Waycross weekly herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 1908-19??, February 29, 1908, Image 5

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THE WAY CROSS EVENING HERALD ANNOUNCEMENTS. Announcements of candidate* in erted in this column for $5.00 payable strictiy In advance. FOR TAX ASSESSOR The friend: 1 ! of M. E. Henderson an nounce that lm,wJU be supported for re^efec'-loa to thd office of Tax Assess or for Ware county at t.ie primary to be ordered lat.-r by tm* oxccutive.com- ujittce. Mr. Headmen has made an efficient ofifeer. MANY FlinXDS. For County Commissioner. I hereby announce my candidacy for county commissioner of W§re county, subject to the Democratic primary to be called later. -I make this announcement at the solicita ticn of friends* and because I be- lievo I atn capable to fill the position. D. J. MILLER. prt of A. Vv oodiird announcer, that • •: c 1 a didate for re-election , : :-e action of the Democratic Mr. Woodard asks the-sup- i) voters of Ware coiimy. FOR JUDGE CITY COURT. :o friends of lion. John. C. Ms j Donald announce that he will be sup- • orted for Judge of the City Court f Waycross at the primary ‘elect! > be culled later. We bespeak I •m a large vote. NUMHIt0US FRIENDS FOR ORDINARY. URT / andi-1 ‘ourt j action i FOR SOLICITOR CITY I her’by announce lv.yvnl' a c | date fer *• licitur -of the." ity t " of Wa;vr. us. subject to the cf the Do:'erratic primary to be cull ed later i>y the Democratic Executive Committee*, if elected, I promise to till the office ♦(> the best of ray ability without fear or favor. I earnestly sol icit the support of the Democratic vot ers of Ware county. A. B. 3PENCE. of Ordinary of FOR CLERK SUPERIOR COURT 1 hereby announce to my friends and the voters of Ware county thar i will be a candidate for 're-election to the office of Clerk of the Superior Court at the Democratic primary to bo held later. I will greatly appreci ate the support of the voters of the county. j E. J. BERRY. D. A. WILLIAMS FOR TREASURER. The friends of D. A. Williams an nounce that ho will ba warmly sup ported for the office of treasurer at the coming democratic primary. Mr. Williams has made a most efficient fficer and has performed all the du ties pertaining to his other, to-the en tire satisfaction of the people of Ware county and wo psk that Ik* returned to the position hojtns so oblv and non- rally filled. MANY FRIENDS. !c uriffia influenc abject t i fcOllei: SOME WORD ORIGINS. waycross Looofe no. «7, i .o. o. In I, ' F " M ” eU ^ M Mnny Quaint Custom. Embalmed In -| n MOtT-st n ..d.» nlah. .t T-- Curr.ntT.rm., j* * 8 7 " The “hypocrite 1 ’ once was only •Week lodg. roam, an actor, tno player of a part on I MMon,c Gliding, Plant Avonuo. ... the stage. So the orator, who was « Ejrory member is expected to at a consummate actor, was also a hyp. j tend and visiting brothers are cor oerite. The word, even in old Creek, soon was applied to any dis- * dially Invited. I pledge a faithful duties thereof, Years obediently. MAN AS A WILSON. FOR ORDINARY. LONG TERM. The friends of Banner JT. Thomas announce chat he will be supported n the Democratic primary to be cnll- I later, for Ordinary of W«.re County, to fil! the roan or and long teVm of raid office. Banner Thomac irf well known io the people of this county and wo solicit their support in bin behalf. ^ MANY FRIENDS'. FOR TAX ASSESSOR. Friends of Mr. C. K. Walden aince that he will be a candidal. Tax •Assessor of Ware County, ject to the action of the Democratic mry. The support of the von Varo county lu urgently urged behalf. MANY FRIENDS FOR ORDINARY. i the solicitation of my friends I I announce myself a candidate for Or dinary of Warn cori'V mihj-ei to the j i> mrcrat-e primary. # Now i.'s up to j my friends to get bury. Their votes ’ iufiutJnco will bo hithjy apprecl- 1. If elected I promise to give office my undivided attention. Yours truly, GEO. \V. BARNES. FOR REPRESENTATIVE. Friends cf Mr. S. F. Miller have re quested him to become a candidate for election to the office of . Represen tative of Ware county before the en suing Democratic primary, and he has consented co do so. The hearty support of the voters of Ware county will be greatly appreciated by. MANY FRIENDS. FOR CORONER. The Herald Is requested to announ ce that Mr. Jackson Grimes will he supported for re-election to the office Coroner of Ware county at the en- ng Democratic primary. Mr. Grim* has been a faithful officer, and i-■* fends urge the support of the voters of the county. FOR TREASURER. The frineds of Rev. John F. Har bin beg to announce that he Is a candidate for Treasurer of Ware coun ty. subject to the Democratic prima ry to be called later. The voters or the county are earnestly urged to sup port Mr. Harbin, resting ■ assured htat if elected ho will dicharge tno duties of the office to the best of his ability. FOR TAX COLLECTOR. To the voters of Ware county. As I am saving my first term w tax collector to the utmost of my anil ity I earnestly solocit your support in the coming primary for a second term and If elected promise to give my time and attention to tno peoples Interest. * „ Very Respectfully, Wm. J. MULLIS. D W. PITTMAN FOR SHERIFF. The numerous friends of D. W. Pitt man announA to the Demorcatic vot ers of Ware county, that his name will he presented to tlio primary to lie colled later for the nomination, aa a candidate fir sheriff of said county. Mr. Pittman is fully qualified to fill the office to which we desire to see him elected and he Is a citizen or sterling character and qualities and will make an honorable and efficient officer if elected. We solicit your rotes for Mr. Pittman. MANY FRIENDS. FOR SCLICITOR-GENRAL. To the voters of Ware county, and tno Brunswick Circuit: I hereby announce myself a candi date fo- the office of -Solicitor-Gen eral of the Brunswick Circuit, sub ject to the Democratic Primary. I sol icit the support and influence of the voters of the Circuit, and If nominat ed and elected to said office , I plcge a faithful discharge of the duties thereof, without fear, favor or affec tion. Yours obidlondy. E. LAWTON WAITER ■L For County Commissioner. ffi^^Olx'rohy announce my candidacy -sloncr of Ware county, sub- W l<^r to tbo Democratic primary on June 4. If elected I will deroto my time to the best Interests of (he coun ty m'i her. In the past I will ap preciate the sipport ef the voter* ef Ware mm*. W. A. OASON. roi* Representative. Subject to fae Democratic Primary he held on June 4, I announce my* rolf as a candidate for representative from Ware County. My platform will Lo published In full within a day or two. L. V. Williams. FOR TAX ASSESSOR. The friends of J. J. Wilkinson, an- ncunce'hls name as a candidate for the office of receiver of tax return* or Ware county .subject to the D cratic primary and respectfully nsa the support of the voters of the coun ty. Thl3 February 6, 1908. MANY VOTERS. FCr, County Conirn'csioncr. I am u candidate for *ho ofllco or Commissioner of Ware county, jeet to the action of the Democratic primary. If elected I will dovoto as much of . my time to the county’s affairs as should ho necessary to conserve tho host interests of 'tno public. M. L. MOORE. Meets every Fi Hitch Bldg. scinbler because the life of'such . person was found to resemble the i histrionic art in striving to appear j O. J. ALLEN, different from what it really was. I f lhe English language took it up, and the moral judgment of the Eng lish spanking people makes it carry the heaviest weight of odium that can bn attached to personal charac ter. “Pretend** was once an inno cent word, and “counterfeit” simply meant imitation, conveying n«> ■ ’- go.-iion that the imitation was «•> Le fraudulentlv substituted for the original. The “boor” was originally a In: • bandman, and tho “villain”Was in ly a laborer or peasant attached t<» , the villa or farm. ••Heathen” meant .said office. jij C . ro ly a dweller.on the heath, and of the- a “pagan” was a dweller in the open country. “Idiot,” n Greek word, meant only a private person as diatinguifhed from one clothed with office, and in this primary sense it was often used in KnglUh of two centuries ago, as when «feie- iny Taylor paid, “Humility is a duty in great ones as well as in idiot*.*’ “Obsequious” was used formerly on ly in relation to funeral*. Shake-, spiare has many examples of the word applied in this sense. It doe* not seem formerly to have convoyed any idea of cringing or inHiJcerity. origin of word.: wo prevent a few of another class. A “milliner” wan originally a man and was so called from ?.lilan, whouco he imported fe male finery. Shakespearovays, “lie perfumed like a milliner.” and Joutran rqttlcs tho question of the sex oCtlie original milliners in the word..-, “To eoncoal f.ueli n*:i ornaments as the: e mid gluidtav tin r a milliner's wife does lier Tough stomacher with a smoky lawn Cyprus.” •eike” is derived from lit- ■>f John Xieot, whp introduc ed tobacco into France’in 1.*>:;•). Paraffin” was so named from t!.e Latin words “jH-rrvum” (little) n"d ‘ailina” (kin), because it hud lilllo affinity with any known ruhrls..*.: e. ‘(Poltroon” is from the Latin “po lice truneato” (deprived of the thumb), it having been a common practice among the Homans to avoid service in the wars; hence our word poltroon for coward. Tl.e “turkey” is an American bird, not from Tur key at all,” though it was said to be from Turkey when it was first seen in London. • r. COLLIER. Noble Gran i 4» 4- Ah of our Patrons are 4- J earnestly requested to . I pay their bills-• * REDDING & CC. t DRUGGISTS- DAMASCUS COM- ■ V- ' JJs M A N D E n Y, N o. j KNiGHTS TEMPLAR. * Meets In Mas |ti I c ❖ ^ v *r ■ * *!• * • tout 1 ' xirr? WZXZX3 day at 7.«0 j». m. , All qualified Sir !vii!.,hta v .. (Rally lqvitcd to attend. A. G. VlI.LEfcJ, E. C. E J. BERRY, Recorder. TOMOCHICHI TfHQE NO. 15, J. H. MARSH BURN \ Livery Stables TO lloTKL YIllDIl. 'ay ui.?ht in Ixitt FOR REPRESENTATIVE. I hereby announce my canu for re-election to ihc office of TU entatlve of Ware county at primary to bo hold on Juno I. I .greatly appreciate tiie support o voters cf Ware county. N. A. FRIER. ~7Zh county commicoionlk FrIend>rof Mr. D. Cowart announce that he is a candidate for Commis sioner of Wore county at the enduing primary. Mr. Cowart b from Lie Millwood Jistrict and is -capable In every way to attend to the duties of the office satisfactory to the public. We nsk tho support of tho voters *r Ware county. MANY FRISKRS. RESTAURANT NOW OPEN. The Waycross Restaurant Is now open to 'the public, in Folks block on Elizabeth street. Meals served to regular customers and the host the market affords always supplied. Com- rtfutatlon tickets to tho value of $3.50 sold for $3.00. Quick order lunches specialty. II V. Hnrncfc. Chief Of Records BLACKSHEAR CHAP TER, Nc. 0 R. A. M., A Me its in Masonic Hall, l J,3f t Avenue, every first end Third WeJnccday at 7:30 p.m. Ali qualified companions cordially invited, and visiting biotacra will re-J coive a hearty wdcotno. i II. Mitchell, If. P. ' G. W. WIGGINS, i'cc I N ew and up-to-date Vehicle: and Reliable Teams. Telephone us your onlcrs. I hone No. 63 YGIIQS3 LOOGE . '\V, fid- 30S. F. a A. Ml \ cn cptond and .//Lv : , H!’ Tocsdaye at 7:33 •>' - tn Mnsbrilr Hall Ail qualified hrctUrcu a«o cordially velcome. JIre mi H Subscriber Co Cite Beralfl? IF MOT, ROBERT t IV. WIGGINS 'Of.ETON, W M. Secrr-tary. A Ccrvian Custom. A .traveler through Scrvia will often notice dolls hung up insido the cottage windows. His first idea is one of surprise that the children should so often choose thu partic ular spot to store their toys, but presently he learns that tho dolls are pat up aa a sign to announce to wayfarers that n marriageable daughter dv.< Us in tlio house. The idea is to remind acquaintances from other villages who may have forgotten her existence. This cus tom is naturally confined to peas ants, but nearly every house has a wreath of corn cars hung, up on tlio outer wall. This wreath is brought back from the harvest festival, and there is a superstition that if it be stolon a daughter of tho house will shortly be married. Where this is particularly desired, rare is taken to suspend the wreath well within reach of possible marauders. Learning the Dusiness. “You say in this report of tho fire,” remarked tho editor to the youthful reporter, “that ‘the lurid glare of forked flames shot athwart i the dark domed sky.' Now, arc you quite sure of that?” “Perfectly, sir,” answered tho re porter. “I saw it all.” “Did you chance to ascertain the cause of the fire or the time of its inception, the total value of the property destroyed or the amount for which it was or was not insur ed ?” “No, sir, I cannot say I did.” “Then,” concluded tho editor, “just watch the lurid glare of fork ed flames shoot athwart this ink be smeared report.” And they did. Th« Cjjangeable Mediterranean. I The colors of the waters of the Mediterranean vary considerably at i different seasons of the year and in —— i different localities 1 . During storms AWNINGS—I am exclusive Way | and boisterous weather tho sea as- ...» *,. ™..,| rKaSZfB3i. , 3?3 Can «npply you, yndigturbed it j. of a bright deep wIEi any lcind ot tent, and -awning, blue. In the Boeporus and among nt lower*, price.. J. C. Engli.'o, tf the islands of the archipelago the ; color is of.varying tints, in lome _ _ - 1 > place, being of a liquid blue grad- Larg* .lock ot tana wagwa. at iht uating into a brighter green and in rirtr.rt~.aor s*a , oUmr. turning a blue «p deep a. tf. J. As Jmm Bmmj «i « mmmmi FROM ONE SACK of flour wo make many varieties of x BREAD. ■ ' Each kind is difforent la shape, dif ferent in method of making and tin- feront in flavor. Hardly* necessary to say that all arc excellent Wo nmko nothing that we cannot recommend. J- C- HUBER-' 00U T FORGET^mmrrrgTnrBTFBTT^ ■ when building to have your house wired for Electric Liqhts. The First National Hank Tho Cnty .7 iofo Lfghf. Wavcross Electric L plit & I'owcr Co MAGIC CITY BLACKSMITH SHOP,! WAYCROSS GEORGIA Capital and Surplus, - . ' , SUdG.COO Shareholders' Liability. - „ $200,000 Invites allcIafMs cl accounts and pays 4 percent initial cn SAVINGS ACCOUNTS and TIME CERTIFICATES J. S. Dailey. President. C. W. Deen, Vice-President. I U P i Hi II ■ H ■ II W A. M. Knight, Ca-hier. j. W. Bellinger. Aitl. Cashier ■Alfl Willi croag and tc-nt concern. Lame Forging and Interfering a, Specialty. Hir.d Made 6Hoee to Ordc 1 trtor.al attention given and all wor- I J Guaranteed. ALSO GENERAL REPAIR WORK. W. H. ULMER Manager. 3hcp Located On Alice Street Next : to WaUr.v6*ki Station. 'HOKE 321. \VtSAER^ & §il p 1 Orrs, Sores.BwrkCj 1 Rmcumatism H m THE DIRECTORY of tho Bell Telephone Company it v,-iil bo ccnr.tcatly boforo tho host people. Tno Cost is iimu!!. FOR-HfFCEEMTlON C/.U. TIIE UtStm Southern Bell TelcpRoiie and Tclegrapk Co. EES LAXATIVE COUGH SYRUP CONFORMS TO NATIONAL PURE FOOD AND ORUOI LAW. An Improremcn. over many Cough, Lung and Bronchial Remedlee, because It rldt ttw system of a cola by ketintf n§ • cathartic on the bowels. No opiates. Guaranteed to flwt MlMWtton^.r L.oiy iiiruwlrf. Prepared by PINEULB MEDtCIMB CO.. CHICASO. V. >. A. . EHERBKBE PHARMACY.