‘into, j nothing of value was take* so far as i has been learned. An attempt wr.a ! made to blow open the safio but wlth- . out result. jour ns. It is not expected there will be any investigation of the alleged naval stores trust at this time. There has been oomo complaint from Jackson ville but it la thought the evidence is not such* us to warrant'investiga tion by the grand jury. SPECIAL MESSAGE TO CONGRESS READ TODAY. REPU3L1CAN SENATOR “Urgent Need For Prompt and De cisive Action," He says. Washington, Feb. 2f>. —President Roosevelt sent to congress today the report of the Inland Waterways Com mission,, together with a special me*- v t ,o pc. In tin Thcrah, Persia, Feb. 28.—While the Shah was driving through the streets in au automobile today, a bomb was hil led M him. Tna ruler was unin jured but three outsiders were instant- killed and c numbers of person* Injured. The perpetrator outran the officers and esrsped, and there I* no clue to hi a identity. Hy Telegraph to The Herald. .. Washington,.Feb. 28.—It is believed in official circles here that the at tempt on the life of the Shah was (be result of a plot hatched by reac tionaries who were actors in the con spiracy against the government which has been seething for months. The conditions in Persia have been very unsettled and a revolution for some time has seemed inevitable. It was thought, however, that the strenuous efforts used by the officials had about restored quiet. CONTROL COMMITTEE CAMPAIGN MANAGER CLAIMS THE MAJURITY Fight Just Now Is Taft Against The Field, With Folmer In The Lead. ONLY TWENTY-FOUR CHAPLAINS IN THE NAVY. Washington, D, C., Fob. 28- -Strange as it may]appear that here are only out tin groat value 0 f' chaplains for fno entire commission o{ men - 11 •» ««» n,oro i choose times, they are over m to make it ao. Why not tai: e your little savin tile banka, which in my opinion are perfectly safe, safer than anywhere else by reason of the experience w«* have Just pruned through, thereby showing your confidence. What am I doing hut Investing all I possess In Waycross real estate, always the safest investment to be found, and building the best and most complete houses to rent, or cell on the install ing completion which will not only]mont plan, to bo found In the city, manufacture lumber, bnt furniture j Just one word more, as the preach- nnd otter smaller articles, which -It- jer would say when he begins to con- the work done by the • BROKE DEADLOCK.| aHd th ; neC o aB arily comprehensive peculiar, .according to the facts re- (plan of action for future develop- ^ntly laid before the Senate Commit- By Telegraph To The Herald. | mentB of waterways' The President tee _ on Military AfTairs that there is * Frankfort, Ky., Feb. 28:—-'The (counselled h bond issue, if necessary not a 8ln?l0 dental surgeon In the long deadlock in the Legislature overj to provide adequate funds tor the entire United States Army. It I* now the election of a successor to United j completion of the work. He pointed ProP 08 < «l secure the services of State* Senator McCreary, was brok-*out that the work once begun should Mrty dentists, which will be one for entoday by the election of William E. 'be pushed steadily to completion. <mch 1,000 ln ** rVlc€ - Bradley, republican. He said, ■“The greatest return from ' the improvement of the waterways NEW LAWS OF THE will come from the increased commer- CATHOLIC CHURCH, cinl growth and (lie prosperity of the people." Savannah, (la., Feb. 28. Rt. Itov. In’ conclusion he said, “Tnerc’s ur- BenJ. Kelley, Bishop of the Catholic gent need for prompt and decisive at> Diocese of Savannah will issue on Hon." Fund ay a letter to the churches of The commissioners report states the diocese giving the latest laws that the railroads have waged war upon marriage ns provided by I’ope against the mnintainence and devel- Pius X. This Tetter will refer par- opmont of traffic by controlling water tlculnrly to the marriage of Catholics fronts and by discrimination with tar- and non-Cathollcs and to the more iff rebntea and the acquisition of com- rigid observance of the laws of the petitive canals and vessels. church In connection with tho mar- «eU urtll have a pay-roll of several thoound dollars a month. The En- ftgn Lumber Company, which I un derstand has now about completed plans to begin the erection of their large mifl. which will psy out some six to seven thousand dollars month. Besides all of the above there are sundry small plants that will increase Che pay-roll by some ten thousand dollars per month. TO consolidate the pay- roll we will have a yearly pay roll about as fol lows: Per Tear. Ronth Atlantic Car Co ....$ 30,000.00 .1,060.000.00 72,000.00 .. 30,000.00 .. 72,000.0$ . 100,000.00 A. C. L. R. R. shops Bailey Mff. Co. ... hCpress Mill Bwgn Lumber Co . ^B\Jry Plants .... IP Grand Total of ..$2,134,000.00 Just think of how many people thly amount will support, certainly more than 30,000. now many have we now, possibly 10,000. What are you going to do with this vast Increase to your population? Now la not this encouraging? Let every one stop talking bars elude his hour of discourse, have you ever considered the advantages of Csrsweil .».treet sa a residence section so convenient for the children to go to school, and strictly s white settle- The commissioners expressed the opinion that laws should be passed that would permit the use of proper state, federal and municipal agencies in protecting from municipallstlc con-jpers of tbe country, trol, not only water power, but its avenues of commerce. ■» ye of Catholics to each other. The new laws will become operative on Easter Sunday. They have already been much discussed in the newspa- RACE SEEMS TO BE BETWEEN SHEPPARD AND EDWARDS Savannah, Ga., Peb. 28.—Those who have been out In the First Congress ional District recently state that tbe race for congress in tbe this district Let us si! think, talk and work for good times, msae yonr payments on the real estate you have bought, don’t get frightened, hot just keep at It, and you will bo greatly rewarded. l,et us complete tho splendid T. M. 0. A. build In y, you will never regret ^ seems to be narrowing down pretty what you may contribute towards ibis ; ^ _ hi u J good work, think of how much has been done, and how the elements are] undoing it for the want of a roof, and then think of what a comfortable place we will all hare to meet and plan great things for Waycross. What a.pleasure to have this nlc-. place to congregate, and read tne periodicals, and enjoy the plunge in a beautiful pool of water during the coming hot days. Let oome one else write along tills ine, who can do so much better than f.can. Thanking you for your val- ;ab!o space, I ajn. You vs Respectfully, J. E. \VADLEY. well to a rsce between Walter W. Sheppard and Charley Edwards, bou of Chatham county. Mr. Edwards Is the present incumbent and he has been shelling the wpods from Washington ftiince he has been there and to good effect. Walter Sheppard has oot been Idle. Many think It will be ne cessary to have a second primary for Congress and that the race will be run out eventually between Shep- >ord and Edwards. B. K. Overstreets’ friends ere also active. Bay your Gardes Seed from Ha- ’ RACE HORSES GO TO CUBAN FAIR IN MARCH, By Tsltgraph To The Herald Tampa, FIAT, Feb. 2$.—All the hors- Washington, D. C., Feb. 28.—A great fight ia being made by the various avowed candidates for the Presidency for control of the Republican National Committee. Up to a month ago, it was quite certain that a majority of the committee was opposed to the to tho nomination of Secretary Taft Now Mr. Taft’s friends are claiming the control with all the confidence that Is characteristic of them. Mr. Frank Hitchcock, Taft’s campaign manager, is quite positive that more than half of tho members of the com mittee nro Bupporters of tho Secre tary. "You may state unequivocally nnd emphatically," said he, “that Mr. Taft's friends control the National Committee.’' Since Mr. Hitchcock retired from •the office dC First Assistant F\ostr nwsrer General, .ho has boen devoting ihlu time to conferences with state leaders of the Republican party from nil parts of the country. TnoHe con ference* have had to do particularly ■with the attitude towards Secretary Tnft of members of tho National Com* nilttee. In add-on, Mr| jlltchcock has communicated directly with the pommltleemcn themselves, wlt^ii all of whom, through his previous con nection with national campaignu, he Is well acquainted. Quite naturally, the Contest has not been one-sided. While Mr. Hitchcock and other friends of Secretary Taft have been working vigorously, the other candidates and their friends have not beqn idle. All realize not merely that tactical, but the practical advantages that will acruo to the can didate or candidates in control of tho commltee. It is unlikely, Indeed, that It may carry with It the power to niuke the nomination. In the course of the contest, an Im portant fact has been developed pret ty conclusively, that is, that the fight just now is Taft against the field. It is assured, substantially, that tho oth er candidates have formed a woricln„ agreement, by the terms /of which for certain purposes, they will stand as «. E. EDISON IN CRITICAL C0N0ITI1 PHY8ICIAN3 SAY ONLY POSSIBLE: • FOR HIM TO RECOVER Relative And Friend* Cf Mated in ventor Fear The Wcrst. Fr.mi*'yr.. At Bedside. By Telegraph To Tht Herald New York, Feb. 28.—Following tti««- second operation for an affection oi the eair, Thomas E. Edison, the noted inventor, iu this morning In a critical condition. Mrs. Edison, her son nnd daughter, is at hla bedside. Wihile physicians hold out a hope* of possible recovery, the relatives and friends of Mr. Edison fear the worst. NO STATE FAIR* f There will be a feeling of disap pointment throughout tho state It the* State Agricultural Society falls have a fair this year. It molts very much as if It would fall. Thus far it hasn’t got a bid for the fair. It hasn’t got the necessary money and no one of the cities seem disposed to provide The society hoped that Atlantw would make a bid for It, but it seems that that city, or at least the Atlanta; Fair Association, is In a doal with the officers of the Farmers’ Union oT Georgia relative to a fair. If that dear goer through the State Agricultural Society will be left out in tho cold. AUTOMOBILE THIEVES. IN SAVANNAH. Bavr ah, Ga., Feb. 28.—The own ers of automobiles in Savannah ar*? thinking of subscribing to u fund for the purpose of paying for Information relative to automobilo thieves. Twla* this week havo autou been stolen and after having been driven a great distance found on tho roads or f» * the streets deserted. Mr. Grantham Taggart lost his machine at night and found it In the morning. Mr- Charles Ellis had a similar exper ience. It Ih believed boyB aro guilt* of stealing these rides. HE DEVOURED THE WHOLE MENAGERV. Accuving him of being a eannlbaf. Mrt. Ilallman, a vaudeville artist, Ie#$ a unit. Of course, tho principal pur- hrr husband to court the other mom- pose is the control of tbe National Committee. Until within two or (hfee weeks, it was not believed to be a pre-requisite to the nomination that Secretary Taft should be able to dominate the committee; hut developments, parti cularly to the So^tb, now indicate that he will have to control it if he expects to secure the nomination. In nearly every Southern state contest- es that have been racing on ttis'iog delegations will be chosen and track will be taken to Havana to par* they win make the welkin ring at tidpate In tbe Race Meet be- Chicago with their protestations. See- nlng at the Cuban Capitol March 12- retary Taft'* managers bad expect-,and goose, broiled, but 1 new wiit If the venture prov4i‘ a success, Lj to win the Soufaern delegate* forget the last word* of that parrot."’ preliminary arrangement* Gill be In*-.without special difficulty, but ft is evi- ( Tbe court refused to find a verdict, mediately made Uf a-great fall meet dent now that they will bare to fight against Mi*. Haleran, either as » Inr on the grounl that bo bad devour^ od ber entire theatrical company. Mrs. Halieran’s troupe consisted of her trained rooster#, one piglet, m dock, a goose and a parrot ; Failing- to secure ln New York an engagement whl?h pleased ber, she went West living ber husband behind. Wbtn' she returned, her tronpw WM OCwhero to be found. ”1 bad to do It," Mr. Hsl- leran told the eourt mournfully, T was broke and hungry. The pig went first, thfn the hens. The rooster'* frickssec wn.-e fine, so were the duds next November, when many promt- m At horsemen, wbo were heretofore at ..ew Orleans are expected to take part. VJEATHER REFORT. By Telegraph To The Herald. for nearly ever/ one facy get. Thus criminal <jr cannibal, the atitnde of tho National Committee j \ — becomea iuigamely hnpefitant, for j North Carolina Heed Peanuts, Seed that body will make up the temporary Corn. Many varieties, roll of drlefcjties and those temporary' tf 4, w liarjy Bros, delegate i will choose the committees | —•——— of the convention, Tno action of the -■ — , - ■ .... -■ — .... „ committee will dfeternrfno the eon necessary to secure control. Th©-* For Georgia-—Warmer tonight and t trol of the convention. ffiirtit between Taft and the so-catled' gaturdr.y with fncreaning cloudiness j a\ Ihfa time the opposition to See- "njiles" will lie, (herefore, for sbtnrt and warmer, followed by rain In the retary Trft has in slg’at something in, £00 delegates. The Importance or eastern jK>rtions. jesters of JOT) delegates, not counting the Southern vote In tbe convention*,. those it claims iu New England, In ( therefore, may bo understood roadlfy- Bros. We carry ail kinds of reliable of seed Chafers and Velvet Beans, seeds, tf d. w. tf d. w Hardy Bros. Come to see ns or write tor prices tbe Nortnwest and on the Pacific it seems probably now that a mastery* Coaat. As there are 980 delegates to' of the situation will depinJ npou bw v tbe c.*a»*Mi.' :*i. 191 ulil be tbe South. t ’ .