Waycross weekly herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 1908-19??, February 29, 1908, Image 7

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" PREV - W,LL TAKE UP LOCKER CRACK M,LITARY ENT HI8 CANDIDACY. Cannct, In Jurtici To Himself tan- tlnuo In Race. Thankj His Frtendi. CLUB QUESTION. HAVING GOOD TIME. ORGANIZATION , FC MOABJER COES WITH ARMOUR Naval Sttare, People Are Speculating Entertained At Savannah Yacht Club Whether Court Will Lock Iota By Savannah Volunteer Guards. Mr. R. M. Lewis requcs » tli? Her ald to state t>.a he has retired 4'rom the nice for treasurer of Ware ccun-! ty. Au accoi.uc of pressing business engagements which will occupy all :iis time <hiring (he present /ca.*, Mr.- L«*wls does uoi feel that he can doL himself justice in such a contest. I. He desires to ihunk the many I friends who nave kindly offered to! Mipport him. Their Affairs. rt here ■ ii is Peculation at tlii and jury will <!<>, will investigate j — ; Srvanunh, Oa.. Fell. ;i. davannab Foil. 11. Judge Is today acting as a host (or the Cle.o- tv. s.'oouj week land Cl rays, tho crack nillliary oi-eanl- 1 or i„,. United ;aallou of Cleveland, Ohio, » ao arc in morning. T.;e l.ete on route to Florida where they *!'"Hi.! will get .will take a steadier (or Cuba. The " etlncailay; Cray.i and their ladles work met ai re;uru its Indict-j the depot this morning by a dele;a- Saturday. Therejticn id cav.tuuuu Volunteer Guards at lids time on iun.l were (aeorted to the nre.tory or It seems the Guards and made to reel at home, lie locker The morning was largely spent h s of the sight. , eiug from the sightseeing au PACKING CO. Offer From That Company Presents Hip Continuing In Raco. Goea to Savannah Tonight KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS IN CHAR ^ftiavanimh. ( tiers of Savaa: . v • Columbus \v) yesterday ami purpose of ate cident to Hi*’ quarters of l*. that city on Si ed home this V5T Rt J, (:i ., rri , . 3.. Feb. 24.—-rite mem- .u Council, Knights, of j ,, rir i went to Charleston, ,, . .toils bee Saturday night for thej . , I Judge S| tiling the ceremony in-j. opening of the newj!" 0|a - *“”> X. Lynch Council, in|j |Je i nan , nday afternoon r< morning. They *r when I: that iher i:iti: Issued bv here late The le Visit! ; he ed aboard special or their the UsU.ric sjiots ley were passed, risltora were plac ers of the Suvan- Kle npai car- isible i ried o lie United States law in| w j )t , rf , it which the dubs were L pr< . . delighted with their reception an tertainment in Charleston, there a large crowd to take the degre. Cnarlestou. Rt. Rev. Betij. Keile I)., delivered an address. FOR SALE Or .Rant—Lang's dairy lara. Immediate poaeessinn. Apply to O. Laos, 63 Bads street. Way- eroee, Ca. 25 3t it. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. GEORGIA—Ware County. Notice is hereby given to nli itors of the estate of Warren Lott, late, or said county, deceased to ren der in an account of their demands ♦r nte within the time prescribed by law. properly made out. And all persons indebted to said deceased 1 ’ ereby requested to make imme diate payment to the undergisned. This. 13th day of February, 1908. HATTIE J. LOTT, Hxecatrix of the will of Warren Lott, deceased. inducted. Some «f the naval store e also n little concrrn.'ii eeting of the grand jury. ; come known that the gr; the Savaur iwople thelr tuilluu it h:..jfo r Ui ‘I J'»T Graya may be called upon to Investigate an! alleged restraint of trade in this con ! iiection. Florida partli in this 1 being M alter, the W. M. TOotrier, of Jackson-! e Savannah Yacht Clun • soldiers and their indies by the officers and men of nah Volunteer Guards and ntertuined wit! rt. There Is to be dancing ung people afterwards. The commanded by the follow ing officers. Capt. A. E. Sprackling, ils con-1 i.ieut. Frank Hawley, Lieut. (Jet moving. Scrambling. Capt. Sprackling said active spiritJ ln j s a ft er noon that while the Grayi I had been well treated in other cities file. Some of the Florida operators j the woU . 0 me given at Savannah was nd ot.iers have a supply of turpentine among tli«^ most sincere received any- n hand that they cannot sell at a! where, uofit ami they claim the price Is being manipulated despite the heavy demand there is for the stuff. It Is not positively known yet whether there will be any action by the grand jury in ibis particular matter. NO INVESTIGATION OF CORRUPTION CHARGES TODAY 1 r »jf By Telegraph To The Herald. Washington, Feb. 24.—'There will no Investigation of the corryptlon rgeg against the Electric Boat Co. and certain members of the House Naval Committee until Representa tive Lllley amends his resolution so as to give the House something to In vestigate. Mr. Lllley stated today that he wouud take no further action until tomorrow or Wednesday. LABOR MEN ENDORSE PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT. Atlanta, On., Feb. 24.— Fifteen nun dred railroad men, representing all of the different lubor unions whose members find emiiloymont with the railroads centering here, met in mass meeting yesterday and adopted reso lutions indorsing President Roosevelt action In ordering an investigation of the reported cut in wages to b e «made by the railroads when the so-called nine-hour law goes Into effect March THE EDWARD J. BERWIND WAS BURNED. Boston, Mass., Feb. 24. -Capt. L. II. Porter, of the United Fruit Company’s steamer Union, which arrived yester day from Port Union, reports that lie Tell in with the abandoned and waterlogged four-masted schooner Ed ward J. Berwind, and as it was a menace to navigation he set fire to the wreck and believes it was de stroyed. The schooner Edward J. Berwind, which sailed from New Orleans Jan. 12 for Philadelphia, was wrecked in a gale and abandoned by her crew, who were taken off by the British steamer Mercedes de loirrinaga III la titude 33:35, longitude 70:49 west, and carried to Liverpool. 1. Another resolution denounces the attempt of the railroads to reduce wuges, and action was taken looking to a permanent organisation of those represented at yesterday’s meeting, The resolution indorsing President Roosevelt was as follows: “Resolved the action of our courageous President That this body cheerfully Indorses of the United States In ordering tho chairman of the Interstate Commerce Commission to investigate the action of the Louisville and Nashville Rail road in the desire to cut wages or its employes." CORONER INVESTIGATING CROSSING ACCIDENT. Nyack, N. Y., Feb. 24. -The coron er this morning began Investigation to place the responsibility for the grade crossing accident which cost the lives of six young people and in jured three others on yesterday. The question as to whether the atchman, who aJmits Hint he went to supper and lowered the gates be fore leaving, will have an Important bearing on tho case, Is not known j -lr. R. M. I-auier today announced j his withdrawal from tho race for j treasurer of Ware county. I i'ltls derision of Mr. Lnt|lor was made necessary by Jj>;i acceptance of j a position wil l the Armour Packing j j Company, to go into effect ut once, 1 Mr. l-unier will leave lunlgat for fSaianmi.’}, the South Georgia head quarters or the company, having been called there by tojepnone this morn- lug. Ho v. Ill likely begin his service with tho company tomorrow. 4^1 Before Mr. Lanier was elected tax collector of Ware county some years ago b 0 was engaged with the Armour Packing Company, and served that company as traveling salesman for 8 jt'ars. As soon u. s they learned that he was again unemployed. Mr. Ut- nler’ obi position. Which is a good one, was offered him. Mr. Lanier desires the Herald^to than* his friends in Ware county for their promise of support at the ensi c- Ing primary, and for many reasons regrets that he cannot continue hla candidacy. Waycross will continue to be his home, and ho will bo in the city every few days. ALDERMAN McCLELLAN TO 'IN- TRODUCE ORDINANCE. Thinks Voters Of City Should Decide Whether There Shall Be Cow Or No Cow, Mr. T. J. McClellan, alderman from the first ward, will introduce a reso- liitkn at the next'meeting of the city council calling for au election on the 'Cow question” at an early date. * .Mr. McClellan voted against the! cow ordinance introduced In l)r. Iz- 1 lar at the meeting of council las: j Thursday night. He Informed tin* Herald this morning that the votej agak.nt: the ordinance was cast uud.-rj ipjne belief that it was best to give th« | p&H'M) ’of the city an opportunity t. express at he polls their desire in III, matter. Alderman McClellan personal I? 11 ordinance whir! roaming on tin lltg tile people ol themselves on tin Jlpporc of tie Condition of THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK At Waycross in the State or Georgia, at the close of business. February 14, 190k. RESOURCES. Loans and Discounts 1399,400,02 Overdrafts, secured and unse- ( ' lir “d 984.86 I .5. Bonds to secure cir culation I’remiunis on l T . 13. Bond: [kinking house, furnltur • fixtures ’"«• from National Bank ...rojorve agent» .... hie from State Banks Bankers hie from approved res agents 50,000.06 2,400.06 95,000.06 1.5X6.07 1,190.01 KO.43l.4t 8EABORD TO CUT EMPLOYEES GETTING OVER *50 A MONTH British Ship Given’Up For Lost. Dorchester. N. B.. Feb. 24.—Relativ es or Capt. William Palmer, a vessel ewner of this town, who was an officer •n the British ship Alacrita, hav abandoned hope that the vessel will he heard from again. The Alacrita sailed from Delasoa Bay, South Africa, on Aug. 25. 1907, foV Hong- Xong and Baltimore, and according 10 advices received here, has not been Attported. JJ^H'he ship was under command of Thornton and carried a crew of twenty men. The Alacrita Registered 1.823 tons. Last year sae SU Chartered by the StanJard Oil OFFERS FURNITURE FOR SALE. Household and Kitchen Furniture On Sale After 1:30 Tomorrow. After 1:30 tomorrow afternoon the entire lot of household and klichen furniture of Mr. James Knox, at No. 28 Stphenson street will be offered for sale. The furniture comprises all household articles for the bed room, parlor and kitchen. Parties calling between the hours of 9 a. m. and 5 p. hi. after tomorrow will be shown the articles offered for sale. TRY IT. down and stop off an Hour at Jesup, come up and spend half an aotir at Screven, jump on and stay fifteen minutes at Blackshear; then come to Waycross and you’ll feel as if you were in New York. Try It for a change. According to reports from Ports mouth. Va., the dome office of the Seaboard Air Line Railroad company reduction of 10 per cent will be n*rd« In the salaries of the employes t’.iat road. The cut, so it U said, affect all employes receiving over a month. The Seaboard will be the sixth rail road to make reduction, as cuts have been made by the Southern Railway, the Western and Atlantic, tho Nash ville. Chattanooga and St. I,ouls, tho Georgia Southern and Florida and the Louisville and Nashville. It is understood that the reduction will follow tho conference of the heads of departments held in Hanilct, N, C.. a few days ago. The officials or the Seaboard at Portsmouth decline to either affirm or deny the rumors. RAYMOND HITCHCOCK ANSWERS INDICTMENT8. By Telegraph To The Herald. New York. Feb. 24.—Raymond Hitchcock, the actor, nppeured before Justice Dowling in the criminal branch of tho Sujfreme Court tills morning to answer the indictments based on charges of young girls whom i alleged he mistreated. Tho case was postponed for a week. Hitchcock was accompanied by his wife, who is known on the stage nH Flora Zabelle. Mrs. Hitchcock is firm believer in her husband's Inna cence and declares that she will stand by him to the end. would like to sc will prevent co streets, but he the city to expri matter, and after an election will vn.v on the cow question ys the mnjorli.. of the voters of the city desire iim to do. Mr. McClellan's resol 11 Mon eallin for an election will be offered tit tti meeting of council two weeks fror next Friday. Exchanges for clearing ho Bunks 1 act tonal paper nickels, vfill mom id cents .9# WOULD SOLVE THE IRRIGATION QUESTION IN EA8T INDIA, Calcutta, Feb. 25.—Tho Introduc tion of the American system of driv en wells, pumps anJ windmills, as would come very near solving the problem of l-ripatlon in India, th * -.vulties in the way are— the (Kivcrty of tho Indian farmer, his want {<f mechauica! ingenuity, and his prejudice against modern machin ery and methods. American manu facturers of woU-boring machinery, pumps anJ windmills 6ould pave tho way to u big market for their goods by rxiiendlijfr a few fbousand dollars in introducing by practical exploita tion. their machinery and goods. TWO KINDS OF GIRLS. There are two kluds of girls In this nnd every other com unity. One is the kind that appears at all the parties, rides, visits balls and plays cards and whose chief delight is in such things. Th 0 other is the one that appears best at home,'the girl that is useful and cheerful in tho dining room, sick room and all the precincts of home. They differ widely In character. One is after n torment at home the other a blessing. One is a moth consuming everything about her—the other a sunbeam. In spiring light unJ gladness around the pathway. The right education will modify both a little and thus unite tho good quali ties of both In one. BISHOP-ELECT F. F. REE8E WILL PROBABLY 3ELECT SAVANNAH The Largest City In The Diocese, As His Place Of Abode. JUMPED THE TRACK NEAR FLOR- ILLA, GA. Fiv e Were Injured And Passengero Given Severe 8haking Up. By Telegraph to Herald. Flovllla, Ga., Feb. 24. The .South ern Railway’s fas! Florida Limited Iraki, south bound from Chicago to Jacksonville, was derailed five tulle south of here this morning. Two mall clerks, two express sctigors and a negro help© wei jured. The names of the victims are unknown. None of the passengers wore injured though they received severe shake-up. The cause of the derailment Is mystery. MOB WAS AFTER ANARCHI8T WHO KILLED PRIE8T. Alio Expected To Kill Three Priests Yesterday.. 8aye He Did Good Job. By Telegraph to Th* Herald. Denver, Col., Feb. 24.—Only the ex traordinary work by specijU police men and deputy sheriffs prevented a mob of over three thousand enraged men from going to Colorado Springs early this morning and lynching Giuscppo Alio, the Italian unarchlst, who on yesterday assassinated Fath- Lco Heinrichs at thu altar of his church. It developed this morning that Alio believed that three priests instead of one would officiate at the morning service, and ho hud laid his plans to kill all. In an Interview this morning Alio stated that he had been practicing every day for tho past month, and ex pressed disappointment that he had beon unable to kill morn prleatH, declared, however, that he had done pretty good piece of work anyway in Bank, viz: SpncJo 32,1(54.95 Legal-tender notes lo.nou.oo 42.lti4.95 Redemption found with U. S. Treasurer (5 per cent, of circulation f 2,500.00 Total 6084,719.99 LIABILITIES. Cupitul stock paid in $200,000.00 nuritJuH fund 30,000.00 Undivided profits, less oxpens es and taxes paid 13,524.22 National Bank notes out standing 50,000.00 lo State Banks aud Bank ers 761.23 Individual deposits subject to cheCK f 290,116.98 Cashier’s checks outstand ing .. 493,15 Notes and bills rediscount ed 88.040.41 Bills payable, Including certi ficates of deposit for money borrowed 5,184.00 Total $084,719.99 Stato of Georgia, county of Ware: I J. W. Bellinger, cashier of the above-named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement Is true 10 the beset of my knowledge and belief. J. W. BELLINGER, Cashier. Subscribed nnd sworn to before me this 25th day of February. 1908. C. M. WILLIAMS, Notary Public. Correct—A test: A. M. KNIGHT. P. N. HARLEY, H. C. SEAMAN. Directors. AWARDED CONTRACT FOR ARMY BALLOON. Savannah, Ga., Feb. 24.—While nothing has been heard as yet from elect of the Georgia Diocese of the F. F. Reese, D. D., I he BIb'.iop- Episcopal church relative to where ill live and where ho will be con* oecrated It is thought he will select | SQvannah. the largest city In tho [ diocme a» .,1a „l»c e of abode aa.l that j u "> «'*“»' cor|,, '' dlrrl ^ b, ° b ‘ Uloon he will be consecrated In Christ By Telegraph to Th*. Herald. hlngton, Feh. 25.—Capt. Thom as Baldwin, of f4ew Yofk, has been awarded tne contract to construct for church 'the oldest church In the dioce- He intimated as much to a com- • that called upon him In hla homo to notify him of his election. CREWS KILLED BY PETTY AT BAXTER, FLA.!SAVANNAH PREPARING FOR St. George. Ca., Feb. 24.—While on his way to church at Baxter, Fia., Dan Crews, accompanied by his nephews ifg preparing for and two ladies, was shot by James festival in May. SPRING MU8ICAL. Savannah, Ga., Feb. 25.—Savannah big spring musical The preliminary Petty, .with a rifle and Instantly killed work is in the bands of Miss Amnia yesterday morning. Coburn and Miss Eugenia Johnston From information received here It and thejr are leaving nothing undone seems the killing resulted from troule to make It a success. Savannah once started several weeks ago. Petty hashed these festival* and they were aot bwn eppreht»4#d «ft fft [very succenful. TO HOLD TOBACCO FOR HIGHER PRICES. By Telegraph to Herald. Danville, Vn, Keb. Jt,--Th® Tobac co Growem Protective Auoclation of Pottaylvanla county have decides to eatabllah * prliery in which It In plan ned for the farmers to bold their pro duct for higher price*. This Is psrt of the ixaocl&Uon'a plan to light the toskcCT rw*r. . ... . cnHt of 96,000. The balloon must attain a Hpce.t of twenty miles j an hour an.l aitsutl,i u llfpht for two : hours at a lime. It wll be used for the training of men In hlr navigation. RACE HORSE TRAINED DIED OF PNEUMONIA. By Telegraph To Tht Herald. Aiken, S. C., Feb. 25.—John W Rogers, the famous race horse train er, died of pneumonia this morning. He was in charge of Harry Payne Whitney’s stablea* "WHEN SMITH CAME HOME.” The farce comedy with music When Smith Came Homo'' Which) coiiich to the Bailey Theatre on Fob. 27, while one of the funnioBt plays written Ik absolutely clean and whole some from start lo finish. Tnere nre no doubtful stluatlons and no objec tionable jokes. It Is merely a series of hilariously amusing Incidents, funny lines, and catchy songs, crowded Into Ci e brief space of a little over two hours. If you miss seeing It, you’ll miss a ram treat; If you do see It, you’ll wear a smile that won’t come off after you’ve beeu thoro ten min utes. NOW 10 YOUR LIVRRf dlRRlkhl GOOD AT GUER9ING. Mike was coming to America on an ocean steamer, with a bag on ’.ils back made of a bandanna handker chief, in which were all of his belong ings, says the. Philadelphia ledger. There^were two Englishmen! aboard the boat with him. When they landed In Philadelphia they thought they would have some fun with Mike. Ono said, “How far Is It to Balti more Mike?” , How did you guess my name?” said Mike. “Ob, I Just guessed ft,” said the other. “Well,” said Mike. “If you can guess npy name, guess how far It fs to Bal timore. Louisville Poet: Tho business of banking ought to b« simple; If It Ur * to'mm' a*-