Waycross weekly herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 1908-19??, February 29, 1908, Image 3

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THE WAYCROSS WEEKLY HERALD FIRST TRAIN THROUGH AT S:SO :rom the governors of Now Tork and Sow Jersey and other notables. THJ8 AFTERNOON. After the speeches ihU evening, the party will return to Manhattan ..Official. And Scare. Invited Gue«e» 0 ttt[eRd M einborate banquet at Will Do Taken Through.. Ban*gh errvi ' qyett Tonight. ________ WILLIE ROGERS IDIOT 1:13 ALL EFFORTS TO PARDON PROVED FUTILE. HIM By Telegraph To The Herald. His Life When Drop Fell.. First White Man Hung In Chatham County. Booton Globe: Modesty is a great J •virtue, but experience has shown that ' At t 0 rneys Only Gave Up Fight For New York, Feb. 25.—With the^ doesn't put'u a man ahead in poll pressure of an electric button in the t j CB . White House at Washington at 3:30 this afternoon, President Roosevelt ___ . put. in motion the vast machinery of sew York Sun: Bryan continues the Hudson River tunnel. to spare neither bis own constitution The preparations were all com* n or that cf the United States. pleted for the formal opening of the tunnel between Manhattan and Hobo* ’’Doea your husband ever seem kei this morning, and at 3:30 thejeaious of you?” first train, with officials of the tunnel “Oh, no. You Savannah. Ga., Feb. 25. -Willie Rogers, slayer of his wife, was hanged this afternoon in the county Jail for the murder of his wife. His banging is the last chapter in a long fight to save a man from the gallows. His at* company and scores of inviled guestehim believe he looks ton years young* were taken to Hoboken where theer than he is."—Caicago RecorJ-Her- cvent will be celebrated by speechesald. eep making : t orne y u. d. D. TwigB left no stone .Tonsilitis is swelling and inflammation of the glands a! ihe side of the throat ■SIo&jx’s Liivimeivt used as a qarqle and applied to the outside of the throat reduce: the swelling and gives instant relief. for Croup. Quincy Sore Throaf, Bronchitis, Asthma, Pain in Chestoi^ Lungs this liniment Is unsui Sloan’s Liniment is indispensable when travelling because it is penetrating,wanning, soothing, healing and antiseptic. » Price 25$,50* £ 4 1.00 Dr.Eorl S. Sloon, Boston. Mats.U.S i Mest For The Price Alf cf car goads sold under Our Personal Guarantee. CHA S.BLUM & W unturned to prevent the execution an only save up at the last moment. He nuked me b'neriff to stay the execu tion as long as possible so there would be no chance for the Governor to change Ills m!mt and find that it was too late. With this idea in view ltoge;s was not hanged untl 1:13 o’clock, an l’.pnr somewhat loier than such events are pulled off iu Chatham county. Rogers seemed concerned over ;iij impending fate during the morn ing. Ho ate brenafnat inis morning and received cis father and Rev. J. d. Wilder, ais spiritual advisor in his cell. He bore up better than it was j thought *ne would. Tnere has never been anything of the brogndorio in RECEIVED APPOINTMENT FROM | JUDGE WHIPPLE. Court Thinks Receiver Should Be Resident of Waycross, Where Are All Assets cf Bank. Jesse Thompson, tt nl, vs. Bank of | Waycross, et ul; Injunction and Re* J ceiver, in Ware Superior Court, Ap-, rll Term, 190S: | It appearing to the court in above , stated case that W. M. Havant, of Sn-' vannah, Ga., heretofore appointed co* receiver with A. M. Knight, of Way* j cross, Ga., u« receiver for the Batik of Waycross, and after accepting anil qualifying as such co-receiver, the said W. M. Davnnt resigned and thereupon H. H. Bacon, of Savannaa. Ga., was appointed co-reeciver but has not qualified by* making anJ ill* ;ng with the Clerk of Ware Superior Court bond and security as such co lter !ver. yard. Within the past several months he had been in a mood for the recep- ( lion of religion and has been very at- tenth- ihe chapters of the B^le read u the forgiveness of sin and foe as ecunsc I attention to M. Dav advice And it further appearing that all the assets of said Bank of Waycross to be administered are at Waycross urd In Ware County, Gn., and that said A. M. Knight, as receiver, with Warren ix>tt, as clerk, and with all the necessary facilities provided therefor In the First National Bank of Waycross, can better anJ more economically administer fine affairs of said Bank of Waycross than can * e done in connection with a co-re ceiver, especially where such a co-re- ceiver is a non-refddeut of Waycross. Rogers. He said he hr.d killed his Ga. wife in silf defense, but after that! An<l 11 fur,hrr cP ear,, '~ that J. L. ho made little fefense of ais act an J Sweat, selected by A. M- Knight, r.- seemed, to fa!! into a spirit of uncon-! ceiver, has been nettn cer::. He refused to have bis picture j nnci giving all necostar, iai:e:i for the newspapers , but when matter requiring me services oi his lawyer advised that one be taken ' c nK ~’ ft)r 15,0 '’cceivers :»f said Bank for an exhibit to the prison com nils- ! (,t Waycross; and tan* wnilo J. !*«’»’• sicn in a effort to get a pardon he ris' Cann. attorney at law. Savannah, consented and sat for it in the jail . ( *a., selected l)> W co-receiver, to give ouc* render such service as might be re- requihed of him, yet inasmuch as said to his Bible. Ho Used to hear W. M. Davnnt bus resigned, me ser vice:: of said I. Ferris Cann, Esq., can be dispensed with. talniy of Miration for these who re-j And It further n W ,™rln s that as vented of their wroupi doted ; fornicr ,or l1 "’ “ f Wa>: ' He made no extended speech from crosn and their familiarity wlin ail ihi the sallows and did not seem much affairs, it will be for the bust Inter- concerned over being mndo to launch him Into a UCH “ I ' W **■ * Them* pi . < • t* _..., at-i aw Waycross Ga.. should be us- the beet ki sphere that ho snow noi of. Ho was , 01 vv J first I*rcsiden Cabbage Plants are Not All Alike! You have tti pay the same price fev them so why not get ihe be. t. Thet’s the kind we prow. Our time is divoted toth.s work and nothing more. Money cannot produce better plants th m ours. We want to give you the best REGARDLESS OF COST We select our plants and THROW THE POOR STOH AWAY Give us a trial order, and if you don’t find them sa isfactory your money will be refunded VARIETIES: Early Jersey Wakefield, Charleston WakcfielJ Succession, Plat Dutch, Drum Head. TRJCES. l,ooo to 4,000, $1.5o per thousand* F. O. B. 5,ooo to 9,ooo, $1.25 “ “ Meggett, 1 o,ooo to 2o,coo, $l.oo “ “ S. G. CASH WITH ORDER THE C. F. BUTLER CO., MEGGETT, SOUTH CAROLINA. e preparations ext of all parties concerned that Wli- JJSflJffS: >Tr Ch him Into a »™. Bennett & l.amhdin. Attorneys ne ,ftV,7portr«IU.r.cf THIS*GLORIOUS GOLDEN CLOCK FREE for a few minutes of your time. No one who haa a homo to live in can afford to miss thia truly GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY. To secure FREE of charge a Clock, tho most important thing in the homo* And vuch a Clock, tool BEAUTIFUL GOLD AND GUARANTEED FOR TEN YEARS. READ EVERY WORD OF THIS GREAT OFFER To jrrt thin beautiful Clock HiKrt l« lilt* atniplm thine- In tho world. All you luivu lo d»> lit write mn a iuihIuI curd untl say you want to get It. I will then oend you byFmall, pre paid, u cureful ly pucknn<> of Imiulpnni >rs 4 - /■* snes, Beers, 517-519 W. Bay Street, Jacksonville, Fla. Agent for Pabst Blue Ribbon Bottl :d Beer. Jung’s Cincinnati Beer. Lewis’ 66, Sunny Brook, Early Times and Mor.crief Springs Whiskey. ;CNG CI&TA CE PiNGME flSS. Wfll will s..v j Sheridan Club, •» quarts $2.75 Paid, the Mowing package! Sheridan Club, C quarts $4.00 4 quarts Sunny Brook $5.00 • Sheric'an Club, 12 quarts $S.OO 12 quarts Sunny Brook $13.00 Pure North Carullnr White Corn.93.uO than flfleon Tee t and it wa» made much tho calmest man apparently in sociated with J. \j. Swnnt ns conns i e,„ cell Of tloftih Vncp the offleerx tor tho receiver, lo reader Mich .or- as may he required of them a« csscclate counsel by said A. M. counsel. rounded him to tie his limbs and ! ! adjnut the black cap, the last act he-1 I fore he was to ho *'iot downward for Knight, receivci ! a amice of aix feet or more to death, j«.»« Mng In accordance wife | Thia was tho first white man any or l-wlxhcn of Receiver, the Chatham county officers had over I* therefore ordered It, t.to . M. Knight, of \V.i without incident. Rogers was a very small man with clean snayen face Black and Bine Corn, 4 quarts . .fJ.tO Harv«ft Corn, 4 quarts $3.50 Laurel Valley Corn, 4 qaarl. ond lhln lllM . Hfi flng eni wore ir.ark- IiapcrtcU Scotch Whtakiei, Brandi -a c j w j f| t -e nicotine stain of elgar- | Oine, Port and Sherrie, delivered In ctle ,_ „ 0 qujictej to the use of i follow.: these thlnp. to a most remarkable 4 bottles Club Blend Scotch Whls- Jr . T oc. He smosed a cigarette two key delivered for 15 00 mlnntex before he wes sentenced to 4 bottles Morallle Prerqs 3 Star. ' d( . Bth , or the lal . t | mc i. ad frequent- Cosnac $0.00 j, mdulge,I In them during the time 4 bottle, of Den Carloe Sherry ..$4.00 rt q.m, at t h e jail. 4 Five. Hermitage v $E.t>0 j 4 bottles Nlerport Port $4.00 | N - 0 KOn hanged In Chniham county Both Old Good, and Bottled In Bond, j 4 bottlco Hill & Underwood Dry . hap cv cr been visited by as many phy- Remember, all above Whiskies nreI or Tom Gin »...$4.60 e |e| aa , aa Rogers. Almost without bottled la Bond under Government'. 4 bottles Sir Robert Burnett $5.00 exception those who saw blm said he BOTTLED IN BONO. 4 quarts Mciiwcod 12 quarts Mel I wood ........... BOTTLED IN BOND. 4 quarts Guckenhslmtr $S.o: j 12 quarts Guckenhclmcr $12.7C 4 bottles, i GOVERNMENT BOTTLING. 4 quarts Mcncricf Springs $4.0( 12 quarts Mcncricf Springs . .f.$12.0( ALSO BOTTLED IN BOND. 4 Fives Old Crow ...?6.0f. to hang anJ they were visibly (if- 1 :,1 because of Ihe (.Men!. The ! be continued us sole receiver for the lag of Rogers made It all the! Hank of Waycross and that J- I- 'at. selected by i>ald A. M. Knight, irro-' b« continue J an permanent counsel who! f (ir t'ue Receiver,-, Wilson. Bennett & i l.amhdin, Ailornvys si law, Wuycrons Ga., bedng HHnoclated 'with him ns such permanent counsel for uie re ceiver, to render such service as may b« required of them by the said re ceiver and his counsel; such reason able compensation os may hereaftei ho fixed and allowed by the court to j be paid said counsel for services rend ered, seme not to be increased by j reason of several counsel being asw | elated. U. V. WHIPPLE, Judge, 8. C., C. C. had feci lianting of i harder for the jail officials bee; many of them thought him < Epor.fdhlc i’nbicile, and a man Who | g'.ould not ho hangtd. I Tho condemned man presented a \ most pat.iCtic figure as he was brought to the scaffold. The march from V la cell to tV.nt containing the being not more State supervision. / Fine blended Whiskies delivered to ’ou all express charges r*!d. Lewis ee, 4 quarts ..; $5.0(1 Hunter, 4 quarts $5.00 Harper, 4 quarts $5.C0 4 bottles Crystalizcd Rock-and Ryo ves irresponsible except the doctors or Peach and Hcney $3.50 | w ^ 0 visited 'aim at the direction of BULK WHI8KIES. the Governor. They aaid he was sane Juq Orders Not Delivered. IQ j rcspcnsible for hia acts. Judge Per Gallon jj. j), p. Twigs believed Rogers mind Bunny Brook, 9 years old $5.00 diseased a* he says that of Guri- TWO BEAUTIFUL EXTRA GIFTS In addition to tho I have two oth^r lovely presents which I will give you—two morn hamlsomo otriMinents which nnyone who loves n pretty homo will bo drll;;litc<l with. One of thcuo gifts I will send to you FR15Q AND PRE PAID *s soon hh 1 n<e»ve the postal card with your n*ime on it The other one I will glvo to you Joel for being prompt In following my Instructions. 1 will tell you nil about the second extra gift, when I send the first one. which I will do as soon as I hear from you, so HURRY UP. /OU TAKE NO CHANCES in writing to me, because. If the Clock does I w innEi nu vnnnwEe no t prove to !*• oven better than I have de scribed It, and If It <ln» * not delight you In every way, you may sond It bitcla and l will pay you heudsomely In cash for your trouble. Also, If you ret alclrf or tor any other reason fail to collect all ot the $6, I will pay you well for whal you do. 8o you see, YOlf CAN’T LORN, stslt right down and write to me as follows: "I>. It. ONBORSM, Manager, Nashville* Teen. Please seat me tho per- traits ef Geeorgo Wiibliglm aad eowplete outSt fev Mrsfag the Glartni tteMee tlaek, with the MeSerstaadlng that this dee* set Mad SM to yay M •ae ceat.*» Then put your ttasse and address • » SENATOR BRYAN ILL WITH TYPHOID FEVER. I Washington, Feb. 20.- 3enelor. Jgmos Bryan, of Florida, Ik reported thl'j mornlnp; by fn® Providence hos pital physician ns having spent good night AnJ Jh doing well. Ben- ator Brynn Is suffering with typhoid fever. Mrs. Bryan baa been notified of his Hines*. Georgia School Qf Technology . Nh, Rdw Spring. 4 quarts $5.00 Glbion Pure Rye Cason5e Tonnoese. 4 quarts ... .$5.50 : Lewis 66, Blend Blum's Monogram, 4 qts. bloml or j Early Times Bourbon ... Blum’s Monogram bottled In bond j White Mills Bourbon ... ;4.J0 i Indian Hill. 100 proof 4 quarts U quarts Monogram $12.00 ; Land of Flower?, Blond Blum’s Eyivr.n Gion. 4 qnortf.. ,$S.in '■ Green Briar Tennesooe . Blum's Sylvan Gi;n, 6 quarto ... .84.4' j McGuffiej Jfait Blnm's Sylvan Glen. S qnsrti .... t*.4* Canadian White Rye ... Blum's Sylvan Glen. 1* quirts .. .$*.00 , Pie—wood Rye SEND FOR PRICE LIST. ....$4.00 rcu was found to be when fine post* ....$4.50 mortem examination was held over $.3.00 his body. ....$2 00 j Rogers father and his atomeys dlu ....$2.50 ^ no^ give up 'jope for Ihe young man ... .$2.09 , until lato ycaterday afternoon when .... $3 4ft fte newspaper dispatches from Atlan- ....$£.30 ta announced that the Governor was ...$ff.$0 determined not to fur.her Interfere ....$2.09 with the execution. j 1b the jail In which Rogers was "hanged was another murderer under sentence of deaih. Lee Holmeti the negro from McIntosh county^ twice respited wa* there. So was a white man from Screven county, who got a new trial after receiving a eor.fence cf life imprisonment for murder. A! nu.n killed Wagers, a white man from I Libe rty county who ic to be tried this | week for murder. There were several! negroeg in Jail who ore charged with murder but who have not yet been! tried. * * nu sciiwjv-mn ivicv::- w u a n»;Nty v. ackcu wm. u nf non-id an tpttmax?. T"L2i!!S“Trenfiown-1- Ufmssflnt Cksaltiry, til r>-.-- — SktuSsffSP*’ w ; lUv UtxiTj Ut M» newtCit li i..r !E r ; .- ■ m Mselt frili.It.r jih:i I*ut utslMbtfj.i i,tt. . . ' fsf BlUitnt— fittt. j .,t. K.C-.HATKESOK,A.:vI.,:l.';, ..... k hiI : / l!